# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** qgssettings.py --------------------- Date : May 2018 Copyright : (C) 2018 by Denis Rouzaud Email : denis@opengis.ch *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ from .metaenum import metaEnumFromValue import qgis def _qgssettings_enum_value(self, key, enumDefaultValue, section=None): """ Return the setting value for a setting based on an enum. This forces the output to be a valid and existing entry of the enum. Hence if the setting value is incorrect, the given default value is returned. This tries first with setting as a string (as the enum) and then as an integer value. :param self: the QgsSettings object :param key: the setting key :param enumDefaultValue: the default value as an enum value :param section: optional section :return: the setting value .. note:: The enum needs to be declared with Q_ENUM. """ if section is None: section = self.NoSection meta_enum = metaEnumFromValue(enumDefaultValue) if meta_enum is None or not meta_enum.isValid(): # this should not happen raise ValueError("could not get the meta enum for given enum default value (type: {})".format(type(enumDefaultValue))) str_val = self.value(key, meta_enum.valueToKey(enumDefaultValue)) # need a new meta enum as QgsSettings.value is making a copy and leads to seg fault (proaby a PyQt issue) meta_enum_2 = metaEnumFromValue(enumDefaultValue) (enu_val, ok) = meta_enum_2.keyToValue(str_val) if not ok: enu_val = enumDefaultValue return enu_val def _qgssettings_flag_value(self, key, flagDefaultValue, section=None): """ Return the setting value for a setting based on a flag. This forces the output to be a valid and existing entry of the enum. Hence if the setting value is incorrect, the given default value is returned. This tries first with setting as a string (as the enum) and then as an integer value. :param self: the QgsSettings object :param key: the setting key :param flagDefaultValue: the default value as a flag value :param section: optional section :return: the setting value .. note:: The flag needs to be declared with Q_FLAG (not Q_FLAGS). """ if section is None: section = self.NoSection # There is an issue in SIP, flags.__class__ does not return the proper class # (e.g. Filters instead of QgsMapLayerProxyModel.Filters) # dirty hack to get the parent class __import__(flagDefaultValue.__module__) baseClass = None exec("baseClass={module}.{flag_class}".format(module=flagDefaultValue.__module__.replace('_', ''), flag_class=flagDefaultValue.__class__.__name__)) meta_enum = metaEnumFromValue(flagDefaultValue, baseClass) if meta_enum is None or not meta_enum.isValid(): # this should not happen raise ValueError("could not get the meta enum for given enum default value (type: {})".format(type(flagDefaultValue))) str_val = self.value(key, meta_enum.valueToKey(flagDefaultValue)) # need a new meta enum as QgsSettings.value is making a copy and leads to seg fault (proaby a PyQt issue) meta_enum_2 = metaEnumFromValue(flagDefaultValue) (flag_val, ok) = meta_enum_2.keysToValue(str_val) if not ok: flag_val = flagDefaultValue else: flag_val = flagDefaultValue.__class__(flag_val) return flag_val