-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 9.3.6 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.3.6 -- Started on 2015-05-21 09:37:33 CEST SET statement_timeout = 0; -- SET lock_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- TOC entry 7 (class 2615 OID 377760) -- Name: qgis_test; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext; --- Create qgis_test schema DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS qgis_test CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA qgis_test; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA qgis_test TO public; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA qgis_test GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO public; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA qgis_test GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCES TO public; --- Create "CamelCaseSchema" schema DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "CamelCaseSchema" CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA "CamelCaseSchema"; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA "CamelCaseSchema" TO public; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA "CamelCaseSchema" GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO public; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA "CamelCaseSchema" GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCES TO public; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- TOC entry 171 (class 1259 OID 377761) -- Name: someData; Type: TABLE; Schema: qgis_test; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test."someData" ( pk SERIAL NOT NULL, cnt integer, name text DEFAULT 'qgis', name2 text DEFAULT 'qgis', num_char text, geom public.geometry(Point,4326) ); COMMENT ON TABLE qgis_test."someData" IS 'QGIS Test Table'; CREATE TABLE qgis_test."some_poly_data" ( pk SERIAL NOT NULL, geom public.geometry(Polygon,4326) ); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qgis_test.some_poly_data_view AS SELECT * FROM qgis_test.some_poly_data; -- -- TOC entry 4068 (class 0 OID 377761) -- Dependencies: 171 -- Data for Name: someData; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: qgis_test; Owner: postgres -- INSERT INTO qgis_test."someData" (pk, cnt, name, name2, num_char, geom) VALUES (5, -200, NULL, 'NuLl', '5', '0101000020E61000001D5A643BDFC751C01F85EB51B88E5340'), (3, 300, 'Pear', 'PEaR', '3', NULL), (1, 100, 'Orange', 'oranGe', '1', '0101000020E61000006891ED7C3F9551C085EB51B81E955040'), (2, 200, 'Apple', 'Apple', '2', '0101000020E6100000CDCCCCCCCC0C51C03333333333B35140'), (4, 400, 'Honey', 'Honey', '4', '0101000020E610000014AE47E17A5450C03333333333935340') ; INSERT INTO qgis_test."some_poly_data" (pk, geom) VALUES (1, ST_GeomFromText('Polygon ((-69.0 81.4, -69.0 80.2, -73.7 80.2, -73.7 76.3, -74.9 76.3, -74.9 81.4, -69.0 81.4))', 4326) ), (2, ST_GeomFromText('Polygon ((-67.6 81.2, -66.3 81.2, -66.3 76.9, -67.6 76.9, -67.6 81.2))', 4326) ), (3, ST_GeomFromText('Polygon ((-68.4 75.8, -67.5 72.6, -68.6 73.7, -70.2 72.9, -68.4 75.8))', 4326) ), (4, NULL) ; CREATE TABLE qgis_test.array_tbl (id serial PRIMARY KEY, location int[], geom geometry(Point,3857)); INSERT INTO qgis_test.array_tbl (location, geom) VALUES ('{1, 2, 3}', 'srid=3857;Point(913209.0358 5606025.2373)'::geometry); INSERT INTO qgis_test.array_tbl (location, geom) VALUES ('{}', 'srid=3857;Point(913214.6741 5606017.8743)'::geometry); INSERT INTO qgis_test.array_tbl (geom) VALUES ('srid=3857;Point(913204.9128 5606011.4565)'::geometry); -- Provider check with compound key CREATE TABLE qgis_test."someDataCompound" ( pk integer NOT NULL, cnt integer, name text DEFAULT 'qgis', name2 text DEFAULT 'qgis', num_char text, geom public.geometry(Point,4326), key1 integer, key2 integer, PRIMARY KEY(key1, key2) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test."someDataCompound" ( key1, key2, pk, cnt, name, name2, num_char, geom) VALUES (1, 1, 5, -200, NULL, 'NuLl', '5', '0101000020E61000001D5A643BDFC751C01F85EB51B88E5340'), (1, 2, 3, 300, 'Pear', 'PEaR', '3', NULL), (2, 1, 1, 100, 'Orange', 'oranGe', '1', '0101000020E61000006891ED7C3F9551C085EB51B81E955040'), (2, 2, 2, 200, 'Apple', 'Apple', '2', '0101000020E6100000CDCCCCCCCC0C51C03333333333B35140'), (2, 3, 4, 400, 'Honey', 'Honey', '4', '0101000020E610000014AE47E17A5450C03333333333935340') ; -- -- TOC entry 3953 (class 2606 OID 377768) -- Name: someData_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: qgis_test; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY qgis_test."someData" ADD CONSTRAINT "someData_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (pk); -- Completed on 2015-05-21 09:37:33 CEST -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.date_times( id int, date_field date, time_field time, datetime_field timestamp without time zone ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.date_times values (1, '2004-03-04'::date, '13:41:52'::time, '2004-03-04 13:41:52'::timestamp without time zone ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.p2d( id int, geom Geometry(Polygon,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.p2d values (1, 'srid=4326;Polygon((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.p3d( id int, geom Geometry(PolygonZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.p3d values (1, 'srid=4326;Polygon((0 0 0,1 0 0,1 1 0,0 1 0,0 0 0))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.triangle2d( id int, geom Geometry(Triangle,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.triangle2d values (1, 'srid=4326;triangle((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 0))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.triangle3d( id int, geom Geometry(TriangleZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.triangle3d values (1, 'srid=4326;triangle((0 0 0,1 0 0,1 1 0,0 0 0))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.tin2d( id int, geom Geometry(TIN,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.tin2d values (1, 'srid=4326;TIN(((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 0)),((0 0,0 1,1 1,0 0)))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.tin3d( id int, geom Geometry(TINZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.tin3d values (1, 'srid=4326;TIN(((0 0 0,1 0 0,1 1 0,0 0 0)),((0 0 0,0 1 0,1 1 0,0 0 0)))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.ps2d( id int, geom Geometry(PolyhedralSurface,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.ps2d values (1, 'srid=4326;PolyhedralSurface(((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0)))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.ps3d( id int, geom Geometry(PolyhedralSurfaceZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.ps3d values (1, 'srid=4326;PolyhedralSurface Z(((0 0 0,0 1 0,1 1 0,1 0 0,0 0 0)),((0 0 1,1 0 1,1 1 1,0 1 1,0 0 1)),((0 0 0,0 0 1,0 1 1,0 1 0,0 0 0)),((0 1 0,0 1 1,1 1 1,1 1 0,0 1 0)),((1 1 0,1 1 1,1 0 1,1 0 0,1 1 0)),((1 0 0,1 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 0,1 0 0)))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.mp3d( id int, geom Geometry(MultipolygonZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.mp3d values (1, 'srid=4326;Multipolygon Z(((0 0 0,0 1 0,1 1 0,1 0 0,0 0 0)),((0 0 1,1 0 1,1 1 1,0 1 1,0 0 1)),((0 0 0,0 0 1,0 1 1,0 1 0,0 0 0)),((0 1 0,0 1 1,1 1 1,1 1 0,0 1 0)),((1 1 0,1 1 1,1 0 1,1 0 0,1 1 0)),((1 0 0,1 0 1,0 0 1,0 0 0,1 0 0)))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.pt2d( id int, geom Geometry(Point,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.pt2d values (1, 'srid=4326;Point(0 0)'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.pt3d( id int, geom Geometry(PointZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.pt3d values (1, 'srid=4326;PointZ(0 0 0)'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.ls2d( id int, geom Geometry(LineString,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.ls2d values (1, 'srid=4326;Linestring(0 0, 1 1)'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.ls3d( id int, geom Geometry(LineStringZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.ls3d values (1, 'srid=4326;Linestring(0 0 0, 1 1 1)'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.mpt2d( id int, geom Geometry(MultiPoint,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.mpt2d values (1, 'srid=4326;MultiPoint((0 0),(1 1))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.mpt3d( id int, geom Geometry(MultiPointZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.mpt3d values (1, 'srid=4326;MultiPoint((0 0 0),(1 1 1))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.mls2d( id int, geom Geometry(MultiLineString,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.mls2d values (1, 'srid=4326;MultiLineString((0 0, 1 1),(2 2, 3 3))'::geometry); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.mls3d( id int, geom Geometry(MultiLineStringZ,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.mls3d values (1, 'srid=4326;MultiLineString((0 0 0, 1 1 1),(2 2 2, 3 3 3))'::geometry); -- Test of 4D geometries (with Z and M values) CREATE TABLE qgis_test.pt4d( id int, geom Geometry(PointZM,4326) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.pt4d values (1, 'srid=4326;PointZM(1 2 3 4)'::geometry); ----------------------------------------- -- Test tables with INHERITS -- -- This is bad design: the common fields -- are replicated in child tables and -- leads to duplicated ids in the parent -- table -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.base_table_bad ( gid serial NOT NULL, geom geometry(Point,4326), code character varying, CONSTRAINT base_bad_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.child_table_bad ( gid serial NOT NULL, geom geometry(Point,4326), code character varying, CONSTRAINT child_bad_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ) INHERITS ( qgis_test.base_table_bad) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.child_table2_bad ( gid serial NOT NULL, geom geometry(Point,4326), code character varying, CONSTRAINT child2_bad_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ) INHERITS ( qgis_test.base_table_bad) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table_bad (geom, code) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(0 0)'::geometry, 'child 1'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table_bad (geom, code) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(1 1)'::geometry, 'child 2'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table2_bad (geom, code) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(-1 -1)'::geometry, 'child2 1'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table2_bad (geom, code) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(-1 1)'::geometry, 'child2 2'); ----------------------------------------- -- Test tables with INHERITS -- -- This is good design: the common fields -- and the pk are only in the parent table -- no pk duplication CREATE TABLE qgis_test.base_table_good ( gid serial NOT NULL, geom geometry(Point,4326), CONSTRAINT base_good_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.child_table_good ( code1 character varying ) INHERITS ( qgis_test.base_table_good) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.child_table2_good ( code2 character varying ) INHERITS ( qgis_test.base_table_good) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table_good (geom, code1) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(0 0)'::geometry, 'child 1'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table_good (geom, code1) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(1 1)'::geometry, 'child 2'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table2_good (geom, code2) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(-1 -1)'::geometry, 'child2 1'); INSERT INTO qgis_test.child_table2_good (geom, code2) VALUES ('srid=4326;Point(-1 1)'::geometry, 'child2 2'); -------------------------------------- -- A writable view with an int pk -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.bikes ( pk serial NOT NULL, name character varying(255) ); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qgis_test.bikes_view AS SELECT * FROM qgis_test.bikes; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qgis_test.bikes_view_insert() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGIN INSERT INTO qgis_test.bikes ( "name" ) VALUES ( NEW.name ) RETURNING pk INTO NEW.pk; RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; CREATE TRIGGER bikes_view_ON_INSERT INSTEAD OF INSERT ON qgis_test.bikes_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE qgis_test.bikes_view_insert(); -------------------------------------- -- A string primary key to force usage of pktMap -- CREATE SEQUENCE qgis_test.oid_serial; CREATE TABLE qgis_test.oid_serial_table ( obj_id varchar(16) NOT NULL, name character varying(255), CONSTRAINT pkey_oid_serial PRIMARY KEY (obj_id) ); ALTER TABLE qgis_test.oid_serial_table ALTER COLUMN obj_id SET DEFAULT 'prf_' || nextval('qgis_test.oid_serial'); -------------------------------------- -- Test use of domain types -- CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.var_char_domain AS character varying; CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.var_char_domain_6 AS character varying(6); CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.character_domain AS character; CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.character_domain_6 AS character(6); CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.char_domain AS char; CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.char_domain_6 AS char(6); CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.text_domain AS text; CREATE DOMAIN qgis_test.numeric_domain AS numeric(10,4); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.domains ( fld_var_char_domain qgis_test.var_char_domain, fld_var_char_domain_6 qgis_test.var_char_domain_6, fld_character_domain qgis_test.character_domain, fld_character_domain_6 qgis_test.character_domain_6, fld_char_domain qgis_test.char_domain, fld_char_domain_6 qgis_test.char_domain_6, fld_text_domain qgis_test.text_domain, fld_numeric_domain qgis_test.numeric_domain ); -------------------------------------- -- Temporary table for testing renaming fields -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.rename_table ( gid serial NOT NULL, field1 text, field2 text ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.rename_table (field1,field2) VALUES ('a','b'); -------------------------------------- -- Table for editor widget types -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qgis_editor_widget_styles; CREATE TABLE qgis_editor_widget_styles ( schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, field_name TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, config TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(table_name, field_name) ); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.widget_styles( id int PRIMARY KEY, fld1 TEXT, fld2 TEXT ); INSERT INTO qgis_editor_widget_styles VALUES ('qgis_test', 'widget_styles', 'fld1', 'FooEdit', ''); -------------------------------------- -- Table for boolean -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.boolean_table ( id int PRIMARY KEY, fld1 BOOLEAN ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.boolean_table VALUES (1, TRUE), (2, FALSE), (3, NULL); -------------------------------------- -- Table for citext -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.citext_table ( id int PRIMARY KEY, fld1 citext ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.citext_table VALUES (1, 'test val'), (2, NULL); -------------------------------------- -- Table for bytea -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.byte_a_table ( id int PRIMARY KEY, fld1 bytea ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.byte_a_table VALUES (1, encode('binvalue', 'base64')::bytea), (2, NULL); ----------------------------- -- Table for constraint tests -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qgis_test.constraints; CREATE TABLE qgis_test.constraints ( gid serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- implicit unique key val int, -- unique constraint name text NOT NULL, -- unique index description text, CONSTRAINT constraint_val UNIQUE (val), CONSTRAINT constraint_val2 UNIQUE (val) -- create double unique constraint for test ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX constraints_uniq ON qgis_test.constraints USING btree (name COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); -- unique index CREATE TABLE qgis_test.check_constraints ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, a integer, b integer, CHECK (a > b) ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.check_constraints VALUES ( 1, -- id 4, -- a 3 -- b ); --------------------------------------------- -- -- Table and view for tests on checkPrimaryKeyUnicity -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity CASCADE; CREATE TABLE qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity ( pk serial NOT NULL, an_int integer NOT NULL, a_unique_int integer NOT NULL, geom geometry(Point), CONSTRAINT b21839_pk_unicity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pk) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); INSERT INTO qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity( pk, an_int, a_unique_int , geom) VALUES (1, 1, 1, ST_GeomFromText('point( 1 1)')); INSERT INTO qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity( pk, an_int, a_unique_int, geom) VALUES (2, 1, 2, ST_GeomFromText('point( 1 3)')); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity_view AS SELECT b21839_pk_unicity.pk, b21839_pk_unicity.an_int, b21839_pk_unicity.a_unique_int, b21839_pk_unicity.geom FROM qgis_test.b21839_pk_unicity; --------------------------------------------- -- -- Table and views for tests on QgsAbstractProviderConnection -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.geometries_table (name VARCHAR, geom GEOMETRY); INSERT INTO qgis_test.geometries_table VALUES ('Point', 'POINT(0 0)'), ('Point4326', 'SRID=4326;POINT(7 45)'), ('Point3857', 'SRID=3857;POINT(100 100)'), ('Linestring', 'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 2 1, 2 2)'), ('Polygon', 'POLYGON((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0))'), ('PolygonWithHole', 'POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0),(1 1, 1 2, 2 2, 2 1, 1 1))'), ('Collection', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(2 0),POLYGON((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0)))'); CREATE VIEW qgis_test.geometries_view AS (SELECT * FROM qgis_test.geometries_table); CREATE TABLE qgis_test.geometryless_table (name VARCHAR, value INTEGER); --------------------------------------------- -- -- View with separate bbox field -- CREATE VIEW qgis_test.some_poly_data_shift_bbox AS SELECT pk, geom, ST_Translate( ST_Envelope(geom), ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(geom)) - ST_XMin(ST_Envelope(geom)), 0.0 ) AS shiftbox FROM qgis_test.some_poly_data; --------------------------------------------- -- -- View with tid PK field -- CREATE TABLE qgis_test.b31799_test_table AS (SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(ST_GeneratePoints(ST_Expand('SRID=4326;POINT(0 0)'::geometry,90),10))).geom, random()); CREATE VIEW qgis_test.b31799_test_view_ctid AS (SELECT ctid, geom, random() FROM qgis_test.b31799_test_table, pg_sleep(0.1));