/** \ingroup MapComposer * Attribute table item for map composer. */ /**Helper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending*/ class QgsComposerAttributeTableCompare { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsComposerAttributeTableCompare(); // bool operator()( const QgsAttributeMap& m1, const QgsAttributeMap& m2 ); /**Sets column number to sort by * @param col column number for sorting */ void setSortColumn( int col ); /**Sets sort order for column sorting * @param asc set to true to sort in ascending order, false to sort in descending order */ void setAscending( bool asc ); }; /**A table class that displays a vector attribute table*/ class QgsComposerAttributeTable : QgsComposerTable { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsComposerAttributeTable( QgsComposition* composition /TransferThis/ ); ~QgsComposerAttributeTable(); /** return correct graphics item type. Added in v1.7 */ virtual int type() const; /** \brief Reimplementation of QCanvasItem::paint*/ virtual void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget ); /**Writes properties specific to attribute tables * @param elem an existing QDomElement in which to store the attribute table's properties. * @param doc QDomDocument for the destination xml. * @see readXML */ bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const; /**Reads the properties specific to an attribute table from xml. * @param itemElem a QDomElement holding the attribute table's desired properties. * @param doc QDomDocument for the source xml. * @see writeXML */ bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc ); /**Sets the vector layer from which to display feature attributes * @param layer Vector layer for attribute table * @see vectorLayer */ void setVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); /**Returns the vector layer the attribute table is currently using * @returns attribute table's current vector layer * @see setVectorLayer */ QgsVectorLayer* vectorLayer() const; /**Resets the attribute table's columns to match the vector layer's fields * @note added in 2.3 * @see setVectorLayer */ void resetColumns(); /**Sets the composer map to use to limit the extent of features shown in the * attribute table. This setting only has an effect if setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures is * set to true. Changing the composer map forces the table to refetch features from its * vector layer, and may result in the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed * feature attributes. * @param map QgsComposerMap which drives the extents of the table's features * @see composerMap * @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures */ void setComposerMap( const QgsComposerMap* map ); /**Returns the composer map whose extents are controlling the features shown in the * table. The extents of the map are only used if displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() is true. * @returns composer map controlling the attribute table * @see setComposerMap * @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures */ const QgsComposerMap* composerMap() const; /**Sets the maximum number of features shown by the table. Changing this setting may result * in the attribute table changing its size to accommodate the new number of rows, and requires * the table to refetch features from its vector layer. * @param features maximum number of features to show in the table * @see maximumNumberOfFeatures */ void setMaximumNumberOfFeatures( int features ); /**Returns the maximum number of features to be shown by the table. * @returns maximum number of features * @see setMaximumNumberOfFeatures */ int maximumNumberOfFeatures() const; /**Sets attribute table to only show features which are visible in a composer map item. Changing * this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes. * @param visibleOnly set to true to show only visible features * @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures * @see setComposerMap */ void setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures( bool b ); /**Returns true if the table is set to show only features visible on a corresponding * composer map item. * @returns true if table only shows visible features * @see composerMap * @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures */ bool displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() const; /**Returns true if a feature filter is active on the attribute table * @returns bool state of the feature filter * @note added in 2.3 * @see setFilterFeatures * @see featureFilter */ bool filterFeatures() const; /**Sets whether the feature filter is active for the attribute table. Changing * this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes. * @param filter Set to true to enable the feature filter * @note added in 2.3 * @see filterFeatures * @see setFeatureFilter */ void setFilterFeatures( bool filter ); /**Returns the current expression used to filter features for the table. The filter is only * active if filterFeatures() is true. * @returns feature filter expression * @note added in 2.3 * @see setFeatureFilter * @see filterFeatures */ QString featureFilter() const; /**Sets the expression used for filtering features in the table. The filter is only * active if filterFeatures() is set to true. Changing this setting forces the table * to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes. * @param expression filter to use for selecting which features to display in the table * @note added in 2.3 * @see featureFilter * @see setFilterFeatures */ void setFeatureFilter( const QString& expression ); /**Returns the attributes fields which are shown by the table. * @returns a QSet of integers refering to the attributes in the vector layer. If * result is an empty QSet than all feature attributes will be shown. * @see setDisplayAttributes * @deprecated use QgsComposerTable::columns() instead */ QSet displayAttributes() const /Deprecated/; /**Sets the attributes to display in the table. * @param attr QSet of integer values refering to the attributes from the vector layer to show. * Set to an empty QSet to show all feature attributes. * @param refresh set to true to force the table to refetch features from its vector layer * and immediately update the display of the table. This may result in the table changing size * to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes. * @see displayAttributes */ void setDisplayAttributes( const QSet& attr ); /**Returns the attribute field aliases, which control how fields are named in the table's * header row. * @returns a QMap of integers to strings, where the string is the field's alias and the * integer is the field index from the associated vector layer. * @see setFieldAliasMap * @deprecated use QgsComposerTable::columns() instead */ QMap fieldAliasMap() const /Deprecated/; /**Sets the attribute field aliases, which control how fields are named in the table's * header row. * @param map QMap of integers to strings, where the string is the alias to use for the * corresponding field, and the integer is the field index from the vector layer * @see fieldAliasMap * @deprecated use QgsComposerTable::columns() instead */ void setFieldAliasMap( const QMap& map ) /Deprecated/; /**Adapts mMaximumNumberOfFeatures depending on the rectangle height. Calling this forces * the table to refetch features from its vector layer and immediately updates the display * of the table. * @see maximumNumberOfFeatures * @see setMaximumNumberOfFeatures */ void setSceneRect( const QRectF& rectangle ); /**Sets the attributes to use to sort the table's features. * @param att QList integers/bool pairs, where the integer refers to the attribute index and * the bool sets the sort order for the attribute. If true the attribute is sorted ascending, * if false, the attribute is sorted in descending order. Note that features are sorted * after the maximum number of displayed features have been fetched from the vector layer's * provider. * @see sortAttributes * @deprecated use QgsComposerTable::columns() instead * @note not available in python bindings */ // void setSortAttributes( const QList > att ) /Deprecated/; /**Returns the attributes used to sort the table's features. * @returns a QList of integer/bool pairs, where the integer refers to the attribute index and * the bool to the sort order for the attribute. If true the attribute is sorted ascending, * if false, the attribute is sorted in descending order. * @note not available in python bindings */ // QList > sortAttributes() const; /**Queries the attribute table's vector layer for attributes to show in the table. * @param attributeMaps list of QgsAttributeMaps where the fetched feature attributes will be stored * @returns true if attributes were successfully fetched * @note not available in python bindings */ // bool getFeatureAttributes( QList& attributeMaps ); };