name: Auto set milestone on PR # this job is scheduled to be run with proper rights on: schedule: - cron: '*/5 * * * *' env: QGIS_MAJOR_VERSION: 3 jobs: pr-without-milestones: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # list the tags and milestones - uses: octokit/graphql-action@v2.x id: graphql_request with: query: | query { repository(owner: "qgis", name: "QGIS") { pullRequests(states: OPEN, last: 100) { edges { node { number title labels(first: 100) { edges { node { name } } } milestone { number } baseRef { name } } } } milestones(orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}, first: 50) { edges { node { title number } } } refs(refPrefix: "refs/tags/", orderBy: {field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: DESC}, first: 30) { edges { node { name } } } } } env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # take the first unprocessed PR and determine if some remain - name: Filter PR to check id: extract_data env: JSON_DATA: ${{ }} run: | # get PRs without milestones PRS_TO_PROCESS=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq '.repository.pullRequests.edges[] | select( .node.milestone.number | not ) | .node.number') NUMBER_OF_PRS=$(echo "${PRS_TO_PROCESS}" | jq -s '. | length') echo "NUMBER_OF_PRS: ${NUMBER_OF_PRS}" # early exit [[ ${NUMBER_OF_PRS} == 0 ]] && echo "::set-output name=has_milestone_to_set::false" && exit 0 # Take the first PR_NUMBER=$(echo "${PRS_TO_PROCESS}" | jq -s '. | first') echo "PR_NUMBER: ${PR_NUMBER}" # Not used for now RE_RUN_JOB=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq -s '. | length > 1') echo "RE_RUN_JOB: ${RE_RUN_JOB}" # Get the base branch BASE_BRANCH=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq ".repository.pullRequests.edges[] | select( .node.number == ${PR_NUMBER} ) |" echo "BASE_BRANCH: ${BASE_BRANCH}" # master => NOTHING, release_3-10 => _10 MINOR_VERSION=$(echo ${BASE_BRANCH} | sed -r -e 's/^release-[0-9]_([0-9]+)/_\1/;t;d') echo "MINOR_VERSION: ${MINOR_VERSION}" # get the max release from the tags MAX_RELEASE=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq ".repository.refs.edges[] | select( . | test(\"^final-${QGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}${MINOR_VERSION}\") ) | sub(\"^final-${QGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}_(?[0-9]+)_(?

.)\"; .m+\".\"+.p) | tonumber" | jq -s '. | max') echo "MAX_RELEASE: ${MAX_RELEASE}" MILESTONE_TITLE="${QGIS_MAJOR_VERSION}."$(echo "${MAX_RELEASE} + 0.1 " | bc) echo "MILESTONE_TITLE: ${MILESTONE_TITLE}" MILESTONE_NUMBER=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq ".repository.milestones.edges[] | select( .node.title == \"${MILESTONE_TITLE}\" ) | .node.number") echo "MILESTONE_NUMBER: ${MILESTONE_NUMBER}" HAS_MILESTONE_TO_CREATE=$(echo "${JSON_DATA}" | jq ".repository.milestones.edges[] | select( .node.title == \"${MILESTONE_TITLE}\" ) | length == 0 ") echo "HAS_MILESTONE_TO_CREATE: ${HAS_MILESTONE_TO_CREATE}" echo "::set-output name=has_milestone_to_set::true" echo "::set-output name=pr_number::${PR_NUMBER}" echo "::set-output name=milestone_title::${MILESTONE_TITLE}" echo "::set-output name=milestone_number::${MILESTONE_NUMBER}" echo "::set-output name=has_milestone_to_create::${HAS_MILESTONE_TO_CREATE}" # create the milestone if needed - name: Create milestone if needed id: create_milestone if: steps.extract_data.outputs.has_milestone_to_set && steps.extract_data.outputs.has_milestone_to_create uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x with: route: POST /repos/qgis/QGIS/milestones title: ${{ steps.extract_data.outputs.milestone_title }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Get the milestone number - name: Compute milestone number from existing or created id: compute_milestone if: steps.extract_data.outputs.has_milestone_to_set env: MILESTONE_NUMBER_EXISTING: ${{ steps.calculate_milestone.outputs.milestone_number }} MILESTONE_NUMBER_CREATED_JSON: ${{ }} run: | FINAL_MILESTONE_NUMBER=$([[ -n ${MILESTONE_NUMBER_EXISTING} ]] && echo "${MILESTONE_NUMBER_EXISTING}" || $(echo "${MILESTONE_NUMBER_CREATED_JSON}" | jq '.number' )) echo "FINAL_MILESTONE_NUMBER: ${FINAL_MILESTONE_NUMBER}" echo "::set-output name=milestone_number::${FINAL_MILESTONE_NUMBER}" # update PR with milestone - name: update PR milestone if: steps.extract_data.outputs.has_milestone_to_set uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: route: PATCH /repos/qgis/QGIS/issues/:pull_number pull_number: ${{ steps.extract_data.outputs.pr_number }} milestone: ${{ steps.compute_milestone.outputs.milestone_number }}