/** There are two possibilities how to use this class: 1. static call to QgsVectorFileWriter::writeAsShapefile(...) which saves the whole vector layer 2. create an instance of the class and issue calls to addFeature(...) Currently supports only writing to shapefiles, but shouldn't be a problem to add capability to support other OGR-writable formats. */ class QgsVectorLayerImport { %TypeHeaderCode #include #include class QProgressDialog; %End public: enum ImportError { NoError, ErrDriverNotFound, ErrCreateDataSource, ErrCreateLayer, ErrAttributeTypeUnsupported, ErrAttributeCreationFailed, ErrProjection, ErrFeatureWriteFailed, ErrInvalidLayer, ErrInvalidProvider, ErrProviderUnsupportedFeature, ErrConnectionFailed }; /** Write contents of vector layer to a different datasource */ static ImportError importLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& uri, const QString& providerKey, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem *destCRS, bool onlySelected = false, QString *errorMessage /Out/ = 0, bool skipAttributeCreation = false, QMap *options = 0, QProgressDialog *progress = 0 ); /** Create a empty layer and add fields to it */ QgsVectorLayerImport( const QString &uri, const QString &provider, const QgsFields &fields, QGis::WkbType geometryType, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem* crs, bool overwrite = false, const QMap *options = 0, QProgressDialog *progress = 0 ); /** Checks whether there were any errors */ ImportError hasError(); /** Retrieves error message */ QString errorMessage(); int errorCount() const; /** Add feature to the new created layer */ bool addFeature( QgsFeature& feature ); /** Close the new created layer */ ~QgsVectorLayerImport(); protected: /** Flush the buffer writing the features to the new layer */ bool flushBuffer(); /** Create index */ bool createSpatialIndex(); private: QgsVectorLayerImport( const QgsVectorLayerImport& rh ); };