# Python macros # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Copyright (c) 2007, Simon Edwards # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # This file defines the following macros: # # PYTHON_INSTALL (SOURCE_FILE DESTINATION_DIR) # Install the SOURCE_FILE, which is a Python .py file, into the # destination directory during install. The file will be byte compiled # and both the .py file and .pyc file will be installed. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(PYTHON_MACROS_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) MACRO(PYTHON_INSTALL SOURCE_FILE DESTINATION_DIR) FIND_FILE(_python_compile_py PythonCompile.py PATHS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) # Install the source file. INSTALL(FILES ${SOURCE_FILE} DESTINATION ${DESTINATION_DIR}) # Byte compile and install the .pyc file. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_absfilename ${SOURCE_FILE} ABSOLUTE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_filename ${SOURCE_FILE} NAME) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_filenamebase ${SOURCE_FILE} NAME_WE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_basepath ${SOURCE_FILE} PATH) if(WIN32) string(REGEX REPLACE ".:/" "/" _basepath "${_basepath}") endif(WIN32) SET(_bin_py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basepath}/${_filename}) SET(_bin_pyc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basepath}/${_filenamebase}.pyc) FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basepath}) SET(_message "-DMESSAGE=Byte-compiling ${_bin_py}") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_abs_bin_py ${_bin_py} ABSOLUTE) IF(_abs_bin_py STREQUAL ${_absfilename}) # Don't copy the file onto itself. ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( TARGET compile_python_files COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${message} COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${_python_compile_py} ${_bin_py} DEPENDS ${_absfilename} ) ELSE(_abs_bin_py STREQUAL ${_absfilename}) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( TARGET compile_python_files COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${message} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${_absfilename} ${_bin_py} COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${_python_compile_py} ${_bin_py} DEPENDS ${_absfilename} ) ENDIF(_abs_bin_py STREQUAL ${_absfilename}) INSTALL(FILES ${_bin_pyc} DESTINATION ${DESTINATION_DIR}) ENDMACRO(PYTHON_INSTALL)