Plugin Bottom Right Bottom Left Top Left Top Right metres/km feet degrees metres km Tick Down Tick Up Bar Box PluginGuiBase Copyright Label Plugin <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:helvetica"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:19pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Enter your copyright label below. This plugin supports basic html markup tags for formatting the label. For example:</p> <p><span style="font-family:Courier New">&lt;B&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-weight:600">Bold text</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/B&gt;<br />&lt;I&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-style:italic">Italics</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> </body></html> © QGIS 2004 Placement Bottom Left Top Left Bottom Right Top Right Orientation Horizontal Vertical Enable Copyright Label &OK Alt+O &Cancel Alt+C GPS Tools Load GPX file <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>GPX is the <a href="">GPS eXchange file format</a>, which is used to store information about waypoints, routes, and tracks.</p> <p>Select a GPX file and then select the feature types that you want to load.</p> </body></html> File: Feature types: Waypoints Routes Tracks ... Import other file <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>QGIS can only load GPX files by itself, but many other formats can be converted to GPX using GPSBabel (<a href=""></a>). This requires that you have GPSBabel installed where QGIS can find it.</p> <p>Select a GPS file format and the file that you want to import, the feature type that you want to use, a GPX filename that you want to save the converted file as, and a name for the new layer. All file formats can not store waypoints, routes, and tracks, so some feature types may be disabled for some file formats.</p> </body></html> File to import: Feature type: GPX output file: Layer name: GPS Download File Importer <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Select the GPS download file that you would like to convert to a shapefile and this plugin will do the job for you! </p> <p>Use the minumum time gap to let the importer know what time interval should be used before starting a new feature. </p> <p>Use the minimum distance gap to define what distance between two readings should be considered the start of a new feature.</p> </body></html> Output (Shape) File: Minimum time gap (s): Minimum distance gap (dd): Input File: Download from GPS <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This tool will help you download data from a GPS device. Choose your protocol, the device your GPS is connected to, the feature type you want to download, a name for your new layer, and the GPX file where you want to store the data.</p> <p>This tool uses the program GPSBabel (<a href=""></a>) to transfer the data. If you don't have GPSBabel installed where QGIS can find it, this tool will not work.</p> </body></html> Protocol: Device file: Output file: Garmin Magellan Upload to GPS <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This tool will help you upload data from a GPX layer to a GPS device. Choose the layer you want to upload, your protocol, and the device your GPS is connected to.</p> <p>This tool uses the program <a href="">GPSBabel</a> to transfer the data. If you don't have GPSBabel installed where QGIS can find it, this tool will not work.</p> </body></html> Data layer: QGIS Plugin Template <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin will help you to build a graticule shapefile that you can use as an overlay within your qgis map viewer.</p> </body></html> Graticule Builder Latitude Interval: Longitude Interval: QGIS Http Server Apply General <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:WP MathExtendedB"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:14pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin runs a simple web server (by default listening on port 8081) that listens for requests for maps. </p> <p>Specify your server name using e.g.</p> <p><span style="color:#ff0000">NOTE: This plugin is pre-alpha code. It does work in its basic form but its still buggy, feature incomplete and my crash QGIS.</span></p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> Server Options: Always start plugin with server enabled Enable Server Server Name: Port: Additional Options: Projects Directory: Default Project: Layers Directory: CSS File: Log File: Logs Debug North Arrow Plugin Properties Angle Enable North Arrow Placement on screen Preview of north arrow Icon New Item Plugin Template <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin was generated using QGIS internal plugin template. Please modify it according to your needs.</p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> Scale Bar Plugin <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin draws a scale bar on the map. Please note the size option below is a 'preferred' size and may have to be altered by QGIS depending on the level of zoom. The size is measured according to the map units specified in the project properties.</p> </body></html> Size of bar: Select Colour Placement: Tick Down Tick Up Box Bar Select the style of the scale bar Colour of bar: Scale bar style: Enable scale bar Automatically snap to round number on resize Load GPX or LOC <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>GPX is the <a href="">GPS eXchange file format</a>, which is used to store information about waypoints, routes, and tracks. LOC is the <a href=""></a> waypoint format.</p> <p>Select a GPX or LOC file and then select the feature types that you want to load.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>QGIS can only load GPX and LOC files by itself, but many other formats can be converted to GPX using GPSBabel (<a href=""></a>). This requires that you have GPSBabel installed where QGIS can find it.</p> <p>Select a GPS file format and the file that you want to import, the feature type that you want to use, a GPX filename that you want to save the converted file as, and a name for the new layer. All file formats can not store waypoints, routes, and tracks, so some feature types may be disabled for some file formats.</p> </body></html> QFileDialog open files dialog Open an OGR Supported Data Source Save file dialog QObject Overwrite File? %1 exists.%2Do you want to overwrite it? Yes No QGis files (*.qgs) Choose a QGIS project file to open Choose a filename to save No Data Provider Plugins No QGIS data provider plugins found in: No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation No Data Providers No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded QgisApp Loading QGIS... Setting up QGIS gui... Layers Quantum GIS - Loading plugins... Setting theme... QGIS Ready Version with PostgreSQL support (no PostgreSQL support) Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version Available Data Provider Plugins No OGR Provider No OGR data provider was found in the QGIS lib directory is not a valid or recognized data source Invalid Data Source Invalid Layer %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. No PostgreSQL Provider No PostgreSQL data provider was found in the QGIS lib directory Quantum GIS -- Untitled Quantum GIS -- Saved map to: Choose a filename to save the map image as Saved map image to No Layer Selected To open an attribute table, you must select a layer in the legend Problem deleting features A problem occured during deletion of features No Vector Layer Selected Deleting features only works on vector layers To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend Error Loading Plugin There was an error loading %1. No MapLayer Plugins No MapLayer plugins in ../plugins/maplayer No Plugins No plugins found in ../plugins. To test plugins, start qgis from the src directory Name Plugin %1 is named %2 Plugin Information QGis loaded the following plugin: Name: %1 Version: %1 Description: %1 Unable to Load Plugin QGIS was unable to load the plugin from: %1 There is a new version of QGIS available You are running a development version of QGIS You are running the current version of QGIS Would you like more information? QGIS Version Information Yes No QGIS - Changes in CVS Since Last Release Unable to get current version information from server Connection refused - server may be down QGIS server was not found Error reading from server Unable to connect to the QGIS Version server Extents: Web Page: Sourceforge Project Page: QGIS ready QgisAppBase Quantum GIS &File &Layer &View &Tools &Help File Management Toolbar Data Toolbar Show all layers Add to overview Map Navigation Toolbar Capture points Attribute Data Toolbar Help Toolbar Plugins Toolbar Open Project &Open Project Open a previously saved QGIS project file. The layers (raster and vector) stored in the project file will be loaded and displayed on the map canvas Ctrl+O Exit E&xit Close all layers and exit QGIS Add a PostGIS Layer Add a &PostGIS Layer Add a PostgreSQL layer to the map. This requires a properly configured and running PostgreSQL database and the PostGIS extensions. D Refresh &Refresh Refresh the map by clearing the map canvas and redrawing all visible layers Zoom to full extent Zoom to &full extent Zoom to the full extent of all layers on the map. This brings everything on the map into full view Map Navigation Tools Zoom in Zoom &In Zoom in on the map. Drag the mouse (hold down the left button) to draw a rectangle around the area you want to zoom to, then release the mouse. Pan &Pan Pan the map view by dragging the mouse (hold down the left button). The area displayed will change after the mouse is released. Zoom out Zoom &Out Zoom out to view more of the map. Drag the mouse (hold down the left button) to draw a rectangle around an area. The current view will zoomed out and resized to "fit" in the rectangle. Zoom to selected features &Zoom to selected features Zoom to selected features in active layer Zoom to the extent of selected features on the active layer. The view will be zoomed so that all selected features are visible. If there are no selected features, the view is not changed. Identify I&dentify Identify a feature on the active layer Identify a feature on the active layer (the active layer is the highlighted layer in the legend). Idenify searches for features near where the mouse is clicked and displays information about the results. The search radius can be customized on the QGIS Preferences dialog. select features Select features on the active layer by dragging the mouse to create a box around the features of interest. When the mouse is released, the features are selected and drawn in a different color (default is yellow) Capture Point Capture Line Capture Polygon &About Quantum GIS Display the About QGIS dialog. About QGIS contains information about the current version, contributors, and available data provider plugins. Test button Add a Vector Layer Add a &Vector Layer Add a vector layer (e.g. Shapefile) Add a vector layer to the map canvas. The supported formats are those provided by the OGR library. For a list of supported formats, see V Attribute table &Attribute table Open the attribute table for the selected layer Open the attribute table for the selected vector layer. The rows can be sorted by clicking on the column names in the header row. Previous Zoom to &previous extent Zoom to last extent Zoom to the last view. QGIS stores only one previous view so repeatedly clicking this button swaps the views. Test plugin functions Preferences &Preferences QGIS User Preferences Open the options dialog to set QGIS preferences like web browser and identify search radius. Save Project &Save Project Save the current map as a QGIS project. A QGIS project can later be opened and all layers and setting will be restored. Ctrl+S Save Project As... Save Project &As... Save the current map as a new QGIS project. A QGIS project can later be opened and all layers and setting will be restored. New Project &New Project Start a new QGIS project Create a new, empty QGIS project. All layers will be removed from the map canvas and a blank canvas will be created. Ctrl+N Plugin Manager Plugin &Manager Opens the Plugin Manager and allows you to view loaded plugins or load a new one. The Plugin Manager lists the available plugins and a description of the features each provides. Check QGIS Version Check QGIS &Version Contacts the QGIS version server and provides information about the current version and any new features/changes available in the development version. Export As Mapserver file Export As &Mapserver file Creates a Mapserver file (.map) from the current QGIS view. The .map file can be used to create a Mapserver project. Export to MapServer Add a Raster Layer Add a &Raster Layer Adds a raster layer to the map canvas. Supported raster formats include most of those provided by the GDAL library. See R Action &Contents QGIS Help (HTML) Open the QGIS Help Contents in a web browser QGIS Home Page Open the QGIS home page in a web browser QGIS SourceForge Page Open the QGIS SourceForge project page in a web browser Export As Image E&xport As Image Save the current map view as a PNG image. The image size will be exactly the same as the size of the map canvas. Whats this? &Whats this? Whats this? - Click this tool and then click on a toolbar button or menu item to get more information Shift+F1 Project Properties Project &Properties Set project properties, including map units Set properties for the current project, including map units Properties &Properties Properties for the selected layer Zoom to layer Zoom to &layer Print &Print Ctrl+P Add All To Overview + Remove All From Overview - Show All Layers S Hide All Layers H Map Edit Tools QgsAbout About Quantum GIS Ok About <h2>Quantum GIS (qgis)</h2> <p align="center">Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License<p> <p align="center"></p> QGIS Home Page Subscribe to the QGIS-User mailing list Version What's New Contributors <h2>QGIS Contributors</h2> Gary E. Sherman Steve Halasz Tim Sutton Marco Hugentobler Denis Antipov Mark Coletti Jens Oberender Radim Blazek Carl Anderson Masaru Hoshi Lars Luthman Peter Brewer Providers Quantum GIS (qgis) License Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Plugins QgsAttributeTableBase Attribute Table Close QgsConnectionDialogBase Create a New PostGIS connection Connection Information Name Host Database Port Username Password Name of the new connection 5432 Save Password Test Connect Help F1 OK Cancel QgsContColDialogBase Continuous color Classification Field: Minimum Value: Outline Width: ... Maximum Value: QgsDbSourceSelect Are you sure you want to remove the connection and all associated settings? Confirm Delete Yes No Select Table You must select a table in order to add a Layer. Password for Please enter your password: Connection failed Connection to %1 on %2 failed. Either the database is down or your settings are incorrect.%3Check your username and password and try again. QgsDbSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS Table(s) PostgreSQL Connections Connect New Edit Delete Help F1 Add Close Tables: Type Name Sql Where Clause: QgsDelimitedTextPluginGuiBase Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File Cancel &Help Alt+H Help on using the plugin Opens the Delimited Text Plugin help in your configured browser &Parse Alt+P Parse the header row and update the X and Y field lists Parse the header row of the input file and refresh the fields in the X and Y field drop-down lists. Use this button to refresh the field lists if you change the delimiter after selecting the delimited text file. &Add Layer Alt+A Add layer using the delimiter, file, and x/y fields specified Creates a layer using the specified parameters and adds it to the map. The dialog remains open to allow adding of additional layers. &Close Alt+C Close the dialog Close the dialog without adding anything to the map. <p align="right">X field</p> Name of the field containing x values Name of the field containing x values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. <p align="right">Y field</p> Name of the field containing y values Name of the field containing y values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:18pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Select the file containing delimited text with lat/lon coordinates that you would like to use as a point layer and this plugin will do the job for you! </p> <p>Use the layer name box to specify the legend name for the new layer. Use the delimeter box to specify what the delimeter is for your file (e.g. space, commar or tab). Note this box accepts regex entries so use \t for tab and so on. After choosing a delimeter, press the parse button to see what field names have been detected in your file.</p> <p>Use the X and Y fields to specify which columns represent latitude and longitude..</p> </body></html> Layer name Name to display in the map legend Name displayed in the map legend Delimiter Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the delimited text file. The delimiter can be 1 or more characters in length. Delimited Text Layer Delimited text file Full path to the delimited text file Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. ... Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. QgsDlgPgBufferBase Buffer features &Help F1 &OK &Cancel Buffer Settings: Buffer distance in map units: Table name for the buffered layer: Create unique object id public Geometry column: Spatial reference ID: Unique field to use as feature id: Schema: Add the buffered layer to the map? <h2>Buffer the features in layer: </h2> QgsDlgVectorLayerProperties Single Symbol Graduated Symbol Continuous Color Unique Value Single Marker Graduated Marker Unique Value Marker QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties Apply Close Legend Legend type: Display name General Layer source TextLabel2 Fields Field Type Length Precision Features Count count Geometry type geom Upper right ur ll Lower left Labels Display labels QgsGraMaDialogBase graduated Marker Mode: Classification Field: Number of Classes: QgsGraMaExtensionWidget Lower Upper Label Image Scale Factor QgsGraSyDialogBase graduated Symbol Number of Classes: Classification Field: Mode: QgsGraSyExtensionWidget Lower Upper Label Outline Color Outline Style Outline Width Fill Color Fill Pattern QgsGrassAttributesBase GRASS Attributes Tab 1 result Update Update database record New Add new category using settings in GRASS Edit toolbox Delete Delete selected category QgsGrassEditBase GRASS Edit Category Mode Field (layer) Settings Snapping in screen pixels Symbology Column 1 New Item Table Add Column Create / Alter Table Tools Toolbar New line F2 Close New point F1 New boundary F3 New centroid F4 Move vertex F5 Add vertex F6 Delete vertex F7 Split line F10 Move line F9 Delete line F11 Edit categories Edit attributes QgsGrassRegionBase GRASS Region Settings N W E S N-S Res Rows Cols E-W Res Color Width OK Cancel QgsGrassSelectBase Add GRASS Layer Gisdbase Location Mapset Select or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters) Map name Layer Browse Cancel OK QgsHelpViewerBase QGIS Help &Home Alt+H &Forward Alt+F &Back Alt+B &Close Alt+C QgsIdentifyResultsBase Identify Results Help F1 Close Feature Value QgsLUDialogBase Enter class bounds Lower value - OK Cancel Upper value QgsLabelDialogBase Form1 Source: Field containing label: Default label: Preview: QGIS Rocks! Default Style Font Style Font Font size units are in ... Points Map units % Transparency: Colour Position X Offset (pts): Y Offset (pts): Offset units are in ... Buffer Settings Buffer Labels? Size: Buffer size is in ... Size is in map units Size is in points Alignment Above Over Left Below Right Above Right Below Right Above Left Below Left Angle (deg): ° Use best judgement when labels collide Data Defined Style &Font family: &Italic: &Underline: &Bold: &Size: X Coordinate: Y Coordinate: Placement: &Colour: QgsLegendItemBase Form1 CheckBox1 TextLabel1 QgsLineStyleDialogBase Select a line style Styles Ok Cancel QgsMapCanvas No active layer To select features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend To identify features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend QgsMapserverExportBase Export to Mapserver Map file Export LAYER information only Map Name Height Width dd feet meters miles inches kilometers Units Image type gif gtiff jpeg png swf userdefined wbmp MinScale MaxScale Prefix attached to map, scalebar and legend GIF filenames created using this MapFile. It should be kept short. Web Interface Definition Header Footer Template &Help F1 &OK &Cancel ... QgsMarkerDialogBase Choose a marker symbol Directory ... Ok Cancel New Item QgsMessageViewer QGIS Message Close QgsMessageViewerBase SPIT Message Close QgsNewConnection Test connection Connection to %1 was successfull Connection failed - Check settings and try again QgsNewConnectionBase Create a New PostGIS connection OK Cancel Help F1 Connection Information Name Host Database Port Username Password Name of the new connection 5432 Save Password Test Connect QgsOptionsBase QGIS Options &Ok Alt+O &Cancel &Appearance &Splash Screen Hide splash screen at startup &Icon Theme Theme <b>Note: </b>Theme changes take effect the next time QGIS is started SVG Options SVG oversampling factor <b>Note: </b>A higher value gives smoother SVG symbols, but can slow down rendering &Rendering &Update During Drawing Update display after reading Map display will be updated (drawn) after this many features have been read from the data source features (Set to 0 to not update the display until all features have been read) &Selection Search Radius Search Radius for Identifying Features <html> <b>Note:</b> Specify the value in thousandths. The search radius is calculated as:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Map View Width) * ( Value/1000.0)</i> <br> By default QGIS uses a value of 5. Increase the value if you have trouble identifying features without zooming in very close. </html> Help &Browser <b>Note:</b> The browser must be in your PATH or you can specify <br>the full path above Open help documents with epiphany firebird galeon konqueror mozilla opera ... QgsPatternDialogBase Select a fill pattern Cancel Ok QgsPgGeoprocessing Buffer features in layer %1 Error connecting to the database QgsPluginManager Choose a directory No Plugins No QGIS plugins found in QgsPluginManagerBase QGIS Plugin Manger Plugin Directory ... Name Version Description Library Name To load a plugin, click the checkbox next to the plugin and click Ok Ok Close QgsProjectPropertiesBase Project Properties Map Units Meters Feet Decimal degrees &Help F1 &OK &Cancel QgsRasterLayer Red Green Blue Not Set Raster Extent: Clipped area: <center><b>Raster Layer</b></center> &Zoom to extent of selected layer &Properties Show In &Overview &Remove <center><b>Transparency</b></center> Driver: Dimensions: X: Y: Bands: Data Type: GDT_Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer GDT_UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer GDT_Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer GDT_UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer GDT_Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer GDT_Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDT_Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point GDT_CInt16 - Complex Int16 GDT_CInt32 - Complex Int32 GDT_CFloat32 - Complex Float32 GDT_CFloat64 - Complex Float64 Could not determine raster data type. Pyramid overviews: Projection: Origin: Pixel Size: Band Statistics (if gathered): Property Value Band Band No No Stats No stats collected yet Min Val Max Val Range Mean Sum of squares Standard Deviation Sum of all cells Cell Count Write access denied Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Average Magphase Average QgsRasterLayerProperties Columns: Rows: No Data: <h3>Multiband Image Notes</h3><p>This is a multiband image. You can choose to render it as grayscale or color (RGB). For color images, you can associate bands to colors arbitarily. For example, if you have a seven band landsat image, you may choose to render it as:</p><ul><li>Visible Blue (0.45 to 0.52 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Visible Green (0.52 to 0.60 microns) - not mapped</li></li>Visible Red (0.63 to 0.69 microns) - mapped to red in image</li><li>Near Infrared (0.76 to 0.90 microns) - mapped to green in image</li><li>Mid Infrared (1.55 to 1.75 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Thermal Infrared (10.4 to 12.5 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Mid Infrared (2.08 to 2.35 microns) - mapped to blue in image</li></ul> <h3>Paletted Image Notes</h3> <p>This image uses a fixed color palette. You can remap these colors in different combinations e.g.</p><ul><li>Red - blue in image</li><li>Green - blue in image</li><li>Blue - green in image</li></ul> <h3>Grayscale Image Notes</h3> <p>You can remap these grayscale colors to a pseudocolor image using an automatically generated color ramp.</p> Grayscale Pseudocolor Freak Out QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties &Cancel &OK &Apply Alt+A &Help F1 Symbology Appearance Transparency: <p align="right">Full</p> None Invert Color Map 0% RGB Band <b><font color="#00ff00">Green</font></b> <b><font color="#ff0000">Red</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff">Blue</font></b> Color Grayscale Gray Std Deviations Color Map Show As Three Band Single Band <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Andale Sans UI"> <p style="margin-top:14px"><span style="font-weight:600">Notes</span></p> </body></html> General Display Name: Show debug info as overlay on raster? Layer Source: Thumbnail Columns: No Data: Rows: Legend: Palette: Advanced Symbology Red Green Blue Behaviour Scale histogram to the limits defined above (displays all data) Exclude values outside the above ranges (after color mapping) <b><font color="#ff0000">Please Note :</font> Advanced Symbology not implemented yet!</b> Metadata Pyramids Resampling Method Average Nearest Neighbour Average Magphase Build Pyramids <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Andale Sans UI"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:21pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. </p> <p><span style="color:#ff0000">Please note that building pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed.</span></p> </body></html> Pyramid Resolutions QgsSiMaDialogBase QgsSiMaDialogBase Directory ... New Item Image Scale Factor (%) QgsSiSyDialogBase Single Symbol Label Outline Outline color ... Style Width Fill Fill color Pattern QgsSpitBase SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool Help Import Import the defined shapefiles to PostGIS Close Shapefile List Add Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported Remove Remove the selected shapefile from the import list Remove All Remove all the shapefiles from the import list File Name Feature Class Features DB Relation Name Schema Global Schema SRID Use Default SRID Set the SRID to the default value Use Default Geometry Column Name Set the geometry column name to the default value Geometry Column Name PostgreSQL Connections New Create a new PostGIS connection Remove the current PostGIS connection Connect Edit Edit the current PostGIS connection QgsUValDialogBase Form1 Classification Field: New Item QgsUValMaDialogBase Form1 Classification Field: New Item QgsVectorLayer No features found No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked Attribute table - <center><b>Vector Layer</b></center> &Zoom to extent of selected layer &Open attribute table &Properties Show In &Overview Start editing Stop editing &Remove QgsVectorLayerProperties single symbol graduated symbol continuous color QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties Legend type: Layer source Help F1 Settings OK Cancel TextLabel2 SplashScreen Quantum GIS -