/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/gui/qgsidentifymenu.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsIdentifyMenu : QMenu { %Docstring The QgsIdentifyMenu class builds a menu to be used with identify results (:py:class:`QgsMapToolIdentify`). It is customizable and can display attribute actions (:py:class:`QgsAction`) as well as map layer actions (\see QgsMapLayerAction). It can also embed custom map layer actions, defined for this menu exclusively. If used in a QgsMapToolIdentify, it is accessible via QgsMapToolIdentify.identifyMenu() and can be customized in the map tool sub-class. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsidentifymenu.h" %End public: enum MenuLevel { LayerLevel, FeatureLevel }; struct ActionData { ActionData(); %Docstring Constructor for ActionData %End ActionData( QgsMapLayer *layer, QgsMapLayerAction *mapLayerAction = 0 ); ActionData( QgsMapLayer *layer, QgsFeatureId fid, QgsMapLayerAction *mapLayerAction = 0 ); bool mIsValid; bool mAllResults; bool mIsExternalAction; QgsMapLayer *mLayer; QgsFeatureId mFeatureId; QgsIdentifyMenu::MenuLevel mLevel; QgsMapLayerAction *mMapLayerAction; }; explicit QgsIdentifyMenu( QgsMapCanvas *canvas ); %Docstring QgsIdentifyMenu is a menu to be used to choose within a list of QgsMapTool.IdentifyReults %End ~QgsIdentifyMenu(); void setAllowMultipleReturn( bool multipleReturn ); %Docstring define if the menu executed can return multiple results (e.g. all results or all identified features of a vector layer) %End bool allowMultipleReturn(); void setExecWithSingleResult( bool execWithSingleResult ); %Docstring define if the menu will be shown with a single identify result %End bool execWithSingleResult(); void setExpressionContextScope( const QgsExpressionContextScope &scope ); %Docstring Sets an expression context scope used to resolve underlying actions. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End QgsExpressionContextScope expressionContextScope() const; %Docstring Returns an expression context scope used to resolve underlying actions. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void setShowFeatureActions( bool showFeatureActions ); %Docstring define if attribute actions(1) and map layer actions(2) can be listed and run from the menu .. note:: custom actions will be shown in any case if they exist. .. note:: (1) attribute actions are defined by the user in the layer properties :py:class:`QgsAction` .. note:: (2) map layer actions are built-in c++ actions or actions which are defined by a Python plugin :py:class:`QgsMapLayerActionRegistry` %End bool showFeatureActions(); void setResultsIfExternalAction( bool resultsIfExternalAction ); %Docstring setResultsIfExternalAction if set to ``False`` (default) the menu will not return any results if an external action has been triggered .. note:: external action can be either custom actions or feature / map layer actions (:py:func:`setShowFeatureActions`) %End bool resultsIfExternalAction(); void setMaxLayerDisplay( int maxLayerDisplay ); %Docstring Defines the maximum number of layers displayed in the menu (default is 10). .. note:: 0 is unlimited. %End int maxLayerDisplay(); void setMaxFeatureDisplay( int maxFeatureDisplay ); %Docstring Defines the maximum number of features displayed in the menu for vector layers (default is 10). .. note:: 0 is unlimited. %End int maxFeatureDisplay(); void addCustomAction( QgsMapLayerAction *action ); %Docstring adds a new custom action to the menu %End void removeCustomActions(); %Docstring remove all custom actions from the menu to be built %End QList exec( const QList &idResults, QPoint pos ); %Docstring exec :param idResults: the list of identify results to choose within :param pos: the position where the menu will be executed %End protected: virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ); }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/gui/qgsidentifymenu.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/