#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e ############## # Setup ccache ############## export CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp ccache -M 1G # Temporarily uncomment to debug ccache issues # export CCACHE_LOGFILE=/tmp/cache.debug ccache -z ############################ # Setup the (c)test environment ############################ export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libSegFault.so export SEGFAULT_SIGNALS="abrt segv" export CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND="/usr/bin/ninja" export CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=1 ############################## # Variables for output styling ############################## bold=$(tput bold) endbold=$(tput sgr0) ########### # Configure ########### pushd /root/QGIS > /dev/null mkdir -p build pushd build > /dev/null echo "travis_fold:start:cmake" echo "${bold}Running cmake...${endbold}" cmake \ -GNinja \ -DWITH_STAGED_PLUGINS=ON \ -DWITH_GRASS=OFF \ -DSUPPRESS_QT_WARNINGS=ON \ -DENABLE_MODELTEST=ON \ -DENABLE_PGTEST=ON \ -DWITH_QSPATIALITE=ON \ -DWITH_QWTPOLAR=OFF \ -DWITH_APIDOC=OFF \ -DWITH_ASTYLE=OFF \ -DWITH_DESKTOP=ON \ -DWITH_BINDINGS=ON \ -DWITH_SERVER=ON \ -DDISABLE_DEPRECATED=ON \ -DCXX_EXTRA_FLAGS=${CLANG_WARNINGS} .. echo "travis_fold:end:cmake" ####### # Build ####### # echo "travis_fold:start:ninja-build.1" echo "${bold}Building QGIS...${endbold}" ${CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND} # echo "travis_fold:end:ninja-build.1" # Temporarily uncomment to debug ccache issues # echo "travis_fold:start:ccache-debug" # cat /tmp/cache.debug # echo "travis_fold:end:ccache-debug" ############################ # Restore postgres test data ############################ printf "[qgis_test]\nhost=postgres\nport=5432\ndbname=qgis_test\nuser=docker\npassword=docker" > ~/.pg_service.conf export PGUSER=docker export PGHOST=postgres export PGPASSWORD=docker export PGDATABASE=qgis_test pushd /root/QGIS > /dev/null /root/QGIS/tests/testdata/provider/testdata_pg.sh popd > /dev/null # /root/QGIS ########### # Run tests ########### python3 /root/QGIS/.ci/travis/scripts/ctest2travis.py xvfb-run ctest -V -E "$(cat /root/QGIS/.ci/travis/linux/blacklist.txt | sed -r '/^(#.*?)?$/d' | paste -sd '|' -)" -S /root/QGIS/.ci/travis/travis.ctest --output-on-failure ######################## # Show ccache statistics ######################## echo "travis_fold:start:ccache.stats" echo "ccache statistics" ccache -s echo "travis_fold:end:ccache.stats" popd > /dev/null # build popd > /dev/null # /root/QGIS [ -r /tmp/ctest-important.log ] && cat /tmp/ctest-important.log || true