/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the QtSql module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3 ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and ** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qsql_spatialite.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qgsspatialiteutils.h" #if defined Q_OS_WIN # include #else # include #endif #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static QString _q_escapeIdentifier( const QString &identifier ) { QString res = identifier; if ( !identifier.isEmpty() && !identifier.startsWith( QLatin1Char( '"' ) ) && !identifier.endsWith( QLatin1Char( '"' ) ) ) { res.replace( QLatin1Char( '"' ), QLatin1String( "\"\"" ) ); res.prepend( QLatin1Char( '"' ) ).append( QLatin1Char( '"' ) ); res.replace( QLatin1Char( '.' ), QLatin1String( "\".\"" ) ); } return res; } static QVariant::Type qGetColumnType( const QString &tpName ) { const QString typeName = tpName.toLower(); if ( typeName == QLatin1String( "integer" ) || typeName == QLatin1String( "int" ) ) return QVariant::Int; if ( typeName == QLatin1String( "double" ) || typeName == QLatin1String( "float" ) || typeName == QLatin1String( "real" ) || typeName.startsWith( QLatin1String( "numeric" ) ) ) return QVariant::Double; if ( typeName == QLatin1String( "blob" ) ) return QVariant::ByteArray; return QVariant::String; } static QSqlError qMakeError( const spatialite_database_unique_ptr &access, const QString &descr, QSqlError::ErrorType type, int errorCode = -1 ) { return QSqlError( descr, access.errorMessage(), type, QString::number( errorCode ) ); } class QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate; class QSpatiaLiteResult : public QSqlCachedResult { Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( QSpatiaLiteResult ) friend class QSpatiaLiteDriver; public: explicit QSpatiaLiteResult( const QSpatiaLiteDriver *db ); ~QSpatiaLiteResult(); protected: bool gotoNext( QSqlCachedResult::ValueCache &row, int idx ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool reset( const QString &query ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool prepare( const QString &query ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool exec() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; int size() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; int numRowsAffected() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QVariant lastInsertId() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QSqlRecord record() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void detachFromResultSet() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void virtual_hook( int id, void *data ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; }; class QSpatiaLiteDriverPrivate : public QSqlDriverPrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( QSpatiaLiteDriver ) public: inline QSpatiaLiteDriverPrivate() : QSqlDriverPrivate() { dbmsType = QSqlDriver::SQLite; } spatialite_database_unique_ptr access; QList results; QStringList notificationid; }; class QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate: public QSqlCachedResultPrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( QSpatiaLiteResult ) public: Q_DECLARE_SQLDRIVER_PRIVATE( QSpatiaLiteDriver ) QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate( QSpatiaLiteResult *q, const QSpatiaLiteDriver *drv ); void cleanup(); bool fetchNext( QSqlCachedResult::ValueCache &values, int idx, bool initialFetch ); // initializes the recordInfo and the cache void initColumns( bool emptyResultset ); void finalize(); sqlite3_statement_unique_ptr stmt; bool skippedStatus; // the status of the fetchNext() that's skipped bool skipRow; // skip the next fetchNext()? QSqlRecord rInf; QVector firstRow; }; QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate::QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate( QSpatiaLiteResult *q, const QSpatiaLiteDriver *drv ) : QSqlCachedResultPrivate( q, drv ) , skippedStatus( false ) , skipRow( false ) { } void QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate::cleanup() { Q_Q( QSpatiaLiteResult ); finalize(); rInf.clear(); skippedStatus = false; skipRow = false; q->setAt( QSql::BeforeFirstRow ); q->setActive( false ); q->cleanup(); } void QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate::finalize() { stmt.reset(); } void QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate::initColumns( bool emptyResultset ) { Q_Q( QSpatiaLiteResult ); int nCols = stmt.columnCount(); if ( nCols <= 0 ) return; q->init( nCols ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i ) { QString colName = stmt.columnName( i ).remove( QLatin1Char( '"' ) ); // must use typeName for resolving the type to match QSqliteDriver::record QString typeName = QString( reinterpret_cast( sqlite3_column_decltype16( stmt.get(), i ) ) ); // sqlite3_column_type is documented to have undefined behavior if the result set is empty int stp = emptyResultset ? -1 : sqlite3_column_type( stmt.get(), i ); QVariant::Type fieldType; if ( !typeName.isEmpty() ) { fieldType = qGetColumnType( typeName ); } else { // Get the proper type for the field based on stp value switch ( stp ) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: fieldType = QVariant::Int; break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: fieldType = QVariant::Double; break; case SQLITE_BLOB: fieldType = QVariant::ByteArray; break; case SQLITE_TEXT: fieldType = QVariant::String; break; case SQLITE_NULL: default: fieldType = QVariant::Invalid; break; } } QSqlField fld( colName, fieldType ); fld.setSqlType( stp ); rInf.append( fld ); } } bool QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate::fetchNext( QSqlCachedResult::ValueCache &values, int idx, bool initialFetch ) { Q_Q( QSpatiaLiteResult ); int res; int i; if ( skipRow ) { // already fetched Q_ASSERT( !initialFetch ); skipRow = false; for ( int i = 0; i < firstRow.count(); i++ ) values[i] = firstRow[i]; return skippedStatus; } skipRow = initialFetch; if ( initialFetch ) { firstRow.clear(); firstRow.resize( stmt.columnCount() ); } if ( !stmt ) { q->setLastError( QSqlError( QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Unable to fetch row" ), QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "No query" ), QSqlError::ConnectionError ) ); q->setAt( QSql::AfterLastRow ); return false; } res = stmt.step(); switch ( res ) { case SQLITE_ROW: // check to see if should fill out columns if ( rInf.isEmpty() ) // must be first call. initColumns( false ); if ( idx < 0 && !initialFetch ) return true; for ( i = 0; i < rInf.count(); ++i ) { switch ( sqlite3_column_type( stmt.get(), i ) ) { case SQLITE_BLOB: values[i + idx] = QByteArray( static_cast( sqlite3_column_blob( stmt.get(), i ) ), sqlite3_column_bytes( stmt.get(), i ) ); break; case SQLITE_INTEGER: values[i + idx] = stmt.columnAsInt64( i ); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: switch ( q->numericalPrecisionPolicy() ) { case QSql::LowPrecisionInt32: values[i + idx] = stmt.columnAsInt64( i ); break; case QSql::LowPrecisionInt64: values[i + idx] = stmt.columnAsInt64( i ); break; case QSql::LowPrecisionDouble: case QSql::HighPrecision: default: values[i + idx] = stmt.columnAsDouble( i ); break; }; break; case SQLITE_NULL: values[i + idx] = QVariant( QVariant::String ); break; default: values[i + idx] = stmt.columnAsText( i ); break; } } return true; case SQLITE_DONE: if ( rInf.isEmpty() ) // must be first call. initColumns( true ); q->setAt( QSql::AfterLastRow ); sqlite3_reset( stmt.get() ); return false; case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: case SQLITE_ERROR: // SQLITE_ERROR is a generic error code and we must call sqlite3_reset() // to get the specific error message. res = sqlite3_reset( stmt.get() ); q->setLastError( qMakeError( drv_d_func()->access, QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Unable to fetch row" ), QSqlError::ConnectionError, res ) ); q->setAt( QSql::AfterLastRow ); return false; case SQLITE_MISUSE: case SQLITE_BUSY: default: // something wrong, don't get col info, but still return false q->setLastError( qMakeError( drv_d_func()->access, QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Unable to fetch row" ), QSqlError::ConnectionError, res ) ); sqlite3_reset( stmt.get() ); q->setAt( QSql::AfterLastRow ); return false; } #ifndef _MSC_VER // avoid warning return false; #endif } QSpatiaLiteResult::QSpatiaLiteResult( const QSpatiaLiteDriver *db ) : QSqlCachedResult( *new QSpatiaLiteResultPrivate( this, db ) ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); const_cast( d->drv_d_func() )->results.append( this ); } QSpatiaLiteResult::~QSpatiaLiteResult() { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); if ( d->drv_d_func() ) const_cast( d->drv_d_func() )->results.removeOne( this ); d->cleanup(); } void QSpatiaLiteResult::virtual_hook( int id, void *data ) { QSqlCachedResult::virtual_hook( id, data ); } bool QSpatiaLiteResult::reset( const QString &query ) { if ( !prepare( query ) ) return false; return exec(); } bool QSpatiaLiteResult::prepare( const QString &query ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); if ( !driver() || !driver()->isOpen() || driver()->isOpenError() ) return false; d->cleanup(); setSelect( false ); int res; d->stmt = d->drv_d_func()->access.prepare( query, res ); if ( res != SQLITE_OK ) { setLastError( qMakeError( d->drv_d_func()->access, QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Unable to execute statement" ), QSqlError::StatementError, res ) ); d->finalize(); return false; } return true; } static QString secondsToOffset( int seconds ) { const QChar sign = ushort( seconds < 0 ? '-' : '+' ); seconds = qAbs( seconds ); const int hours = seconds / 3600; const int minutes = ( seconds % 3600 ) / 60; return QString( QStringLiteral( "%1%2:%3" ) ).arg( sign ).arg( hours, 2, 10, QLatin1Char( '0' ) ).arg( minutes, 2, 10, QLatin1Char( '0' ) ); } static QString timespecToString( const QDateTime &dateTime ) { switch ( dateTime.timeSpec() ) { case Qt::LocalTime: return QString(); case Qt::UTC: return QStringLiteral( "Z" ); case Qt::OffsetFromUTC: return secondsToOffset( dateTime.offsetFromUtc() ); case Qt::TimeZone: return secondsToOffset( dateTime.timeZone().offsetFromUtc( dateTime ) ); default: return QString(); } } bool QSpatiaLiteResult::exec() { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); const QVector values = boundValues(); d->skippedStatus = false; d->skipRow = false; d->rInf.clear(); clearValues(); setLastError( QSqlError() ); int res = sqlite3_reset( d->stmt.get() ); if ( res != SQLITE_OK ) { setLastError( qMakeError( d->drv_d_func()->access, QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaiteResult", "Unable to reset statement" ), QSqlError::StatementError, res ) ); d->finalize(); return false; } int paramCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count( d->stmt.get() ); if ( paramCount == values.count() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i ) { res = SQLITE_OK; const QVariant value = values.at( i ); if ( value.isNull() ) { res = sqlite3_bind_null( d->stmt.get(), i + 1 ); } else { switch ( value.type() ) { case QVariant::ByteArray: { const QByteArray *ba = static_cast( value.constData() ); res = sqlite3_bind_blob( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, ba->constData(), ba->size(), SQLITE_STATIC ); break; } case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::Bool: res = sqlite3_bind_int( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, value.toInt() ); break; case QVariant::Double: res = sqlite3_bind_double( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, value.toDouble() ); break; case QVariant::UInt: case QVariant::LongLong: res = sqlite3_bind_int64( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, value.toLongLong() ); break; case QVariant::DateTime: { const QDateTime dateTime = value.toDateTime(); const QString str = dateTime.toString( QStringLiteral( "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz" ) + timespecToString( dateTime ) ); res = sqlite3_bind_text16( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, str.utf16(), str.size() * sizeof( ushort ), SQLITE_TRANSIENT ); break; } case QVariant::Time: { const QTime time = value.toTime(); const QString str = time.toString( QStringLiteral( "hh:mm:ss.zzz" ) ); res = sqlite3_bind_text16( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, str.utf16(), str.size() * sizeof( ushort ), SQLITE_TRANSIENT ); break; } case QVariant::String: { // lifetime of string == lifetime of its qvariant const QString *str = static_cast( value.constData() ); res = sqlite3_bind_text16( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, str->utf16(), ( str->size() ) * sizeof( QChar ), SQLITE_STATIC ); break; } default: { QString str = value.toString(); // SQLITE_TRANSIENT makes sure that sqlite buffers the data res = sqlite3_bind_text16( d->stmt.get(), i + 1, str.utf16(), ( str.size() ) * sizeof( QChar ), SQLITE_TRANSIENT ); break; } } } if ( res != SQLITE_OK ) { setLastError( qMakeError( d->drv_d_func()->access, QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Unable to bind parameters" ), QSqlError::StatementError, res ) ); d->finalize(); return false; } } } else { setLastError( QSqlError( QCoreApplication::translate( "QSpatiaLiteResult", "Parameter count mismatch" ), QString(), QSqlError::StatementError ) ); return false; } d->skippedStatus = d->fetchNext( d->firstRow, 0, true ); if ( lastError().isValid() ) { setSelect( false ); setActive( false ); return false; } setSelect( !d->rInf.isEmpty() ); setActive( true ); return true; } bool QSpatiaLiteResult::gotoNext( QSqlCachedResult::ValueCache &row, int idx ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); return d->fetchNext( row, idx, false ); } int QSpatiaLiteResult::size() { return -1; } int QSpatiaLiteResult::numRowsAffected() { Q_D( const QSpatiaLiteResult ); return sqlite3_changes( d->drv_d_func()->access.get() ); } QVariant QSpatiaLiteResult::lastInsertId() const { Q_D( const QSpatiaLiteResult ); if ( isActive() ) { qint64 id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid( d->drv_d_func()->access.get() ); if ( id ) return id; } return QVariant(); } QSqlRecord QSpatiaLiteResult::record() const { Q_D( const QSpatiaLiteResult ); if ( !isActive() || !isSelect() ) return QSqlRecord(); return d->rInf; } void QSpatiaLiteResult::detachFromResultSet() { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteResult ); if ( d->stmt ) sqlite3_reset( d->stmt.get() ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QSpatiaLiteDriver::QSpatiaLiteDriver( QObject *parent ) : QSqlDriver( *new QSpatiaLiteDriverPrivate, parent ) { } QSpatiaLiteDriver::~QSpatiaLiteDriver() { close(); } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::hasFeature( DriverFeature f ) const { switch ( f ) { case BLOB: case Transactions: case Unicode: case LastInsertId: case PreparedQueries: case PositionalPlaceholders: case SimpleLocking: case FinishQuery: case LowPrecisionNumbers: case EventNotifications: return true; case QuerySize: case NamedPlaceholders: case BatchOperations: case MultipleResultSets: case CancelQuery: return false; } return false; } /* SQLite dbs have no user name, passwords, hosts or ports. just file names. */ bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::open( const QString &db, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, int, const QString &conOpts ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteDriver ); if ( isOpen() ) close(); int timeOut = 5000; bool sharedCache = false; bool openReadOnlyOption = false; bool openUriOption = false; const auto opts = conOpts.splitRef( QLatin1Char( ';' ) ); for ( auto option : opts ) { option = option.trimmed(); if ( option.startsWith( QLatin1String( "QSQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT" ) ) ) { option = option.mid( 20 ).trimmed(); if ( option.startsWith( QLatin1Char( '=' ) ) ) { bool ok; const int nt = option.mid( 1 ).trimmed().toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) timeOut = nt; } } else if ( option == QLatin1String( "QSQLITE_OPEN_READONLY" ) ) { openReadOnlyOption = true; } else if ( option == QLatin1String( "QSQLITE_OPEN_URI" ) ) { openUriOption = true; } else if ( option == QLatin1String( "QSQLITE_ENABLE_SHARED_CACHE" ) ) { sharedCache = true; } } int openMode = ( openReadOnlyOption ? SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY : ( SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE ) ); if ( openUriOption ) openMode |= SQLITE_OPEN_URI; sqlite3_enable_shared_cache( sharedCache ); if ( d->access.open_v2( db.toUtf8().constData(), openMode, nullptr ) == SQLITE_OK ) { sqlite3_busy_timeout( d->access.get(), timeOut ); setOpen( true ); setOpenError( false ); return true; } else { setLastError( qMakeError( d->access, tr( "Error opening database" ), QSqlError::ConnectionError ) ); setOpenError( true ); return false; } } void QSpatiaLiteDriver::close() { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteDriver ); if ( isOpen() ) { for ( QSpatiaLiteResult *result : qAsConst( d->results ) ) result->d_func()->finalize(); if ( d->access && ( d->notificationid.count() > 0 ) ) { d->notificationid.clear(); sqlite3_update_hook( d->access.get(), NULL, NULL ); } d->access.reset(); setOpen( false ); setOpenError( false ); } } QSqlResult *QSpatiaLiteDriver::createResult() const { return new QSpatiaLiteResult( this ); } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::beginTransaction() { if ( !isOpen() || isOpenError() ) return false; QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); if ( !q.exec( QLatin1String( "BEGIN" ) ) ) { setLastError( QSqlError( tr( "Unable to begin transaction" ), q.lastError().databaseText(), QSqlError::TransactionError ) ); return false; } return true; } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::commitTransaction() { if ( !isOpen() || isOpenError() ) return false; QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); if ( !q.exec( QLatin1String( "COMMIT" ) ) ) { setLastError( QSqlError( tr( "Unable to commit transaction" ), q.lastError().databaseText(), QSqlError::TransactionError ) ); return false; } return true; } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::rollbackTransaction() { if ( !isOpen() || isOpenError() ) return false; QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); if ( !q.exec( QLatin1String( "ROLLBACK" ) ) ) { setLastError( QSqlError( tr( "Unable to rollback transaction" ), q.lastError().databaseText(), QSqlError::TransactionError ) ); return false; } return true; } QStringList QSpatiaLiteDriver::tables( QSql::TableType type ) const { QStringList res; if ( !isOpen() ) return res; QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); q.setForwardOnly( true ); QString sql = QLatin1String( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE %1 " "UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE %1" ); if ( ( type & QSql::Tables ) && ( type & QSql::Views ) ) sql = sql.arg( QLatin1String( "type='table' OR type='view'" ) ); else if ( type & QSql::Tables ) sql = sql.arg( QLatin1String( "type='table'" ) ); else if ( type & QSql::Views ) sql = sql.arg( QLatin1String( "type='view'" ) ); else sql.clear(); if ( !sql.isEmpty() && q.exec( sql ) ) { while ( q.next() ) res.append( q.value( 0 ).toString() ); } if ( type & QSql::SystemTables ) { // there are no internal tables beside this one: res.append( QLatin1String( "sqlite_master" ) ); } return res; } static QSqlIndex qGetTableInfo( QSqlQuery &q, const QString &tableName, bool onlyPIndex = false ) { QString schema; QString table( tableName ); int indexOfSeparator = tableName.indexOf( QLatin1Char( '.' ) ); if ( indexOfSeparator > -1 ) { schema = tableName.left( indexOfSeparator ).append( QLatin1Char( '.' ) ); table = tableName.mid( indexOfSeparator + 1 ); } q.exec( QLatin1String( "PRAGMA " ) + schema + QLatin1String( "table_info (" ) + _q_escapeIdentifier( table ) + QLatin1Char( ')' ) ); QSqlIndex ind; while ( q.next() ) { bool isPk = q.value( 5 ).toInt(); if ( onlyPIndex && !isPk ) continue; QString typeName = q.value( 2 ).toString().toLower(); QSqlField fld( q.value( 1 ).toString(), qGetColumnType( typeName ) ); if ( isPk && ( typeName == QLatin1String( "integer" ) ) ) // INTEGER PRIMARY KEY fields are auto-generated in sqlite // INT PRIMARY KEY is not the same as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY! fld.setAutoValue( true ); fld.setRequired( q.value( 3 ).toInt() != 0 ); fld.setDefaultValue( q.value( 4 ) ); ind.append( fld ); } return ind; } QSqlIndex QSpatiaLiteDriver::primaryIndex( const QString &tblname ) const { if ( !isOpen() ) return QSqlIndex(); QString table = tblname; if ( isIdentifierEscaped( table, QSqlDriver::TableName ) ) table = stripDelimiters( table, QSqlDriver::TableName ); QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); q.setForwardOnly( true ); return qGetTableInfo( q, table, true ); } QSqlRecord QSpatiaLiteDriver::record( const QString &tbl ) const { if ( !isOpen() ) return QSqlRecord(); QString table = tbl; if ( isIdentifierEscaped( table, QSqlDriver::TableName ) ) table = stripDelimiters( table, QSqlDriver::TableName ); QSqlQuery q( createResult() ); q.setForwardOnly( true ); return qGetTableInfo( q, table ); } QString QSpatiaLiteDriver::escapeIdentifier( const QString &identifier, IdentifierType type ) const { Q_UNUSED( type ); return _q_escapeIdentifier( identifier ); } static void handle_sqlite_callback( void *qobj, int aoperation, char const *adbname, char const *atablename, sqlite3_int64 arowid ) { Q_UNUSED( aoperation ); Q_UNUSED( adbname ); QSpatiaLiteDriver *driver = static_cast( qobj ); if ( driver ) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod( driver, "handleNotification", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QString, QString::fromUtf8( atablename ) ), Q_ARG( qint64, arowid ) ); } } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::subscribeToNotification( const QString &name ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteDriver ); if ( !isOpen() ) { qWarning( "Database not open." ); return false; } if ( d->notificationid.contains( name ) ) { qWarning( "Already subscribing to '%s'.", qPrintable( name ) ); return false; } //sqlite supports only one notification callback, so only the first is registered d->notificationid << name; if ( d->notificationid.count() == 1 ) sqlite3_update_hook( d->access.get(), &handle_sqlite_callback, reinterpret_cast( this ) ); return true; } bool QSpatiaLiteDriver::unsubscribeFromNotification( const QString &name ) { Q_D( QSpatiaLiteDriver ); if ( !isOpen() ) { qWarning( "Database not open." ); return false; } if ( !d->notificationid.contains( name ) ) { qWarning( "Not subscribed to '%s'.", qPrintable( name ) ); return false; } d->notificationid.removeAll( name ); if ( d->notificationid.isEmpty() ) sqlite3_update_hook( d->access.get(), NULL, NULL ); return true; } QStringList QSpatiaLiteDriver::subscribedToNotifications() const { Q_D( const QSpatiaLiteDriver ); return d->notificationid; } void QSpatiaLiteDriver::handleNotification( const QString &tableName, qint64 rowid ) { Q_D( const QSpatiaLiteDriver ); if ( d->notificationid.contains( tableName ) ) { emit notification( tableName ); emit notification( tableName, QSqlDriver::UnknownSource, QVariant( rowid ) ); } } QT_END_NAMESPACE