# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #----------------------------------------------------------- # # fTools # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Carson Farmer # EMAIL: carson.farmer (at) gmail.com # WEB : http://www.ftools.ca/fTools.html # # A collection of data management and analysis tools for vector data # #----------------------------------------------------------- # # licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QObject, SIGNAL, QThread from PyQt4.QtGui import QDialog, QApplication, QDialogButtonBox, QMessageBox, QTableWidgetItem, QHeaderView from qgis.core import QGis, QgsFeature, QgsDistanceArea, QgsFeatureRequest from ui_frmVisual import Ui_Dialog import ftools_utils import math class VisualDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, iface, function): QDialog.__init__(self, iface.mainWindow()) self.iface = iface self.setupUi(self) self.myFunction = function ## Set object visibility to False if tool is not Check geometry self.ckBoxShpError.hide() self.browseShpError.hide() self.lineEditShpError.hide() self.label_6.hide() self.line.hide() self.addToCanvasCheck.hide() self.buttonBox_2.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) if self.myFunction == 2 or self.myFunction == 3: QObject.connect(self.inShape, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.update) self.manageGui() self.cancel_close = self.buttonBox_2.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close) self.buttonOk = self.buttonBox_2.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.partProgressBar.setValue(0) self.partProgressBar.setVisible(False) def keyPressEvent(self, e): ''' Reimplemented key press event: ''' if (e.modifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier or e.modifiers() == Qt.MetaModifier) and e.key() == Qt.Key_C: #selection = self.tblUnique.selectedItems() items = "" if self.myFunction in (1, 2): for rec in range(self.tblUnique.rowCount()): items += self.tblUnique.item(rec, 0).text() + "\n" else: for rec in range(self.tblUnique.rowCount()): items += self.tblUnique.item(rec, 0).text() + ":" + self.tblUnique.item(rec, 1).text() + "\n" if items: clip_board = QApplication.clipboard() clip_board.setText(items) else: QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, e) def update(self): self.cmbField.clear() inputLayer = unicode(self.inShape.currentText()) if inputLayer != "": changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(inputLayer) changedField = changedLayer.dataProvider().fields() # for Basic statistics (with or without selection) if self.myFunction == 3: if changedLayer.selectedFeatureCount() != 0: self.useSelected.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.useSelected.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # add all fields in combobox because now we can work with text fields too for f in changedField: self.cmbField.addItem(unicode(f.name())) def accept(self): if self.inShape.currentText() == "": QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Error!"), self.tr("Please specify input vector layer")) elif self.cmbField.isVisible() and self.cmbField.currentText() == "": QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Error!"), self.tr("Please specify input field")) else: self.visual(self.inShape.currentText(), self.cmbField.currentText(), self.useSelected.checkState()) def manageGui(self): if self.myFunction == 2: # List unique values self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("List unique values")) self.label_2.setText(self.tr("Unique values")) self.label_4.setText(self.tr("Total unique values")) self.useSelected.setVisible(False) elif self.myFunction == 3: # Basic statistics self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Basics statistics")) self.label_2.setText(self.tr("Statistics output")) self.label_4.setVisible(False) self.lstCount.setVisible(False) self.resize(381, 400) elif self.myFunction == 4: # Nearest neighbour analysis self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Nearest neighbour analysis")) self.cmbField.setVisible(False) self.label.setVisible(False) self.useSelected.setVisible(False) self.label_2.setText(self.tr("Nearest neighbour statistics")) self.label_4.setVisible(False) self.lstCount.setVisible(False) self.resize(381, 200) self.inShape.clear() if self.myFunction == 4: myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames([QGis.Point]) else: myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames([QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon]) self.inShape.addItems(myList) return #1: Check geometry (disabled) #2: List unique values #3: Basic statistics #4: Nearest neighbour analysis def visual(self, myLayer, myField, mySelection): vlayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(myLayer) self.tblUnique.clearContents() self.tblUnique.setRowCount(0) self.lstCount.clear() self.buttonOk.setEnabled(False) self.testThread = visualThread(self.iface.mainWindow(), self, self.myFunction, vlayer, myField, mySelection) QObject.connect(self.testThread, SIGNAL("runFinished(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.runFinishedFromThread) QObject.connect(self.testThread, SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.runStatusFromThread) QObject.connect(self.testThread, SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.runRangeFromThread) QObject.connect(self.testThread, SIGNAL("runPartRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.runPartRangeFromThread) QObject.connect(self.testThread, SIGNAL("runPartStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.runPartStatusFromThread) self.cancel_close.setText(self.tr("Cancel")) QObject.connect(self.cancel_close, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.cancelThread) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.testThread.start() return True def cancelThread(self): self.testThread.stop() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.buttonOk.setEnabled(True) def runFinishedFromThread(self, output): self.testThread.stop() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.buttonOk.setEnabled(True) result = output[0] numRows = len(result) self.tblUnique.setRowCount(numRows) if self.myFunction in (1, 2): self.tblUnique.setColumnCount(1) for rec in range(numRows): item = QTableWidgetItem(result[rec]) self.tblUnique.setItem(rec, 0, item) else: self.tblUnique.setColumnCount(2) for rec in range(numRows): tmp = result[rec].split(":") item = QTableWidgetItem(tmp[0]) self.tblUnique.setItem(rec, 0, item) item = QTableWidgetItem(tmp[1]) self.tblUnique.setItem(rec, 1, item) self.tblUnique.setHorizontalHeaderLabels([self.tr("Parameter"), self.tr("Value")]) self.tblUnique.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.tblUnique.horizontalHeader().show() self.tblUnique.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.Stretch) self.tblUnique.resizeRowsToContents() self.lstCount.insert(unicode(output[1])) self.cancel_close.setText("Close") QObject.disconnect(self.cancel_close, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.cancelThread) return True def runStatusFromThread(self, status): self.progressBar.setValue(status) def runRangeFromThread(self, range_vals): self.progressBar.setRange(range_vals[0], range_vals[1]) def runPartStatusFromThread(self, status): self.partProgressBar.setValue(status) if status >= self.part_max: self.partProgressBar.setVisible(False) def runPartRangeFromThread(self, range_vals): self.part_max = range_vals[1] self.partProgressBar.setVisible(True) self.partProgressBar.setRange(range_vals[0], range_vals[1]) class visualThread(QThread): def __init__(self, parentThread, parentObject, function, vlayer, myField, mySelection): QThread.__init__(self, parentThread) self.parent = parentObject self.running = False self.myFunction = function self.vlayer = vlayer self.myField = myField self.mySelection = mySelection def run(self): self.running = True # note that 1 used to be associated with check_geometry if self.myFunction == 2: # List unique values (lst, cnt) = self.list_unique_values(self.vlayer, self.myField) elif self.myFunction == 3: # Basic statistics (lst, cnt) = self.basic_statistics(self.vlayer, self.myField) elif self.myFunction == 4: # Nearest neighbour analysis (lst, cnt) = self.nearest_neighbour_analysis(self.vlayer) self.emit(SIGNAL("runFinished(PyQt_PyObject)"), (lst, cnt)) self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) def stop(self): self.running = False def list_unique_values(self, vlayer, myField): vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider() index = vprovider.fieldNameIndex(myField) unique = ftools_utils.getUniqueValues(vprovider, int(index)) lstUnique = [] nFeat = len(unique) nElement = 0 if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) for item in unique: nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) lstUnique.append(unicode(item).strip()) lstCount = len(unique) return (lstUnique, lstCount) def basic_statistics(self, vlayer, myField): vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider() index = vprovider.fieldNameIndex(myField) feat = QgsFeature() sumVal = 0.0 meanVal = 0.0 nVal = 0.0 values = [] first = True nElement = 0 # determine selected field type if ftools_utils.getFieldType(vlayer, myField) in ( 'String', 'varchar', 'char', 'text' ): fillVal = 0 emptyVal = 0 if self.mySelection: # only selected features selection = vlayer.selectedFeatures() nFeat = vlayer.selectedFeatureCount() if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) for f in selection: try: lenVal = float(len(f[index])) except TypeError: lenVal = 0 if first: minVal = lenVal maxVal = lenVal first = False else: if lenVal < minVal: minVal = lenVal if lenVal > maxVal: maxVal = lenVal if lenVal != 0.00: fillVal += 1 else: emptyVal += 1 values.append(lenVal) sumVal = sumVal + lenVal nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) else: # there is no selection, process the whole layer nFeat = vprovider.featureCount() if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) fit = vprovider.getFeatures() while fit.nextFeature(feat): try: lenVal = float(len(feat[index])) except TypeError: lenVal = 0 if first: minVal = lenVal maxVal = lenVal first = False else: if lenVal < minVal: minVal = lenVal if lenVal > maxVal: maxVal = lenVal if lenVal != 0.00: fillVal += 1 else: emptyVal += 1 values.append(lenVal) sumVal = sumVal + lenVal nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) nVal = float(len(values)) if nVal > 0: meanVal = sumVal / nVal lstStats = [] lstStats.append(self.tr("Max. len:") + unicode(maxVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Min. len:") + unicode(minVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Mean. len:") + unicode(meanVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Filled:") + unicode(fillVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Empty:") + unicode(emptyVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("N:") + unicode(nVal)) return (lstStats, []) else: return (["Error:No features selected!"], []) else: # numeric field stdVal = 0.00 cvVal = 0.00 rangeVal = 0.00 medianVal = 0.00 maxVal = 0.00 minVal = 0.00 if self.mySelection: # only selected features selection = vlayer.selectedFeatures() nFeat = vlayer.selectedFeatureCount() uniqueVal = ftools_utils.getUniqueValuesCount(vlayer, index, True) if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) for f in selection: value = float(f[index]) if first: minVal = value maxVal = value first = False else: if value < minVal: minVal = value if value > maxVal: maxVal = value values.append(value) sumVal = sumVal + value nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) else: # there is no selection, process the whole layer nFeat = vprovider.featureCount() uniqueVal = ftools_utils.getUniqueValuesCount(vlayer, index, False) if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) fit = vprovider.getFeatures() while fit.nextFeature(feat): value = float(feat[index]) if first: minVal = value maxVal = value first = False else: if value < minVal: minVal = value if value > maxVal: maxVal = value values.append(value) sumVal = sumVal + value nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) nVal = float(len(values)) if nVal > 0.00: rangeVal = maxVal - minVal meanVal = sumVal / nVal if meanVal != 0.00: for val in values: stdVal += ((val - meanVal) * (val - meanVal)) stdVal = math.sqrt(stdVal / nVal) cvVal = stdVal / meanVal if nVal > 1: lstVal = sorted(values) if (nVal % 2) == 0: medianVal = 0.5 * (lstVal[int((nVal - 1) / 2)] + lstVal[int((nVal) / 2)]) else: medianVal = lstVal[int((nVal + 1) / 2 - 1)] lstStats = [] lstStats.append(self.tr("Mean:") + unicode(meanVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("StdDev:") + unicode(stdVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Sum:") + unicode(sumVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Min:") + unicode(minVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Max:") + unicode(maxVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("N:") + unicode(nVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("CV:") + unicode(cvVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Number of unique values:") + unicode(uniqueVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Range:") + unicode(rangeVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Median:") + unicode(medianVal)) return (lstStats, []) else: return (["Error:No features selected!"], []) def nearest_neighbour_analysis(self, vlayer): vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider() sumDist = 0.00 distance = QgsDistanceArea() A = vlayer.extent() A = float(A.width() * A.height()) index = ftools_utils.createIndex(vprovider) nFeat = vprovider.featureCount() nElement = 0 if nFeat > 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), 0) self.emit(SIGNAL("runRange(PyQt_PyObject)"), (0, nFeat)) feat = QgsFeature() neighbour = QgsFeature() fit = vprovider.getFeatures() while fit.nextFeature(feat): neighbourID = index.nearestNeighbor(feat.geometry().asPoint(), 2)[1] vprovider.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid(neighbourID).setSubsetOfAttributes([])).nextFeature(neighbour) nearDist = distance.measureLine(neighbour.geometry().asPoint(), feat.geometry().asPoint()) sumDist += nearDist nElement += 1 self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), nElement) nVal = vprovider.featureCount() do = float(sumDist) / nVal de = float(0.5 / math.sqrt(nVal / A)) d = float(do / de) SE = float(0.26136 / math.sqrt((nVal * nVal) / A)) zscore = float((do - de) / SE) lstStats = [] lstStats.append(self.tr("Observed mean distance:") + unicode(do)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Expected mean distance:") + unicode(de)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Nearest neighbour index:") + unicode(d)) lstStats.append(self.tr("N:") + unicode(nVal)) lstStats.append(self.tr("Z-Score:") + unicode(zscore)) return (lstStats, [])