20140723 11115900 1.0 North American Profile of ISO19115 2003 FALSE Baseline_roads_and_tracks 137.921721 153.551682 -29.177948 -9.373145 1 92.910 file://\\SIRGIS11\D$\sirgis-fs\customApps\QSC\working\QSC_Extracted_Data_20161102_145414886000-4824\data.gdb Local Area Network 002 Geographic GCS_GDA_1994 Angular Unit: Degree (0.017453) <GeographicCoordinateSystem xsi:type='typens:GeographicCoordinateSystem' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:typens='http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.3'><WKT>GEOGCS[&quot;GCS_GDA_1994&quot;,DATUM[&quot;D_GDA_1994&quot;,SPHEROID[&quot;GRS_1980&quot;,6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;,0.0],UNIT[&quot;Degree&quot;,0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,4283]]</WKT><XOrigin>-400</XOrigin><YOrigin>-400</YOrigin><XYScale>1111948722.2222199</XYScale><ZOrigin>-100000</ZOrigin><ZScale>10000</ZScale><MOrigin>-100000</MOrigin><MScale>10000</MScale><XYTolerance>8.98315284119521e-009</XYTolerance><ZTolerance>0.001</ZTolerance><MTolerance>0.001</MTolerance><HighPrecision>true</HighPrecision><LeftLongitude>-180</LeftLongitude><WKID>4283</WKID><LatestWKID>4283</LatestWKID></GeographicCoordinateSystem> 20161102 14544700 20161102 14544700 ISO19139 150000000 5000 external Name Department of Natural Resources and Mines Senior Spatial Information Officer someone@gov.au 77777777 True Disp name 10.3 SDE Feature Class Shapefile (SHP) 1 MapInfo (TAB) 1 File Geodatabase (FGDB) 1 Keyhole Markup Language (KML) 1 DNRM, Product Delivery Department of Natural Resources and Mines Senior Spatial Information Officer (Product Delivery) someone@gov.au 7777 DNRM, Product Delivery Open the Queensland Spatial Catalog (QSpatial). Select the large SEARCH button and all available records are displayed. Select one of the four filter options provided and then the further options within the filter. The resultant search is then displayed. Select your record and complete the order. Whole of dataset, although clipped areas are available through QSpatial. http://qldspatial.information.qld.gov.au/catalog/custom/ 95 Queensland Spatial Catalog 2.0 Download Service Queensland Spatial Catalog 2.0 Download Service Baseline roads and tracks Baseline roads and tracks Queensland 2016-06-28T00:00:00 DNRM, NR, LSI, ED Department of Natural Resources and Mines Executive Director, Land and Spatial Information DNRM, NR, LSI, ED external 9228b01d13fdc07144bddd09eec6c8b6 DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data Department of Natural Resources and Mines Manager Administrative Data, Spatial Data and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information True DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data external 9228b01d13fdc07144bddd09eec6c8b6 DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data Department of Natural Resources and Mines Manager Administrative Data, Spatial Data and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information True DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data external 9228b01d13fdc07144bddd09eec6c8b6 DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data Department of Natural Resources and Mines Manager Administrative Data, Spatial Data and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information True DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data external 5aea8649c4dea572310f4eb9652ff2 Name Department of Natural Resources and Mines Senior Spatial Information Officer someone@gov.au 7777 True Name To provide the digital road network of Queensland. <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN STYLE="font-size:10pt">This dataset represents street centrelines of Queensland.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> ANZLIC Search Words 2007-08-01T00:00:00 TRANSPORTATION Land external 5aea8649c4dea572310f4eb9652ff2 Name Department of Natural Resources and Mines Senior Spatial Information Officer someone@gov.au 77777 True Name ANZLIC Search Words 2007-08-01T00:00:00 Queensland This is supplementary info Bounding Box © State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) 2016 Common Search Terms 2016-02-05T00:00:00 road BUILT.QLD_BASELINE_ROADS_AND_TRACKS Spatial Information Resource (SIR) Feature Class 2016-03-15T00:00:00 The State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) This material is licensed under a CC4 Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. ISO 19115 (mapped from Qld Govt Information Security Standard IS18) <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN STYLE="font-size:10pt">Dataset is wholly created and owned by Natural Resources and Mines for the State of Queensland.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> external 9228b01d13fdc07144bddd09eec6c8b6 DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data Department of Natural Resources and Mines Manager Administrative Data, Spatial Data and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information True DNRM, NR, LSI, SDM, MAN Administrative Data Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS 1 137.921721 153.551682 -9.373145 -29.177948 Metadata Access Level Public The street records of the State Digital Road Network (SDRN) baseline dataset have been generated from road casement boundaries of the QLD Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB)and updated where more accurate source data has been available. Other sources used in the maintenance of the streets dataset include aerial imagery, QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads State Controlled Roads dataset, supplied datasets from other State Government Departments, Local Government data, field work using GPS, and user feedback. Land parcel boundaries Queensland QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads State Controlled Roads Local Government data field work other State Government Departments Completeness is a reflection of the completeness and validity of the DCDB casement layer. Each maintenance release uses the DCDB data current to within 1-2 months of the release date. Private streets (or non-gazetted streets) are included only where they form an important part of the overall street network. Department of Natural Resources and Mines data capture process 2015-08-19T00:00:00 The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected. 1 There are two forms of Logical consistency checks performed on the streets dataset. In terms of the street segment geometry, procedures are carried out to identify and rectify: Overshoots and undershoots, Pseudo-nodes (unnecessary breaks in continuous roads) except at location of overpassesunderpasses, Segments less than 3 metres, Duplicate objects, Null objects, and Objects are polylines only. In regards to the attribution of the street segment, checks are carried out to ensure: Street names contain valid characters (i.e. Alpha-numeric characters, no apostrophes, or other punctuation characters), all components of the street name, including prefixes, suffixes, and road types, are described in full, all characters are in Upper case, and no null values. Department of Natural Resources and Mines data capture process 2015-08-19T00:00:00 The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected. 1 Horizontal positional accuracy of the street centrelines varies from +/- 1.5 metres in urban areas up to +/- 250 metres in rural/remote areas. Department of Natural Resources and Mines data capture process 2015-08-19T00:00:00 The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected. 1 Street names are sourced originally from the QLD DCDB and subsequently validated with various Local and State Government datasets, including the QLD Property Location Index. Road classifications were originally derived from Queensland Government road maps and are revised during maintenance periods. Department of Natural Resources and Mines data capture process 2015-08-19T00:00:00 The data is to a standard determined as fit for the purpose for which it was collected. 1 Baseline roads and tracks Queensland Feature Class 0 OBJECTID OBJECTID OID 4 0 0 Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Shape SHAPE Geometry 0 0 0 Feature geometry. ESRI Coordinates defining the features. Connector 1 FEATURETYPE Connector TYPE 2 PERENNIALITY dm_PerennialityMultScle Perennialty which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT HIERARCHY dm_HierarchyMultScle Hierarchy which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT UPPERSCALE dm_UpperScaleMultScle Upper Scale of Data Utilisation Coded Value Default value Duplicate Integer BUILT USCERTAINTY dm_USCertaintyMultScle Upper Scale Certainity Coded Value Default value Duplicate String BUILT SYMBOL100K SYMBOL100K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL250K SYMBOL250K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOLWAC1MIL SYMBOLWAC1Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL2_5MIL SYMBOL2_5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL5MIL SYMBOL5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL10MIL SYMBOL10Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer Watercourse 2 FEATURETYPE Watercourse TYPE 2 PERENNIALITY dm_PerennialityMultScle Perennialty which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT HIERARCHY dm_HierarchyMultScle Hierarchy which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT UPPERSCALE dm_UpperScaleMultScle Upper Scale of Data Utilisation Coded Value Default value Duplicate Integer BUILT USCERTAINTY dm_USCertaintyMultScle Upper Scale Certainity Coded Value Default value Duplicate String BUILT SYMBOL100K SYMBOL100K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL250K SYMBOL250K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOLWAC1MIL SYMBOLWAC1Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL2_5MIL SYMBOL2_5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL5MIL SYMBOL5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL10MIL SYMBOL10Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer DEMConnector 3 FEATURETYPE DEM Connector TYPE 2 PERENNIALITY dm_PerennialityMultScle Perennialty which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT HIERARCHY dm_HierarchyMultScle Hierarchy which may be populated Coded Value Default value Duplicate String NAT UPPERSCALE dm_UpperScaleMultScle Upper Scale of Data Utilisation Coded Value Default value Duplicate Integer BUILT USCERTAINTY dm_USCertaintyMultScle Upper Scale Certainity Coded Value Default value Duplicate String BUILT SYMBOL100K SYMBOL100K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL250K SYMBOL250K_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOLWAC1MIL SYMBOLWAC1Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL2_5MIL SYMBOL2_5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL5MIL SYMBOL5Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer SYMBOL10MIL SYMBOL10Mil_WatercourseLines_Rules Representation rules Coded Value Default value Default value NAT Integer STREET STREET String 60 0 0 ROADTYPE ROADTYPE Integer 4 0 0 STE_ROUTE_ STE_ROUTE_ String 10 0 0 NAT_ROUTE_ NAT_ROUTE_ String 10 0 0 BASELINE_I BASELINE_I Double 8 0 0 Culvert 4 FEATURETYPE Culvert TYPE 2 SHAPE_Length SHAPE_Length Double 8 0 0 Length of feature in internal units. Esri Positive real numbers that are automatically generated. EPSG 8.6.2 0 Simple FALSE 0 TRUE TRUE 20161102 8F5BC21A-252F-417F-9C9E-0D50D0229C83 dataset