class QgsStyleManagerDialog : QDialog { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsStyleManagerDialog( QgsStyle* style, QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = NULL ); //! open add color ramp dialog, return color ramp's name if the ramp has been added static QString addColorRampStatic( QWidget* parent, QgsStyle* style, QString RampType = QString() ); public slots: void addItem(); void editItem(); void removeItem(); void exportItemsSVG(); void exportItemsPNG(); void exportSelectedItemsImages( const QString& dir, const QString& format, QSize size ); void exportItems(); void importItems(); void on_tabItemType_currentChanged( int ); //! adds symbols of some type to list void populateList(); //! called when the dialog is going to be closed void onFinished(); void on_buttonBox_helpRequested(); void itemChanged( QStandardItem* item ); void groupChanged( const QModelIndex& ); void groupRenamed( QStandardItem * ); //! add a tag int addTag(); //! add a smartgroup int addSmartgroup(); //! remove a tag or smartgroup void removeGroup(); //! carry out symbol tagging using check boxes void tagSymbolsAction(); //! edit the selected smart group void editSmartgroupAction(); //! symbol changed from one group void regrouped( QStandardItem* ); //! filter the symbols based on input search term void filterSymbols( const QString& ); //! Perform symbol specific tasks when selected void symbolSelected( const QModelIndex& ); //! Perform tasks when the selected symbols change void selectedSymbolsChanged( const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected ); //! Context menu for the groupTree void grouptreeContextMenu( QPoint ); //! Context menu for the listItems ( symbols list ) void listitemsContextMenu( QPoint ); protected slots: bool addColorRamp( QAction* action ); //! Add selected symbols to favorites void addFavoriteSelectedSymbols(); //! Remove selected symbols from favorites void removeFavoriteSelectedSymbols(); //! Tag selected symbols using menu item selection void tagSelectedSymbols( bool newTag = false ); //! Remove all tags from selected symbols void detagSelectedSymbols(); protected: //! populate combo box with known style items (symbols, color ramps) void populateTypes(); //! populate the groups void populateGroups(); //! to set symbols checked when in editing mode void setSymbolsChecked( const QStringList& ); //! populate list view with symbols of the current type with the given names void populateSymbols( const QStringList& symbolNames, bool checkable = false ); //! populate list view with color ramps void populateColorRamps( const QStringList& colorRamps, bool checkable = false ); int currentItemType(); QString currentItemName(); //! add a new symbol to style bool addSymbol(); //! add a new color ramp to style bool addColorRamp(); bool editSymbol(); bool editColorRamp(); bool removeSymbol(); bool removeColorRamp(); //! Enables or disbables the symbol specific inputs void enableSymbolInputs( bool ); //! Enables or disables the groupTree specific inputs void enableGroupInputs( bool ); //! Enables or disables the groupTree items for grouping mode void enableItemsForGroupingMode( bool ); //! sets the text of the item with bold font void setBold( QStandardItem* ); };