    Date                 : 29.4.2013
    Copyright            : (C) 2013 Matthias Kuhn
    Email                : matthias at opengis dot ch
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

class QgsRelation
#include <qgsrelation.h>

     * Default constructor. Creates an invalid relation.

     * Creates a relation from an XML structure. Used for reading .qgs projects.
     * @param node The dom node containing the relation information
     * @return A relation
    static QgsRelation createFromXml( const QDomNode& node );

     * Writes a relation to an XML structure. Used for saving .qgs projects
     * @param node The parent node in which the relation will be created
     * @param doc  The document in which the relation will be saved
    void writeXml( QDomNode& node, QDomDocument& doc ) const;

     * Set a name for this relation
     * @param id
    void setRelationId( const QString& id );

     * Set a name for this relation
     * @param name
    void setRelationName( const QString& name );

     * Set the referencing (child) layer id. This layer will be searched in the registry.
     * @param id
    void setReferencingLayer( const QString& id );

     * Set the referenced (parent) layer id. This layer will be searched in the registry.
     * @param id
    void setReferencedLayer( const QString& id );

     * Add a field pairs which is part of this relation
     * The first element of each pair are the field names of the foreign key.
     * The second element of each pair are the field names of the matching primary key.
     * @param referencingField  The field name on the referencing (child) layer (FK)
     * @param referencedField   The field name on the referenced (parent) layer  (PK)
    void addFieldPair( const QString& referencingField, const QString& referencedField );

     * Add a field pairs which is part of this relation
     * The first element of each pair are the field names of the foreign key.
     * The second element of each pair are the field names of the matching primary key.
     * @param fieldPair A pair of two strings
     * @note not available in python bindings
    // void addFieldPair( const FieldPair& fieldPair );

     * Creates an iterator which returns all the features on the referencing (child) layer
     * which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
     * @param feature A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
     * @return An iterator with all the referenced features
     * @see getRelatedFeaturesRequest()
     * @see getRelatedFeaturesFilter()
    QgsFeatureIterator getRelatedFeatures( const QgsFeature& feature ) const;

     * Creates a request to return all the features on the referencing (child) layer
     * which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
     * @param feature A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
     * @return A request for all the referencing features
     * @see getRelatedFeatures()
     * @see getRelatedFeaturesFilter()
    QgsFeatureRequest getRelatedFeaturesRequest( const QgsFeature& feature ) const;

    /** Returns a filter expression which returns all the features on the referencing (child) layer
     * which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
     * @param feature A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
     * @return expression filter string for all the referencing features
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
     * @see getRelatedFeatures()
     * @see getRelatedFeaturesRequest()
    QString getRelatedFeaturesFilter( const QgsFeature& feature ) const;

     * Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
     * which is referenced by the provided feature.
     * @param attributes An attribute vector containing the foreign key
     * @return A request the referenced feature
     * @note not available in python bindings
    QgsFeatureRequest getReferencedFeatureRequest( const QgsAttributes& attributes ) const;

     * Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
     * which is referenced by the provided feature.
     * @param feature A feature from the referencing (child) layer
     * @return A request the referenced feature
    QgsFeatureRequest getReferencedFeatureRequest( const QgsFeature& feature ) const;

     * Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
     * which is referenced by the provided feature.
     * @param feature A feature from the referencing (child) layer
     * @return A request the referenced feature
    QgsFeature getReferencedFeature( const QgsFeature& feature ) const;

     * Returns a human readable name for this relation. Mostly used as title for the children.
     * @see id()
     * @return A name
    QString name() const;

     * A (project-wide) unique id for this relation
     * @return The id
    QString id() const;

     * Generate a (project-wide) unique id for this relation
     * @note added in QGIS 3.0
    void generateId();

     * Access the referencing (child) layer's id
     * This is the layer which has the field(s) which point to another layer
     * @return The id of the referencing layer
    QString referencingLayerId() const;

     * Access the referencing (child) layer
     * This is the layer which has the field(s) which point to another layer
     * @return The referencing layer
    QgsVectorLayer* referencingLayer() const;

     * Access the referenced (parent) layer's id
     * @return The id of the referenced layer
    QString referencedLayerId() const;

     * Access the referenced (parent) layer
     * @return referenced layer
    QgsVectorLayer* referencedLayer() const;

     * Returns the field pairs which form this relation
     * The first element of each pair are the field names fo the foreign key.
     * The second element of each pair are the field names of the matching primary key.
     * @return The fields forming the relation
    QMap< QString, QString > fieldPairs() const;
    const QList< QgsRelation::FieldPair >& pairs = sipCpp->fieldPairs();
    sipRes = new QMap< QString, QString >();
    Q_FOREACH( const QgsRelation::FieldPair& pair, pairs )
        sipRes->insert( pair.first, pair.second );

     * Returns a list of attributes used to form the referenced fields
     * (most likely primary key) on the referenced (parent) layer.
     * @return A list of attributes
    QgsAttributeList referencedFields() const;

     * Returns a list of attributes used to form the referencing fields
     * (foreign key) on the referencing (child) layer.
     * @return A list of attributes
    QgsAttributeList referencingFields() const;

     * Returns the validity of this relation. Don't use the information if it's not valid.
     * @return true if the relation is valid
    bool isValid() const;

     * Compares the two QgsRelation, ignoring the name and the ID.
     * @param other The other relation
     * @return true if they are similar
     * @note added in QGIS 3.0
    bool hasEqualDefinition( const QgsRelation& other ) const;

     * Updates the validity status of this relation.
     * Will be called internally whenever a member is changed.
    void updateRelationStatus();