 * \class QgsFieldConstraints
 * \ingroup core
 * Stores information about constraints which may be present on a field.
 * \note added in QGIS 3.0

class QgsFieldConstraints

#include <qgsfieldconstraints.h>


     * Constraints which may be present on a field.
    enum Constraint
      ConstraintNotNull, //!< Field may not be null
      ConstraintUnique, //!< Field must have a unique value
      ConstraintExpression, //!< Field has an expression constraint set. See constraintExpression().
    typedef QFlags<QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint> Constraints;

     * Origin of constraints.
    enum ConstraintOrigin
      ConstraintOriginNotSet, //!< Constraint is not set
      ConstraintOriginProvider, //!< Constraint was set at data provider
      ConstraintOriginLayer, //!< Constraint was set by layer

     * Strength of constraints.
    enum ConstraintStrength
      ConstraintStrengthNotSet, //!< Constraint is not set
      ConstraintStrengthHard, //!< Constraint must be honored before feature can be accepted
      ConstraintStrengthSoft, //!< User is warned if constraint is violated but feature can still be accepted

     * Constructor for QgsFieldConstraints.

     * Returns any constraints which are present for the field.
     * @see setConstraints()
     * @see constraintOrigin()
    Constraints constraints() const;

     * Returns the origin of a field constraint, or ConstraintOriginNotSet if the constraint
     * is not present on this field.
     * @see constraints()
    ConstraintOrigin constraintOrigin( Constraint constraint ) const;

     * Returns the strength of a field constraint, or ConstraintStrengthNotSet if the constraint
     * is not present on this field.
     * @see constraints()
     * @see setConstraintStrength()
    ConstraintStrength constraintStrength( Constraint constraint ) const;

     * Sets the strength of a constraint. Note that the strength of constraints which originate
     * from a provider cannot be changed. Constraints default to ConstraintStrengthHard unless
     * explicitly changed.
     * @see constraintStrength()
    void setConstraintStrength( Constraint constraint, ConstraintStrength strength );

     * Sets a constraint on the field.
     * @see constraints()
     * @see removeConstraint()
    void setConstraint( Constraint constraint, ConstraintOrigin origin = ConstraintOriginLayer );

     * Removes a constraint from the field.
     * @see setConstraint()
     * @see constraints()
    void removeConstraint( Constraint constraint );

     * Returns the constraint expression for the field, if set.
     * @see constraints()
     * @see constraintDescription()
     * @see setConstraintExpression()
    QString constraintExpression() const;

     * Returns the descriptive name for the constraint expression.
     * @see constraints()
     * @see constraintExpression()
     * @see setConstraintExpression()
    QString constraintDescription() const;

     * Set the constraint expression for the field. An optional descriptive name for the constraint
     * can also be set. Setting an empty expression will clear any existing expression constraint.
     * @see constraintExpression()
     * @see constraintDescription()
     * @see constraints()
    void setConstraintExpression( const QString& expression, const QString& description = QString() );

    bool operator==( const QgsFieldConstraints& other ) const;


QFlags<QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint> operator|(QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint f1, QFlags<QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint> f2);