# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** ogr2ogrpointsonlines.py --------------------- Date : Janaury 2015 Copyright : (C) 2015 by Giovanni Manghi Email : giovanni dot manghi at naturalgis dot pt *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Giovanni Manghi' __date__ = 'January 2015' __copyright__ = '(C) 2015, Giovanni Manghi' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' from processing.core.parameters import ParameterVector from processing.core.parameters import ParameterString from processing.core.parameters import ParameterNumber from processing.core.parameters import ParameterBoolean from processing.core.outputs import OutputVector from processing.tools.system import isWindows from processing.algs.gdal.OgrAlgorithm import OgrAlgorithm from processing.algs.gdal.GdalUtils import GdalUtils class Ogr2OgrPointsOnLines(OgrAlgorithm): OUTPUT_LAYER = 'OUTPUT_LAYER' INPUT_LAYER = 'INPUT_LAYER' DISTANCE = 'DISTANCE' GEOMETRY = 'GEOMETRY' OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS' def defineCharacteristics(self): self.name = 'Create points along lines' self.group = '[OGR] Geoprocessing' self.addParameter(ParameterVector(self.INPUT_LAYER, self.tr('Input layer'), [ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_LINE], False)) self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.GEOMETRY, self.tr('Geometry column name ("geometry" for Shapefiles, may be different for other formats)'), 'geometry', optional=False)) self.addParameter(ParameterNumber(self.DISTANCE, self.tr('Distance from line start represented as fraction of line length'), 0, 1, 0.5)) self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.OPTIONS, self.tr('Additional creation options (see ogr2ogr manual)'), '', optional=True)) self.addOutput(OutputVector(self.OUTPUT_LAYER, self.tr('Points along lines'))) def getConsoleCommands(self): inLayer = self.getParameterValue(self.INPUT_LAYER) ogrLayer = self.ogrConnectionString(inLayer)[1:-1] layername = "'" + self.ogrLayerName(inLayer) + "'" distance = unicode(self.getParameterValue(self.DISTANCE)) geometry = unicode(self.getParameterValue(self.GEOMETRY)) output = self.getOutputFromName(self.OUTPUT_LAYER) outFile = output.value output = self.ogrConnectionString(outFile) options = unicode(self.getParameterValue(self.OPTIONS)) arguments = [] arguments.append(output) arguments.append(ogrLayer) arguments.append(self.ogrLayerName(inLayer)) arguments.append('-dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(') arguments.append(geometry) arguments.append(',') arguments.append(distance) arguments.append('),*') arguments.append('FROM') arguments.append(layername) arguments.append('"') if len(options) > 0: arguments.append(options) commands = [] if isWindows(): commands = ['cmd.exe', '/C ', 'ogr2ogr.exe', GdalUtils.escapeAndJoin(arguments)] else: commands = ['ogr2ogr', GdalUtils.escapeAndJoin(arguments)] return commands