/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #include "mdal_gdal.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "ogr_api.h" #include "ogr_srs_api.h" #include "gdal_alg.h" #include "mdal_utils.hpp" #define MDAL_NODATA -9999 void MDAL::GdalDataset::init( const std::string &dsName ) { mDatasetName = dsName; // Open dataset mHDataset = GDALOpen( dsName.data(), GA_ReadOnly ); if ( !mHDataset ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat; // Now parse it parseParameters(); parseProj(); } void MDAL::GdalDataset::parseParameters() { mNBands = static_cast( GDALGetRasterCount( mHDataset ) ); if ( mNBands == 0 ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; GDALGetGeoTransform( mHDataset, mGT ); // in case of error it returns Identid mXSize = static_cast( GDALGetRasterXSize( mHDataset ) ); //raster width in pixels if ( mXSize == 0 ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; mYSize = static_cast( GDALGetRasterYSize( mHDataset ) ); //raster height in pixels if ( mYSize == 0 ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; mNPoints = mXSize * mYSize; mNVolumes = ( mXSize - 1 ) * ( mYSize - 1 ); } void MDAL::GdalDataset::parseProj() { char *proj = const_cast( GDALGetProjectionRef( mHDataset ) ); if ( proj != nullptr ) { mProj = std::string( proj ); } } /******************************************************************************************************/ bool MDAL::DriverGdal::meshes_equals( const MDAL::GdalDataset *ds1, const MDAL::GdalDataset *ds2 ) const { return ( ( ds1->mXSize == ds2->mXSize ) && ( ds1->mYSize == ds2->mYSize ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[0], ds2->mGT[0] ) ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[1], ds2->mGT[1] ) ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[2], ds2->mGT[2] ) ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[3], ds2->mGT[3] ) ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[4], ds2->mGT[4] ) ) && ( MDAL::equals( ds1->mGT[5], ds2->mGT[5] ) ) && ds1->mProj == ds2->mProj ); } bool MDAL::DriverGdal::initVertices( Vertices &vertices ) { Vertex *VertexsPtr = vertices.data(); unsigned int mXSize = meshGDALDataset()->mXSize; unsigned int mYSize = meshGDALDataset()->mYSize; const double *mGT = meshGDALDataset()->mGT; for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < mYSize; ++y ) { for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < mXSize; ++x, ++VertexsPtr ) { // VertexsPtr->setId(x + mXSize*y); VertexsPtr->x = mGT[0] + ( x + 0.5 ) * mGT[1] + ( y + 0.5 ) * mGT[2]; VertexsPtr->y = mGT[3] + ( x + 0.5 ) * mGT[4] + ( y + 0.5 ) * mGT[5]; VertexsPtr->z = 0.0; } } BBox extent = computeExtent( vertices ); // we want to detect situation when there is whole earth represented in dataset bool is_longitude_shifted = ( extent.minX >= 0.0 ) && ( fabs( extent.minX + extent.maxX - 360.0 ) < 1.0 ) && ( extent.minY >= -90.0 ) && ( extent.maxX <= 360.0 ) && ( extent.maxX > 180.0 ) && ( extent.maxY <= 90.0 ); if ( is_longitude_shifted ) { for ( Vertices::size_type n = 0; n < vertices.size(); ++n ) { if ( vertices[n].x > 180.0 ) { vertices[n].x -= 360.0; } } } return is_longitude_shifted; } void MDAL::DriverGdal::initFaces( Vertices &Vertexs, Faces &Faces, bool is_longitude_shifted ) { int reconnected = 0; unsigned int mXSize = meshGDALDataset()->mXSize; unsigned int mYSize = meshGDALDataset()->mYSize; size_t i = 0; for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < mYSize - 1; ++y ) { for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < mXSize - 1; ++x ) { if ( is_longitude_shifted && ( Vertexs[x + mXSize * y].x > 0.0 ) && ( Vertexs[x + 1 + mXSize * y].x < 0.0 ) ) // omit border face { --reconnected; continue; } if ( is_longitude_shifted && ( x == 0 ) ) { // create extra faces around prime meridian Faces[i].resize( 4 ); Faces[i][0] = mXSize * ( y + 1 ); Faces[i][3] = mXSize * y; Faces[i][2] = mXSize - 1 + mXSize * y; Faces[i][1] = mXSize - 1 + mXSize * ( y + 1 ); ++reconnected; ++i; } // other faces Faces[i].resize( 4 ); Faces[i][0] = x + 1 + mXSize * ( y + 1 ); Faces[i][3] = x + 1 + mXSize * y; Faces[i][2] = x + mXSize * y; Faces[i][1] = x + mXSize * ( y + 1 ); ++i; } } //make sure we have discarded same amount of faces that we have added assert( reconnected == 0 ); } std::string MDAL::DriverGdal::GDALFileName( const std::string &fileName ) { return fileName; } double MDAL::DriverGdal::parseMetadataTime( const std::string &time_s ) { std::string time_trimmed = MDAL::trim( time_s ); std::vector times = MDAL::split( time_trimmed, ' ' ); return MDAL::toDouble( times[0] ); } MDAL::DriverGdal::metadata_hash MDAL::DriverGdal::parseMetadata( GDALMajorObjectH gdalObject, const char *pszDomain /* = 0 */ ) { MDAL::DriverGdal::metadata_hash meta; char **GDALmetadata = nullptr; GDALmetadata = GDALGetMetadata( gdalObject, pszDomain ); if ( GDALmetadata ) { for ( int j = 0; GDALmetadata[j]; ++j ) { std::string metadata_pair = GDALmetadata[j]; //KEY = VALUE std::vector metadata = MDAL::split( metadata_pair, '=' ); if ( metadata.size() > 1 ) { std::string key = MDAL::toLower( metadata[0] ); metadata.erase( metadata.begin() ); // remove key std::string value = MDAL::join( metadata, "=" ); meta[key] = value; } } } return meta; } void MDAL::DriverGdal::parseRasterBands( const MDAL::GdalDataset *cfGDALDataset ) { for ( unsigned int i = 1; i <= cfGDALDataset->mNBands; ++i ) // starts with 1 .... ehm.... { // Get Band GDALRasterBandH gdalBand = GDALGetRasterBand( cfGDALDataset->mHDataset, static_cast( i ) ); if ( !gdalBand ) { throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; } // Reference time metadata_hash global_metadata = parseMetadata( cfGDALDataset->mHDataset ); parseGlobals( global_metadata ); // Get metadata metadata_hash metadata = parseMetadata( gdalBand ); std::string band_name; double time = std::numeric_limits::min(); bool is_vector; bool is_x; if ( parseBandInfo( cfGDALDataset, metadata, band_name, &time, &is_vector, &is_x ) ) { continue; } // Add to data structures std::vector::size_type data_count = is_vector ? 2 : 1; std::vector::size_type data_index = is_x ? 0 : 1; if ( mBands.find( band_name ) == mBands.end() ) { // this Face is not yet added at all // => create new map timestep_map qMap; std::vector raster_bands( data_count ); raster_bands[data_index] = gdalBand; qMap[time] = raster_bands; mBands[band_name] = qMap; } else { timestep_map::iterator timestep = mBands[band_name].find( time ); if ( timestep == mBands[band_name].end() ) { // Face is there, but new timestep // => create just new map entry std::vector raster_bands( data_count ); raster_bands[data_index] = gdalBand; mBands[band_name][time] = raster_bands; } else { // Face is there, and timestep too, this must be other part // of the existing vector timestep->second[data_index] = gdalBand; } } } } void MDAL::DriverGdal::fixRasterBands() { // go through all bands and find out if both x and y dataset are valid // if such pair if found, make the group scalar by removal of null band pointer // this can happen is parseBandInfo() returns false-positive in vector detection for ( data_hash::iterator band = mBands.begin(); band != mBands.end(); band++ ) { if ( band->second.empty() ) continue; // scalars are always ok bool is_scalar = ( band->second.begin()->second.size() == 1 ); if ( is_scalar ) continue; // check if we have some null bands int needs_fix = false; for ( timestep_map::const_iterator time_step = band->second.begin(); time_step != band->second.end(); time_step++ ) { std::vector raster_bands = time_step->second; if ( !raster_bands[0] ) { needs_fix = true; break; } if ( !raster_bands[1] ) { needs_fix = true; break; } } // convert this vector to scalar if ( needs_fix ) { for ( timestep_map::iterator time_step = band->second.begin(); time_step != band->second.end(); time_step++ ) { std::vector &raster_bands = time_step->second; if ( !raster_bands[0] ) { raster_bands[0] = raster_bands[1]; } // get rid of y-coord raster_bands.resize( 1 ); // not we should have only 1 band and valid assert( raster_bands[0] ); } } } } void MDAL::DriverGdal::addDataToOutput( GDALRasterBandH raster_band, std::shared_ptr tos, bool is_vector, bool is_x ) { assert( raster_band ); double nodata = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( raster_band, nullptr ); unsigned int mXSize = meshGDALDataset()->mXSize; unsigned int mYSize = meshGDALDataset()->mYSize; double *values = tos->values(); for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < mYSize; ++y ) { // buffering per-line CPLErr err = GDALRasterIO( raster_band, GF_Read, 0, //nXOff static_cast( y ), //nYOff static_cast( mXSize ), //nXSize 1, //nYSize mPafScanline, //pData static_cast( mXSize ), //nBufXSize 1, //nBufYSize GDT_Float64, //eBufType 0, //nPixelSpace 0 //nLineSpace ); if ( err != CE_None ) { throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; } for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < mXSize; ++x ) { unsigned int idx = x + mXSize * y; double val = mPafScanline[x]; if ( !MDAL::equals( val, nodata ) ) { // values is prepolulated with NODATA values, so store only legal values if ( is_vector ) { if ( is_x ) { values[2 * idx] = val; } else { values[2 * idx + 1] = val; } } else { values[idx] = val; } } } } } void MDAL::DriverGdal::activateFaces( std::shared_ptr tos ) { // only for data on vertices if ( !tos->group()->isOnVertices() ) return; bool isScalar = tos->group()->isScalar(); // Activate only Faces that do all Vertex's outputs with some data int *active = tos->active(); const double *values = tos->constValues(); for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < meshGDALDataset()->mNVolumes; ++idx ) { Face elem = mMesh->faces.at( idx ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { const size_t vertexIndex = elem[i]; if ( isScalar ) { double val = values[vertexIndex]; if ( std::isnan( val ) ) { active[idx] = 0; //NOT ACTIVE break; } } else { double x = values[2 * vertexIndex]; double y = values[2 * vertexIndex + 1]; if ( std::isnan( x ) || std::isnan( y ) ) { active[idx] = 0; //NOT ACTIVE break; } } } } } void MDAL::DriverGdal::addDatasetGroups() { // Add dataset to mMesh for ( data_hash::const_iterator band = mBands.begin(); band != mBands.end(); band++ ) { if ( band->second.empty() ) continue; std::shared_ptr group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mMesh.get(), mFileName, band->first ); group->setIsOnVertices( true ); bool is_vector = ( band->second.begin()->second.size() > 1 ); group->setIsScalar( !is_vector ); for ( timestep_map::const_iterator time_step = band->second.begin(); time_step != band->second.end(); time_step++ ) { std::vector raster_bands = time_step->second; std::shared_ptr dataset = std::make_shared< MDAL::MemoryDataset >( group.get() ); dataset->setTime( time_step->first ); for ( std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < raster_bands.size(); ++i ) { addDataToOutput( raster_bands[i], dataset, is_vector, i == 0 ); } activateFaces( dataset ); dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) ); group->datasets.push_back( dataset ); } // TODO use GDALComputeRasterMinMax group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) ); mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group ); } } void MDAL::DriverGdal::createMesh() { Vertices vertices( meshGDALDataset()->mNPoints ); bool is_longitude_shifted = initVertices( vertices ); Faces faces( meshGDALDataset()->mNVolumes ); initFaces( vertices, faces, is_longitude_shifted ); mMesh.reset( new MemoryMesh( name(), vertices.size(), faces.size(), 4, //maximum quads computeExtent( vertices ), mFileName ) ); mMesh->vertices = vertices; mMesh->faces = faces; bool proj_added = addSrcProj(); if ( ( !proj_added ) && is_longitude_shifted ) { std::string wgs84( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ); mMesh->setSourceCrs( wgs84 ); } } bool MDAL::DriverGdal::addSrcProj() { std::string proj = meshGDALDataset()->mProj; if ( !proj.empty() ) { mMesh->setSourceCrsFromWKT( proj ); return true; } return false; } std::vector MDAL::DriverGdal::parseDatasetNames( const std::string &fileName ) { std::string gdal_name = GDALFileName( fileName ); std::vector ret; GDALDatasetH hDataset = GDALOpen( gdal_name.data(), GA_ReadOnly ); if ( hDataset == nullptr ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat; metadata_hash metadata = parseMetadata( hDataset, "SUBDATASETS" ); for ( auto iter = metadata.begin(); iter != metadata.end(); ++iter ) { const std::string &key = iter->first; if ( MDAL::endsWith( key, "_name" ) ) { // skip subdataset desc keys, just register names ret.push_back( iter->second ); } } // there are no GDAL subdatasets if ( ret.empty() ) { ret.push_back( gdal_name ); } GDALClose( hDataset ); return ret; } void MDAL::DriverGdal::registerDriver() { // re-register all GDALAllRegister(); // check that our driver exists GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( mGdalDriverName.data() ); if ( !hDriver ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_MissingDriver; } const MDAL::GdalDataset *MDAL::DriverGdal::meshGDALDataset() { assert( gdal_datasets.size() > 0 ); return gdal_datasets[0].get(); } MDAL::DriverGdal::DriverGdal( const std::string &name, const std::string &description, const std::string &filter, const std::string &gdalDriverName ): Driver( name, description, filter, Capability::ReadMesh ), mGdalDriverName( gdalDriverName ), mPafScanline( nullptr ) {} bool MDAL::DriverGdal::canRead( const std::string &uri ) { try { registerDriver(); parseDatasetNames( uri ); } catch ( MDAL_Status ) { return false; } return true; } std::unique_ptr MDAL::DriverGdal::load( const std::string &fileName, MDAL_Status *status ) { mFileName = fileName; if ( status ) *status = MDAL_Status::None ; mPafScanline = nullptr; mMesh.reset(); try { registerDriver(); // some formats like NETCFD has data stored in subdatasets std::vector subdatasets = parseDatasetNames( mFileName ); // First parse ALL datasets/bands to gather vector quantities // if case they are splitted in different subdatasets for ( auto iter = subdatasets.begin(); iter != subdatasets.end(); ++iter ) { std::string gdal_dataset_name = *iter; // Parse dataset parameters and projection std::shared_ptr cfGDALDataset = std::make_shared(); cfGDALDataset->init( gdal_dataset_name ); if ( !mMesh ) { // If it is first dataset, create mesh from it gdal_datasets.push_back( cfGDALDataset ); // Init memory for data reader mPafScanline = new double [cfGDALDataset->mXSize]; // Create mMesh createMesh(); // Parse bands parseRasterBands( cfGDALDataset.get() ); } else if ( meshes_equals( meshGDALDataset(), cfGDALDataset.get() ) ) { gdal_datasets.push_back( cfGDALDataset ); // Parse bands parseRasterBands( cfGDALDataset.get() ); } } // Fix consistency of groups // It can happen that we thought that the // group is vector based on name, but it could be just coicidence // or clash in naming fixRasterBands(); // Create MDAL datasets addDatasetGroups(); } catch ( MDAL_Status error ) { if ( status ) *status = ( error ); mMesh.reset(); } gdal_datasets.clear(); if ( mPafScanline ) delete[] mPafScanline; // do not allow mesh without any valid datasets if ( mMesh && ( mMesh->datasetGroups.empty() ) ) { if ( status ) *status = MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData; mMesh.reset(); } return std::unique_ptr( mMesh.release() ); } void MDAL::DriverGdal::parseBandIsVector( std::string &band_name, bool *is_vector, bool *is_x ) { band_name = MDAL::trim( band_name ); if ( MDAL::startsWith( band_name, "u-", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::startsWith( band_name, "x-", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "u-component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "u component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "U wind component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "x-component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "x component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) ) { *is_vector = true; // vector *is_x = true; //X-Axis } else if ( MDAL::startsWith( band_name, "v-", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::startsWith( band_name, "y-", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "v-component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "v component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "V wind component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "y-component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) || MDAL::contains( band_name, "y component", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ) ) { *is_vector = true; // vector *is_x = false; //Y-Axis } else { *is_vector = false; // scalar *is_x = true; //X-Axis } if ( *is_vector ) { band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "u-component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "v-component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "U wind component", "wind", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "V wind component", "wind", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "x-component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "y-component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "u-component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "v-component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "x-component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "y-component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "u component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "v component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "x component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "y component of", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "u component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "v component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "x component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "y component", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "u-", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "v-", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "x-", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::replace( band_name, "y-", "", MDAL::CaseInsensitive ); band_name = MDAL::trim( band_name ); } }