r.stats r.stats - Generates area statistics for raster layers. Raster (r.*) ParameterMultipleInput|input|Name of input raster map|3.0|False ParameterString|fs|Output field separator|space ParameterString|nv|String representing no data cell value|* ParameterString|nsteps|Number of fp subranges to collect stats from|255 ParameterBoolean|-1|One cell (range) per line|True ParameterBoolean|-A|Print averaged values instead of intervals|False ParameterBoolean|-a|Print area totals|False ParameterBoolean|-c|Print cell counts|False ParameterBoolean|-p|Print APPROXIMATE percents (total percent may not be 100%)|False ParameterBoolean|-l|Print category labels|False ParameterBoolean|-g|Print grid coordinates (east and north)|False ParameterBoolean|-x|Print x and y (column and row)|False ParameterBoolean|-r|Print raw indexes of fp ranges (fp maps only)|False ParameterBoolean|-n|Suppress reporting of any NULLs|False ParameterBoolean|-N|Suppress reporting of NULLs when all values are NULL|False ParameterBoolean|-C|Report for cats fp ranges (fp maps only)|False ParameterBoolean|-i|Read fp map as integer (use map's quant rules)|False OutputHTML|html|Output stats file