#!/usr/bin/env bash source /env-data.sh SETUP_LOCKFILE="${ROOT_CONF}/.ssl.conf.lock" if [ -f "${SETUP_LOCKFILE}" ]; then return 0 fi # This script will setup default SSL config # /etc/ssl/private can't be accessed from within container for some reason # (@andrewgodwin says it's something AUFS related) - taken from https://github.com/orchardup/docker-postgresql/blob/master/Dockerfile cp -r /etc/ssl /tmp/ssl-copy/ chmod -R 0700 /etc/ssl chown -R postgres /tmp/ssl-copy rm -r /etc/ssl mv /tmp/ssl-copy /etc/ssl # Needed under debian, was not needed under ubuntu mkdir -p ${PGSTAT_TMP} chmod 0777 ${PGSTAT_TMP} { # moved from setup.sh echo "ssl = true" #echo "ssl_ciphers = 'DEFAULT:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH' " #echo "ssl_renegotiation_limit = 512MB " >> echo "ssl_cert_file = '${SSL_CERT_FILE}'" echo "ssl_key_file = '${SSL_KEY_FILE}'" if [ -n "${SSL_CA_FILE}" ]; then echo "ssl_ca_file = '${SSL_CA_FILE}' # (change requires restart)" fi #echo "ssl_crl_file = ''" } >> $CONF # Put lock file to make sure conf was not reinitialized touch ${SETUP_LOCKFILE}