# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Name : DB Manager Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS Date : Oct 13, 2011 copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli email : brush.tyler@gmail.com The content of this file is based on - PG_Manager by Martin Dobias (GPLv2 license) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, SIGNAL, QModelIndex from PyQt4.QtGui import QItemDelegate, QComboBox, QDialog, QPushButton, QDialogButtonBox, QItemSelectionModel, \ QMessageBox, QApplication from .db_plugins.data_model import TableFieldsModel from .db_plugins.plugin import DbError, ConnectionError from .dlg_db_error import DlgDbError from .ui.ui_DlgCreateTable import Ui_DbManagerDlgCreateTable as Ui_Dialog class TableFieldsDelegate(QItemDelegate): """ delegate with some special item editors """ def __init__(self, field_types, parent=None): QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.fieldTypes = field_types def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): # special combobox for field type if index.column() == 1: cbo = QComboBox(parent) cbo.setEditable(True) cbo.setAutoCompletion(True) cbo.setFrame(False) for item in self.fieldTypes: cbo.addItem(item) return cbo return QItemDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option, index) def setEditorData(self, editor, index): """ load data from model to editor """ m = index.model() if index.column() == 1: txt = m.data(index, Qt.DisplayRole) editor.setEditText(txt) else: # use default QItemDelegate.setEditorData(self, editor, index) def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): """ save data from editor back to model """ if index.column() == 1: model.setData(index, editor.currentText()) else: # use default QItemDelegate.setModelData(self, editor, model, index) if index.column() == 0: self.emit(SIGNAL("columnNameChanged()")) class DlgCreateTable(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): GEOM_TYPES = ["POINT", "LINESTRING", "POLYGON", "MULTIPOINT", "MULTILINESTRING", "MULTIPOLYGON", "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION"] def __init__(self, item, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.item = item self.setupUi(self) self.db = self.item.database() self.schemas = self.db.schemas() self.hasSchemas = self.schemas is not None self.fieldTypes = self.db.connector.fieldTypes() m = TableFieldsModel(self, True) # it's editable self.fields.setModel(m) self.fields.setColumnHidden(3, True) # hide Default column d = TableFieldsDelegate(self.fieldTypes, self) self.fields.setItemDelegate(d) self.fields.setColumnWidth(0, 140) self.fields.setColumnWidth(1, 140) self.fields.setColumnWidth(2, 50) b = QPushButton(self.tr("&Create")) self.buttonBox.addButton(b, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.connect(self.btnAddField, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.addField) self.connect(self.btnDeleteField, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.deleteField) self.connect(self.btnFieldUp, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.fieldUp) self.connect(self.btnFieldDown, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.fieldDown) self.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.createTable) self.connect(self.chkGeomColumn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.updateUi) self.connect(self.fields.selectionModel(), SIGNAL("selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)"), self.updateUiFields) self.connect(d, SIGNAL("columnNameChanged()"), self.updatePkeyCombo) self.populateSchemas() self.updateUi() self.updateUiFields() def populateSchemas(self): self.cboSchema.clear() if not self.hasSchemas: self.hideSchemas() return index = -1 for schema in self.schemas: self.cboSchema.addItem(schema.name) if hasattr(self.item, 'schema') and schema.name == self.item.schema().name: index = self.cboSchema.count() - 1 self.cboSchema.setCurrentIndex(index) def hideSchemas(self): self.cboSchema.setEnabled(False) def updateUi(self): useGeom = self.chkGeomColumn.isChecked() self.cboGeomType.setEnabled(useGeom) self.editGeomColumn.setEnabled(useGeom) self.spinGeomDim.setEnabled(useGeom) self.editGeomSrid.setEnabled(useGeom) self.chkSpatialIndex.setEnabled(useGeom) def updateUiFields(self): fld = self.selectedField() if fld is not None: up_enabled = (fld != 0) down_enabled = (fld != self.fields.model().rowCount() - 1) del_enabled = True else: up_enabled, down_enabled, del_enabled = False, False, False self.btnFieldUp.setEnabled(up_enabled) self.btnFieldDown.setEnabled(down_enabled) self.btnDeleteField.setEnabled(del_enabled) def updatePkeyCombo(self, selRow=None): """ called when list of columns changes. if 'sel' is None, it keeps current index """ if selRow is None: selRow = self.cboPrimaryKey.currentIndex() self.cboPrimaryKey.clear() m = self.fields.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount()): name = m.data(m.index(row, 0)) self.cboPrimaryKey.addItem(name) self.cboPrimaryKey.setCurrentIndex(selRow) def addField(self): """ add new field to the end of field table """ m = self.fields.model() newRow = m.rowCount() m.insertRows(newRow, 1) indexName = m.index(newRow, 0, QModelIndex()) indexType = m.index(newRow, 1, QModelIndex()) indexNull = m.index(newRow, 2, QModelIndex()) m.setData(indexName, "new_field") colType = self.fieldTypes[0] if newRow == 0: # adding the first row, use auto-incrementing column type if any if "serial" in self.fieldTypes: # PostgreSQL colType = "serial" m.setData(indexType, colType) m.setData(indexNull, None, Qt.DisplayRole) m.setData(indexNull, Qt.Unchecked, Qt.CheckStateRole) # selects the new row sel = self.fields.selectionModel() sel.select(indexName, QItemSelectionModel.Rows | QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) # starts editing self.fields.edit(indexName) self.updatePkeyCombo(0 if newRow == 0 else None) def selectedField(self): sel = self.fields.selectedIndexes() if len(sel) < 1: return None return sel[0].row() def deleteField(self): """ delete selected field """ row = self.selectedField() if row is None: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("no field selected")) else: self.fields.model().removeRows(row, 1) self.updatePkeyCombo() def fieldUp(self): """ move selected field up """ row = self.selectedField() if row is None: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("no field selected")) return if row == 0: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("field is at top already")) return # take row and reinsert it rowdata = self.fields.model().takeRow(row) self.fields.model().insertRow(row - 1, rowdata) # set selection again index = self.fields.model().index(row - 1, 0, QModelIndex()) self.fields.selectionModel().select(index, QItemSelectionModel.Rows | QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) self.updatePkeyCombo() def fieldDown(self): """ move selected field down """ row = self.selectedField() if row is None: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("No field selected")) return if row == self.fields.model().rowCount() - 1: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("field is at bottom already")) return # take row and reinsert it rowdata = self.fields.model().takeRow(row) self.fields.model().insertRow(row + 1, rowdata) # set selection again index = self.fields.model().index(row + 1, 0, QModelIndex()) self.fields.selectionModel().select(index, QItemSelectionModel.Rows | QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) self.updatePkeyCombo() def createTable(self): """ create table with chosen fields, optionally add a geometry column """ if not self.hasSchemas: schema = None else: schema = unicode(self.cboSchema.currentText()) if len(schema) == 0: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("select schema!")) return table = unicode(self.editName.text()) if len(table) == 0: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("enter table name!")) return m = self.fields.model() if m.rowCount() == 0: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("add some fields!")) return useGeomColumn = self.chkGeomColumn.isChecked() if useGeomColumn: geomColumn = unicode(self.editGeomColumn.text()) if len(geomColumn) == 0: QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("DB Manager"), self.tr("set geometry column name")) return geomType = self.GEOM_TYPES[self.cboGeomType.currentIndex()] geomDim = self.spinGeomDim.value() try: geomSrid = int(self.editGeomSrid.text()) except ValueError: geomSrid = 0 useSpatialIndex = self.chkSpatialIndex.isChecked() flds = m.getFields() pk_index = self.cboPrimaryKey.currentIndex() if pk_index >= 0: flds[pk_index].primaryKey = True # commit to DB QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) try: if not useGeomColumn: self.db.createTable(table, flds, schema) else: geom = geomColumn, geomType, geomSrid, geomDim, useSpatialIndex self.db.createVectorTable(table, flds, geom, schema) except (ConnectionError, DbError), e: DlgDbError.showError(e, self) return finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Good"), self.tr("everything went fine"))