/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgspallabeling.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsLabelPosition { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgspallabeling.h" %End public: QgsLabelPosition( QgsFeatureId id, double r, const QVector< QgsPointXY > &corners, const QgsRectangle &rect, double w, double h, const QString &layer, const QString &labeltext, const QFont &labelfont, bool upside_down, bool diagram = false, bool pinned = false, const QString &providerId = QString() ); QgsLabelPosition(); %Docstring Constructor for QgsLabelPosition %End QgsFeatureId featureId; double rotation; QVector< QgsPointXY > cornerPoints; QgsRectangle labelRect; double width; double height; QString layerID; QString labelText; QFont labelFont; bool upsideDown; bool isDiagram; bool isPinned; QString providerID; }; class QgsPalLayerSettings { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgspallabeling.h" %End public: QgsPalLayerSettings(); QgsPalLayerSettings( const QgsPalLayerSettings &s ); ~QgsPalLayerSettings(); enum Placement { AroundPoint, OverPoint, Line, Curved, Horizontal, Free, OrderedPositionsAroundPoint, PerimeterCurved, }; enum PredefinedPointPosition { TopLeft, TopSlightlyLeft, TopMiddle, TopSlightlyRight, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomSlightlyLeft, BottomMiddle, BottomSlightlyRight, BottomRight, }; enum OffsetType { FromPoint, FromSymbolBounds, }; enum LinePlacementFlags { OnLine, AboveLine, BelowLine, MapOrientation, }; enum QuadrantPosition { QuadrantAboveLeft, QuadrantAbove, QuadrantAboveRight, QuadrantLeft, QuadrantOver, QuadrantRight, QuadrantBelowLeft, QuadrantBelow, QuadrantBelowRight, }; enum UpsideDownLabels { Upright, ShowDefined, ShowAll }; enum DirectionSymbols { SymbolLeftRight, SymbolAbove, SymbolBelow }; enum MultiLineAlign { MultiLeft, MultiCenter, MultiRight, MultiFollowPlacement }; enum ObstacleType { PolygonInterior, PolygonBoundary, PolygonWhole }; enum Property { // text style Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Color, Strikeout, Family, FontStyle, FontSizeUnit, FontTransp, FontOpacity, FontCase, FontLetterSpacing, FontWordSpacing, FontBlendMode, // text formatting MultiLineWrapChar, AutoWrapLength, MultiLineHeight, MultiLineAlignment, DirSymbDraw, DirSymbLeft, DirSymbRight, DirSymbPlacement, DirSymbReverse, NumFormat, NumDecimals, NumPlusSign, // text buffer BufferDraw, BufferSize, BufferUnit, BufferColor, BufferTransp, BufferOpacity, BufferJoinStyle, BufferBlendMode, // background ShapeDraw, ShapeKind, ShapeSVGFile, ShapeSizeType, ShapeSizeX, ShapeSizeY, ShapeSizeUnits, ShapeRotationType, ShapeRotation, ShapeOffset, ShapeOffsetUnits, ShapeRadii, ShapeRadiiUnits, ShapeTransparency, ShapeOpacity, ShapeBlendMode, ShapeFillColor, ShapeStrokeColor, ShapeStrokeWidth, ShapeStrokeWidthUnits, ShapeJoinStyle, // drop shadow ShadowDraw, ShadowUnder, ShadowOffsetAngle, ShadowOffsetDist, ShadowOffsetUnits, ShadowRadius, ShadowRadiusUnits, ShadowTransparency, ShadowOpacity, ShadowScale, ShadowColor, ShadowBlendMode, // placement CentroidWhole, OffsetQuad, OffsetXY, OffsetUnits, LabelDistance, DistanceUnits, OffsetRotation, CurvedCharAngleInOut, // (data defined only) PositionX, PositionY, Hali, Vali, Rotation, LabelRotation, RepeatDistance, RepeatDistanceUnit, Priority, PredefinedPositionOrder, // rendering ScaleVisibility, MinScale, MinimumScale, MaxScale, MaximumScale, FontLimitPixel, FontMinPixel, FontMaxPixel, IsObstacle, ObstacleFactor, ZIndex, // (data defined only) Show, AlwaysShow }; bool prepare( const QgsRenderContext &context, QSet<QString> &attributeNames /In,Out/, const QgsFields &fields, const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs ); %Docstring Prepare for registration of features. The ``context``, ``mapSettings`` and ``fields`` parameters give more information about the rendering environment. If target ``crs`` is not specified, the targetCrs from ``mapSettings`` will be taken. The parameter ``attributeNames`` should be updated to contain all the field names which the labeling requires for the rendering. .. versionadded:: 3.8 %End static const QgsPropertiesDefinition &propertyDefinitions(); %Docstring Returns the labeling property definitions. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End bool drawLabels; QString fieldName; bool isExpression; QgsExpression *getLabelExpression(); %Docstring Returns the QgsExpression for this label settings. May be ``None`` if isExpression is ``False``. %End QColor previewBkgrdColor; QgsStringReplacementCollection substitutions; bool useSubstitutions; QString wrapChar; int autoWrapLength; bool useMaxLineLengthForAutoWrap; MultiLineAlign multilineAlign; bool addDirectionSymbol; QString leftDirectionSymbol; QString rightDirectionSymbol; DirectionSymbols placeDirectionSymbol; bool reverseDirectionSymbol; bool formatNumbers; int decimals; bool plusSign; Placement placement; unsigned int placementFlags; bool centroidWhole; bool centroidInside; bool fitInPolygonOnly; double dist; QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnits; QgsMapUnitScale distMapUnitScale; OffsetType offsetType; double repeatDistance; QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit repeatDistanceUnit; QgsMapUnitScale repeatDistanceMapUnitScale; QuadrantPosition quadOffset; double xOffset; double yOffset; QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit offsetUnits; QgsMapUnitScale labelOffsetMapUnitScale; double angleOffset; bool preserveRotation; double maxCurvedCharAngleIn; double maxCurvedCharAngleOut; int priority; bool scaleVisibility; double maximumScale; double minimumScale; bool fontLimitPixelSize; int fontMinPixelSize; int fontMaxPixelSize; bool displayAll; UpsideDownLabels upsidedownLabels; bool labelPerPart; bool mergeLines; bool limitNumLabels; int maxNumLabels; double minFeatureSize; bool obstacle; double obstacleFactor; ObstacleType obstacleType; double zIndex; QString geometryGenerator; QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geometryGeneratorType; bool geometryGeneratorEnabled; void calculateLabelSize( const QFontMetricsF *fm, const QString &text, double &labelX, double &labelY, const QgsFeature *f = 0, QgsRenderContext *context = 0 ); %Docstring Calculates the space required to render the provided ``text`` in map units. Results will be written to ``labelX`` and ``labelY``. %End void registerFeature( const QgsFeature &f, QgsRenderContext &context ); %Docstring Register a feature for labeling. :param f: feature to label :param context: render context. The QgsExpressionContext contained within the render context must have already had the feature and fields sets prior to calling this method. :param labelFeature: if using :py:class:`QgsLabelingEngine`, this will receive the label feature. Not available in Python bindings. %End void readXml( QDomElement &elem, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ); %Docstring Read settings from a DOM element .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ); %Docstring Write settings into a DOM element .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End QgsPropertyCollection &dataDefinedProperties(); %Docstring Returns a reference to the label's property collection, used for data defined overrides. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setDataDefinedProperties` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void setDataDefinedProperties( const QgsPropertyCollection &collection ); %Docstring Sets the label's property collection, used for data defined overrides. :param collection: property collection. Existing properties will be replaced. .. seealso:: :py:func:`dataDefinedProperties` .. seealso:: Property .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End const QgsTextFormat &format() const; %Docstring Returns the label text formatting settings, e.g., font settings, buffer settings, etc. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setFormat` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void setFormat( const QgsTextFormat &format ); %Docstring Sets the label text formatting settings, e.g., font settings, buffer settings, etc. :param format: label text format .. seealso:: :py:func:`format` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End const QgsFeature *mCurFeat; QgsFields mCurFields; int fieldIndex; const QgsMapToPixel *xform; QgsCoordinateTransform ct; QgsPointXY ptZero; QgsPointXY ptOne; QgsGeometry extentGeom; int mFeaturesToLabel; int mFeatsSendingToPal; int mFeatsRegPal; }; class QgsLabelCandidate { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgspallabeling.h" %End public: QgsLabelCandidate( const QRectF &r, double c ); QRectF rect; double cost; }; class QgsLabelingResults { %Docstring Class that stores computed placement from labeling engine. .. versionadded:: 2.4 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgspallabeling.h" %End public: QgsLabelingResults(); ~QgsLabelingResults(); QList<QgsLabelPosition> labelsAtPosition( const QgsPointXY &p ) const; %Docstring Returns infos about labels at a given (map) position %End QList<QgsLabelPosition> labelsWithinRect( const QgsRectangle &r ) const; %Docstring Returns infos about labels within a given (map) rectangle %End private: QgsLabelingResults( const QgsLabelingResults & ); }; class QgsPalLabeling { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgspallabeling.h" %End public: static bool staticWillUseLayer( QgsVectorLayer *layer ); %Docstring called to find out whether the layer is used for labeling .. versionadded:: 2.4 %End static QgsGeometry prepareGeometry( const QgsGeometry &geometry, QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, const QgsGeometry &clipGeometry = QgsGeometry() ) /Factory/; %Docstring Prepares a geometry for registration with PAL. Handles reprojection, rotation, clipping, etc. :param geometry: geometry to prepare :param context: render context :param ct: coordinate transform, or invalid transform if no transformation required :param clipGeometry: geometry to clip features to, if applicable :return: prepared geometry .. versionadded:: 2.9 %End static bool geometryRequiresPreparation( const QgsGeometry &geometry, QgsRenderContext &context, const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, const QgsGeometry &clipGeometry = QgsGeometry() ); %Docstring Checks whether a geometry requires preparation before registration with PAL :param geometry: geometry to prepare :param context: render context :param ct: coordinate transform, or invalid transform if no transformation required :param clipGeometry: geometry to clip features to, if applicable :return: ``True`` if geometry requires preparation .. versionadded:: 2.9 %End static QStringList splitToLines( const QString &text, const QString &wrapCharacter, int autoWrapLength = 0, bool useMaxLineLengthWhenAutoWrapping = true ); %Docstring Splits a ``text`` string to a list of separate lines, using a specified wrap character (``wrapCharacter``). The text string will be split on either newline characters or the wrap character. Since QGIS 3.4 the ``autoWrapLength`` argument can be used to specify an ideal length of line to automatically wrap text to (automatic wrapping is disabled if ``autoWrapLength`` is 0). This automatic wrapping is performed after processing wrapping using ``wrapCharacter``. When auto wrapping is enabled, the ``useMaxLineLengthWhenAutoWrapping`` argument controls whether the lines should be wrapped to an ideal maximum of ``autoWrapLength`` characters, or if ``False`` then the lines are wrapped to an ideal minimum length of ``autoWrapLength`` characters. .. versionadded:: 2.9 %End static QStringList splitToGraphemes( const QString &text ); %Docstring Splits a text string to a list of graphemes, which are the smallest allowable character divisions in the string. This accounts for scripts were individual characters are not allowed to be split apart (e.g., Arabic and Indic based scripts) :param text: string to split :return: list of graphemes .. versionadded:: 2.10 %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgspallabeling.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/