/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/geometry/qgscurvepolygon.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsCurvePolygon: QgsSurface { %Docstring Curve polygon geometry type .. versionadded:: 2.10 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgscurvepolygon.h" %End public: QgsCurvePolygon(); QgsCurvePolygon( const QgsCurvePolygon &p ); virtual bool operator==( const QgsAbstractGeometry &other ) const; virtual bool operator!=( const QgsAbstractGeometry &other ) const; ~QgsCurvePolygon(); virtual QString geometryType() const; virtual int dimension() const; virtual QgsCurvePolygon *clone() const /Factory/; virtual void clear(); virtual bool fromWkb( QgsConstWkbPtr &wkb ); virtual bool fromWkt( const QString &wkt ); virtual QByteArray asWkb() const; virtual QString asWkt( int precision = 17 ) const; virtual QDomElement asGml2( QDomDocument &doc, int precision = 17, const QString &ns = "gml", QgsAbstractGeometry::AxisOrder axisOrder = QgsAbstractGeometry::AxisOrder::XY ) const; virtual QDomElement asGml3( QDomDocument &doc, int precision = 17, const QString &ns = "gml", QgsAbstractGeometry::AxisOrder axisOrder = QgsAbstractGeometry::AxisOrder::XY ) const; virtual QString asJson( int precision = 17 ) const; virtual double area() const; virtual double perimeter() const; virtual QgsPolygon *surfaceToPolygon() const /Factory/; virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *boundary() const /Factory/; virtual QgsCurvePolygon *snappedToGrid( double hSpacing, double vSpacing, double dSpacing = 0, double mSpacing = 0 ) const /Factory/; virtual bool removeDuplicateNodes( double epsilon = 4 * DBL_EPSILON, bool useZValues = false ); int numInteriorRings() const; %Docstring Returns the number of interior rings contained with the curve polygon. .. seealso:: :py:func:`interiorRing` %End const QgsCurve *exteriorRing() const; %Docstring Returns the curve polygon's exterior ring. .. seealso:: :py:func:`interiorRing` %End SIP_PYOBJECT interiorRing( int i ) /TypeHint="QgsCurve"/; %Docstring Retrieves an interior ring from the curve polygon. The first interior ring has index 0. An IndexError will be raised if no interior ring with the specified index exists. .. seealso:: :py:func:`numInteriorRings` .. seealso:: :py:func:`exteriorRing` %End %MethodCode if ( a0 < 0 || a0 >= sipCpp->numInteriorRings() ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_IndexError, QByteArray::number( a0 ) ); sipIsErr = 1; } else { return sipConvertFromType( const_cast< QgsCurve * >( sipCpp->interiorRing( a0 ) ), sipType_QgsCurve, NULL ); } %End virtual QgsPolygon *toPolygon( double tolerance = M_PI_2 / 90, SegmentationToleranceType toleranceType = MaximumAngle ) const /Factory/; %Docstring Returns a new polygon geometry corresponding to a segmentized approximation of the curve. :param tolerance: segmentation tolerance :param toleranceType: maximum segmentation angle or maximum difference between approximation and curve* %End virtual void setExteriorRing( QgsCurve *ring /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Sets the exterior ring of the polygon. The CurvePolygon type will be updated to match the dimensionality of the exterior ring. For instance, setting a 2D exterior ring on a 3D CurvePolygon will drop the z dimension from the CurvePolygon and all interior rings. :param ring: new exterior ring. Ownership is transferred to the CurvePolygon. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setInteriorRings` .. seealso:: :py:func:`exteriorRing` %End void setInteriorRings( const QVector &rings /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Sets all interior rings (takes ownership) %End virtual void addInteriorRing( QgsCurve *ring /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Adds an interior ring to the geometry (takes ownership) %End bool removeInteriorRing( int i ); %Docstring Removes an interior ring from the polygon. The first interior ring has index 0. The corresponding ring is removed from the polygon and deleted. It is not possible to remove the exterior ring using this method. An IndexError will be raised if no interior ring with the specified index exists. .. seealso:: :py:func:`removeInteriorRings` %End %MethodCode if ( a0 < 0 || a0 >= sipCpp->numInteriorRings() ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_IndexError, QByteArray::number( a0 ) ); sipIsErr = 1; } else { return PyBool_FromLong( sipCpp->removeInteriorRing( a0 ) ); } %End void removeInteriorRings( double minimumAllowedArea = -1 ); %Docstring Removes the interior rings from the polygon. If the minimumAllowedArea parameter is specified then only rings smaller than this minimum area will be removed. .. seealso:: :py:func:`removeInteriorRing` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void removeInvalidRings(); %Docstring Removes any interior rings which are not valid from the polygon. For example, this removes unclosed rings and rings with less than 4 vertices. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void forceRHR(); %Docstring Forces the geometry to respect the Right-Hand-Rule, in which the area that is bounded by the polygon is to the right of the boundary. In particular, the exterior ring is oriented in a clockwise direction and the interior rings in a counter-clockwise direction. .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End virtual void draw( QPainter &p ) const; virtual void transform( const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, QgsCoordinateTransform::TransformDirection d = QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform, bool transformZ = false ) throw( QgsCsException ); virtual void transform( const QTransform &t, double zTranslate = 0.0, double zScale = 1.0, double mTranslate = 0.0, double mScale = 1.0 ); virtual bool insertVertex( QgsVertexId position, const QgsPoint &vertex ); virtual bool moveVertex( QgsVertexId position, const QgsPoint &newPos ); virtual bool deleteVertex( QgsVertexId position ); virtual QgsCoordinateSequence coordinateSequence() const; virtual int nCoordinates() const; virtual int vertexNumberFromVertexId( QgsVertexId id ) const; virtual bool isEmpty() const; virtual double closestSegment( const QgsPoint &pt, QgsPoint &segmentPt /Out/, QgsVertexId &vertexAfter /Out/, int *leftOf /Out/ = 0, double epsilon = 4 * DBL_EPSILON ) const; virtual bool nextVertex( QgsVertexId &id, QgsPoint &vertex /Out/ ) const; virtual void adjacentVertices( QgsVertexId vertex, QgsVertexId &previousVertex /Out/, QgsVertexId &nextVertex /Out/ ) const; virtual bool hasCurvedSegments() const; virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *segmentize( double tolerance = M_PI_2 / 90, SegmentationToleranceType toleranceType = MaximumAngle ) const /Factory/; %Docstring Returns a geometry without curves. Caller takes ownership :param tolerance: segmentation tolerance :param toleranceType: maximum segmentation angle or maximum difference between approximation and curve* %End virtual double vertexAngle( QgsVertexId vertex ) const; %Docstring Returns approximate rotation angle for a vertex. Usually average angle between adjacent segments. :param vertex: the vertex id :return: rotation in radians, clockwise from north %End virtual int vertexCount( int part = 0, int ring = 0 ) const; virtual int ringCount( int part = 0 ) const; virtual int partCount() const; virtual QgsPoint vertexAt( QgsVertexId id ) const; virtual double segmentLength( QgsVertexId startVertex ) const; virtual bool addZValue( double zValue = 0 ); virtual bool addMValue( double mValue = 0 ); virtual bool dropZValue(); virtual bool dropMValue(); virtual void swapXy(); virtual QgsCurvePolygon *toCurveType() const /Factory/; virtual QgsCurvePolygon *createEmptyWithSameType() const /Factory/; SIP_PYOBJECT __repr__(); %MethodCode QString wkt = sipCpp->asWkt(); if ( wkt.length() > 1000 ) wkt = wkt.left( 1000 ) + QStringLiteral( "..." ); QString str = QStringLiteral( "" ).arg( wkt ); sipRes = PyUnicode_FromString( str.toUtf8().constData() ); %End protected: virtual int childCount() const; virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *childGeometry( int index ) const; protected: virtual QgsRectangle calculateBoundingBox() const; }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/geometry/qgscurvepolygon.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/