/** * @brief The QgsMapLayerComboBox class is a combo box which displays the list of layers * @note added in 2.3 */ class QgsMapLayerComboBox : QComboBox { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsmaplayercombobox.h" %End public: /** * @brief QgsMapLayerComboBox creates a combo box to dislpay the list of layers (currently in the registry). * The layers can be filtered and/or ordered. */ explicit QgsMapLayerComboBox( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); /** * @brief setFilters allows fitering according to layer type and/or geometry type. */ void setFilters( QgsMapLayerProxyModel::Filters filters ); /** * @brief currentLayer returns the current layer selected in the combo box */ QgsMapLayer* currentLayer(); public slots: /** * @brief setLayer set the current layer selected in the combo */ void setLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer ); signals: /** * @brief layerChanged this signal is emitted whenever the currently selected layer changes */ void layerChanged( QgsMapLayer* layer ); };