class QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog : QDialog { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Type of identity being imported */ enum IdentityType { CertIdentity = 0, }; /** Type of bundles supported */ enum BundleTypes { PkiPaths = 0, PkiPkcs12 = 1, }; /** Type of certificate/bundle validity output */ enum Validity { Valid, Invalid, Unknown }; /** * Construct a dialog for importing identities * @param identitytype Type of the identity to import * @param parent Parent widget */ explicit QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog( QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog::IdentityType identitytype, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); ~QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog(); /** Get identity type */ QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog::IdentityType identityType(); /** Get certificate/key bundle to be imported. * @note not available in Python bindings */ // const QPair certBundleToImport(); /** Get certificate/key bundle to be imported as a PKI bundle object */ const QgsPkiBundle pkiBundleToImport(); };