v.in.ascii v.in.ascii.points - Creates a vector map from an ASCII points file. Vector (v.*) ParameterFile|input|ASCII file to be imported|False|False Hardcoded|format=point ParameterString|separator|Field separator|pipe|False|True ParameterString|text|Text delimiter|None|False|True ParameterNumber|skip|Number of header lines to skip at top of input file|0|None|0|True ParameterString|columns|Column definition in SQL style (example: 'x double precision, y double precision, cat int, name varchar(10)')|None|False|True ParameterNumber|x|Number of column used as x coordinate|0|None|1|True ParameterNumber|y|Number of column used as y coordinate|0|None|2|True ParameterNumber|z|Number of column used as z coordinate|0|None|0|True ParameterNumber|cat|Number of column used as category|0|None|0|True *ParameterBoolean|-z|Create 3D vector map|False *ParameterBoolean|-r|Only import points falling within current region (points mode)|False *ParameterBoolean|-i|Ignore broken line(s) in points mode|False OutputVector|output|ASCII Points