# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** Processing.py --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str from builtins import object __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import sys import os import traceback from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt, QCoreApplication, QObject, pyqtSignal from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QCursor from qgis.utils import iface from qgis.core import (QgsMessageLog, QgsApplication) import processing from processing.core.AlgorithmProvider import AlgorithmProvider from processing.script.ScriptUtils import ScriptUtils from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig from processing.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm from processing.core.ProcessingLog import ProcessingLog from processing.gui.MessageBarProgress import MessageBarProgress from processing.gui.RenderingStyles import RenderingStyles from processing.gui.Postprocessing import handleAlgorithmResults from processing.gui.AlgorithmExecutor import runalg from processing.tools import dataobjects from processing.core.alglist import algList from processing.modeler.ModelerAlgorithmProvider import ModelerAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.qgis.QGISAlgorithmProvider import QGISAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.grass7.Grass7AlgorithmProvider import Grass7AlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.lidar.LidarToolsAlgorithmProvider import LidarToolsAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.gdal.GdalAlgorithmProvider import GdalAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.otb.OTBAlgorithmProvider import OTBAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.r.RAlgorithmProvider import RAlgorithmProvider from processing.algs.saga.SagaAlgorithmProvider import SagaAlgorithmProvider from processing.script.ScriptAlgorithmProvider import ScriptAlgorithmProvider from processing.preconfigured.PreconfiguredAlgorithmProvider import PreconfiguredAlgorithmProvider class Processing(object): providers = [] # Same structure as algs in algList actions = {} # All the registered context menu actions for the toolbox contextMenuActions = [] @staticmethod def algs(): """Use this method to get algorithms for wps4server. """ return algList.algs @staticmethod def addProvider(provider, updateList=True): """Use this method to add algorithms from external providers. """ if provider.id() in [p.id() for p in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().providers()]: return try: provider.initializeSettings() Processing.providers.append(provider) ProcessingConfig.readSettings() provider.loadAlgorithms() Processing.actions[provider.id()] = provider.actions Processing.contextMenuActions.extend(provider.contextMenuActions) algList.addProvider(provider) except: ProcessingLog.addToLog( ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR, Processing.tr('Could not load provider: %s\n%s') % (provider.name(), traceback.format_exc())) Processing.removeProvider(provider) @staticmethod def removeProvider(provider): """Use this method to remove a provider. This method should be called when unloading a plugin that contributes a provider. """ try: provider.unload() for p in Processing.providers: if p.id() == provider.id(): Processing.providers.remove(p) algList.removeProvider(provider.id()) if provider.id() in Processing.actions: del Processing.actions[provider.id()] for act in provider.contextMenuActions: Processing.contextMenuActions.remove(act) except: # This try catch block is here to avoid problems if the # plugin with a provider is unloaded after the Processing # framework itself has been unloaded. It is a quick fix # before I find out how to properly avoid that. pass @staticmethod def activateProvider(providerOrName, activate=True): provider_id = providerOrName.id() if isinstance(providerOrName, AlgorithmProvider) else providerOrName name = 'ACTIVATE_' + provider_id.upper().replace(' ', '_') ProcessingConfig.setSettingValue(name, activate) algList.providerUpdated.emit(provider_id) @staticmethod def initialize(): if "model" in [p.id() for p in Processing.providers]: return # Add the basic providers for c in AlgorithmProvider.__subclasses__(): Processing.addProvider(c()) # And initialize ProcessingConfig.initialize() ProcessingConfig.readSettings() RenderingStyles.loadStyles() @staticmethod def addScripts(folder): Processing.initialize() provider = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().providerById("qgis") scripts = ScriptUtils.loadFromFolder(folder) # fix_print_with_import print(scripts) for script in scripts: script.allowEdit = False script._icon = provider._icon script.provider = provider provider.externalAlgs.extend(scripts) Processing.reloadProvider("qgis") @staticmethod def removeScripts(folder): provider = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().providerById("qgis") for alg in provider.externalAlgs[::-1]: path = os.path.dirname(alg.descriptionFile) if path == folder: provider.externalAlgs.remove(alg) Processing.reloadProvider("qgis") @staticmethod def updateAlgsList(): """Call this method when there has been any change that requires the list of algorithms to be created again from algorithm providers. """ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) for p in Processing.providers: Processing.reloadProvider(p) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() @staticmethod def reloadProvider(provider_id): algList.reloadProvider(provider_id) @staticmethod def getAlgorithm(name): return algList.getAlgorithm(name) @staticmethod def getObject(uri): """Returns the QGIS object identified by the given URI.""" return dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(uri) @staticmethod def runandload(name, *args): Processing.runAlgorithm(name, handleAlgorithmResults, *args) @staticmethod def runAlgorithm(algOrName, onFinish, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(algOrName, GeoAlgorithm): alg = algOrName else: alg = Processing.getAlgorithm(algOrName) if alg is None: # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Algorithm not found\n') QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Algorithm {0} not found\n').format(algOrName), Processing.tr("Processing")) return alg = alg.getCopy() if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): # Set params by name and try to run the alg even if not all parameter values are provided, # by using the default values instead. setParams = [] for (name, value) in list(args[0].items()): param = alg.getParameterFromName(name) if param and param.setValue(value): setParams.append(name) continue output = alg.getOutputFromName(name) if output and output.setValue(value): continue # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Wrong parameter value %s for parameter %s.' % (value, name)) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Wrong parameter value {0} for parameter {1}.').format(value, name), Processing.tr("Processing")) ProcessingLog.addToLog( ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR, Processing.tr('Error in %s. Wrong parameter value %s for parameter %s.') % ( alg.name, value, name) ) return # fill any missing parameters with default values if allowed for param in alg.parameters: if param.name not in setParams: if not param.setDefaultValue(): # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Missing parameter value for parameter %s.' % param.name) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Missing parameter value for parameter {0}.').format(param.name), Processing.tr("Processing")) ProcessingLog.addToLog( ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR, Processing.tr('Error in %s. Missing parameter value for parameter %s.') % ( alg.name, param.name) ) return else: if len(args) != alg.getVisibleParametersCount() + alg.getVisibleOutputsCount(): # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Wrong number of parameters') QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Wrong number of parameters'), Processing.tr("Processing")) processing.alghelp(algOrName) return i = 0 for param in alg.parameters: if not param.hidden: if not param.setValue(args[i]): # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Wrong parameter value: ' + str(args[i])) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Wrong parameter value: ') + str(args[i]), Processing.tr("Processing")) return i = i + 1 for output in alg.outputs: if not output.hidden: if not output.setValue(args[i]): # fix_print_with_import print('Error: Wrong output value: ' + str(args[i])) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Error: Wrong output value: ') + str(args[i]), Processing.tr("Processing")) return i = i + 1 msg = alg._checkParameterValuesBeforeExecuting() if msg: # fix_print_with_import print('Unable to execute algorithm\n' + str(msg)) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Unable to execute algorithm\n{0}').format(msg), Processing.tr("Processing")) return if not alg.checkInputCRS(): print('Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS.\n' + 'This can cause unexpected results.') QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr('Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS.\nThis can cause unexpected results.'), Processing.tr("Processing")) # Don't set the wait cursor twice, because then when you # restore it, it will still be a wait cursor. overrideCursor = False if iface is not None: cursor = QApplication.overrideCursor() if cursor is None or cursor == 0: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) overrideCursor = True elif cursor.shape() != Qt.WaitCursor: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) overrideCursor = True feedback = None if kwargs is not None and "feedback" in list(kwargs.keys()): feedback = kwargs["feedback"] elif iface is not None: feedback = MessageBarProgress(alg.name) ret = runalg(alg, feedback) if ret: if onFinish is not None: onFinish(alg, feedback) else: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(Processing.tr("There were errors executing the algorithm."), Processing.tr("Processing")) if overrideCursor: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if isinstance(feedback, MessageBarProgress): feedback.close() return alg @staticmethod def tr(string, context=''): if context == '': context = 'Processing' return QCoreApplication.translate(context, string)