# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Name : DB Manager Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS Date : May 23, 2011 copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli email : brush.tyler@gmail.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from builtins import str from builtins import range from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt, QObject, QSettings, pyqtSignal from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication, QAction, QMenu, QInputDialog, QMessageBox from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QKeySequence, QIcon from qgis.gui import QgsMessageBar from ..db_plugins import createDbPlugin class BaseError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in the plugin.""" def __init__(self, e): if isinstance(e, Exception): msg = e.args[0] if len(e.args) > 0 else '' else: msg = e if not isinstance(msg, str): msg = str(msg, 'utf-8', 'replace') # convert from utf8 and replace errors (if any) self.msg = msg Exception.__init__(self, msg) def __unicode__(self): return self.msg def __str__(self): return str(self).encode('utf-8') class InvalidDataException(BaseError): pass class ConnectionError(BaseError): pass class DbError(BaseError): def __init__(self, e, query=None): BaseError.__init__(self, e) self.query = str(query) if query is not None else None def __unicode__(self): if self.query is None: return BaseError.__unicode__(self) msg = QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Error:\n%s") % BaseError.__unicode__(self) if self.query: msg += QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "\n\nQuery:\n%s") % self.query return msg class DBPlugin(QObject): deleted = pyqtSignal() changed = pyqtSignal() aboutToChange = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, conn_name, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.connName = conn_name self.db = None def __del__(self): pass # print "DBPlugin.__del__", self.connName def connectionName(self): return self.connName def database(self): return self.db def info(self): from .info_model import DatabaseInfo return DatabaseInfo(None) def connect(self, parent=None): raise NotImplemented def connectToUri(self, uri): self.db = self.databasesFactory(self, uri) if self.db: return True return False def reconnect(self): if self.db is not None: uri = self.db.uri() self.db.deleteLater() self.db = None return self.connectToUri(uri) return self.connect(self.parent()) def remove(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(u"/%s/%s" % (self.connectionSettingsKey(), self.connectionName())) settings.remove("") self.deleted.emit() return True @classmethod def addConnection(self, conn_name, uri): raise NotImplemented @classmethod def icon(self): return None @classmethod def typeName(self): # return the db typename (e.g. 'postgis') pass @classmethod def typeNameString(self): # return the db typename string (e.g. 'PostGIS') pass @classmethod def providerName(self): # return the provider's name (e.g. 'postgres') pass @classmethod def connectionSettingsKey(self): # return the key used to store the connections in settings pass @classmethod def connections(self): # get the list of connections conn_list = [] settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(self.connectionSettingsKey()) for name in settings.childGroups(): conn_list.append(createDbPlugin(self.typeName(), name)) settings.endGroup() return conn_list def databasesFactory(self, connection, uri): return None @classmethod def addConnectionActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): raise NotImplemented def removeActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: res = QMessageBox.question(parent, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "hey!"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Really remove connection to %s?") % item.connectionName(), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.remove() class DbItemObject(QObject): changed = pyqtSignal() aboutToChange = pyqtSignal() deleted = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) def database(self): return None def refresh(self): self.changed.emit() # refresh the item data reading them from the db def info(self): pass def runAction(self): pass def registerActions(self, mainWindow): pass class Database(DbItemObject): def __init__(self, dbplugin, uri): DbItemObject.__init__(self, dbplugin) self.connector = self.connectorsFactory(uri) def connectorsFactory(self, uri): return None def __del__(self): self.connector = None pass # print "Database.__del__", self def connection(self): return self.parent() def dbplugin(self): return self.parent() def database(self): return self def uri(self): return self.connector.uri() def publicUri(self): return self.connector.publicUri() def delete(self): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.connection().remove() if ret is not False: self.deleted.emit() return ret def info(self): from .info_model import DatabaseInfo return DatabaseInfo(self) def sqlResultModel(self, sql, parent): from .data_model import SqlResultModel return SqlResultModel(self, sql, parent) def columnUniqueValuesModel(self, col, table, limit=10): l = "" if limit is not None: l = "LIMIT %d" % limit return self.sqlResultModel("SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s %s" % (col, table, l), self) def uniqueIdFunction(self): """Return a SQL function used to generate a unique id for rows of a query""" # may be overloaded by derived classes return "row_number() over ()" def toSqlLayer(self, sql, geomCol, uniqueCol, layerName="QueryLayer", layerType=None, avoidSelectById=False, filter=""): from qgis.core import QgsMapLayer, QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer if uniqueCol is None: if hasattr(self, 'uniqueIdFunction'): uniqueFct = self.uniqueIdFunction() if uniqueFct is not None: q = 1 while "_subq_%d_" % q in sql: q += 1 sql = "SELECT %s AS _uid_,* FROM (%s) AS _subq_%d_" % (uniqueFct, sql, q) uniqueCol = "_uid_" uri = self.uri() uri.setDataSource("", u"(%s\n)" % sql, geomCol, filter, uniqueCol) if avoidSelectById: uri.disableSelectAtId(True) provider = self.dbplugin().providerName() if layerType == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer: return QgsRasterLayer(uri.uri(False), layerName, provider) return QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False), layerName, provider) def registerAllActions(self, mainWindow): self.registerDatabaseActions(mainWindow) self.registerSubPluginActions(mainWindow) def registerSubPluginActions(self, mainWindow): # load plugins! try: exec (u"from .%s.plugins import load" % self.dbplugin().typeName(), globals()) except ImportError: pass else: load(self, mainWindow) # NOQA def registerDatabaseActions(self, mainWindow): action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Re-connect"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Database"), self.reconnectActionSlot) if self.schemas() is not None: action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Create schema"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Schema"), self.createSchemaActionSlot) action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Delete (empty) schema"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Schema"), self.deleteSchemaActionSlot) action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Delete selected item"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, None, self.deleteActionSlot) action.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Delete) action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/create_table"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Create table"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.createTableActionSlot) action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/edit_table"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Edit table"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.editTableActionSlot) action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/del_table"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Delete table/view"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.deleteTableActionSlot) action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Empty table"), self) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.emptyTableActionSlot) if self.schemas() is not None: action = QAction(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Move to schema"), self) action.setMenu(QMenu(mainWindow)) def invoke_callback(): return mainWindow.invokeCallback(self.prepareMenuMoveTableToSchemaActionSlot) action.menu().aboutToShow.connect(invoke_callback) mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "&Table")) def reconnectActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): db = item.database() db.connection().reconnect() db.refresh() def deleteActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): if isinstance(item, Schema): self.deleteSchemaActionSlot(item, action, parent) elif isinstance(item, Table): self.deleteTableActionSlot(item, action, parent) else: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() parent.infoBar.pushMessage(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Cannot delete the selected item."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) def createSchemaActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, (DBPlugin, Schema, Table)) or item.database() is None: parent.infoBar.pushMessage( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "No database selected or you are not connected to it."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return (schema, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(parent, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "New schema"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Enter new schema name")) if not ok: return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.createSchema(schema) def deleteSchemaActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Schema): parent.infoBar.pushMessage( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Select an empty schema for deletion."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return res = QMessageBox.question(parent, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "hey!"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Really delete schema %s?") % item.name, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.delete() def schemasFactory(self, row, db): return None def schemas(self): schemas = self.connector.getSchemas() if schemas is not None: schemas = [self.schemasFactory(x, self) for x in schemas] return schemas def createSchema(self, name): self.connector.createSchema(name) self.refresh() def createTableActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if not hasattr(item, 'database') or item.database() is None: parent.infoBar.pushMessage( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "No database selected or you are not connected to it."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return from ..dlg_create_table import DlgCreateTable DlgCreateTable(item, parent).exec_() QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) def editTableActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Table) or item.isView: parent.infoBar.pushMessage(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Select a table to edit."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return from ..dlg_table_properties import DlgTableProperties DlgTableProperties(item, parent).exec_() finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) def deleteTableActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Table): parent.infoBar.pushMessage( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Select a table/view for deletion."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return res = QMessageBox.question(parent, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "hey!"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Really delete table/view %s?") % item.name, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.delete() def emptyTableActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Table) or item.isView: parent.infoBar.pushMessage(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Select a table to empty it."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return res = QMessageBox.question(parent, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "hey!"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Really delete all items from table %s?") % item.name, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.empty() def prepareMenuMoveTableToSchemaActionSlot(self, item, menu, mainWindow): """ populate menu with schemas """ def slot(x): return lambda: mainWindow.invokeCallback(self.moveTableToSchemaActionSlot, x) menu.clear() for schema in self.schemas(): menu.addAction(schema.name, slot(schema)) def moveTableToSchemaActionSlot(self, item, action, parent, new_schema): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Table): parent.infoBar.pushMessage(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Select a table/view."), QgsMessageBar.INFO, parent.iface.messageTimeout()) return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.moveToSchema(new_schema) def tablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): typ, row = row[0], row[1:] if typ == Table.VectorType: return self.vectorTablesFactory(row, db, schema) elif typ == Table.RasterType: return self.rasterTablesFactory(row, db, schema) return self.dataTablesFactory(row, db, schema) def dataTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return None def vectorTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return None def rasterTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return None def tables(self, schema=None, sys_tables=False): tables = self.connector.getTables(schema.name if schema else None, sys_tables) if tables is not None: tables = [self.tablesFactory(x, self, schema) for x in tables] return tables def createTable(self, table, fields, schema=None): field_defs = [x.definition() for x in fields] pkeys = [x for x in fields if x.primaryKey] pk_name = pkeys[0].name if len(pkeys) > 0 else None ret = self.connector.createTable((schema, table), field_defs, pk_name) if ret is not False: self.refresh() return ret def createVectorTable(self, table, fields, geom, schema=None): ret = self.createTable(table, fields, schema) if not ret: return False try: createGeomCol = geom is not None if createGeomCol: geomCol, geomType, geomSrid, geomDim = geom[:4] createSpatialIndex = geom[4] if len(geom) > 4 else False self.connector.addGeometryColumn((schema, table), geomCol, geomType, geomSrid, geomDim) if createSpatialIndex: # commit data definition changes, otherwise index can't be built self.connector._commit() self.connector.createSpatialIndex((schema, table), geomCol) finally: self.refresh() return True def explicitSpatialIndex(self): return False def spatialIndexClause(self, src_table, src_column, dest_table, dest_table_column): return None def hasLowercaseFieldNamesOption(self): return False class Schema(DbItemObject): def __init__(self, db): DbItemObject.__init__(self, db) self.oid = self.name = self.owner = self.perms = None self.comment = None self.tableCount = 0 def __del__(self): pass # print "Schema.__del__", self def database(self): return self.parent() def schema(self): return self def tables(self): return self.database().tables(self) def delete(self): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.deleteSchema(self.name) if ret is not False: self.deleted.emit() return ret def rename(self, new_name): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.renameSchema(self.name, new_name) if ret is not False: self.name = new_name self.refresh() return ret def info(self): from .info_model import SchemaInfo return SchemaInfo(self) class Table(DbItemObject): TableType, VectorType, RasterType = list(range(3)) def __init__(self, db, schema=None, parent=None): DbItemObject.__init__(self, db) self._schema = schema if hasattr(self, 'type'): return self.type = Table.TableType self.name = self.isView = self.owner = self.pages = None self.comment = None self.rowCount = None self._fields = self._indexes = self._constraints = self._triggers = self._rules = None def __del__(self): pass # print "Table.__del__", self def canBeAddedToCanvas(self): return True def database(self): return self.parent() def schema(self): return self._schema def schemaName(self): return self.schema().name if self.schema() else None def quotedName(self): return self.database().connector.quoteId((self.schemaName(), self.name)) def delete(self): self.aboutToChange.emit() if self.isView: ret = self.database().connector.deleteView((self.schemaName(), self.name)) else: ret = self.database().connector.deleteTable((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if ret is not False: self.deleted.emit() return ret def rename(self, new_name): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.renameTable((self.schemaName(), self.name), new_name) if ret is not False: self.name = new_name self.refresh() return ret def empty(self): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.emptyTable((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if ret is not False: self.refreshRowCount() return ret def moveToSchema(self, schema): self.aboutToChange.emit() if self.schema() == schema: return True ret = self.database().connector.moveTableToSchema((self.schemaName(), self.name), schema.name) if ret is not False: self.schema().refresh() schema.refresh() return ret def info(self): from .info_model import TableInfo return TableInfo(self) def uri(self): uri = self.database().uri() schema = self.schemaName() if self.schemaName() else '' geomCol = self.geomColumn if self.type in [Table.VectorType, Table.RasterType] else "" uniqueCol = self.getValidQgisUniqueFields(True) if self.isView else None uri.setDataSource(schema, self.name, geomCol if geomCol else None, None, uniqueCol.name if uniqueCol else "") return uri def mimeUri(self): layerType = "raster" if self.type == Table.RasterType else "vector" return u"%s:%s:%s:%s" % (layerType, self.database().dbplugin().providerName(), self.name, self.uri().uri(False)) def toMapLayer(self): from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer provider = self.database().dbplugin().providerName() uri = self.uri().uri(False) if self.type == Table.RasterType: return QgsRasterLayer(uri, self.name, provider) return QgsVectorLayer(uri, self.name, provider) def getValidQgisUniqueFields(self, onlyOne=False): """ list of fields valid to load the table as layer in Qgis canvas. Qgis automatically search for a valid unique field, so it's needed only for queries and views """ ret = [] # add the pk pkcols = [x for x in self.fields() if x.primaryKey] if len(pkcols) == 1: ret.append(pkcols[0]) # then add both oid, serial and int fields with an unique index indexes = self.indexes() if indexes is not None: for idx in indexes: if idx.isUnique and len(idx.columns) == 1: fld = idx.fields()[idx.columns[0]] if fld.dataType in ["oid", "serial", "int4", "int8"] and fld not in ret: ret.append(fld) # and finally append the other suitable fields for fld in self.fields(): if fld.dataType in ["oid", "serial", "int4", "int8"] and fld not in ret: ret.append(fld) if onlyOne: return ret[0] if len(ret) > 0 else None return ret def tableDataModel(self, parent): pass def tableFieldsFactory(self): return None def fields(self): if self._fields is None: fields = self.database().connector.getTableFields((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if fields is not None: self._fields = [self.tableFieldsFactory(x, self) for x in fields] return self._fields def refreshFields(self): self._fields = None # refresh table fields self.refresh() def addField(self, fld): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.addTableColumn((self.schemaName(), self.name), fld.definition()) if ret is not False: self.refreshFields() return ret def deleteField(self, fld): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.deleteTableColumn((self.schemaName(), self.name), fld.name) if ret is not False: self.refreshFields() self.refreshConstraints() self.refreshIndexes() return ret def addGeometryColumn(self, geomCol, geomType, srid, dim, createSpatialIndex=False): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.addGeometryColumn((self.schemaName(), self.name), geomCol, geomType, srid, dim) if not ret: return False try: if createSpatialIndex: # commit data definition changes, otherwise index can't be built self.database().connector._commit() self.database().connector.createSpatialIndex((self.schemaName(), self.name), geomCol) finally: self.schema().refresh() if self.schema() else self.database().refresh() # another table was added return True def tableConstraintsFactory(self): return None def constraints(self): if self._constraints is None: constraints = self.database().connector.getTableConstraints((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if constraints is not None: self._constraints = [self.tableConstraintsFactory(x, self) for x in constraints] return self._constraints def refreshConstraints(self): self._constraints = None # refresh table constraints self.refresh() def addConstraint(self, constr): self.aboutToChange.emit() if constr.type == TableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey: ret = self.database().connector.addTablePrimaryKey((self.schemaName(), self.name), constr.fields()[constr.columns[0]].name) elif constr.type == TableConstraint.TypeUnique: ret = self.database().connector.addTableUniqueConstraint((self.schemaName(), self.name), constr.fields()[constr.columns[0]].name) else: return False if ret is not False: self.refreshConstraints() return ret def deleteConstraint(self, constr): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.deleteTableConstraint((self.schemaName(), self.name), constr.name) if ret is not False: self.refreshConstraints() return ret def tableIndexesFactory(self): return None def indexes(self): if self._indexes is None: indexes = self.database().connector.getTableIndexes((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if indexes is not None: self._indexes = [self.tableIndexesFactory(x, self) for x in indexes] return self._indexes def refreshIndexes(self): self._indexes = None # refresh table indexes self.refresh() def addIndex(self, idx): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.createTableIndex((self.schemaName(), self.name), idx.name, idx.fields()[idx.columns[0]].name) if ret is not False: self.refreshIndexes() return ret def deleteIndex(self, idx): self.aboutToChange.emit() ret = self.database().connector.deleteTableIndex((self.schemaName(), self.name), idx.name) if ret is not False: self.refreshIndexes() return ret def tableTriggersFactory(self, row, table): return None def triggers(self): if self._triggers is None: triggers = self.database().connector.getTableTriggers((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if triggers is not None: self._triggers = [self.tableTriggersFactory(x, self) for x in triggers] return self._triggers def refreshTriggers(self): self._triggers = None # refresh table triggers self.refresh() def tableRulesFactory(self, row, table): return None def rules(self): if self._rules is None: rules = self.database().connector.getTableRules((self.schemaName(), self.name)) if rules is not None: self._rules = [self.tableRulesFactory(x, self) for x in rules] return self._rules def refreshRules(self): self._rules = None # refresh table rules self.refresh() def refreshRowCount(self): self.aboutToChange.emit() prevRowCount = self.rowCount try: self.rowCount = self.database().connector.getTableRowCount((self.schemaName(), self.name)) self.rowCount = int(self.rowCount) if self.rowCount is not None else None except DbError: self.rowCount = None if self.rowCount != prevRowCount: self.refresh() def runAction(self, action): action = str(action) if action.startswith("rows/"): if action == "rows/count": self.refreshRowCount() return True elif action.startswith("triggers/"): parts = action.split('/') trigger_action = parts[1] msg = QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Do you want to %s all triggers?") % trigger_action QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if QMessageBox.question(None, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Table triggers"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: return False finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if trigger_action == "enable" or trigger_action == "disable": enable = trigger_action == "enable" self.aboutToChange.emit() self.database().connector.enableAllTableTriggers(enable, (self.schemaName(), self.name)) self.refreshTriggers() return True elif action.startswith("trigger/"): parts = action.split('/') trigger_name = parts[1] trigger_action = parts[2] msg = QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Do you want to %s trigger %s?") % ( trigger_action, trigger_name) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if QMessageBox.question(None, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Table trigger"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: return False finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if trigger_action == "delete": self.aboutToChange.emit() self.database().connector.deleteTableTrigger(trigger_name, (self.schemaName(), self.name)) self.refreshTriggers() return True elif trigger_action == "enable" or trigger_action == "disable": enable = trigger_action == "enable" self.aboutToChange.emit() self.database().connector.enableTableTrigger(trigger_name, enable, (self.schemaName(), self.name)) self.refreshTriggers() return True return False class VectorTable(Table): def __init__(self, db, schema=None, parent=None): if not hasattr(self, 'type'): # check if the superclass constructor was called yet! Table.__init__(self, db, schema, parent) self.type = Table.VectorType self.geomColumn = self.geomType = self.geomDim = self.srid = None self.estimatedExtent = self.extent = None def info(self): from .info_model import VectorTableInfo return VectorTableInfo(self) def hasSpatialIndex(self, geom_column=None): geom_column = geom_column if geom_column is not None else self.geomColumn fld = None for fld in self.fields(): if fld.name == geom_column: break if fld is None: return False for idx in self.indexes(): if fld.num in idx.columns: return True return False def createSpatialIndex(self, geom_column=None): self.aboutToChange.emit() geom_column = geom_column if geom_column is not None else self.geomColumn ret = self.database().connector.createSpatialIndex((self.schemaName(), self.name), geom_column) if ret is not False: self.refreshIndexes() return ret def deleteSpatialIndex(self, geom_column=None): self.aboutToChange.emit() geom_column = geom_column if geom_column is not None else self.geomColumn ret = self.database().connector.deleteSpatialIndex((self.schemaName(), self.name), geom_column) if ret is not False: self.refreshIndexes() return ret def refreshTableExtent(self): prevExtent = self.extent try: self.extent = self.database().connector.getTableExtent((self.schemaName(), self.name), self.geomColumn) except DbError: self.extent = None if self.extent != prevExtent: self.refresh() def refreshTableEstimatedExtent(self): prevEstimatedExtent = self.estimatedExtent try: self.estimatedExtent = self.database().connector.getTableEstimatedExtent((self.schemaName(), self.name), self.geomColumn) except DbError: self.estimatedExtent = None if self.estimatedExtent != prevEstimatedExtent: self.refresh() def runAction(self, action): action = str(action) if action.startswith("spatialindex/"): parts = action.split('/') spatialIndex_action = parts[1] msg = QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Do you want to %s spatial index for field %s?") % ( spatialIndex_action, self.geomColumn) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if QMessageBox.question(None, QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Spatial Index"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: return False finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if spatialIndex_action == "create": self.createSpatialIndex() return True elif spatialIndex_action == "delete": self.deleteSpatialIndex() return True if action.startswith("extent/"): if action == "extent/get": self.refreshTableExtent() return True if action == "extent/estimated/get": self.refreshTableEstimatedExtent() return True return Table.runAction(self, action) class RasterTable(Table): def __init__(self, db, schema=None, parent=None): if not hasattr(self, 'type'): # check if the superclass constructor was called yet! Table.__init__(self, db, schema, parent) self.type = Table.RasterType self.geomColumn = self.geomType = self.pixelSizeX = self.pixelSizeY = self.pixelType = self.isExternal = self.srid = None self.extent = None def info(self): from .info_model import RasterTableInfo return RasterTableInfo(self) class TableSubItemObject(QObject): def __init__(self, table): QObject.__init__(self, table) def table(self): return self.parent() def database(self): return self.table().database() if self.table() else None class TableField(TableSubItemObject): def __init__(self, table): TableSubItemObject.__init__(self, table) self.num = self.name = self.dataType = self.modifier = self.notNull = self.default = self.hasDefault = self.primaryKey = None self.comment = None def type2String(self): if self.modifier is None or self.modifier == -1: return u"%s" % self.dataType return u"%s (%s)" % (self.dataType, self.modifier) def default2String(self): if not self.hasDefault: return '' return self.default if self.default is not None else "NULL" def definition(self): from .connector import DBConnector quoteIdFunc = self.database().connector.quoteId if self.database() else DBConnector.quoteId name = quoteIdFunc(self.name) not_null = "NOT NULL" if self.notNull else "" txt = u"%s %s %s" % (name, self.type2String(), not_null) if self.hasDefault: txt += u" DEFAULT %s" % self.default2String() return txt def delete(self): return self.table().deleteField(self) def rename(self, new_name): return self.update(new_name) def update(self, new_name, new_type_str=None, new_not_null=None, new_default_str=None): self.table().aboutToChange.emit() if self.name == new_name: new_name = None if self.type2String() == new_type_str: new_type_str = None if self.notNull == new_not_null: new_not_null = None if self.default2String() == new_default_str: new_default_str = None ret = self.table().database().connector.updateTableColumn((self.table().schemaName(), self.table().name), self.name, new_name, new_type_str, new_not_null, new_default_str) if ret is not False: self.table().refreshFields() return ret class TableConstraint(TableSubItemObject): """ class that represents a constraint of a table (relation) """ TypeCheck, TypeForeignKey, TypePrimaryKey, TypeUnique, TypeExclusion, TypeUnknown = list(range(6)) types = {"c": TypeCheck, "f": TypeForeignKey, "p": TypePrimaryKey, "u": TypeUnique, "x": TypeExclusion} onAction = {"a": "NO ACTION", "r": "RESTRICT", "c": "CASCADE", "n": "SET NULL", "d": "SET DEFAULT"} matchTypes = {"u": "UNSPECIFIED", "f": "FULL", "p": "PARTIAL", "s": "SIMPLE"} def __init__(self, table): TableSubItemObject.__init__(self, table) self.name = self.type = self.columns = None def type2String(self): if self.type == TableConstraint.TypeCheck: return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Check") if self.type == TableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey: return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Primary key") if self.type == TableConstraint.TypeForeignKey: return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Foreign key") if self.type == TableConstraint.TypeUnique: return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Unique") if self.type == TableConstraint.TypeExclusion: return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Exclusion") return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", 'Unknown') def fields(self): def fieldFromNum(num, fields): """ return field specified by its number or None if doesn't exist """ for fld in fields: if fld.num == num: return fld return None fields = self.table().fields() cols = {} for num in self.columns: cols[num] = fieldFromNum(num, fields) return cols def delete(self): return self.table().deleteConstraint(self) class TableIndex(TableSubItemObject): def __init__(self, table): TableSubItemObject.__init__(self, table) self.name = self.columns = self.isUnique = None def fields(self): def fieldFromNum(num, fields): """ return field specified by its number or None if doesn't exist """ for fld in fields: if fld.num == num: return fld return None fields = self.table().fields() cols = {} for num in self.columns: cols[num] = fieldFromNum(num, fields) return cols def delete(self): return self.table().deleteIndex(self) class TableTrigger(TableSubItemObject): """ class that represents a trigger """ # Bits within tgtype (pg_trigger.h) TypeRow = (1 << 0) # row or statement TypeBefore = (1 << 1) # before or after # events: one or more TypeInsert = (1 << 2) TypeDelete = (1 << 3) TypeUpdate = (1 << 4) TypeTruncate = (1 << 5) def __init__(self, table): TableSubItemObject.__init__(self, table) self.name = self.function = None def type2String(self): trig_type = u'' trig_type += "Before " if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeBefore else "After " if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeInsert: trig_type += "INSERT " if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeUpdate: trig_type += "UPDATE " if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeDelete: trig_type += "DELETE " if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeTruncate: trig_type += "TRUNCATE " trig_type += "\n" trig_type += "for each " trig_type += "row" if self.type & TableTrigger.TypeRow else "statement" return trig_type class TableRule(TableSubItemObject): def __init__(self, table): TableSubItemObject.__init__(self, table) self.name = self.definition = None