    Date                 : 3.5.2014
    Copyright            : (C) 2014 Matthias Kuhn
    Email                : matthias at opengis dot ch
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

class QgsAttributeForm : QWidget
#include <qgsattributeform.h>


    //! Form modes
    enum Mode
      SingleEditMode, /*!< Single edit mode, for editing a single feature */
      AddFeatureMode, /*!< Add feature mode, for setting attributes for a new feature. In this mode the dialog will be editable even with an invalid feature and
      will add a new feature when the form is accepted. */
      MultiEditMode, /*!< Multi edit mode, for editing fields of multiple features at once */
      SearchMode, /*!< Form values are used for searching/filtering the layer */

    //! Filter types
    enum FilterType
      ReplaceFilter, /*!< Filter should replace any existing filter */
      FilterAnd, /*!< Filter should be combined using "AND" */
      FilterOr, /*!< Filter should be combined using "OR" */

    explicit QgsAttributeForm( QgsVectorLayer* vl, const QgsFeature& feature = QgsFeature(), const QgsAttributeEditorContext& context = QgsAttributeEditorContext(), QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );

    const QgsFeature& feature();

     * Hides the button box (Ok/Cancel) and enables auto-commit
    void hideButtonBox();

     * Shows the button box (Ok/Cancel) and disables auto-commit
    void showButtonBox();

     * Disconnects the button box (Ok/Cancel) from the accept/resetValues slots
     * If this method is called, you have to create these connections from outside
    void disconnectButtonBox();

     * Takes ownership
     * @param iface
    void addInterface( QgsAttributeFormInterface* iface /Transfer/ );

     * Returns the layer for which this form is shown
     * @return  Layer
    QgsVectorLayer* layer();

     * Returns if the form is currently in editable mode.
     * @return Editable mode of this form
    bool editable();

    /** Returns the current mode of the form.
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
     * @see setMode()
    Mode mode() const;

    /** Sets the current mode of the form.
     * @param mode form mode
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
     * @see mode()
    void setMode( Mode mode );

     * Sets the edit command message (Undo) that will be used when the dialog is accepted
     * @param message The message
    void setEditCommandMessage( const QString& message );

     * Intercepts keypress on custom form (escape should not close it)
     * @param object   The object for which the event has been sent
     * @param event    The event which is being filtered
     * @return         true if the event has been handled (key was ESC)
    bool eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent* event );

    /** Sets all feature IDs which are to be edited if the form is in multiedit mode
     * @param fids feature ID list
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void setMultiEditFeatureIds( const QgsFeatureIds& fids );

    /** Sets the message bar to display feedback from the form in. This is used in the search/filter
     * mode to display the count of selected features.
     * @param messageBar target message bar
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void setMessageBar( QgsMessageBar* messageBar );

     * Notifies about changes of attributes
     * @param attribute The name of the attribute that changed.
     * @param value     The new value of the attribute.
    void attributeChanged( const QString& attribute, const QVariant& value );

     * Will be emitted before the feature is saved. Use this signal to perform sanity checks.
     * You can set the parameter ok to false to notify the form that you don't want it to be saved.
     * If you want the form to be saved, leave the parameter untouched.
     * @param ok  Set this parameter to false if you don't want the form to be saved
     * @note not available  in python bindings
    // void beforeSave( bool& ok );

     * Is emitted, when a feature is changed or added
    void featureSaved( const QgsFeature& feature );

    /** Is emitted when a filter expression is set using the form.
     * @param expression filter expression
     * @param type filter type
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void filterExpressionSet( const QString& expression, QgsAttributeForm::FilterType type );

    /** Emitted when the form changes mode.
     * @param mode new mode
    void modeChanged( QgsAttributeForm::Mode mode );

    /** Emitted when the user selects the close option from the form's button bar.
      * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void closed();

     * Emitted when the user chooses to zoom to a filtered set of features.
     * @note added in QGIS 3.0
    void zoomToFeatures( const QString& filter );

  public slots:
     * Call this to change the content of a given attribute. Will update the editor(s) related to this field.
     * @param field The field to change
     * @param value The new value
    void changeAttribute( const QString& field, const QVariant& value );

     * Update all editors to correspond to a different feature.
     * @param feature The feature which will be represented by the form
    void setFeature( const QgsFeature& feature );

     * Save all the values from the editors to the layer.
     * @return True if successful
    bool save();

     * Sets all values to the values of the current feature
    void resetValues();

    /** Resets the search/filter form values.
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void resetSearch();

     * reload current feature
    void refreshFeature();