class QgsComposerNodesItem: QgsComposerItem
#include <qgscomposernodesitem.h>

    QgsComposerNodesItem( const QString& mTagName, QgsComposition* c );
    QgsComposerNodesItem( const QString& mTagName, const QPolygonF& polygon, QgsComposition* c );

    /** Add a node in current shape.
     * @param pt is the location of the new node
     * @param checkArea is a flag to indicate if there's a space constraint.
     * @param radius is the space contraint and is used only if checkArea is
     * true. Typically, if this flag is true, the new node has to be nearest
     * than radius to the shape to be added.
    bool addNode( QPointF pt, const bool checkArea = true, const double radius = 10 );

    /** Set a tag to indicate if we want to draw or not the shape's nodes.
     * @param display
    void setDisplayNodes( const bool display = true );

    /** Move a node to a new position.
     * @param index the index of the node to move
     * @param node is the new position in scene coordinate
    bool moveNode( const int index, QPointF node );

    /** \brief Reimplementation of QCanvasItem::paint - draw on canvas */
    void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget );

    /** Search the nearest node in shape within a maximal area. Returns the
     * index of the nearest node or -1.
     * @param node is where a shape's node is searched
     * @param searchInRadius is a flag to indicate if the area of research is
     * limited in space.
     * @param radius is only used if searchInRadius is true
    int nodeAtPosition( QPointF node, const bool searchInRadius = true, const double radius = 10 );

    /** Gets the position of a node in scene coordinate.
      * @param index of the node
      * @param position the position of the node
      * @return true if the index is valid and the position is set, false otherwise
    bool nodePosition( const int index, QPointF &position );

    /** Sets state from Dom document
     * @param itemElem is Dom node corresponding to item tag
     * @param doc is Dom document
    bool readXml( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc );

    /** Remove a node from the shape.
     * @param index of the node to delete
    bool removeNode( const int index );

    /** Returns the number of nodes in the shape. */
    int nodesSize();

    /** Select a node.
     * @param index the node to select
    bool setSelectedNode( const int index );

    /** Returns the currently selected node.
      * @return the index of the selected node, -1 otherwise
    int selectedNode();

    /** Deselect a node.
    void deselectNode();

    /** Stores state in Dom element
     * @param elem is Dom element corresponding to 'Composer' tag
     * @param doc write template file
    bool writeXml( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const;


    /** Method called in addNode. */
    virtual bool _addNode( const int nodeIndex, QPointF newPoint, const double radius ) = 0;

    /** Method called in removeNode. */
    virtual bool _removeNode( const int nodeIndex ) = 0;

    /** Method called in paint. */
    virtual void _draw( QPainter *painter ) = 0;

    /** Method called in readXML. */
    virtual void _readXmlStyle( const QDomElement &elmt ) = 0;

    /** Method called in writeXML. */
    virtual void _writeXmlStyle( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &elmt ) const = 0;

    /** Rescale the current shape according to the boudning box. Useful when
     * the shape is resized thanks to the rubber band. */
    void rescaleToFitBoundingBox();

    /** Compute an euclidian distance between 2 nodes. */
    double computeDistance( QPointF pt1, QPointF pt2) const;

    /** Update the current scene rectangle for this item. */
    void updateSceneRect();