class Triangulation { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: //! Enumeration describing the behavior, if two forced lines cross. enum ForcedCrossBehavior { SnappingTypeVertex, //!< the second inserted forced line is snapped to the closest vertice of the first inserted forced line. DeleteFirst, //!< the status of the first inserted forced line is reset to that of a normal edge (so that the second inserted forced line remain and the first not) InsertVertex }; virtual ~Triangulation(); /** * Adds a line (e.g. a break-, structure- or an isoline) to the triangulation. * The class takes ownership of the line object and its points */ virtual void addLine( Line3D* line /Transfer/, bool breakline ) = 0; /** * Adds a point to the triangulation * Ownership is transferred to this class */ virtual int addPoint( Point3D* p ) = 0; /** * Calculates the normal at a point on the surface and assigns it to 'result'. * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool calcNormal( double x, double y, Vector3D* result ) = 0; /** Performs a consistency check, remove this later*/ virtual void performConsistencyTest() = 0; /** * Calculates x-, y and z-value of the point on the surface and assigns it to 'result'. * Returns true in case of success and flase in case of failure */ virtual bool calcPoint( double x, double y, Point3D* result ) = 0; /** Returns a pointer to the point with number i. Any virtual points must have the number -1*/ virtual Point3D* getPoint( unsigned int i ) const = 0; /** Finds out in which triangle the point with coordinates x and y is and * assigns the numbers of the vertices to 'n1', 'n2' and 'n3' and the vertices to 'p1', 'p2' and 'p3' */ virtual bool getTriangle( double x, double y, Point3D* p1, int* n1 /Out/, Point3D* p2 /Out/, int* n2 /Out/, Point3D* p3 /Out/, int* n3 /Out/ ) = 0; /** Finds out, in which triangle the point with coordinates x and y is and assigns the points at the vertices to 'p1', 'p2' and 'p3*/ virtual bool getTriangle( double x, double y, Point3D* p1 /Out/, Point3D* p2 /Out/, Point3D* p3 /Out/ ) = 0; /** Returns the number of the point opposite to the triangle points p1, p2 (which have to be on a halfedge)*/ virtual int getOppositePoint( int p1, int p2 ) = 0; /** Returns the largest x-coordinate value of the bounding box*/ virtual double getXMax() const = 0; /** Returns the smallest x-coordinate value of the bounding box*/ virtual double getXMin() const = 0; /** Returns the largest y-coordinate value of the bounding box*/ virtual double getYMax() const = 0; /** Returns the smallest x-coordinate value of the bounding box*/ virtual double getYMin() const = 0; /** Returns the number of points*/ virtual int getNumberOfPoints() const = 0; /** * Returns a pointer to a value list with the information of the triangles surrounding (counterclockwise) a point. * Four integer values describe a triangle, the first three are the number of the half edges of the triangle * and the fourth is -10, if the third (and most counterclockwise) edge is a breakline, and -20 otherwise. * The value list has to be deleted by the code which called the method. * Any virtual point needs to have the number -1 */ virtual QList* getSurroundingTriangles( int pointno ) = 0; /** Returns a value list with the numbers of the four points, which would be affected by an edge swap. * This function is e.g. needed by NormVecDecorator to know the points, * for which the normals have to be recalculated. * The list has to be deleted by the code which calls this method */ virtual QList* getPointsAroundEdge( double x, double y ) = 0; /** Draws the points, edges and the forced lines*/ //virtual void draw(QPainter* p, double xlowleft, double ylowleft, double xupright, double yupright, double width, double height) const=0; /** Sets the behavior of the triangulation in case of crossing forced lines*/ virtual void setForcedCrossBehavior( Triangulation::ForcedCrossBehavior b ) = 0; /** Sets the color of the normal edges*/ virtual void setEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ) = 0; /** Sets the color of the forced edges*/ virtual void setForcedEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ) = 0; /** Sets the color of the breaklines*/ virtual void setBreakEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ) = 0; /** Sets an interpolator object*/ virtual void setTriangleInterpolator( TriangleInterpolator* interpolator ) = 0; /** Eliminates the horizontal triangles by swapping*/ virtual void eliminateHorizontalTriangles() = 0; /** Adds points to make the triangles better shaped (algorithm of ruppert)*/ virtual void ruppertRefinement() = 0; /** Returns true, if the point with coordinates x and y is inside the convex hull and false otherwise*/ virtual bool pointInside( double x, double y ) = 0; /** Reads the content of a taff-file*/ //virtual bool readFromTAFF(QString fileName)=0; /** Saves the content to a taff file*/ //virtual bool saveToTAFF(QString fileName) const=0; /** Swaps the edge which is closest to the point with x and y coordinates (if this is possible)*/ virtual bool swapEdge( double x, double y ) = 0; /** Saves the triangulation as a (line) shapefile @return true in case of success*/ virtual bool saveAsShapefile( const QString& fileName ) const = 0; };