{ "name": "boundary", "type": "function", "groups": ["GeometryGroup"], "description": "Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the geometry (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Some geometry types do not have a defined boundary, e.g., points or geometry collections, and will return NULL.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "geometry", "description": "a geometry" }], "examples": [{ "expression": "geom_to_wkt(boundary(geom_from_wkt('Polygon((1 1, 0 0, -1 1, 1 1))')))", "returns": "'LineString(1 1,0 0,-1 1,1 1)'" }, { "expression": "geom_to_wkt(boundary(geom_from_wkt('LineString(1 1,0 0,-1 1)')))", "returns": "'MultiPoint ((1 1),(-1 1))'" }], "tags": ["polygon", "linestrings", "instance", "defined", "combinatorial", "topological", "points", "consisting", "collections", "types", "return", "ring", "boundary", "closure"] }