[param] -cox <float> Coarse offset along x (in physical space) between the two images. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0"
[param] -coy <float> Coarse offset along y (in physical space) between the two images. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0"
[param] -ssrx <float> Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along X. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "1"
[param] -ssry <float> Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along Y. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "1"
[param] -rgsx <float> Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -rgsy <float> Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -sgsx <float> Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -sgsy <float> Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -m <string> Choose the metric used for block matching. Available metrics are cross-correlation (CC), cross-correlation with subtracted mean (CCSM), mean-square difference (MSD), mean reciprocal square difference (MRSD) and mutual information (MI). Default is cross-correlation. Mandatory: False. Default Value: ""
[param] -spa <float> Metric extrema location will be refined up to the given accuracy. Default is 0.01. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.01"
[param] -vmlt <float> Lower threshold to obtain a validity mask.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -vmut <float> Upper threshold to obtain a validity mask.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "0.0"
[param] -ram <int32> Available memory for processing (in MB). Mandatory: False. Default Value: "128"