# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** OTBAlgorithm.py --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya (C) 2013 by CS Systemes d'information (CS SI) Email : volayaf at gmail dot com otb at c-s dot fr (CS SI) Contributors : Victor Olaya Julien Malik (CS SI) - Changing the way to load algorithms first version Oscar Picas (CS SI) - Changing the way to load algorithms Alexia Mondot (CS SI) - Add hdf5 support *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import os import re import PyQt4.QtGui from processing.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm from processing.parameters.ParameterMultipleInput import ParameterMultipleInput from processing.parameters.ParameterRaster import ParameterRaster from processing.parameters.ParameterVector import ParameterVector from processing.parameters.ParameterBoolean import ParameterBoolean from processing.parameters.ParameterSelection import ParameterSelection from processing.core.GeoAlgorithmExecutionException import GeoAlgorithmExecutionException from processing.core.ProcessingLog import ProcessingLog from processing.core.WrongHelpFileException import WrongHelpFileException from processing.parameters.ParameterFactory import ParameterFactory from processing.outputs.OutputFactory import OutputFactory from processing.otb.OTBUtils import OTBUtils from processing.parameters.ParameterExtent import ParameterExtent from processing.tools.system import * import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import traceback import inspect class OTBAlgorithm(GeoAlgorithm): REGION_OF_INTEREST = "ROI" def __init__(self, descriptionfile): GeoAlgorithm.__init__(self) self.roiFile = None self.descriptionFile = descriptionfile self.defineCharacteristicsFromFile() self.numExportedLayers = 0 self.hasROI = None; def __str__(self): return( "Algo : " + self.name + " from app : " + self.cliName + " in : " + self.group ) def getCopy(self): newone = OTBAlgorithm(self.descriptionFile) newone.provider = self.provider return newone def getIcon(self): return PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../images/otb.png") def helpFile(self): folder = os.path.join( OTBUtils.otbDescriptionPath(), 'doc' ) helpfile = os.path.join( str(folder), self.appkey + ".html") if os.path.exists(helpfile): return helpfile else: raise WrongHelpFileException("Could not find help file for this algorithm. \nIf you have it put it in: \n"+str(folder)) def adapt_list_to_string(self, c_list): a_list = c_list[1:] if a_list[0] in ["ParameterVector", "ParameterMultipleInput"]: if c_list[0] == "ParameterType_InputImageList": a_list[3] = 3 else: a_list[3] = -1 a_list[1] = "-%s" % a_list[1] def mystr(par): if type(par) == type([]): return ";".join(par) return str(par) b_list = map(mystr, a_list) res = "|".join(b_list) return res def get_list_from_node(self, myet): all_params = [] for parameter in myet.iter('parameter'): rebuild = [] par_type = parameter.find('parameter_type').text key = parameter.find('key').text name = parameter.find('name').text source_par_type = parameter.find('parameter_type').attrib['source_parameter_type'] rebuild.append(source_par_type) rebuild.append(par_type) rebuild.append(key) rebuild.append(name) for each in parameter[4:]: if not each.tag in ["hidden"]: if len(list(each)) == 0: rebuild.append(each.text) else: rebuild.append([item.text for item in each.iter('choice')]) all_params.append(rebuild) return all_params def defineCharacteristicsFromFile(self): content = open(self.descriptionFile).read() dom_model = ET.fromstring(content) self.appkey = dom_model.find('key').text self.cliName = dom_model.find('exec').text self.name = dom_model.find('longname').text self.group = dom_model.find('group').text #ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, "Reading parameters for %s" % self.appkey) rebu = None the_result = None try: rebu = self.get_list_from_node(dom_model) the_result = map(self.adapt_list_to_string,rebu) except Exception, e: ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR, "Could not open OTB algorithm: " + self.descriptionFile + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()) raise e for line in the_result: try: if line.startswith("Parameter"): param = ParameterFactory.getFromString(line) # Hack for initializing the elevation parameters from Processing configuration if param.name == "-elev.dem.path" or param.name == "-elev.dem" or "elev.dem" in param.name: param.default = OTBUtils.otbSRTMPath() elif param.name == "-elev.dem.geoid" or param.name == "-elev.geoid" or "elev.geoid" in param.name: param.default = OTBUtils.otbGeoidPath() self.addParameter(param) elif line.startswith("*Parameter"): param = ParameterFactory.getFromString(line[1:]) param.isAdvanced = True self.addParameter(param) elif line.startswith("Extent"): self.addParameter(ParameterExtent(self.REGION_OF_INTEREST, "Region of interest", "0,1,0,1")) self.hasROI = True else: self.addOutput(OutputFactory.getFromString(line)) except Exception,e: ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR, "Could not open OTB algorithm: " + self.descriptionFile + "\n" + line) raise e def processAlgorithm(self, progress): currentOs = os.name path = OTBUtils.otbPath() libpath = OTBUtils.otbLibPath() if path == "" or libpath == "": raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("OTB folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running OTB algorithms.") commands = [] commands.append(path + os.sep + self.cliName) self.roiVectors = {} self.roiRasters = {} for param in self.parameters: # get the given input(s) if param.name in ["-il", "-in"] : newparams = "" listeParameters = param.value.split(";") for inputParameter in listeParameters : # if HDF5 file if "HDF5" in inputParameter : if currentOs == "posix" : data = inputParameter[6:] else : data = inputParameter[5:] dataset = data #on windows, there isn't " #if data[-1] == '"': if currentOs == "posix" : data = data[:data.index('"')] else : data = data[:data.index('://')] #try : if currentOs == "posix" : dataset.index('"') dataset = os.path.basename( data ) + dataset[dataset.index('"'):] #except ValueError : else : #dataset = os.path.basename( data ) + '"' + dataset[dataset.index('://'):] dataset = dataset[dataset.index('://'):] #get index of the subdataset with gdal if currentOs == "posix" : commandgdal = "gdalinfo " + data + " | grep '" + dataset + "$'" else : commandgdal = "gdalinfo " + data + " | findstr \"" + dataset + "$\"" resultGDAL = os.popen( commandgdal ).readlines() indexSubdataset = -1 if resultGDAL : indexSubdatasetString = re.search("SUBDATASET_(\d+)_", resultGDAL[0]) if indexSubdatasetString : #match between () indexSubdataset = indexSubdatasetString.group(1) else : indexSubdataset = -1 else : print "Error : no match of ", dataset, "$ in gdalinfo " + data indexSubdataset = -1 if not indexSubdataset == -1 : indexSubdataset = int(indexSubdataset) -1 newParam = "\'" + data + "?&sdataidx=" + str(indexSubdataset) + "\'" else : newParam = inputParameter newparams += newParam # no hdf5 else : newparams += inputParameter newparams += ";" if newparams[-1] == ";": newparams = newparams[:-1] param.value = newparams if param.value == None or param.value == "": continue if isinstance(param, ParameterVector): commands.append(param.name) if self.hasROI: roiFile = getTempFilename('shp') commands.append(roiFile) self.roiVectors[param.value] = roiFile else: commands.append("\"" + param.value+ "\"") elif isinstance(param, ParameterRaster): commands.append(param.name) if self.hasROI: roiFile = getTempFilename('tif') commands.append(roiFile) self.roiRasters[param.value] = roiFile else: commands.append("\"" + param.value+ "\"") elif isinstance(param, ParameterMultipleInput): commands.append(param.name) files = str(param.value).split(";") paramvalue = " ".join(["\"" + f + "\"" for f in files]) commands.append(paramvalue) elif isinstance(param, ParameterSelection): commands.append(param.name) idx = int(param.value) commands.append(str(param.options[idx])) elif isinstance(param, ParameterBoolean): if param.value: commands.append(param.name) commands.append(str(param.value).lower()) elif isinstance(param, ParameterExtent): self.roiValues = param.value.split(",") else: commands.append(param.name) commands.append(str(param.value)) for out in self.outputs: commands.append(out.name) commands.append('"' + out.value + '"') for roiInput, roiFile in self.roiRasters.items(): startX, startY = float(self.roiValues[0]), float(self.roiValues[1]) sizeX = float(self.roiValues[2]) - startX sizeY = float(self.roiValues[3]) - startY helperCommands = [ "otbcli_ExtractROI", "-in", roiInput, "-out", roiFile, "-startx", str(startX), "-starty", str(startY), "-sizex", str(sizeX), "-sizey", str(sizeY)] ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, helperCommands) progress.setCommand(helperCommands) OTBUtils.executeOtb(helperCommands, progress) if self.roiRasters: supportRaster = self.roiRasters.itervalues().next() for roiInput, roiFile in self.roiVectors.items(): helperCommands = [ "otbcli_VectorDataExtractROIApplication", "-vd.in", roiInput, "-io.in", supportRaster, "-io.out", roiFile, "-elev.dem.path", OTBUtils.otbSRTMPath()] ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, helperCommands) progress.setCommand(helperCommands) OTBUtils.executeOtb(helperCommands, progress) loglines = [] loglines.append("OTB execution command") for line in commands: loglines.append(line) progress.setCommand(line) ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, loglines) import processing.otb.OTBSpecific_XMLLoading module = processing.otb.OTBSpecific_XMLLoading found = False if 'adapt%s' % self.appkey in dir(module): found = True commands = getattr(module, 'adapt%s' % self.appkey)(commands) else: the_key = 'adapt%s' % self.appkey if '-' in the_key: base_key = the_key.split("-")[0] if base_key in dir(module): found = True commands = getattr(module, base_key)(commands) if not found: ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, "Adapter for %s not found" % the_key) frames = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1:] for a_frame in frames: frame,filename,line_number,function_name,lines,index = a_frame ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (frame,filename,line_number,function_name,lines,index)) OTBUtils.executeOtb(commands, progress)