# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** GdalTools_utils.py --------------------- Date : June 2010 Copyright : (C) 2010 by Giuseppe Sucameli Email : brush dot tyler at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Giuseppe Sucameli' __date__ = 'June 2010' __copyright__ = '(C) 2010, Giuseppe Sucameli' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' # Utility functions # ------------------------------------------------- # getLastUsedDir() # setLastUsedDir( QString *file_or_dir path ) # ------------------------------------------------- from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr from osgeo.gdalconst import * import os # to know the os import platform import sys import string import re # Escapes arguments and return them joined in a string def escapeAndJoin(strList): joined = '' for s in strList: if s.find(" ") is not -1: escaped = '"' + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"' else: escaped = s joined += escaped + " " return joined.strip() # Retrieves last used dir from persistent settings def getLastUsedDir(): settings = QSettings() lastProjectDir = settings.value( "/UI/lastProjectDir", u".", type=unicode ) return settings.value( "/GdalTools/lastUsedDir", lastProjectDir, type=unicode ) # Stores last used dir in persistent settings def setLastUsedDir(filePath): settings = QSettings() fileInfo = QFileInfo(filePath) if fileInfo.isDir(): dirPath = fileInfo.filePath() else: dirPath = fileInfo.path() settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/lastUsedDir", dirPath ) # Retrieves GDAL binaries location def getGdalBinPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value( "/GdalTools/gdalPath", u"", type=unicode ) # Stores GDAL binaries location def setGdalBinPath( path ): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/gdalPath", path ) # Retrieves GDAL python modules location def getGdalPymodPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value( "/GdalTools/gdalPymodPath", u"", type=unicode ) # Stores GDAL python modules location def setGdalPymodPath( path ): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/gdalPymodPath", path ) # Retrieves GDAL help files location def getHelpPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value( "/GdalTools/helpPath", u"", type=unicode ) # Stores GDAL help files location def setHelpPath( path ): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/helpPath", path ) # Retrieves last used encoding from persistent settings def getLastUsedEncoding(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value( "/UI/encoding", u"System", type=unicode ) # Stores last used encoding in persistent settings def setLastUsedEncoding(encoding): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue( "/UI/encoding", encoding) def getRasterExtensions(): formats = FileFilter.allRastersFilter().split( ";;" ) extensions = [] for f in formats: if string.find(f, "*.bt" ) is not -1 or string.find(f, "*.mpr" ) is not -1: # Binary Terrain or ILWIS continue extensions.extend( FileFilter.getFilterExtensions( f ) ) return extensions def getVectorExtensions(): formats = FileFilter.allVectorsFilter().split( ";;" ) extensions = [] for f in formats: extensions.extend( FileFilter.getFilterExtensions( f ) ) return extensions class LayerRegistry(QObject): _instance = None _iface = None @staticmethod def instance(): if LayerRegistry._instance == None: LayerRegistry._instance = LayerRegistry() return LayerRegistry._instance @staticmethod def setIface(iface): LayerRegistry._iface = iface layers = [] def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) if LayerRegistry._instance != None: return LayerRegistry.layers = self.getAllLayers() LayerRegistry._instance = self self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("removeAll()"), self.removeAllLayers) self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("layerWasAdded(QgsMapLayer *)"), self.layerAdded) self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("layerWillBeRemoved(QString)"), self.removeLayer) def getAllLayers(self): if LayerRegistry._iface and hasattr(LayerRegistry._iface, 'legendInterface'): return LayerRegistry._iface.legendInterface().layers() return QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values() def layerAdded(self, layer): LayerRegistry.layers.append( layer ) self.emit( SIGNAL( "layersChanged" ) ) def removeLayer(self, layerId): LayerRegistry.layers = filter( lambda x: x.id() != layerId, LayerRegistry.layers) self.emit( SIGNAL( "layersChanged" ) ) def removeAllLayers(self): LayerRegistry.layers = [] self.emit( SIGNAL( "layersChanged" ) ) @classmethod def isRaster(self, layer): # only gdal raster layers if layer.type() != layer.RasterLayer: return False if layer.providerType() != 'gdal': return False return True def getRasterLayers(self): return filter( self.isRaster, LayerRegistry.layers ) @classmethod def isVector(self, layer): if layer.type() != layer.VectorLayer: return False if layer.providerType() != 'ogr': return False return True def getVectorLayers(self): return filter( self.isVector, LayerRegistry.layers ) def getRasterFiles(path, recursive=False): rasters = [] if not QFileInfo(path).exists(): return rasters # TODO remove *.aux.xml _filter = getRasterExtensions() workDir = QDir( path ) workDir.setFilter( QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot ) workDir.setNameFilters( _filter ) files = workDir.entryList() for f in files: rasters.append( path + "/" + f ) if recursive: for myRoot, myDirs, myFiles in os.walk( unicode(path) ): for dir in myDirs: workDir = QDir( myRoot + "/" + dir ) workDir.setFilter( QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot ) workDir.setNameFilters( _filter ) workFiles = workDir.entryList() for f in workFiles: rasters.append( myRoot + "/" + dir + "/" + f ) return rasters def fillRasterOutputFormat(aFilter = None, filename = None): shortName = '' if aFilter != None: supportedRasters = GdalConfig.getSupportedRasters() filterName = re.sub('^.*\] ', '', FileFilter.getFilterName( aFilter[0] )) if supportedRasters.has_key( filterName ): return supportedRasters[ filterName ][ "SHORTNAME" ] shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedRasters.long2ShortName(filterName) if shortName == '' and filename != None: shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedRasters.filename2ShortName(filename) if shortName == '': shortName = "GTiff" return shortName def fillVectorOutputFormat(aFilter = None, filename = None): shortName = '' if aFilter != None: supportedVectors = GdalConfig.getSupportedVectors() filterName = re.sub('^.*\] ', '', FileFilter.getFilterName( aFilter[0] )) if supportedVectors.has_key( filterName ): return supportedVectors[ filterName ][ "SHORTNAME" ] pass #shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedVectors.long2ShortName(filterName) if shortName == '' and filename != None: pass #shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedVectors.filename2ShortName(filename) if shortName == '': shortName = "ESRI Shapefile" return shortName class UnsupportedOGRFormat(Exception): def __init__(self): msg = QCoreApplication.translate( "GdalTools", "The selected file is not a supported OGR format" ) Exception.__init__(self, msg) def getVectorFields(vectorFile): hds = ogr.Open( unicode(vectorFile).encode('utf8') ) if hds == None: raise UnsupportedOGRFormat() fields = [] names = [] layer = hds.GetLayer(0) defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = defn.GetFieldDefn(i) fieldType = fieldDefn.GetType() if fieldType == 0 or fieldType == 2: fields.append(fieldDefn) names.append(fieldDefn.GetName()) return (fields, names) # get raster SRS if possible def getRasterSRS( parent, fileName ): ds = gdal.Open(fileName) if ds is None: return '' proj = ds.GetProjectionRef() if proj is None: return '' sr = osr.SpatialReference() if sr.ImportFromWkt(proj) != gdal.CE_None: return '' name = sr.GetAuthorityName(None) code = sr.GetAuthorityCode(None) if name is not None and code is not None: return '%s:%s' % (name,code) return '' # get raster extent using python API - replaces old method which parsed gdalinfo output def getRasterExtent(parent, fileName): ds = gdal.Open(fileName) if ds is None: return x = ds.RasterXSize y = ds.RasterYSize gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() if gt is None: xUL = 0 yUL = 0 xLR = x yLR = y else: xUL = gt[0] yUL = gt[3] xLR = gt[0] + gt[1]*x + gt[2]*y yLR = gt[3] + gt[4]*x + gt[5]*y return QgsRectangle( xUL, yLR, xLR, yUL ) # This class is used to replace the QFileDialog class. # Its static methods are used in place of the respective QFileDialog ones to: # 1. set the last used directory # 2. append the selected extension to the file name # 3. bypass the following bug: # when you use the 'filter' argument, the dialog is enlarged up to the longest filter length, # so sometimes the dialog excedes the screen width class FileDialog: @classmethod def getDialog(self, parent = None, caption = '', acceptMode = QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, fileMode = QFileDialog.ExistingFile, filter = '', selectedFilter = None, useEncoding = False): if useEncoding: dialog = QgsEncodingFileDialog(parent, caption, getLastUsedDir(), filter, getLastUsedEncoding()) else: dialog = QFileDialog(parent, caption, getLastUsedDir(), filter) dialog.setFileMode(fileMode) dialog.setAcceptMode(acceptMode) if selectedFilter is not None: dialog.selectNameFilter(selectedFilter[0]) if not dialog.exec_(): if useEncoding: return ('', None) return '' # change the selected filter value if selectedFilter is not None: selectedFilter[0] = dialog.selectedNameFilter() # save the last used dir and return the selected files files = dialog.selectedFiles() if files != '': setLastUsedDir(files[0]) if fileMode != QFileDialog.ExistingFiles: files = files[0] # append the extension if not already present if fileMode == QFileDialog.AnyFile: firstExt = None for ext in FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(dialog.selectedNameFilter()): if FileFilter.filenameMatchesFilterExt(files, ext): firstExt = None break if firstExt == None: firstExt = ext if firstExt != None: if firstExt.startswith('*'): files += firstExt[1:] if useEncoding: encoding = dialog.encoding() # encoding setted yet by QgsEncodingFileDialog #setLastUsedEncoding(encoding) return (files, encoding) return files @classmethod def getOpenFileNames(self, parent = None, caption = '', filter = '', selectedFilter = None, useEncoding = False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.ExistingFiles, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getOpenFileName(self, parent = None, caption = '', filter = '', selectedFilter = None, useEncoding = False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.ExistingFile, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getSaveFileName(self, parent = None, caption = '', filter = '', selectedFilter = None, useEncoding = False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptSave, QFileDialog.AnyFile, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getExistingDirectory(self, parent = None, caption = '', useEncoding = False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly, '', None, useEncoding) class FileFilter: @classmethod def getFilter(self, typeName): settings = QSettings() return settings.value( "/GdalTools/" + typeName + "FileFilter", u"", type=unicode ) @classmethod def setFilter(self, typeName, aFilter): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/" + typeName + "FileFilter", aFilter ) # stores the supported raster file filter rastersFilter = '' # Retrieves the filter for supported raster files @classmethod def allRastersFilter(self): if self.rastersFilter == '': self.rastersFilter = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileRasterFilters() # workaround for QGis < 1.5 (see #2376) # removed as this is a core plugin QGis >= 1.9 return self.rastersFilter # Retrieves the last used filter for raster files # Note: filter string is in a list @classmethod def lastUsedRasterFilter(self): return [self.getFilter("lastRaster")] @classmethod def setLastUsedRasterFilter(self, aFilter): self.setFilter("lastRaster", aFilter[0]) # stores the supported vectors file filter vectorsFilter = '' # Retrieves the filter for supported vector files @classmethod def allVectorsFilter(self): if self.vectorsFilter == '': self.vectorsFilter = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileVectorFilters() return self.vectorsFilter # Retrieves the last used filter for vector files # Note: filter string is in a list @classmethod def lastUsedVectorFilter(self): return [self.getFilter("lastVector")] @classmethod def setLastUsedVectorFilter(self, aFilter): self.setFilter("lastVector", aFilter[0]) # Retrieves the extensions list from a filter string @classmethod def getFilterExtensions(self, aFilter): extList = [] # foreach format in filter string for f in aFilter.split( ";;" ): # gets the list of extensions from the filter exts = re.sub('\).*$', '', re.sub('^.*\(', '', f)) # if there is no extensions or the filter matches all, then return an empty list # otherwise return the list of estensions if exts != '' and exts != "*" and exts != "*.*": extList.extend(exts.split(" ")) return extList @classmethod def getFilterName(self, aFilter): return string.strip(re.sub('\ \(.*$', '', aFilter)) @classmethod def filenameMatchesFilterExt(self, fileName, ext): return re.match( '.'+str(ext), fileName ) is not None # Retrieves gdal information class GdalConfig: # retrieves and return the installed gdal version @classmethod def version(self): return Version(gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")) @classmethod def versionNum(self): return int(gdal.VersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) # store the supported rasters info supportedRasters = None # retrieve the supported rasters info @classmethod def getSupportedRasters(self): if self.supportedRasters != None: return self.supportedRasters # first get the GDAL driver manager if gdal.GetDriverCount() == 0: gdal.AllRegister() self.supportedRasters = dict() jp2Driver = None # for each loaded GDAL driver for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()): driver = gdal.GetDriver(i) if driver == None: QgsLogger.warning("unable to get driver " + str(i)) continue # now we need to see if the driver is for something currently # supported; if not, we give it a miss for the next driver longName = string.strip(re.sub('\(.*$', '', driver.LongName)) shortName = string.strip(re.sub('\(.*$', '', driver.ShortName)) extensions = '' description = driver.GetDescription() glob = [] metadata = driver.GetMetadata() if metadata.has_key(gdal.DMD_EXTENSION): extensions = str(metadata[gdal.DMD_EXTENSION]) if longName != '': if extensions != '': # XXX add check for SDTS; in that case we want (*CATD.DDF) #TODO fix and test #glob.append( QString("*." + extensions.replace("/", " *.")).split(" ")) glob.append(string.split("*." + string.replace(extensions,"/", " *."), sep=(" "))) # Add only the first JP2 driver found to the filter list (it's the one GDAL uses) if description == "JPEG2000" or description.startswith("JP2"): # JP2ECW, JP2KAK, JP2MrSID if jp2Driver != None: continue # skip if already found a JP2 driver jp2Driver = driver # first JP2 driver found glob.append("*.j2k") # add alternate extension elif description == "GTiff": glob.append("*.tiff") elif description == "JPEG": glob.append("*.jpeg") else: # USGS DEMs use "*.dem" if description.startswith( "USGSDEM" ): glob.append("*.dem") elif description.startswith( "DTED" ): # DTED use "*.dt0" glob.append("*.dt0") elif description.startswith( "MrSID" ): # MrSID use "*.sid" glob.append("*.sid") else: continue self.supportedRasters[longName] = {'EXTENSIONS': glob, 'LONGNAME': longName, 'SHORTNAME': shortName, 'DESCRIPTION': description} return self.supportedRasters # store the supported vectors info supportedVectors = None # retrieve the supported vectors info @classmethod def getSupportedVectors(self): if self.supportedVectors != None: return self.supportedVectors # first get the OGR driver manager QgsApplication.registerOgrDrivers() self.supportedVectors = dict() # for each loaded OGR driver for i in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()): driver = ogr.GetDriver(i) if driver == None: QgsLogger.warning("unable to get driver " + str(i)) continue driverName = driver.GetName() longName = '' glob = [] if driverName.startswith( "AVCBin" ): pass #myDirectoryDrivers += "Arc/Info Binary Coverage,AVCBin" elif driverName.startswith( "AVCE00" ): longName = "Arc/Info ASCII Coverage" glob.append("*.e00") elif driverName.startswith( "BNA" ): longName = "Atlas BNA" glob.append("*.bna") elif driverName.startswith( "CSV" ): longName = "Comma Separated Value" glob.append("*.csv") elif driverName.startswith( "DODS" ): pass #myProtocolDrivers += "DODS/OPeNDAP,DODS" elif driverName.startswith( "PGeo" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "ESRI Personal GeoDatabase,PGeo" # on Windows add a pair to the dict for this driver if platform.system() == "Windows": longName = "ESRI Personal GeoDatabase" glob.append("*.mdb") elif driverName.startswith( "SDE" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "ESRI ArcSDE,SDE" elif driverName.startswith( "ESRI" ): longName = "ESRI Shapefiles" glob.append("*.shp") elif driverName.startswith( "FMEObjects Gateway" ): longName = "FMEObjects Gateway" glob.append("*.fdd") elif driverName.startswith( "GeoJSON" ): pass #myProtocolDrivers += "GeoJSON,GeoJSON" longName = "GeoJSON" glob.append("*.geojson") elif driverName.startswith( "GeoRSS" ): longName = "GeoRSS" glob.append("*.xml") elif driverName.startswith( "GML" ): longName = "Geography Markup Language" glob.append("*.gml") elif driverName.startswith( "GMT" ): longName = "GMT" glob.append("*.gmt") elif driverName.startswith( "GPX" ): longName = "GPX" glob.append("*.gpx") elif driverName.startswith( "GRASS" ): pass #myDirectoryDrivers += "Grass Vector,GRASS" elif driverName.startswith( "IDB" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "Informix DataBlade,IDB" elif driverName.startswith( "Interlis 1" ): longName = "INTERLIS 1" glob.append("*.itf") glob.append("*.xml") glob.append("*.ili") elif driverName.startswith( "Interlis 2" ): longName = "INTERLIS 2" glob.append("*.itf") glob.append("*.xml") glob.append("*.ili") elif driverName.startswith( "INGRES" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "INGRES,INGRES" elif driverName.startswith( "KML" ): longName = "KML" glob.append("*.kml") elif driverName.startswith( "MapInfo File" ): longName = "Mapinfo File" glob.append("*.mif") glob.append("*.tab") elif driverName.startswith( "DGN" ): longName = "Microstation DGN" glob.append("*.dgn") elif driverName.startswith( "MySQL" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "MySQL,MySQL" elif driverName.startswith( "OCI" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "Oracle Spatial,OCI" elif driverName.startswith( "ODBC" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "ODBC,ODBC" elif driverName.startswith( "OGDI" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "OGDI Vectors,OGDI" elif driverName.startswith( "PostgreSQL" ): pass #myDatabaseDrivers += "PostgreSQL,PostgreSQL" elif driverName.startswith( "S57" ): longName = "S-57 Base file" glob.append("*.000") elif driverName.startswith( "SDTS" ): longName = "Spatial Data Transfer Standard" glob.append("*catd.ddf") elif driverName.startswith( "SQLite" ): longName = "SQLite" glob.append("*.sqlite") elif driverName.startswith( "UK .NTF" ): pass #myDirectoryDrivers += "UK. NTF,UK. NTF" elif driverName.startswith( "TIGER" ): pass #myDirectoryDrivers += "U.S. Census TIGER/Line,TIGER" elif driverName.startswith( "VRT" ): longName = "VRT - Virtual Datasource " glob.append("*.vrt") elif driverName.startswith( "XPlane" ): longName = "X-Plane/Flighgear" glob.append("apt.dat") glob.append("nav.dat") glob.append("fix.dat") glob.append("awy.dat") longName = string.strip(longName) if longName =='': continue self.supportedVectors[longName] = {'EXTENSIONS': glob, 'LONGNAME': longName, 'SHORTNAME': driverName} return self.supportedVectors class SupportedRasters: dict_long2shortName = dict() # retrieve the raster format short name by long format name @classmethod def long2ShortName(self, longName): if longName == '': return '' if self.dict_long2shortName.has_key(longName): return self.dict_long2shortName[longName] # first get the GDAL driver manager if gdal.GetDriverCount() == 0: gdal.AllRegister() shortName = '' # for each loaded GDAL driver for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()): driver = gdal.GetDriver(i) if driver == None: continue # if this is the driver we searched for then return its short name if FileFilter.getFilterName(driver.LongName) == longName: shortName = FileFilter.getFilterName(driver.ShortName) self.dict_long2shortName[longName] = shortName break return shortName # retrieve the raster format short name by using the file name extension @classmethod def filename2ShortName(self, fileName): if fileName == '': return '' shortName = '' # for each raster format search for the file extension formats = FileFilter.allRastersFilter().split( ";;" ) for f in formats: for ext in FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(f): if FileFilter.filenameMatchesFilterExt(fileName, ext): longName = FileFilter.getFilterName(f) shortName = self.long2ShortName(longName) break if not shortName == '': break return shortName # class which allows to create version objects and compare them class Version: def __init__(self, ver): self.vers = ('0', '0', '0') if isinstance(ver, Version): self.vers = ver.vers elif isinstance(ver, tuple) or isinstance(ver, list): self.vers = map(str, ver) elif isinstance(ver, str): self.vers = self.string2vers(ver) @staticmethod def string2vers(string): vers = ['0', '0', '0'] nums = str(string).split(".") if len(nums) > 0: vers[0] = nums[0] if len(nums) > 1: vers[1] = nums[1] if len(nums) > 2: vers[2] = nums[2] return (vers[0], vers[1], vers[2]) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Version): other = Version(other) if self.vers > other.vers: return 1 if self.vers < other.vers: return -1 return 0 def __str__(self): return ".".join(self.vers) def setProcessEnvironment(process): envvar_list = { "PATH" : getGdalBinPath(), "PYTHONPATH" : getGdalPymodPath(), "GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8" : "NO" } sep = os.pathsep for name, val in envvar_list.iteritems(): if val == None or val == "": continue envval = os.getenv(name) if envval == None or envval == "": envval = str(val) elif (platform.system() == "Windows" and val.lower() not in envval.lower().split( sep )) or \ (platform.system() != "Windows" and val not in envval.split( sep )): envval += "%s%s" % (sep, str(val)) else: envval = None if envval != None: os.putenv( name, envval ) def setMacOSXDefaultEnvironment(): # fix bug #3170: many GDAL Tools don't work in OS X standalone if platform.system() != "Darwin": return # QgsApplication.prefixPath() contains the path to qgis executable (i.e. .../Qgis.app/MacOS) # get the path to Qgis application folder qgis_app = u"%s/.." % QgsApplication.prefixPath() qgis_app = QDir( qgis_app ).absolutePath() qgis_bin = u"%s/bin" % QgsApplication.prefixPath() # path to QGis bin folder qgis_python = u"%s/Resources/python" % qgis_app # path to QGis python folder # path to the GDAL framework within the Qgis application folder (QGis standalone only) qgis_standalone_gdal_path = u"%s/Frameworks/GDAL.framework" % qgis_app # path to the GDAL framework when installed as external framework gdal_versionsplit = str(GdalConfig.version()).split('.') gdal_base_path = u"/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/%s.%s" % (gdal_versionsplit[0], gdal_versionsplit[1]) if os.path.exists( qgis_standalone_gdal_path ): # qgis standalone # GDAL executables are in the QGis bin folder if getGdalBinPath() == '': setGdalBinPath( qgis_bin ) # GDAL pymods are in the QGis python folder if getGdalPymodPath() == '': setGdalPymodPath( qgis_python ) # GDAL help is in the framework folder if getHelpPath() == '': setHelpPath( u"%s/Resources/doc" % qgis_standalone_gdal_path ) elif os.path.exists( gdal_base_path ): # all GDAL parts are in the GDAL framework folder if getGdalBinPath() == '': setGdalBinPath( u"%s/Programs" % gdal_base_path ) if getGdalPymodPath() == '': setGdalPymodPath( u"%s/Python/%s.%s/site-packages" % (gdal_base_path, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) ) if getHelpPath() == '': setHelpPath( u"%s/Resources/doc" % gdal_base_path ) # setup the MacOSX path to both GDAL executables and python modules if platform.system() == "Darwin": setMacOSXDefaultEnvironment()