/** /class QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog * /ingroup gui * Dialog for organising (hiding and reordering) columns in the attributes table. * /note added in QGIS 2.16 */ class QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog : QDialog { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsorganizetablecolumnsdialog.h> %End public: /** * Constructor * @param vl The concerned vector layer * @param visible the current list of visible fields name * @param parent parent object * @param flags window flags */ QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog(const QgsVectorLayer* vl, QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Window ); /** * Destructor */ ~QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog(); /** * Get the updated configuration */ QgsAttributeTableConfig config() const; public slots: /** * showAll checks all the fields to show them all in the attribute table */ void showAll(); /** * hideAll unchecks all the fields to hide them all in the attribute table */ void hideAll(); };