@default<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Algoritmi kirjeldus</h2>
All files (*.*)QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayersKõik failid (*.*)There is not active layer.Active layer is not a vector layer.Active layer is not editable (and editing could not be turned on).{0} files (*.{1})QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers{0} failid (*.{1})All files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications.Could not prepare selected algorithm.Error adding processed features back into the layer.{0} files (*.{1})ParameterRaster{0} failid (*.{1}){0} files (*.{1})ParameterVector{0} failid (*.{1})Default extensionVaikimisi laiend<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<p align="right">Algorithm author: {0}</p><p align="right">Algoritmi autor: {0}</p><p align="right">Help author: {0}</p><p align="right">Abi autor: {0}</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: {0}</p><p align="right">Algoritmi versioon: {0}</p>ErrorVigaSeems some outputs are temporary files. To create test you need to redirect all algorithm outputs to filesPaistab et osad väljundid on ajutised failid. Testi tegemiseks tuleb kõik algoritmi väljundid suunata failidesseAPIsDialogPythonConsoleGenerating prepared API file (please wait)...Genereerin ettevalmistatud API faili (palun oota)...AddModelFromFileActionAdd Model to Toolbox…Lisa mudel tööriistakasti...ToolsTööriistadOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionAva mudelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionThe selected file does not contain a valid modelAddModelFromFileActionValitud fail ei sisalda kehtivat mudelitAddScriptFromFileActionAdd Script to Toolbox…Lisa skript tööriistakasti...ToolsTööriistadAdd script(s)Lisa skript(id)Processing scripts (*.py *.PY)Could not copy script '{}'
{}Skripti '{}' ei õnnestunud kopeerida
{}AddScriptFromTemplateCreate New Script from Template…AddScriptFromTemplateActionToolsTööriistadAddTableFieldIntegerTäisarvFloatUjukomaarvStringTekstVector tableVektor-tabelField nameVälja nimiField typeVälja tüüpField lengthVälja pikkusField precisionVälja komakohtade arvAddedLisatudAdd field to attributes tableLisa väli atribuutandmete tabelisseAggregateVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaAggregateÜhendInput layerSisend-kihtGroup by expression (NULL to group all features)Rühmita avaldise alusel (NULL rühmitab kõik nähtused)AggregatesModelInput expressionSisendavaldisAggregate functionÜhend-funktsioonDelimiterEraldajaOutput field nameVäljundi välja nimiTypeTüüpLengthPikkusPrecisionTäpsusAlgorithmClassificationPolygon intersectionPolügoonide lõikumineVectorize raster layerVektoriseeri rasterkihtInterpolate (Inverse distance weighting)Interpoleeri (kauguse pöördväärtuse kaalumine)RGB to PCTRGB'st PCT-ksRasterize vector layerRasterda vektorkihtPolygon identityPolügooni tunnusPolygon dissolve (all polygons)Polügoonide liitmine (kõik polügoonid)Polygon unionPolügoonide ühendInterpolate (Natural neighbor)Interpoleeri (loomulik naaber) Merge raster layersLiida rasterkihidRemove small pixel clumps (nearest neighbour)Eemalda ebaeraldised (lähimaks naabriks)Interpolate (Nearest Neighbor)Interpoleeri (lähim naaber) Interpolate (Cubic spline)Interpoleeri (kuupsplain)Interpolate (Data metrics)Interpoleeri (andmenäidud)Reproject raster layerReprojitseeri rasterkihtExport raster layerEkspordi rasterkihtPCT to RGBPCT'st RGB-ksExport vector layerEkspordi vektorkihtPolygon dissolve (by attribute)Liida polügoonid (atribuudi alusel)Remove small pixel clumps (to no-data)Eemalda ebaeraldised (jäta tühjaks)Interpolate (Modified quadratic shepard)Interpoleeri (modifitseeritud Shepardi meetod)Merge vector layersLiida vektorkihidReclassify (simple)Klassifitseeri uuesti (lihtne meetod)Execute SQL on vector layerKäivita SQL-päring vektorkihilRaster layer informationRasterkihi infoContour linesKontuurjoonedCreate graticuleTekita kaardivõrkFire spreading simulationTule leviku simulatsioonPolygon differencePolügoonide erinevusCreate graticule from extentTekita kaardivõrk ulatusestPolygon symmetrical differencePolügoonide sümmeetriline erinevusVector layer informationVektorkihi infoPolygon updatePolügoonide uuendusInterpolate (Average)Interpoleeri (keskmista)AlgorithmDialogRun as Batch Process…Käita pakkprotsessina...Unmatching CRS'sSobimatud koordinaatsüsteemidUnable to execute algorithmEi saa algoritmi käivitadaProcessing algorithm…Töötlen algoritmi...<b>Algorithm '{0}' starting…</b>Parameters do not all use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results.
Do you want to continue?Kõik parameetrid ei kasuta sama koordinaatsüsteemi. See võib anda ootamatuid tulemusi.
Kas soovid jätkata?Modify Selected FeaturesModify All FeaturesCancelLoobuInput parameters:Sisend-parameetrid:Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsProtsess läbiviidud {0:0.2f} sekundigaResults:Tulemused:Execution failed after {0:0.2f} secondsProtsess ebaõnnestus peale {0:0.2f} sekunditExecuting “{}”Wrong or missing parameter value: {0}Vale või puuduv parameetri väärtus: {0}Algorithm '{0}' finishedAlgoritm '{0}' lõpetatudHTML output has been generated by this algorithm.
Open the results dialog to check it.Algoritm koostas HMTL väljundi.
Ava tulemuste aken, et seda kontrollida.AlgorithmExecutorExecuting iteration {0}/{1}…AlgorithmLocatorFilterProcessing AlgorithmsTöötlen algoritmeMissing dependencyPuudub viideAnimation3DWidgetFormVormKeyframeAdd keyframe + +Remove keyframe - -Edit keyframe......Duplicate keyframeInterpolationInterpoleerimineLinearJoonelineInQuadOutQuadInOutQuadOutInQuadInCubicOutCubicInOutCubicOutInCubicInQuartOutQuartInOutQuartOutInQuartInQuintOutQuintInOutQuintOutInQuintInSineOutSineInOutSineOutInSineInExpoOutExpoInOutExpoOutInExpoInCircOutCircInOutCircOutInCirc>>RepeatKordaAspectRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsElevation layerKõrguse kihtZ factorZ väärtusAspectKülgAssignProjectionAssign projectionMäära projektsioonInput layerSisend-kihtDesired CRSSoovitud CRSLayer with projectionKiht projektsioonigaRaster projectionsRastri projektsioonidBarPlotGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisend-kihtCategory name fieldKategooria nime väliValue fieldVäärtuse väliBar plotTulpdiagrammHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)BasicStatisticsForFieldstats,statistics,date,time,datetime,string,number,text,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,summaryVector analysisVektor-analüüsInput layerSisend-kihtField to calculate statistics onVäli, millele arvutatakse statistilised näitajadStatisticsStatistikaHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)CountKoguarvNumber of unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtuste arvNumber of empty (null) valuesTühiväärtuste (null-väärtuste) arvNumber of non-empty valuesTäidetud väärtuste arvMinimum valueMiinimumväärtusMaximum valueMaksimaalväärtusMinimum lengthMiinimumpikkusMaximum lengthMaksimumpikkusMean lengthKeskmine pikkusCoefficient of VariationVariatsiooni koefitsentSumSummaMean valueKeskmine väärtusStandard deviationStandardhälveRangeUlatusMedianMediaanMinority (rarest occurring value)Vähemus (haverimini esinev väärtus)Majority (most frequently occurring value)Enamus (sagedasti esinev väärtus)First quartileEsimene kvartiilThird quartileKolmas kvartiilInterquartile Range (IQR)Kvartiilide vahemik (IQR)Basic statistics for fieldsVäljade põhinäitajadAnalyzed field: {}Analüüsitud väli: {}Count: {}Üldarv: {}Unique values: {}Unikaalseid väärtusi: {}NULL (missing) values: {}NULL (puuduvad) väärtused: {}Minimum value: {}Miinimumväärtus: {}Maximum value: {}Maksimumväärtus: {}Range: {}Ulatus: {}Sum: {}Kokku: {}Mean value: {}Keskmine väärtus: {}Median value: {}Mediaanväärtus: {}Standard deviation: {}Standardhälve: {}Coefficient of Variation: {}Variatsiooni koefitsent: {}Minority (rarest occurring value): {}Vähemus (haverimini esinev väärtus): {}Majority (most frequently occurring value): {}Enamus (sagedasti esinev väärtus): {}First quartile: {}Esimene kvartiil: {}Third quartile: {}Kolmas kvartiil: {}Interquartile Range (IQR): {}Kvartiilide vahemik (IQR): {}Minimum length: {}Miinimumpikkus: {}Maximum length: {}Maksimumpikkus: {}Mean length: {}Keskmine pikkus: {}BatchAlgorithmDialogBatch Processing - {0}Pakktöötlus – {0}Wrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1})Vale või puuduv parameetri väärtus: {0} (rida {1})Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1})Vale või puuduv väljundi väärtus: {0} (rida {1})Input parameters:Sisend-parameetrid:
Processing algorithm {0}/{1}…Töötlen algoritmi {0}/{1}…<b>Algorithm {0} starting…</b>Algorithm {0} correctly executed…Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsProtsess läbiviidud {0:0.2f} sekundigaResults:Tulemused:Batch execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsPakktöötlus lõpetatud {0:0.2f} sekundigaBatchInputSelectionPanelSelect from Open Layers…Select from File System…Select FilesVali failidBatchOutputSelectionPanelSave FileSalvesta failOutput DirectoryVäljundkaustBatchPanelLoad in QGISLaadi QGIS-isOpen BatchAva pakkWrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1})Vale või puuduv parameetri väärtus: {0} (rida {1})Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1})Vale või puuduv väljundi väärtus: {0} (rida {1})Save BatchSalvesta pakkYesJahNoEiJSON files (*.json)JSON failid (*.json)ErrorVigaAn error occurred while reading your file.Faili lugemisel tekkis viga.BooleanWidgetWrapperYesJahNoEiBoxPlotGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisend-kihtCategory name fieldKategooria nime väliValue fieldVäärtuse väliShow MeanNäita keskmistShow Standard DeviationNäita standardhälvetDon't show Mean and Standard DeviationÄra näita keskmist ja standardhälvetAdditional Statistic LinesTäiendavad statistilised joonedBox plotHTML files (*.html)HTM- failid (*.html)BufferInput layerSisend-kihtGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiBuffer distancePuhvri kaugusDissolve by attributeLiida atribuudi aluselDissolve all resultsLiida kõik tulemusedProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudBufferPuhverBuffer vectorsPuhverda vektoridVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusCharacterWidget<p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Value: 0x%3<p>Tähemärk: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Väärtus: 0x%3CheckValidityVector geometryVektor-geomeetriavalid,invalid,detectThe one selected in digitizing settingsVäärtus määratud digiteerimise seadetesInput layerSisend-kihtMethodMeetodValid outputKehtiv väljundCount of valid featuresKehtivate nähtuste arvInvalid outputVigane väljundCount of invalid featuresVigaste nähtuste hulkError outputVigane väljundCount of errorsVigade hulkCheck validityKontrolli kehtivustCheckboxesPanelSelect AllVali kõikClear SelectionTühjenda valikClipRasterByExtentInput layerSisend-kihtClipping extentLõikamise ulatusAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeClipped (extent)Lõigatud (ulatus)Clip raster by extentLõika raster ulatuse aluselRaster extractionRastri lahtipakkimineClipRasterByMaskInput layerSisend-kihtMask layerMaski kihtAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCreate an output alpha bandLoo Alpha lõimedega väljundMatch the extent of the clipped raster to the extent of the mask layerKeep resolution of output rasterJäta väljundfaili resolutsioonAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeClipped (mask)Lõigatud (maski alusel)Clip raster by mask layerLõika raster maski kihi aluselRaster extractionRastri lahtipakkimineClipVectorByExtentInput layerSisend-kihtClipping extentLõikamise ulatusAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudClipped (extent)Lõigatud (ulatus)Clip vector by extentVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusClipVectorByMaskInput layerSisend-kihtMask layerMaski kihtAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudClipped (mask)Lõigatud (maski alusel)Clip vector by mask layerVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusColorReliefUse strict color matchingUse closest RGBA quadrupletUse smoothly blended colorsInput layerSisend-kihtBand numberLõime numberCompute edgesArvuta servadColor configuration fileVärvi seadistusfailMatching modeSobivusmeetodAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudColor reliefVärvi reljeefRaster analysisRastri analüüsConcaveHullVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput point layerSisend-punktide kihtThreshold (0-1, where 1 is equivalent with Convex Hull)Lävi (0–1, kus 1-le vastab kumer kate)Allow holesLuba augudSplit multipart geometry into singleparts geometriesTükelda mitmeosalised ruumikujud üheosalisteks ruumikujudeksConcave hullKumer kateConcave hull (alpha shapes)Creates a concave hull using the alpha shapes algorithm.Creating Delaunay triangles…Computing edges max length…Removing features…Kustutan nähtusi...Dissolving Delaunay triangles…Liidan Delaunay kolmnurki...Saving data…Salvestan andmeid...No Delaunay triangles created.Delaunay kolmnurki ei loodud.ConfigDialogSearch…Otsi...SettingSeadeValueVäärtusGeneralÜldineModelsMudelidScriptsSkriptidProvidersPakkujadMenusMenüüdReset to defaultsVõta algseadedWrong value for parameter "{0}":
{1}Vale väärtus parameetrile "{0}":
{1}Wrong valueVale väärtusContextGeneratorIterate over this layer, creating a separate output for every feature in the layer (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional][valikuline]DescriptionKirjeldusShow advanced parametersNäita täiendavaid parameetreid[Enter name if this is a final result]Parent algorithmsLähte-algoritmHide advanced parametersPeida täiendavad parameetrid'{0}' from algorithm '{1}''{0}' algoritmist '{1}'ErrorVigaWrong or missing value for parameter '{}'CoordinateCaptureCoordinate CaptureKoordinaatide leidmineClick on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard.Klõpsa kaardil, et näha koordinaate ja et kopeerida lõikepuhvrisse.Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate displayKliki, et valida koordinaatide näitamisel kasutatav koordinaatsüsteemCoordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north)Koordinaat valitud koordinaatsüsteemis (pikkus-laius või ida-põhi)Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north)Koordinaadid kaardiakna koordinaatsüsteemis (laius-pikkus või ida-põhi)Copy to ClipboardKopeeri lõikepuhvrisseClick to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stopNupp sees näitab kursori asukohta. Lõpetamiseks klikka kaardiaknasStart captureAlusta määramistClick to enable coordinate captureKliki koordinaatide määramise alustamiseksCreateAttributeIndexVector generalInput LayerLähteandmete kihtAttribute to indexIndekseeritav atribuutIndexed layerIndekseeritud kihtCreate attribute indexLoo atribuudi indeksCan not create attribute index on "{}"Ei saa luua atribuudi indeksit "{}"Could not create attribute indexEi saanud luua atribuudi indeksitLayer's data provider does not support creating attribute indexesKihi andmete pakkuja ei võimalda atribuudi indeksite loomistCreateConstantRasterRaster toolsRastri vahendidDesired extentSoovitud ulatusTarget CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemPixel sizePiksli suurusConstant valuePüsiväärtusConstantKonstantCreate constant raster layerLoo konstantne rasterkihtCould not create raster output: {}Could not create raster output {}: {}CreateNewModelActionCreate New Model…Loo uus mudel...ToolsTööriistadCreateNewScriptActionCreate New Script…Loo uus skript...ToolsTööriistadCrsWidgetWrapperSelect CRSValitud CRSDBManagerNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Ühtegi andmebaasi pole valitud või sa pole sellega ühendatud.Select the table you want export to file.Vali tabel, mida soovid eksportidaSelect a vector or a tabular layer you want export.Vali vektor- või tabelkiht, mida soovid eksportida.Query ({0})Päring ({0})Layer ({0})Kiht ({0})QueryPäringDB ManagerAndmebaasihaldurInfoInfoTableTabelPreviewEelvaadeProvidersPakkujad&Database&Andmebaas&Schema&Skeem&Table&TabelDefaultVaikimisi&Refresh&Värskenda&SQL Window&SQL-aken&Import Layer/File…&Impordi kiht/fail...&Export to File…&Ekspordi faili...&Exit&VäljuDBManagerPluginUnable to find a valid unique fieldEi suuda leida kehtivat unikaalset väljaCopyKopeeriDB ManagerAndmebaasihaldurSelect an empty schema for deletion.Vali tühi skeem kustutamiseks.Select a table/view for deletion.Vali tabel/vaade kustutamiseks.Select a table to empty it.Vali tabel tühjendamiseksSelect a table/view.Vali tabel/vaade.Server version: Serveri versioon:Host:Host:User:Kasutajatunnus:Library:Teek:<warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.<warning> Puudub tabel geometry_columns!
Seda tabelit vajavad paljud QGIS-i rakendused tabelite lugemiseks.create new schemasLoo uued skeemidcreate temporary tablesloo ajutised tabelidNot connectedPuudub ühendusConnection detailsÜhenduse näitajadGeneral infoÜldine info<warning> This user has no privileges!<warning> Sellel kasutajal puuduvad õigused!User has privileges:Kasutajal on õigused:PrivilegesÕigusedOwner:Omanik:Comment:Märkus:Materialized View informationMaterialiseeritud vaate infocreate new objectsloo uusi objekteaccess objectsligipääs objektideleSchema detailsSkeemi kirjeldus<warning> This user has no privileges to access this schema!<warning> Sellel kasutajal puudub õigus skeemi sisenemiseks!Relation type:Relatsiooni tüüp:ViewVaadeTableTabelRows:Read:Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>)Tundmatu (<a href="action:rows/count">leia</a>)NameNimiTypeTüüpNullNullDefaultVaikimisiColumn(s)Veerg (veerud)FunctionFunktsioon<warning> This is not a spatial table.<warning> Tabelis ei ole ruumiandmeid.FieldsVäljadConstraintsPiirangudIndexesIndeksidTriggersTrigeridView definitionVaate definitsioonColumn:Veerg:&Delete (Empty) Schema…&Kustuta (tühjenda) skeem...Geometry:Geomeetria:Qgis Geometry type:QGIS-i geomeetriatüüp:Dimension:Mõõde:UndefinedMääramataSpatial ref:Koordinaatsüsteem:Estimated extent:Hinnanguline ulatus:(unknown) (<a href="action:extent/get">find out</a>)(tundmatu) (<a href="action:extent/get">leia</a>)Extent:Ulatus:<warning> {0} support not enabled!<warning> {0} tugi ei ole võimaldatud!<warning> No spatial index defined (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">create it</a>)<warning> Puudub ruumiindeks (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">loo see</a>)Materialized viewMaterialiseeritud vaade&Create Schema…&Loo skeem...&Delete (Empty) Schema&Kustuta (tühjenda) skeemDelete Selected ItemKustuta valitud objekt&Create Table…&Loo tabel...&Edit Table…&Muuda tabelit...&Delete Table/View…&Kustuta tabel/vaade...&Empty Table…&Kustuta tabel...&Move to Schema&Tõsta skeemi&Change Logging…&Muuda logimist...Pages:Lehekülgi:Rows (estimation):Ridu (hinnanguliselt):Privileges:Õigused:<warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema!<warning> Sellel kasutajal puuduselle skeemi jaoks kasutusõigused!Rows (counted):Ridu (loetud):<warning> This user has read-only privileges.<warning> Kasutajal on ainult lugemisõigus.<warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>.<warning> Hinnanguline ja tegelik ridade arv on väga erinevad. Kaalu <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a> päringu käivitamist.<warning> No primary key defined for this table!<warning> Sellel tabelil puudub primaarvõti!Scripts:Skriptid:<warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts!
This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade.<warning> Installeeritud skriptide versioon ei vasta väljastatud skriptide versioonile!
Tõenäoliselt on tegemist vigase PostGIS-i uuendusega.<warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.<warning> Kasutajal puudub tabeli geometry_columns sisu lugemisõigus!
Seda tabelit vajavad paljud QGIS-i rakendused tabelite lugemiseks.LengthPikkusEnabledKasutusesYesJahNoEi<a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a><a href="action:triggers/enable">Võimalda kõik trigerid</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Keela kõik trigerid</a>DefinitionDefinitsioonRulesReeglid&Table&Tabel"{0}" not found"{0}" ei leitudFilename:Faili nimi:SQLite version:SQLite'i versioon:&Re-connect&Ühenda uuesti&Database&Andmebaas&Schema&SkeemCannot delete the selected item.Valitud objekti ei saa kustutada.No database selected or you are not connected to it.Ühtegi andmebaasi pole valitud või sa pole sellega ühendatud.New schemaUus skeemEnter new schema nameSisesta uue skeemi nimiTable triggersTabeli trigeridTable triggerTabeli trigerSpatial IndexRuumiindeksCheckKontrolliPrimary keyPrimaarvõtiForeign keyVälisvõtiUniqueUnikaalneExclusionErandUnknownTundmatuTable IndexTabeli indeksDatabase:Andmebaas:{0} is not supported yet{0} ei ole veel toetatudError:
{0}Really remove connection to {0}?Kas tõesti eemaldan ühenduse {0}?Really delete schema {0}?Kas tõesti kustutan skeemi {0}?Select a table to edit.Vali redigeeritav tabel.Really delete table/view {0}?Kas oled kindel, et kustutad tabeli/vaate {0}?Really delete all items from table {0}?Kas kindel, et kustutad kõik kirjed tabelist {0}?Do you want to {0} all triggers?Kas soovid {0} kõik trigerid?Do you want to {0} trigger {1}?Kas soovid {0} trigeri {1}?Do you want to {0} spatial index for field {1}?Kas soovid {0} ruumilist indeksit väljale {1}?SQLite list tables cache:SQLite'i loetelutabelite puhver:Oracle Spatial:Oracle Spatial:Object type:Objektitüüp:Creation Date:Loomise kuupäev:Last Modification Date:Viimane muutmiskuupäev:CommentMärkusColumnVeergStatusSeisundValidatedKontrollitudGeneratedLoodudCheck conditionKontrolli tingimustForeign TableVälistabelForeign columnVälisveergOn DeleteKustutamiselIndex TypeIndeksi tüüpLast analyzedViimati analüüsitudCompressionPakkimineUniquenessUnikaalsusActionTegevusEventSündmusRefresh Mode:Uuendamise viis:Refresh Method:Uuendamise meetod:Build Mode:Ehitusviis:Last Refresh Date:Viimane uuenduskuupäev:Last Refresh Type:Viimase uuenduse tüüp:Fast Refreshable:Kiiresti uuendatav:Staleness:Aeguvus:Stale since:Aegunud alates:Compile State:Kompileerimise staatus:Use no index:Ära kasuta indeksit:Executing SQLDB Manager…Andmebaasihaldur...Update SQL Layer…Värskenda SQL-kihti...<warning> There is no entry in geometry_columns!<warning> Tabelis geometry_columns puudub kirje!DBModelDatabasesAndmebaasidInvalid layerVigane kihtUnable to load the layer {0}Ei õnnestu kihti {0} laadidaDBTreeRename…Nimeta ümber...Delete…Kustuta...Add to CanvasLisa kaardivaatesseRe-connectÜhenda uuestiRemoveEemaldaNew Connection…Uus ühendus...%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 on vigane kiht – ei laaditud%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.%1 on vigane kiht ja seda ei saa laadida. Täpsema info leiad <a href="#messageLog">teadete logist</a>.Datasources2VrtVector generalInput datasourcesSisend-andmeallikadCreate "unioned" VRTLoo "liidetud" VRTDbManagerDlgAddGeometryColumnAdd geometry columnLisa geomeetria veergNameNimiTypeTüüpDimensionsMõõdudSRIDSRIDDbManagerDlgCreateConstraintAdd constraintLisa piirangColumnVeergPrimary keyPrimaarvõtiUniqueUnikaalneDbManagerDlgCreateIndexCreate indexLoo indeksColumnVeergNameNimiDbManagerDlgCreateTableCreate TableLoo tabelSchemaSkeemNameNimiAdd fieldLisa väliDelete fieldKustuta väliUpÜlesDownAllaPrimary keyPrimaarvõtiCreate geometry columnLoo geomeetria väliDimensionsMõõdudSRIDSRIDCreate spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksDbManagerDlgDbErrorDatabase ErrorAndmebaasi vigaAn error occurredTekkis vigaAn error occurred when executing a queryQueryPäringDbManagerDlgExportVectorExport to vector fileTeisenda vektorfailiksSave asSalvesta nimegaOptionsSuvandidReplace destination file (if exists)Asenda väljund-fail (kui see on olemas)Source SRIDAlgne SRIDTarget SRIDSiht-SRIDEncodingKodeering……FormatFormaatDbManagerDlgFieldPropertiesField propertiesVälja omadusedNameNimiTypeTüüpCan be NULLVõib olla NULLDefault value expression<html><head/><body><p>Properly quoted PostgreSQL expression (e.g. <code>4</code>, <code>'text'</code> or <code>nextval('foo_id_seq')</code><br/></p></body></html>LengthPikkusDbManagerDlgImportVectorImport vector layerImpordi vektorkihtInputSisend……Import only selected featuresImpordi ainult valitud nähtusedUpdate optionsUuendamise valikudOutput tableVäljund-tabelSchemaSkeemTableTabelOptionsSuvandidPrimary keyPrimaarvõtiGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSource SRIDAlgne SRIDTarget SRIDVäljundi SRIDEncodingKodeeringCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partLoo liht-geomeetriad mitmeosaliste asemelCreate spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksReplace destination table (if exists)Asenda siht-tabel (kui see on olemas)Convert field names to lowercaseMuuda väljanimed väiketähtedeksDbManagerDlgSqlLayerWindow<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Väldi nähtuste valikut id alusel. Vahel, eriti kui jooksutad koormavaid päringuid/vaateid, võib andmete pärimine järjestikuliselt olla palju kiirem kui id alusel.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idVäldi nähtuse id põhjal valimistUpdateVärskendaNameNimiDeleteKustuta&Clear&PuhastaColumn(s) with
unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtustega
veerg (veerud)Geometry columnGeomeetria veergRetrieve
veerudSQL WindowSaved querySalvestatud päringSaveSalvestaExecute query (Ctrl+R)ExecuteKäivitaCtrl+RCtrl+ALayer name (prefix)Kihi nimi (eesliide)TypeTüüpVectorVektorRasterRasterSet filterMäära filterDbManagerDlgSqlWindowColumn(s) with
unique valuesTulp (tulbad)
unikaalsete väärtustegaSet filterMäära filterDeleteKustutaCreate a viewLoo vaade&Clear&PuhastaLoad as new layerLaadi uue kihinaGeometry columnGeomeetria veergRetrieve
veerudSQL WindowQueryPäringRows affectedDuration (secs)Kestus (sekundites)Query HistoryLoadLaadiLayer name (prefix)Kihi nimi (eesliide)TypeTüüpVectorVektorRasterRasterSaved querySalvestatud päringSaveSalvestaExecute query (Ctrl+R)ExecuteKäivitaCtrl+RCtrl+ACancel query (ESC)Tühista päring (ESC)CancelLoobu<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Väldi nähtuste valikut id alusel. Vahel, eriti kui jooksutad koormavaid päringuid/vaateid, võib andmete pärimine järjestikuliselt olla palju kiirem kui id alusel.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idVäldi nähtuse id põhjal valimistNameNimiDbManagerDlgTablePropertiesTable propertiesTabeli omadusedColumnsVeerudTable columns:Tabeli veerud:Add columnLisa veergAdd geometry columnLisa geomeetria veergEdit columnRedigeeri veerguDelete columnKustuta veergConstraintsPiirangudPrimary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints:Pirmaarvõti, välisvõtmed, unikaalsuse ja kontrolli piirangud:Add primary key / uniqueLisa primaarvõti / unikaalneDelete constraintKustuta piirangIndexesIndeksidIndexes defined for this table:Selle tabeli jaoks deriindeksid:Add indexLisa indeksAdd spatial indexLisa ruumiline indeksDelete indexKustuta indeksDbManagerQueryBuilderDlgColumnsVeerudGroup byRühmitusalusOrder byJärjestaDataAndmedShow system tablesNäita süsteemitabeleidTablesTabelidSQL Query BuilderWhereKusAggregatesKoondidFunctionsFunktsioonidMathMatemaatikaStrings functionsTeksti funktsioonidOperatorsOperaatoridColumns' valuesVeeru väärtusedOnly 10 first valuesAinult esimesed 10 väärtustSpatial indexRuumiindeksTable (with spatial index)Tabel (ruumiindeksiga)Table (Target)Tabel (väljund)Use spatial indexKasuta ruumiindeksit&Reset&LähtestaDefineProjectionVector generalInput LayerLähteandmete kihtLayer with projectionKiht projektsioonigaDefine layer projectionMäära kihi projektsioonData source isn't a shapefile, skipping .prj/.qpj creationAndmeallikas ei ole shp-fail, jätan .prj/.qpj-failide tekitamise vaheleDelaunayVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisend-kihtDelaunay triangulationDelaunay triangulatsioonInput file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.Sisendfail peab sisaldama vähemalt 3 punkti. Vali teine fail ja proovi uuesti.DeleteColumndrop,delete,remove,fields,columns,attributesVector tableVektortabelFields to dropEemaldatavad väljadDrop field(s)Eemalda väli (väljad)Remaining fieldsField “{}” does not exist in input layerDeleteDuplicateGeometriesVector generalInput layerSisend-kihtCleanedPuhastatudDelete duplicate geometriesKustuta korduvad geomeetriadDeleteModelActionDelete Model…Kustuta mudel...Are you sure you want to delete this model from the current project?DeleteModelActionDelete ModelDeleteModelActionKustuta mudelAre you sure you want to delete this model?DeleteModelActionKas oled kindel et soovid kustutada selle mudeli?DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionDelete Preconfigured Algorithm…Kustuta eelseadistatud algoritm...Delete AlgorithmDeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionKustuta algoritmAre you sure you want to delete this algorithm?DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionOled kindel, et soovid selle algoritmi kustutada?DeleteScriptActionDelete Script…Delete ScriptAre you sure you want to delete this script?Kas oled kindel et soovid kustutada selle skripti?Can not find corresponding script file.DensifyGeometriesadd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaVertices to addLisatavad käänupunktidDensify by countDensifiedTihendatudDensifyGeometriesIntervaladd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInterval between vertices to addLisatavate punktide vahekaugusDensify by intervalDensifiedTihendatudDestinationSelectionPanel[Save to temporary file][Salvesta ajutisse faili][Save to temporary folder][Create temporary layer][Tekita ajutine kiht][Skip output][Jäta väljund vahele]Save to GeoPackage…Salvesta GeoPackage'i vormingusse...Skip OutputCreate Temporary LayerTekita ajutine kihtSave to a Temporary FileTekita ajutine failSave to File…Salvesta failina...Save to PostGIS Table…Salvesta PostGIS-i tabelisse...Change File Encoding ({})…GeoPackage files (*.gpkg);;All files (*.*)OutputFileSave to GeoPackageLayer nameKihi nimiSave fileSalvesta failFile encodingFaili kodeeringSelect DirectoryDialogParametersParameetridDialogDialoogLogLogiCancelLoobu output tableVäljundtabelSelect connection and schemaVali ühendus ja skeemTable nameTabeli nimiNew expressionUus avaldisNameNimiExpressionAvaldisPredefined formulaEel-defineeritud valemVariablesMuutujadDirectorySelectorDialogAddLisaRemoveEemaldaRemove allEemalda kõikSelect directoryVali kataloogDissolveInput layerLähteandmete kihtDissolve fieldKokkusulatatav väliGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileKeep input attributesHoia alles sisend-atribuudidCount dissolved featuresLoenda liidetud nähtusedCompute area and perimeter of dissolved featuresArvuta liidetud nähtuste pindala ja ümbermõõtCompute min/max/sum/mean for attributeNumeric attribute to calculate statistics onAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudDissolvedLiidetudDissolveSulata kokkuVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusDistanceInputPanelDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.DlgAddGeometryColumnDB ManagerAndmebaasi JuhtijaField name must not be empty.DlgAutofillAutofill settingsAutomaatse täite seadedAutofill modeAutomaatse täite moodusDo not autofillÄra täida automaatseltFill with numbersTäida arvudegaFill with parameter valuesTäida parameetriväärtustegaParameter to useParameeterDlgCancelTaskQueryDialogDialoogExecuting SQL...CancelLoobuDlgConfigProcessing optionsTöötlemise valikudEnter setting name to filter listAnna seadistuse nimi loetelu filtreerimiseksDlgCreateIndexErrorVigaPlease enter a name for the index.DlgCreateTable&Create&LooDB ManagerAndmebaasi JuhtijaNo field selected.Field is already at the top.Field is already at the bottom.A valid schema must be selected first.A valid table name is required.At least one field is required.A name is required for the geometry column.Table created successfully.DlgExportVectorChoose where to save the fileVali kuhu soovid faili salvestadaExport to fileEkspordi failiOutput file name is requiredVäljundfaili nimi on kohustuslikInvalid source srid: must be an integerKehtetu lähte-koordinaatsüsteem: peab olema täisarvInvalid target srid: must be an integerKehtetu siht-koordinaatsüsteem: peab olema täisarvError {0}
{1}Viga {0}
{1}Export finished.Eksport lõpetatudDlgFieldPropertiesDB ManagerAndmebaasi JuhtijaField name must not be empty.Field type must not be empty.DlgFixedTableFixed tableLukustatud tabelDlgHelpEditionHelp EditorSelect element to editVali redigeeritav elementElement descriptionElemendi kirjeldusDlgHistoryHistoryAjaluguDlgImportVectorChoose the file to importVali imporditav failImport to DatabaseInput layer missing or not valid.Output table name is required.Invalid source srid: must be a valid crs.Invalid target srid: must be a valid crs.Error {0}
{1}Viga {0}
{1}Import was successful.Import õnnestus.DlgModelerExport as imageEkspordi pildinaExport as Python scriptEkspordi Pythoni skriptinaEdit model helpRedigeeri mudeli abifailiProcessing ModelerNavigationNavigeerimineOpen model...Ava mudelOpen model (Ctrl+O)Ava mudel (Ctrl+O)Ctrl+OCtrl+OSave modelSalvesta mudelSave model (Ctrl+S)Salvesta mudel (Ctrl+S)Ctrl+SCtrl+SSave model as...Salvesta mudel nimega...Save model as (Ctrl+S)Salvesta mudel nimega (Ctrl+S)Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+SZoom to &100%Suumi &100%niCtrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom inSuurendaCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom outVähendaCtrl+-Ctrl+-Export as image...Ekspordi pildina...Zoom fullMahuta kõikCtrl+0Ctrl+OExport as PDF...Ekspordi PDF-ina...Export as PDFEkspordi PDF-inaExport as SVG...Ekspordi SVG-na...Export as SVGEkspordi SVG-naExport as Python script...Ekspordi Pythoni skriptinaEdit model help...Redigeeri mudeli abifaili...Run model...Käivita mudelRun model (F5)Käivita mudel (F5)F5F5Save model in projectDlgMultipleSelectionMultiple selectionHulga kaupa valikDlgNumberInputEnter number or expressionSisesta arv või avaldis<html><head/><body><p>Enter expression in the text field. Double-click on elements in the tree to add their values to the expression.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Sisesta avaldis tekstiväljale. Elemendi väärtuse lisamiseks avaldisse tee kataloogipuus elemendi peal topeltklõps.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Warning</span>: if expression result is float value, but integer required, result will be rounded to integer.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Hoiatus</span>: kui avaldise vastus on ujukomaarv, aga nõutakse täisarvu, siis ümardatakse tulemus täisarvuks.</p></body></html>DlgRenderingStylesDialogDialoogOutputVäljundStyleStiilDlgSqlLayerWindowColumn(s) with unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtustega veerg (veerud)Column with unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtustega veerg{0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsDlgSqlWindow{0} - {1} [{2}]{0} - {1} [{2}]Column(s) with unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtustega veerg (veerud)Column with unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtustega veergCancel (ESC){0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsDlgTablePropertiesDB ManagerAndmebaasi JuhtijaNo columns were selected.Delete ColumnAre you sure you want to delete column '{0}'?Delete ConstraintAre you sure you want to delete constraint '{0}'?No constraints were selected.The selected table has no geometry.Create Spatial IndexLoo Spatial IndexCreate spatial index for field {0}?Loo ruumiindeksi väljale {0}?No indices were selected.Delete IndexAre you sure you want to delete index '{0}'?DlgVersioningSchemaSkeemTableTabelNew columnsUued veerudAdd Change Logging Support to a TableTable should be empty, with a primary keyTabel peaks olema tühi, primaarvõtmegaCreate a view with current content (<TABLE>_current)Tekita praeguse sisuga vaade (<TABLE>_current)Primary keyPrimaarvõtiid_histid_histStart timeAlgusaegtime_starttime_startEnd timeLõpu aegtime_endtime_endUser roleuser_roleSQL to be executedKäivitatav SQLDnDTreeBase configurationBaas-seadistusConfigure ContainerControl visibility by expressionMäära nähtavus avaldise abilVisibility ExpressionNähtavuse avaldisTitlePealkiriColumn countVeergude arvShow as group boxNäita rühmakastinaConfigure Relation EditorShow link buttonNäita seostamise nuppuShow unlink buttonNäita lahti seostamise nuppuConfigure QML WidgetInsert QML code here...Free text...RectangleNelinurkPie chartSektordiagrammBar chartQML CodeConfigure FieldSeadista väliDockWidgetResults ViewerDualEdgeTriangulationReading points…WarningHoiatusFile could not be written.EditModelActionEdit Model…EditScriptActionEdit Script…Edit ScriptCan not find corresponding script file.EffectPropertiesWidgetFormVormEffect typeEffekti tüüpThis effect doesn't have any editable propertiesSellel effektil ei ole muudetavaid omadusiEliminateSelectionVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaLargest AreaSuurim pindalaSmallest AreaVäikseim pindalaLargest Common BoundarySuurim ühine piirInput layerSisend-kihtMerge selection with the neighbouring polygon with theLiida valik naaberpolügooniga, millel onEliminatedEemaldatudEliminate selected polygonsEemalda valitud polügoonid{0}: (No selection in input layer "{1}"){0}: (Sisendkihis "{1}" pole ühtegi nähtust valitud)Could not replace geometry of feature with id {0}Ei saanud id {0} nähtuse geomeetriat asendadaCould not commit changesEi saa muudatusi rakendadaEnumModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to delete all items?ExampleAlgorithmCreate copy of layerLoo kihi koopiaAlgorithms for vector layersAlgoritmid vektorkihtide jaoksInput layerLähteandmete kihtOutput layer with selected featuresVäljundkiht valitud nähtustegaExampleProcessingAlgorithmMy ScriptExample scriptsExample algorithm short descriptionNäidisalgoritmi lühikirjeldusInput layerSisend-kihtOutput layerVäljundkihtExecuteSQLExecute SQLKäivita SQLVector generalAdditional input datasources (called input1, .., inputN in the query)Täiendavad sisend-andmeallikad (päringus nimetatud input1, ..., inputN)SQL querySQL-päringUnique identifier fieldUnikaalse identifikaatori väliGeometry fieldGeomeetria väliAutodetectAutomaatuvastamineNo geometryGeomeetriataGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpCRSKoordinaatsüsteemSQL OutputSQL-i väljundEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Tühi SQL. Palun sisesta SQL-avaldis ja proovi uuesti.ExecuteSqlNoneTühiOGR SQLSQLiteSQLiteInput layerSisend-kihtSQL expressionSQL-avaldisSQL dialectAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudSQL resultSQL-i tulemusExecute SQLKäivita SQLVector miscellaneousVektori erinevadEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Tühi SQL. Palun sisesta SQL-avaldis ja proovi uuesti.ExportGeometryInfoexport,add,information,measurements,areas,lengths,perimeters,latitudes,longitudes,x,y,z,extract,points,lines,polygons,sinuosity,fieldsVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaLayer CRSKihi koordinaatsüsteemProject CRSProjekti koordinaatsüsteemEllipsoidalEllipsoidneInput layerLähteandmete kihtCalculate usingArvuta kasutadesAdded geom infoLisatud geomeetria-infoAdd geometry attributesExtentFromLayerpolygon,from,vector,raster,extent,envelope,bounds,bounding,boundary,layerLayer toolsKihi tööriistadInput layerLähteandmete kihtExtract layer extentVõta kihi ulatusExtentUlatusExtentSelectionPanel[Leave blank to use min covering extent][Jäta tühjaks et kasutada vähimat katvat ulatust]Use Canvas ExtentUse Layer Extent…Select Extent on CanvasUse Min Covering Extent from Input LayersSelect ExtentUse extent fromKasuta ulatustExtractProjectionInput fileSisend-failCreate also .prj fileLoon ka .prj failiExtract projectionProjektsiooni väljavõteRaster projectionsRastri projektsioonidExtractSpecificVerticesVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisend-kihtVertex indicesVerticesKäänupunktidExtract specific verticespoints,vertex,nodes'{}' is not a valid vertex indexFeatureSourceWidgetWrapperSelect fileVali failSelected features onlyAinult valitud nähtusedFieldsCalculatorField calculatorVäljakalkulaatorCreate a new fieldLoo uus väliOutput field nameVäljundi välja nimiOutput field typeTüüpOutput field widthVäljundi välja laiusWidth of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width.Laius täielukule väljundile. Näiteks 123,456 tähendab 6 välja laiust.PrecisionTäpsusInput layerLähteandmete kihtUpdate existing fieldVärskenda olemasolevat väljaOutput fileVäljundfail......Vector tableVektortabelFloatUjukomaarvIntegerTäisarvStringLausendDateKuupäevResult field nameTulemus-välja nimiField typeVälja tüüpField lengthVälja pikkusField precisionVälja komakohtade arvCreate new fieldLoo uus väliFormulaValemCalculatedArvutatudField name is not set. Please enter a field nameVälja nimi on määramata. Palun sisesta väljanimiFieldsCalculatorDialog[Save to temporary file][Salvesta ajutisse faili]Save fileSalvesta failUnable to execute algorithmEi saa algoritmi käivitadaProcessingTöötlenFieldsMapperattributes,tableFields mappingVäljade seostamineRefactoredRefaktooritudParser error in expression "{}": {}Parseri viga avaldises "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}Hindamise viga avaldises "{}": {}Refactor fieldsRefaktoori väljadVector tableVektortabelFieldsMappingModelSource expressionField nameVälja nimiTypeTüüpLengthPikkusPrecisionTäpsusFieldsMappingPanelDo you want to reset the field mapping?FieldsPyculatorVector tableVektortabelIntegerTäisarvFloatUjukomaarvStringLausendInput layerLähteandmete kihtResult field nameTulemus-välja nimiField typeVälja tüüpField lengthVälja pikkusField precisionVälja komakohtade arvGlobal expressionÜldine avaldisFormulaValemCalculatedArvutatudFieldPyculator code execute error.Global code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator koodi käivitamise viga. Üldist koodi lõiku ei saa käivitada!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error. Field code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator koodi käivitamise viga. Välja koodi lõiku ei saa käivitada!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error
Field code block does not return '{0}' variable! Please declare this variable in your code!FieldPyculator koodi käivitamise viga
Välja koodi lõik ei tagasta '{0}' muutujat! Palun deklareeri muutuja koodis!Advanced Python field calculatorKeeruline Python väljakalkulaatorFileDirectorySelectorSelect directoryVali kataloogSelect fileVali failAll files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)FileSelectionPanelSelect FolderSelect File{} files{} failid);;All files (*.*));;Kõik failid (*.*)FileWidgetWrapperSelect fileVali fail{} files{} failid);;All files (*.*));;Kõik failid (*.*)All files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)Select FileFindProjectioncrs,srs,coordinate,reference,system,guess,estimate,finder,determineVector generalInput layerSisend-kihtTarget area for layerKihi piirkondCRS candidatesFind projectionLeia projektsioonFound candidate CRS: {}No matching projections foundFixedTableDialogAdd rowLisa ridaRemove row(s)Eemalda rida (read)Remove allEemalda kõikFixedTablePanelFixed table {0}x{1}Lukustatud tabel {0}x{1}FormFormVormInsertSisesta((sqrtruutjuur))^^--//>>**ANDAND<=<=LayersKihtOperatorsOperaatoridacosacosasinasin<<sinsintantan>=>=atanatancoscoslog10log10ORORlnlnAdd…Save…==!=!=++ExpressionAvaldisPredefined expressionsEelmääratletud avaldisedVector layerVektorkihtInterpolation attributeInterpoleerimise atribuutAttributeAtribuutTypeTüüpUse Z-coordinate for interpolationKasuta z-koordinaate interpoleerimisel......Toggle advanced modeLülita keerulisse režiimiLower boundAlumine seosUpper boundÜlemine seosColorVärvusAdd rowLisa ridaRemove rowEemalda ridaMove upTõsta ülesMove downTõsta allaLoad colors from fileImpordi värvused failistSave colors to fileSalvesta värvused failiGenerate color table automaticallyGenereeri automaatselt värvitabelRemove row(s)Eemalda rida (read)OpenAvaSaveSalvestaLoad layers on completionIterate over this layerItereeri üle selle kihiAdvanced parametersTäiendavad parameetridMinMin MaxMaxFieldsVäljadAdd new fieldLisa uus väliaddlisaDelete selected fieldKustuta valitud välideletekustutaMove selected field upNihuta valitud väli ülesupülesMove selected field downNihuta valitud väli alladownallaReset all fieldsLähtesta kõik väljadresetlähtestaLoad fields from layerLaadi väljad kihiltLoad fields from selected layerLaadi väljad valitud kihiltLoad fieldsLaadi väljadequalsvõrdubcontainssisaldabtouchespuutubintersectslõikubwithinseesoverlapskattubcrossesristubdisjointühisosataNumber of rows (pixels) in output rasterRidade (pikslite) arv väljund-rastrisColumnsVeerudResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsVäljund-rastri piksli resolutsioon, kihi ühikutesPixel size XPiksli suurus XNumber of columns (pixels) in output rasterVeergude (pikslite) arv väljund-rastrisRowsReadPixel size YPiksli suurus Y……Remove itemEemalda kirjeAdd itemLisa kirjeClear allTühjenda kõikAllow multiple selectionFixed number of rowsAdd columnLisa veergRemove columnGPKGDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Puudub kirjeldatud andmebaasiühendus "{0}".GPKGDatabaseRun &VacuumKäivita &Vacuum&Database&AndmebaasNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Ühtegi andmebaasi pole valitud või sa pole sellega ühendatud.GdalAlgorithmProviderActivateAktiveeriLocation of GDAL docsGDAL-i dokumentatsiooni asukohtGdalParametersPanelGDAL/OGR console callGDAL-i/OGR-i konsoolikutse[temporary file][ajutine fail]Invalid value for parameter '{0}'Kehtetu väärtus parameetr '{0}' jaoksGeometryByExpressionVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaPolygonPolügoonOutput geometry typeVäljundgeomeetria tüüpOutput geometry has z dimensionVäljund-geomeetrial on z-mõõdeOutput geometry has m valuesVäljund-geomeetrial on m-mõõdeGeometry expressionGeomeetriaavaldisedGeometry by expressionRuumikujud avaldise aluselModified geometryMuudetud geomeetriaEvaluation error: {0}Hindamise viga: {0}{} is not a geometry[] ei ole geomeetriaGeometryConvertVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaCentroidsKeskpunktidNodesSõlmedLinestringsJoonedMultilinestringsMulti-joonedPolygonsPolügoonidInput layerLähteandmete kihtNew geometry typeUus geomeetria tüüpConvertedTeisendatudCannot convert from {0} to LineStrings {0} joonteks teisendamine ei õnnestuCannot convert from {0} to MultiLineStrings {0} multijoonteks teisendamine ei õnnestuCannot convert from Point to PolygonPunkti ei saa polügooniks teisendadaConvert geometry typeTeisenda geomeetriatüüpGeometryGeneratorWidgetBaseFormVormGeometry typeGeomeetriatüüpGlobePluginLaunch GlobeKäivita Globe&Globe&GlobeGrass7AlgorithmCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}Ei saanud avada GRASS GIS 7 algoritmi: {0}
{1}ProcessingTöötlenGRASS GIS 7 region extentGRASS GIS 7 piirkonna ulatusGRASS GIS 7 region cellsize (leave 0 for default)GRASS GIS 7 piirkonna piksliruurus (jäta 0 et kasutada vaikeväärtust)Output Rasters format options (createopt)Output Rasters format metadata options (metaopt)v.in.ogr snap tolerance (-1 = no snap)v.in.ogr min areav.out.ogr output typev.out.ogr output data source options (dsco)v.out.ogr output layer options (lco)GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 kaust ei ole seadistatud. Palun seadista see enne, kui hakkad kasutama GRASS GIS 7 algoritme.GRASS GIS 7 execution commandsGRASS GIS 7 käivituskäsklusedprocessInputs end. Commands: {}processCommands end. Commands: {}Grass7AlgorithmProviderActivateAktiveeriGRASS7 folderGRASS7 kaustLog execution commandsLogi käivituskäsklusedLog console outputLogi konsooli väljundLocation of GRASS docsGRASS-i dokumentatsiooni asukohtFor vector layers, use v.external (faster) instead of v.in.ogrCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}Ei saanud avada GRASS GIS 7 algoritmi: {0}ProcessingTöötlenCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}Ei saanud avada GRASS GIS 7 algoritmi: {0}
1Grass7UtilsGRASS GIS 7 execution console outputGRASS GIS 7 käivituskonsooli väljundGRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 kaust ei ole seadistatud. Palun seadista see enne, kui hakkad kasutama GRASS GIS 7 algoritme.GRASS GIS 7 binary {0} can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH {1} environment variable.GRASS 7 can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH environment variable.The specified GRASS 7 folder "{}" does not contain a valid set of GRASS 7 modules.
Please, go to the Processing settings dialog, and check that the GRASS 7
folder is correctly configuredMääratud GRASS 7 kaustas "{}" puudub vajalik komplekt GRASS 7 mooduleid.
Palun kontrolli kas GRASS 7
kaust on õigesti seadistatudGrassAlgorithmr.horizon.height - Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.r.horizon.height - horisondi nurga arvutus digitaalselt kõrgusmudelilt.r.sunmask.datetime - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.sunmask.position - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.in.lidar.info - Extract information from LAS filer.in.lidar.info - Loe infot LAS failistPerforms bilinear or bicubic spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).Calculates solar elevation, solar azimuth, and sun hours.Arvutab Päikese kõrguse, asimuudi ja päevavalguse tunnid.Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.renyi.ascii - Calculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapr.blend.combine - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and export into a unique raster.Performs contextual image classification using sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) estimation.Generates spectral signatures for land cover types in an image using a clustering algorithm.i.eb.hsebal01.coords - Computes sensible heat flux iteration SEBAL 01. Inline coordinatesComputes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculation.Arvutab biomassi kasvu mahuCalculates Optimum-Index-Factor table for spectral bandsRaster map calculator.Calculates shape index on a raster mapCalculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapComputes potential evapotranspiration calculation with hourly Penman-Monteith.r.li.shape.ascii - Calculates shape index on a raster mapIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.Tuvastab pildiandmetest segmente (objekte).Computes topographic correction of reflectance.Arvutab peegelduse topograafilise paranduse.Computes evapotranspiration calculation Priestley and Taylor formulation, 1972.Calculates different types of vegetation indices.Arvutab erinevaid vegetatsiooni-indekseid.Generates statistics for i.smap from raster map.Computes evaporative fraction (Bastiaanssen, 1995) and root zone soil moisture (Makin, Molden and Bastiaanssen, 2001).Actual evapotranspiration for diurnal period (Bastiaanssen, 1995). r.mask.rast - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation.i.topo.coor.ill - Creates illumination model for topographic correction of reflectance.Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapr.walk.points - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from point vector layers.Computes broad band albedo from surface reflectance. Imports SPOT VGT NDVI data into a raster map.Impordib SPOT VGT NDVI andmed rasterkaardile.Performs Landsat TM/ETM+ Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment (ACCA).Performs auto-balancing of colors for RGB images.Teostab RGB piltidel värvide automaatseadistamise .Computes evapotranspiration calculation modified or original Hargreaves formulation, 2001.Principal components analysis (PCA) for image processing.Calculates top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLIClassifies the cell spectral reflectances in imagery data.Performs Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation.Computes temporal integration of satellite ET actual (ETa) following the daily ET reference (ETo) from meteorological station(s).Net radiation approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).r.li.pielou.ascii - Calculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapRegroup multiple mono-band rasters into a single multiband raster.Rühmita mitu üheribalist rastrit ümber üheks mitmeribaliseks rastriks.Rapidly fills 'no data' cells (NULLs) of a raster map with interpolated values (IDW).Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsSoil heat flux approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).Mosaics several images and extends colormap.Calculates Top of Atmosphere Radiance/Reflectance/Brightness Temperature from ASTER DN.r.li.simpson.ascii - Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapr.stats.quantile.out - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output statisticsCalculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapCalculates multiple linear regression from raster maps.r.topmodel.topidxstats - Builds a TOPMODEL topographic index statistics file.r.category.out - Exports category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapFinds shortest path using timetables.Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POV-RayImports E00 file into a vector mapExports a vector map to a GRASS ASCII vector representation.Ekspordib vektorkaardi GRASS ASCII vektorkujule.Exports a vector map layer to PostGIS feature table. Converts raster maps into the VTK-ASCII formatTeisendab rasterkaardi VTK-ASCII vormingusseA simple utility for converting bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa. It assumes a Cartesian coordinate systemLihtne vahend suuna ja kauguse koordinaatideks ja vastupidi teisendamise jaoks. Eeldab, et kasutatakse Cartesiuse koordinaatsüsteemi.Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-FileSplit lines to shorter segments by length.r.li.edgedensity.ascii - Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmConverts (rasterize) a vector layer into a raster layer.Teisendab (rasterdab) vektorkihi rasterkihiks.Computes bridges and articulation points in the network.Export a raster layer into a GRASS ASCII text fileExports a raster map to a text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersSelects vector objects from a vector layer and creates a new layer containing only the selected objects.Valib vektor-nähtused vektor-kihilt ja tekitab uue kihi, mis sisaldaba ainult valitud nähtusi. Converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image fileTeisendab 3 GRASS-i rasterkihti (R,G,B) PPM-pildifailiksUploads raster values at positions of vector centroids to the table.Creates a vector map from an ASCII points file or ASCII vector file.Creates a buffer around vector features of given type. Performs network maintenanceCalculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics)Reclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas lower than a user specified sizeExport a GRASS raster map as a non-georeferenced PNG imageConverts 2D vector features to 3D by sampling of elevation raster map.r.walk.coords - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a list of coordinates.Fills lake at given point to given level.Re-projects a vector map from one location to the current locationPerforms surface interpolation from vector points map by splines.Converts raster map series to MPEG moviePerforms cluster identificationProduces a vector map of specified contours from a raster map. Exports a vector map to SVG file.Decimates a point cloudr.li.shannon.ascii - Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapCalculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCalculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCalculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.what.coords - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a point.Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCreates/modifies the color table associated with a raster map.r.li.padcv.ascii - Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapSplits a raster map into tilesLõikab rasterkaardi paanideksCreates a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension.r.li.mps.ascii - Calculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmGenerates random surface(s) with spatial dependence.Tekitab omavahel ruumiliselt sõltuvad juhuslikud pinnadr.what.points - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a layer of points.Creates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values (low-memory alternative).Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapManages category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.Calculates range of patch area size on a raster mapCalculates richness index on a raster mapArvutab rasterkaardi täiuse indeksir.stats.quantile.rast - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output rasters.r.blend.rgb - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and exports into three rasters.Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapGenerates rate of spread raster maps.Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapMakes each output cell value an accumulation function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.Computes USLE R factor, Rainfall erosivity index.Interpolates raster maps located (temporal or spatial) in between input raster maps at specific sampling positions.Imagery (i.*)Pildid (i.*)r.li.cwed.ascii - Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapr.mask.vect - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation with a vector layer.Creates topographic index layer from elevation raster layerLoob topograafilise indeksi kihi rasterkujul kõrgusmudelistCalculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapResamples raster map layers using an analytic kernel.Exports the color table associated with a raster map.Queries colors for a raster map layer. Splits a raster map into red, green and blue maps.Lahutab rasterkaardi punaseks, roheliseks ja siniseks kaardiks.Computes USLE Soil Erodibility Factor (K).r.li.dominance.ascii - Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapLocates the closest points between objects in two raster maps.r.li.padsd.ascii - Calculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.walk.rast - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a raster.r.li.patchnum.ascii - Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.patchdensity.ascii - Calculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmNumerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined solute transport in two dimensionsCreates a latitude/longitude raster map.Tekitab pikkuse-laiuse rasterkaardi.Simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.Simulates elliptically anisotropic spread.Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map. Exports GRASS vector map layers to DXF file format.Ekspordib GRASS-i vektorkaardi kihid DXF-vormingusse.Generates a raster layer with contiguous areas grown by one cell.Tekitab rasterkihi, kus pidevat ala on suurendatud elemendi kaupaConverts a raster layer to a PPM image file at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region.Generates random cell values with spatial dependence.Genereerib juhusliku väärtusega ja ruumilise sõltuvusega ruudud .Stream network extractionVooluvõrgu tuletamineMiscellaneous (m.*)Varia (m.*)Create a new vector map layer by combining other vector map layers.Loo uus vektorkaart vektorkaardikihtide kombineerimise teel.Performs an affine transformation on a vector layer.Teostab affiinse transformatsiooni vektorkihil.Reinterpolates using regularized spline with tension and smoothing.Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.Creates parallel line to input vector lines.Loob sisend-vektorjoontele paralleeljoone.Recodes categorical raster maps.Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.Horisondi nurga arvutus digitaalselt kõrgusmudelilt.Exports GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)Teisendab GRASS-i rasterkaardi GRIDATB.FOR-i kaardifailiks (TOPMODEL)Indices for quadrat counts of vector point lists.Detects the object's edges from a LIDAR data set.Tuvastab objekti servad LIDAR andmestikust.Thins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster layer.Import GetFeature from WFSImpordi GetFeature WFS-istProduces a raster layer of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user.Produces the quantization file for a floating-point map.Creates a GRASS vector layer of a user-defined grid.Tekitab kasutaja määratud võrgustikust GRASS-i vektorkihi.Extracts terrain parameters from a DEM.Tuletab reljeefiparameetrid DEM-ist.Creates a composite raster layer by using one (or more) layer(s) to fill in areas of "no data" in another map layer.Tekitab komposiit-rastri kasutades ühte (või mitut) kihti et täita puuduvate väärtustega alad teisel kaardikihil.Raster (r.*)Raster (r.*)Transforms raster maps from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space to HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space.Correction of the v.lidar.growing output. It is the last of the three algorithms for LIDAR filtering.Generates watershed subbasins raster map.Loob valgla alamvalglate rasterkaardiOutputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified raster layer(s).Väljastab kasutaja poolt määratud raster-kihi (kihtide) kohta kovariatsiooni/korrelatsiooni maatriksi.Compute quantiles using two passes.Arvuta kvantiilid kahe ülekäiguga.Vector (v.*)Vektor (v.*)Classifies attribute data, e.g. for thematic mapping.Klassifitseerib atribuutandmed, nt. teemakaardi jaoks.Random location perturbations of GRASS vector pointsChanges vector category values for an existing vector map according to results of SQL queries or a value in attribute table column.Reports statistics for raster layers.Statistiline raport rasterkihtidele.r.relief.scaling - Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).r.relief.scaling - Loob reljeefivarjutuse kõrgusandmete kihi põhjal (DEM).Randomly generate a 2D/3D vector points map.Tekita juhuslike 2D/3D vektor-punktide kaart.Resamples raster layers to a coarser grid using aggregation.Calculates category or object oriented statistics.Arvutab statistika kategooria või objektide kohta.Create points along input linesLoo punktid sisestatud jooneleComputes minimum spanning tree for the network.Computes the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in the networkComputes vertex connectivity between two sets of nodes in the network.Creates Steiner tree for the network and given terminalsv.net.report - Reports lines information of a networkPerforms visibility graph construction.Teostab nähtavusgraafiku arvutuse.Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result.Arvuta veamaatriks ja kappa parameeter klassifitseerimise tulemuste täpsuse hindamiseks.Flow computation for massive grids.Computes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse land. Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a raster map.Arvutab statistilise varieeruvuse rasterkaardi mittenullilistest punktidest.Surface interpolation from vector point data by Inverse Distance Squared Weighting.Pinna interpoleerimine punktvektorandmete põhjal, kasutades kauguse pöördväärtuse kaalutud ruutkeskmisiConstruction of flowlines, flowpath lengths, and flowaccumulation (contributing areas) from a raster digital elevation model (DEM).Generates raster layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster layer.Tests for normality for points.Kontrollib punktide normaliseeritust.Calculates linear regression from two raster layers : y = a + b*x.Arvutab lineaarse regressiooni kahele rasterkihile: y = a + b*x.Finds the mode of values in a cover layer within areas assigned the same category value in a user-specified base layer.Reports geometry statistics for vectors.Tagastab vektorkihtide geomeetriate statistika.Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.Watershed basin creation program.Resamples raster map to a finer grid using interpolation.Loo uus võrgustik liitmise teelGenerates red, green and blue raster layers combining hue, intensity and saturation (HIS) values from user-specified input raster layers.Tekitab RGB rasterkihi kombineerides HIS väärtusi kasutaja poolt ette antud sisend-rasterkihtidelt.Produces tilings of the source projection for use in the destination region and projection.r.li.richness.ascii - Calculates richness index on a raster mapr.li.mpa.ascii - Calculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapSets color rules based on stddev from a raster map's mean value.Generate images with textural features from a raster map.r.li.padrange.ascii - Calculates range of patch area size on a raster mapCreates a Delaunay triangulation from an input vector map containing points or centroids.Generates area statistics for raster layers.Loob pinna statistikat rasterkihtidele.Traces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map.Arvutab voo üle kõrgusmudeli rasterkaardil.Produces a convex hull for a given vector map.Tekitab vektorkaardile kumera katte.Creates points/segments from input vector lines and positions.Tekitab punktid/segmendid sisend-vektorjoontest ja punktidest.Samples a raster layer at vector point locations.Creates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer.Transforms raster maps from HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space.Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map.Vektorkaardi topoloogia puhastamise tööriistadCalculates univariate statistics for attribute. Variance and standard deviation is calculated only for points if specified.Zero-crossing "edge detection" raster function for image processing.Prints vector map attributesPrindib vektorkaardi atribuudidPerforms raster map matrix filter.Teostab rasterkaardi maatriks-filtreerimise.Prints terse list of category values found in a raster layer.Koostab rasterkihilt leitud kategooriate lühi-loetelu.Overlays two vector maps.Teostab kahe vektorkaardi ülekatteBuilds polylines from lines or boundaries.Teeb joontest või piirjoontest mitmik-joonedImports geonames.org country files into a GRASS vector points map.Converts vector polygons or points to lines.Teisendab vektorpolügoonid või -punktid joonteks.Converts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.Import ASCII x,y[,z] coordinates as a series of lines.v.kernel.vector - Generates a vector density map from vector points on a vector network.Rectifies a vector by computing a coordinate transformation for each object in the vector based on the control points.v.kernel.rast - Generates a raster density map from vector points map.Change the type of geometry elements.Muuda geomeetriaelementide tüüpImports Mapgen or Matlab-ASCII vector maps into GRASS.Exports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file.Removes outliers from vector point data.Edits a vector map, allows adding, deleting and modifying selected vector features.Redigeerib vektorkaarti, lubades valitud vektornähtusi lisada, kustutada ja muuta.Converts a vector map to VTK ASCII output.Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with defined height.Performs transformation of 2D vector features to 3D.v.build.check - Checks for topological errors.Creates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.Calculates univariate statistics from a raster map based on vector polygons and uploads statistics to new attribute columns.Count points in areas and calculate statistics.Uploads vector values at positions of vector points to the table.Surface area estimation for rasters.Pinna pindala hindamine rastrite jaoks.Combines red, green and blue raster maps into a single composite raster map.Kombineerib punased, rohelised ja sinised rasterkihid üheks komposiit-rasterkaardiks.Converts a raster into a vector layer.Teisendab rastri vektorkihiks.Creates a cross product of the category values from multiple raster map layers.Fills no-data areas in raster maps using spline interpolation.Visualization and animation tool for GRASS data.GRASS-i andmete visualiseerimise ja animeerimise vahend.Canonical components analysis (CCA) program for image processing.Extracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layers.Generates statistics for i.maxlik from raster map.Computes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes in the network.v.net.nreport - Reports nodes information of a networkCreates raster plane layer given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point.Splits network by cost isolines.Output basic information about a raster layer.Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute.Allocates subnets for nearest centers (direction from center)Computes shortest distance via the network between the given sets of features.Finds the nearest element in vector map 'to' for elements in vector map 'from'.Computes strongly and weakly connected components in the network.Computes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness and eigenvector centrality measures in the network.Creates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem)Finds shortest path on vector networkCreates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values.Tekitab raster-kaardikihi, mis näitab mitte-NULL väärtusega ruute ümbritsevaid puhver-tsoone.Filters and generates a depressionless elevation layer and a flow direction layer from a given elevation raster layer.Filtreerib ja tekitab tasandamata kõrguskaardi ning voolusuundade kihi etteantud kõrguse raster-kihist.GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability using nearest neighbors.GRASS-i rasterkaardikihi lähima naabri alusel ümberarvutamise võimekus.Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).Loob kõrgusmudeli (DEM) alusel reljeefivarjutuse.Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster layer.Manages NULL-values of given raster map.Makes each cell category value a function of the category values assigned to the cells around itSediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).Generates a raster layer of distance to features in input layer.Tabulates the mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two raster map layers.Watershed basin analysis program.Valgla analüüsi tarkvara.Creates a raster layer of Gaussian deviates.Loob rasterkihi Gaussi tuletistest.Creates a raster layer and vector point map containing randomly located points.Loob juhusliku paigutusega punktide rasterkihi ja vektor-punktikihi.Selects features from vector map (A) by features from other vector map (B).Valib nähtusi vektor-kaardilt (A) teise vektorkaardi (B) nähtuste põhjal.Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point.Loob etteantud punkti ümbritsevate kontsentriliste ringide rasterkaardi.Recategorizes data in a raster map by grouping cells that form physically discrete areas into unique categories.Creates a Voronoi diagram from an input vector layer containing points.Loob punkte sisaldavast sisend-vektorkihist Voronoi diagrammi.Outputs the raster layer values lying on user-defined line(s).Outputs basic information about a user-specified vector map.Randomly partition points into test/train sets.Takes vector stream data, transforms it to raster and subtracts depth from the output DEM.Building contour determination and Region Growing algorithm for determining the building insideOverland flow hydrologic simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster layers.Creates a raster layer of cumulative cost of moving across a raster layer whose cell values represent cost.Rescales the range of category values in a raster layer.Solar irradiance and irradiation model.Päikesekiirgus ja kiirgusmudelComputes the viewshed of a point on an elevation raster map.Arvutab punkti vaatevälja kõrgusmudelil.Calculates the volume of data "clumps".Arvutab andmehulkade mahu.Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.Vector based generalization.Vektori-põhine üldistus.Surface generation program from rasterized contours.Rasterdatud kontuuridest pinna tuletamise programm.Converts to POV-Ray format, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,z,yTeisendab POV-Ray formaati, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,y,zSurface interpolation utility for raster layers.Pinna interpoleerimise töövahend rasterkihtidele.Visualization(NVIZ)Visualiseerimine (NVIZ)Makes each cell value a function of attribute values and stores in an output raster map.Tee nii, et iga elemendiväärtus on funktsioon atribuudiväärtustest ja talleta väljund rasterkaardilConverts files in DXF format to GRASS vector map format.Teisendab DXF-vormingus failid GRASS-i vektorkaardi vormingusse.Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for image processing.Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) pilditöötluseksPerforms atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm.Teostab atmosfääri-korrektsiooni kasutades 6S algoritmi.Export a raster layer to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)Teisenda rasterkiht VRML-iks (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)Numerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined groundwater flow in two dimensions.GridCreate gridLoo võrgustikgrid,lines,polygons,vector,create,fishnet,diamond,hexagonVector creationPointPunktLineJoonRectangle (polygon)Ristkülik (polügoon)Diamond (polygon)Romb (polügoon)Hexagon (polygon)Kuusnurk (polügoon)Grid typeVõrgustiku tüüpGrid extentVõrgustiku ulatusHorizontal spacingHorisontaalne sammVertical spacingVertikaalne sammHorizontal overlayHorisontaalne ülekateVertical overlayVertikaalne ülekateGridVõrgustikInvalid grid spacing: {0}/{1}Vigane võrgustiku vahe: {0}/{1}Horizontal spacing is too large for the covered areaInvalid overlay: {0}/{1}Vigane ülekate: {0}/{1}Vertical spacing is too large for the covered areaTo preserve symmetry, hspacing is fixed relative to vspacing
hspacing is fixed at: {0} and hoverlay is fixed at: {1}
hoverlay cannot be negative. Increase hoverlay.GridAveragePoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (moving average)Grid (Moving average)Võrgustik (nihke keskmine)Raster analysisRasrei analüüsGridDataMetricsMinimumMiinimumMaximumMaksimumRangeUlatusCountKoguarvAverage distanceAverage distance between pointsPoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldData metric to useThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (data metrics)Grid (Data metrics)Võrgustik (andmenäidud)Raster analysisRasrei analüüsGridInverseDistancePoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldWeighting powerKaalutud keskmise asteSmoothingSilumineThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Maximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (IDW)Grid (Inverse distance to a power)Võrgustik (kauguse pöördväärtus astmes)Raster analysisRastri analüüsGridInverseDistanceNearestNeighborPoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldWeighting powerKaalutud keskmise asteSmoothingSilumineThe radius of the search circleMaximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (IDW with NN search)Grid (IDW with nearest neighbor searching)Raster analysisRastri analüüsGridLinearPoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldSearch distance NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (Linear)Grid (Linear)Raster analysisRastri analüüsGridNearestNeighborPoint layerPunktide kihtZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeInterpolated (Nearest neighbor)Grid (Nearest neighbor)Võrgustik (lähim naaber)Raster analysisRastri analüüsHeatmapheatmap,kde,hotspotInterpolationInterpoleerimineHeatmap (Kernel Density Estimation)QuarticTriangularUniformTriweightEpanechnikovRawScaledPoint layerPunktide kihtRadiusRaadiusRadius from fieldRaadius välja aluselHeatmapPixelSizeWidgetWrapperResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsVäljund-rastri piksli resolutsioon, kihi ühikutesHelpEditionDialogCannot open help file: {0}Ei saa avada abi faili: {0}ProcessingTöötlen<h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<h2>Algoritmi kirjeldus</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
VäljundidAlgorithm descriptionAlgoritmi kirjeldusShort descriptionInput parametersSisendparamertridOutputsVäljundAlgorithm created byAlgoritmi loojaAlgorithm help written byAlgoritmi kirjelduse koostajaAlgorithm versionAlgoritmi versioonDocumentation help URLHillshadeRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsElevation layerKõrguse kihtZ factorZ väärtusAzimuth (horizontal angle)Asimuut (horisontaalnurk)Vertical angleVertikaalnurkHillshadeReljeefivarjutusHistoryDialogClearPuhastaConfirmationKinnitusClear historyPuhasta ajaluguSave As…Save historySalvesta ajaluguAre you sure you want to clear the history?Oled kindel et soovid kustutada ajaloo?Save FileSalvesta failCreate Test…Log files (*.log *.LOG)Logifailid (*.log *.LOG)HistoryDialogPythonConsoleDialogDialoogReloadLaadi uuestiSaveSalvestaHubDistanceLinesVector analysisVektor-analüüsMetersMeetridFeetJaladMilesMiilidKilometersKilomeetridLayer unitsKihi ühikudSource points layerSisendpunktide kihtDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitMõõtühikudHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (line to hub)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHubDistancePointsVector analysisVektor-analüüsMetersMeetridFeetJaladMilesMiilidKilometersKilomeetridLayer unitsKihi ühikudSource points layerSisendpunktide kihtDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitMõõtühikudHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (points)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHypsometricCurvesRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsDEM to analyzeDEM, mida analüüsidaBoundary layerPiirjoonte kihtStepSammUse % of area instead of absolute valueKasuta pindala % mida kasutada absoluutväärtuse asemelHypsometric curvesHüpsomeetrilised kurvidFeature {0} does not intersect raster or entirely located in NODATA areaFeature {0} is smaller than raster cell sizeAreaAlaElevationKõrgusIdwInterpolationInterpolationInterpoleerimineInput layer(s)Sisend-kiht (kihid)Distance coefficient PDistantsi koefitsent PNumber of columnsVeergude arvNumber of rowsRidade arvExtentUlatusInterpolatedInterpoleeritudIDW interpolationYou need to specify at least one input layer.Pead määrama vähemalt ühe sisend-kihi.ImportIntoPostGISDatabaseAndmebaasLayer to importKiht importimiseksDatabase (connection name)Andmebaas (ühenduse nimi)Schema (schema name)Skeem (skeemi nimi)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabel, millesse importida (jäta tühjaks et kasutada kihi nime)Primary key fieldPrimaarvõrme väliGeometry columnGeomeetria veergEncodingKodeeringOverwriteKirjutan üleCreate spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksConvert field names to lowercaseMuuda väljanimed väiketähtedeksDrop length constraints on character fieldsTühista pikkuse piirangud tekstiväljadelCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partLoo liht-geomeetriad mitmeosaliste asemelExport to PostgreSQLExports a vector layer to a PostgreSQL databaseimport,postgis,table,layer,into,copyError importing to PostGIS
{0}Viga PostGIS-i importimisel
{0}ImportIntoSpatialiteDatabaseAndmebaasLayer to importKiht importimiseksFile databaseFail-andmebaasTable to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabel, millesse importida (jäta tühjaks et kasutada kihi nime)Primary key fieldPrimaarvõrme väliGeometry columnGeomeetria veergEncodingKodeeringOverwriteKirjutan üleCreate spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksConvert field names to lowercaseMuuda väljanimed väiketähtedeksDrop length constraints on character fieldsTühista pikkuse piirangud tekstiväljadelCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partLoo liht-geomeetriad mitmeosaliste asemelExport to SpatiaLiteExports a vector layer to a SpatiaLite databaseimport,table,layer,into,copyError importing to Spatialite
{0}Viga SpatiaLite'i importimisel
{0}InPlaceAlgorithmLocatorFilterEdit Selected FeaturesMissing dependencyPuudub viideInfoViewerDB ManagerAndmebaasihaldurInterpolationDataWidgetPointsPunktidStructure linesStruktuuri joonedBreak linesKatkestusjoonedKNearestConcaveHullConcave hull (k-nearest neighbor)Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.Vector geometryVektorgeomeetriaInput layerSisendkihtNumber of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother)Field (set if creating concave hulls by class)Concave hullKumer kateKeepNBiggestPartsVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaPolygonsPolügoonidParts to keepPartsOsadKeep N biggest partsKonsole::TerminalDisplay<qt>Output has been <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control">suspended</a> by pressing Ctrl+S. Press <b>Ctrl+Q</b> to resume.</qt>Konsole::Vt102EmulationNo keyboard translator available. The information needed to convert key presses into characters to send to the terminal is missing.LayerPropertiesWidgetFormVormSymbol layer typeSümboli kihi tüüpThis layer doesn't have any editable propertiesSellel kihil ei ole redigeeritavaid omadusiEnable layerLuba kiht……Line3DSymbolWidgetFormVormHeightKõrgusExtrusionAbsoluteAbsoluutneRelativeSuhtelineTerrainMaapindAltitude clampingAltitude bindingVertexKäänupunktCentroidKeskpunktWidthLaiusRender as simple 3D linesLinesToPolygonsline,polygon,convertVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaLines to polygonsJooned polügoonideksPolygonsPolügoonidOne or more line ignored due to geometry not having a minimum of three vertices.MainWindow&Edit&Redigeerimine&View&VaadeSelectValiMeasureMõõdaSave ToOpen FromImport/Export&Decorations&Tunnusmärgid&Layer&Kiht&Plugins&Pluginad&Help&Abi&Settings&Seaded&Raster&RasterVect&orVekt&orCtrl+NCtrl+NCase sensitiveTõstutundlikWhole wordReplaceFind what:Replace with:FindLeiaProcessing Script EditorToolbarOpen Script…Open ScriptSave Script…Save ScriptSave Script as…Save Script asRun ScriptKäivita skriptIncrease Font SizeDecrease Font SizeFind && &ReplaceCtrl+OCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+SCtrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+SCutLõikaCopyKopeeriPasteAsetaUndoTagasiRedoEdasiCtrl+PCtrl+PMenu ToolbarMenüü tööriistaribaPreview ModeEelvaate režiimCreate LayerLoo kihtAdd LayerLisa kihtStatusbarOlekuribaManage Layers ToolbarHalda kihtide tööribaDigitizing ToolbarDigimise tööriistaribaAdvanced Digitizing ToolbarKeerukama digimise tööriistaribaMap Navigation ToolbarKaardinavigatsiooni tööriistaribaAttributes ToolbarAtribuutide tööriistaribaPlugins ToolbarPluginate tööriistaribaHelp ToolbarAbi tööriistaribaRaster ToolbarRastrite tööriistaribaLabel ToolbarMärgiste tööriistaribaVector ToolbarVektorite tööriistaribaDatabase ToolbarAndmebaasi tööriistaribaWeb ToolbarVeebi tööriistariba&New&Uus&Save&SalvestaExit QGISVälju QGIS-istCtrl+QCtrl+Q&Undo&TagasiCtrl+ZCtrl+Z&Redo&EdasiCtrl+Shift+ZCtrl+Shift+ZCut FeaturesLõika nähtusedCtrl+XCtrl+XCopy FeaturesKopeeri nähtusedCtrl+CCtrl+CPaste FeaturesKleebi nähtusedCtrl+VCtrl+VAdd FeatureLisa nähtusCtrl+.Ctrl+.Move Feature(s)Nihuta nähtusiReshape FeaturesMuuda nähtuste kujuSplit FeaturesTükelda nähtusSplit PartsTükelda osadeksDelete SelectedKustuta valitudAdd RingLisa sisepiirAdd PartLisa osaSimplify FeatureLihtsusta nähtusDelete RingKustuta sisepiirDelete PartKustuta osaMerge Selected FeaturesLiida valitud nähtusedMerge Attributes of Selected FeaturesLiida atribuudid valitud nähtustelRotate Point SymbolsPööra punkti sümboleidOffset Point SymbolNihuta punkti sümbolitReverse line&Snapping Options…Pan MapNihuta kaartiZoom InSuurendaZoom OutVähendaSelect Features by PolygonVali nähtused polügoonigaSelect Features by FreehandVali nähtused vabakäegaSelect Features by RadiusVali nähtused raadiusegaDeselect Features from All LayersEemalda valikust nähtused kõigil kihtidelSelect All FeaturesVali kõik nähtusedCtrl+ACtrl+AInvert Feature SelectionPööra nähtuste valikIdentify FeaturesInfopäringCtrl+Shift+ICtrl+Shift+IMeasure LineMõõda joonCtrl+Shift+MCtrl+Shift+MMeasure AreaMõõda pindCtrl+Shift+JCtrl+Shift+JMeasure AngleMõõda nurkCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+JCtrl+JZoom LastEelmise suuminiZoom NextJärgmise suuminiShow information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over itNäita infot nähtuse kohta kui hiirekursor üle tema liigubNew Bookmark...Uus järjehoidja...Ctrl+BCtrl+BShow BookmarksNäita järjehoidjaidCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BRefreshVärskendaText AnnotationTeksti märkusForm AnnotationVormi märkusMove AnnotationLiigutamise märkusLabelingMärgistamineLayer Labeling OptionsKihi märgise valikudNew Shapefile Layer...Uus shp-faili kiht...F6F6Save Layer AsLayer PropertiesKihi omadusedShow in OverviewShow All in OverviewHide All from OverviewToggle Full Scr&een ModeToggle Panel &VisibilityLülita paneeli &nähtavusCtrl+TabCtrl+TabToggle Map OnlyCtrl+Shift+Tab&Properties…Project PropertiesProjekti omadusedCustom Projections...Kohandatud projektsioonidKeyboard Shortcuts...Otseteed klaviatuurilt...Move Label and DiagramRotate Label
Ctrl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg.Pööra silti
Ctrl (Cmd) pöörab 15 kraadi kaupaInterface Customization...Liidese kohandamine...&Copyright Label…Copyright Label&North Arrow…North Arrow&Scale Bar…Scale BarCopy StyleKopeeri stiilPaste StyleKleebi stiil&Grid…Export Project to DXF…Import Layers from DWG/DXF…&Add Circle by a Center Point and Another Point&Add Rectangle from ExtentAdd &Rectangle from Center and a Point&Add Regular Polygon from Center and a PointAdd &Regular Polygon from 2 PointsAdd Rectangle &from 3 PointsAdd Circle &from 2 Tangents and a PointAdd Regular &Polygon from Center and a CornerNew &Print Layout…New &Report…CloseSulgeRevert…Copy LayerPaste Layer/Group&Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Select Features by Expression...Vali nähtused avaldise järgi...Ctrl+F3Ctrl+F3Temporary Scratch Layer...Ajutine sodikiht...Hide Deselected LayersPeida valimata kihidCtrl+Shift+NCtrl+Shift+NSelect Features by ValueVali nähtused väärtuse järgiCopy and Move Feature(s)Kopeeri ja liiguta nähtus(i)&Layout Extents…Layout Extents&Data Source ManagerOpen Data Source ManagerCtrl+LCtrl+LAdd Circle from &2 PointsAdd circle from 2 pointsAdd Circle from &3 PointsAdd circle from 3 pointsAdd Circle by a center point and another point&Add Ellipse from Center and 2 PointsAdd Ellipse from center and 2 pointsAdd Ellipse from &Center and a PointAdd Ellipse from center and a pointAdd Ellipse from &ExtentAdd Ellipse from extentAdd Ellipse from &FociAdd Ellipse from fociAdd rectangle from extentAdd rectangle from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from 2 pointsAdd &Circle from 3 TangentsAdd circle from 3 tangentsAdd rectangle from 3 pointsAdd circle from 2 tangents and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a cornerNew &3D Map ViewNew 3D Map ViewLayout Manager…Show Layout ManagerNew Print LayoutNew ReportClose ProjectRevert Project to Saved versionAdd Circular StringLisa kaarjoonPaste Features AsNew Project&Open…Open ProjectSave ProjectSave &As…Save Project AsExport Map to &Image…Save Map as ImageExport Map to &PDF…Save Map as PDF&Vertex Tool (All Layers)Vertex Tool (All Layers)Show Map TipsAdd Circular String by RadiusLisa kaarjoon raadiuse aluselDiagram OptionsDiagrammi valikudLayer Diagram OptionsKihi diagrammi valikudNew GeoPackage Layer...Uus GeoPackage'i kiht...Modify Attributes of Selected FeaturesMuuda valitud nähtuste atribuuteModify the Attributes of all Selected Features SimultaneouslyMuuda korraga kõigi valitud nähtuste atribuuteSelect Features by Value...Vali nähtused väärtuse järgi...F3F3Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ALayoutsAdd CircleAdd EllipseLisa ellipsAdd RectangleLisa nelinurkAdd Regular PolygonSnapping ToolbarData Source Manager ToolbarNew &Map ViewUus &kaardivaadeNew Map ViewUus kaardivaadeAdd Vector Layer...Lisa vektorkiht...Ctrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VAdd Raster Layer...Lisa rasterkiht...Ctrl+Shift+RCtrl+Shift+RAdd PostGIS Layers...Lisa PostGIS-i kiht...Ctrl+Shift+DCtrl+Shift+DAdd SpatiaLite Layer...Lisa SpatiaLite'i kiht...Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LAdd MSSQL Spatial Layer...Lisa MSSQL Spatiali kiht...Add Oracle Spatial Layer...Lisa Oracle Spatiali kiht...Ctrl+Shift+OCtrl+Shift+OAdd WMS/WMTS Layer...Lisa WMS/WMTS-kiht...Ctrl+Shift+WCtrl+Shift+WToggle EditingLülita redigeerimine sisse või väljaToggles the editing state of the current layerLülitab valitud kihi redigeerimisrežiimileSave for Selected Layer(s)Salvesta valitud kihidSave edits to current layer, but continue editingSalvesta muudatusi jooksvaltRemove Layer/GroupEemalda kiht/rühmFilter...Filter...API DocumentationAPI dokumentatsioonFull Histogram StretchTäielik histogrammi venitusShow/Hide Labels And Diagrams
Click or marquee on feature to show label and diagram
Shift+click or marquee on label or diagram to hide it
Acts on currently active editable layerHTML AnnotationHTML-i märkusSVG AnnotationSVG märkusIncrease BrightnessSuurenda eredustDecrease BrightnessVähenda eredustIncrease ContrastSuurenda kontrastiDecrease ContrastVähenda kontrastiNeed Commercial Support?Vajad tasulist tuge?Open Field Calculator...Ava väljakalkulaator...New Vector Layer...Uus vektorkiht...Paste features in clipboard into a new temporary scratch layer.Kleebi nähtused lõikepuhvrist ajutisele sodikihile.Add from Layer Definition File...Lisa kihimääratluste failist...Save As Layer Definition File...Salvesta kihimääratluste failina...NormalTavalineNormal preview modeTavaline eelvaate režiimSimulate Photocopy (Grayscale)Fotokoopia simulatsioon (halltoonid)Simulate photocopy (grayscale)Fotokoopia simulatsioon (halltoonid)Simulate Fax (Mono)Simuleeri faksi (mono)Simulate fax (mono)Simuleeri faksi (mono)Simulate Color Blindness (Protanope)Simuleeri värvipimedust (punapimedus)Simulate color blindness (protanope)Simuleeri värvipimedust (punapimedus)Simulate Color Blindness (Deuteranope)Simuleeri värvipimedust (rohe-punapimedus)Simulate color blindness (deuteranope)Simuleeri värvipimedust (puna-rohepimedus)Set Scale Visibility of Layer(s)Määra kihtide nähtavuse mõõtkavaShow Selected LayersNäita valitud kihteHide Selected LayersPeida valitud kihidStatistical SummaryStatistiline kokkuvõteShow statistical summaryNäita statistilist kokkuvõtetAlign Rasters...Joonda rastrid...Add circular stringLisa kaarjoonAdd circular string by radiusLisa kaarjoon raadiuse aluselReport an issueTeata probleemistCtrl+DCtrl+DNew SpatiaLite Layer...Uus SpatiaLite'i kiht...New from TemplateUus mallistShape Digitizing ToolbarRaster Calculator...Rastri kalkulaator...Set CRS of Layer(s)Määra kihtide koordinaatsüsteemCtrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CSet Project CRS from LayerMäära projekti koordinaatsüsteem kihi põhjalShow All LayersNäita kõiki kihteCtrl+Shift+UCtrl+Shift+UHide All LayersPeida kõik kihidCtrl+Shift+HCtrl+Shift+HManage and Install Plugins...Halda ja installi pluginaid...Open Field CalculatorAva väljakalkulaatorAdd Delimited Text Layer...Lisa CSV-kiht...Add Delimited Text LayerLisa CSV-kihtPaste features in clipboard into a new OGR vector layer.Kleebi lõikepuhvris olevad nähtused uuele OGR-vektorkihile.Project ToolbarProjekti tööriistaribaCtrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt+-Ctrl+Alt+-Select Feature(s)Vali nähtusedSelect Features by area or single clickVali nähtused ala abil või ühe hiireklikigaZoom to Native Resolution (100%)Suumi omaeralduseni (100%)F5F5Add DB2 Spatial Layer...Lisa DB2 Spatiali kiht...Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+FCtrl+FF11F11Ctrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLocal Histogram StretchLokaalse histogrammi venitusStretch histogram of active raster to view extentsVenita aktiivse rastri histogrammi, et näha kogu ulatusesHelp ContentsAbi sisuF1F1QGIS Home PageQGIS-i kodulehtCtrl+HCtrl+HCheck QGIS VersionKontrolli QGIS-i versiooniCheck if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access)Kontrolli, kas sul on QGIS-i viimane versioon (vajab internetiühendust)AboutÜlevaadeQGIS SponsorsQGIS-i sponsoridRotate LabelPööra märgistChange LabelMuuda märgistStyle Manager...Stiilihaldur...Python ConsolePythoni konsoolStretch Histogram to Full DatasetVenita histogramm kogu andmestikuleThis is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomizationSiin saab vältida lühiteede konfliktid, lühiteed on koos QgsCustomizationisCtrl+MCtrl+MEmbed Layers and Groups...Manusta kihid ja rühmad...Embed layers and groups from other project filesManuskihid ja -rühmad teistest projektifailidestCreates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas.Loob autoriõiguse märgi ja mida näidatakse kaardiaknas."Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas""Loob põhja suuna noole mida näidatakse kaardiaknas"Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvasLoob joonmõõtkava mida näidatakse kaardiaknasAdd WFS Layer...Lisa WFS-kiht...Add WFS LayerLisa WFS-kihtFeature ActionNähtuse tegevusRun Feature ActionKäivita nähtuse tegevusPan Map to SelectionNihuta kaardiaken valikuleOffset CurveTõstega kaarAdd WCS Layer...Lisa WCS-kiht...GridVõrgustikPin/Unpin Labels and DiagramsPin/Unpin Labels and Diagrams
Click or marquee on label/diagram to pin
Shift unpins, Ctrl (Cmd) toggles state
Acts on all editable layersHighlight Pinned Labels and DiagramsNew Blank ProjectUus tühi projektLocal Cumulative Cut StretchLocal cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values.Full Dataset Cumulative Cut StretchCumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values.Show/Hide Labels and DiagramsDuplicate Layer(s)Paljunda kihteSave for All LayersSalvesta kõik kihidRollback for All LayersVõta muudatused tagasi kõigil kihtidelCancel for All LayersLoobu kõigil kihtidelRollback for Selected Layer(s)Võta muudatused tagasi valitud kihtidelCurrent EditsAktiivsed muudatusedCancel for Selected Layer(s)Loobu valitud kihtidelSave Layer EditsSalvesta kihi muudatusedRotate Feature(s)Pööra nähtusedSelect features using an expressionVali nähtused kasutades avaldistAdd/Edit Virtual Layer...Lisa ajutine kiht või muuda seda...Add/Edit Virtual LayerLisa ajutine kiht või muuda sedaFill RingTäida sisepiirAdd Arc&GIS MapServer Layer...Lisa Arc&GIS MapServeri kiht...Add ArcGIS MapServer LayerLisa ArcGIS MapServeri kiht...Add Ar&cGIS FeatureServer Layer...Lisa Arc&GIS FeatureServeri kiht...Add ArcGIS FeatureServer LayerLisa ArcGIS FeatureServeri kiht...Open &RecentAva &hiljutisedPro&jectPro&jektZoom &FullMahuta &kõikZoom to &LayerSuumi kihi&niZoom to &SelectionSuumi &valikuniOpen &Attribute TableAva &atribuuditabel&Save As...&Salvesta nimega...&Properties...&Omadused...&Options...&Suvandid...Ctrl+Alt+PCtrl+Alt+PNew Temporary Scratch Layer...Uus ajutine sodikiht...New temporary scratch layerUus ajutine sodikihtProcessing AlgorithmsTöötlen algoritmeProcessing Algorithms ToolbarManageConnectionsDialogManage ConnectionsSave to fileSalvesta failiBrowseAvaLoad from fileLaadi failistLoadLaadiSaveSalvestaeXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML)eXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML)Load ConnectionsSaved to {0}.File {0} exists. Overwrite?Fail {0} on olemas. Kirjutan üle?Save ConnectionsSalvesta ÜhendusedLoading ConnectionsÜhenduste laadimineMap3DConfigWidgetConfigure 3D Map RenderingTerrainMaapindTile resolutionPaani eraldusElevationKõrgusVertical scale pxpikselSkirt height map unitsMax. ground errorMap tile resolutionKaardipaani eraldusMax. screen errorZoom levels00Show labelsShow map tile infoNäita kaardipaani teavetShow bounding boxesNäita piirdealasidShow camera's view centerMapLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileVali failMatrixModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to clear table?Enter column nameColumn nameMeanAndStdDevPlotGraphicsGraafikudInput tableSisendi tabelCategory name fieldKategooria nime väliValue fieldVäärtuse väliPlotDiagrammHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Mean and standard deviation plotKeskmise ja standardhälbe diagrammMessageBarProgressExecuting algorithm <i>{0}</i>Käivitan algoritmi <i>{0}</i>Problem executing algorithmProbleem algoritmi käivitamiselMetaSearchMetaSearch pluginMetaSearch pluginSearch Metadata CatalogsMetaSearch plugin helpMetaSearch plugina abiGet Help on MetaSearchOtsi abi MetaSearch'i kohtaMetaSearchDialogMetaSearchMetaSearchSearchOtsiFindLeiaSet globalMäära üldineMap extentKaardi ulatus-180-1809090-90-90180180 FromAlatesKeywordsTunnussõnadXmaxX maxYmaxY MaxXminX minYminY minResultsTulemusedView Search Results as XML>>Service InfoTeenuse infoGetCapabilities ResponseNew…Edit…Delete…Kustuta...Save…Add Default ServicesLoad…Connection NamingServer TimeoutResults Paging<<<<Add WCSLisa WCSAdd WMS/WMTSLisa WMS/WMTS<<Add WFSLisa WFSTypeTüüpTitlePealkiriDouble-click to see full record information>>>>Add DataLisa andmedAdd ArcGIS MapServerLisa ArcGis MapServerAdd ArcGIS FeatureServerLisa ArcGis FeatureServerAdd GIS FileServicesTeenusedSettingsSeadedShowNäitaresults at a timevastust korragaNo services/connections defined. To get started with MetaSearch, create a new connection by clicking 'New' or click 'Add default services'.Ühtegi teenust/ühendust ei ole kirjeldatud. Et alustada MetaSearch'iga, loo ühendus, klikkides 'Uus' või 'Lisa vaike-teenused'.Loading connectionsLaadin ühendusiSearch errorOtsingu vigaConnection errorÜhenduse vigaSearch keywordsNew Catalog ServiceEdit Catalog ServiceRemove service {0}?Eemaldan teenuse {0}?Delete Service{0} exists. Overwrite? {0} on olemas. Kirjutan üle?Search error: {0}Otsingu viga: {0}Connection error: {0}Ühenduse viga: {0}0 results0 tulemustShowing {0} - {1} of %n result(s)number of resultsCoordinate Transformation ErrorKoordinaatide transformeerimise vigaEnd of results. Go to start?Tulemuste lõpp. Kas lähen algusesse?NavigationNavigeerimineStart of results. Go to end?Tulemuste algus. Minna lõppu?Connection {0} exists. Overwrite?Ühendus {0} on olemas. Kirjutan üle?Error getting response: {0}Viga vastuse saamisel: {0}Unable to locate record identifierError connecting to service: {0}Viga teenusega ühendamisel: {0}Value Error: {0}Vigane väärtus: {0}Unknown Error: {0}Tundmatu viga: {0}Saving serverSalvestan serveriGetRecords errorGetRecords vigaCSW Connection errorCSW ühenduse vigasecondssekunditRecord parsing errorKirje parsimise vigaWhen saving the connection of an OWS serviceÜhe OWS teenuse ühenduse salvestamiselUse the OWS Service Title and ask before overwritingKasuta OWS teenuse nime ja küsi enne üle kirjutamistUse the OWS Service Title and always overwrite if already availableKasuta OWS teenuse nime ja kirjuta alati üle, kui see on juba olemasUse a temporary name, which you can change laterKasuta ajutist nime, mille saad hiljem ära muutaMinimumBoundingGeometryVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaEnvelope (Bounding Box)Minimum Oriented RectangleMinimum Enclosing CircleConvex HullKumer kateInput layerSisend-kihtField (optional, set if features should be grouped by class)Geometry typeGeomeetria tüüpBounding geometryMinimum bounding geometrybounding,box,bounds,envelope,minimum,oriented,rectangle,enclosing,circle,convex,hull,generalizationModelerAlgorithmProviderModels folderModelerAlgorithmProviderMudelite kaustModelsModelerAlgorithmProviderMudelidCould not load model {0}ModelerAlgorithmProviderEi saanud laadida mudelit {0}ProcessingTöötlenCould not load model {0}
{1}ModelerAlgorithmProviderEi saanud laadida mudelit {0}
{1}ModelerDialogSearch…Otsi...Enter model name hereSisesta siia mudeli nimiNameNimiGroupRühmEnter group name hereSisesta siia rühma nimiModel propertiesMudeli omadusedInputsSisendAlgorithmsAlgoritmidEnter algorithm name to filter listSisesta algoritmi nimi loetelu filtreerimiseksSave Model?There are unsaved changes in this model. Do you want to keep those?Model doesn't contain any algorithm and/or parameter and can't be executedMudel ei sisalda ühtegi algoritmi ja/või parameetrit ja seda ei saa käivitadaModel was saved inside current projectSave Model As ImageSalvesta mudel pildinaPNG files (*.png *.PNG)PNG failid (*.png, *.PNG)Save Model As PDFSalvesta mudel PDF-inaPDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)PDF failid (*.pdf *.PDF)Save Model As SVGSalvesta mudel SVG-naSVG files (*.svg *.SVG)SVG failid (*.svg *.SVG)Save Model As Python ScriptSalvesta mudel Pythoni skriptinaPlease a enter model name before savingUnable to save edits. Reason:
{0}Muudatusi ei saa salvestada. Põhjus:
{0}Model was correctly savedSave ModelSalvesta MudelI/O errorI/O vigaCan't save modelEi saa mudelit salvestadaThe selected model could not be loaded.
See the log for more information.Valitud mudelit ei saanud laadida.
Vaata logist lisainfot.Open ModelAva mudelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)Successfully exported model as image to <a href="{}">{}</a>Successfully exported model as PDF to <a href="{}">{}</a>Successfully exported model as SVG to <a href="{}">{}</a>Processing scripts (*.py *.PY)Successfully exported model as python script to <a href="{}">{}</a>Model was correctly saved to <a href="{}">{}</a>Could not load model {0}Ei saanud laadida mudelit {0}ProcessingTöötlenParametersParameetridModelerNumberInputPanelExpression Based InputModelerParameterDefinitionDialogParameter nameParameetri nimiCheckedKontrollitudParent layerLähteandmete kihtAllowed data typeLubatud andmetüüpAnyIgaNumberNumberStringTekstDate/timeKuupäev/aegAccept multiple fieldsLuba mitut väljaDefault field name, or ; separated list of field names for multiple field parametersGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpGeometry Not RequiredPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonAny Geometry TypeData typeAndmetüüpRasterRasterDefault valueVaikeväärtus00TypeTüüpFileFailParameter DefinitionAny Map LayerVector (No Geometry Required)Vector (Point)Vector (Line)Vector (Polygon)Vector (Any Geometry Type)Min valueMiinimumMax valueSuurim väärtusNoneTühiFolderKaartMandatoryKohustuslikUnable to define parameterEi saa defineerida parameetritInvalid parameter nameVigane parameetri nimiWrong or missing parameter valuesVale või puuduv parameetri väärtusThe parameter `{}` is not registered, are you missing a required plugin?MultilineTextPanel[Use text below][Kasuta allpool olevat teksti]MultipleFileInputDialogAll files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)Add fileLisa failRemove file(s)Eemalda fail(id)Remove allEemalda kõikSelect File(s)MultipleInputDialogSelect AllVali kõikClear SelectionTühjenda valikToggle SelectionAdd File(s)…All files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*){0} files (*.{1}){0} failid (*.{1})Select File(s)MultipleInputPanel0 elements selected0 elementi valitud{0} elements selected{0} elementi valitudNearestNeighbourAnalysisVector analysisVektor-analüüsInput layerSisend-kihtNearest neighbourLähim naaberHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Observed mean distanceMõõdetud keskmine vahemaaExpected mean distanceEeldatud keskmine vahemaaNearest neighbour indexLähima naabri indeksNumber of pointsPunktide arvZ-ScoreZ-SkoorNearest neighbour analysisLähima naabri analüüsNewConnectionDialogCreate a new Catalog connectionNameNimiURLURLAuthenticationAutentimineIf the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional passwordJuhul kui teenus nõuab tüüpset tuvastamist, sisesta kasutajanimi ning vajadusel paroolUser nameKasutajanimiPasswordParoolSave ConnectionBoth Name and URL must be provided.Name cannot contain '/'.Overwrite {0}?Kirjutan üle {0}?NewPreconfiguredAlgorithmActionCreate Preconfigured Algorithm…Tekita eelseadistatud algoritm...NumberInputPanelNot setMääramataOffsetCurveInput layerSisend-kihtGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiOffset distance (left-sided: positive, right-sided: negative)Additional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOffset curveNihuta kaarjoontVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusOgr2OgrTableToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Andmebaas (ühenduse nimi)Input layerLähteandmete kihtShape encodingKuju kodeeringSchema nameSkeemi nimiTable name, leave blank to use input nameTabeli nimi, jäta tühjaks kui kasutad sisendtabeli nimePrimary keyPrimaarvõtiPrimary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Primaarvõti (olemasolev väli, kasutatakse kui eespoolne valik jäetakse tühjaks)Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Rühmita tehingu kohta N nähtust (vaikimisi: 20000)Overwrite existing tableKirjuta olemasolev tabel üleAppend to existing tableLisa olemasolevale tabelileAppend and add new fields to existing tableLisa ning lisa uued väljad olemasolevale tabelileDo not launder columns/table namesContinue after a failure, skipping the failed recordJätka peale äpardumist ja jäta äpardunud nähtus vaheleKeep width and precision of input attributesJäta sisendatribuutide pikkus ja täpsusAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudImport layer/table as geometryless table into PostgreSQL databaseImpordi kiht/tabel ruumikujudeta tabelina PostgreSQL-i andmebaasiVector miscellaneousVektori erinevadSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Vali nähtused, kasutades SQL-i avaldust "WHERE" (nt veerg="väärtus")Ogr2OgrToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Andmebaas (ühenduse nimi)Input layerLähteandmete kihtShape encodingKuju kodeeringOutput geometry typeVäljundgeomeetria tüüpGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiVector dimensionsVektori mõõdudDistance tolerance for simplificationKauguse tolerants lihtsustamiseksMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Suurim vahemaa kahe sõlme vahel (tihendamine)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Vali nähtused ulatuse järgi (määratud sisendkihi CRS-s)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentKasuta sisendkihi lõikamiseks ülalpool olevat (ristküliku) ulatustGroup N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Rühmita tehingu kohta N nähtust (vaikimisi: 20000)Overwrite existing tableKirjuta olemasolev tabel üleAppend to existing tableLisa olemasolevale tabelileAppend and add new fields to existing tableLisa ning lisa uued väljad olemasolevale tabelileDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexÄra loo ruumiindeksitContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featureJätka peale äpardumist ja jäta äpardunud nähtus vaheleAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudExport to PostgreSQL (available connections)Exports a vector layer to an existing PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousVektori erinevadAssign an output CRSMäära väljund-koordinaatsüsteemReproject to this CRS on output Reprojitseeri väljund sellesse koordinaatsüsteemiOverride source CRSKirjuta üle lähte-koordinaatsüsteemSchema (schema name)Skeem (skeemi nimi)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabel, millesse importida (jäta tühjaks et kasutada kihi nime)Primary key (new field)Primaarvõti (uus väli)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Primaarvõti (olemasolev väli, kasutatakse kui eespoolne valik jäetakse tühjaks)Promote to MultipartKehtesta mitmikosaksKeep width and precision of input attributesJäta sisendatribuutide pikkus ja täpsusSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Vali nähtused, kasutades SQL-i avaldust "WHERE" (nt veerg="väärtus")OgrToPostGisInput layerSisend-kihtShape encodingKuju kodeeringOutput geometry typeVäljundgeomeetria tüüpAssign an output CRSMäära väljund-koordinaatsüsteemReproject to this CRS on output Reprojitseeri väljund sellesse koordinaatsüsteemiOverride source CRSKirjuta üle lähte-koordinaatsüsteemHostHostPortPortUsernameKasutajanimiDatabase nameAndmebaasi nimiPasswordParoolSchema nameSkeemi nimiTable name, leave blank to use input nameTabeli nimi, jäta tühjaks kui kasutad sisendtabeli nimePrimary key (new field)Primaarvõti (uus väli)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Primaarvõti (olemasolev väli, kasutatakse kui eespoolne valik jäetakse tühjaks)Geometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiVector dimensionsVektori mõõdudDistance tolerance for simplificationKauguse tolerants lihtsustamiseksMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Suurim vahemaa 2 sõlme vahel (tihendamine)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Vali nähtused ulatuse järgi (määratud sisendkihi koordinaatsüsteemis)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentKasuta sisendkihi lõikamiseks ülalpool olevat (ristküliku) ulatustFields to include (leave empty to use all fields)Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Vali nähtused, kasutades SQL-i avaldust "WHERE" (nt veerg="väärtus")Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Rühmita tehingu kohta N nähtust (vaikimisi: 20000)Overwrite existing tableKirjuta olemasolev tabel üleAppend to existing tableLisa olemasolevale tabelileAppend and add new fields to existing tableLisa ning lisa uued väljad olemasolevale tabelileDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexÄra loo ruumiindeksitContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featureJätka peale äpardumist ja jäta äpardunud nähtus vahelePromote to MultipartKehtesta mitmikosaksKeep width and precision of input attributesJäta sisendatribuutide pikkus ja täpsusAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudExport to PostgreSQL (new connection)Exports a vector layer to a new PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousVektori erinevadOneSideBufferRightParemalLeftVasakulInput layerSisend-kihtGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiBuffer distancePuhvri kaugusBuffer sidePuhvri külgDissolve by attributeLiida atribuudi aluselDissolve all resultsLiida kõik tulemusedProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOne-sided bufferOne side bufferVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusOpenModelFromFileActionOpen Existing Model…ToolsTööriistadOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionAva mudelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionOpenScriptFromFileActionOpen Existing Script…ToolsTööriistadOpen ScriptAddScriptFromFileActionProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)AddScriptFromFileActionOracleDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Puudub kirjeldatud andmebaasiühendus "{0}".OrderByDialogBaseDefine OrderExpressionAvaldisAsc / DescKasvav/kahanevNULLs handlingNULLide käsitsemineOrthogonalizerectangle,perpendicular,right,angles,square,quadrilateraliseVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaMaximum angle tolerance (degrees)Maximum algorithm iterationsOrthogonalizeOrthogonalizedError orthogonalizing geometryPGDatabase&Table&TabelRun &Vacuum AnalyzeKäivita &Vacuum AnalyzeRun &Refresh Materialized ViewKäivita &Värskenda materialiseeritud vaadeSelect a table for vacuum analyze.Vali tabel puhastamiseks (vacuum analyze)Select a materialized view for refresh.Vali värskendatav materialiseeritud vaade.PGTableDo you want to {0} rule {1}?Kas soovid {0} reegli {1}?Table ruleTabeli reegelParameterAggregatesAggregatesKoondidAggregatedParser error in expression "{}": {}Parseri viga avaldises "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}Hindamise viga avaldises "{}": {}ParameterHeatmapPixelSizeOutput raster sizeVäljund-rastri suurusWeight from fieldKaal väljaltKernel shapeKerneli kujuDecay ratio (Triangular kernels only)Output value scalingHeatmapSoojuskaartCould not create destination layerEi saanud luua sihtkihtiError adding feature with ID {} to heatmapCould not save destination layerEi saanud salvestada siht-kihtiParameterRasterCalculatorExpressionExpressionAvaldisReference layer(s) (used for automated extent, cellsize, and CRS)Cell size (use 0 or empty to set it automatically)Ruudu suurus (pane 0 või tühi et määrataks automaatselt)Output extentVäljundi ulatusOutputVäljundRaster calculatorRastri kalkulaatorNo reference layer selected nor CRS providedNo reference layer selected nor extent box providedNo reference layer selected nor cellsize value providedOutput '%1' from algorithm '%2'Error parsing formulaViga valemi parsimiselParameterVectorVrtDestinationVirtual vectorVirtuaalne vektorVirtual stringVirtuaalne tekstBuild virtual vectorLoo virtuaalne vektorInvalid datasource: {}Vigane andmeallikas: {}ParameterVrtDestinationInput layersSisend-kihidResolutionResolutsioonPlace each input file into a separate bandAllow projection differenceLuba projektsioonilisi erinevusiAdd alpha mask band to VRT when source raster has noneOverride projection for the output fileResampling algorithmVirtualParametersPanel[Not selected][Valik puudub]Python identifier: ‘{}’Open output file after running algorithmPeale algoritmi töö lõppu ava väljundfailPhongMaterialWidgetFormVormDiffuseAmbientSpecularShininessPoint3DSymbolWidgetFormVormShapeKujundRadiusRaadiusSizeSuurusLengthPikkusModelMudel......Overwrite model materialMinor radiusTop radiusBottom radiusAltitude clampingAbsoluteAbsoluutneRelativeSuhtelineTerrainMaapindXXYYZZTranslationScaleSkaalaRotationPööraminePointDistanceVector analysisVektor-analüüsLinear (N*k x 3) distance matrixLineaarne (N*k x 3) kauguse maatriksStandard (N x T) distance matrixStandardne (N x T) kauguse maatriksSummary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max)Kokkuvõtlik kauguse maatriks (keskmine, min, max, ...)Input point layerLähteandmete punkti kihtInput unique ID fieldVali unikaalne ID väliTarget point layerVali sihiks olev punkti kihtTarget unique ID fieldSihtpunkti unikaalne ID väliOutput matrix typeMaatriksi tüübi valikUse only the nearest (k) target pointsVali ainult sihtpunktile lähimad punkte (k)Distance matrixKauguse maatriksPointsAlongGeometrycreate,interpolate,points,lines,regular,distance,byVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisend-kihtDistancePikkusStart offsetAlguse niheEnd offsetLõpu nihePointsPunktidPoints along geometryPointsAlongLinesInput layerSisend-kihtGeometry column nameGeomeetriavälja nimiDistance from line start represented as fraction of line lengthKaugus joone algusest on toodud suhtarvuna joone pikkuse suhtesAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudPoints along linesPunktid joonelVector geoprocessingVektori geotöötlusPointsDisplacementVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerLähteandmete kihtMinimum distance to other pointsDisplacement distanceNihke kaugusHorizontal distribution for two point caseDisplacedNihutatudPoints displacementPunkti nihePointsFromLinesVector creationRaster layerRasterkihtVector layerVektorkihtPoints along linesPunktid joonelGenerate points (pixel centroids) along lineTekita punktid (piksli keskpunktid) joonelPointsFromPolygonsVector creationRaster layerRasterkihtVector layerVektorkihtPoints inside polygonsGenerate points (pixel centroids) inside polygonsTekita punktid (piksli tsentroidid) polügooni seesPointsInPolygonVector analysisVektor-analüüsPolygonsPolügoonidPointsPunktidWeight fieldKaalu suuruse väliClass fieldKlassi väliCount field nameLoendi välja nimiCountÜldarvCount points in polygonLoenda punktide arv polügoonisPointsLayerFromTablepoints,create,values,attributesVector creationInput layerLähteandmete kihtX fieldX väliY fieldY väliZ fieldZ väliM fieldM väliTarget CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemPoints from tablePunktid tabelistCreate points layer from tableTekita tabelist punktikihtPointsToPathsInput point layerSisesta punkti kihtGroup fieldRühmitusalusOrder fieldJärjestusalusVector creationjoin,points,lines,connectDate format (if order field is DateTime)Kuupäeva vorming (kui järjestusaluse andmetüüp on DateTime)PathsTeekonnadDirectory for text outputPoints to pathPunktid rajaksPolarPlotGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisend-kihtCategory name fieldKategooria nime väliValue fieldVäärtuse väliPolar plotHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)PoleOfInaccessibilityfurthest,point,distant,extreme,maximum,centroid,center,centreVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisend-kihtToleranceTõmberaadiusPointPunktPole of inaccessibilityError calculating pole of inaccessibilityViga ligipääsetamatuse pooluse arvutamiselPolygon3DSymbolWidgetFormVormNo cullingFrontBack......HeightKõrgusExtrusionAbsoluteAbsoluutneInvert normals (experimental)Altitude bindingRelativeSuhtelineTerrainMaapindAltitude clampingCulling modeAdd back facesVertexKäänupunktCentroidKeskpunktPolygonizecreate,lines,polygons,convertVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaProcessing lines…Noding lines…Polygonizing…Saving polygons…No polygons were created!Ühtegi polügooni ei tekitatud!Input layerSisendkihtKeep table structure of line layerHoia alles joonte kihi tabeli struktuurPolygons from linesPolügoonid joontestPolygonizeVektoriseeriPolygonsToLinesline,polygon,convertVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaPolygons to linesPolügoonid joonteksLinesJoonedPostGISThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Puudub kirjeldatud andmebaasiühendus "{0}".Action canceled by userPostGISExecuteAndLoadSQLDatabaseAndmebaasDatabase (connection name)Andmebaas (ühenduse nimi)SQL querySQL-päringUnique ID field nameGeometry field nameOutput layerVäljundkihtPostgreSQL execute and load SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL database and loads the result as a tablepostgis,table,databaseThis layer is invalid!
Please check the PostGIS log for error messages.PostGISExecuteSQLDatabaseAndmebaasDatabase (connection name)Andmebaas (ühenduse nimi)SQL querySQL-päringPostgreSQL execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL databasepostgis,databaseError executing SQL:
{0}Viga SQL-i käivitamisel:
{0}PostGisDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Puudub kirjeldatud andmebaasiühendus "{0}".PostprocessingLoading resulting layersLaadin tulemuste kihteError loading result layer:The following layers were not correctly generated.You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.PreconfiguredAlgorithmDialogOKSobibUnable to execute algorithmEi saa algoritmi käivitadaMissing parameter value: {0}Puuduv parameetri väärtus: {0}Wrong or missing parameter valuesVale või puuduv parameetri väärtusPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderPreconfigured algorithmsPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderEel-seadistatud algoritmPrepareAPIDialogErrorVigaDoneValmisProcessingError: Algorithm {0} not found
Viga: algoritmi {0} ei leitud
ProcessingTöötlenUnable to execute algorithm
{0}Ei saa käivitada algoritmi
{0}Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS.
This can cause unexpected results.Hoiatus: Kõigil sisendkihtidel ei ole sama koordinaatsüsteem.
See võib põhjustada soovimatuid tulemusi.There were errors executing the algorithm.Algoritmi käivitamisel tuli viga.[Preconfigure]Fields MapperA mapping of field names to field type definitions and expressions. Used for the refactor fields algorithm.Error: Provider {0} could not be activated
Viga: pakkujat {0} ei saanud aktiveerida
Results: {}&Analysis Tools&Analüüsivahendid&Research Tools&Otsingu tööriistad&Geoprocessing Tools&Geotöötluse vahendidG&eometry ToolsG&eomeetria tööriistad&Data Management Tools&Andmeohje tööriistadMissing AlgorithmAlgoritm puudubThe algorithm "{}" is no longer available. (Perhaps a plugin was uninstalled?)Algoritm "{}" ei ole enam kättesaadav. (Äkki on mõni plugin kustutatud?)Missing DependencyProjectionsProjektsioonidConversionTeisendusExtractionVäljavõteAnalysisAnalüüsMiscellaneousVariaInvalid algorithm ID for menu: {}……<h3>Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}<h3>Puuduv sõltuvus. Seda algoritmi ei saa jooksutada :-( </h3>
{0}A numeric parameter, including float or integer values.A raster layer parameter.A vector layer parameter, e.g. for algorithms which change layer styles, edit layers in place, or other operations which affect an entire layer.Map LayerAn expression parameter, to add custom expressions based on layer fields.ExpressionAvaldisAn enumerated type parameter.A file or folder parameter, for use with non-map layer file sources or folders.File/FolderVector FieldA vector layer destination parameter.A generic file based destination parameter.A folder destination parameter.A raster layer destination parameter.Multiple InputA vector feature parameter, e.g. for algorithms which operate on the features within a layer.Vector FeaturesA feature sink destination parameter.Feature SinkA freeform string parameter.A boolean parameter, for true/false values.A vector field parameter, for selecting an existing field from a vector source.A map extent parameter.A geographic point parameter.A coordinate reference system (CRS) input parameter.Raster LayerVector LayerBooleanCRSKoordinaatsüsteemA numeric range parameter for processing algorithms.RangeUlatusPointPunktEnumExtentUlatusA table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms.MatrixVector DestinationFile DestinationFolder DestinationRaster DestinationStringTekstAn input allowing selection of multiple sources, including multiple map layers or file sources.NumberNumberA numeric parameter representing a distance measure.DistancePikkusA raster band parameter, for selecting an existing band from a raster source.Raster BandA generic map layer parameter, which accepts either vector or raster layers.Could not load parameter %1 of type %2.ProcessingConfigGeneralÜldineKeep dialog open after running an algorithmJäta dialoog lahti peale algoritmi käivitamistUse filename as layer nameKasuta faili nime Kihi nimenaShow tooltip when there are disabled providersOutput folderVäljundi salvestamise kaustShow layer CRS definition in selection boxesNäita kihi CRS määratlust valikkastisWarn before executing if parameter CRS's do not matchStyle for raster layersRasterkihtide stiilStyle for point layersPunktikihtide stiilStyle for line layersJoonkihtide stiilStyle for polygon layersPolügoonikihtide stiilPre-execution scriptKäivitamise-eelne skriptPost-execution scriptKäivitamise-järgne skriptDo not filter (better performance)Ära filtreeri (parem jõudlus)Ignore features with invalid geometriesIgnoreeri vigase geomeetriaga nähtusiStop algorithm execution when a geometry is invalidPeata algoritmi jooksutamine, kui geomeetria on viganeInvalid features filteringVigaste nähtuste filtreerimineDefault output vector layer extensionVaikimisi kasutatav väljund-vektorkihi laiend Default output raster layer extensionVaikimisi kasutatav väljund-rasterkihi laiendProcessingPlugin&Run Model…&Edit Model…ProcessingTöötlenPro&cessingTööt&lemine&Toolbox&TööriistadGraphical &Modeler…&History…&Results Viewer&Tulemuste vaaturEdit Features In-PlaceOptionsSuvandidProcessingToolboxProcessing ToolboxTöötlemise tööriistadEnter algorithm name to filter listSisesta algoritmi nimi loetelu filtreerimiseks<html><head/><body><p>You can add more algorithms to the toolbox, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">enable additional providers.</span></a> <a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[close]</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Saad lisada täiendavaid algoritme tööriistakasti, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">võimaldada täiendavaid pakkujaid.</span></a> <a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[close]</span></a></p></body></html>Search…Otsi...Execute…Execute as Batch Process…Täida pakkprotsessina...Edit Rendering Styles for Outputs…{} completeError executing algorithmViga algoritmi käivitamisel<h3>This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}<h3>Seda algoritmi ei saanud jooksutada :-( </h3>
{0}ProjectProviderProject modelsProjectProviderModels embedded in the current projectProjectProviderCould not load model from projectProjectProviderProcessingTöötlenPropertyAssistantBaseOutputVäljundInputSisendtokuniSourceAlgallikasValues fromVõta väärtusedFetch value range from layerLae väärtuste ulatus kihiltApply transform curvePropertyColorAssistantColor when NULLVärv kui on NULLColor rampVärvigradientPropertyGenericNumericAssistantOutput fromVõta väljundOutput when NULLVäljund kui on NULLExponentEksponenttokuniPropertySizeAssistantSize fromVõta suurusSize when NULLSuurus kui on NULLExponentEksponenttokuniScale methodSkaleerimise võtePythonPython warningPythoni hoiatusPython version:Pythoni versioon:QGIS version:QGIS-i versioon:Couldn't load plugin '{0}'Ei saanud laadida pluginat '{0}'{0} due to an error when calling its classFactory() method{0} due to an error when calling its initGui() methodError while unloading plugin {0}Viga plugina {0} vabastamiselCouldn't load server plugin {0}Ei saanud laadida serveri pluginat {0}{0} due to an error when calling its serverClassFactory() method{0} vea tõttu serverClassFactory() meetodi esile kutsumiselPython errorPythoni vigaAn error has occurred while executing Python code:Pythoni koodi käivitusel tekkis viga:See message log (Python Error) for more details.Vaata teadete logist (Pythoni vead) täpsemat kirjeldust.Stack traceKuhja jäljedView message logVaata teadete logiPython Path:Pythoni tee:PythonConsolePython ConsolePythoni konsoolCompile APIsKompileeri APIdSavedSalvestatudDoneValmisHide EditorPeida redaktorCheck SyntaxKontrolli süntaksitRun ScriptKäivita skriptUndoTagasiRedoEdasiFind TextLeia tekstOpen in External EditorAva välises redaktorisCutLõikaCopyKopeeriPasteAsetaCommentMärkusUncommentKommenteeri sisseHide/Show Object InspectorPeida/Näita objekti kontrollijaSelect AllVali kõikOpen Script…Save As…Object Inspector…Options…Help…Enter text to find…Saving prepared file…Error preparing file…<b>"{0}"</b> was not found.<b>"{0}"</b> ei leitudURL copied to clipboard.URL kopeeritud lõikepuhvrisseConnection error: Ühenduse viga: [Temporary file saved in {0}] [Ajutine fail salvestatud {0}]## Script error: {0}## Skripti viga: {0}## Script executed successfully: {0}## Skript käivitus edukalt: {0}Cannot execute file {0}. Error: {1}
Ei saa käivitada faili {0}. Viga: {1}
Hey, type something to run!Kuule, kirjuta midagi mida käivitada!Python Console: Save filePythoni konsool: Salvesta failScript was correctly saved.Skript oli korralikult salvestatud.Click on button to restore all tabs from last session.Kliki nupul et taastada kõik eelmise sessiooni sakid.Restore tabsTaasta sakidCloseSulgeList all tabsLoetle kõik sakidNew EditorUus redaktorClose TabSulge sakkClose AllSulge kõikClose OthersSulge teisedSave AsSalvesta NimegaThe file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1}
Faili {0} ei saanud avada. Viga: {1}
Untitled-{0}Nimetu-{0}Python Console: Save FilePythoni konsool: Salvesta failThe file <b>'{0}'</b> has been modified, save changes?Fail <b>'{0}'</b> on muudetud. Kas salvestad muudatused?Unable to restore the file:
Ei õnnestu taastada faili:
Python Console
Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info
Security warning: typing commands from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leakHide/Show ToolbarNäita/peida tööriistaribaDouble-click on item to executeShow EditorNäita redaktoritClear ConsolePuhasta konsoolRun CommandKäivita käsklusEnter SelectedSisesta valitudObject InspectorObjekti kontrollijaSaveSalvestaFind NextLeia järgmineFind PreviousLeia eelmineCase SensitiveTõstutundlikWhole WordKogu sõnaWrap AroundPaki ümberOpen FileAva failThe file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved. Error: {1}Faili <b>{0}</b> ei saanud salvestada. Viga: {1}Save File AsSalvesta Fail NimegaRun SelectedKäivita valitudShare on CodepadJaga kooditahvlilHistory saved successfully.Ajalugu edukalt salvestatud.Session and file history cleared successfully.Sessiooni ja faili ajalugu tühjendati edukalt.History cleared successfully.Ajalugu tühjendati edukalt.Command HistoryKäskluste ajaluguShowNäitaClear FilePuhasta failClear SessionPuhasta sessioonPython Console - Command HistoryPythoni konsoolikäskude ajaluguAdd API pathLisa API teekondRemove API pathEemalda API teekondThe file <b>"{0}"</b> has been deleted or is not accessibleFail <b>"{0}"</b> on kustutatud või ei ole ligipääsetavThe file <b>"{0}"</b> is read only, please save to different file first.Fail <b>"{0}"</b> on kirjutuskaitsega, palun salvesta esmalt teise failina.QCoreApplicationArraysGeneralÜldineCountKoguarvCount DistinctCount MissingMinMin MaxMaxSumSummaMeanKeskmineMedianMediaanStdevStdev SampleRangeUlatusMinorityVähemusMajorityEnamusQ1Q1Q3Q3InterQuartileRangeMin LengthMax LengthConcatenateCollectArray AggregateQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleTegevusetaQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleTegevusetaQCoreApplication.selfErrorVigaQOCISpatialDriverUnable to initializeQOCISpatialDriverEi saa algatadaUnable to logonEi saa sisse logidaUnable to begin transactionEi saa alustada transaktsiooniUnable to commit transactionEi saa lõpetada transaktsiooniUnable to rollback transactionEi saa transaktsiooni tagasi pöörataQOCISpatialResultUnable to bind column for batch executeEi saa siduda veergu pakk-töötluseksUnable to execute batch statementEi saa käivitada pakk-töötlustUnable to goto nextEi saa minna järgmiseleUnable to alloc statementEi saa määrata lausenditUnable to prepare statementEi saa lausendit ette valmistadaUnable to get statement typeEi leia lausendi tüüpiUnable to bind valueEi saa siduda väärtustUnable to execute statementEi saa käivitada lausenditQObjectQGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported.
You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set.
QGIS-i käivitamine staatilises režiimis pole toetatud.
Näed seda teadet tõenäoliselt seetõttu, et keskkonnamuutuja DISPLAY on määramata.Invalid globalsettingsfile path: %1Successfully loaded globalsettingsfile path: %1Moved verticesNihutatud käänupunkteNo active vector layerPuudub aktiivne vektorkihtTo select features, choose a vector layer in the legendEt valida nähtuseid, vali legendiaknast vektorkihtCRS ExceptionCRS erandSelection extends beyond layer's coordinate systemValik ulatub üle kihi koordinaatsüsteemiPython is not enabled in QGIS.Python ei ole QGIS-is lubatud.PluginsPluginadPlugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS.
It will be disabled.Plugin "%1" ei ühildu selle QGIS-i versiooniga.
See keelatakse.Loaded %1 (package: %2)Laaditud %1 (pakist: %2)Library name is %1
Raamatukogu nimi on %1
Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2)Ebaõnnestus %1 laadimine (Põhjus: %2)Attempting to resolve the classFactory function
Püüan lahendada classFactory funktsiooniLoaded %1 (Path: %2)Laaditud %1 (teelt: %2)Loading PluginsThere was an error loading a plugin. The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue:
%1.Viga plugina laadimisel. Järgmine diagnostikateave võib aidata QGIS-i arendajaid probleemi lahendada:
%1.Unable to find the class factory for %1.Ei suutnud leida klassi määratlust %1-le.Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loadedPlugin %1 ei ole lubatud tüüpi ja teda ei saa käivitadaPlugin %1Plugin %1The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.Plugin keelatakse, sest viimasel käivitamisel jooksis QGIS selle tõttu kokku. Palun teata probleemist ja lülita plugin uuesti sisse, kui probleem on lahendatud.Error when reading metadata of plugin %1Viga plugina %1 metaandmete lugemiselCould not open CRS database %1
Error(%2): %3Ei saanud avada koordinaatsüsteemide andmebaasi %1
Viga(%2): %3CRSKoordinaatsüsteemProject points (Cartesian)bearing,azimuth,distance,angleProjectedThis algorithm projects point geometries by a specified distance and bearing (azimuth), creating a new point layer with the projected points.
The distance is specified in layer units, and the bearing in degrees clockwise from North.Bearing (degrees from North)Projection distanceGenerated CRSA CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for descriptionLoodud CRS Saved user CRS [%1]Kasutaja CRS [%1] salvestatudImported from GDALGDAL-ist imporditudCaught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length.Leitud koordinaatsüsteemi erand, punkti transformeerimise käigus. Ei saa arvutada joonele pikkust.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area.Leitud koordinaatsüsteemi erand punkti transformeerimise käigus. Ei saa arvutada polügooni pindala.Cannot convert '%1' to doubleKonvertimine '%1' kümnendmurruks (double) ebaõnnestusCannot convert '%1' to intKonvertimine '%1' täisarvuks (int) ebaõnnestusCannot convert '%1' to native intCannot convert '%1' to DateTimeKonvertimine '%1' ajamääranguks (DateTime) ebaõnnestusCannot convert '%1' to DateKonvertimine '%1' kuupäevaks (Date) ebaõnnestusCannot convert '%1' to TimeKonvertimine '%1' ajaks (Time) ebaõnnestusCannot convert '%1' to intervalCannot convert '%1' to gradient rampCannot convert '%1' to arrayEi saa teisendada '%1' massiiviksCannot convert '%1' to mapEi saa teisendada '%1' kaardiksCannot convert '%1' to booleanKonvertimine '%1' tõeväärtuseks (jah/ei) ebaõnnestusDomain max must be greater than domain minDomeeni maksimum peab olema suurem kui domeeni miinimumExponent must be greater than 0Eksponent peab olema suurem kui 0Cannot find layer with name or ID '%1'Ei leia kihti nime või ID-ga '%1'No such aggregate '%1'Could not calculate aggregate for: %1Cannot use relation aggregate function in this contextCannot find relation with id '%1'Cannot use aggregate function in this contextInvalid pair of array, length not identicalVigane massiivide paar, pikkus erinebFunction replace requires 2 or 3 argumentsInvalid regular expression '%1': %2Vigane regulaaravaldis "%1": %2Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster layer.Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster band number.Function `raster_value` requires a valid point geometry.Function `is_selected` requires no more than two parameters. %1 given.Function `num_selected` requires no more than one parameter. %1 given.Invalid formatting parameter: '%1'. It must be empty, or 'suffix' or 'aligned'.Invalid axis name: '%1'. It must be either 'x' or 'y'.Point index is out of rangePunktiindeks on ulatusest väljasFunction make_point requires 2-4 argumentsFunktsioon make_point eeldab 2-4 väärtustFunction make_polygon requires an argumentFunktsioon make_polygon nõuab argumentiSegment must be greater than 2Segment peab olema suurem kui 2Number of edges/sides must be greater than 2Külgi peab olema rohkem kui 2Option can be 0 (inscribed) or 1 (circumscribed)Index is out of rangeIndeks ületab piirmääraFunction `wedge_buffer` requires a point value for the center.Function `tapered_buffer` requires a line geometry.Function `buffer_by_m` requires a line geometry.Function `azimuth` requires exactly two parameters. %1 given.Funktsioon `azimuth` eeldab täpselt kahte parameetrit. Antud on %1.Function `azimuth` requires two points as arguments.Funktsioon `azimuth`eeldab sisendina kahte punkti.line_substring requires a curve geometry inputNumber of places must be positiveKohtade arv peab olema positiivneCannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to colorEi saa teisendada '%1:%2:%3' värviksCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to colorEi saa teisendada '%1:%2:%3:%4' värviks"%1" is not a valid color ramp"%1" ei ole kehtiv värvigradientCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to colorEi saa teisendada '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' värviksCannot convert '%1' to colorEi saa teisendada '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' värviks {1'?}Unknown color component '%1'Tundmatu värvikomponent '%1'A minimum of two colors is required to create a rampTransform error caught in transform() function: %1Invalid band number %1 for layer %2Vigane riba number %1 kihile %2Invalid raster statistic: '%1'Vigane rastri statistika: '%1'Exception: %1Erand: %1GEOSGEOSsegment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7polügooni %3 ringi %2 lõik %1 lõikub polügooni %6 ringi %5 lõiguga %4 kohas %7ring %1 with less than four pointsringil %1 on vähem kui neli punktiring %1 not closedring %1 ei ole suletudline %1 with less than two pointsjoonel %1 on vähem kui kaks punktiline %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2number of duplicate nodesjoon %1 sisaldab %n topeltpunkte %2 kohasjoontel %1 sisaldab %n topeltpunkte %2 kohassegments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4lõgud %1 ja %2 joonel %3 lõikuvad kohas %4Ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ringTopology validation errorGEOS ErrorRepeated pointGEOS ErrorHole lies outside shellGEOS ErrorHoles are nestedGEOS ErrorInterior is disconnectedGEOS ErrorSelf-intersectionGEOS ErrorRing self-intersectionGEOS ErrorNested shellsGEOS ErrorDuplicate ringsGEOS ErrorToo few points in geometry componentGEOS ErrorInvalid coordinateGEOS ErrorRing is not closedGEOS ErrorPolygon %1 has no ringsPolygon %1 lies inside polygon %2GEOS error: could not produce geometry for GEOS (check log window)Unknown geometry type %1Tundmatu geomeetria tüüp %1Geometry validation was aborted.Geomeetria ülevaatus katkestati.Geometry has %1 errors.Geomeetrias on %1 viga.Geometry is valid.Geomeetria on kehtiv.invalid linevigane joonShapeKujundNode ItemMapKaartPicturePiltLabelMärgisLorem ipsumScale BarRectangleNelinurkEllipseEllipsTriangleKolmnurkPolygonPolügoonPolylineJoonHTMLHTMLAttribute TableAtribuutandmete tabelConsoleKonsoolinfinitelõputu--WWEESSNNNo QGIS data provider plugins found in:
Järgmisest asukohast ei leitud QGIS-i andmepakkumise pluginaid:
No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installationVektorkihte ei saa laadida. Kontrolli QGIS-i installiNo Data ProvidersAndmehaldurid puuduvadNo data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loadedAndmehalduri pluginaid ei ole saadaval. Vektorkihte ei saanud laadidaInvalid data provider %1Vigane andmeallikas %1Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1Ei saa tööle andmehalduri pluginat %1No QGIS auth method plugins found in:
Järgmisest asukohast ei leitud QGIS-i autentimismeetodi pluginaid:
No authentication methods can be used. Check your QGIS installationAutentimismeetodeid ei saa kasutada. Kontrolli QGIS-i paigaldustNo Authentication MethodsPuuduvad autentimismeetodidNo authentication method plugins are available.Autentimismeetodite pluginad ei ole kättesaadavad.Failed to load %1: %2Ebaõnnestus laadida %1: %2Unable to instantiate the auth method plugin %1Ei õnnestu käivitada autentimismeetodi pluginat %1OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2)OGR-i draiver '%1' leidmata (OGR-i viga: %2)unsupported type for field %1tundmatu väljatüüp %1Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4Vigane välja tüüpvariant %1[%2]: saadud %3 tüübina %4OGROGRReserved attribute name ogc_fid replaced with %1Reserveeritud atribuudi nimi ogc_fid asendati %1By default, BNA files are created in multi-line format. For each record, the first line contains the identifiers and the type/number of coordinates to follow. Each following line contains a pair of coordinates.Vaikimisi luuakse BNA failid multijoone vormingus. Iga kirje puhul esimene rida sisaldab identifikaatorit ja järgnevate koordinaatide tüüpi/arvu. Iga järgnev rida sisaldab koordinaatpaari.If the database is of the SpatiaLite flavor, and if OGR is linked against libspatialite, this option can be used to control if a spatial index must be created.Kui andmebaas on SpatiaLite'i laadi ja kui OGR on seotud libspatialite'ga, saab selle valikuga määrata, kas ruumiindeks tuleb luua.If the format of the geometry BLOB is of the SpatiaLite flavor, this option can be used to control if the compressed format for geometries (LINESTRINGs, POLYGONs) must be used.Path to the GCT: the GCT file describes the GeoConcept types definitions: In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments.Defines the feature to be created. The TYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a type section. The SUBTYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a sub-type section within the previous type section.By default, the driver will read the first lines of each sheet to detect if the first line might be the name of columns. If set to FORCE, the driver will consider the first line as the header line. If set to DISABLE, it will be considered as the first feature. Otherwise auto-detection will occur.MS Office Open XML spreadsheet [XLSX]MS Office Open XML-i arvutustabel [XLSX]Open Document Spreadsheet [ODS]Open Documenti arvutustabel [ODS]Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1)Nähtuse ruumikuju ei imporditud (OGR-i viga: %1)Feature creation error (OGR error: %1)Nähtuse loomise viga (OGR-i viga: %1)Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2)Feature write errors:Nähtuse loomine vigane:Stopping after %1 errorsTeatatud peale %1 viga
Only %1 of %2 features written.Ainult %1 - %2-st nähtusest loodud.Arc/Info ASCII CoverageArc/Info ASCII katvusAtlas BNAAtlas BNAComma Separated ValueComma Separated Value (CSV)ESRI ShapefileESRI shp-failFMEObjects GatewayFMEObjects GatewayEmpty filename givenMäärati tühi failinimiNew BNA files are created by the systems default line termination conventions. This may be overridden here.Uued BNA failid luuakse süsteemi vaikeseadetega realõpu tähistamisel. Seda saab siin muuta.The BNA writer will try to recognize ellipses and circles when writing a polygon. This will only work if the feature has previously been read from a BNA file. As some software packages do not support ellipses/circles in BNA data file, it may be useful to tell the writer by specifying ELLIPSES_AS_ELLIPSES=NO not to export them as such, but keep them as polygons.Limit the number of coordinate pairs per line in multiline format.Piira koordinaatpaaride arvu rea kohta multijoone formaadis.Set the number of decimal for coordinates. Default value is 10.Määra koordinaatide kohtade arv peale koma. Vaikeväärtus on 10.By default, the geometry of a feature written to a .csv file is discarded. It is possible to export the geometry in its WKT representation by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_WKT. It is also possible to export point geometries into their X,Y,Z components by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_YX.Vaikimisi .csv-faili kirjutatava nähtuse ruumikujud hüljatakse. Määrates sätte GEOMETRY=AS_WKT on võimalik eksportida ruumikujud WKT-vormingusse. Määrates sätte GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY või GEOMETRY=AS_YX on võimalik eksportida punktide ruumikujud ka komponentideks X, Y, Z.Create the associated .csvt file to describe the type of each column of the layer and its optional width and precision.Loo viidatav .csvt-fail, et kirjeldada kihi iga veeru tüüp ning selle valikuline laius ja täpsus.Double-quote strings. IF_AMBIGUOUS means that string values that look like numbers will be quoted.Write a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of the file.Kirjuta UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) faili algusesse.Comma Separated Value [CSV]CSV (komadega eraldatud väärtused)Set to YES to resize fields to their optimal size.Määra JAH et muuta väljade suurus optimaalseksDBF FileDBF failSet to YES to write a bbox property with the bounding box of the geometries at the feature and feature collection level.Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. Default to 15. Truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros.GeoJSONGeoJSONwhether the document must be in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format. Default value : RSSkas dokument peab olema RSS 2.0 või Atom 1.0 formaadis. Vaikimisi RSSThe encoding of location information. Default value : SIMPLE. W3C_GEO only supports point geometries. SIMPLE or W3C_GEO only support geometries in geographic WGS84 coordinates.If defined to NO, only <entry> or <item> elements will be written. The user will have to provide the appropriate header and footer of the document.Value put inside the <title> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <description> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Väärtus päise <description> elementi lisamiseks. Kui väärtust ei määrata, kasutatakse libaväärtust, sest element on kohustuslik.Value put inside the <link> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Väärtus päise <link> elementi lisamiseks. Kui väärtust ei määrata, kasutatakse libaväärtust, sest element on kohustuslik.Value put inside the <updated> element in the header. Should be formatted as a XML datetime. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Väärtus päise <updated> elementi lisamiseks. Peaks olema XML datetime formaadis. Kui väärtust ei määrata, kasutatakse libaväärtust, sest element on kohustuslik.Value put inside the <author><name> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Väärtus päise <author><name> elementi lisamiseks. Kui väärtust ei määrata, kasutatakse libaväärtust, sest element on kohustuslik.Value put inside the <id> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Väärtus päise <id> elementi lisamiseks. Kui väärtust ei määrata, kasutatakse libaväärtust, sest element on kohustuslik.GeoRSSGeoRSSIf provided, this URI will be inserted as the schema location. Note that the schema file isn't actually accessed by OGR, so it is up to the user to ensure it will match the schema of the OGR produced GML data file.Kui täidetud, siis lisatakse see URI kui skeemi asukoht. Pane tähele, et OGR ei kontrolli tegelikult skeemifaili, mistõttu tuleb kasutajal eraldi veenduda, et see vastab OGR-i tekitatava GML-andmefaili skeemile.This writes a GML application schema file to a corresponding .xsd file (with the same basename). If INTERNAL is used the schema is written within the GML file, but this is experimental and almost certainly not valid XML. OFF disables schema generation (and is implicit if XSISCHEMAURI is used).This is the prefix for the application target namespace.Can be set to TRUE to avoid writing the prefix of the application target namespace in the GML file.Defaults to 'http://ogr.maptools.org/'. This is the application target namespace.If not specified, GML2 will be used.Kui ei ole määratud, siis kasutatakse GML2.only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If set to NO, the <gml:boundedBy> element will not be written for each feature.Default to YES. If YES, the output will be indented with spaces for more readability, but at the expense of file size.Geography Markup Language [GML]Geography Markup Language [GML]Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer contentKihi sisu inim-loetav tunnus (nt. lühinimi)Human-readable description for the layer contentKihi sisu kirjeldusName for the feature identifier columnNähtuste identifikaatori veeru nimiName for the geometry columnGeomeetria veeru nimiIf a spatial index must be created.Kas tuleb tekitada ruumi-indeks.Generic Mapping Tools [GMT]Generic Mapping Tools [GMT]By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as routes. If FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES is specified, they will be written as tracks.By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbMultiLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as tracks. If FORCE_GPX_ROUTE=YES is specified, they will be written as routes, provided that the multilines are composed of only one single line.If GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES is specified, extra fields will be written inside the <extensions> tag.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL is set. The namespace value used for extension tags. By default, 'ogr'.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS is set. The namespace URI. By default, 'http://osgeo.org/gdal'.By default files are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through use of the LINEFORMAT layer creation option which may have a value of CRLF (DOS format) or LF (Unix format).GPS eXchange Format [GPX]GPS eXchange Format [GPX]INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 2INTERLIS 2Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <description> element.Laseb määrata välja, mida kasutada KML-i elemendis <description>.Allows you to specify the AltitudeMode to use for KML geometries. This will only affect 3D geometries and must be one of the valid KML options.Laseb määrata AltitudeMode, mida kasutada KML-ruumikujude puhul. Mõjutab ainult 3D-ruumikujusid ja peab olema üks KML-suvanditest.Keyhole Markup Language [KML]Keyhole Markup Language [KML]Use this to turn on 'quick spatial index mode'. In this mode writing files can be about 5 times faster, but spatial queries can be up to 30 times slower.Mapinfo TABMapinfo TABMapinfo MIFMapinfo MIFDetermine whether 2D (seed_2d.dgn) or 3D (seed_3d.dgn) seed file should be used. This option is ignored if the SEED option is provided.Määra, kas kasutatakse 2D (seed_2d.dgn) või 3D (seed_3d.dgn) algfaili. Valikut ignoreeritakse, kui SEED valik on määratud.Override the seed file to use.Ignoreeri algfaili.Indicate whether the whole seed file should be copied. If not, only the first three elements will be copied.Määra, kas kogu algfail tuleks kopeerida. Kui ei, siis kopeeritakse ainult esimesed kolm elementi.Indicates whether the color table should be copied from the seed file.Määrab, kas algfailist tuleks kopeerida värvitabel.Override the master unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the sub unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the number of subunits per master unit. By default the seed file value is used.Override the number of UORs (Units of Resolution) per sub unit. By default the seed file value is used.ORIGIN=x,y,z: Override the origin of the design plane. By default the origin from the seed file is used.Microstation DGNMicrostation DGNShould all the low level geometry primitives be returned as special IsolatedNode, ConnectedNode, Edge and Face layers.If enabled, numeric attributes assigned an empty string as a value will be preserved as a special numeric value. This option should not generally be needed, but may be useful when translated S-57 to S-57 losslessly.Should LNAM and LNAM_REFS fields be attached to features capturing the feature to feature relationships in the FFPT group of the S-57 file.Should additional attributes relating features to their underlying geometric primitives be attached. These are the values of the FSPT group, and are primarily needed when doing S-57 to S-57 translations.Should attribute values be recoded to UTF-8 from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record.S-57 Base fileS-57 Base failSpatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS]Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS]Can be used to avoid creating the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in a new database. By default these metadata tables are created when a new database is created.column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.By default when creating new .csv files they are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on Win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through the use of the LINEFORMAT option.Creation of data source failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of data source in update mode failed (OGR error: %1)Overwriting of existing layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of layer failed (OGR error: %1)No available replacement for internal fieldname ogc_fid foundCreation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Välja %1 loomine ebaõnnestus (OGR-i viga: %2)Created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2)BNA records may contain from 2 to 4 identifiers per record. Some software packages only support a precise number of identifiers. You can override the default value (2) by a precise value.Field separator character.Välja eraldajaOverride the type of shapefile created. Can be one of NULL for a simple .dbf file with no .shp file, POINT, ARC, POLYGON or MULTIPOINT for 2D, or POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ for 3D; POINTM, ARCM, POLYGONM or MULTIPOINTM for measured geometries and POINTZM, ARCZM, POLYGONZM or MULTIPOINTZM for 3D measured geometries. MULTIPATCH files are supported since GDAL 2.2.Set the encoding value in the DBF file. The default value is LDID/87. It is not clear what other values may be appropriate.If defined to YES, extension fields will be written. If the field name not found in the base schema matches the foo_bar pattern, foo will be considered as the namespace of the element, and a <foo:bar> element will be written. Otherwise, elements will be written in the <ogr:> namespace.XML content that will be put between the <channel> element and the first <item> element for a RSS document, or between the xml tag and the first <entry> element for an Atom document.Only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2. Default to YES. If YES, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::' prefix. In the case the SRS is a geographic SRS without explicit AXIS order, but that the same SRS authority code imported with ImportFromEPSGA() should be treated as lat/long, then the function will take care of coordinate order swapping. If set to NO, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'EPSG:' prefix, even if they are in lat/long order.Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <name> element.The DOCUMENT_ID datasource creation option can be used to specified the id of the root <Document> node. The default value is root_doc.(multiples of 512): Block size for .map files. Defaults to 512. MapInfo 15.2 and above creates .tab files with a blocksize of 16384 bytes. Any MapInfo version should be able to handle block sizes from 512 to 32256.xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax: Define custom layer bounds to increase the accuracy of the coordinates. Note: the geometry of written features must be within the defined box.Should update files be incorporated into the base data on the fly.Should multipoint soundings be split into many single point sounding features. Multipoint geometries are not well handled by many formats, so it can be convenient to split single sounding features with many points into many single point features.Should a DEPTH attribute be added on SOUNDG features and assign the depth of the sounding. This should only be enabled when SPLIT_MULTIPOINT is also enabled.Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB. This is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text).Määrab mis formaati kasutada geomeetriavälja puhul. Vaikimisi WKB. See on üldiselt mahu ja jõudluse mõttes effektiivsem, aga raskem jälgida või kasutada lihtsates rakendustes kui WKT (Well Known Tex).Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be converted to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores.column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or querying compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.SQLiteSQLiteInsert the content of the EPSG CSV files into the spatial_ref_sys table. Set to NO for regular SQLite databases.Used to force the SRID number of the SRS associated with the layer. When this option isn't specified and that a SRS is associated with the layer, a search is made in the spatial_ref_sys to find a match for the SRS, and, if there is no match, a new entry is inserted for the SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table. When the SRID option is specified, this search (and the eventual insertion of a new entry) will not be done: the specified SRID is used as such.SpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOverride the header file used - in place of header.dxf.Override the trailer file used - in place of trailer.dxf.AutoCAD DXFAutoCAD DXFIndicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used.GeoconceptGeoconceptWhen this option is set, the new layer will be created inside the named FeatureDataset folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.Set name of geometry column in new layer. Defaults to 'SHAPE'.Määra geomeetria välja nimi uuel kihil. Vaikimisi pannakse 'SHAPE'.Name of the OID column to create. Defaults to 'OBJECTID'.Loodava OID välja nimi. Vaikimisi 'OBJECTID'.ESRI FileGDBESRI FailGDBBy default, the driver will try to detect the data type of fields. If set to STRING, all fields will be of String type.Vaikimisi püüab ajur leida väljade andmetüübi. Kui määrata väärtuseks STRING, siis luuakse kõik väljad tekstiväljana.Cannot overwrite a OGR layer in placeOGR-i kihti ei õnnestu üle kirjutadaFailed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1)Unable to load %1 providerEi saa laadida %1 andmepakkujatProvider %1 has no %2 methodLoaded from ProviderLaaditud pakkujaltLoading of layer failedKihi laadimine ebaõnnestusCreation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was:
%3Nähtuste loomine #%1-st #%2-ks ebaõnnestus. Pakkuja veateade on:
%3Import was canceled at %1 of %2Import katkestati %1 %2-stVector importVektori importOnly %1 of %2 features written.Ainult %1 %2-st nähtusest kirjutatud.Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.Building PyramidsThe file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Fail ei olnud kirjutatav. Mõned vormingud ei toeta püramiidülevaateid. Tutvu GDAL-i dokumentatsiooniga, kui kahtled.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Püramiidülevaate loomine ei ole teostatav selle rastritüübi puhul.Multiband colorMitmelõimeline värvusPaletted/Unique valuesSingleband grayÜhe lõimega hallSingleband pseudocolorÜhelõimeline pseudo-värvSingleband color dataÜhe lõimega värviandmedHillshadeReljeefivarjutusAll RampsKõik gradiendidNo symbolsIlma sümbolitaSingle symbolÜksiksümbolCategorizedLiigitatudGraduatedAstmelineRule-basedReeglipõhinePoint displacementPunkti kõrvalenihutaminePoint clusterPunktikogumInverted polygonsPööratud polügoonid2.5 D2.5 DSimple lineLihtjoonMarker lineMarkerjoonArrowNoolSimple markerLihtmarkerFilled markerTäidis-markerSVG markerSVG markerFont markerFondi markerEllipse markerEllips markerVector field markerVektorvälja markerSimple fillLihttäideGradient fillGradient-täitevärvShapeburst fillSVG fillSVG täideCentroid fillKeskpunkti täideLine pattern fillViirutusPoint pattern fillPunkt mustriga täideGeometry generatorGeomeetria tekitajaRaster HistogramRastri histogrammPixel ValuePikseli väärtusFrequencySagedusInternal CompassSisemine kompassShows a QtSensors compass readingNäitab QtSensors kompassi lugemitVersion 0.9Versioon 0.9Coordinate CaptureKoordinaadi määramineCapture mouse coordinates in different CRSMäära kursori koordinaadid erinevates CRS-idesVectorVektorVersion 0.1Versioon 0.1eViseVisAn event visualization tool - view images associated with vector featuresSündmuse visualiseerija - näita pilte mis on vektorfailiga seotudPackage layersgeopackage,collect,merge,combineDatabaseAndmebaasDestination GeoPackageGeoPackage files (*.gpkg)Overwrite existing GeoPackageLayers within new packageThis algorithm collects a number of existing layers and packages them together into a single GeoPackage database.No output file specified.Removing existing file '%1'Could not remove existing file '%1'GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Raster layers are not currently supported.Packaging plugin layers is not supported.Packaging mesh layers is not supported.Error obtained while packaging one or more layers.Packaging layer failed: %1Version 1.1.0Versioon 1.1.0WarningHoiatusGeoreferencer GDALGeoreferentsija GDALGeoreferencing rasters using GDALRastrite georeferentsimine GDAL-igaRasterRasterCould not reproject view extent: %1Ei saanud reproijtseerida vaate ulatusse: %1Could not reproject layer extent: %1Ei saanud reproijtseerida kihi ulatusse: %1Version 3.1.9Versioon 3.1.9Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points.Et sobiks jooneline transformeerimine on vaja vähemalt 2 punkti.Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points.Et sobiks Helmert transformeerimine on vaja vähemalt 2 punkti.Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points.Et sobiks afiinne transformeerimine on vaja vähemalt 4 punkti.Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points.Et sobiks projektsiooniline transformeerimine on vaja vähemalt 4 vastavat punkti.GlobeGlobeOverlay data on a 3D globePinnakatte andmed 3D gloobuselVersion 1.0Versioon 1.0GPS ToolsGPS ToolsTools for loading and importing GPS dataTööriistad GPS-andmete laadimiseks ja importimiseksHeatmapSoojuskaartOfflineEditingOffline redigeerimineAllow offline editing and synchronizing with databaseLuba offlainis redigeerida ja sünkroniseerida andmebaasiEqual to (=)Võrdub (=)Greater than (>)Suurem kui (>)Less than (<)Väiksem kui (<)Not equal to (≠)Greater than or equal to (≥)Less than or equal to (≤)Between (inclusive)Vahemikus (kaasa-arvav)Not between (inclusive)Väljaspool vahemikku (kaasa-arvav)Case insensitiveTõstutundetuContainsSisaldubDoes not containEi sisaldaIs missing (null)Puudub (null)Is not missing (not null)Ei ole tühi (null)Starts withEnds withGDAL/OGR VSIFileHandlerGDAL/OGR VSIFileHandlerThis raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer.Sellel rastril ei ole lõimi ja see on rasterkihina vigane.Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1Ei õnnestu hankida GDAL-i rasterlõimi: %1Nearest NeighbourLähim naaberAverageKeskimineGaussGaussCubicÜmardatudCubic SplineÜmardusega kaarjoonLanczosLanczos meetodModeMeetodNoneTühiCouldn't open the data source: %1Ei saanud avada andmeallikat: %1Parse error at line %1 : %2Kirjelduse viga real %1 : %2GPS eXchange format providerGPS eXchange'i vormingu pakkujaChoose GRASS installation path (GISBASE)Vali GRASS-i installimise tee (GISBASE)GISBASE is not set.GISBASE pole määratud.%1 is not a GRASS mapset.%1 ei ole GRASS-i kaardiaken.Cannot start %1Ei saa käivitada %1Mapset is already in use.Kaardiaken on juba kasutusel.Mapset lock failed (%1)Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writableAjutine kataloog %1 on olemas kuid kirjutuskaitstudCannot create temporary directory %1Ei saa luua ajutist kataloogi %1Cannot create %1Ei saa luua %1Cannot remove mapset lock: %1Ei saa eemaldada kaardiakna kukku: %1Cannot create table: %1Cannot read vector map regionEi saa lugeda vektorkaardilt regiooniCannot find module %1Ei leia moodulit %1Cannot open GISRC fileEi saa avada GISRC failiCannot run moduleEi saa käima moodulitcommand: %1 %2
stdout: %3
stderr: %4käsklus: %1 %2
stdout: %3
stderr: %4Attempt to copy from different location.Proovi kopeerida teisest asukohastDelete confirmationKustuta kinnitusAre you sure you want to delete %1 %2?Kas oled kindel et soovid kustutada %1 %2?Cannot insert, statement: '%1' error: '%2'Loading of the MSSQL provider failedMSSQL-i pakkuja laadimine ebaõnnestusUnsupported type for field %1Tundmatu väljatüüp %1Creation of fields failedVäljade loomine ebaõnnestusOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] viga %2: %3Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.Ei saanud luua andmeallikat. %1 on olemas ja üle kirjutamine ei ole lubatud.Unable to get driver %1Draiveri %1 saamine ebaõnnestusArc/Info Binary CoverageArc/Info kahendsüsteemisDODSDODSCouchDBCouchDBOpenFileGDBOpenFileGDBESRI Personal GeoDatabaseESRI Personal GeoDatabaseLayer %2 of %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.ESRI ArcSDEESRI ArcSDEESRI ShapefilesESRI shp-failGeoPackageGeoPackageGrass VectorGRASS-i vektorInformix DataBladeInformix DataBladeIngresIngresMapinfo FileMapinfo failMySQLMySQLMSSQLMSSQLOracle SpatialOracle SpatialODBCODBCOGDI VectorsOGDI VectorsPostgreSQLPostgreSQLSystematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI]Systematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI]SQLite/SpatiaLiteSQLite/SpatiaLiteStorage and eXchange FormatStorage and eXchange FormatUK. NTF2UK. NTF2U.S. Census TIGER/LineU.S. Census TIGER/LineVRT - Virtual DatasourceVRT - Virtual DatasourceX-Plane/FlightgearX-Plane/FlightgearOpen Document SpreadsheetOpen Document arvutustabelMS Office Open XML spreadsheetMS Office Open XML arvutustabelMS Excel formatMS Excel formaatEDIGEOEDIGEONAS - ALKISNAS - ALKISWAsPWAsPPCI Geomatics Database FilePCI Geomatics andmebaasi failGPSTrackMakerGPSTrackMakerCzech Cadastral Exchange Data FormatTšehhi katastri andmevahetusformaatOpenStreetMapOpenStreetMapSpecial Use Airspace FormatOpenAir Special Use Airspace FormatPlanetary Data Systems TABLEHydrographic Transfer FormatHydrographic Transfer FormatScalable Vector GraphicsSkaleeritav VektorGraafikaArc/Info GenerateArc/Info GenerateGeospatial PDFRuumiline PDFSEG-YSEG-YSEG-P1SEG-P1UKOOA P1/90UKOOA P1/90Error updating styleViga stiili uuendamiselCannot find layer_styles layerInvalid style identifierVigane stiili tunnusNo style corresponding to style identifierPole stiili tunnusele vastavat stiiliNot enough data to deserializeNot enough memoryUnsupported geometry typeUnsupported operationToetamata operatsioonCorrupt dataFailureUnsupported SRSInvalid handleNon existing featureSuccessÕnnestusGDAL result code: %1Layer not found: %1GeoPackage Database (*.gpkg)Cannot open transaction on %1, since it is is not currently openedAll filesKõik failidDuplicate field (10 significant characters): %1Korduv väli (10 iseloomulikku tähemärki): %1Creating the data source %1 failed: %2Andmeallika %1 loomine ebaõnnestus: %2Unknown vector type of %1Tundmatu vektortüüp %1Creation of OGR data source %1 failed: %2OGR-i andmeallika %1 loomine ebaõnnestus: %2field %1 with unsupported type %2 skippedväli %1 toetuseta tüübiga %2 jäeti vahelecreation of field %1 failedVälja %1 loomine ebaõnnestusCouldn't create file %1.qpjFaili %1.qpj loomine ebaõnnestusFetching features failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2OracleOracleConnection to database failedÜhendus andmebaasi ebaõnnestusNo owner name foundEi leidnud omaniku nimeCreation of data source %1 failed:
%2Andmeallika loomine %1 ebaõnnestus:
%2Loading of the layer %1 failedKihi %1 laadimine ebaõnnestusField name clash found (%1 not remappable)Tekkis väljanimede konflikt (%1 ei ole ümbermääratav)%1 not owner of the table %2.%1 ei ole tabeli %2 omanik.Unable to determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2:
%3Ei õnnestu leida geomeetria-veergude arvu kihil %1.%2:
%3Unable to delete layer %1.%2:
%3Ei saa kustutada kihti %1.%2:
%3Unable to clean metadata %1.%2:
%3Meta-andmeid ei õnnestu puhastada %1.%2:
%3Could not connect to databaseEi saa ühendada andmebaasigaUnable to check layer style existence [%1]Ei saa kontrollida kihi stiili olemasolu [%1]Unable to create layer style table [%1]Ei saa tekitada kihi stiili tabelit [%1]Unable to check style existence [%1]Ei saa kontrollida stiili olemasolu [%1]Unable to find layer style table [%1]Ei leia kihi stiili tabelit [%1]Layer style table does not exist [%1]Kihi stiili tabelit ei ole olemas [%1]Could not load layer style table [%1]Ei saanud laadida kihi stiili tabelit [%1]Cannot fetch new layer style id.Ei saa kätte uue kihi stiili id-d.Could not prepare insert/update [%1]Ei saanud ette valmistada sisestamist/muutmist [%1]Could not execute insert/update [%1]Ei saanud teostada sisestamist/muutmist [%1]Could not reset default status [%1]Ei saanud taastada vaikeväärtust [%1]Could not retrieve style [%1]Ei saanud kätte stiili [%1]Style not foundStiili ei leitudCould not verify existence of layer style table [%1]Ei saanud kontrollida kihi stiili tabeli olemasolu [%1]No style for layer foundKihi jaoks ei leitud stiiliNo styles found in layer table [%1]Kihi tabelis ei leitud stiile [%1]no result buffertulemus andmetetaFetching from cursor %1 failed
Database error: %2PostGISPostGISInfinite filter rectangle specifiedUnable to delete layer %1:
%2Ei saa kustutada kihti %1:
%2Unable to delete schema %1:
%2Skeemi %1 ei saa kustutada:
%2Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database adminEi saa kihi stiili salvestada. Andmebaasi ei ole võimalik luua uut tabelit. Põhjuseks võivad olla tabeli õigused (kasutaja=%1). Võta ühendust andmebaasi administraatoriga.Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database adminSave style in databaseSalvesta stiil andmebaasiA style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it?Stiil nimega "%1" on juba selle kihi jaoks andmebaasis olemas. Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?Operation aborted. No changes were made in the databaseOperatsioon tühistati. Andmebaasi ei tehtud ühtegi muudatustUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database administrator.No styles available on DB, or there is an error connecting to the database.Andmebaasis pole stiile, või tekkis viga andmebaasiühenduses.Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator.Ei saa kihi stiili salvestada. Tabelisse ei ole võimalik lisada uut kirjet. Põhjuseks võivad olla tabeli õigused (kasutaja=%1). Võta ühendust andmebaasi administraatoriga.Connection to database failed using username: %1Ühendus andmebaasiga ebaõnnestus kasutades kasutajatunnust: %1Error executing query: %1Viga päringu jooksutamisel: %1Error executing the select query for related styles. The query was loggedViga seotud stiilide päringu teostamisel. Päring logitiError executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was loggedViga seotud stiilide päringu teostamisel. Päring logitiError executing the delete query. The query was loggedError executing the select query. The query was loggedViga päringu teostamisel. Päring logitiConsistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be uniqueViga tabeli '%1' kooskõlastatuses. Stiili ID peaks olema unikaalneSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite'i viga: %2
SQL: %1SQLite error getting feature: %1SQLite'i viga nähtuse hankimisel: %1creation of data source %1 failed. %2andmeallika loomine %1 ebaõnnestus. %2loading of the layer %1 failedKihi %1 laadimine ebaõnnestuscreation of fields failedväljade loomine ebaõnnestusUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Ei saa tuvastada SpatialMetadata:
Could not create a new database
Ei saanud luua uut andmebaasi
Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1]Ei saanud aktiveerida FOREIGN_KEY piiranguid [%1]Unable to delete table %1
Ei õnnestu kustutada tabelit %1
Could not load styles from %1 (Query: %2)Style with id %1 not found in %2 (Query: %3)Error looking for style. The query was loggedViga stiili leidmisel. Päring logitiUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database.Ei saa kihi stiili salvestada. Andmebaasi ei ole võimalik luua uut tabelit.Cannot find layer %1.Ei leia kihti %1.Cannot open %1.Operation abortedOperatsioon tühistatiError executing loading style. The query was loggedViga stiili laadimisel. Päring logitiNo styles available on DBAndmebaasis pole stiileError loading styles. The query was loggedViga stiilide laadimisel. Päring logitiThe extra plugin path '%1' does not exist!Lisapluginate teekond '%1' on vigane!Couldn't load SIP module.Ei saanud laadida SIP moodulit.Python support will be disabled.Pythoni tugi lülitatakse välja.Couldn't set SIP API versions.Ei saanud määrata SIP API versioone.Couldn't load PyQt.Ei saanud laadida PyQT'd.Couldn't load PyQGIS.Ei õnnestunud laadida PyQGIS-i.Couldn't load QGIS utils.Ei õnnestunud laadida QGIS-i vahendeid.An error occurred during execution of following code:Tekkis viga järgmise skripti jooksutamisel:Python version:Pythoni versioon:QGIS version:QGIS-i versioon:Python path:Pythoni tee:Python errorPythoni vigaUndefinedValimataHiddenVarjatudTitlePealkiriGroupRühmFrameRaamScalebarJoonmõõtkavaText TableSubgroupAlamrühmSymbolSümbolSymbol labelSümboli märgisTopology CheckerTopoloogia kontrollA Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layersPlugin vektorkihtidest topoloogiliste vigade leidmiseksUsing fix %1.Kasutan parandust %1.Topology pluginTopoloogia pluginSelect automatic fixVali automaatne parandusintersecting geometriesLõikuvad geomeetriadMove blue featureMove red featureDelete blue featureDelete red featureUnion to blue featureUnion to red featurefeatures too closenähtused asuvad liiga lähestikkuSnap to segmentpoint not covered by segmentLõiguga katmata punktDelete pointKustuta punktsegment too shortlõik on liiga lühikeDelete featureKustuta nähtusinvalid geometryvigane geomeetriadangling endrippuv otsduplicate geometrykodruv geomeetriapseudo nodeliba-sõlmoverlapskattubgapsvahedpoint not coveredkatmata punktline ends not covered by pointjoone otsad ei ole kaetud punktigapoint not in polygonpunkt ei ole polügooni seespolygon does not contain pointpolügoon ei sisalda punktimultipart featuremitmeosaline nähtusSave style to DB (%1)Salvesta stiil andmebaasi (%1)Delete Auxiliary FieldUnable to remove auxiliary field (%1)Could not save metadataCould not save symbology because:
%1Ei saanud salvestada sümboleid kuna:
%1Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2]Atribuudi indeks %1 on piiridest väljas [0;%2]ErrorVigaGlobalÜldineFormVormProjectProjektLoad layer into projectload,open,layer,raster,vector,projectModeler toolsModelleerimistööriistadThis algorithm loads a layer to the current project.LayerKihtLoaded layer nameInvalid input layerInvalid (empty) layer nameMap SettingsKaardi seadedMap Tool CaptureLayoutTrükivaadeAtlasAtlasLayout ItemAlgorithmAlgoritmFeature IDNähtuse IDlinearJoonelineradialradiaalneconicalkoonilinefeaturenähtusviewportvaateakenpadtäidarepeatkordareflectpeegeldaCould not allocate sufficient memory for shapeburst fillNo renderer for drawing.Simplify transform error caught: %1empty capabilities documenttühi võimekuste dokumentDom ExceptionDOM erandCould not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Response was:
%4Ei õnnestunud hankida WMS-i võimekusi: %1 real %2 veerus %3
Viga põhjustab tõenäoliselt vigane WMS-serveri URL.
Vastus oli:
%4Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Generated default styleGenereeriti vaike-stiilStyle was missing in capabilitiesVõimekustes puudus stiilField contains a color.Väli sisaldab värvust.Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider.Rippmenüü koos väärtustega, mida saab kasutada veerus. Peab olema pakkuja poolt toetatud.Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty.Ainult vaatamiseks väli, mida loob UUID, juhul kui tühi.LegendLeppemärkRaster image fillRasterpildi täitevärvusCouldn't load PyQGIS Server.Ei õnnestunud laadida PyQGIS Serverit.Couldn't load qgis.user.Ei õnnestunud laadida objekti qgis.user.NOTICE: %1TÄHELEPANU: %1BlurÄhmasusDrop ShadowInner ShadowStackKuhjaOuter GlowInner GlowSourceAlgallikasTransformTransformeeriColoriseKoloreeriGRASS %1GRASS %1GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)Version 2.0Versioon 2.0GRASS editGRASS-i redigeerimineExtract by attributeTuleta atribuudi aluselextract,filter,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionVektori valikSelection attributeValiku atribuutOperatorOperaator==≠>>>=>=<<<=<=begins withalgab containssisaldabis nullon nullis not nullei ole nulldoes not containei sisaldaValueVäärtusExtracted (attribute)Tuletatud (atribuut)Extracted (non-matching)This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer.Field '%1' was not found in INPUT sourceOperator '%1' can be used only with string fields.CountÜldarvCount (distinct)Hulk (eristuv)Count (missing)Hulk (puuduv)Minimum (earliest)Miinimum (varaseim)Maximum (latest)Maksimum (hiliseim)Range (interval)Ulatus (vahemik)SumSummaMeanKeskmineMedianMediaanSt dev (pop)St dev (sample)Output no data valueRange boundariesmin < value <= maxmin <= value < maxmin <= value <= maxmin < value < maxUse no data when no range matches valueOutput data typeReclassified rasterInvalid band number for RASTER_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Could not create raster output: %1Could not create raster output %1: %2Reclassify by layerraster,reclassify,classes,calculatorThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a vector table.Layer containing class breaksMinimum class value fieldMaximum class value fieldOutput value fieldInvalid field specified for MIN_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for MAX_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for VALUE_FIELD: %1Invalid value for minimum: %1Invalid value for maximum: %1Invalid output value: %1Reclassify by tableThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a fixed table.Reclassification tableFilteredFilters away vertices based on their %1, returning geometries with only vertex points that have a %1 ≥ the specified minimum value and ≤ the maximum value.
If the minimum value is not specified than only the maximum value is tested, and similarly if the maximum value is not specified than only the minimum value is tested.
Depending on the input geometry attributes and the filters used, the resultant geometries created by this algorithm may no longer be valid.MinimumMiinimumMinimum valueMiinimumväärtusMaximumMaksimumMaximum valueMaksimaalväärtusFilter vertices by m valuefilter,points,vertex,mm-valueFilter vertices by z valuefilter,points,vertex,zz-valueInvalid value for TABLE: list must contain a multiple of 3 elements (found %1)RangeUlatusMinorityVähemusMajorityEnamusVarietyVarieeruvusQ1Q1Q3Q3IQRIQRRename GRASS %1Nimeta ümber GRASS %1Cannot delete %1Ei saa kustutada %1Cannot rename %1 to %2Ei saa %1 ümber nimetada %2Recent colorsHiljutised värvidStandard colorsStandard-värvidProject colorsProjekti värvidDelete ConnectionKustuta ühendusAre you sure you want to delete the connection to %1?Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada ühenduse %1Delete ObjectKustuta objektDelete TableKustuta tabelAre you sure you want to delete [%1].[%2]?Are you sure you want to truncate [%1].[%2]?
This will delete all data within the table.Are you sure you want to delete %1.%2?Oled kindel et soovid kustutada %1 %2? {1.%2??}Truncate TableTühjenda tabelAre you sure you want to truncate %1.%2?
This will delete all data within the table.Oled kindel et soovid tühjendada tabeli %1.%2?
Jätkates kustutad kõik andmed tabelis.Refresh Materialized ViewAre you sure you want to refresh the materialized view %1.%2?
This will update all data within the table.Delete SchemaKustuta skeemSchema '%1' contains objects:
Are you sure you want to delete the schema and all these objects?Skeemis '%1' on objektid:
Oled kindel et soovid kustutada skeemi ja kõik need objektid?Are you sure you want to delete the schema '%1'?Oled kindel et soovid kustutada skeemi '%1'?Are you sure you want to delete %1?Oled kindel, et soovid kustutada %1 %2? {1??}Unable to reproject.Ei õnnestu reprojitseerida.Cell size must not be zero.Ruudu suurus ei saa olla null.No common intersecting area.Puudub ühine lõikuv pind.Unable to open input file: %1Unable to create output file: %1Un-named Color SchemeNimetu värviskeemAccessible Color SchemeLigipääsetav värviskeemOpen LinkAva linkCopy Link AddressKopeeri lingi aadressSend Email To…Copy Email AddressKopeeri emaili aadressCannot open database %1 by driver %2Ei õnnestu avada andmebaasiühendust %1 ajuriga %2Cannot describe table %1Ei õnnestu saada tabeli kirjeldust %1GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology?GRASS-i vektorkaardil %1 ei ole topoloogiat. Kas loon topoloogia?Key column '%1' not found in the table '%2'Võtmevälja '%1' ei leitud tabelis '%2'SecureProtocolsTurvalised protokollidTlsV1SslV3TlsV1SslV3TlsV1TlsV1SslV3SslV3SslV2SslV2(Organization not defined)(Organisatsioon on määramata)System Root CASystem Root AuthoritiesFile CAAuthorities from FileDatabase CAAuthorities in DatabaseConnection CAAuthorities from connectionDefaultAlgneTrustedUsaldatavUntrustedMitte-usaldatavCertificate is valid.Sertifikaat on kehtiv.Root CA rejected the certificate purpose.Certificate is not trusted.Sertifikaat ei ole usaldusväärne.Signature does not match.Allkiri ei klapi.Certificate Authority is invalid or not found.Purpose does not match the intended usage.Eesmärk ei ühti eeldatava kasutusega.Certificate is self-signed, and is not found in the list of trusted certificates.Certificate has been revoked.Sertifikaat on tühistatud.Path length from the root CA to this certificate is too long.Certificate has expired or is not yet valid.Sertifikaat on aegunud või ei ole veel kehtiv.Certificate Authority has expired.Sertifikaadi autoriseerija on aegunud.Validity is unknown.Kehtivus on teadmata.SHA1, with EMSA1SHA1, väärtusega EMSA1SHA1, with EMSA3SHA1, väärtusega EMSA3MD5, with EMSA3MD5, väärtusega EMSA3MD2, with EMSA3MD2, väärtusega EMSA3RIPEMD160, with EMSA3RIPEMD160, väärtusega EMSA3EMSA3, without digestSHA224, with EMSA3SHA224, väärtusega EMSA3SHA256, with EMSA3SHA256, väärtusega EMSA3SHA384, with EMSA3SHA384, väärtusega EMSA3SHA512, with EMSA3SHA512, väärtusega EMSA3Unknown (possibly Elliptic Curve)Tundmatu (tõenäoliselt elliptiline kurv)Digital SignatureDigi-allkiriNon-repudiationKey EnciphermentVõtme šifreeringData EnciphermentAndmete šifreeringKey AgreementKey Certificate SignCRL SignEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlyServer AuthenticationServeri autentimineClient AuthenticationKliendi autentimineCode SigningEmail ProtectionIPSec EndpointIPSec TunnelIPSec tunnelIPSec UserIPSec kasutajaTime StampingAjatempli lisamineOCSP SigningOCSP allkirjastamineAny or unspecifiedKõik või määramataCertificate AuthorityCertificate IssuerSertifikaadi väljastajaTLS/SSL ServerTLS/SSL serverTLS/SSL Server EVTLS/SSL ClientTLS/SSL klientCRL SigningCRL allkirjastamineUndetermined usageUnable to Get Issuer CertificateUnable to Decrypt Certificate SignatureUnable to Decode Issuer Public KeyUnable to Get Local Issuer CertificateUnable to Verify First CertificateCertificate Signature FailedCertificate Not Yet ValidSertifikaat ei ole veel kehtivCertificate ExpiredSertifikaat ei ole enam kehtivInvalid Not Before FieldInvalid Not After FieldSelf-signed CertificateSelf-signed Certificate In ChainCertificate RevokedInvalid CA CertificatePath Length ExceededInvalid PurposeCertificate UntrustedEbausaldusväärne sertifikaatCertificate RejectedSubject Issuer MismatchAuthority Issuer Serial Number MismatchNo Peer CertificateHost Name MismatchHosti nimi ei kattuUnspecified ErrorTäpsustamata vigaCertificate BlacklistedSertifikaat on mustas nimekirjasNo ErrorVead puuduvadNo SSL SupportPuudub SSL tugiClient certificate is NULL.Client certificate key is NULL.Private key does not match client certificate public key.Authentication ManagerAutentimishaldurMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your KeyChainMaster Password <-> Password Manager storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Password ManagerMaster Password <-> Wallet/KeyRing storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyRingMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyChain/Password ManagerAuthentication methodAutentimismeetodCould not set trust policy for imported certificatesAuthorities ManagerAutoriseerimishaldurCould not store sort by preferenceCould not store default trust policy.Could not store 'CA file path' in authentication database.Could not store 'CA file allow invalids' setting in authentication database.Could not set trust policy for imported certificates.Could not remove 'CA file path' from authentication database.Could not remove 'CA file allow invalids' setting from authentication database.Authentication SystemAutentimissüsteemDISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessedMaster password already set.Master password not cleared because it is not set.Master password cleared (NOTE: network connections may be cached).Master password FAILED to be cleared.Master password resetMaster password reset: NO current password hash in databaseMaster password FAILED to be reset (database backup: %1) (andmebaasi varukoopia: %1)Cached authentication configurations for session clearedRemove ConfigurationsEemalda seadistusAre you sure you want to remove ALL authentication configurations?
Operation can NOT be undone!Oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada kõik autentimise seadistused?
Kustutamist ei saa tagasi pöörata!Authentication configurations removed.Authentication configurations FAILED to be removed.Active authentication database erased.Authentication database FAILED to be erased.Delete PasswordDo you really want to delete the master password from your %1?Master password was successfully deleted from your %1Password helper deleteMaster password is not set and cannot be stored in your %1.Master password has been successfully stored in your %1.Password helper writeYour %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.Erase DatabaseKustuta andmebaasAre you sure you want to ERASE the entire authentication database?
Operation can NOT be undone!
(Current database will be backed up and new one created.)Oled kindel et tahad kustutada kogu autentimise andmebaasi?
Kustutamist ei saa tagasi pöörata!
(Praegune andmebaas varundatakse ja luuakse uus.) (backup: %1) (varukoopia: %1)RESTART QGISTAASKÄIVITA QGISFile not foundFaili ei leitudCould not store sort by preference.Authentication IdentitiesAuthentication SSL ConfigsAutentimise SSL seadistusedConfiguration loaded from databaseLaaditud häälestus andmebaasistConfiguration not found in databaseSeadistust ei leitud andmebaasistTrusted Authorities/IssuersEntry token invalid : '%1'. The token will not be saved to file.Project translationA hidden field will be invisible - the user is not able to see its contents.Peidetud väli jääb nähtamatuks- kasutaja ei näe selle sisuVLayerExpression SorterAvaldise järjestajaDisplays a combo box containing values of attributes used for classification.
Only available when the layer uses a categorized symbol renderer.Näitab rippmenüüd kus on klassifitseerimise väärtused.
Saadav ainult juhul, kui kiht kasutab kategoriseeritud sümbolite renderdamist.Error: %1 on line %2, column %3Viga: %1 real %2, veerus %3WFSWFSunable to convert '%1' element to a valid expression: it is not supported yet or it has invalid argumentselementi "%1" ei saa teisendada kehtivaks avaldiseks: see ei ole veel toetatud või see sisaldab vigaseid argumente'%1' binary operator not supported.'%1' binaarset operaatorit ei toetata.invalid left operand for '%1' binary operatorinvalid right operand for '%1' binary operatoronly one operand for '%1' binary operatorNo OGC Geometry foundOGC geomeetriat ei leitud%1:PropertyName expected, got %2%1:Literal expected, got %2'%1' is an invalid or not supported content for %2:Literalinvalid operand for '%1' unary operatorNode type not supported: %1Sõlme tüüp ei ole toetatud: %1This use of unary operator not implemented yet<BBOX> is currently supported only in form: bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('…'))Unary operator %1 not implemented yetBinary operator %1 not implemented yetNode type not supported in expression translation: %1Unary operator '%1' not implemented yetLiteral type not supported: %1Teksti tüüp ei ole toetatud: %1Unable to translate spatial operator: at least one must refer to geometry.spatial operator: the other operator must be a geometry constructor functiongeom_from_wkt: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: unable to parse XMLspatial operator: unknown geometry constructor functionSpecial columns/constants are not supported.%1: Last argument must be string or integer literal%1: viimane argument peab olema teksti- või numbrijadaFunction %1 should have 1 or 2 argumentsFunktsioonil %1 peaks olema 1 või 2 argumenti%1: First argument must be string literal%1: esimene argument peab olema tekstijada%1: invalid WKT%1: kehtetu WKTFunction %1 should have 4 or 5 argumentsFunktsioonil %1 peaks olema 4 või 5 argumenti%1: Argument %2 must be numeric literal%1: argument %2 peab olema numbrijada%1 Argument %2 must be numeric literal%1 argument %2 peab olema numbrijadaFunction %1 should have 1 argumentFunktsioonil %1 peaks olema 1 argument%1: Argument must be string literal%1: argument peab olema tekstijadaST_GeomFromGML: unable to parse XMLST_GeomFromGML: XML'i ei õnnestu parsidaFunction %1 should have 2 argumentsFunktsioonil %1 peaks olema 2 argumentiFunction %1 should have 3 argumentsFunktsioonil %1 peaks olema 3 argumentiFunction %1 3rd argument should be a numeric value or a string made of a numeric value followed by a stringJoins are only supported with WFS 2.0%1:Function expected, got %2missing some required sub-elements in %1:PropertyIsBetweensecond|secondslist of words separated by | which reference yearssekund|sekunditminute|minuteslist of words separated by | which reference minutesminut|minutithour|hourslist of words separated by | which reference minutes hourstund|tundiday|dayslist of words separated by | which reference dayspäev|päevaweek|weekswordlist separated by | which reference weeksnädal|nädalatmonth|monthslist of words separated by | which reference monthskuu|kuudyear|yearslist of words separated by | which reference yearsaasta|aastatMinimum lengthMiinimumpikkusMaximum lengthMaksimumpikkusMean lengthKeskmine pikkusFunction '%1' is not declared by the WFS serverWFS-server ei paku funktsiooni '%1'Column '%1' references a non existing tableVeerg '%1' viitab olematule tabelileColumn '%1' references a non existing fieldVeerg '%1' viitab olematule väljale%1 to %2 arguments1 argument%1 arguments%1 arguments or more1 argument or more0 argument or moreStyle ManagerStiilihaldurTessellate3d,triangleVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaTessellatedThis algorithm tessellates a polygon geometry layer, dividing the geometries into triangular components.The output layer consists of multipolygon geometries for each input feature, with each multipolygon consisting of multiple triangle component polygons.HeightKõrgusExtrusionHeightAdd autoincremental fieldLisa kasvavate väärtustega väliThis algorithm adds a new integer field to a vector layer, with a sequential value for each feature.
This field can be used as a unique ID for features in the layer. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
The initial starting value for the incremental series can be specified.
Optionally, grouping fields can be specified. If group fields are present, then the field value will be reset for each combination of these group field values.
The sort order for features may be specified, if so, then the incremental field will respect this sort order.add,create,serial,primary,key,unique,fieldsVector tableVektor-tabelIncrementedkasvavField nameVälja nimiStart values atGroup values bySort expressionJärjestuse avaldisSort ascendingJärjesta vähenevaltSort nulls firstAssign projectionMäära projektsioonassign,set,transform,reproject,crs,srs,warpVector generalAssigned CRSThis algorithm assigns a new projection to a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the exact same features and geometries as the input one, but assigned to a new CRS. E.g. the geometries are not reprojected, they are just assigned to a different CRS. This algorithm can be used to repair layers which have been assigned an incorrect projection.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.BoundaryPiirjoonboundary,ring,border,exteriorReturns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers.No boundary for feature %1 (possibly a closed linestring?)'Bounding boxesPiirdealabounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extentBoundsUlatusThis algorithm calculates the bounding box (envelope) for each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.BufferPuhverbuffer,grow,fixed,variable,distanceInput layerSisend-kihtDistancePikkusBuffer distancePuhvri kaugusSegmentsLõigudEnd cap styleOtspunkti stiilRoundÜmarFlatTasaneSquareRuutJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilMiterRuutBevelKalduMiter limitDissolve resultLiida tulemusedBufferedThis algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Could not load source layer for INPUTError calculating buffer for feature %1Viga nähtusele %1 puhvri arvutamiselProcessingTöötlenCentroidsKeskpunktidcentroid,center,average,point,middleThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer.
The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features.Create point on surface for each partError calculating centroid for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating centroid for feature %1: %2ClipLõikamineclip,intersect,intersection,maskVector overlayVektor-ülekateOverlay layerThis algorithm clips a vector layer using the features of an additional polygon layer. Only the parts of the features in the Input layer that fall within the polygons of the Overlay layer will be added to the resulting layer.The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.ClippedLõigatudCould not create the combined clip geometry: %1Convex hullKumer kateconvex,hull,bounds,boundingConvex hullsKumerad kattedThis algorithm calculates the convex hull for each feature in an input layer.See algoritm arvutab igale sisendkihi nähtusele kumera katte.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a convex hull calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Cannot calculate convex hull for a single Point feature (try 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm instead).DissolveSulata kokkudissolve,union,combine,collectDissolve field(s)This algorithm takes a vector layer and combines their features into new features. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve features belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all features can be dissolved in a single one.
All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased.Unique ID fieldsUnikaalsed ID väljadDissolvedLiidetudCollect geometriesunion,combine,collect,multipart,parts,singleCollectedThis algorithm takes a vector layer and collects its geometries into new multipart geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to collect only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be collected.All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries, even those with just a single part. This algorithm does not dissolve overlapping geometries - they will be collected together without modifying the shape of each geometry part.See the 'Promote to multipart' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Drop geometriesEemalda geomeetriadremove,drop,delete,geometry,objectsDropped geometriesThis algorithm removes any geometries from an input layer and returns a layer containing only the feature attributes.Drop M/Z valuesEemalda M/Z väärtuseddrop,set,convert,m,measure,z,25d,3d,valuesZ/M DroppedZ/M eemaldatudThis algorithm can remove any measure (M) or Z values from input geometries.Drop M ValuesEemalda M väärtusedDrop Z ValuesEemalda Z väärtusedExtentUlatusThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that contains a single feature with geometry matching an extent parameter.
It can be used in models to convert an extent into a layer which can be used for other algorithms which require a layer based input.Create layer from extentextent,layer,polygon,create,newExtract by expressionVäljavõte avaldise aluselextract,filter,expression,fieldExpressionAvaldisMatching featuresVastavad nähtNon-matchingMitte-vastavThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression.
For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a>Extract/clip by extentclip,extract,intersect,intersection,mask,extentClip features to extentExtractedThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains features which fall within a specified extent. Any features which intersect the extent will be included.
Optionally, feature geometries can also be clipped to the extent. If this option is selected, then the output geometries will automatically be converted to multi geometries to ensure uniform output geometry types.Where the features (geometric predicate)intersectcontaindisjointühisosataequaltouchoverlapare withincrosscreating new selectionuue valiku loomineadding to current selectionvalikusse lisamineselecting within current selectionValin valiku seestremoving from current selectionvalikust eemaldamineSelect features fromBy comparing to the features fromModify current selection byMuuda praegust valikut järgnevaltSelect by locationValik asukoha järgiselect,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.Extract features fromExtracted (location)Tuletatud (asukoht)Extract by locationTuleta asukoha aluselextract,filter,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.All files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)Fix geometriesParanda geomeetriadrepair,invalid,geometry,make,validFixed geometriesParandatud geomeetriadThis algorithm attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry without losing any of the input vertices. Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention. Always outputs multi-geometry layer.
NOTE: M values will be dropped from the output.makeValid failed for feature %1 Fixing geometry for feature %1 resulted in %2, geometry has been dropped.Join attributes by field valuejoin,connect,attributes,values,fields,tablesCreate separate feature for each matching feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first matching feature only (one-to-one)Table fieldTabeli väliInput layer 2Lähteandmete kiht 2Table field 2Tabeli väli 2Layer 2 fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerLiidetud kihtUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableNumber of unjoinable features from input tableThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. An attribute is selected in each of them to define the join criteria.%1 feature(s) from input layer were successfully matched%1 feature(s) from input layer could not be matchedInvalid join fieldsJoin by lines (hub lines)join,connect,lines,points,hub,spokeVector analysisVektor-analüüsHub layerHub ID fieldHub layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Spoke layerSpoke ID fieldSpoke layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Hub linesThis algorithm creates hub and spoke diagrams by connecting lines from points on the Spoke layer to matching points in the Hub layer.
Determination of which hub goes with each point is based on a match between the Hub ID field on the hub points and the Spoke ID field on the spoke points.
If input layers are not point layers, a point on the surface of the geometries will be taken as the connecting location.Same layer given for both hubs and spokesInvalid ID fieldLine intersectionsJoone ristumisedline,intersectionIntersect layerVali lõikumise kihtIntersectionLõikumineThis algorithm extracts the overlapping portions of features in the Input and Overlay layers. Features in the output Intersection layer are assigned the attributes of the overlapping features from both the Input and Overlay layers.Overlay fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Input fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Intersect fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.GEOS geoprocessing error: difference failed.IntersectionsLõikumisedThis algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer.Mean coordinate(s)Keskme koordinaadidmean,average,coordinateWeight fieldKaalu suuruse väliUnique ID fieldUnikaalne ID väliMean coordinatesKeskme koordinaadidThis algorithm computes a point layer with the center of mass of geometries in an input layer.
An attribute can be specified as containing weights to be applied to each feature when computing the center of mass.
If an attribute is selected in the <Unique ID field> parameter, features will be grouped according to values in this field. Instead of a single point with the center of mass of the whole layer, the output layer will contain a center of mass for the features in each category.Negative weight value found. Please fix your data and try again.Merge linesLiida joonedline,merge,join,partsMergedLiidetudThis algorithm joins all connected parts of MultiLineString geometries into single LineString geometries.
If any parts of the input MultiLineString geometries are not connected, the resultant geometry will be a MultiLineString containing any lines which could be merged and any non-connected line parts.Error merging lines for feature %1Merge vector layersLiida vektorkihidvector,layers,collect,merge,combineInput layersSisend-kihidDestination CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemThis algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one.
If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source.
If any input layers contain Z or M values, then the output layer will also contain these values. Similarly, if any of the input layers are multi-part, the output layer will also be a multi-part layer.
Optionally, the destination coordinate reference system (CRS) for the merged layer can be set. If it is not set, the CRS will be taken from the first input layer. All layers will all be reprojected to match this CRS.Using specified destination CRS %1Error retrieving map layer.All layers must be vector layers!Taking destination CRS %1 from layerAll layers must have same geometry type! Encountered a %1 layer when expecting a %2 layer.Found a layer with M values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with Z values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with multiparts, upgrading output type to %1Setting output type to %1%1 field in layer %2 has different data type than in other layers (%3 instead of %4)Packaging layer %1/%2: %3Error obtained while merging one or more layers.Minimum enclosing circlesminimum,circle,ellipse,extent,bounds,boundingNumber of segments in circlesThis algorithm calculates the minimum enclosing circle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a minimal enclosing circle calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Multipart to singlepartsMitmikosad ükiskosadeksmulti,single,multiple,split,dumpSingle partsÜksik-osadThis algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them.Order by expressionJärjesta avaldise järgiorderby,sort,expression,fieldOrderedThis algorithm sorts a vector layer according to an expression. Be careful, it might not work as expected with some providers, the order might not be kept every time.Oriented minimum bounding boxOrienteeritud vähim ümbritsev ristkülikbounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extent,oriented,angleThis algorithm calculates the minimum area rotated rectangle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a oriented bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Promote to multipartmulti,single,multiple,convert,force,partsMultipartsThis algorithm takes a vector layer with singlepart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries are multipart. Input features which are already multipart features will remain unchanged.This algorithm can be used to force geometries to multipart types in order to be compatibility with data providers with strict singlepart/multipart compatibility checks.See the 'Collect geometries' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Raster layer unique values reportcount,area,statisticsRaster analysisRastri analüüsUpdatedBand numberLõime numberValue for nodata or non-intersecting verticesScale factorTransform error while reprojecting feature {}Drape (set z-value from raster)3d,vertex,vertices,elevation,height,sample,dem,update,featureThis algorithm sets the z value of every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.The raster values can optionally be scaled by a preset amount.Sets the z value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.Set m-value from rasterdrape,vertex,vertices,sample,dem,update,feature,measureThis algorithm sets the m-value for every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.Sets the m-value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.Unique values reportHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Unique values tableCRS authority identifierWidth in pixelsHeight in pixelsTotal pixel countNODATA pixel countThis algorithm returns the count and area of each unique value in a given raster layer.Invalid band number for BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Analyzed fileband<p>%1: %2</p>
<p>%1: %2 (%3)</p>
ProjectionProjektsioon<p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p>
units per pixelPixel countAreaAlaCleanedPuhastatudRemove duplicate verticespoints,valid,overlapping,vertex,nodesThis algorithm removes duplicate vertices from features, wherever removing the vertices does not result in a degenerate geometry.
The tolerance parameter specifies the tolerance for coordinates when determining whether vertices are identical.
By default, z values are not considered when detecting duplicate vertices. E.g. two vertices with the same x and y coordinate but different z values will still be considered duplicate and one will be removed. If the Use Z Value parameter is true, then the z values are also tested and vertices with the same x and y but different z will be maintained.
Note that duplicate vertices are not tested between different parts of a multipart geometry. E.g. a multipoint geometry with overlapping points will not be changed by this method.ToleranceTõmberaadiusTolerance distanceUse Z ValueRemove null geometriesEemalda null-geomeetriadremove,drop,delete,empty,geometryNon null geometriesNull geometriesThis algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged.
Optionally, the features with null geometries can be saved to a separate output.Rename layerchange,layer,name,titleThis algorithm renames a layer.New nameUus nimiSelected featuresValitud nähtusedExtract selected featuresVäljavõte valitud nähtustestselection,save,byThis algorithm creates a new layer with all the selected features in a given vector layer.
If the selected layer has no selected features, the newly created layer will be empty.Simplifysimplify,generalize,douglas,peucker,visvalingamSimplifiedThis algorithm simplifies the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a lower number of vertices.
The algorithm gives a choice of simplification methods, including distance based (the "Douglas-Peucker" algorithm), area based ("Visvalingam" algorithm) and snapping geometries to a grid.Distance (Douglas-Peucker)Snap to gridSnäpi võrgustiku külgeArea (Visvalingam)Simplification methodSmoothSilusmooth,curve,generalize,round,bend,cornersSmoothedThis algorithm smooths the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a higher number of vertices and corners in the geometries smoothed out.
The iterations parameter dictates how many smoothing iterations will be applied to each geometry. A higher number of iterations results in smoother geometries with the cost of greater number of nodes in the geometries.
The offset parameter controls how "tightly" the smoothed geometries follow the original geometries. Smaller values results in a tighter fit, and larger values will create a looser fit.
The maximum angle parameter can be used to prevent smoothing of nodes with large angles. Any node where the angle of the segments to either side is larger than this will not be smoothed. For example, setting the maximum angle to 90 degrees or lower would preserve right angles in the geometry.
If input geometries contain Z or M values, these will also be smoothed and the output geometry will retain the same dimensionality as the input geometry.IterationsIteratsioonidOffset linesoffset,linestringOffsetNiheThis algorithm offsets lines by a specified distance. Positive distances will offset lines to the left, and negative distances will offset to the right of lines.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Offsets lines by a specified distance.Maximum node angle to smoothError smoothing geometry %1Snap points to gridsnapped,grid,simplify,round,precisionSnappedThis algorithm modifies the coordinates of geometries in a vector layer, so that all points or vertices are snapped to the closest point of the grid.
If the snapped geometry cannot be calculated (or is totally collapsed) the feature's geometry will be cleared.
Note that snapping to grid may generate an invalid geometry in some corner cases.
Snapping can be performed on the X, Y, Z or M axis. A grid spacing of 0 for any axis will disable snapping for that axis.X Grid SpacingY Grid SpacingZ Grid SpacingM Grid SpacingError snapping geometry %1Split with linessplit,cut,linesSplit layerTükelda kihtSplitThis algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points.String concatenationstring,concatenation,mergeThis algorithm concatenates two strings together.Input 1Input 2ConcatenationAhelikustamineMaximum nodes in partsSubdividesubdivide,segmentize,split,tessellateSubdivides the geometry. The returned geometry will be a collection containing subdivided parts from the original geometry, where no part has more then the specified maximum number of nodes.
This is useful for dividing a complex geometry into less complex parts, which are better able to be spatially indexed and faster to perform further operations such as intersects on. The returned geometry parts may not be valid and may contain self-intersections.
Curved geometries will be segmentized before subdivision.SubdividedError calculating subdivision for feature %1Transecttransect,station,lines,extend,Length of the transectAngle in degrees from the original line at the verticesAngle in degreesSide to create the transectsLeftVasakulRightParemalBothThis algorithm creates transects on vertices for (multi)linestring.
A transect is a line oriented from an angle (by default perpendicular) to the input polylines (at vertices).Field(s) from feature(s) are returned in the transect with these new fields:
- TR_FID: ID of the original feature
- TR_ID: ID of the transect. Each transect have an unique ID
- TR_SEGMENT: ID of the segment of the linestring
- TR_ANGLE: Angle in degrees from the original line at the vertex
- TR_LENGTH: Total length of the transect returned
- TR_ORIENT: Side of the transect (only on the left or right of the line, or both side)
Target CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemReprojectedReprojitseeritudReproject layertransform,reprojection,crs,srs,warpThis algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.Translatemove,shift,transform,z,m,values,addTranslatedThis algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement.Z and M values present in the geometry can also be translated.Array of translated featurestranslate,parallel,offset,duplicate,grid,spaced,moved,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of features in a layer, by creating multiple translated versions of each feature. Each copy is incrementally displaced by a preset amount in the x/y/z/m axis.Creates multiple translated copies of features in a layer.Number of features to createStep distance (x-axis)Offset distance (x-axis)Nihke kaugus (x-teljel)Step distance (y-axis)Offset distance (y-axis)Nihke kaugus (y-teljel)Step distance (z-axis)Offset distance (z-axis)Step distance (m values)Offset distance (m values)DWG/DXF importDWG/DXF-importNot yet implemented %1Pole veel töös %1SQL statement failed
Database: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not start transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Could not commit transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Drawing %1 is unreadableJoonis %1 on loetamatuCould not open database [%1]Ei saanud avada andmebaasi [%1]Query for drawing %1 failed.Joonise %1 päring ebaõnnestus.Could not retrieve drawing name from database [%1]Ei saanud andmebaasist joonise nime [%1]Recorded last modification date unreadable [%1]Viimane salvestatud muudatuse kuupäev on loetamatu [%1]Drawing already uptodate in database.Joonis on juba andmebaasis ajakohane.Imported drawingsImporditud joonisedHeadersPäisedLine typesJoonetüübidLayer listKihtide loeteluDimension stylesMõõtjoone stiilidText stylesTeksti stiilidApplication dataRakenduse andmedBLOCK entitiesPOINT entitiesLINE entitiesPOLYLINE entitiesTEXT entitiesHATCH entitiesINSERT entitiesCould not load geopackage driverEi õnnestunud laadida GeoPackage'i draiveritCreation of datasource failed [%1]Andmeallika loomine ebaõnnestus [%1]Creation of drawing layer %1 failed [%2]Jooniskihi %1 tekitamine ebaõnnestus [%2]Creation of field definition for %1.%2 failed [%3]Välja %1.%2 definitsiooni tekitamine ebaõnnestus [%3]Creation of field %1.%2 failed [%3]Välja %1.%2 loomine ebaõnnestus [%3]Could not update drawing record [%1]Updating database from %1 [%2].Uuendan andmebaasi allikast %1 [%2]File %1 is not a DWG/DXF fileFail %1 ei ole DWG/DXF-failNo error.Vead puuduvad.Unknown error.Tundmatu viga.error opening file.viga faili avamisel.unsupported version.toetamata versioon.error reading metadata.viga meta-andmete lugemiselerror in file header read process.viga faili päise lugemiselerror in header vars read process.error in object map read process.viga objektikaardi lugemiselerror in classes read process.viga klasside lugemisel.error in tables read process.viga tabelite lugemisel.error in block read process.viga blokkide lugemisel.error in entities read process.viga olemite lugemisel.error in objects read process.viga objektide lugemisel.Could not update comment in drawing record [%1]Could not add %3 %1 [%2]Ei saanud lisada %3 %1 [%2]header recordpäise kirjedotted linetypes - dot ignoredline typejoone tüüplayerkihtField %1 not foundVälja %1 ei leitudLine width defaultVaikimisi joone paksusdimension stylemõõtjoone stiiltext styleteksti stiilCould not create geometry [%1]Ei saanud tekitada geomeetriat [%1]Could not add %2 [%1]Ei saanud lisada %2 [%1]blockblokkpointpunktRAY entitiesXLINE entitiesarckaarcircleringline stringmurdjoonpolygonpolügoonsplinesplainKNOT entitiesTRACE entities3DFACE entitiesDIMALIGN entitiesDIMLINEAR entitiesDIMRADIAL entitiesDIMDIAMETRIC entitiesDIMANGULAR entitiesDIMANGULAR3P entitiesDIMORDINAL entitiesLEADER entitiesVIEWPORT entitiesIMAGE entitiesimage linkspildi-lingidcommentskommentaaridCould not copy feature of block %2 from layer %1 [Errors: %3]Not logging more errorsRohkem veateateid ei logita%1 write errors during block expansion%1 block insertion expanded.PageLehekülgDelete style %1 from %2Kustuta stiil %1 %2-stDelete StyleAre you sure you want to delete the style %1?Oled kindel, et soovid kustutada stiili %1?Paper sizePaberi formaatstring tekstPage widthLehekülje laiusPage heightLehekülje kõrgusNumber of pagesLehekülgede arvSymbol sizeSümboli suurusPage numberLehekülje numberPosition (X)Paigutus (X)Position (Y)Paigutus (Y)WidthLaiusRotation anglePöördenurkTransparencyLäbipaistvusOpacityLäbipaistvusBlend modeSulatamise režiimExclude item from exportsArva objekt ekspordi hulgast väljaFrame colorRaami värvusBackground colorTaustavärvMap rotationKaardi pööreMap scaleKaardi mõõtkavaExtent minimum XUlatuse vähim XExtent minimum YUlatuse vähim YExtent maximum XUlatuse suurim XExtent maximum YUlatuse suurim yAtlas marginAtlase äärPicture source (URL)Pildi allikas (URL)Source URLAllika URLSVG background colorSVG taustavärvSVG stroke colorSVG viirutuse värvSVG stroke widthSVG viirutuse laiusLegend titleLegendi pealkiriNumber of columnsVeergude arvFill colorTäitevärvSecondary fill colorTeisene täitevärvLine colorJoone värvLine widthJoone laiuslist of map layer names separated by | characterskaardikihtide loetelu eraldatud | märgigaGrid %1Võrgustik %1No matching recordsPuuduvad vastedDistribute Items by LeftDistribute Items by CenterDistribute Items by RightDistribute Items by TopDistribute Items by Vertical CenterDistribute Items by BottomResize Items to NarrowestResize Items to WidestResize Items to ShortestResize Items to TallestResize Items to SquareAlign Items to LeftAlign Items to CenterAlign Items to RightAlign Items to TopAlign Items to Vertical CenterAlign Items to BottomExporting %1 of %2Exporting section %1Cannot write to %1. This file may be open in another application or may be an invalid path.Printing %1 of %2Printing section %1Layer %1Kiht %1Change Grid ResolutionChange Grid OffsetA6A5A4A3A2A1A0B6B5B4B3B2B1B0LegalLetterANSI AANSI BANSI CANSI DANSI EArch AArch BArch CArch DArch EArch E1Arch E2Arch E31920×10802012-05-04T1080 {1920×?}1280×8002012-05-04T800 {1280×?}1024×7682012-05-04T768 {1024×?}ReportGroup: %1 - %2SectionidentifieridentifikaatorIdentifier element is required.Vaja on identifikaatori elementi.languagekeelLanguage element is required.Vaja on keele elementi.typetüüpType element is required.Vaja on tüübi elementi.titletitleTitle element is required.Vaja on pealkirja elementi.abstractkokkuvõteAbstract element is required.Vaja on kokkuvõtte elementi.licenselitsentsAt least one license is required.Vaja on vähemalt üht litsentsi.crskoordinaatsüsteemA valid CRS element is required.Vaja on kehtivat koordinaatsüsteemi.extentulatusA valid CRS element for the spatial extent is required.A valid spatial extent is required.authorA project author is required.creationThe project creation date/time is required.contactsAt least one contact is required.Vaja on vähemalt üht kontakti.linkslingidAt least one link is required.Vaja on vähemalt üht linki.keywordsvõtmesõnadKeyword vocabulary cannot be empty.Võtmesõnade teatmik ei saa olla tühi.Keyword list cannot be empty.Võtmesõnade loetelu ei saa olla tühi.Contact name cannot be empty.Kontakti nimi ei saa olla tühi.Link name cannot be empty.Lingi nimi ei saa olla tühi.Link type cannot be empty.Lingi tüüp ei saa olla tühi.Link url cannot be empty.Lingi url ei saa olla tühi.modelPrepare algorithm: %1Running %1 [%2/%3]Input Parameters:Error encountered while running %1OK. Execution took %1 s (%2 outputs).Model processed OK. Executed %1 algorithms total in %2 s.Output '%1' from algorithm '%2'Minimum X of %1Minimum Y of %1Maximum X of %1Maximum Y of %1The model you are trying to run contains an algorithm that is not available: <i>%1</i>Incorrect parameter value for %1Duplicate parameter %1 registered for alg %2Duplicate output %1 registered for alg %2Could not load source layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not load source layer for %1: %2 not foundCould not load source layer for %1: invalid valueCould not create destination layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not create destination layer for %1: %2Could not create destination layer for %1: invalid valueEncountered a transform error when reprojecting feature with id %1.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry and has been skipped. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Error transforming extent geometryError transforming point geometryPython identifier: ‘%1’Invalid number parameter "%1": min value %2 is >= max value %3!Minimum value: %1Maximum value: %1Default value: %1Could not create memory layerCould not create layer %1: %2<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Algoritmi kirjeldus</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<p align="right">Algorithm author: %1</p><p align="right">Help author: %1</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: %1</p>Feature could not be written to %1%1 feature(s) could not be written to %2Features could not be written to %1Unable to zip contentUnable to save zip file '%1'Unable to execute%1 '%2': %3Could not create transform to calculate true northCould not transform bounding box to target CRSThe source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1Allika ruumiline referentssüsteem (CRS) ei ole lubatud. Koordinaate ei saa reprojitseerida. CRS on: %1The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1Lõplik ruumiline referentssüsteem (CRS) ei ole lubatud. Koordinaate ei saanud reprojitseerida. CRS on: %1forward transformTransformeerimineinverse transformpöördtransformeerimine%1 of
%2PROJ: %3 +to %4
Error: %5Stroke colorViirutuse värvStroke widthViirutuse paksusPlacement distancePaigutuse kaugusPlacement priorityPaigutuse prioriteetPlacement z-indexPaigutuse z-indeksDiagram is an obstacleDiagramm on takistusShow diagramNäita diagrammiAlways show diagramNäita alati diagrammiPie chart start angleKBMBMBGBTBbytes%1: Not a vector layer.Memory layer uri does not contain process or layer id.Memory layer from another QGIS instance.Cannot get memory layer.%1: Not a raster layer.%1: Not a mesh layer.Font sizeFondi suurusBold stylePaks stiilItalic styleKursiivDraw underlineAllakriipsutusText colorTeksti värvDraw strikeoutFont familyFondiperekond[<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx]Font style[<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light ItalicFont size unitsFondi suuruse ühikudText transparencyTeksti läbipaistvusText opacityFont caseLetter spacingTähtede vahekaugusWord spacingSõnade vahekaugusText blend modeTeksti ähmastamise viisWrap characterAutomatic word wrap line lengthLine heightJoone kõrgusLine alignmentJoone joondamineDraw direction symbolJoonista suuna sümbolLeft direction symbolVasakule suuna sümbolRight direction symbolParemale suuna sümbolDirection symbol placementSuuna sümboli paigutusReverse direction symbolPööratud suuna sümbolFormat as numberVorminda numbrinaNumber of decimal placesKümnendkohtade arvDraw + signDraw bufferJoonista puhverBuffer unitsPuhvri ühikudBuffer colorPuhvri värvusBuffer transparencyPuhvri läbipaistvusBuffer opacityBuffer join stylePuhvri liite stiilBuffer blend modePuhvri liite viisDraw shapeJoonista kujuShape typeKuju tüüpShape SVG pathKuju SVG kirjeldusShape size typeKuju suuruse tüüpShape size (X)Kuju suurus (X)Shape size (Y)Kuju suurus (Y)Shape size unitsKuju suuruse ühikudShape rotation typeKuju pööramise tüüpShape rotationKuju pööreShape offsetKuju niheShape offset unitsKuju nihke ühikudShape radiiKuju raadiusSymbol radii unitsSümboli raadiuse ühikudShape transparencyKuju läbipaistvusShape opacityShape blend modeKuju ähmastamise viisShape fill colorKuju täitevärvShape stroke colorKuju viirutuse värvShape stroke widthKuju viirutuse laiusShape stroke width unitsKuju viirutuse laiuse ühikudShape join styleKuju liite stiilDraw shadowLisa variShadow offset angleVarju nihke nurkShadow offset distanceVarju nihkekaugusShadow offset unitsVarju nihke ühikudShadow blur radiusVarju ähmastamise raadiusShadow blur unitsVarju ähmastamise ühikudShadow transparencyVarju läbipaistvusShadow opacityShadow scaleVarju mõõtkavaShadow colorVarju värvShadow blend modeVarju hajutamise viisCentroid of whole shapeKogu kujundi tsentroidOffset quadrantNihke veerandint<br>int<br>Offset unitsNihke ühikudLabel distanceMärgise pikkusLabel distance unitsMärgise kauguse ühikudOffset rotationNihke pööreCurved character anglesKaardus tähemärkide nurgaddouble coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0]Repeat distanceKorduse vahekaugusRepeat distance unitKorduse vahekauguse ühikLabel priorityMärgise tähtsusdouble [0.0-10.0]double [0.0-10.0]Feature is a label obstacleNähtus on märgise jaoks takistusObstacle factorTakistuse kaalPredefined position orderComma separated list of placements in order of priority<br>Horizontal alignmentHorisontaalne joondusVertical alignmentVertikaalne joondusLabel rotation (deprecated)Label rotationMärgise pöördenurkScale based visibilityMõõtkavast sõltuv nähtavusMinimum scale (denominator)Maximum scale (denominator)Limit font pixel sizeMinimum pixel sizeVähim piksli suurusMaximum pixel sizeSuurim piksli suurusLabel z-indexSildi z-indeksShow labelNäita märgistAlways show labelAlati näita märgistbool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False]bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False]int [<= 0 =>]täisarv [<= 0 =>]int [>= 0]täisarv [>= 0]int [>= 1]täisarv [>= 1]double [<= 0.0 =>]murdarv [<= 0.0 =>]double [>= 0.0]double [>= 0.0]double [0.0-1.0]double [0.0-10.0] {0.0-1.0]?}double [0.0-360.0]double [0.0-10.0] {0.0-360.0]?}string of variable lengthmuutuva pikkusega tekstint [0-100]int [0-100]string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBBAA</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namestring [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namedouble coord [<b>X,Y</b>]double size [<b>width,height</b>]double offset [<b>x,y</b>]metersdistancemeetritkilometersdistancekilomeetridfeetdistancejalgayardsdistancejardidmilesdistancemiiliddegreesdistancekraadicentimetersdistancesentimeetridmillimetersdistancemillimeetrid<unknown>distance<tundmatu>nautical milesdistancemeremiilidmdistancemkmdistancekmftdistancejalgayddistancejrdmidistancemidegdistancecmdistancecmmmdistancemmNMdistancesquare metersarearuutmeetridsquare kilometersarearuutkilomeetridsquare feetarearuutjaladsquare yardsarearuutjardidsquare milesarearuutmiilidhectaresareahektaridacresareaaakridsquare nautical milesarearuutmeremiilidsquare degreesarearuutkraadidsquare millimetersarearuut-millimeetridsquare centimetersarearuut-sentimeetrid<unknown>area<tundmatu>m²aream²km²areakm²ft²areaft²yd²areayd²mi²areami²haareahaac²areaac²NM²areaNM²deg²areadeg²cm²areacm²mm²areamm²degreesanglekraadiradiansangleradiaanidgonanglegonminutes of arcanglekaare minutidseconds of arcanglekaare sekundidturnsanglepöörded<unknown>angle<tundmatu>°angle° radangle rad gonangle gon′angle minutes′″angle seconds″ trangle turn trmillimetersrendermillimeetridmeters at scalerenderinunit inchmap unitsrenderkaardiühikutpixelsrenderpikslitpercentrenderpointsrenderpunktiinchesrender<unknown>render<tundmatu>pxpxmmmmcmcmmmftjalgaptpicapixelspikslitmillimetersmillimeetridcentimeterssentimeetridmetersmeetritinchesfeetjalgapointspunktipicasProfile folder doesn't existqgis.db doesn't exist in the user's profile folderUnable to open qgis.db for update.Could not save alias to database: %1Geometry error: One or more input features have invalid geometry.Geomeetria viga: vähemalt ühel sisend-nähtusel on vigane geomeetria.failedadd featuresdelete featureschange geometrychange attribute valueadd attributedelete attributerename attributecustom transactionparser error: %1parsimise viga: %1evaluation error: %1hindamise viga: %1%1 check failed%1 kontroll ebaõnnestusvalue is NULLväärtus on NULLvalue is not uniqueväärtus pole unikaalneError zip file does not exist: '%1'Error zip filename is emptyError output dir does not exist: '%1'Error output dir is not a directory: '%1'Error output dir is not writable: '%1'Error reading file: '%1'Error getting files: '%1'Error opening zip archive: '%1'Error input file does not exist: '%1'Error adding file: '%1'Error creating data source: '%1'Error creating zip archive: '%1'Symbol nameSümboli nimiSymbol fill colorSümboli täitevärvSymbol stroke colorSymbol stroke widthSymbol stroke styleSymbol offsetSümboli niheMarker character(s)Markeri tähemärk (-märgid)Symbol widthSümboli laiusSymbol heightSümboli kõrgusPreserve aspect ratio between width and heightSymbol fill styleSümboli täite tüüpOutline join styleAngle for line fillsGradient typeGradiendi tüüpGradient modeGradiendi viisGradient spreadGradiendi ulatusReference point 1 (X)Viitepunkt 1 (X)Reference point 1 (Y)Viitepunkt 1 (Y)Reference point 2 (X)Viitepunkt 2 (X)Reference point 2 (Y)Viitepunkt 2 (Y)Reference point 1 follows feature centroidViitepunkt 1 järgib nähtuse tsentroidiReference point 2 follows feature centroidViitepunkt 2 järgib nähtuse tsentroidiBlur radiusHägususe raadiusInteger between 0 and 18Täisarv 0 ja 18 vahelDistance between linesJoontevaheline kaugusShade whole shapeVarjuta kogu kujundMaximum distance for shapeburst fillIgnore rings in featureSymbol file pathHorizontal distance between markersHorisontaalne vahe markerite vahelVertical distance between markersVertikaalne vahe markerite vahelHorizontal displacement between rowsHorisontaalne vahe ridade vahelVertical displacement between columnsVertikaalne vahe veergude vahelCustom dash pattern[<b><dash>;<space></b>] e.g. '8;2;1;2'[<b><dash>;<space></b>] nt. '8;2;1;2'Line cap styleJoone lõpu stiilMarker placementMarkeri asetsemineMarker intervalMarkerite vaheOffset along lineNihuta piki joontHorizontal anchor pointHorisontaalne ankrupunktVertical anchor pointVertikaalne ankrupunktLayer enabledKiht on lubatudArrow line widthNoole joone paksusArrow line start widthNoole joone alguse paksusArrow head lengthNoolepea pikkusArrow head thicknessNoolepea paksusArrow head typeNoolepea tüüpArrow typeNoole tüüpRoot pathstring of variable length representing root path to attachmentDocument viewer contentstringtekstKey/Value fieldVõtme/väärtuse väliList fieldLoetelu väliArcGIS Feature ServerArcGIS Feature ServerArcGIS Map ServerArcGIS Map ServerDB2DB2Delimited TextPiiritletud tekstGeoNodeDelete %1…Delete GeoPackageAre you sure you want to delete '%1'?The GeoPackage '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Delete LayerKustuta kihtThe layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and delete it?Are you sure you want to delete layer <b>%1</b> from GeoPackage?The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be deleted because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers.Failed to open source layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Failed to import layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Delete FileDelete Layer “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete layer '%1' from datasource?Delete %1 “%2”…Delete %1The %1 '%2' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%3', remove it from the project and retry.Delete File “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete file '%1'?The layer '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Virtual LayerAdd Virtual LayerLisa ajutine kihtWCSWCSQUERY_LAYERS parameter is required for GetFeatureInfoLayer '%1' not foundLayer '%1' is not queryableAdd unique value index fieldLisa unikaalse väärtusega indeksi välicategorize,categories,category,reclassify,classes,createClass fieldKlassi väliOutput field nameVäljundi välja nimiLayer with index fieldIndeks-väljaga kihtClass summaryThis algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes.
The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
Optionally, a separate table can be output which contains a summary of the class field values mapped to the new unique numeric value.Invalid field name %1Extract verticespoints,vertex,nodesThis algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing the vertices in the input lines or polygons. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to.Additional fields are added to the point indicating the vertex index (beginning at 0), the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for original geometry.VerticesKäänupunktidHelp location is not configured!QGIS HelpQGIS-i abiTrying to open help using key '%1'. Full URI is '%2'…geometry's coordinates are too close to each other and simplification failed - skippingpolygon rings self-intersect or intersect each other - skippingTriangulation failed. Skipping polygon…3D3DMissing Relation in configurationInvalid relationrepresentValue() with inconsistent layer parameter w.r.t relation referencingLayerrepresentValue() with inconsistent fieldIndex parameter w.r.t relation referencingFieldIdxCannot find referenced layerTransform error caught: %1Transformeerimisel saadud veateade: %1%1 bad layers dismissed: * %1Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)buffer,grow,multiple,rings,distance,donutThis algorithm computes multi-ring ('donuts') buffer for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance and rings number.Number of ringsDistance between ringsPoint on surfacePunkt pinnalcentroid,inside,withinPointPunktReturns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface of a geometry.Tagastab punkti mis on garanteeritult geomeetria pinnal.Error calculating point on surface for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating point on surface for feature %1: %2Rotaterotate,around,center,pointRotatedThis algorithm rotates feature geometries, by the specified angle clockwiseOptionally, the rotation can occur around a preset point. If not set the rotation occurs around each feature's centroid.Rotation (degrees clockwise)Rotation anchor pointCould not transform anchor point to destination CRSCould not calculate centroid for feature %1: %2Segmentize by maximum distancestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circularSegmentizedThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed offset distance between the originalcurve and the segmentized representation.
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum offset distanceSegmentize by maximum anglestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circular,angleThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed radius angle between vertices on the straightened geometry (e.g the angle of the arc created from the original arc center to consecutive output vertices on the linearized geometry).
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum angle between vertices (degrees)Edit form configeVis Event Id TooleVis tegevuse Id tööriistThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Map LayersMap themeTable source layerDelete holesKustuta augudremove,delete,drop,holes,rings,fillThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified.
An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed.Remove holes with area less thanEemalda augud, mille pindala on väiksem kuiImport geotagged photosexif,metadata,gps,jpeg,jpgVector creationInput folderSisendkaustScan recursivelyPhotosInvalid photos tableCreates a point layer corresponding to the geotagged locations from JPEG images from a source folder. Optionally the folder can be recursively scanned.
The point layer will contain a single PointZ feature per input file from which the geotags could be read. Any altitude information from the geotags will be used to set the point's Z value.
Optionally, a table of unreadable or non-geotagged photos can also be created.Directory %1 does not exist!Could not open %1Could not retrieve geotag for %1No metadata found in %1Insert ExpressionSisesta avaldisExplode linesLõhu joonedsegments,partsThis algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a new one in which each line is replaced by a set of lines representing the segments in the original line. Each line in the resulting layer contains only a start and an end point, with no intermediate nodes between them.
If the input layer consists of CircularStrings or CompoundCurves, the output layer will be of the same type and contain only single curve segments.ExplodedLõhutudFeature Filterfilter,proxy,redirect,routeThis algorithm filters features from the input layer and redirects them to one or several outputs.Swap X and Y coordinatesinvert,flip,swap,latitude,longitudeSwappedThis algorithm swaps the X and Y coordinate values in input geometries. It can be used to repair geometries which have accidentally had their latitude and longitude values reversed.Invalid URI for PostgreSQL provider: Could not connect to the database: Table qgis_projects does not exist or it is not accessible.The project '%1' does not exist in schema '%2'.Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to database permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin.Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%2). Please contact your database admin.DifferenceErinevusThis algorithm extracts features from the Input layer that fall outside, or partially overlap, features in the Overlay layer. Input layer features that partially overlap feature(s) in the Overlay layer are split along those features' boundary and only the portions outside the Overlay layer features are retained.Attributes are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the difference operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.Symmetrical differenceSümmeetriline erinevusThis algorithm extracts the portions of features from both the Input and Overlay layers that do not overlap. Overlapping areas between the two layers are removed. The attribute table of the Symmetrical Difference layer contains original attributes from both the Input and Difference layers.Tapered buffersvariable,distance,length,line,bufferThis algorithm creates tapered buffers along line geometries, using a specified start and end buffer diameter corresponding to the buffer diameter at the start and end of the linestrings.Start widthEnd widthError buffering geometry %1: %2Variable width buffer (by m-value)This algorithm creates variable width buffers along lines, using the m-value of the line geometries as the diameter of the buffer at each vertex.UnionÜhendamineThis algorithm checks overlaps between features within the Input layer and creates separate features for overlapping and non-overlapping parts. The area of overlap will create as many identical overlapping features as there are features that participate in that overlap.An Overlay layer can also be used, in which case features from each layer are split at their overlap with features from the other one, creating a layer containing all the portions from both Input and Overlay layers. The attribute table of the Union layer is filled with attribute values from the respective original layer for non-overlapping features, and attribute values from both layers for overlapping features.Create wedge buffersarc,segment,circular,circle,sliceBuffersThis algorithm creates wedge shaped buffers from input points.
The azimuth parameter gives the angle (in degrees) for the middle of the wedge to point. The buffer width (in degrees) is specified by the width parameter. Note that the wedge will extend to half of the angular width either side of the azimuth direction.
The outer radius of the buffer is specified via outer radius, and optionally an inner radius can also be specified.
The native output from this algorithm are CurvePolygon geometries, but these may be automatically segmentized to Polygons depending on the output format.Azimuth (degrees from North)Wedge width (in degrees)Outer radiusInner radiusZonal histogramraster,unique,values,count,area,statisticsRaster layerRasterkihtVector layer containing zonesTsoone sisaldav vektorkihtOutput column prefixVäljund-veeru eesliideOutput zonesThis algorithm appends fields representing counts of each unique value from a raster layer contained within zones defined as polygons.a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|s|the|to|vs.|vs|via.|:Reset to Defaultsstr: layer IDstr: layer namestr: layer sourcestr: CRS auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111')str: CRS PROJ4 (e.g. 'PROJ4:...')str: CRS WKT (e.g. 'WKT:...')str: layer ID. CRS of layer is used.str: layer name. CRS of layer is used.str: layer source. CRS of layer is used.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemQgsMapLayer: CRS of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: CRS of source is usedlist[float]: list of 2 float valueslist[str]: list of strings representing floatsstr: as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'str: as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1'str: as string representation of int, e.g. '1'str: as comma delimited list of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105'str: layer ID. Extent of layer is used.str: layer name. Extent of layer is used.str: layer source. Extent of layer is used.QgsMapLayer: Extent of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: Extent of source is usedstr: as comma delimited list of valueslist[str]: list of layer IDslist[str]: list of layer nameslist[str]: list of layer sourcesstr: destination vector file, e.g. 'd:/test.shp'str: 'memory:' to store result in temporary memory layerstr: using vector provider ID prefix and destination URI, e.g. 'postgres:...' to store result in PostGIS tableUsing classes:Warning: Class %1 (%2) overlaps with class %3 (%4)K-means clusteringclustering,clusters,kmeans,pointsNumber of clustersCluster field nameDBSCAN clusteringClusters point features using a density based scan algorithm.clustering,clusters,density,based,pointsMinimum cluster sizeMaximum distance between clustered pointsTreat border points as noise (DBSCAN*)ClustersClusters point features based on a 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm.
The algorithm requires two parameters, a minimum cluster size (“minPts”), and the maximum distance allowed between clustered points (“eps”).Building spatial indexAnalysing clustersFeature %1 is a %2 feature, not a point.Calculates the 2D distance based k-means cluster number for each input feature.
If input geometries are lines or polygons, the clustering is based on the centroid of the feature.Collecting input pointsNumber of geometries is less than the number of clusters requested, not all clusters will get dataCalculating clustersThere are at least %1 duplicate inputs, the number of output clusters may be less than was requestedClustering did not converge after %1 iterationsClustering converged after %1 iterationsRaster pixels to polygonsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixelsThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating polygon features for each individual pixel's extent in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of polygons corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector polygonsRaster pixels to pointsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixels,centersThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating point features for each individual pixel's center in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of points corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector pointsMap CanvasKaarditaustExtend linesPikenda joonedlinestring,continue,grow,extrapolateExtendedLaiendatudThis algorithm extends line geometries by a specified amount at the start and end of the line. Lines are extended using the bearing of the first and last segment in the line.Extends LineString geometries by extrapolating the start and end segments.Start distanceAlguse kaugusEnd distanceLõpu kaugusError calculating extended lineViga pikendatud joone arvutamiselReverse line directionPööra joone suundswap,reverse,switch,flip,linestring,orientationReversedPööratudThis algorithm reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Error reversing lineViga joone pööramiselAlgorithm ID: ‘%1’MeshNetwork analysisVõrgunduse analüüsVector layer representing networkPath type to calculateShortestLühimFastestKiireimDirection fieldSuuna väliValue for forward directionEttepoole suuna väärtusValue for backward directionTahapoole suuna väärtusValue for both directionsMõlema suuna väärtusDefault directionVaikimisi suundForward directionEttepoole suundBackward directionTagurpidi suundBoth directionsMõlemad suunadSpeed fieldKiiruse väliDefault speed (km/h)Vaikimisi kiirus (km/h)Topology toleranceTopoloogiline tundlikkusLoading points…Array of offset (parallel) linesoffset,parallel,duplicate,create,spaced,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of line features in a layer, by creating multiple offset versions of each feature. Each copy is offset by a preset distance.Creates multiple offset copies of lines from a layer.Offset step distanceStep distanceShortest path (layer to point)network,path,shortest,fastestThis algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route from multiple start points defined by vector layer and given end point.Vector layer with start pointsAlguspunktidega vektor-kihtEnd pointLõpp-punktShortest pathLühim teeBuilding graph…Calculating shortest paths…There is no route from start point (%1) to end point (%2).Shortest path (point to layer)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start point and multiple end points defined by point vector layer.Start pointAlguspunktVector layer with end pointsShortest path (point to point)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start and end points.Travel costCalculating shortest path…There is no route from start point to end point.Writing results…Running OpenCL program: %1Error running OpenCL program: %1 - %2Error loading OpenCL program sourcesError %1 initializing OpenCL device: %2No OpenCL 1.x device could be found.No OpenCL 1.x platform found.Error setting default platform.Active OpenCL device: %1Error %1 searching for OpenCL device: %2Could not load OpenCL program from path %1.Build logs not available!Error building OpenCL program: %1Error %1 building OpenCL program in %2Error loading OpenCL program source from pathOpenCL has been disabled, you can re-enable it in the options dialog.Interpolate point on linelinestring,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateInterpolated pointsThis algorithm creates a point geometry interpolated at a set distance along line or curve geometries.
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when interpolating the point.
If the specified distance is greater than the curve's length, the resultant feature will have a null geometry.Interpolates a point along lines at a set distance.Line substringlinestring,curve,split,shorten,shrink,portion,part,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateSubstringThis algorithm returns the portion of a line (or curve) which falls between the specified start and end distances (measured from the beginning of the line).
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when calculating the substring.Returns the substring of lines which fall between start and end distances.3D MapNo 3D maps definedCan not open srs database (%1): %2%1 [optional]Categorize using expressionStyle database (leave blank to use saved symbols)Use case-sensitive match to symbol namesIgnore non-alphanumeric characters while matchingCategorized layerNon-matching categoriesNon-matching symbol namesCreate categorized renderer from stylesfile,database,symbols,names,category,categoriesCartographySets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using matching symbols from a style database. If no style file is specified, symbols from the user's current style library are used instead.
The specified expression (or field name) is used to create categories for the renderer. A category will be created for each unique value within the layer.
Each category is individually matched to the symbols which exist within the specified QGIS XML style database. Whenever a matching symbol name is found, the category's symbol will be set to this matched symbol.
The matching is case-insensitive by default, but can be made case-sensitive if required.
Optionally, non-alphanumeric characters in both the category value and symbol name can be ignored while performing the match. This allows for greater tolerance when matching categories to symbols.
If desired, tables can also be output containing lists of the categories which could not be matched to symbols, and symbols which were not matched to categories.Sets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using symbols from a style database.An error occurred while reading style file: %1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.%1 kategooriat sobitati sümbolitega failist.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.Ühtegi kategooriat ei saanud sobitada sümbolitega failis.
%1 categories could not be matched:
%1 symbols in style were not matched:No raster layer for entry %1Band number %1 is not valid for entry %2Could not allocate required memory for %1Could not obtain driver for %1Could not create output %1Request started [url: %1]Request failed [error: no reply - url: %1]Request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]Request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3Request finished [url: %1]Error %1QTermWidgetColor Scheme ErrorVärviskeemi vigaCannot load color scheme: %1Ei saa laadida värviskeemi: %1QgisAppMultiple Instances of QgisAppMitu komponendi QgisApp esinemisjuhtuChecking databaseKontrollin andmebaasiReading settingsLoen seadeidSetting up the GUISeadistan kasutajaliidestMap canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the mapKaardiaken. Koht kus näidatakse raster- ja vektorkihte kui need on kaardile lisatudCtrl+5Ctrl+5Show Undo/Redo PanelCtrl+4Ctrl+4Show Advanced Digitizing PanelCtrl+6Ctrl+6Show Statistics PanelCtrl+7Ctrl+7Show Bookmarks PanelCtrl+3Ctrl+3Show Style PanelSnapping and Digitizing OptionsSnäpi- ja digimissuvandidProject Snapping SettingsChecking provider pluginsKontrollin pakkujate pluginaidStarting PythonKäivitan PythonitRestoring loaded pluginsLaaditud pluginate taastamineInitializing file filtersTuvastan faili filtreidRestoring window stateTaastan akna olekutPopulate saved stylesTäida salvestatud stiilidQGIS Ready!QGIS on valmis!Zoom in to canvasZoom in to canvas (secondary)Zoom out of canvasZoom in (secondary)Shift+F6Open Attribute Table (Selected Features)Ctrl+F6Ctrl+F6Open Attribute Table (Visible Features)Loading layersMinimizeVähendaCtrl+MMinimize WindowCtrl+MMinimizes the active window to the dockVähendab aktiivse akna ikooniksZoomSuumimineToggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the userVahetab eelnevalt määratud ja kasutaja seatud akna suuruste vahelBring All to FrontTõsta kõik esileBring forward all open windowsToo ettepoole kõik avatud aknadCurrent EditsAktiivsed muudatusedErrorVigaFailed to open Python console:Pythoni konsooli avamine ebaõnnestus:Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected.
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Ctrl+2Ctrl+2Show Browser PanelCtrl+0Ctrl+OShow GPS Information PanelQGIS - %1 ('%2')QGIS – %1 ('%2')PanelsPaneelidToolbarsTööriistaribaWindowAken&Database&Andmebaas&Web&VeebRenderRenderdaWhen checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering.Kui valitud, siis kaardikihid renderdatakse kaardi navigeerimisel ja teistel juhtudel. Kui ei ole valitud siis ei renderdata. See võimaldab lisada suurel hulgal kihte ja kujundada neid enne renderdamist.Toggle map renderingKaardi renderdamise lülitiCRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialogCRS olek - Kliki et avada koordinaatide referentssüsteemi dialoogReadyValmisMap overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas.Kaardi ülevaateaken. See aken on nähtava kaardiakna asukoha näitamiseks kogu kaardi ulatuses. Nähtava kaardi ulatus on näidatud punase nelinurgana. Kõiki kihte kaardil saab lisada ka ülevaateaknasse.Map layer list that displays all layers in drawing order.Kaardista kihtide nimekiri mis näitab kõiki kihte joonestamise järjekorras.Private qgis.dbIsiklik qgis.dbQGISQGISLayer StylingKihi kujundusCtrl++Ctrl++Ctrl+=Ctrl+=Ctrl+-Ctrl+-Ctrl+Alt+=Ctrl+Alt+=&User Profiles °°This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behavior.Ctrl+KTrigger LocatorTransforms are not installed: %1 Missing datum transformsOverviewÜlevaadeMap legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the checkbox to turn a layer on or off. Double-click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties.LayersKihtManage Map ThemesHalda kaardi teemasidLayer OrderKihi järjekordCtrl+9Ctrl+9Show Layer Order Panel< Blank >< Määramata >http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.htmlQGIS versionQGIS-i versioonQGIS code revisionQGIS-i koodiredaktsioonCompiled against QtKompileeritud Qt-leRunning against QtTöötab Qt-sCompiled against GDAL/OGRKompileeritud GDAL/OGR-leRunning against GDAL/OGRTöötab GDAL/OGR-sPostgreSQL Client VersionPostgreSQL-i kliendi versioonSpatiaLite VersionSpatiaLite'i versioonQWT VersionQWT versioonPROJ.4 VersionPROJ.4 VersioonQScintilla2 VersionQScintilla2 versioonThis copy of QGIS writes debugging output.See koopia QGIS-ist kirjutab silumise väljundi.Invalid Data SourceVigane andmeallikas%1 is not a valid or recognized data source%1 ei ole toimiv või arusaadav andmeallikasVectorVektor%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 on vigane kiht - ei laadita%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.%1 on vigane kiht ja seda ei saa laadida. Täpsema info leiad <a href="#messageLog">teadete logist</a>.QGIS filesQGIS-i failidDiagram PropertiesDiagrammi omadusedNew temporary scratch layer nameUue ajutise sodikihi nimiCannot create new layer.Ei saa luua uut kihti.Cannot copy styleStiili ei saa kopeeridaCannot parse styleStiili ei saa parsidaCannot paste styleStiili ei saa kleepidaNo legend entries selectedÜhtegi legendi kirjet pole valitudSelect the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend.Vali kihid ja rühmad, mille soovid legendist eemaldada.Remove layers and groupsKihtide ja rühmade eemaldamineRemove %n legend entries?number of legend items to removeEemaldan %n legendi kirjet?Eemaldan %n legendi kirjet?%n legend entries removed.number of removed legend entriesEemaldati %n legendi kirjet.Eemaldati %n legendi kirjet.%1 (%2 type unsupported)%1 (%2 tüüpi ei toetata)Cannot copy style to duplicated layer.Stiili kopeerimine paljundatud kihile ei õnnestunud.https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.htmlhttps://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.htmlThe layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map. Reason: %2Map %1Kaart %1Project extent is not valid.3D view currently does not support unprojected coordinate reference systems (CRS).
Please switch project's CRS to a projected CRS.3D Map %1Do you want to save the current project? %1Kas soovid selle projekti salvestada? %1Active TasksUntitled ProjectUndo/RedoTagasi/EdasiAdvanced DigitizingKeerukam digitaliseerimineBrowserBrauserBrowser (2)GPS InformationGPS-i teaveLog MessagesTeadete logiQGIS starting…Preferences…Open Active Profile FolderNew Profile…Filter Legend by Map ContentOpen the Layer Styling panelCompiled against PROJRunning against PROJAdd Virtual LayerLisa ajutine kihtRevert ProjectAre you sure you want to discard all unsaved changes the current project?Save Project AsLayer ExportedSave RasterCannot write raster. Error code: %1Merging features…Create %1 TitleNo features could be successfully pasted.Error copying layerError pasting layerStop EditingThe following tasks are currently running which depend on layers in this project:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.Current CRS: %1No projectionAdd Point FeatureAdd Line FeatureAdd Polygon FeatureAdd RecordMap ViewsA view with this name already existsInvalid LayerVigane kihtDefault failed to open: %1Default not found: %1Vaikeväärtust ei leitud: %1Open Template ProjectAva Projekti MallAuto-open ProjectAva projekt automaatseltFailed to open: %1Avamine ebaõnnestus: %1Not valid project file: %1Ei ole korrektne projektifail: %1Project failed to open: %1Projekti avamine ebaõnnestus: %1Default template has been reopened: %1Vaikenäidis on uuesti avatud: %1File not found: %1Faili ei leitud:%1Loading project: %1Laadin projekti: %1Unable to open projectEi saa avada projektifailiSecurity warningTurvahoiatusproject macros have been disabled.projekti makrod on keelatud.Enable macrosLuba makrodCtrl+8Ctrl+8Show Overview PanelCtrl+1Ctrl+1Show Layers PanelProject loadedProjekt laaditudChoose a QGIS project fileVali QGIS-i projektifailSaved project to: %1Projekt salvestatud: %1Unable to save project %1Ei saa salvestada projekti %1Unable to load %1Ei saa laadida %1Default system font substituted.Süsteemne vaikefont asendatiLabelingMärgisedFont for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3Fonti kihile <b><u>%1</u></b> ei leitud (<i>%2</i>). %3Open labeling dialogAva sildistamise dialoogCRS was undefinedKoordinaatsüsteem oli defineerimatadefaulting to project CRS %1 - %2määran vaikimisi projekti koodinaatsüsteemi %1 - %2defaulting to CRS %1 - %2määran vaikimisi koordinaatsüsteemi %1 - %2RotationPööramineAdd GroupLisa rühmFilter legend by expressionFiltreeri legend avaldise aluselExpand AllLaienda kõikCollapse AllSulge kõikQGIS code branchQGIS-i koodi haruCompiled against GEOSKompileeritud GEOS'i pihtaRunning against GEOSTöötab GEOS'ilNo support%1 doesn't have any layers.%1 is not a valid or recognized data source.RasterRasterCannot get virtual layer select dialog from provider.Ei õnnestu hankida pakkujalt virtuaalkihi valikudialoogi.Layer creation failed. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further information.Kihi loomine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli <a href="#messageLog">teadete logi</a> edasiste juhiste saamiseks.Calculating…Raster calculatorRastri kalkulaatorCalculation complete.Arvutus on valmis.Could not create destination file.Ei saanud luua siht-failiCould not read input layer.Ei saanud lugeda lähte-kihte.Could not parse raster formula.Ei saanud parsida rastri valemit.Insufficient memory available for operation.Pole piisavalt mälumahtu operatsiooni läbiviimiseks.Invalid band number for input layer.Choose a QGIS Project File to OpenDo you want to open the backup file
instead?Kas soovid avada varu-faili
selle asemel?QGZ filesOpen a ProjectThe loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed. Do you want to overwrite the changes?
Last modification date on load was: %1
Current last modification date is: %2Insufficient permissionsPole piisavalt õigusiThe project file is not writable.Projektifaili ei ole võimalik kirjutada.DXF export completedEksport DXF-iks on valmisDXF export failedEksport DXF-iks ebaõnnestusLoad templateLaadi mallCould not read template fileEi saanud lugeda malli failiCould not load template fileEi saanud laadida malli failiNo action selectedTegevust pole valitudRun feature action<br><b>%1</b>Käivita nähtuse tegevus<br><b>%1</b>Commit ErrorsCommit errorsKäskluse veadCould not commit changes to layer %1Ei saanud lõpetada muudatusi kihil %1Errors: %1
Vead: %1
Show moreNäita veelPlease select a vector layer firstPalun vali kõigepealt vektorkihtExport to vector file failed.
Error: %1Eksport vektorfaili ebaõnnestus.
Veateade: %1No Layer SelectedKiht valimataTo delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legendNähtuse kustutamiseks tuleb eelnevalt valida legendist tema vektorkihtNo Vector Layer SelectedVektorkiht valimataDeleting features only works on vector layersNähtuste kustutamine toimib ainult vektorkihtidelProvider does not support deletionPakkuja ei luba kustutadaData provider does not support deleting featuresAndmehaldur ei luba nähtusi kustutadaLayer not editableKiht ei ole redigeeritavThe current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar.See kiht ei ole redigeeritav. Vali digimise tööribalt 'Alusta redigeerimist '.No Features SelectedÜhtegi nähtust pole valitudFeatures deletedNähtus kustutatudProblem deleting featuresProbleem nähtuse kustutamisega%n feature(s) deleted.number of features deletedKustutati %n nähtus(t).Kustutati %n nähtus(t).AbortNurjaTitle can not be empty!Pealkiri ei saa olla tühi!Title already exists!Pealkiri on juba olemas!No active layerAktiivsete kihtidetaNo active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer listEi leidnud aktiivseid kihte. Palun vali kiht kihtide nimekirjastNot enough features selectedEi ole piisavalt nähtusi valitudThe merge tool requires at least two selected featuresKokkuliitmise töövahend vajab vähemalt kahte valitud nähtustMerged feature attributesLiidetud nähtuse atribuudid • %1 • %1The following tasks are currently running in the background:
Do you want to try canceling these active tasks?Layer Diagram PropertiesSuccessfully saved raster layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error saving layer definition fileViga kihimääratluste faili salvestamiselSave as QGIS Layer Style FileQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS-i kihistiilide failSuccessfully saved vector layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Save ErrorSalvesta VigaLoading “%1”Security warning: executing a script from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Layer SavedSuccessfully saved scratch layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent.
Error: %1Save Scratch LayerDelete %n feature(s) from layer "%1"Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?A problem occurred during deletion from layer "%1". %n feature(s) not deleted.print layoutreportEnter a unique %1 title(a title will be automatically generated if left empty)%1 copySet as atlas feature for %1Määra atlase nähtuseks %1 jaoksDuplicate featureDuplicate feature and digitizeThe merge tool requires at least two selected features.Invalid resultVigane tulemusCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2Ei saanud salvestada väärtust "%1" väljale tüübiga %2Modifying features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Nähtusi saab muuta ainult redigeerimisrežiimis kihtidel.Merge failedKokkuliitmine ebaõnnestusAn error occurred during the merge operation.Merged featuresLiidetud nähtusedCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2.Ei saanud salvestada väärtust "%1" väljale tüübiga %2. {1'?}No active vector layerPuudub aktiivne vektorkihtTo invert selection, choose a vector layer in the legendEt pöörata valik, vali legendiaknast vektorkihtFeatures cutNähtused lõigatudFeatures pastedNähtused kleebitudPaste featuresKleebi nähtused%1 features were successfully pasted.%1 nähtust said kleebitud.Geometry ValidationCould not save changes. Geometry validation failed.%1 of %2 features could be successfully pasted.%1 nähtust %2 said kleebitud. Geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance.%1 geometries collapsed due to intersection avoidance.PastedKleebitudLayer nameKihi nimiNo features in clipboard.Lõikepuhvris pole nähtusiMultiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry.Leiti mitu geomeetriatüüpi, nähtsed mille geomeetria ei ole %1 luuakse ilma geomeetriata.Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3)Ei saa luua välja %1 (%2,%3)Start editing failedRedigeerimise alustamine ebaõnnestusProvider cannot be opened for editingPakkuja ei saa olla avatud redigeerimiseksDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?Kas soovid salvestada muudatused kihil %1?Problems during roll backProbleemid tagasivõtmiselCould not %1 changes to layer %2
Errors: %3
Ei saanud %1 muudatusi kihil %2
Vead: %3
rollbacktühistacancelloobuSaveSalvestaallkõikRollbackTühistaCancelLoobuCurrent editsAktiivsed muudatused%1 current changes for %2 layer(s)?%1 aktiivsed muudatused kihil(del) %2 ?Filter on Joined FieldsYou are about to set a subset filter on a layer that has joined fields. Joined fields cannot be filtered, unless you convert the layer to a virtual layer first. Would you like to create a virtual layer out of this layer first?Datum transformsProject CRS changed and datum transforms might need to be adapted.Required LayersThe following layers are marked as required by the project:
Please deselect them (or unmark as required) and retry.The following tasks are currently running which depend on this layer:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.Järgmised sellest kihist sõltuvad ülesanded on praegu jooksmas:
Palun lõpeta need ülesanded ja proovi uuesti.copykopeeriPlugin layerplugina kihtMemory layerVirtuaalkihtDuplicate layer: Paljunda kiht:%1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer)%1 (paljundamise tulemusel tekkis vigane kiht)Layer duplication completeNote that it's using the same data source.Set scale visibility for selected layersMäära valitud kihtide nähtavuse mõõtkavaCouldn't load Python support library: %1Ei õnnestunud laadida Pythoni tugiteeki: %1Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol.Ei õnnestunud lahendada Pythoni tugiteegi sümbolit instance().Python support ENABLED :-) Pythoni tugi LUBATUD :-) There is a new version of QGIS availableSaadaval on QGIS-i uuem versioonYou are running a development version of QGISKasutad QGIS-i arendusversiooniYou are running the current version of QGISKasutad QGIS-i viimast versiooniQGIS Version InformationQGIS-i versiooniteaveUnable to get current version information from serverEi saa serverilt informatsiooni värske versiooni kohtaStyle ManagerStiilihaldurKeyboard ShortcutsCustom ProjectionsInterface CustomizationTo perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected.Et saaks histogrammi maksimaalselt venitada, on vaja rasterkiht eelnevalt välja valida.To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected.Heleduse ja kontrastsuse muutmiseks pead rasterkihi valima.Save ProjectClose ProjectThis project includes one or more temporary scratch layers. These layers are not saved to disk and their contents will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?Task failedQGIS Authentication%1 PanelTransactionCannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1%1 children on layer %2 duplicated%1 features on layer %2 duplicated
%3Digitize the duplicate on layer %1Duplicate digitizedFeature on layer %2 duplicated
%3Save as Local Filehttps://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.htmlhttps://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.htmlLayer is not validKiht ei ole kehtivLayer %1Kiht %1The merge features tool only works on vector layers.Nähtuste liitmise töövahend töötab ainult vektorkihtidel.Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Nähtusi saab liita ainult redigeerimisrežiimis kihtidel.Please select a layer in the layer listVali kihtide loetelust kihtInvalid layerVigane kihtTo select all, choose a vector layer in the legend.To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend.The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the mapKiht ei ole kehtiv ja seda ei saa kaardile lisadaProject has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved!Projektis on redigeerimisrežiimis kiht(e) salvestamata muudatustega, mida EI salvestata!%n feature(s) selected on layer %1.number of selected features%n nähtus valitud kihilt %1.%n nähtust valitud kihilt %1.Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data SourceAva GDAL-i toetatud rasterformaadidError adding valid layer to map canvasViga kehtiva kihi lisamisel kaardivaatesseRaster layerRasterkiht%1 is not a supported raster data source%1 ei ole toetatud rasterformaatUnsupported Data SourceFormaat ei ole toetatudExit QGISVälju QGIS-istDo you really want to quit QGIS?Kas soovid tõesti QGIS-ist väljuda?New profile nameTask completeThis project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.See projektifail on salvestatud QGIS-i vanemas versioonis. Kui see projektifail salvestada, siis QGIS salvestab ta viimasesse versiooni ja QGIS-i vanemates versioonides pruugi see olla enam kasutatav.Project file is olderProjektifail on vanem Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.Palun vaata <a href="#messageLog">teadete logist</a> lisainfotA network request timed out, any data received is likely incomplete.Võrgupäring aegus, saadud andmed ei ole tõenäoliselt täielikud.WarningHoiatusThis layer doesn't have a properties dialog.Sellel kihil ei ole omaduste dialoogi.Authentication requiredAutoriseerimine vajalikProxy authentication requiredProxy autoriseerimine vajalikFailed to run Python script:Pythoni skripti käivitamine ebaõnnestus:The current layer has no selected featuresKäesoleval kihil ei ole valitud nähtusiCurrent clockwise map rotation in degreesPraegune kaardi pöördenurk kraadides, päripäevaShows the current map clockwise rotation in degrees. It also allows editing to set the rotationNäitab praegust kaardi pöördenurka kraadides, päripäeva. Võimaldab ka pöördenurga muutmistMessagesTeatedError loading layer definitionViga kihimääratluse laadimiselQgisAppInterfaceAttributes changedAtribuudid muudetudQgisCustomWidgetsQGIS custom widgetsQGIS-i kohandatud vidinadQgs25DRendererWidgetThe 2.5D renderer only can be used with polygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and cannot be rendered in 2.5D.2.5D-renderdit saab kasutada ainult polügoonikihtidel.
'%1' ei ole polügoonikiht ja seda ei saa renderdada 2.5D-s.Select Wall ColorSelect Roof ColorSelect Shadow ColorQgs25DRendererWidgetBaseFormVormHeightKõrgusAngleNurkAdvanced ConfigurationKeerukam seadistamine……Roof colorWall color<html><head/><body><p>Walls will have a different color based on their aspect to make them appear to differently reflect the solar radiation.</p><p><br/></p><p>If this option is enabled, make sure that <span style=" font-style:italic;">simplification </span>is disabled on the rendering tab or some colors may be wrong at small scales.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Seinad saavad erineva värvuse vastavalt nende paiknemisele, et nad jätaks mulje päikesekiirguse erinevast peegeldamisest.</p><p><br/></p><p>Kui see võimalus on sisse lülitatud, siis kontrolli et<span style=" font-style:italic;">lihtsustamine</span>on renderdamise sakil välja lülitatud, muidu võivad väikestes mõõtkavades mõned värvid valeks muutuda.</p></body></html>Shade walls based on aspectVarjuta seinad vastavalt paiknemiseleShadowVariColorVärvusSizeSuurus°°<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Advanced Styling</span><br/>This page helps to configure the 2.5D effect as easily as possible with some basic parameters.</p><p>Once you have finished the basic styling, you can convert this to another renderer (single, categorized, graduated) and fine-tune the appearance to your liking.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Overlay problems</span></p><p>Features are rendered based on their distance to the camera. It is sometimes possible that parts of a feature are in front of another feature by mistake. This happens if any part of the overlapped feature is closer to the camera than the overlapping feature.</p><p>In such cases you can avoid rendering problems by cutting the feature in front into smaller pieces.</p></body></html>Qgs3DAlgorithmsQGIS (3D)Qgs3DAnimationWidget<none>Keyframe timeKeyframe time [seconds]:There is already a keyframe at the given timeQgs3DMapCanvasDockWidgetZoom FullMahuta kõikSave as Image…Configure…AnimationsIdentifyInfopäringSave as ImageSuccessfully saved the 3D map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Choose a file name to save the 3D map canvas to an image3D ConfigurationLoading %1 tilesLaadin %1 paaniQgsAboutAboutÜlevaadeAbout QGISQGIS-i kohtaLicenseLitsents<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html>QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public LicenseQGIS on litsentseeritud litsentsi GNU General Public License allhttp://www.gnu.org/licenseshttp://www.gnu.org/licensesQGIS Home PageQGIS-i kodulehtJoin our user mailing listLiitu meie kasutajate meililistigaabout:blankülevaade:tühiWhat's NewMis on uutProvidersPakkujadDevelopersArendajadContributorsToetajadTranslatorsTõlkijadDonorsAnnetajad<p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p><p>Et näha nimekrija inimestest ja institutsioonidest, kes on andnud raha QGIS-i arenduseks ja teisteks projektikuludeks, vaata siia: <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p>Available QGIS Data Provider PluginsSaadaolevad QGIS-i andmepakkujate pluginadAvailable QGIS Authentication Method PluginsSaadaolevad QGIS-i autentimismeetodi pluginadAvailable Qt Database PluginsPakutavad Qt Database pluginadAvailable Qt Image PluginsPakutavad Qt Image pluginadQt Image Plugin Search Paths <br>Qt Image plugina otsingutee <br>Developers MapArendajate kaartQgsAbstractDataSourceWidget&Add&LisaAdd selected layers to mapLisa valitud kihid kaardileClose this dialog without adding any layerQgsActionLocatorFilterActionsTegevusedQgsActionMenu&Actions&TegevusedNot supported on your platformEi ole toetatud sinu platvormilQgsActionScopeRegistryCanvasTaustAvailable for the action map tool on the canvas.Kasutatav Field ScopeVälja ulatusAvailable for individual fields. For example in the attribute table.Kasutatav eraldi väljade puhul. Näiteks atribuuditabelis.Feature ScopeNähtuse ulatusAvailable for individual features. For example on feature forms or per row in the attribute table.Kasutatav eraldi nähtuste puhul. Näiteks nähtuse vormil või rea kohta atribuuditabelis.Layer ScopeKihi ulatusAvailable as layer global action. For example on top of the attribute table.QgsActiveLayerFeaturesLocatorFilterActive Layer FeaturesQgsAddAttrDialogAdd FieldInvalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used.Vigane välja nimi. See nimi on reserveeritud ja ei ole lubatud kasutada.No name specified. Please specify a name to create a new field.Nimi on määramata. Palun määra nimi et tekitada uus väli.QgsAddAttrDialogBaseN&ame&NimiCommentMärkusTypeTüüpAdd FieldPrecisionTäpsusLengthPikkusProvider typePakkuja tüüpQgsAddTabOrGroupAdd Tab or Group for %1QgsAddTabOrGroupBaseDialogDialoogCreate categoryLoo kategooriaaskuia tabTaba group in containerrühm konteinerisNumber of columnsVeergude arvQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetSome constraints are incompatible. Resulting point might be incorrect.Osad piirangud ei ühildu. Väljundina saadav punkt võib olla ebatäpne.Do Not Snap to Common Angles%1, %2, %3, %4°…Construction modepress c to toggle on/offDistancePikkuspress d for quick accessLock distanceLukusta kauguspress Ctrl + d for quick accessContinuously lock distanceLukusta pidevalt kaugusToggles relative angle to previous segmentpress Shift + a for quick accessAngleNurkpress a for quick accessLock angleLukusta nurkpress Ctrl + a for quick accessContinuously lock angleLukusta pidevalt nurkToggles relative x to previous nodepress Shift + x for quick accessX coordinateX-koordinaatpress x for quick accessLock x coordinateLukusta x-koordinaatpress Ctrl + x for quick accessContinuously lock x coordinateLukusta pidevalt x koordinaatToggles relative y to previous nodepress Shift + y for quick accessY coordinateY- koordinaatpress y for quick accessLock y coordinateLukusta y-koordinaatpress Ctrl + y for quick accessContinuously lock y coordinateLukusta pidevalt y koordinaatSnapping must be enabled to utilize perpendicular modeSnapping must be enabled to utilize parallel modePerpendicularTäisnurknepress p to switch between perpendicular, parallel and normal modeParallelParalleelneCAD tools are not enabled for the current map toolCAD töövahendid ei ole selle kaarditöövahendi jaoks võimaldatudCAD tools can not be used on geographic coordinates. Change the coordinates system in the project properties.CAD-i töövahendeid ei saa kasutada geograafiliste koordinaatidega. Vaheta projekti omadustes koordinaatsüsteem.Enable advanced digitizing toolsLuba täiendavaid digimise tööriistuQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetBaseAdvanced DigitizingKeerukam digitaliseerimineErrorViga<html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>……ddaaxxyYQgsAfsConnectionItemConnection failed: %1Ühendus ebaõnnestus: %1 {1?}RefreshVärskendaEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendusModify ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsProvidergetLayerInfo failedgetLayerInfo päring ebaõnnestusCould not retrieve layer extentEi saanud kätte kihi ulatustCould not parse spatial referenceEi saanud parsida koordinaatsüsteemiFailed to determine geometry typeEi õnnestunud tuvastada geomeetriatüüpigetObjectIds failed: %1 - %2getObjectIds päring ebaõnnestus: %1 - %2Failed to determine objectIdFieldName and/or objectIdsEi õnnestunud tuvastada objectIdFieldName ja/või objectId'sidSourceAlgallikasQgsAfsRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Create a New ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsSourceSelectErrorVigaFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2Ei õnnestunud laadida teenuse võimekusi:
%1: %2Layer %1: %2 - %3Kiht %1: %2 - %3Failed to query some layers:
%1Ei õnnestunud pärida mõnda kihti:
%1QgsAggregateToolButtonExcludeQgsAlignRasterDialogAlign RastersJoonda rastridRaster layers to alignJoondatavad rasterkihid++//--Output sizeReference layerTaustakihtCell sizeGrid offsetVõrgustiku niheAdd aligned rasters to map canvasLisa joondatud rastrid kaardivaateleCRSKoordinaatsüsteemClip to ExtentLõika ulatseni [best reference][parim viide]Failed to align rasters:Ei õnnestunud joondada rastreid:QgsAlignRasterLayerConfigDialogConfigure Layer ResamplingNearest neighbourLähim naaberBilinear (2x2 kernel)Bilineaarne (2x2 ruudustik)Cubic (4x4 kernel)Kuupjas (4x4 ruudustik)Cubic B-Spline (4x4 kernel)Kuupjas B-Spline (4x4 ruudustik)Lanczos (6x6 kernel)Lanczos (6x6 ruudustik)AverageKeskmineModeMeetodMaximumMaksimumMinimumMiinimumMedianMediaanFirst Quartile (Q1)Esimene kvartiil (Q1)Third Quartile (Q3)Kolmas kvartiil (Q3)Browse…Rescale values according to the cell sizeSkaleeri väärtused vastavalt ruudu suuruseleInput raster layer:Sisend-rasterkiht:Output raster filename:Väljund-rasterfaili nimi:Resampling method:Töötlemise viis:Select output fileVali väljundfailGeoTIFFGeoTIFFQgsAllLayersFeaturesLocatorFilterFeatures In All LayersQgsAmsConnectionItemEdit…DeleteKustutaModify ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsProviderCould not parse spatial referenceEi saanud parsida koordinaatsüsteemiService InfoTeenuse infoLayer InfoKihi infoQgsAmsRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Create a New ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsSourceSelectErrorVigaFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2Ei õnnestunud laadida teenuse võimekusi:
%1: %2Layer %1: unable to parse spatial referenceKiht %1: ei saa parsida koordinaatsüsteemiFailed to query some layers:
%1Ei õnnestunud pärida mõnda kihti:
%1QgsAngleMagnetWidget°°Snap to SnäpiNo snappingIlma snäppimisetaQgsAnnotationWidgetBaseFormVormFrame styleRaami stiilFixed map positionMääratud kaardi asukohtContents MarginsTopÜlal mmmmBottomAllLeftVasakulRightParemalAllows the annotation to be associated with a map layer. If set, the annotation will only be visible when the layer is visible.Map markerKaardi markerLinked layerSeotud kihtQgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider&Expand All&Laienda kõik&Collapse All&Sulge kõik&Stretch Using Current Extent&Venita näidatud ulatusesZoom to &Visible ScaleSuumi &nähtava mõõtkavaniSet &Project CRS from LayerMäära &kihijärgselt projekti CRSMake Permanent…Save Features As…Save Selected Features As…Edit Symbol…&Open Attribute Table&Ava atribuutandmete tabelPaste Layer/GroupCopy Group&Remove Group…&Set Group CRS…&Set Group WMS Data…Määra rühma WMS-andmed…ExportEkspordiCopy Layer&Duplicate Layer&Remove Layer…&Set Layer Scale Visibility…&Määra kihi nähtavuse mõõtkava…Set CRSSet Layer CRS…Save as QGIS Layer Style File…&Properties…Save as Layer Definition File…Salvesta kihimääratluste failina…&Filter…Save As…Edit Virtual Layer…&Show All ItemsNäita kõiki objekte&Hide All ItemsPeida kõik objektidSymbol Selector&Zoom to Native Resolution (100%)&Suumi omaeralduseni (100%)Copy StyleKopeeri stiilPaste StyleKleebi stiilStylesStiilQgsApplicationExceptionErandunknown exceptiontundmatu erandApplication state:
QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1
Prefix: %2
Plugin Path: %3
Package Data Path: %4
Active Theme Name: %5
Active Theme Path: %6
Default Theme Path: %7
SVG Search Paths: %8
User DB Path: %9
Auth DB Path: %10
match indentation of application state[ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy[VIGA] Ei saa tekitada faili qgis.db isiklikku koopiatCan not make '%1' user writableCould not open qgis.dbEi õnnestunud avada faili qgis.dbMigration of private qgis.db failed.
%1Faili qgis.db isikliku versiooni siirdamine ebaõnnestus.
%1Update of view in private qgis.db failed.
%1Vaate värskendus faili qgis.db isiklikus versioonis ebaõnnestus.
%1QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelect&Build query&Koosta päringCreate a New %1 ConnectionModify %1 ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineNo LayersKihid puuduvadThe query returned no layers.Päring ei tagastanud kihte.QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelectBaseServer ConnectionsServeri ühendusedConnect to selected databaseÜhenda valitud andmebaasigaC&onnectÜ&hendaCreate a new database connectionLoo uus andmebaasiühendus&New&UusEdit selected database connectionMuuda valitud andmebaasi ühendustEditRedigeeriRemove connection to selected databaseEemalda valitud andmebaasiühendusRemoveEemaldaLoad connections from fileLaadi ühendused failistLoadLaadiSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaFi<erFi<erDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractNäita WFS-i nähtustüüpe, mille pealkirjas, nimes või kirjelduses sisaldub see sõnaUse title for layer nameKasuta kihi nimena pealkirjaOnly request features overlapping the current view extentPäri ainult nähtusi mis kattuvad praeguse vaate ulatusegaImage EncodingCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Change...Muuda...QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidgetBaseFormVormCurved arrowsKõverusega nooledSingleÜksik……Single, reversedÜksik, pööratudDoubleTopeltOffsetNiheArrow typeNoole tüüpHead thicknessPea paksusHead lengthPea pikkus<html><head/><body><p>Plain: the arrow will be displayed entirely</p><p>Left/Exterior half: only the half of the head that is on the left of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the exterior for curved arrows will be displayed</p><p>Right/Interior half: only the half of the head that is on the right of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the interior for curved arrows will be displayed</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tavaline: nool on täielikult nähtav</p><p>
Vasak/välimine pool: sirge noole puhul on nähtav ainult noolepea vasak pool, kaardus noole puhul näidatakse kaare välimisel poolel olevat noolepead</p><p>Parem/sisemine pool: sirge noole puhul on nähtav ainult noolepea parem pool, kaardus noole puhul näidatakse kaare sisemisel poolel olevat noolepead</p></body></html>PlainTavalineLeft/Exterior halfVasak/välimine poolRight/Interior halfParem/sisemine poolArrow width at startNoole laius alguses<html><head/><body><p>If checked, one arrow will be rendered for each consecutive points (each 2 points for a straight arrow or 3 points for a curved arrow).</p><p>If unchecked, the arrow will be defined by extermum points of the line (the middle point will be used as a control point for a curved arrow)</p></body></html>Repeat arrow on each segmentKorda noolt igal lõigulHead typePea tüüpArrow widthNoole laiusQgsAttributeActionDialogGenericÜldinePythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpen URLAva URLAdd New ActionEcho attribute's valueJärgatribuutide väärtusAttribute ValueAtribuudiväärtusRun an applicationKäivita rakendusRun applicationKäivita rakendusGet feature idKüsi nähtuse idFeature IDNähtuse IDSelected field's value (Identify features tool)Valitud nähtuste väärtus (Nähtuse valimise tööriist)Field ValueVälja väärtusClicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool)Valitud koordinaadid (Käivita nähtuse tegevuse tööriist)Clicked CoordinateKlikitud koordinaatOpen fileAva failSearch on web based on attribute's valueVeebiotsing atribuudiväärtuste põhjalSearch WebOtsi võrgustList feature idsLoetle nähtuste id-dDuplicate selected featuresDuplicate selectedEdit ActionQgsAttributeActionDialogBaseAttribute ActionsAtribuutide tegevusedThis list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item.Selles nimekirjas on kõik tegevused, mis on sellele kihile omistatud. Lisa toiminguid vajutades Lisa tegevus nupu kaudu. Tegevusi saab siit redigeerida, kui valitud tegevusel teha topeltklikk.TypeTüüpDescriptionKirjeldusShort TitleLühinimiAction ScopesTegevuste ulatusedOn Notification<html><head/><body><p>If not empty, this will enable provider notification listening and the action will be executed when the notification message matched the specified value. </p></body></html>Only when editableAdd a new actionLisa uus tegevusShow in Attribute TableNäita atribuuditabelisLayoutTrükivaadeSeparate ButtonsEraldi nupudCombo BoxRippmenüüActionTegevusAction ListCreate Default ActionsCaptureVõtaRemove the selected actionEemalda valitud tegevusMove the selected action upNihuta valitud tegevus ülespooleMove the selected action downNihuta valitud tegevus allapooleQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogSelect an actionFile dialog window titleVali tegevusImages( %1 ); All( *.* )Pildid( %1 ); Kõik( *.* )Choose Icon…Additional variablesTäiendavad muutujadQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogBaseFormVormInserts the selected field into the actionLisab valitud välja tegumisseInsertSisestaBrowse for actionNäita tegevusiClick to browse for an actionKliki et näha tegevusiClicking the button will let you select an application to use as the actionKlikates nupule lubab see valida ühe liidese kasutada kui kihi tegevus<html><head/><body><p>The action text defines what happens if the action is triggered.<br/>The content depends on the type.<br/>For the type <span style=" font-style:italic;">Python</span> the content should be python code<br/>For other types it should be a file or application with optional parameters</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tegevuse tekst määrab, mis juhtub, kui tegevus käivitatakse.<br/>Sisu sõltub tüübist. <br/>Tüübi <span style=" font-style:italic;">Python</span> puhul peab sisu olema Pythoni kood<br/>Teiste tüüpide puhul peab sisu olema täiendavate parameetritega fail või rakendus</p></body></html>TypeTüüpDescriptionKirjeldusIconIkoonShort NameLühinimiGenericÜldineEnter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (QGIS will make it unique if necessary).Sisesta siia tegevuse nimi. Nimi peaks olema unikaalne (QGIS teeb selle vajadusel unikaalseks).……Execute if notification matchesAction Text<html><head/><body><p>If specified, listen to data source notification and performs action if notification message matches the specified value.</p><p>E.g. to match message beginning with <span style=" font-weight:600;">whatever </span>use <span style=" font-weight:600;">^whatever</span></p></body></html>Enable only when editablePythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpenAvaAction ScopesTegevuste ulatusedCaptures any output from the actionPüüab kõiki väljundeid kihi tegumiltCaptures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog boxNäitab tavapärast väljundit või viga mis tegevus tekitas ja näitab seda dialoogiaknasCapture outputPüüa väljundEnter the action name hereAnna tegevusele nimi siinMandatory descriptionKohustuslik kirjeldusLeave empty to use only iconJäta tühjaks, et kasutada ainult pisipiltiQgsAttributeDialog%1 - Feature Attributes%1- nähtuse atribuudidQgsAttributeFormAttributes changedAtribuudid muudetudApply changes to edited features?Salvestan muudatused muudetud nähtustel?%1 matching %2 selected%1 kattub %2 valitudfeaturenähtusfeaturesnähtusedNo matching features foundPuuduvad kattuvad nähtusedUpdated multiple feature attributesMuudetud mitme nähtuse atribuudidUnsaved multiedit changes: <a href="#apply">apply changes</a> or <a href="#reset">reset changes</a>.Salvestamata hulgiredigeerimise muudatused:<a href="#apply">rakenda muudatused</a> või <a href="#reset">tühista muudatused</a>.Select FeaturesAdd to Current SelectionRemove from Current SelectionFilter Current SelectionFilter Within ("AND")Extend Filter ("OR")The python init function (<code>%1</code>) does not accept three arguments as expected!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.No feature joinedJoin settings do not allow editingJoin settings do not allow upsert on editJoined layer is not toggled editable&Reset form&Lähtesta vorm&Select features&Vali nähtusedMultiedit AttributesEdits will be applied to all selected features.Attribute changes for multiple features applied.Changes could not be applied.Failed to create widget with type '%1'&Flash features&Zoom to features&Suumi nähtusteniFilter featuresFiltreeri nähtusiCloseSulgeThe python init function (<code>%1</code>) could not be found!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.Pythoni funktsiooni init (<code>%1</code>) ei leitud!<br>Palun kontrolli funktsiooni nime kihi omaduste sakil <b>Väljad</b>.QgsAttributeLoadValuesLoad Values from LayerLayerKihtDescriptionKirjeldusValueVäärtusSelect data from attributes in selected layer.Vali andmed valitud kihi atribuutide seast.View AllNäita kõikInsert NULL value on topSisesta NULL väärtus algusesseQgsAttributeRelationEditFormVormRelationÜhendusCardinalityFor a many to many (N:M) relation, the direct link has to be selected. The in-between table will be hidden.QgsAttributeTableDelegateAttribute changedAtribuudid muudetudQgsAttributeTableDialogAttribute TableAtribuutandmete tabelInvert selection (Ctrl+R)Keera valik ümber (Ctrl+R)Ctrl+SCtrl+SCopy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C)Kopeeri valitud read lõikepuhvrisse (Ctrl+C)Ctrl+CCtrl+CZoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J)Suumi kaart valitud ridadeni (Ctrl+J)Ctrl+JCtrl+JPan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P)Nihuta kaarti valitud ridadele (Ctrl+P)Ctrl+PCtrl+PToggle editing mode (Ctrl+E)Redigeerimisrežiimi lülitus (Ctrl+E)Ctrl+ECtrl+EReload the tableLaadi tabel uuestiSelect features using an expressionVali nähtused kasutades avaldistDeselect all (Ctrl+Shift+A)Tühista valik (Ctrl+Shift+A)Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ASelect all (Ctrl+A)Vali kõik (Ctrl+A)Toggle multi edit modeLülitu hulgiredigeerimiseleCtrl+ACtrl+ASelect/filter features using form (Ctrl+F)Vali/filtreeri nähtusi vormi abil (Ctrl+F)Paste features from clipboard (Ctrl+V)Kleebi nähtused lõikepuhvrist (Ctrl+V)Ctrl+VCtrl+VNew fieldUus väliCtrl+WCtrl+WFilterFilterFilters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string.ApplyRakendaTable ViewTabelivaade==Update AllUuenda kõikAdvanced Filter (Expression)Keeruline filter (avaldis)Use the Expression Builder to define the filterKasuta avaldise koosturit filtri määramiseksSelect/filter features using formVali/filtreeri nähtusi vormi abilCtrl+FCtrl+FShow All FeaturesNäita kõiki nähtusiShow Selected FeaturesNäita valitud nähtusiField FilterVäljafilterShow Edited and New FeaturesNäita muudetud ja uusi nähtusiShow Features Visible On MapNäita nähtusi, mis on kaardil nähaDelete field (Ctrl+L)Kustuta väli (Ctrl+L)New field (Ctrl+W)Uus väli (Ctrl+W)The filter defines which features are currently shown in the list or on the tableFilter määrab milliseid nähtusi näidatakse loetelus või tabelisSwitch to form viewLülita ümber vormivaateleForm ViewVormivaadeSwitch to table viewLülita ümber tabelivaateleFilter all the features which have been edited but not yet savedFiltreeri kõik nähtused, mida on muudetud aga veel mitte salvestatudToggle editing modeLülitu redigeerimisrežiimiSave editsSalvesta muudatusedSave edits (Ctrl+S)Salvesta muudatused (Ctrl+S)Delete selected featuresKustuta valitud nähtusedDelDelSelect allVali kõikInvert selectionPööra valikDeselect allEemalda kõik valikustMove selection to topTõsta valik algusessePan map to the selected rowsNihuta kaarti valitud ridadeleZoom map to the selected rowsSuumi kaart valitud ridadeniCut selected rows to clipboardLõika valitud read lõikepuhvrisseCut selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+X)Lõika valitud read lõikepuhvrisse (Ctrl+X)Ctrl+XCtrl+XCopy selected rows to clipboardKopeeri valitud read lõikepuhvrissePaste features from clipboardKleebi nähtused lõikepuhvristDelete fieldKustuta väliCtrl+LCtrl+LConditional formattingTingimusvormingDock Attribute TableActionsTegevusedAdd featureLisa nähtusOpen field calculatorAva väljakalkulaatorOpen field calculator (Ctrl+I)Ava väljakalkulaator (Ctrl+I)Ctrl+ICtrl+I %1 :: Features Total: %2, Filtered: %3, Selected: %4 %1 :: Nähtusi: kokku %2, filtreeritud %3, valitud %4An error occurred while trying to update the field %1An error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1Tekkis viga arvutuskäigu kontrollimisel:
%1Update AttributesExpression Based FilterAvaldisel põhinev filterFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?'%2' tüüpi välja '%1' ei õnnestunud lisada. Kas välja nimi on unikaalne?Parsing errorAnalüüsi vigaEvaluation errorHindamise vigaDelete featureKustuta nähtusUpdate FilteredUuenda filtreeritudMultiedit is not supported when using custom UI formsMultiedit ei tööta kohandatud vormidegaSearch is not supported when using custom UI formsOtsing ei tööta kohandatud vormidegaCalculating fieldAttribute addedAtribuute lisatudAdd FieldDeleted attributeKustutatud atribuutThe attribute(s) could not be deletedAtribuuti(e) ei saanud kustutadaAttribute errorAtribuudi vigaError filteringVea filtreeringGeometryless feature addedGeomeetriata nähtus lisatudUpdate SelectedVärskenda valitudCtrl+RCtrl+AQgsAttributeTableFilterModelActionsTegevusedQgsAttributeTableModelextra columnlisaveergFeature ID: %1Nähtuse ID: %1QgsAttributeTableViewSelect AllVali kõikQgsAttributeTypeDialogEdit Widget PropertiesMuuda vidina omadusiGeneralÜldineAliasCommentMärkusEditableRedigeeritavLabel on topMärgis kõige pealWidget TypeVidina tüüpConstraintsPiirangudUniqueUnikaalneNot nullMitte null<p>Enforcing the unique constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce unique constraintJõusta unikaalsuse piirangExpression descriptionAvaldise kirjeldusOptional descriptive name for expression constraintValikuline kirjeldav nimi avaldise piirangule<p>Enforcing the not null constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce not null constraintJõusta not null piirangExpressionAvaldis<p>Enforcing the expression constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce expression constraintJõusta avaldise piirangDefaultsVaikeväärtusedDefault valueVaikeväärtusPreviewEelvaade<p>With this option checked, the default value will not only be used when the feature is first created, but also whenever a feature's attribute or geometry is changed.</p><p>This is often useful for a last_modified timestamp or to record the username that last modified the feature.</p>Apply default value on updateThe provider for this layer has a NOT NULL constraint set on the field.Kihi pakkujal on sellele veerule seatud NOT NULL piirang.The provider for this layer has a UNIQUE constraint set on the field.Kihi pakkujal on sellele veerule seatud UNIQUE piirang.QgsAttributesFormInitCodePython Init Code ConfigurationThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
Python Init functionPythoni käivituskoodThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
External fileVäline failFunction nameFunktsiooni nimiEnter the name of the form init function.Load from external fileLaadi välisest failistProvide code in this dialogLoad from the environmentSelect Python FilePython files (*.py *.PY)Pythoni failid (*.py, *.PY)QgsAttributesFormPropertiesFormVormSelect attribute layout editorAutogenerateDrag and drop designerDrag and drop designerProvide ui-fileLisa kasutajaliidese failQGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened.
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.......Edit UIMuuda kasutajaliidestAvailable WidgetsForm Layout%1 (%2)RelationsRelatsioonidOther WidgetsQML WidgetHide form on add feature (global settings)Show form on add feature (global settings)Hide form on add featureShow form on add feature# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.
Enter the name of the function in the "Python Init function"
An example follows:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget, "MyLineEdit")
Many to one relationMitu-ühele seosSelect edit formVali redigeerimise vormUI fileKasutajaliidese failQgsAuthAuthoritiesEditorCertificate Authorities EditorCertificate Authorities and Issuers <i>(Root/File certificates are read-only)</i>Certificates fileSertifikaadifailFile of concatenated CAs and/or Issuers……Import certificate(s) to authentication databaseImpordi sertifikaat (sertifikaadid) autentimise andmebaasiRemove certificate from authentication databaseEemalda sertifikaat autentimise andmebaasistShow information for certificateNäita sertifikaadi infotGroup by organizationRühmita organisatsiooni aluselRefresh certificate tree viewVärskenda sertifikaadi puu Common NameÜhine nimiSerial #Järgarv #Expiry DateAegumiskuupäevTrust PolicyUsalduse poliitikaERROR storing CA(s) in authentication databaseCertificate id missingSertifikaadi ID puudubRemove Certificate AuthorityAre you sure you want to remove the selected Certificate Authority from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!Certificate could not be found in database for id %1:ERROR removing cert(s) trust policy from authentication database.ERROR removing CA from authentication database for id %1:ERROR removing cert trust policy from authentication database for id %1:Default Trust PolicyChanging the default certificate authority trust policy to 'Untrusted' can cause unexpected SSL network connection results.Default policyQgsAuthBasicEditOptionalValikulineRequiredNõutudRealmPiirkondShowNäitaUsernameKasutajanimiPasswordParoolQgsAuthBasicMethodBasic authenticationQgsAuthCertInfoCertificate InfoSertifikaadi infoCertificate HierarchySertifikaadi hierarhiaTextLabelTekstiMärgisCertificate InformationSertifikaadi infoTrust policyUsalduse poliitikaSave certificate trust policy change to databaseSaveSalvesta<b>Setup ERROR:</b>
Could not populate QCA certificate collectionCould not set QCA certificateInvalid population of QCA certificate chain.<br><br>Validity message: %1Missing CAFieldVäliValueVäärtusGeneralÜldineDetailsDetailidSubject InfoIssuer InfoVäljastaja infoPublic Key InfoAvaliku võtme infoExtensionsLaiendusedPEM TextPEM tekstTypeTüüpMissing CA (incomplete local CA chain)self-signedRootJuurUsage typeKasutusviisSubjectIssuerVäljastajaNot valid afterKehtetu pealePublic keyAvalik võtiSignature algorithmAllkirja algoritmCountry (C)State/Province (ST)Locality (L)Organization (O)Organizational unit (OU)Common name (CN)Email address (E)Distinguished nameEmail LegacyIncorporation CountryIncorporation State/ProvinceIncorporation LocalityURIURIDNSDNSIP AddressIP aadressXMPPXMPPEmail: E-mail:DNS: DNS: Alternate namesVersionVersioonSerial #Järgarv #Not valid beforeKehtetu enneMD5 fingerprintMD5 näpujälgSHA1 fingerprintSHA1 näpujälgCRL locationsCRL asukohadIssuer locationsVäljastaja asukohadOCSP locationsOCSP asukohadAlgorithmAlgoritmKey sizeVõtme suurusExponentEksponentVerifyKontrolliEncryptKrüpteeriDecryptDekrüpteeriKey agreementExportEkspordiKey usageVõtme kasutusCertificate Authority: %1Sertifikaadi autoriteet: %1YesJahNoEiChain Path Limit: %1Basic constraintsPeamised piirangudExtended key usageLaiendatud võtme kasutusSubject key IDAuthority key IDQgsAuthCertInfoDialogCertificate InformationSertifikaadi infoQgsAuthCertManagerAuthentication Certificate EditorsIdentitiesIdentiteedidServersServeridAuthoritiesAutoriteedidNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseMärkus: salvestamine kirjutab otse autentimis-andmebaasiCertificate ManagerSertifikaadihaldurQgsAuthConfigEditAuthenticationAutentimineClearPuhastaOptional URL resourceTäiendav URL allikasNote: Saving writes directly to authentication databaseMärkus: salvestamine kirjutab otse autentimis-andmebaasiRequiredNõutudIdIdResourceRessurssNameNimiAuthentication config id not loaded: %1QgsAuthConfigEditorEdit Authentication ConfigurationsMuuda autentimise seadeidAdd new authentication configurationRemove selected authentication configurationEdit selected authentication configurationAuthentication ConfigurationsAutentimise seadedIDIDNameNimiURIURITypeTüüpVersionVersioonConfigSeadedRemove ConfigurationEemalda seadistusAre you sure you want to remove '%1'?
Operation can NOT be undone!Oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada '%1'?
Kustutamist ei saa tagasi pöörata!QgsAuthConfigIdEditFormVormGeneratedLoodud<html><head/><body><p>Unlock to edit the ID</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">7-character alphanumeric only</span></p><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#a80b0a;">Editing may break things!</span></p></body></html>……QgsAuthConfigSelectAuthentication ConfigurationAutentimise seadistusEdit selected configurationDelete selected configurationKustuta valitud häälestusDeleteKustutaDismissCreate a new authentication configurationNewUusEditRedigeeriAuthentication config id not loaded: %1Missing authentication method descriptionPuudub autentimise meetodi kirjeldus<ul><li><b>Method type:</b> %1</li><li><b>Configuration ID:</b> %2</li></ul>Configuration '%1' not in databaseSeadistus '%1' puudub andmebaasistNo authenticationPuudub autentimineRemove AuthenticationEemalda autentimineAre you sure that you want to permanently remove this configuration right now?
Operation can NOT be undone!Oled kindel, et soovid lõplikult eemaldada selle seadistuse?
Kustutamist ei saa tagasi pöörata!QgsAuthConfigUriEditDialogDialoogEdit Authentication Configuration IDNote: Button actions above affect authentication databaseAuthentication Config ID String EditorNo authcfg in Data Source URIAdding authcfg to URI not supportedQgsAuthEditorWidgetsInput master passwordClear cached master passwordReset master passwordClear cached authentication configurationsRemove all authentication configurationsErase authentication databaseClear network authentication access cacheAutomatically clear network authentication access cache on SSL errorsStore/update the master password in your %1Clear the master password from your %1Integrate master password with your %1Enable password helper debug logAuth cache clearedNetwork authentication cache has been clearedQgsAuthEditorsAuthentication EditorsConfigurationsSeadedManagementHaldusInstalled PluginsInstallitud pluginadManage CertificatesHalda sertifikaateUtilitiesVahendidNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseMärkus: salvestamine kirjutab otse autentimis-andmebaasiQgsAuthEsriTokenEditTokenRequiredNõutudQgsAuthEsriTokenMethodESRI token based authenticationQgsAuthIdentCertEditIdentityIdentiteetSelect identity…Organization not definedOrganisatsioon defineerimataQgsAuthIdentCertMethodPKI stored identity certificateQgsAuthIdentitiesEditorIdentity Certificates EditorUser Identity BundlesImport identity bundle to authentication databaseRemove identity bundle from authentication databaseShow information for bundleGroup by organizationRühmita organisatsiooni alusel……Refresh identity bundle tree viewCommon NameÜhine nimiSerial #Järgarv #Expiry DateAegumiskuupäevCertificate BundlesERROR storing identity bundle in authentication database.Certificate id missing.Remove Certificate IdentityEemalda sertifikaadi identiteetAre you sure you want to remove the selected certificate identity from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!Oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada valitud sertifikaadi identiteedi andmebaasist?
Kustutamist ei saa tagasi pöörata!ERROR removing cert identity from authentication database for id %1:QgsAuthImportCertDialogImport Certificate(s)Impordi sertifikaat (sertifikaadid)PEM/DER-formatted PEM/DER-vormingus……Import(s) can contain multiple certificatesImport(id) võivad sisaldada mitut sertifikaatiPEM textPEM tekstFileFailTrust policyUsalduse poliitikaValidation ResultsAllow invalid certificatesLuba kehtetuid sertifikaateImport Certificate AuthoritiesImpordi sertifikaadi autoriteedidImportImpordiCertificates found: %1
Certificates valid: %2Leiti sertifikaadid: %1
Kehtivad sertifikaadid: %2
Authorities/Issuers: %1%2
Autoriteedid/väljastajad: %1%2Open Certificate FileAva sertifikaadi failAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)QgsAuthImportIdentityDialogImport IdentityImpordi identiteetKeyVõtiCertSertifikaatRequiredNõutud……Validation ResultsOptional passphraseValikuline sala-fraasShowNäitaBundlePKI PEM/DER Certificate PathsPKI PKCS#12 Certificate BundleValid: %1Kehtiv: %1Invalid: %1Kehtetu: %1Open Client Certificate FileAva kliendi sertifikaadi failAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Open Private Key FileOpen PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)Missing componentsPuuduvad komponendidFailed to read client certificate from fileFailist kliendi sertifikaadi lugemine ei õnnestunudFailed to load client certificate from fileFailist kliendi sertifikaadi laadimine ei õnnestunudExtra certificates found with identityKoos identiteediga leiti täiendavaid sertifikaate%1 thru %2%1 kuni %2Failed to load client private key from filePrivate key password may not matchQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Dekodeerimine ei õnnestunud (proovi koos salasõnaga)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loadedQt cert could not be created from QCA certQt private key could not be created from QCA keyFile not foundFaili ei leitudQgsAuthManagerOpening of authentication db FAILEDAutentimise andmebaasi avamine ei õnnestunudQCA's OpenSSL plugin (qca-ossl) is missingNo authentication method plugins foundNo authentication method plugins could be loadedAuth db directory path could not be createdAuth db is not readable or writable by userAuth db could not be created and openedAuthentication system is DISABLED:
%1Master password set: FAILED to verify, reset to previousMaster password: FAILED to access databaseMaster password: FAILED to find just one master password record in databaseMaster password: FAILED to verify against hash in databaseMaster password: failed 5 times authentication system DISABLEDMaster password: hash FAILED to be stored in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not clear current password from databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not store new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt configs in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify password can decrypt re-encrypted configsMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt settings in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt identities in databaseMaster password reset: could not remove old database backupConfig ID is emptyStore config: FAILED because config is invalidStore config: FAILED because pre-defined config ID is not uniqueStore config: FAILED because config string is emptyUpdate config: FAILED because config is invalidUpdate config: FAILED because config is emptyUpdate config: FAILED to prepare queryAuthentication database contains duplicate configuration IDsAutentimise andmebaas sisaldab korduvaid konfiguratsiooni ID-sidNo authentication database foundAutentimise anmdebaasi ei leitudCould not back up authentication databaseAutentimise andmebaasi ei õnnestunud varundadaAuthentication database could not be deletedAutentimise andmebaasi ei õnnestunud kustutadaAuthentication database could not be initializedAutentimise andmebaasi ei õnnestunud tekitadaFAILED to create auth database config tablesViga autentimisbaasi konfiguratsioonitabelite tekitamiselFAILED to create auth database cert tablesAuthentication database contains duplicate settingsAutentimise andmebaasis on korduvaid seadistusiAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate identityAutentimise andmebaasis on korduvaid sertifikaadi id-sidRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create private keyRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create certificateAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate bundlesAuthentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port, id: %1, %2Authentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port: %1Authentication database contains duplicate certificate authoritiesAuthentication database contains duplicate cert trust policiesPassword HelperOpening %1 for DELETE…Opening %1 for READ…Opening %1 for WRITE…Delete password failed: %1.Retrieving password from your %1 failed: %2.Empty password retrieved from your %1.Storing password in your %1 failed: %2.Your %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.There was an error and integration with your %1 system has been disabled. You can re-enable it at any time through the "Utilities" menu in the Authentication pane of the options dialog. %2Error in %1: %2Master password has been successfully read from your %1Master password stored in your %1 is not validMaster password has been successfully written to your %1Master password could not be written to your %1Authentication database contains duplicate setting keysAuthentication database contains duplicate identity IDsUnable to establish authentication database connectionEi õnnestunud luua ühendust autentimise andmebaasigaAuth db query exec() FAILEDAuth db query FAILEDAuth db FAILED to start transactionAuth db FAILED to rollback changesQgsAuthMethodPluginsDialogDialoogInstalled authentication method pluginsInstalleeri autentimismeetodi pluginadMethodMeetodDescriptionKirjeldusWorks withTöötab koosQgsAuthOAuth2ConfigCustomKohandatudPredefinedAuthorization CodeImplicitResource OwnerHeaderPealkiriForm (POST only)URL QueryQgsAuthOAuth2EditConfigureSeadistaGrant FlowExport configuration......Import configurationScopeRequest TimeoutRedirect URLAuthorization-related timeout secondsDescriptionKirjeldusOptionalValikulineAPI KeyRequiredNõutudRequest URLOptional (space delimiter)Access MethodUsernameKasutajanimiAdvancedTäpsemPasswordParoolResource access token methodPersist between launchesToken URLClient SecretClient IDToken SessionRefresh Token URLhttp:// number//SubdirectoryDefinedDefined configurations are JSON-formatted files, with a single configuration per file. This allows configurations to be swapped out via filesystem tools without affecting user configurations. It is recommended to use the Configure tab’s export function, then edit the resulting file. See QGIS documentation for further details.Add extra config directory to parseSoftware StatementConfiguration UrlRegisterExtra initial request parametersKeyVõtiValue (unencoded)TokensRemove cached tokensSelect extra directory to parseSelect software statement fileJSON Web Token (*.jwt)ID: %1
Grant flow: %2
Description: %3No predefined configurations found on diskSave OAuth2 Config FileSelect OAuth2 Config FileDownloading configuration failed with error: %1Configurations files can be placed in the directories:Configuration files can be placed in the directories:
%1QgsAuthOAuth2MethodOAuth2 authenticationAuthenticator linking (login) has failedLinking succeeded, but authenticator access FAILED: null objectLinking apparently succeeded, but authenticator FAILED to verify it is linkedLinking succeededOpen browser requestedClose browser requestedNetwork reply finishedResults: %1Network error but no reply object accessibleNetwork error: %1Network error, HTTP status: %1Attempting token refresh...Token refresh FAILED: authcfg emptyBackground token refresh underway for authcfg: %1Background token refresh FAILED for authcfg %1: could not get authenticator objectToken refresh error: %1QgsAuthPkcs12EditOptional passphraseValikuline sala-fraasShowNäitaRequiredNõutudBundle……CAsKeyVõtiAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddLisaAdd also root (self-signed) CARootJuurMissing componentsPuuduvad komponendidQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Dekodeerimine ei õnnestunud (proovi koos salasõnaga)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loaded%1 thru %2%1 kuni %2Valid: %1Kehtiv: %1Invalid: %1Kehtetud: %1Open PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>QgsAuthPkcs12MethodPKI PKCS#12 authenticationQgsAuthPkiPathsEditRequiredNõutudCAsOptional passphraseValikuline sala-fraas……ShowNäitaAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddLisaAdd also root (self-signed) CARootJuurKeyVõtiCertSertifikaatMissing componentsPuuduvad komponendidFailed to load certificate from file%1 thru %2%1 kuni %2Valid: %1Kehtiv: %1Invalid: %1Kehtetud: %1Open Client Certificate FileAva kliendi sertifikaadi failAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>Open Private Key FileQgsAuthPkiPathsMethodPKI paths authenticationQgsAuthServersEditorServer Exceptions/SSL Configs EditorServer Certificate Exceptions and SSL ConfigurationsAdd new server certificate configurationRemove selected server certificate configurationEdit selected server certificate configurationGroup by organizationRühmita organisatsiooni alusel……Common NameÜhine nimiHostHostExpiry DateAegumiskuupäevSSL Server ConfigurationsSSL Serveri seadistusSSL custom config id missingSSL custom config host:port missingRemove SSL Custom ConfigurationAre you sure you want to remove the selected SSL custom configuration from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!ERROR removing SSL custom config from authentication database for host:port, id %1:SSL custom config id missing.SSL custom config host:port missing.QgsAuthSettingsWidgetFormVormConfigurationsSeadedChoose or create an authentication configurationConfigurations store encrypted credentials in the QGIS authentication database.BasicConvert to configurationStoreSalvestaWarning text!OptionalValikulinePasswor&d&User name&Kasutaja nimi<div>Warning: credentials stored as plain text in %1.</div>project fileuser settingsConverted config %1Couldn't create a Basic authentication configuration!QgsAuthSslConfigDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationKohandatud sertifikaadi seadistusQgsAuthSslConfigWidgetFormVormCertificateNameNimihost:port (required)Show information for certificateNäita sertifikaadi infot??ServerServerCustom SSL configurationKohandatud SSL seadistusFieldVäliProtocolProtokollPeer verificationVerify peer certsDo not verify peer certsPeer verification depth (0 = complete cert chain)Ignore errorsEira viguQgsAuthSslErrorsDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationKohandatud sertifikaadi seadistusSSL Errors occurred accessing URL:SSL vead, mis ilmnesid sisenemisel URL'i:SSL ErrorsShow information for certificate chainConnection certificatesConnection trusted CAsSave SSL server e&xceptionWARNING: Only save SSL configurations when necessary.HOIATUS: Salvesta SSL seadistus ainult siis kui see on hädavajalik.QgsAuthSslImportDialogConnected to %1: %2Socket CONNECTEDSocket DISCONNECTEDSocket ENCRYPTEDProtocolProtokollSession cipherSocket ERRORSocket unavailable or not encryptedOpen Server Certificate FileAva serveri sertifikaadi failAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Could not load any certs from fileFailist ei õnnestunud laadida ühtegi sertifikaatiCould not load server cert from fileFailist ei õnnestunud laadida serveri sertifikaatiCertificate does not appear for be for an SSL server. You can still add a configuration, if you know it is the correct certificate.QgsAuthSslTestDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationKohandatud sertifikaadi seadistus<html><head/><body><p>Save a custom SSL server configuration, importing certificate from server or file. WARNING: Only save configurations when necessary.</p></body></html>Import CertificateFrom serverServeristhttps://https://www.example.com::ConnectÜhendaTimeout secFrom fileFailistPEM/DER formatted file……QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialogTrusted Certificate AuthoritiesUsaldusväärne sertifikaadi väljastajaTrusted Certificate Authorities/Issuers (used in secure connections)……Group by organizationRühmita organisatsiooni aluselCommon NameÜhine nimiSerial #Järgarv #Expiry DateAegumiskuupäevAuthorities/IssuersQgsBlendModeComboBoxNormalTavalineLightenTee heledamaksScreenRasterDodgePõikaAdditionLiitmineDarkenTee tumedamaksMultiplyKorrutaBurnKõrvetaOverlayÜlekateSoft lightPehme valgustusHard lightTugev valgustusDifferenceErinevusSubtractLahutaQgsBlurWidgetStack blur (fast)Stack ähmastamine (kiire)Gaussian blur (quality)Gaussi ähmastamine (kvaliteetne)QgsBookmarkLocatorFilterSpatial BookmarksQgsBookmarksImport/Export BookmarksImpordi/ekspordi järjehoidjadUnable to open bookmarks database.
Database: %1
Driver: %2
Database: %3Ei saa avada bookmarkide andmekogu.
Andmebaas: %1
Draiver: %2
Andmebaas: %3IDIDNameNimiProjectProjektxMinxMinyMinyMinxMaxxMaxyMaxyMaxSRIDSRIDNew bookmarkUus bookmarkAdd BookmarkExport BookmarksXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)?number of rowsKas oled kindel et soovid kustutada %n bookmarki?Kas oled kindel et soovid kustutada %n bookmarki?Reprojected extent is empty.Reprojetseeritud ulatus on tühi.&Export&Ekspordi&Import&ImpordiSpatial BookmarksDelete BookmarksEmpty ExtentImport BookmarksImpordi järjehoidjadUnable to create the bookmark.
Driver: %1
Database: %2Ei saanud luua järjehoidjat.
Draiver: %1
Andmebaas: %2QgsBookmarksBaseSpatial BookmarksAddLisaAdd bookmarkLisa järjehoidjaDeleteKustutaDelete bookmarkKustuta järjehoidjaZoom toSuumi selleniZoom to bookmarkSuumi järjehoidjaniQgsBrowserDirectoryPropertiesBasePathTeeQgsBrowserDockWidgetType here to filter visible items…Case SensitiveTõstutundlikFilter Pattern SyntaxFiltri mustri süntaksNormalTavalineWildcard(s)HuupiRegular ExpressionRegulaaravaldisfavorite “%1”Rename FavoriteAdd as a FavoriteLisa lemmikunaRename Favorite…Remove FavoriteEemalda lemmikute seastProperties…Add a Directory…Add directory to favoritesLisa kataloog lemmikutesseHide from BrowserPeida brauseristFast Scan this DirectoryKoosta selle kausta kiir-ülevaadeAdd Selected Layer(s) to CanvasQgsBrowserDockWidgetBaseBrowserBrauserRefreshVärskendaAdd LayersLisa kihidAdd Selected LayersLisa valitud kihidFilter BrowserFiltri sirvijaShow PropertiesNäita omadusiEnable/disable properties widgetLülita omaduste rakendus sisse/väljaCollapse AllSulge kõikOptionsSuvandidQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesErrorVigaQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesBaseNameNiminamenimiURIURIProviderTöötlejaprovider keypakkuja võtiMetadataMetaandmednoticemärkusQgsBrowserModelProject HomeHomeKojuFavoritesLemmikudQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogLayer PropertiesKihi omadusedDirectory PropertiesKausta omadusedQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogBaseDialogDialoogQgsBrushStyleComboBoxSolidTäisNo BrushTäitmataHorizontalHorisontaalneVerticalVertikaalneCrossRistiBDiagonalBDiagonaalFDiagonalFDiagonaalDiagonal XDiagonaal XDense 1Tihedus 1Dense 2Tihedus 2Dense 3Tihedus 3Dense 4Tihedus 4Dense 5Tihedus 5Dense 6Tihedus 6Dense 7Tihedus 7QgsBusyIndicatorDialogQGISQGISQgsCalendarConfigDlgBaseFormVormA calendar widget to enter a date.Kalendrileht võimaldab sisestada kuupäeva.Date formatKuupäeva vorming<html><head/><body><p>Example formats:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Näidisformaadid:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Formaat</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Tulemus</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html>QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererModelSymbolSümbolValueVäärtusLegendLeppemärkQgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnVeergSymbolSümbolChange...Muuda...Color rampVärvigradientClassifyKlassifitseeriAddLisaDeleteKustutaDelete AllAdvancedTäpsemMatch to Saved SymbolsMatch to Symbols from File…Symbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Classify CategoriesHigh number of classes. Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue?Delete ClassificationThe classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'.
Should the existing classes be deleted before classification?Klassifitseerimisväli muudeti '%1' '%2'-ks.
Kas enne uut, peaks olemasolev klassifikatsioon olema kustutatud?Matched SymbolsMatched %1 categories to symbols.%1 kategooriat sobitati sümbolitega.No categories could be matched to symbols in library.Ühtegi kategooriat ei saanud sobitada sümbolitega.Match to Symbols from FileXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)An error occurred while reading file:
%1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.%1 kategooriat sobitati sümbolitega failist.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.Ühtegi kategooriat ei saanud sobitada sümbolitega failis.QgsCharacterSelectorBaseCharacter SelectorTähemärgi valikFontFontCurrent font family and stylePraegune font ja stiilQgsCheckBoxConfigDlgBaseFormVormRepresentation for checked stateValitud oleku taasesitamineRepresentation for unchecked stateValimata oleku taasesitamineQgsCheckableComboBoxSelect AllVali kõikDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustQgsCodeEditorCSSCSS EditorCSS redaktorQgsCodeEditorExpressionExpression EditorQgsCodeEditorHTMLHTML EditorHTML-i redaktorQgsCodeEditorPythonPython EditorPythoni redaktorQgsCodeEditorSQLSQL EditorSQL-i redaktorQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasicShift-click to expand, then collapse othersShift-klikk laiendamiseks, siis teiste kokku voltimiseksCtrl (or Alt)-click to toggle allCtrl (või Alt)-klikk et kõik lülitadaQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxPluginA collapsible group boxKokkupandav rühmakastA collapsible group box with save state capabilityKokkupandav rühmakast võimalusega salvestada olekQgsColorBrewerColorRampDialogColorBrewer RampQgsColorBrewerColorRampWidgetBaseColorBrewer RampColorsVärvusedScheme nameSkeemi nimiPreviewEelvaadeQgsColorButtonSelect ColorVali värvNo colorVärvituClear ColorDefault ColorCopy ColorPaste ColorPick ColorChoose Color…QgsColorButtonPluginSelect colorVali värvQgsColorDialogResetLähtestaSelect ColorVali värvQgsColorDialogBaseColor PickerImport Colors...Impordi värvused...Import colors from fileImpordi värvused failistExport Colors...Ekspordi värvused...Export colors to fileImpordi värvused failiPaste ColorsKleebi värvusedPaste colors from clipboardKleebi värvused lõikepuhvristImport Palette...Impordi palett...Import palette from fileImpordi palett failistRemove PaletteEemalda palettRemove current paletteEemalda praegune palettNew Palette...Uus palett...Create a new paletteLoo uus palettCopy ColorsKopeeri värvidCopy selected colorsKopeeri valitud värvidQgsColorEffectWidgetOffVäljasBy lightnessHeleduse aluselBy luminosityHelenduse aluselBy averageKeskmise aluselQgsColorRampButtonSelect Color RampVali värvigradientEdit RampAll Color RampsInvert Color RampClear Current RampDefault Color RampRandom Color RampShuffle Random ColorsCreate New Color Ramp…Edit Color Ramp…Save Color Ramp…GradientÜhtlane üleminekCatalog: cpt-cityKataloog: cpt-cityColor presetsEelseadistatud värvidRandomJuhuslikCatalog: ColorBrewerKataloog: VärviKaardidColor ramp typeVärvigradiendi tüüpPlease select color ramp type:Palun vali värvigradiendi tüüp:Save Color RampSalvesta värvigradientColor ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Värvigradient nimega '%1' on juba olemas.
Kas kirjutan üle?QgsColorRampShaderWidgetOptionsSuvandidChange Color…Change Opacity…DiscreteDisreetneLinearJoonelineExactTäpneContinuousPidevEqual IntervalÜhtlaste vahedegaQuantileKvantiilLoad Color MapLaadi värvikaartThe color map for band %1 has no entries.Load Color Map from FileTextfile (*.txt)Tekstifail (*.txt)The following lines contained errors
Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Lugemisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
Save Color Map as FileQGIS Generated Color Map Export FileQGIS-is loodud värvikaardi eksportfailWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
ValueVäärtusValue for color stopValue <=Väärtus <=Maximum value for classKlassi maksimaalväärtusValue =Väärtus =Value for colorVärvi väärtusOpacityLäbipaistvusChange color opacity [%]QgsColorRampShaderWidgetBaseFormVormValueVäärtusColorVärvusLabelMärgisColor rampVärvigradientInterpolationInterpoleerimineClassifyKlassifitseeriAdd values manuallyLisa väärtusi käsitsiRemove selected row(s)Eemalda valitud rida (read)Load color map from bandLaadi värvikaart lõimestLoad color map from fileLaadi värvikaart failistExport color map to fileEkspordi värvikaart failiIf checked, any pixels with a value out of range will not be renderedClip out of range valuesLõika väärtused, mis jäävad ulatusest väljaModeMeetodClassesKlassidUnit suffixÜhiku laiendLabel unit
suffixMärgise ühik
laiendQgsColorSchemeListSelect Palette FileImport ColorsError, file does not exist or is not readable.Error, no colors found in palette file.Palette filePaletifailExport ColorsError writing palette file.QgsColorSchemeModelColorVärvusLabelMärgisQgsColorSliderWidget%%QgsColorSwatchDelegateSelect ColorVali värvSelect colorVali värvQgsColorTextWidgetrgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )#RRGGBB#RRGGBB#RRGGBBAA#RRGGBBAArgb( r, g, b )rgb( r, g, b )rgba( r, g, b, a )rgba( r, g, b, a )QgsCompassPluginShow compassNäita kompassi&About&InfoQgsCompassPluginGuiPixmap not foundPixmap leidmataQgsCompassPluginGuiBaseInternal CompassSisemine kompassAzimutAsimuutQgsCompoundColorWidgetSelect Palette FileImport Color PaletteError, file does not exist or is not readable.Palette file is not readable.No colors found in palette file.Remove Color PaletteEemalda värvipalettAre you sure you want to remove %1?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1?Create New PaletteLoo uus palettEnter a name for the new palette:Sisesta nimi uue paleti jaoks:New paletteUus palettnew_paletteuus_palettQgsCompoundColorWidgetBaseHHSSVVRRGGBPaksendatudOpacityLäbipaistvusHTML notationHTML-esitusColor rampVärvigradientColor wheelVärviratasColor swatchesVärvuse proovitükk……Add current colorRemove selected colorColor pickerVärvivalijaSample average radius pxpikselSample colorNäidisvärvus<i>Press space to sample a color from under the mouse cursor</i><i>Vajuta tühikut, et korjata üles värv hiirekursori all</i>CurrentKäesolevOldVanaAdd color to swatchImport Colors...Impordi värvused...Import colors from fileImpordi värvused failistExport Colors...Ekspordi värvused...Export colors to fileImpordi värvused failiPaste ColorsKleebi värvusedPaste colors from clipboardKleebi värvused lõikepuhvristImport Palette...Impordi palett...Import palette from fileImpordi palett failistRemove PaletteEemalda palettRemove current paletteEemalda praegune palettNew Palette...Uus palett...Create a new paletteLoo uus palettCopy ColorsKopeeri värvidCopy selected colorsKopeeri valitud värvidShow in Color ButtonsQgsConfigCacheError when loading project file '%1': %2 QgsConfigureShortcutsDialogKeyboard ShortcutsSearch...Otsi...ActionTegevusShortcutKiirklahvChangeMuudaSet NoneSet DefaultLoad...Laadi...Save...Salvesta...XML fileXML failAll filesKõik failidCannot write file %1:
%2.Ei saa kirjutada faili %1:
%2.Save ShortcutsSaving ShortcutsLoad ShortcutsLoading ShortcutsCannot read file %1:
%2.Ei saa lugeda faili %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2:
%3The file is not an shortcuts exchange file.Fail ei ole kiirklahvide vahetusfail.The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it.Failis asuvad kiirklahvid, mis on loodud teise lokaadiga, nii et seda ei saa kasutada.NonepuudubSet default (%1)Algseade (%1)Input: Sisend: Change ShortcutThis shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign?See kiirklahv on juba seotud tegevusega "%1". Kas muudan ära?QgsCptCityBrowserModelNameNimiInfoInfoQgsCptCityColorRampDialogError - cpt-city gradient files not found.
You have two means of installing them:
1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package.
You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS.
2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] .
This file can be found at [%2]
and current file is [%3]Selections by themeTemaatilised valikudAll by authorKõik autoriltAll Ramps (%1)Kõik gradiendid (%1)%1 Directory Details%1 Gradient DetailsYou can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager).
Saad alla laadida täiuslikuma komplekti cpt-city gradientidest, kui installid plugina "Värvigradiendi haldur" (pead lubama katselised pluginad).
Download More Cpt-city GradientsQgsCptCityColorRampDialogBaseCpt-city Color RampSelection and PreviewLicenseLitsentsPalettePalettPathTeeInformationInformatsioonAuthor(s)Autor(id)SourceAlgallikasDetailsDetailidSave as standard gradientSalvesta tava-gradiendinaQgsCptCityColorRampItemcolorsvärviddiscretemittepidevcontinuousjärjestikunecontinuous (multi)järjestikune (multi)variantsvariandidQgsCrashDialogDialogDialoogCopy ReportKopeeri teadeTell us something about when you got the crashReport DetailsTeate üksikasjadReload QGISLaadi QGIS uuestiQuitLoobuHeaderPealkiriMessageTeadeHelp MessageAbiteadeOh Uh!Hoplaa...:( QGIS CrashedSorry. It looks something unexpected happened that we didn't handle and QGIS crashed.Vabandust. Paistab, et juhtus midagi ootamatut ja QGIS jooksis kokku.Keen to help us fix bugs? <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html#bugs-features-and-issues">Follow the steps to help our developers.</a><br><br>You can also send us a helpful bug report using the Copy Report button <br>and opening a ticket at <a href="https://issues.qgis.org/">issues.qgis.org</a>Tahad aidata meil vigu parandada? <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html#bugs-features-and-issues">Meie arendajate abistamiseks tee järgmist.</a><br><br>Võid saata meile ka veaaruande, kasutades nuppu "Kopeeri aruanne"<br>ja avades pileti aadressil<a href="https://issues.qgis.org/">issues.qgis.org</a>QgsCredentialDialogEnter CredentialsSisene tuvastamiseleUsernameKasutajanimiPasswordParoolVerify passwordKontrolli paroolStore master password in your password managerDo not forget it: NOT retrievable!Ära unusta seda, see EI OLE taastatav!Saved for session, until app is quit.Salvestatud sessiooni ajaks, kuni rakendus suletakse.Password attempts: #Parooli katsed: #Erase authentication database?Kustutada autentimise andmebaas?TextLabelTekstiMärgisRealmPiirkondRequiredNõutudStore/update the master password in your %1Enter CURRENT master authentication passwordSisesta praegune peakasutaja paroolSet NEW master authentication passwordMäära uus peakasutaja paroolPassword attempts: %1Parooli katsed: %1QgsCustomLayerOrderWidgetControl rendering orderJuhi renderdamise järjekordaQgsCustomProjectionDialogQGIS Custom ProjectionQGIS-i kohandatud projektsioonThis proj4 projection definition is not valid.See proj4 projektsiooni kirjeldus ei ole kehtiv.new CRSUus koordinaatsüsteemThe proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid.Proj4 definitsioon '%1' kohta ei ole kehtivNorthing and Easthing must be in decimal form.Põhjalaius ja idapikkus peavad olema detsimaalformaadis.Internal Error (source projection invalid?)Sisemine viga (allika projektsioon vigane?)ErrorVigaQgsCustomProjectionDialogBaseCustom Coordinate Reference System DefinitionTüüpne koordinaatide referentssüsteemi (CRS) defineerimineDefineDefineeriIDIDYou can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS.Siit saad ise luua koordinaatide referentssüsteemi (CRS) tüüpe. Loodud tüüp peab sobima proj4 formaadiga määratletud CRS-is.NameNimiParametersParameetridCopy parameters from existing CRSTestTestiUse the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate.Kasuta tekstivälja allpool, et testida CRS kirjeldust mida lood. Sisesta koordinaat, kus pikkus/laius ja transformeeritud tulemused on teada (näiteks võttes need kaardilt). Seejärel vajuta arvuta nuppu et näha kas loodud CRS kirjeldus on täpne.Geographic / WGS84Geograafiline / WGS84Destination CRS Asukoha CRS NorthPõhi (N)EastIda (E)Add new CRSLisa uus koordinaatsüsteemCalculateArvutaRemove CRSEemalda koordinaatsüsteemQgsCustomizationDialogObject nameObjekti nimiLabelMärgisChoose a customization INI fileVali kohandusteks INI failCustomization files (*.ini)Kohanduste fail (*.ini)QgsCustomizationDialogBaseInterface CustomizationEnable customizationLuba kohandaminetoolBarTööriistaribaCatchHaaraSwitch to catching widgets in main applicationLülita haaratavaid vidinaid põhivaatesSaveSalvestaSave to fileSalvesta failiLoadLaadiLoad from fileLaadi failistExpand AllLaienda kõikCollapse AllSulge kõikCheck AllKontrolli kõikQgsDashSpaceDialogBaseDash Space PatternDashKriipsSpaceTühikQgsDataDefinedRotationDialogRotationPööramineQgsDataDefinedSizeDialogSizeSuurusQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidgetData-defined Size LegendLegend not enabledSeparated legend itemsCollapsed legendLegend Symbol...TitlePealkiriManual size classesAdd a class......Remove selected classOptions (collapsed only)Align symbolsBottomAllCenterKeskelValueVäärtusLabelMärgisAdd Size ClassEnter value for a new classQgsDataDefinedValueBaseDialogDialogDialoog……LabelMärgisQgsDataDefinedWidthDialogWidthLaiusQgsDataSourceManagerDialogData Source ManagerAndmeallika haldurBrowserBrauserCannot get %1 select dialog from source select provider %2.Data Source Manager | %1Andmeallika haldur | %1Add %1 layerLisa %1 kihtQgsDateTimeEditclearQgsDateTimeEditConfigFormVormDateKuupäevTimeAegDate timeISO date timeQt ISO Date formatISO 8601extended format: either <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> for dates or <code>yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss</code> (e.g. 2017-07-24T15:46:29), or with a time-zone suffix (Z for UTC otherwise an offset as [+|-]HH:mm) where appropriate for combined dates and times.FormatFormaatExamples resultExpressionAvaldisDate outputthe day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the year as two digit number (00-99)the year as four digit numberTime outputthe hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)use AM/PM display.will be replaced by eitheroruse am/pm display.will be replaced by either the timezone (for example "CEST")Field Format……Widget DisplayDefaultVaikimisiCustomKohandatudCalendar popupKalendrilehe hüpikAllow NULL valuesLuba NULL väärtusiPreviewEelvaadeQgsDateTimeEditPluginDefine dateMäära kuupäevQgsDateTimeEditWrapperDate/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit.UI formsThe usual date/time widget QDateTimeEdit cannot be configured to allow NULL values. For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used.Tavalist kuupäeva ja kellaaja vidinat QDateTimeEdit ei saa häälestada lubama tühiväärtusi. Selleks tuleb kasutada QGIS-i kohandatud vidinat QgsDateTimeEdit.field widgetsQgsDatumTransformDialogSource transformDestination transformFile '%1' not found in directory '%2'Kaustast '%2' ei leitud faili '%1'QgsDatumTransformDialogBaseSelect Datum TransformationsHide deprecatedPeida vananenudDestination CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemSource CRSLähte-koordinaatsüsteemQgsDatumTransformTableModelSource CRSLähte-koordinaatsüsteemSource datum transformDestination CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemDestination datum transformQgsDatumTransformTableWidgetBaseFormVorm......QgsDb2ConnectionItemDB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.DB2 Spatial Extender ei ole lubatud või seadistatud.Refresh ConnectionEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendus%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ei ole vektorkiht!Import to DB2 databaseImpordi DB2 andmebaasiFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import was successful.Import õnnestus.QgsDb2NewConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
HOIATUS: Oled valinud parooli salvestamise. Parool salvestatakse tavalise tekstina projektifailides ja tavapärases kataloogis Unix-i sarnases süsteemides või kasutajaprofiilis Windowsi puhul. Kui sa ei soovi seda, siis palun vajuta Loobu nuppu.
Save ConnectionError: %1.Viga: %1Connection to %1 was successful.Connection failed: %1.Ühendus ebaõnnestus: %1Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas olemasolev ühendus %1 kirjutada üle?QgsDb2NewConnectionBaseConnection InformationÜhenduse informatsioonDriverDraiverHostHostPortPort&Test Connection&Testi ühendustDatabaseAndmebaasCreate a New DB2 ConnectionNameNimiService/DSNTeenus/DSNAuthenticationAutentimineQgsDb2Provider8 Bytes integer8 Bitine täisarv4 Bytes integer4 Bitine täisarv2 Bytes integer2 Bitine täisarvDecimal number (numeric)Kümnendmurruga arv (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Kümnendmurruga arv (decimal)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)DateKuupäevTimeAegDate & Timekuupäev ja kellaaegText, fixed length (char)Tekst, kindla pikkusega väli (char)Text, variable length (varchar)Tekst, muutuva pikkusega (varchar)Text, variable length large object (clob)Tekst, muutuva pikkusega suur objekt (clob)Text, variable length large object (dbclob)Tekst muutuva pikkusega suur objekt (dbclob)QgsDb2RootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsDb2SchemaItemDB2 *** %1 as %2 in %3DB2 *** %1 kui %2 %3sas geometryless tablegeomeetriata tabelinaQgsDb2SourceSelectAdd Db2 Table(s)Lisa DB2 tabel(id)&Set Filter&Määra filterSet FilterFilterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikSchemaSkeemTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Select TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.DB2 ProviderDB2 pakkujaDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS Not FoundEi leitud DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNSDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS not found. The DB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.Ei leitud DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS. The DB2 Spatial Extender ei ole lubatud või seadistatud.StopLõpetaConnectÜhendaQgsDb2SourceSelectDelegateSelect…QgsDb2TableModelSchemaSkeemTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSelect at idVali id-gaSqlSqlDetecting…Select…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Keela funktsioon "Kiire juurdepääs nähtustele ID-ga", et hoida atribuuditabel mälus (nt kui vaatamised on kulukad).QgsDbSourceSelectBaseAdd PostGIS LayersLisa PostGIS-i kihidConnectionsÜhendusedConnect to selected databaseÜhenda valitud andmebaasigaConnectÜhendaCreate a new database connectionLoo uus andmebaasiühendusNewUusEdit selected database connectionMuuda valitud andmebaasi ühendustEditRedigeeriRemove connection to selected databaseEemalda valitud andmebaasiühendusRemoveEemaldaLoadLoad connections from fileLaadiSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaAlso list tables with no geometrySamuti lisa geomeetriata tabelid nimekirjaKeep dialog openHoia dialoog avatunaSearch optionsOtsisuvanidSearchOtsiSearch modeOtsingu viisSearch in columnsOtsi veergudestQgsDecorationCopyrightDialogCopyright Label DecorationAutoriõiguse märgise lisamine&Placement&PaiknemineMargin from edgePiire servastHorizontalHorisontaalneEnable Copyright LabelCopyright label textAutoriõiguse märgise tekstVerticalVertikaalneInsert an Expression...FontFontTop leftÜlal vasakulTop rightÜlal paremalBottom leftAll vasakulBottom rightAll paremalCopyright Label Text FormatQgsDecorationGridNo active layerAktiivsete kihtidetaGet Interval from LayerPlease select a raster layer.Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS.Invalid raster layerVigane rasterkihtQgsDecorationGridDialogInterval XX-intervallInterval YY-intervallGrid PropertiesEnable GridDraw AnnotationGrid typeVõrgustiku tüüpLine symbolJoone sümbolAnnotation directionMärkuse suundDistance to map frameKaugus kaardi raaminiCoordinate precisionKoordinaatide täpsusFontFontMarker symbolMarkeri sümbolOffset XX-niheOffset YY-niheUpdate Interval / Offset fromUuendusintervall ja nihe kohastCanvas ExtentsKaardiakna ulatusActive Raster LayerAktiivne rasterkihtLineJoonMarkerMarkerHorizontalHorisontaalneVerticalVertikaalneBoundary directionPiirjoone suundHorizontal and VerticalHorisontaalne ja vertikaalneQgsDecorationLayoutExtent%1: %2%1: %2QgsDecorationLayoutExtentDialogLayout Extents PropertiesShow Layout ExtentsFontFontSymbolSümbolLabel extentsMärgise ulatusQgsDecorationNorthArrowDialogNorth Arrow DecorationPõhja suuna noole lisamineSizeSuurus mmmmCustom SVG……ColorVärvusFillTäideHorizontalHorisontaalneVerticalVertikaalneAutomaticAutomaatnePreview of north arrowPõhja noole eelvaadeAngleNurkEnable North ArrowNäita Põhja suuna nooltStrokePlacementPaiknemineMargin from edgePiire servastPlacement on screenAsukoht ekraanilTop leftÜlal vasakulTop rightÜlal paremalBottom leftAll vasakulBottom rightAll paremalSelect SVG fileVali SVG failSelect North Arrow Fill ColorSelect North Arrow Outline ColorFile not foundFaili ei leitudPixmap not foundPixmap leidmataQgsDecorationScaleBarTick DownNäita allapooleTick UpNäita ülespooleBarTulpBoxKastkmkmmmmmcmcmmmmilesmiilidmileinchesfootfeetjalgadegreedegreeskraadiQgsDecorationScaleBarDialogScale Bar DecorationJoonmõõtkava lisamineScale bar styleJoonmõõtkava stiilSelect the style of the scale barVali kujundus joonmõõtkavaleMargin from edgePiire servastTick DownNäita allapooleEnable Scale BarFillTäideOutlinePiirjoonTick UpNäita ülespooleBoxKastBarTulpFont of barFontFontHorizontalHorisontaalneVerticalVertikaalneColor of barTulba värvusSize of barTulba suurusPlacementPaiknemineAutomatically snap to round number on resizeAutomaatselt teisenda ümardatud numbrile mõõtkava muutudes meters/kmmeetrit/km feet/miles jalad/miilid degrees kraadiTop leftÜlal vasakulTop rightÜlal paremalBottom leftAll vasakulBottom rightAll paremalSelect Scale Bar Fill ColorSelect Scale Bar Outline ColorQgsDefaultRasterLayerLegendfollowing %1 items
not displayedjärgmist %1 kirjet
ei näidataQgsDelAttrDialogBaseDelete FieldsProvider fields can only be deleted when the layer is in edit mode.Pakkuja väljasid saab kustutada ainult redigeerimisrežiimis.Provider does not support deleting fields.Pakkuja ei toeta väljade kustutamist.QgsDelimitedTextProviderFile type string in %1 is not correctly formattedFaili tüübi rida %1 ei ole korralikult vormindatudFile cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not validFaili ei saa avada või eraldaja parameetrid ei ole kehtivad%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file%0 väli %1 ei ole tekstifailis kirjeldatudInvalid record format at line %1Kehtetu kirje vorming real %1Invalid WKT at line %1Kehtetu WKT real %1Invalid X or Y fields at line %1Kehtetud X või Y väljad real %1%1 records discarded due to invalid format%1 kirjet jäeti välja vale formaadi tõttu%1 records have missing geometry definitions%1 kirjel puudub geomeetria definitsioon%1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions%1 kirjet jäeti välja kehtetu geomeetria definitsiooni tõttu%1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types%1 kirjet jäeti välja sobimatu geomeetria tüübi tõttuErrors in file %1Vead failis %1The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors:Järgmiseid ridu ei laaditud vigade tõttu QGIS-i:There are %1 additional errors in the fileFailis on veel %1 vigaDelimited text file errorsTekstifaili veadInvalid subset string %1 for %2Vigane alamosa tekst %1 kuni %2The file has been updated by another application - reloadingFaili on muudetud teise rakenduse kaudu – laadin uuestiWhole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Tekst, piiramatu pikkusega väli (tekst)Whole number (integer - 64 bit)Täisarv (integer - 64bit)QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectNo layer nameKihi nimi puudubPlease enter a layer name before adding the layer to the mapPalun lisa kihi nimi enne kihi lisamist kaardilNo delimiters setEraldusmärk määramataUse one or more characters as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typeKasuta ühte või enamat tähemärki eraldusmärgina või vali teistsugune eraldusmärgi tüüpInvalid regular expressionVigane regulaaravaldisPlease enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typePalun sisesta kehtiv regulaaravaldis eraldajana või vali teine eraldaja tüüpInvalid delimited text fileKehtetu tekstifailPlease enter a valid file and delimiterPalun sisesta korrektne fail ja eraldusmärkChoose a Delimited Text File to OpenText filesTekstifailidPlease select an input filePalun vali sisendfailFile %1 does not existFaili %1 ei ole olemasPlease enter a layer namePalun sisesta kihi nimiAt least one delimiter character must be specifiedVähemalt üks eraldusmärk peab olema kirjeldatudRegular expression is not validRegulaaravaldis on sobimatu^.. expression needs capture groupsDefinition of filename and delimiters is not validFailinime ja eraldajate kirjeldus ei ole kehtivNo data found in fileFailis pole andmeid%1 badly formatted records discarded%1 halvasti vormindatud kirjet jäeti kõrvaleX and Y field names must be selectedTuleb valida X ja Y väljade nimedX and Y field names cannot be the sameX ja Y väljade nimed peavad olema erinevadThe WKT field name must be selectedTuleb valida WKT välja nimiThe CRS must be selected%1 badly formatted records discarded from sample data%1 halvasti vormindatud rida prooviandmetet jäeti väljaAll filesKõik failidQgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBaseCreate a Layer from a Delimited Text FileLoo kiht eraldustega tekstifailistLayer nameKihi nimiName to display in the map legendNäidatav kihi nimi kaardi leppemärkidesName displayed in the map legendNimi mis näidatakse kaardi leppemärkidesField names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numberedVäljanimed loetakse esimesest kirjest. Kui ei ole valitud, siis väljad nummerdatakseThe file is a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by "Fail on komadega eraldatud väärtuste fail, väljad on eraldatud komadega ja koteeritud ''Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each fieldIga rida failis on piiratud regulaaravaldisega määramaks iga välja lõppuTabTabSpaceTühikCommaKomaFile nameFaili nimiEncodingKodeerimineSelect the file encodingVali faili kodeeringRecord and Fields OptionsX and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/secondsX ja Y koordinaadid on esitatud kujul kraadid/minutid/sekundidDMS coordinatesDMS koordinaadidGeometry fieldGeomeetria väliName of the field containing well known text valueVäli, mis sisaldab WKT väärtustGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpDetectTuvastaPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonNumber of header lines to discardRidade arv päises, mis tuleb kõrvale jättaThe number of lines to discard from the beginning of the fileRidade arv faili algusest, mis tuleb kõrvale jättaFirst record has field namesEsimesel kirjel on väljanimedCSV (comma separated values)CSV (komadega eraldatud väärtused)File FormatFailiformaatFields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape charactersVäljad defineeritakse kindla eraldusmärgi, tekstimarkeri ja reavahetuse tähemärgigaCustom delimitersKohandatud eraldajadRegular expression delimiterRegulaaravaldise eraldusmärkOthersTeisedDetect field typesGeometry DefinitionWell known text (WKT)<p align="left">X field</p><p align="left">X väli</p><p align="left">Y field</p><p align="left">Y väli</p>Geometry CRSLayer SettingsUse a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting featuresKasuta ruumiindeksit et parandada nähtuste kuvamist ja ruumilist selekteerimistUse spatial indexKasuta ruumiindeksitUse an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties)Kasuta indeksit et parandada alamhulga filtrite käideldavust (määra kihi omadustes)Use subset indexKasuta alamhulga indeksitWatch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is runningJälgi muudatusi, mida teevad failis teised rakendused sellal kui QGIS töötabWatch fileJälgi failiSample DataGeometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fieldsGeomeetria on punkt defineeritud X ja Y koordinaatide järgiPoint coordinatesPunkti koordinaadidGeometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fieldsGeomeetria loetakse WKT'na valitud väljadeltThe file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the mapFailis on ainult atribuutide väärtused- seda ei näidata kaardilNo geometry (attribute only table)Ilma geomeetriata (ainult atribuutide tabel)Trim leading and trailing spaces from fieldsKärbi eelnevad ja järgnevad tühikud väljadest.Trim fieldsKärbi väljadDiscard empty fields in each recordJäta iga kirje tühjad väljad väljaDiscard empty fieldsJäta tühjad väljad väljaNumber fields use comma for a decimal separatorNumbrilised väljad kasutavad kümnendi eraldajana komaDecimal separator is commaSeparaator on komaComma character is one of the delimitersKoma on üks eraldusmärkidestTab character is one of the delimitersTab on üks eraldusmärkidestSpace character is one of the delimitersTühik on üks eraldusmärkidestColon character is one of the delimitersKoolon on üks eraldusmärkidestSemicolon character is one of the delimitersSemikoolon on üks eraldusmärkidestSemicolonSemikoolonDelimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options.Eraldusmärke kasutatakse väljade eraldamiseks tekstifailis. Eraldusmärgi pikkus võib olla suurem kui üks tähemärk. Neid tähemärke on kasutatud lisaks koma, tab, tühiku, kooloni ja semikooloni valikule.The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes.QuoteTsitaatThe quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines""EscapeReavahetusExpressionAvaldisRegular expression used to split each line into fieldsKasutatud regulaaravaldist ridade väljadeks tükeldamiselSample dataNäidisandmedColonKoolonName of the field containing x valuesVälja nimi mis sisaldab X väärtusiName of the field containing y valuesY väärtuste välja nimiQgsDetailedItemWidgetBaseFormVormHeading LabelPäise märgisDetail labelSisu märgisCategory labelKategooria märgisQgsDiagramPropertiesPie chartSektordiagrammNo diagramsPuuduvad diagrammidText diagramTekstidiagrammHistogramHistogrammSelect Background ColorSelect Pen ColorHeightKõrgusx-heightx-kõrgusAreaAlaDiameterDiameeterDiagram PropertiesDiagrammi omadusedExpression Based AttributeAvaldisel põhinev atribuutTopÜlalTransparent BackgroundTransparent StrokeRightParemalBottomAllLeftVasakulThe diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you.Tundmatu diagrammitüüp '%1' . Algne variant valitud.Bar length: Scale linearly, so that the following value matches the specified bar length:Riba pikkus: Skaleeri pikisuunas, nii et järgnev väärtus kattuks määratud riba pikkusega:Bar lengthRiba pikkusSizeSuurusScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size:Lineaarne skaala 0-i ja järgmise atribuudiväärtuse / diagrammi suuruse vahel:Diagrams: No attributes added.Diagrammid: atribuute pole lisatud.You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams.Atribuudid diagrammile lisamata. Palun määra atribuute et diagrammi kasutada või lülita diagrammid välja.QgsDiagramPropertiesBaseLowMadalHighKõrgeBackground colorTaustavärvLine colorJoone värvusLine widthJoone paksusBar widthTulba laiusScale dependent visibilityMõõtkavast sõltuv nähtavusShow all diagramsNäita kõiki diagrammeSizeSuurusFixed sizeKindla suurusegaSize unitsSuuruse ühikudAttributeAtribuutOpacityLäbipaistvus……FontFontControls how diagrams are drawn on top of each other. Diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn above diagrams and labels with a lower z-index.Always showNäita alatiDiscourage diagrams and labels from covering featuresShow diagramNäita diagrammiControls whether specific diagrams should be shownControls whether specific diagrams should always be rendered, even when they overlap other diagrams or map labelsAlways show all diagrams, even when they overlap with each other or other map labelsScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram sizeSkaleeri lineaarselt 0 ja järgmise atribuudi väärtuse / diagrammi suuruse vahelScaleSkaalaIncrease size of small diagramsSuurenda väikese diagrammi suurustMinimum sizeMiinimumsuurusPlacementPaiknemineXXYYDistancePikkusOptionsSuvandidCoordinatesKoordinaadidAround pointÜmber punktiOver pointLabel placementMärgise paiknemineBar OrientationTulba asetusLegendLeppemärkFormatFormaatStart angleAlgusnurkVisibilityNähtavusMaximum valueMaksimaalväärtusFindLeiaScaled sizeSkaleeritud suurusDiagram z-indexDiagrammi z-indeksAbove lineJoone kohalBelow lineJoone allOn lineJoone pealLine orientation dependent positionJoone suunast sõltuv asukohtPriorityPrioriteetsusLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Sildid paigutatakse võrdse raadiusega ringi sisse ümber punkti.Labels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Sildid paigutatakse punktist kindla nihkegaOver LineÜle jooneAround LineÜmber jooneInside PolygonPolügooni seesAround CentroidÜmber keskpunktiOver CentroidÜle keskpunktiUsing PerimeterUpÜlesDownAllaRightParemalLeftVasakulShow legend entries for diagram attributesNäita diagrammi atribuutide kohta legendikirjeidLegend Entries for Diagram Size...AttributesAtribuudidAutomated placement settings (apply to all layers)Automaatse paigutuse seaded (kehtesta kõigile kihtidele)RenderingRenderdamineAvailable attributesSaadaval atribuududAdd expressionLisa avaldisAdd selected attributesRemove selected attributesAssigned attributesSeostatud atribuudidDrag and drop to reorderLohista järjekorra muutmiseksColorVärvusQgsDirectoryItemNew Directory…Create DirectoryDirectory nameThe path “%1” already exists.Could not create directory “%1”.Open Directory…QgsDirectoryParamWidgetNameNimiSizeSuurusDateKuupäevPermissionsLigipääsudOwnerOmanikGroupRühmTypeTüüpfolderkaustfilefailQgsDiscoverRelationsDlgBaseDiscover RelationsLeia seosedNameNimiReferencing LayerViite-kihtReferencing FieldSeostatav VäliReferenced LayerViidatav kihtReferenced FieldSeotav VäliStrengthTugevusQgsDisplayAngleBaseAngleNurkQgsDockWidgetPluginA dock widgetDokkimise vidinQgsDualViewSort by preview expressionJärjesta eelvaate avaldise aluselExpression Based PreviewAvaldisel põhinev eelvaadeColumn PreviewVeeru EelvaadeCould not set column '%1' as preview column.
Parser error:
%2Ei saa määrata veergu '%1' eelvaate veeruks.
Parseri viga:
%2&Sort…&AutosizeCopy Cell ContentKopeeri lahtri sisuZoom to FeaturePan to FeatureFlash FeatureRun Layer ActionOpen FormAva vorm&Hide Column&Set Width…&Organize Columns…Set column widthMäära veeru laiusEnter column widthSisesta veeru laiusConfigure Attribute Table Sort OrderLoading features…Attribute TableAtribuutandmete tabelDefined sort order in attribute tableMääratud atribuuditabeli järjestamineSort ascendingJärjesta vähenevaltAbortNurja%1 features loaded.%1 nähtust laaditud.QgsDualViewBase……ExpressionAvaldisColumn PreviewVeeru EelvaadeQgsDummyConfigDlgBaseFormVormDummy TextNäidistekstQgsDwgImportBaseDWG/DXF ImportDWG/DXF-importLayerKihtVisibleNähtavGroup nameRühma nimiMerge layersLiida kihidImportImpordiSource drawingTarget packageSelect GeoPackage DatabaseReloadLaadi uuestiLayers to Import into ProjectDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustSelect AllVali kõikImport Drawing into GeoPackageCRSKoordinaatsüsteemLoad layersLaadi kihidExpand block referencesUse curvesKasuta kaarjooniQgsDwgImportDialogSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Vali DXF-faili koordinaatsüsteem. Andmepunktid transformeeritakse kihi koordinaatsüsteemistDrawing file was meanwhile updated (%1 > %2).Joonist on vahepeal muudetud (%1 > %2).Drawing file unavailable.Joonis ei ole kättesaadavCould not open layer listEi saanud avada kihtide loeteluSelect DWG/DXF fileVali DWG/DXF-failDXF/DWG filesDXF/DWG-failidDrawing import completed.Joonise import lõpetatud.Drawing import failed (%1)Joonise import ebaõnnestus (%1)QgsDxfExportDialogDXF filesDXF-failidSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Vali DXF-failile koordinaatsüsteem. Andmepunktid transformeeritakse kihi koordinaatsüsteemist.Export as DXFEkspordi DXF-ina...QgsDxfExportDialogBaseSymbology modeSümboloogia viisSymbology scaleSümboloogia mõõtkavaSave asSalvesta nimegaDXF ExportNo symbologyIlma sümboloogiataFeature symbologyNähtuste sümboloogiaSymbol layer symbologySümbolkihi sümboloogiaCRSKoordinaatsüsteemSelect AllVali kõikDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustMap themesKaardi teemadExport features intersecting the current map extentEkspordi nähtused, mis lõikuvad praeguse kaardivaate ulatusegaForce 2d output (eg. to support polyline width)Export labels as MTEXT elementsEncodingKodeerimineUse layer title as name if setKasuta kihi pealkirja kui nime, kui on määratudQgsEditorWidgetRegistryClassificationKlassifitseerimineRangeUlatusUnique ValuesUnikaalsed väärtusedValue MapVäärtuskaartEnumerationLoeteluHiddenVarjatudText EditTekstiväliCheckboxValikukastValue RelationVäärtuse seosUuid GeneratorUUID generaatorAttachmentManusKey/ValueVõti/väärtusListLoeteluQgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory not valid.QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory with id %1 already registered.ColorVärvusRelation ReferenceDate/TimeKuupäev/aegQgsEditorWidgetWrapperNot NULLMitte NULLUniqueUnikaalneConstraint checks passedPiirangute kontrollid läbitudQgsEffectDrawModeComboBoxRender onlyAinult renderdaModifier onlyRender and modifyQgsEffectStackCompactWidgetDraw effectsJoonista efekteCustomize effectsQgsEffectStackPropertiesDialogEffect PropertiesEfekti omadusedQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetEffects PropertiesEfektide omadusedQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetBaseEffectsEfektidAdd new effectLisa uus effektRemove effectEemalda effektMove upTõsta ülesMove downTõsta allaQgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillTransparent StrokeSelect Stroke ColorQgsEmbeddedLayerSelectDialogSelect Layers to EmbedQgsEncodingFileDialogEncoding:Kodeerimine:Cancel &AllLoobu &kõigestQgsEncodingSelectionDialogEncodingKodeeringSelect EncodingSystemSüsteemsedQgsErrorDialogErrorVigaQgsErrorDialogBaseDialogDialoogAlways show detailsAlati näita detaileDetails >>Detailid>><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Detailne raport.</span></p></body></html>QgsExpressionNo root node! Parsing failed?Puuduvad tüvepunktid! Sõelumine ebaõnnestus?function help for %1 missingfunktsiooni %1 abi on puudugrouprühm%1 %2%1 %2SyntaxSüntaksoperatoroperaatorfunctionfunktsioonArgumentsArgumendidExamplesNäidisedNotesMärkusedempty geometrygeometry: %1map layerfeature: %1interval: %1 daysgradient rampdate: %1time: %1datetime: %1GeneralÜldineOperatorsOperaatoridConditionalsTingimuslikkusedFields and ValuesVäljad ja väärtusedMathMatemaatikaConversionsTeisendusedDate and TimeKuupäev ja aegStringLausendColorVärvusGeometryGeomeetriaRecordSalvestisVariablesMuutujadFuzzy MatchingLigikaudne kattuvus[ ] marks optional componentsRecent (%1)Hiljutine (%1)<i>NULL</i><i>NULL</i>'%1…'%1…%1% {1…?}expressionavaldisIf represent_value is called with 1 parameter, it must be an attribute.represent_value must be called with exactly 1 or 2 parameters.QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBaseExpression String BuilderAvaldise sõnekoosturQgsExpressionBuilderWidgetSearch…Otsi..."""Define a new function using the @qgsfunction decorator.
The function accepts the following parameters
: param [any]: Define any parameters you want to pass to your function before
the following arguments.
: param feature: The current feature
: param parent: The QgsExpression object
: param context: If there is an argument called ``context`` found at the last
position, this variable will contain a ``QgsExpressionContext``
object, that gives access to various additional information like
expression variables. E.g. ``context.variable( 'layer_id' )``
: returns: The result of the expression.
The @qgsfunction decorator accepts the following arguments:
: param args: Defines the number of arguments. With ``args = 'auto'`` the number of
arguments will automatically be extracted from the signature.
With ``args = -1``, any number of arguments are accepted.
: param group: The name of the group under which this expression function will
be listed.
: param handlesnull: Set this to True if your function has custom handling for NULL values.
If False, the result will always be NULL as soon as any parameter is NULL.
Defaults to False.
: param usesgeometry : Set this to False if your function does not access
feature.geometry(). Defaults to True.
: param referenced_columns: An array of attribute names that are required to run
this function. Defaults to [QgsFeatureRequest.ALL_ATTRIBUTES].
"""Enter new file nameSisesta uue faili nimiFile name:Faili nimi:Recent (%1)Hiljutine (%1)Map LayersRelationsRelatsioonidParser ErrorsEval ErrorHindamise vigaExpression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a>Avaldis on vigane <a href=more>(lisateave)</a>Inserts the relation ID for the relation named '%1'.Current value: '%1'Inserts the layer ID for the layer named '%1'.More Info on Expression ErrorLoad First 10 Unique ValuesLoad All Unique ValuesSaving…QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBaseFormVormEqual operatorVõrdusmärk==Addition operatorLiitmismärk++Subtraction operatorLahutamismärk--Division operatorJagamismärk//Multiplication operatorKorrutusmärk**Power operatorAstme märk^^String ConcatenationTeksti liitmine||||Open Bracket Avasulg((Close Bracket Lõpusulg))'\n''\n'Run the current editor text in QGIS (also saves current script).
Use this when testing your functions.
Saved scripts are auto loaded on QGIS startup.Save and Load FunctionsHelpAbiOutput preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer.Väljundi eelvaade loodud <br> kasutatud on kihi esimest nähtust.Output preview: Tulemuse eelvaade:ExpressionAvaldisNew LineExpected Format:string [r,g,b,a] as int 0-255 or #RRGGBBAA as hex or color as color's nameValuesVäärtusedAll Unique10 SamplesFunction EditorFunktsiooni redaktorCreate a new function file based on the template file.
Change the name of the script and save to allow QGIS to auto load on startup.Loo uus mallifailil põhinev funktsioonifail.
Muuda skripti nimi ja salvesta see, et QGIS saaks käivitamisel selle automaatselt laadida.QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetPluginEdit expressionRedigeeri avaldistQgsExpressionCalculatorLocatorFilterCopy “%1” to clipboardKopeeri "%1" lõikepuhvrisseCalculatorKalkulaatorQgsExpressionLineEditExpression DialogAvaldise dialoogQgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperatorCan't perform /, *, or % on DateTime and IntervalQgsExpressionNodeColumnRefColumn '%1' not foundVeergu '%1' ei leitudQgsExpressionNodeLiteral[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperatorUnary minus only for numeric values.Unaarne miinus ainult numbrilistele väärtustele.QgsExpressionSelectionDialogZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresSuurenda %n sobiva nähtuseniSuumi %n vastava nähtuseniNo matching features foundPuuduvad kattuvad nähtusedQgsExpressionSelectionDialogBaseSelect by ExpressionVali avaldise järgi&CloseZoom to Features……Select featuresVali nähtusedAdd to current selectionLisa praegusesse valikusseRemove from current selectionEemalda praegusest valikustFilter current selectionFiltreeri praegust valikutQgsExtentGroupBoxExtentUlatuslayerKihtmap viewkaardivaadeuser definedkasutaja poolt määratuddrawn on canvasnonetühi%1 (current: %2)%1 (hetkel: %2)QgsExtentGroupBoxPluginA group box to enter a map extentQgsExtentGroupBoxWidgetFormVormWestLääs (W)EastIda (E)Map Canvas ExtentCalculate from LayerDraw on CanvasCurrent Layer ExtentNorthPõhi (N)SouthLõuna (S)QgsExternalResourceConfigDlgFormVormPathTeeDefault path<html><head/><body><p>When not empty, always open the file selector at the root of this path for searching new files. If empty, the last used path of this editor widget will be used. If this editor widget has never been used by the user, the project path will be used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If you want to make the attribute to store only relative paths, toggle one of these options.</p></body></html>Relative pathsRelatiivne asukohatee<html><head/><body><p>Set exclusive file selection methods.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store filenames (this is the default choice).</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store directories and not filenames. The file selector will let you choose only directories and not files.</p></body></html>Relative to project path……<html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the current QGIS project path.</p><p>For example, if your QGIS project is in <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/my_project.qgs"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"data/files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the default path set just above.</p><p>For example, if your default path is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html>Relative to default pathStorage ModeFile pathsDirectory paths<html><head/><body><p>This option displays file paths as clickable hyperlinks. When you click on the file path, the file should normally be opened by the default viewer defined in your operating system.</p></body></html>Use a hyperlink for document path (read-only)<html><head/><body><p>By default, the hyperlink is only displayed with the name of the file and not the full path. If you check this option, hyperlinks will be displayed with the complete path.</p></body></html>Display the full pathDisplay button to open file dialogFilterFilter<html><head/><body><p>Filter syntax is borrowed from Qt <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QFileDialog::getOpenFileName</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">.</span></p><p>If you want simple filter on all pdf files, just use:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf</span></p><p>If you want one filter for multiple file extensions (on .pdf, .odt and .doc files):</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf *.odt *.doc</span></p><p>If you want to describe your filter, use parentheses:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">Text documents (*.pdf, *.odt, *.doc)</span></p><p>If you want multiple filters, separate them with ';;':</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"</span></p></body></html>HeightKõrgusAutoAutomaatneDisplay Resource PathIntegrated Document Viewer pxpikselWidthLaiusSpecify the size of the preview. If you leave it set to Auto, an optimal size will be calculated.TypeTüüpNo contentImagePiltWeb viewVeebSelect a directoryVali kaustQgsFeatureActionRun ActionsQgsFeatureListComboBoxJust start typing what you are looking for.QgsFeatureSelectionDlgDialogDialoogQgsFieldCalculatorNot available for layerKihile ei ole saadavOnly update %1 selected featuresUuenda ainult %1 valitud nähtustCould not add the new field to the provider.Ei suutnud lisada uut välja tootjale.Evaluation ErrorCreate New FieldCalculating fieldAn error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1Tekkis viga arvutuskäigu kontrollimisel:
%1<geometry><geometry>Please enter a field namePalun sisesta välja nimi
The expression is invalid see (more info) for details
Avaldis on vigane. Vaata lisateavet, et näha üksikasjuQgsFieldCalculatorBaseOnly update selected featuresVärskenda ainult valikus olevaid nähtusiThis layer does not support adding new provider fields. You can only add virtual fields.Create a new fieldLoo uus väliOutput field nameVäljundi välja nimiOutput field lengthVäljund-välja pikkusLength of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field length.Output field typeVäljundi välja tüüp<p>A virtual field will be recalculated every time it is used. Its definition will be saved in the project file. It will not be saved in the dataprovider and therefore its values not be available in other software.</p><p>Virtuaalne väli arvutatakse iga kasutamise ajal uuesti ümber. Selle definitsioon salvestatakse projekti faili. Seda ei salvestata andmepakkujale ja seepärast ei ole selle väärtused teiste tarkvaradega kättesaadavad.</p>Create virtual fieldLoo virtuaalne väliPrecisionTäpsusField CalculatorVäljakalkulaatorYou are editing information on this layer but the layer is currently not in edit mode. If you click OK, edit mode will automatically be turned on.Update existing fieldVärskenda olemasolevat väljaQgsFieldComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the fields of a layerRippmenüü kihi väljade loetlemiseksA combo box to list the fields of a layer.QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidgetConditional Style Rule ExpressionQgsFieldConditionalWidgetFormVormFieldVäliNew RuleUus reegelConditionTingimus@value@väärtusConditional Format RulesTingimusvormingu reeglidBackgroundTaustTextTekstIconIkoonBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Rasvane tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)BPaksendatudItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Kald-tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)IKaldkiriUnderlined textAllajoonitud tekstUUStrikeout textLäbikriipsutatud tekstSSNameNimiPresetEelseadistusDoneValmisFull rowTäisrida……CancelLoobuDeleteKustutaQgsFieldExpressionWidgetExpression DialogAvaldise dialoogQgsFieldExpressionWidgetPluginAn editable combo box to enter an expressionRedigeeritav rippmenüü avaldise sisestamiseksAn editable combo box to enter an expression. A button allows opening the expression dialog. Expression are evaluated to detect errors.Redigeeritav rippmenüü avaldise sisestamiseks. Nupp võimaldab avada avaldise sisestamisakna. Avaldisi kontrollitakse vigade tuvastamiseks.QgsFileDownloaderNetwork request %1 timed outVõrgupäring %1 aegusNo output filename specifiedCannot open output file: %1Ei saa avada väljundfaili: %1Download failed: %1QgsFileDownloaderAlgorithmDownload filefile,downloader,internet,url,fetch,get,httpsFile toolsThis algorithm downloads a URL on the file system.URLURLFile destinationNo URL specifiedOutput file doesn't exist.%1 downloaded.%1 of %2 downloaded.QgsFileDownloaderDialogDownloadLaadi allaDownloading %1.Laadin alla: %1.Download FileDownloading %1 of %2 %3.QgsFileWidgetSelected files:<br><ul><li>%1</li></ul><br>Select a fileVali failSelect one or more filesSelect a directoryVali kaustCreate or select a fileQgsFilterAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetOutput NameFilter ExpressionFiltri avaldisFinal OutputOutputs and filtersAdd OutputRemove Selected OutputsQgsFirstRunDialogWelcome to QGISLet's get started!Welcome to QGIS 3<html><head/><body><p><a href="http://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.4-LTR/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2a76c6;">Check out </span></a>the change log for all the new stuff.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">You are running a dev version. We would love your feedback and testing.</span></p></body></html>Ready to go?Import settings from QGIS 2.I want a clean start. Don't import my QGIS 2 settings.Settings will be imported into the default profile and you will only see this screen once.Welcome to QGIS %1QgsFontButtonText FormatFontFontAaFont size (%1)Font size (pt)Recent FontsConfigure Format…Copy FormatPaste FormatCopy ColorPaste ColorQgsFontButtonPluginSelect fontQgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Symbol Fill ColorSelect Symbol Stroke ColorQgsFormAnnotationDialogDeleteKustutaQt designer fileQt kujundaja failQgsFormAnnotationDialogBaseForm AnnotationVormi märkus……QgsGCPListModelmap unitskaardi ühikudpixelspikslidVisibleNähtavIDIDSource XX allikasSource YY allikasDest. XX sihtpunktDest. YY sihtpunktdX (%1)dX (%1)dY (%1)dY (%1)Residual (%1)Jääk (%1)QgsGCPListWidgetRecenterTaaskeskelRemoveEemaldaQgsGPXProviderBad URI - you need to specify the feature type.Vigane URI - tuleb täpsustada nähtuse tüüp.GPS eXchange fileGPS eXchange'i failDigitized in QGISDigitud QGIS-isQgsGdalLayerItemCould not delete file.File deleted successfully.QgsGdalProviderDataset DescriptionAndmehulga kirjeldusBand %1Lõim %1X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3X: %1 Y: %2 Lõimed: %3DimensionsDimensioonidGDAL Driver DescriptionGDAL Driver MetadataCompressionPakkimineMore informationMask band (exposed as alpha band)OriginAllikasPixel SizePiksli suurusBandLõimFormat not supportedVormindust ei toetataCannot read dataAndmed ei ole loetavadCannot get GDAL raster band: %1Ei õnnestu hankida GDAL-i rasterlõimi: %1QgsGdalSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open GDAL Supported Raster Dataset(s)Add raster layerLisa rasterkihidNo layers selected.Kihte ei ole valitud.No protocol URI entered.URI protokolli ei ole sisestatud.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.QgsGdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Raster Layer(s)Lisa rasterkihidSource typeAllika tüüpF&ileProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.SourceAlgallikasRaster Dataset(s)ProtocolProtokollTypeTüüp&URIBucket or containerObject key......AuthenticationAutentimineQgsGenericProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorKoordinaatide referentssüsteemi (CRS) valijaQgsGeoNodeConnectionItemEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendusModify GeoNode connectionQgsGeoNodeNewConnectionCreate a New GeoNode ConnectionTest connectionTesti ühendust
Connection to %1 was successful,
%1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Connection failed,
please check whether %1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Invalid URLVigane URLYour URL doesn't contain a protocol (e.g. http or https). Please add the protocol.QgsGeoNodeRequest%1 of %2 bytes of request downloaded.Redirect loop detected: %1Leiti ümbersuunamise silmus: %1GeoNodeEmpty capabilities: %1Request failed: %1QgsGeoNodeRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsGeoNodeSourceSelectTitlePealkiriNameNimiTypeTüüpWeb ServiceModify GeoNode ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Delete GeoNode ConnectionGeoNodeLayerKihtWMSWMSWFSWFSXYZConnect to GeoNodeCannot get any feature services.Load ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)MapKaartQgsGeoPackageAbstractLayerItemDelete Layer '%1'…Delete LayerKustuta kihtLayer <b>%1</b> deleted successfully.QgsGeoPackageCollectionItemRemove ConnectionAdd ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)Could not delete GeoPackage.GeoPackage deleted successfully.GeoPackage importYou cannot import layer %1 over itself!%1: %2%1: %2Cannot Overwrite LayerDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Overwriting with raster layers is not currently supported.Overwrite LayerDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Import to GeoPackage databaseImport was successful.Import õnnestus.Failed to import some vector layers!
Failed to import some raster layers!
%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!Failed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Database compact (VACUUM)Vacuuming %1There was an error compacting (VACUUM) the database <b>%1</b>: %2Layer path is empty: layer cannot be deleted!There was an error deleting the layer %1: %2Layer URI is empty: layer cannot be deleted!QgsGeoPackageConnectionItemRemove ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)QgsGeoPackageRasterWriterTaskSaving %1QgsGeoPackageRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Create Database…QgsGeomColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Tabeli toomine lõpetatudTable retrieval stopped.Tabeli toomine peatus.QgsGeometryAngleCheckResulting geometry is degenerateSaadav geomeetria on viganeFailed to delete vertexKäänupunkti kustutamine ebaõnnestusUnknown methodTundmatu meetodDelete node with small angleKustuta väikese nurgaga sõlmedNo actionÄra tee midagiMinimal angleVähim nurkQgsGeometryAreaCheckFailed to merge with neighbor: %1Naabritega liitmine ebaõnnestus: %1Unknown methodTundmatu meetodMerge with neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeLiida naaberpolügooniga, millega sel polügoonil on pikim ühine servMerge with neighboring polygon with largest areaLiida suurima pindalaga naaberpolügoonigaMerge with neighboring polygon with identical attribute value, if any, or leave as isLiida naaberpolügooniga, millel on sama atribuudiväärtus, kui selliseid on, võta jäta samaksDelete featureKustuta nähtusNo actionÄra tee midagiMinimal areaVähim pindalaQgsGeometryCheckerDialogCheck GeometriesKontrolli geomeetriaidSetupResultTulemusQgsGeometryCheckerFixDialogFix ErrorsNextJärgmineFixParandaSkipJäta vaheleSelect how to fix error "%1":Vali kuidas parandada viga "%1"<b>Fixed:</b> %1<b>Parandatud:</b> %1<span color="red"><b>Fixed failed:</b> %1</span><span color="red"><b>Parandamine ebaõnnestus:</b> %1</span><b>Error is obsolete</b><b>Viga on vananenud</b>QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDialogSummaryKokkuvõteLayerKihtObject IDObjekti IDErrorVigaCoordinatesKoordinaadidValueVäärtusThe following checks reported errors:Järgmised kontrollid leidsid vigu:%1 errors were fixedparandati %1 viga %1 new errors were foundleiti %1 uut viga%1 errors were not fixed%1 viga jäid parandamata%1 errors are obsolete%1 viga on vananenudQgsGeometryCheckerPluginGeometry CheckerGeomeetria kontrollCheck geometries for errorsKontrolli geomeetriaidVectorVektorVersion 0.1Versioon 0.1Check Geometries…QgsGeometryCheckerResultTabFormVorm<b>Geometry check result:</b><b>Geomeetria kontrolli tulemus:</b>Object IDObjekti IDErrorVigaWhen a row is selected, move canvas toLayerKihtCoordinatesKoordinaadidValueVäärtusResolutionResolutsioonAttributeAtribuutExportEkspordiTotal errors: 0Kokku vigu: 0FeatureNähtusDon't &moveÄra &nihutaHighlight contour of selected featuresKuva valitud nähtuste kontuuridFix selected errors using default resolutionFix selected errors, prompt for resolution methodError resolution settingsShow selected features in attribute tableNäita valitud nähtusi atribuuditabelisAttribute to use when merging features by attribute value:The following checks reported errors:Järgmised kontrollid leidsid vigu:Total errors: %1, fixed errors: %2Vigu kokku: %1, parandatud vigu: %2Fixed: %1Parandatud: %1Fix failed: %1Parandamine ebaõnnestus: %1Select Output FileVali väljundfailRemove LayerCheck Errors OccurredExport ErrorsFailed to export errors to %1.Do you want to fix %1 errors?Kas soovid parandada %1 viga?Fix ErrorsSet Error ResolutionsSelect default error resolutions:One or more layers have been removed.QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTabFormVormOnly selected featuresAinult valitud nähtusedSelf intersectionsLõikumine iseendagaDuplicate nodesKorduvad nurgapunktidPolygon with less than 3 nodesVähem kui kolme sõlmega polügoonInput vector layersAllowed geometry typesLubatud geomeetriatüübidPointPunktMultipointMultipunktLineJoonMultilineMultijoonPolygonPolügoonMultipolygonMultipolügoonGeometry validityGeomeetria kehtivusSelf contactsGeometry propertiesGeomeetria omadusedLines must not have danglesGeometry conditionsGeomeetria tingimusedMinimum angle between segments (deg)Vähim nurk lõikude vahel (kraadi)Minimal segment length (map units)Vähim lõigu pikkus (kaardiühik)Minimal polygon area (map units sqr.)Polügooni vähim lubatud pindala (kaardiühik ruudus):No sliver polygonsÄra luba kildpolügooneMaximum thinnessSuurim kitsusMax. area (map units sqr.)Suurim lubatav pindala (kaardiühik ruudus)Topology checksTopoloogia kontrollidPoints must be covered by linesLines must not intersect with features of layerCheck for overlaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Otsi ülekatteid mis on väiksemad kui (kaardiühik ruudus)Points must properly lie inside a polygon<i>Note: Topology checks are performed in the current map CRS.</i>Polygons must follow boundaries of layerToleranceTõmberaadiusOutput vector layersCreate &new layers&Modify input layersFormatFormaatOutput directoryFilename prefixPolygons and multipolygons may not contain any holesPolügoonid ega multipolügoonid ei tohi sisaldada aukeMultipart objects must consist of more that one partMultiobjektid peavad koosnema rohkem kui ühest osast<html><head/><body><p>Thinness is the ratio between the area of the minimum square containing the polygon and the area of the polygon itself. A square has thinness 1. Default: 20.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Kitsus on polügooni mahutava vähima ristküliku ja polügooni enda pindala suhe. Ruudu kitsus on 1. Vaikimisi: 20.</p></body></html>Check for duplicatesOtsi korduvaid elementeLines must not intersect any other linesCheck for gaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Otsi auke, mis on väiksemad kui (kaardiühik ruudus)Check for features within other featuresOtsi nähtusi, mis on teiste nähtuste seesBrowseAvaRunKäivitaAbortNurjachecked_Select Output DirectoryCheck GeometriesKontrolli geomeetriaidThe selected input layers cannot contain a layer also selected for a topology check.The chosen output directory contains one or more input layers.Input layer '%1' is not allowed to be in editing mode.Failed to create one or more output layers:
%1The following output layers are in a format that does not support editing features:
The geometry check can be performed, but it will not be possible to fix any errors. Do you want to continue?<b>Preparing output...</b><b>Valmistan ette väljundit..</b>The specified output format cannot be recognized.<b>Waiting for running checks to finish...</b><b>Building spatial index...</b><b>Loon ruumiindeksit</b>QgsGeometryContainedCheckContained check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidContained check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodTundmatu meetodDelete featureKustuta nähtusNo actionÄra tee midagiWithinSeesQgsGeometryContainedCheckErrorWithin featureQgsGeometryDangleCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiDangleQgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodDelete featureKustuta nähtusNo actionÄra tee midagiPolygon with less than three nodesVähem kui kolme sõlmega polügoonQgsGeometryDuplicateCheckDuplicate check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidDuplicate check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiRemove duplicatesEemalda korduvad elemendidDuplicateKorduvQgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheckResulting geometry is degenerateSaadav geomeetria on viganeFailed to delete vertexKäänupunkti kustutamine ebaõnnestusUnknown methodTundmatu meetodDelete duplicate nodeKustuta korduv sõlmNo actionÄra tee midagiDuplicate nodeKorduv sõlmQgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiPolygon does not follow boundariesQgsGeometryGapCheckGap check: %1Aukude kontroll: %1Failed to merge with neighbor: %1Naabritega liitmine ebaõnnestus: %1Unknown methodTundmatu meetodAdd gap area to neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeLisa vaheala naaberpolügoonile, millel on kõige pikem ühine servNo actionÄra tee midagiGapAukQgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidgetPolygon / MultiPolygonPolügoon / MultipolügoonLineString / MultiLineStringJoon / MultijoonPoint / MultiPointPunkt / MultipunktQgsGeometryHoleCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodRemove holeEemalda aukNo actionÄra tee midagiPolygon with holeAuguga polügoonQgsGeometryIsValidCheckIs ValidQgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiIntersectionLõikumineQgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiIntersectionLõikumineQgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiAdd missing vertexMissing VertexQgsGeometryMultipartCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodConvert to single part featureDelete featureKustuta nähtusNo actionÄra tee midagiMultipart object with only one featureAinult ühe osaga multi-objektQgsGeometryOverlapCheckOverlap check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidOverlap check between features %1 and %2 %3Failed to compute intersection between overlapping features: %1Could not find shared edges between intersection and overlapping featuresUnknown methodTundmatu meetodRemove overlapping area from neighboring polygon with shortest shared edgeNo actionÄra tee midagiOverlapÜlekateQgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiPoint not covered by lineQgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheckPoint in polygon check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiPoint not in polygonQgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiMinimal segment lengthVähim lõigu pikkusQgsGeometrySelfContactCheckUnknown methodTundmatu meetodNo actionÄra tee midagiSelf contactQgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckResulting geometry is degenerateSaadav geomeetria on viganeUnknown methodTundmatu meetodSplit feature into a multi-object featureSplit feature into multiple single-object featuresNo actionÄra tee midagiSelf intersectionLõikumine iseendagaQgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheckSliver polygonKildpolügoonQgsGeometryTypeCheckUnknown geometry typeTundmatu geomeetria tüüpUnknown methodTundmatu meetodConvert to corresponding multi or single type if possible, otherwise delete featureDelete featureKustuta nähtusNo actionÄra tee midagiGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpQgsGeometryTypeCheckErrorOverlap with %1 at feature %2QgsGeometryValidationDockBaseGeometry ValidationNextJärgminePreviousEelmineZoom To FeatureZoom To ProblemDetailed Description......QgsGeometryValidationModel%1: %2%1: %2%1: %n ErrorsQgsGeometryValidationServiceRunning geometry validation checks before saving…Geometry ValidationGeometry errors have been found. Please fix the errors before saving the layer.Geometry errors have been found.QgsGeonodeSourceSelectBaseAdd GeoNode LayerLisa GeoNode'i kihtGeoNode ConnectionsConnect to selected serviceÜhenda valitud teenusegaC&onnectÜ&hendaCreate a new service connectionLoo uus teenuse ühendus&New&UusEdit selected service connectionMuuda valitud teenuse ühendustEditRedigeeriRemove connection to selected serviceEemalda valitud teenuse ühendusRemoveEemaldaLoad connections from fileLaadi ühendused failistLoadLaadiSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaUse title for layer nameKasuta kihi nimena pealkirjaFilterFilterDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractNäita WFS-i nähtustüüpe, mille pealkirjas, nimes või kirjelduses sisaldub see sõnaQgsGeorefConfigDialogA5 (148x210 mm)A5 (148x210 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)Legal (8.5x14 inches)Legal (8.5x14 tolli)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 tolli)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 tolli)ANSI C (17x22 inches)ANSI C (17x22 tolli)ANSI D (22x34 inches)ANSI D (22x34 tolli)ANSI E (34x44 inches)ANSI E (34x44 tolli)Arch A (9x12 inches)Arch A (9x12 tolli)Arch B (12x18 inches)Arch B (12x18 tolli)Arch C (18x24 inches)Arch C (18x24 tolli)Arch D (24x36 inches)Arch D (24x36 tolli)Arch E (36x48 inches)Arch E (36x48 tolli)Arch E1 (30x42 inches)Arch E1 (30x42 tolli)QgsGeorefConfigDialogBaseConfigure GeoreferencerSeadista GeoreferencerPoint tipPunkti vihjeShow IDsNäita ID-sidShow coordinatesNäita koordinaateResidual unitsÜlejäänud ühikudPixelsPikslidUse map units if possibleKui võimalik kasuta kaardiühikuidPDF reportPDF trükkLeft marginVasakpoolne serv mmmmRight marginParempoolne servShow Georeferencer window dockedNäta Georeferentsija akent ikooninaPDF mapPDF kaartPaper sizePaberi formaatQgsGeorefDescriptionDialog<h2>Description</h2><p>This plugin can georeference raster files and set projection. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p><h2>Kirjeldus</h2><p>See plugin oskab geo-refereerida rasterfaile ja määrata koordinaatsüsteemi. Võid valida punkte rastril ja määrata neile koordinaadid ja plugin arvutab world faili parameetrid. Mida rohkem koordinaate saad määrata, seda parema tulemuse saab.</p>QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBaseDescription georeferencerGeoreferentsija kirjeldus<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html>QgsGeorefPlugin&Georeferencer…QgsGeorefPluginGuiGeoreferencerGeoreferencerAll other files (*)Kõik teised failid (*)Raster loaded: %1Raster laaditud: %1Georeferencer - %1Georeferentsija . %1Georeference SuccessfulGeorefereerimine õnnestusRaster was successfully georeferenced.Raster sai edukalt georefereeritud.Transform: Transformeeri: Invalid TransformVigane transformatsioonGDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation.GDAL-i skriptimist ei toetata transformatsiooniga %1.No GCP points are available to save.Pole salvestatavaid viitepunkteRaster PropertiesPlease load raster to be georeferenced.Write ErrorCould not write to GCP points file %1.Viitepunktide salvestamine faili %1 ei õnnestunud.Transform FailedFailed to calculate linear transform parameters.Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable.Viitepunktide transformeerimine ei õnnestunud. Transformatsioon ei ole lahendatav.Could not write to %1.Copy to ClipboardKopeeri lõikepuhvrisseGDAL ScriptNo Raster LoadedNot Enough GCPsPole piisavalt viitepunkte%1 transformation requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more.%1 transformatsioon vajab vähemalt %2 viitepunkti. Palun leia veel punkte.GCP fileViitepunktide failHelpAbiReset GeoreferencerReset georeferencer and clear all GCP points?Taastan georefereerija algseisu ja kustutan kõik viitepunktid?GCP file successfully loaded.Viitepunktide fail edukalt laaditud.PanelsPaneelidToolbarsTööriistaribaCurrent transform parametrisationSelle transformeerimise parameetrite määramineCoordinate: Koordinaadid: Current map coordinateKaardi praegused koordinaadidNoneMääramataCoordinate of image(column/line)Pildi (veerg/rida) koordinaatSave GCPsSalvesta viitepunktidSave GCP points?Salvestan viitepunktid?<p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p><p>Valitud fail tundub juba olevat maailma fail! Kas soovid seda asendada uue maailma failiga?<p>Open Raster%1 is not a supported raster data source.Load GCP PointsInvalid GCP file. File could not be read.Save GCP PointsGeoreferenceSave World Filemap unitskaardi ühikudpixelspikslidTransformation parametersTransformeerimise parameetridTranslation xTõlge xTranslation yTõlge yScale xSkaala xScale ySkaala yRotation [degrees]Pööre [kraadides]Mean error [%1]Keskmine viga [%1]ResidualsÜlejäänudIDIDEnabledKasutusesPixel XPixel YMap XMap YRes X (%1)Res Y (%1)Res Total (%1)yesjahnoeiTranslation (%1, %2)Tõlge (%1, %2)Scale (%1, %2)Skaala (%1, %2)Rotation: %1Pööre: %1Mean error: %1Keskmine viga: %1%1%1Please set transformation type.Please set output raster name.LinearJoonelineHelmertHelmertPolynomial 1Polünoomiline 1Polynomial 2Polünoomiline 2Polynomial 3Polünoomiline 3Thin plate spline (TPS)Peenike lihtne kaarjoon (TPS)ProjectiveProjetseeruvNot setMääramataQgsGeorefPluginGuiBaseGeoreferencerGeoreferencerFileFailViewVaadeEditRedigeeriSettingsSeadedGCP tableViitepunktide tabelHistogramHistogrammOpen Raster...Open rasterAva rasterCtrl+OCtrl+OZoom InSuurendaCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom OutVähendaCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to LayerSuumi kihiniCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FPanNihutaTransformation Settings...Transformation settingsTransformeerimise seadedAdd PointLisa punktAdd pointLisa punktCtrl+ACtrl+ADelete PointDelete pointKustuta punktCtrl+DCtrl+DClose GeoreferencerClose georeferencerQuitLoobuStart GeoreferencingStart georeferencingAlusta georeferentsimisegaCtrl+GCtrl+GGenerate GDAL ScriptGenerate GDAL scriptGenereeri GDAL-i skriptCtrl+CCtrl+CLink Georeferencer to QGISLink QGIS to GeoreferencerSave GCP Points as...Salvesta viitepunktid kui...Save GCP points as...Salvesta viitepunktid kui...Ctrl+SCtrl+SLoad GCP Points...Laadi viitepunktid...Load GCP pointsLaadi viitepunktidCtrl+LCtrl+LConfigure Georeferencer...Raster Properties...Rastri omadused...Move GCP PointNihuta viitepunktiLocal Histogram StretchLokaalse histogrammi venitusFull Histogram StretchTäielik histogrammi venitusReset GeoreferencerCtrl+PCtrl+PMove GCP pointNihuta viitepunktiZoom NextJärgmise suuminiZoom LastEelmise suuminiQgsGlobeLayerPropertiesFactoryGlobeGlobeQgsGlobePluginDialogCustom…TMSTMSWMSWMSworld.tifRasterRasterTimeoutAdd TMS ImageryLisa TMS piltTMS URL:TMS URLAdd WMS ImageryLisa WMS-piltURL:URL:Add Raster ImageryLisa rasterpiltAdd TMS ElevationLisa TMS kõrgusAdd Raster ElevationLisa rastri kõrgusQgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBaseGlobe SettingsGlobe seadedOverride Date / Time (UTC):ElevationKõrgusMapKaartdd.MM.yyyy HH:mmdd.MM.yyyy HH:mmAddLisaRemoveEemaldaVideoVideoAnti AliasingSamplesNäidised[Leave empty for maximum]StereoStereoStereo ModeStereo valikScreen distance (m)Ekraani pikkus (m)Screen width (m)Ekraani laius (m)Split stereo horizontal separation (px)Jaga stereos horisontaalset eraldust (px)Split stereo vertical separation (px)Jaga stereos vertikaalset eraldust (px)Split stereo vertical eye mappingJaga stereos vertikaalset silmaga kaardistustScreen height (m)Ekraani kõrgus (m)Sk&yAmbient lightingImageryPildidVertical scale:<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Change requires a restart of the globe plugin</span></p></body></html>Eye separation (m)Silmade vahekaugus (m)Reset to defaultsVõta algseadedAdvancedTäpsemScrollingSensitivity:Invert scroll wheelEnable feature identificationEnable frustum highlightingSplit stereo horizontal eye mappingJaga stereos horisontaalselt silmaga kaardistustQgsGlobeVectorLayerPropertiesPageFormVormAltitudeKõrgusClampingTerrain following behaviorTerrain following techniqueTechniqueGranularity at which to sample the terrainBindingElevation data resolution at which to sample terrain heightResolutionResolutsioonVertical offset to apply to geometry ZOffsetNiheScale factor to apply to geometry ZScaleSkaalaE&xtrusionHeight [m]Extrusion height, either a numeric value, or a field expression00Wall gradientWall coloring gradientWhether the top cap of the extruded geometry should be flatFlattenTasandaEnable &labelingVõimalda &leibliedDeclutterLightingRendering mode:Rendering method for the layerRasterizedRasterdatudModel (Simple)Model (Advanced)Rasterize the layer to a texture, and drape it on the terrainRender the layer features as modelsNoneTühiTerrainMaapindRelativeSuhtelineAbsoluteAbsoluutneDo not clamp Z values to the terrain (but still apply the offset, if applicable)Sample the terrain under the point, and set the feature's Z to the terrain height, ignoring the feature's original Z valueSample the terrain under the point, and add the terrain height to the feature's original Z valueThe feature's Z value describes its height above "height zero", which is typically the ellipsoid or MSLMapKaartDrapeGPUGPUSceneVaadeClamp geometry to the map model's elevation dataClamp geometry to the terrain's scene graphClamp geometry to the terrain as they are rendered by the GPUClamp geometry at draw time using projective texturingVertexKäänupunktCentroidKeskpunktClamp every vertex independentlyKleebi iga käänupunkt eraldiClamp to the centroid of the entire geometryKleebi kogu geomeetria keskpunktQgsGlobeWidgetGlobeGlobeLayersKihtSync extentReload sceneUuenda vaadeGlobe settingsCloseSulgeQgsGlowWidgetSelect Glow ColorQgsGmlGML Getfeature network request update failed for authcfg %1GML Getfeature network reply update failed for authcfg %1Loading GML data
%1Laadin GML-andmeid
%1AbortNurjaGML Getfeature network request failed with error: %1NetworkPunaneQgsGmlSchemaCannot guess schemaQgsGpsDetectorinternal GPSsisemine GPSlocal gpsdkohalik gpsd%1: %2%1: %2QgsGpsDeviceDialogNew device %1Uus seade %1Delete DeviceAre you sure that you want to delete this device?Kas oled kindel, et soovid seda seadet kustutadae?QgsGpsDeviceDialogBaseGPS Device EditorGPS-seadme redaktorDevicesSeadmedDeleteKustutaNewUusUpdateVärskendaDevice nameSeadme nimiThis is the name of the device as it will appear in the listsSeadme nimi mida nimekirjades hakatakse näitamaCommandsKäsklusedTrack downloadJälje allalaadimineRoute uploadTeekonna üleslaadimineWaypoint downloadPunktide allalaadimineThe command that is used to download routes from the deviceKäsklus mis kasutatakse teekondate allalaadimiseks seadmestRoute downloadTeekonna allalaadimineThe command that is used to upload waypoints to the deviceKäsklus mida kasutatakse seadmesse teekonnapunktide üles laadimiseksTrack uploadJälje üleslaadimineThe command that is used to download tracks from the deviceKäsklus mida kasutatakse jäljeraja alla laadimiseks seadmestThe command that is used to upload routes to the deviceKäsklus mida kasutatakse teekonna üles laadimiseks seadmesseThe command that is used to download waypoints from the deviceKäsklus mida kasutatakse teekonnapunktide alla laadimiseks seadmestThe command that is used to upload tracks to the deviceKäsklus mida kasutatakse jäljeraja seadmesse üleslaadimiseksWaypoint uploadPunktide üleslaadimine<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">Üles- ja allalaadimiskäskudes on teatud sõnad, mille QGIS asendab, kui käskusid kasutatakse. Need sõnad on:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> – tee GPSBabelisse<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> – GPX-faili nimi üleslaadimisel või port allalaadimisel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> – port üleslaadimisel või GPX-faili nimi allalaadimisel</span></p></body></html>QgsGpsInformationWidget/gps/gpsNo path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again.GPS-pordi tee on määramata. Palun sisesta vajalik tee ja proovi uuesti.Timed out!Üle aja!Failed to connect to GPS device.Ühendumine GPS-seadmega ebaõnnestus.Connected!Ühendatud!Dis&connectÜhenda &lahtiConnected to GPS device.Ühendatud GPS-seadmega.Error opening log file.Viga log faili avamisel.Connecting…Track ColorConnecting to GPS device %1…Disconnected…&Connect&ÜhendaDisconnected from GPS device.GPS-seadmest lahti ühendatud.%1 m%1 m%1 km/h%1 km/hNot availableAutomaticAutomaatneManualKindla suurusega3D3D2D2DNo fixParandusetaDifferentialEristavNon-differentialEristamataNo positionAsukohataValidKehtivInvalidViganeAdd FeatureLisa nähtusSave Layer EditsSalvesta kihi muudatusedThe feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type.An error was reported during intersection removal.Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices.Ei saa joont tekitada enne kui pole vähemalt kahte punkti antud.Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices.Ei saa polügooni sulgeda, enne kui sellel on vähemalt kolm käänupunkti.Feature addedNähtus lisatudCould not commit changes to layer %1
Errors: %2
Ei õnnestunud kinnitada muudatusi kihil %1
Vead: %2
Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again.Ei saa nähtust lisada. Tundmatu WKB tüüp. Vali mõni teine kiht ja proovi uuesti.NMEA filesNMEA failidSave GPS log file As&Add feature&Lisa nähtus&Add Point&Lisa punkt&Add Line&Lisa joon&Add Polygon&Lisa polügoonQgsGpsInformationWidgetBaseGPS ConnectGPS-ühendus&Add feature&Lisa nähtusQuick status indicator:
green = good or 3D fix
yellow = good 2D fix
red = no fix or bad fix
gray = no data
2D/3D depends on this information being availableKiire seisundi ülevaade:
roheline = hea või 3D määratlus
kollane = hea 2D määratlus
punane = määratlemata või halva määratlusega
hall = puuduvad andmed
2D/3D sõltub selle informatsiooni kättesaadavusestAdd track pointLisa teekonna punktReset trackLähtesta jäljend……0000000000Log fileMap CenteringWhen leavingNeverMitte kunagiAlwaysAlatiLine widthJoone laius pxpikselLine colorJoone värvFilteringDistance threshold (meters)Acquisition interval (seconds)PositionAsukohtSignalSignaalSatelliteSatelliitOptionsSuvandidDebugSilu&Connect&Ühendalatitude of position fix (degrees)asukohamääratluse laiuskraadLongitude Pikkuskraadlongitude of position fix (degrees)asukohamääratluse pikkuskraadantenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level)Antenni kõrgus arvestatuna geoidist (keskmise veetaseme järgi)AltitudeKõrgusLatitudeLaiuskraadTime of fixAeg määratluseledate/time of position fix (UTC)kuupäev/aeg asukohamääratlusele (UTC)speed over groundkiirus maapinnalSpeedKiirustrack direction (degrees)Jälje suund (kraadides)DirectionSuundHorizontal Dilution of PrecisionHorisontaalne asukohtade jaotus (HDOP)HDOPHDOPVertical Dilution of PrecisionVertikaalne asukohtade jaotus (VDOP)VDOPVDOPPosition Dilution of PrecisionAsetsemise asukohtade jaotus (PDOP)PDOPPDOPGPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or ManualGPS-vastuvõtja häälestamine 2D/3D režiimis: automaatne või käsitsiModeMeetodposition fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fixasukohamääratluse dimensioonid:2D, 3D või määratlemataDimensionsMõõdudquality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No positionasukohamääratluse kvaliteet: Eristav, Mitteeristav või AsukohataQualityKvaliteetposition fix status: Valid or InvalidAsukohamääratluse seisund: Korras või ViganeStatusSeisundnumber of satellites used in the position fixasukohamääratluses kasutatavate satelliitide arvSatellitesSatelliiteH accuracyV accuracyConnectionÜhendusAutodetectAutomaatuvastamineSerial deviceJadaseadeRefresh serial device listVärskenda jadaseadme nimekirjaPortPortHostHostDeviceSeadegpsdgpsdInternalSisemineDigitizingDigitaliseerimineTrackJälgAutomatically add pointsLisa punkte automaatseltTrack width in pixelsJälje paksus pikselitessave layer after every feature addedsalvesta kiht peale iga nähtuse lisamistAutomatically save added featureSalvesta automaatselt lisatud nähtussave GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a fileSalvesta GPS-andmed (NIMEA lausetena) failibrowse for log fileava logi fail% of map extent% kaardi ulatusestCursorKursorSmallVäikeLargeSuurQgsGpsPlugin&GPS Tools&Gps Tools&Create new GPX layer&Loo uus GPX-kihtCreates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvasLoob uue GPX-kihi ja näitab seda kaardiaknasImport GPS FileCould not start GPSBabel.Convert GPS FileGPS eXchange fileGPS eXchange'i failUnable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory.Ei saa luua antud nimega GPX-faili. Proovi mõnda teist nime või kataloogi.GPX LoaderGPX-laadijaUnable to read the selected file.
Please reselect a valid file.Ei saanud avada valitud faili.
Palun vali uuesti.Save New GPX File AsSave New GPX FileCould not start GPSBabel!Ei saanud tööle GPSBabel-it!Download from GPSLaadi alla GPS-istDownloading data…Upload to GPSLaadi üles GPS-iUploading data…CancelLoobuImporting data…Could not import data from %1!
Ei saanud andmeid importida %1!
Could not convert data from %1!
Ei saanud andmeid konvertida %1-st!This device does not support downloading of %1.See seade ei toeta %1 alla laadimist.Could not download data from GPS!
Ei saanud GPS-ist andmeid alla laadida!
This device does not support uploading of %1.See seade ei toeta %1-e üles laadimist.Error while uploading data to GPS!
Viga andmete üles laadimisel GPS-i!QgsGpsPluginGuiGPX files (*.gpx)WaypointsTeekonnapunktidRoutesTeekonnadTracksJäljedChoose a file name to save underVali failile nimi kuhu salvestadaGPS eXchange formatGPS eXchange'i vormingSelect GPX fileVali GPX-failSelect file and format to importVali fail ja formaat importimiseksWaypoints from a routeTeekonnapunktid teekonnastWaypoints from a trackTeekonnapunktid jäljestRoute from waypointsTeekond teekonnapunktidestTrack from waypointsJälg teekonnapunktidestGPS eXchange format (*.gpx)GPS eXchange'i vorming (*.gpx)QgsGpsPluginGuiBaseGPS ToolsGPS ToolsLoad GPX fileLaadi GPX-failFileFailFeature typesSeade tüübidWaypointsTeekonnapunktidRoutesTeekonnadTracksJäljedImport other fileImpordi teine failFile to importFail importimiseksBrowse...Ava...Feature typeSeade tüüpLayer nameKihi nimiGPX output fileGPX-väljundfailSave As...Salvesta nimega...(Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!)(Märkus:Oluline on valida õige failitüüp avamise dialoogis!)Download from GPSLaadi alla GPS-istGPS deviceGPS-seadeEdit devices...Redigeeri seadmeid...PortPortRefreshVärskendaOutput fileVäljundfailUpload to GPSLaadi üles GPS-iData layerAndmekihtEdit devicesRedigeeri seadmeidGPX ConversionsGPX-teisendusedGPX input fileGPX-sisendfailConversionTeisendusQgsGradientColorRampDialogSelect Ramp ColorTransparentLäbipaistevDiscreteDisreetneContinuousPidevGradient file : %1License file : %1QgsGradientColorRampDialogBaseGradient Color RampColor &1Color &2&TypeGradient StopRelative &position %%&Delete StopPlotDiagrammHueVärvingSaturationKüllastusLightnessOpacityLäbipaistvus&InformationQgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentLäbipaistevQgsGraduatedHistogramWidgetRanges are overlapping and can't be edited by the histogramRanges have gaps and can't be edited by the histogramQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererModelSymbolSümbolValuesVäärtusedLegendLeppemärkQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnVeergSymbolSümbolChange...Muuda...Legend formatTemplate for the legend text associated with each classification.
Use "%1" for the lower bound of the classification, and "%2" for the upper bound.Precision of upper and lower values in label text.
Positive is number of decimal places
Negative rounds to powers of 10Precision TäpsusCheck to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point from the upper and lower values in the legend.TrimMethodMeetod<html><head/><body><p>Choose between color and size graduation. </p><p><br/></p><p>If you want to combine both, use a data-defined size for the symbol and graduate by color.</p></body></html>Color rampVärvigradientSize from tokuniClassesKlassidModeMeetodSymmetric ClassificationAroundCreate class astride symmetry valueDelete AllEqual IntervalÜhtlaste vahedegaQuantile (Equal Count)Kvantiil (võrdne arv)Natural Breaks (Jenks)Loomulikud katkestused (Jenks)Standard DeviationStandarddeviatsioonPretty BreaksIlusad katkestusedClassifyKlassifitseeriAdd classLisa klassDeleteKustutaAdvancedTäpsemLink class boundariesHistogramHistogrammSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Select MethodApply ClassificationLink Class BoundariesNo color ramp defined.Natural break classification (Jenks) is O(n2) complexity, your classification may take a long time.
Press cancel to abort breaks calculation or OK to continue.Rows will be reordered before linking boundaries. Continue?QgsGrassGRASS was not found in '%1' (GISBASE), provider and plugin will not work.GRASS errorGRASS-i vigaCannot add mapset %1 to search path:Cannot close mapset. %1Ei saa sulgeda kaardiseadet. %1Cannot create new mapset directoryEi saa luua uut kaardiseade kataloogiCannot copy %1 to %2Cannot write regionEi saa kirjutada regioonino mapset openCannot query raster
%1Cannot delete %1 %2: %3Cannot start moduleEi saa käivitada moodulitcommand: %1 %2käsklus: %1 %2Problem in GRASS initialization, GRASS provider and plugin will not work : %1Cannot remove mapset %1 from search path: %2Cannot read raster map region (%1/%2/%3)Cannot get projectionEi leia projektsiooniCannot get raster extentEi õnnestu hankida rastri ulatustCannot get map infoEi saa kätte kaardi andmeidCannot get colorsEi saa kätte värvusiCannot create new vector: %1Ei saa luua uut vektorit: %1QgsGrassElementDialogCancelLoobuOKSobib<font color='red'>Enter a name!</font><font color='red'>Lisa nimi!</font><font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font><font color='red'>See on allika nimi!</font><font color='red'>Exists!</font><font color='red'>Olemas!</font>OverwriteKirjutan üleQgsGrassFeatureIterator<not editable (layer %1)>QgsGrassImportItemCancelLoobucancelingQgsGrassImportProgressProgress: %1QgsGrassItemActionsGRASS OptionsGRASS-i suvandidNew mapsetUus kaardiseadeOpen mapsetAdd mapset to search pathRemove mapset from search pathRenameNimeta ümberDeleteKustutaNew Point LayerUus punktikihtNew Line LayerUus joontekihtNew Polygon LayerUus polügoonikihtCannot create new mapset: %1QgsGrassMapcalcMapcalc toolsKaardiarvuti vahendidAdd mapLisa kaartAdd constant valueLisa konstantväärtusAdd operator or functionLisa tehe või funktsioonAdd connectionLisa ühendusSelect itemVali kirjeDelete selected itemKustuta valitud objektOpenAvaSaveSalvestaSave asSalvesta nimegaAdditionLiitmineSubtractionLahutamineMultiplicationKorrutamineDivisionJadamineModulusMoodulExponentiationAstendamineEqualVõrdneNot equalEi võrduGreater thanSuurem kuiGreater than or equalSuurem kui või võrdneLess thanVäiksem kuiLess than or equalVäiksem kui või võrdneAndJaOrVõiAbsolute value of xAbsoluutväärtus x-stInverse tangent of x (result is in degrees)Atan x (kraadides)Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees)Atan y/x (kraadides)Current column of moving window (starts with 1)Praegune veerg nihutatavas aknas (algab 1-ga)Cosine of x (x is in degrees)cos x (kraadides)Convert x to double-precision floating pointTeisenda x topelttäpsusega ujukomaarvuksCurrent east-west resolutionPraegune ida-lääs resolutsioonExponential function of xEksponentfunktsioon xx to the power yx astmes yConvert x to single-precision floating pointTeisenda x lihttäpsusega ujukomaarvuksDecision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwiseNõue: 1 kui x ei ole null , teisel juhul 0Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwiseNõue: a kui x ei ole null , teisel juhul 0Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwiseNõue: a kui x ei ole null , teisel juhul bDecision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0Nõue: a kui x > 0, b kui x on null, c kui x < 0Convert x to integer [ truncates ]Teisenda x täisarvuks [ kärbib ]Check if x = NULLMärgi kui x = NULLNatural log of xNaturaal log x-stLog of x base bLog x kohast bLargest valueSuurim väärtusMedian valueKeskmine väärtusSmallest valueVäikseim väärtusMode valueMoodväärtus1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise1 kui x on null, muul juhul 0Current north-south resolutionPraegune põhja-lõuna resolutsioonNULL valueNULL väärtusRandom value between a and bJuhuslik väärtus a ja b vahelRound x to nearest integerÜmarda x lähima täisarvuniCurrent row of moving window (Starts with 1)Praegune rida nihutatavas aknas (algab 1-ga)Sine of x (x is in degrees)sin(x)sin x (kraadides)Square root of xsqrt(x)Ruutjuur x-stTangent of x (x is in degrees)tan(x)tan x (kraadides)Current x-coordinate of moving windowPraegune x koordinaat nihutatavas aknasCurrent y-coordinate of moving windowPraegune y koordinaat nihutatavas aknasOutputVäljundWarningHoiatusCannot check region of map %1Ei saa kontrollida kaardil regiooni %1Cannot get region of map %1Ei saa kätte kaardil regiooni %1No GRASS raster maps availableCannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset.Ei saa luua 'mapcalc' kataloogi praegusesse kaardiseadesse.New mapcalcUus kaardiarvutiEnter new mapcalc name:Sisesta uus kaardiarvuti nimi:Enter vector nameSisesta vektori nimiThe file already exists. Overwrite?Fail on juba olemas. Kas kirjutan üle?Save mapcalcSalvesta kaardiarvutiFile name emptyFaili nimi puuduCannot open mapcalc fileEi saa avada kaardiarvuti failiThe mapcalc schema (%1) not found.Kaardiarvuti skeem (%1) leidmata.Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1)Ei saa avada kaardiarvuti skeemi (%1)Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1):Ei saa lugeda kaardiarvuti skeemi (%1):
at line %2 column %3
real %2 veerus %3QgsGrassMapcalcBaseMain WindowOutputVäljundEnter constant valueLisa püsiväärtusQgsGrassMapsetItemtopology missingtopoloogia puudubtopology version not supportedtopoloogia versiooni ei toetatatopology version 6topoloogia versioon 6emptytühi%1 layer type not supported%1 kihitüüpi ei toetataCannot create provider %1 : %2Provider is not valid %1 : %2Cannot get default location region.Cannot delete %1Ei saa kustutada %1Import to GRASS mapsetFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import to GRASS mapset failedFailed to import %1 to %2: %3QgsGrassModuleModule: %1Moodul: %1WarningHoiatusThe module file (%1) not found.Moodulfail (%1) leidmata.Cannot open module file (%1)Ei saa avada moodulfaili (%1)Cannot read module file (%1)Ei saa lugeda moodulfaili (%1)
at line %2 column %3
real %2 veerus %3Module %1 not foundMoodul %1 leidmataCannot find man page %1Ei leidnud käsiraamatus lehte %1Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed.Palun veendu, et GRASS-i dokumentatsioon on installitud.Not available, description not found (%1)Ei ole saadaval, kirjeldus leidmata (%1)Not available, cannot open description (%1)Ei ole saadaval, kirjeldust (%1) ei saa avadaNot available, incorrect description (%1)Ei ole saadaval, kirjeldus (%1) viganeRunKäivitaCannot get input regionEi saa kätte sisend regiooniInput %1 outside current region!Sisend %1 on väljaspool praegust regiooni!Use Input RegionKasuta sisendregiooniOutput %1 exists! Overwrite?Väljund %1 on olemas! Kas kirjutan üle?Cannot find module %1Ei leia moodulit %1Cannot start module: %1Ei saa käivitada moodulit: %1StopPeata<B>Successfully finished</B><B>Edukalt lõpetatud</B><B>Finished with error</B><B>Lõpetatud vigadega</B><B>Module crashed or killed</B><B>Moodul kiilus kinni või katkes</B>QgsGrassModuleBaseGRASS ModuleGRASS-i moodulOptionsSuvandidOutputVäljundManualJuhendTextLabelTekstiMärgisRunKäivitaView outputNäita väljunditCloseSulgeQgsGrassModuleFileFileFail%1: missing value%1: puudub väärtus%1: directory does not exist%1: kataloogi ei eksisteeriQgsGrassModuleGdalInputOGR/PostGIS/GDAL InputOGR/PostGIS/GDAL-sisendCannot find layeroption %1Ei leia kihivalikuid %1Cannot find whereoption %1Ei leia kusvalikuid %1PasswordParoolSelect a layerVali kiht%1: no input%1: sisend puudubQgsGrassModuleInputInputSisendCannot find typeoption %1Ei leia tüübivalikut %1Cannot find values for typeoption %1Ei leia väärtusi tüübivalikule %1Cannot find layeroption %1Ei leia kihivalikut %1GRASS element %1 not supportedGRASS-i elementi %1 ei toetataUse region of this mapKasuta sellel kaardil regiooniSublayerAlamkihtno inputsisend puudubcurrent map does not contain features of required typepraegusel kaardil pole vajalikku tüüpi nähtusigeometry type not selectedgeomeetriatüüp ei ole valitudQgsGrassModuleOptionUnknown outputTypeTundmatu väljundi tüüpBrowseAvaOutput fileVäljundfailGeoTIFFGeoTIFFCannot parse version_min %1Ei saanud sõeluda versiooni_min %1Cannot parse version_max %1Ei saanud sõeluda versiooni_max %1%1: missing value%1: puuduv väärtusQgsGrassModuleSelectionSelected categoriesValitud kategooriadManual entryKäsitsi sisestaminelayer selectionkihi valikAdd to canvas layerQgsGrassModuleStandardOptionsCannot get region of map %1Ei saa kätte kaardil regiooni %1Cannot find module %1Ei leia moodulit %1Cannot start module %1Ei saa käivitada moodulit: %1commandkäsklusCannot read module description (%1):Ei saa lugeda mooduli kirjeldust (%1):
at line %2 column %3
real %2 veerus %3RegionAlaInput layersSisend-kihidCurrent map canvasPraegune kaardivaadeCannot find key %1Ei leia võtit %1Option '%1' should be configured as fieldThis module has no optionsSellel moodulil puuduvad lisavalikud<< Hide advanced options<< Peida täiendavad valikudShow advanced options >>Näita täiendavaid valikulid >>Item with key %1 not foundKirjet võtmega %1 ei leitudItem with id %1 not foundKirjet id-ga %1 ei leitudQgsGrassModuleVectorFieldAttribute fieldAtribuudi väli'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing.'layer' atribuut on väljal võtmega = %1 puudu.QgsGrassNewMapsetDatabaseAndmebaasNo writable locations, the database is not writable!Kirjutatavad kohad puuduvad, andmebaasi ei saa sisestada!Enter location name!Sisesta asukoha nimi!The location exists!Asukoht on olemas!Selected projection is not supported by GRASS!Valitud projektsioon ei ole toetatud GRASS-is!Cannot create projection.Ei saa luua projektsiooni.Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set.Ei saa taasprojekteerida eelnevalt määratud regiooni, algseades regioon määratud.North must be greater than southPõhi peab olema suuremana kui lõunaEast must be greater than westIda peab olema suuremana kui lääsRegions file (%1) not found.Regioonide fail (%1) leidmata.Cannot open locations file (%1)Ei saa avada asukohtade faili (%1)Cannot read locations file (%1):Ei saa lugeda asukohtade faili (%1):
at line %2 column %3
real %2 veerus %3Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemEi saa luua QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem (CRS)Cannot reproject selected region.Ei saa valitud regiooni uuesti projektsiooni.Cannot reproject regionEi saa regiooni uuesti projektsiooniLocationAsukohtMapsetKaardiseadeCannot create new GRASS database directoryCannot create new mapset: %1New mapset successfully createdThe mapset already existsKaardiseade on juba olemasCannot create new location: %1Ei saa luua uut asukohta: %1New mapsetUus kaardiseadeNew mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1Uus kaardiseade loodud edukalt, kuid ei saa avada: %1New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset.Uus kaardiseade loodud edukalt ja määratud kui praegune toimiv kaardiseade.QgsGrassNewMapsetBaseNew MapsetUus kaardiseadeGRASS DatabaseGRASS-i andmebaasDatabase ErrorAndmebaasi vigaThe GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.NorthPõhi (N)WestLääs (W)EastIda (E)SouthLõuna (S)The GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.New mapsetUus kaardiseadeExisting mapsetsThe GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).DatabaseAndmebaasLocationAsukohtOpen new mapsetBrowse...Ava...GRASS LocationGRASS-i asukohtDatabase directory<html><head/><body><p>GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html>Select locationVali asukohtCreate new locationLoo uus asukohtLocation ErrorAsukohavigaProjectionProjektsioonProjection ErrorProjektsiooni vigaNot definedMääramataDefault GRASS RegionGRASS-i vaikepiirkondSet current QGIS extentMäära praegune QGIS-i ulatusSetMääraRegion ErrorRegiooni vigaMapsetKaardiseadeMapset ErrorKaardiseade vigaOwnerOmanikCreate New MapsetLoo uus kaardiseadeQgsGrassOptionsGRASS versionGRASS-i versioonDefaultAlgneSelect ColorVali värvCurrently selected GRASS installation is not validHetkel valitud GRASS-i install ei ole kehtivChoose a directory with configuration files (default.qgc, *.qgm)Vali konfiguratsioonifailide kaust (default.qgc, *.qgm)QgsGrassOptionsBaseGRASS OptionsGRASS-i suvandidModulesMoodulidBrowserBrauserRegionAlaModules interface configurationMoodulite liidese seadistamineDefaultAlgneGeneralÜldineThe version of GRASS which was used to build the GRASS provider and plugin in QGIS. Exactly the same version must be used on runtime.GRASS-i versioon, mida kasutati GRASS-i pakkuja ja QGIS-i plugina loomiseks. Käivitamisel peab kasutama täpselt sama versiooni.GRASS installationGRASS-i installCustomSeadistatudBrowseAvaGIsbase errorGIsbase vigaDebug modeSilumise viisImportImpordiCRS transformationKoordinaatsüsteemi transformatsioonApproximate CRS transformation is fast but it may be inaccurate.Ligikaudne koordinaatsüsteemi transformeerimine on kiire, aga võib olla ebatäpne.Create a link to the external data for GDAL data sources with the same CRS as target mapset by r.external, instead of making copy of data.Create link to external data if possibleLayersKihtShow virtual topological layersRegion borderColorVärvusWidthLaiusQgsGrassPluginOpen GRASS toolsAva GRASS-i töövahendidDisplay Current Grass RegionNäita praegust GRASS-i piirkondaOpen MapsetNew MapsetUus kaardiseadeClose MapsetOpen GRASS ToolsAva GRASS-i töövahendidDisplays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvasNäitab praegust GRASS-i piirkonda nelinurgana kaardiaknas&GRASS&GRASSGRASSGRASSAdd Closed BoundaryLisa suletud piirjoonGRASS init errorGRASS-i käivitamise vigaWarningHoiatusNew vector nameUue vektori nimiGRASS OptionsGRASS-i suvandidAdd PointLisa punktAdd LineLisa joonAdd BoundaryLisa piirjoonAdd CentroidLisa keskpunktCannot create new vector: %1Ei saa luua uut vektorit: %1New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider.Uus vektor loodud, kuid ei saa avada andmehalduri poolt.Cannot open the mapset. %1Ei saa avada kaardiseadet. %1Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1Ei saa avada GRASS-i kaardiseadet. %1QgsGrassProviderWhole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)TextTekstCannot restore record with cat %1Cannot delete orphan record with cat %1GRASS %1 vector providerGRASS-i vektoripakkuja %1QgsGrassRasterImportData type %1 not supportedAndmetüüpi %1 ei toetataWriting band %1/%2Cannot convert block (%1) to data type %2QgsGrassRasterProvidercellhd file %1 does not existGroups not yet supportedRühmad, mida veel ei toetataCannot read rasterRaster ei ole loetav%1 bytes expected but %2 byte were read from qgis.d.rastFormat not supportedVormindust ei toetataCannot read dataAndmed ei ole loetavadGRASS raster providerGRASS-i rastripakkujaQgsGrassRegionBaseExtentUlatusNorthPõhi (N)WestLääs (W)RegionAlaEastIda (E)Select the extent by dragging on canvasMäära ulatus kaardiaknastSizeSuurusN-SN-SE-WE-WSouthLõuna (S)ResolutionResolutsioonColumnsVeerudRowsReadQgsGrassSelectSelect GRASS Vector LayerVali GRASS-i vektorkihtSelect GRASS Raster LayerVali GRASS-i rasterkihtSelect GRASS Mapcalc SchemaSelect GRASS MapsetVali GRASS-i kaardiseadeChoose existing GISDBASEVali olemasolev GISDBASEWrong GISDBASE, no locations available.Vale GISDBASE, asukohad pole kättesaadavad.Wrong GISDBASEVale GISDBASESelect a map.Vali kaart.No mapKaarti ei oleNo layerKihti ei oleNo layers available in this mapKihid ei ole sellel kaardil kättesaadavadQgsGrassSelectBaseAdd GRASS LayerLisa GRASS-i kihtGisdbaseGisdbaseLocationAsukohtMapsetKaardiseadeMap nameKaardi nimiSelect or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters)Vali või tipi kaardi nimi (metamärgid '*' ja '?' lubatud rastritel)LayerKihtBrowse...Ava...QgsGrassShellCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CWarningHoiatusCannot rename the lock file %1Ei saa ümber nimetada lukustatud faili %1QgsGrassToolsGRASS ToolsGRASS-i tööriistadGRASS Tools: %1/%2GRASS-i tööriistad: %1/%2Close mapsetSulge kaardiseadeRegionAlaCannot start command shell (%1)Ei saa käivitada käskluseid (%1)WarningHoiatusGRASS Shell is not compiled.GRASS-i kest ei ole kompileeritud.The config file (%1) not found.Seadistusfail (%1) leidmata.Cannot open config file (%1).Ei saa avada seadistusfaili (%1).Cannot read config file (%1):Ei saa kirjutada seadistusfaili (%1):
at line %2 column %3
real %2 veerus %3%1 errors foundLeiti %1 viga%1 errors%1 vigaQgsGrassToolsBase&GRASS Tools<html><head/><body><p>No mapset is open. You can open a GRASS mapset from the browser using the mapset item's context menu action <span style=" font-style:italic;">Open mapset</span>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ühtegi kaardiseadet pole avatud. GRASS-i kaardiseade saad avada brauseri kaudu, kasutades kaardiseade kontekstimenüü tegevust <span style=" font-style:italic;">Ava kaardiseade</span>.</p></body></html>ModulesMoodulid……Reload treeLaadi puu uuestiRun debugKäivita silumineClose debugSulge silumineFilterFilterQgsGrassVectorCannot open vector on level 2Cannot open vectorQgsGrassVectorImportWriting featuresKirjutan nähtusiQgsGrassVectorMapLayerNo field infoPuudub välja infoVirtual topology symbol fieldDriver is not openDraiver ei ole avatudThe table for this field already existsTabel selle välja jaoks on juba olemasCannot create field infoEi saa luua välja infotCannot create link to the table.Ei saa luua viidet tabelileCreated table %1 could not be deletedLoodud tabelit %1 ei saa kustutadaErrors updating restored column, update interruptedTaastatud tulba värskendamisel tekkis vigu, uuendus katkestati%1 field cannot be deleted, it is temporary virtual field used for topology symbol.Välja %1 ei saa kustutada, see on ajutine virtuaalne väli mida kasutatakse topoloogia sümboloogiaksno tablepuudub tabelTable does not existTabelit ei oie olemasFeature invalidVigane nähtusCannot select record from tableEi saa valida kirjet tabelistCannot check if record existsEi saa kontrollida, kas kirje on olemasField %1 not found in cached attributesVälja %1 ei leitud varundatud atribuutide hulgastQgsGroupWMSDataDialogBaseShort nameLühinimiA name used to identify the group layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Nimi, mida kasutatakse selle rühmakihi identimiseks. Lühinimi on tekstisõne, mida kasutatakse masinatevahelises suhtluses.The title is for the benefit of humans to identify group layer.Pealkiri on selleks, et inimestel oleks lihtsam rühmakihti tuvastada.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the group layer.Lühikokkuvõte on kirjeldav kokkuvõte, mis annab lisateavet selle rühmakihi kohta.TitlePealkiriSet Group WMS DataMäära rühma WMS-andmedAbstractLühikirjeldusQgsGuiVectorLayerToolsAdd featureLisa nähtusStart editing failedRedigeerimise alustamine ebaõnnestusProvider cannot be opened for editingPakkuja ei saa olla avatud redigeerimiseksDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?Kas soovid salvestada muudatused kihil %1?ErrorVigaProblems during roll backProbleemid tagasivõtmiselCommit ErrorsCommit errorsKäskluse veadCould not commit changes to layer %1Ei õnnestunud kinnitada muudatusi kihil %1Stop EditingErrors: %1
Vead: %1
Show moreNäita veelQgsHandleBadLayersBrowseAvaLayer nameKihi nimiTypeTüüpProviderTöötlejaAuth configDatasourceAndmeallikasnonetühiEditRedigeeriSelect File to Replace '%1'Select New Directory of Selected FilesPlease select exactly one file.Vali palun täpselt üks fail.Unhandled layer will be lost.Korrastamata kiht läheb kaotsi.There are still %n unhandled layer(s), that will be lost if you closed now.unhandled layersVeel on %n puudulik kiht. Jääb avamata kui siit väljuda.Veel on %n puudulikku kihti. Jäävad avamata kui siit väljuda.QgsHandleBadLayersBaseHandle Bad LayersQgsHandleBadLayersHandlerHandle bad layersVigaste kihtide haldamine%1 of %2 bad layers were not fixable.%1 vigast kihti %2 -st ei ole parandatavad. QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetThe heatmap renderer only applies to point and multipoint layers.
'%1' is not a point layer and cannot be rendered as a heatmap.QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetBaseFormVormAutomaticAutomaatneRadiusRaadiusRendering qualityRenderdamise kvaliteet<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Best</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Parim</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Fastest</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Kiireim</span></p></body></html>Color rampVärvigradientMaximum valueMaksimaalväärtusWeight points byQgsHillShadeWidgetFormVorm˚°AltitudeKõrgusAzimuthZ FactorZ väärtusBandLõimMultidirectionalMitmesuunalineQgsHillshadeRendererRenderingRenderdamineQgsHistogramWidgetBaseFormVormLoad ValuesHistogram binsShow mean valueNäita keskmist väärtustShow standard deviationNäita standardhälvetQgsHtmlAnnotationDialogHTML AnnotationHTML-i märkusDeleteKustutahtmlhtmlQgsIdentifyMenuIdentifyInfopäring%1 All (%2)QgsIdentifyResultsBaseIdentify ResultsInfopäringLayerKihtFIDFIDAttributeAtribuutValueVäärtusExpand New Results by DefaultClear ResultsPuhasta tulemusedCopy Selected Feature to Clipboard Kopeeri valitud nähtus lõikepuhvrissePrint Selected HTML ResponseIdentify Feature(s)Identify Features by area or single clickIdentify Features by PolygonIdentify Features by FreehandIdentify Features by RadiusHelpAbiSelect identify modeModeMeetodSelect view mode for raster layersViewVaadeAuto open formExpand TreeLaienda puuCollapse TreeSulge puuExpand New ResultsLaienda uued tulemusedOpen FormAva vormCopy FeatureKopeeri nätusPrint ResponseTrüki vastusQgsIdentifyResultsDialogIdentify ResultsInfopäringFeatureNähtusValueVäärtusCurrent layerAktiivse kihi andmedTop down, stop at firstKõik kihid, peatub esimeselTop downKõik kihidLayer selectionKihi valik(Derived)(Tuletatud)(Actions)(Tegevused)Edit feature formMuuda nähtuse vormiView feature formVaata nähtuse vormiEdit Feature Form…View Feature Form…Zoom to FeatureCopy FeatureKopeeri nätusToggle Feature SelectionCopy Attribute ValueCopy Feature AttributesClear ResultsPuhasta tulemusedClear HighlightsHighlight AllHighlight LayerActivate LayerLayer Properties…Expand AllLaienda kõikCollapse AllSulge kõikTableTabelTreePuuGraphGraafTitlePealkiriFormatFormaatNo attributes.Atribuudid puuduvad.Copy GetFeatureInfo request URLKopeeri GetFeatureInfo päringu URLPrint HTML ResponseCannot print this item.Attributes changedAtribuudid muudetudQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewInvalid URLVigane URLThe download URL is not valid: %1Save AsSalvesta NimegaPrintTrükiQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItemLoading…QgsImageWarperProgress IndicationQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetThe inverted polygon renderer only applies to polygon and multipolygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and then cannot be displayedPöördatud polügooni renderdi töötab ainult polügoonide ja multipolügoonide kihtidel.
'%1' ei ole polügoonikiht ja seda ei saa kuvadaQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetBaseFormVormSub rendererMerge polygons before rendering (slow)Liida polügoonid enne renderdamist (aeglane)QgsJoinDialogThis option allows values of the joined fields to be automatically reloaded when the "Target Field" is changedThis option allows values of the joined layers to be editable if they're themselves editableAutomatically adds a matching row to the joined table, but if one already exists then update that matching row insteadAutomatically delete the corresponding feature of the linked layer if one existsQgsJoinDialogBaseAdd Vector JoinJoin layerSeostatav kihtJoin fieldSeostatav väliTarget fieldSihtväli&Joined FieldsCustom Field &Name PrefixDynamic formEdi&table join layerUpsert on editDelete cascadeCache join layer in virtual memoryTee kihi seostamine vahemälusCreate attribute index on join fieldLoo atribuutide indeksid ühendatud väljaleQgsLUDialogBaseEnter Class BoundsLower valueAlumine väärtusUpper valueÜlemine väärtusQgsLabelEngineConfigDialogAutomated Placement EngineAutomatiseeritud paigutusmootorSearch methodOtsingu meetodidChain (fast)Ahel (kiire)Popmusic TabuPopmusic trajektoorPopmusic ChainPopmusic ahelPopmusic Tabu ChainPopmusic trajektoorahelFALP (fastest)FALP (kiireim)Number of candidatesKandidaatide arvPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonShow candidates (for debugging)Näita sobivusi (debugging)Show all labels for all layers (i.e. including colliding objects)Draw text as outlines (recommended)Joonista tekst piirjoontena (soovituslik)Show partial labelsQgsLabelPropertyDialogExpression resultAvaldise tulemusLayer default (%1)Kihi vaikeväärtus (%1)Font ColorBuffer ColorLeftVasakulCenterKeskelRightParemalBottomAllBaseAlusHalfPoolCapTopÜlalQgsLabelPropertyDialogBaseTextTekstFontFontAvailable typeface stylesSaadaval tüüpvariantide stiilidSizeSuurusLabel PropertiesMärgise omadusedMinimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".StyleStiilUnderlined textAllajoonitud tekstUUStrikeout textLäbikriipsutatud tekstSSBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Rasvane tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)BPaksendatudItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Kald-tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)IKaldkiri˚°DisplayVaadeScale-basedMõõtkavapõhineShow labelNäita märgistIgnores priority and permits collisions/overlapsAlways show (exceptions above)BufferPuhverPositionAsukohtLabel distanceMärgise pikkusX CoordinateX koordinaatY CoordinateY koordinaatHorizontal alignmentHorisontaalne joondusVertical alignmentVertikaalne joondusRotationPööramineDefaultAlgneQgsLabelingGuiIn edit mode, layer's relevant labeling map tool is:<br> Defined attribute field -> <i>enabled</i><br> Defined expression -> <i>disabled</i>Redigeerimisrežiimis on kihi sildistamise tööriist:<br> määratud atribuudiväli -> <i>lubatud</i><br> määratud avaldis -> <i>keelatud</i>Value < 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit.This option is not compatible with line direction symbols.Follow label placementJärgi sildi paigutustQgsLabelingRulePropsWidgetDescriptionKirjeldusFilterFilterRule PropertiesElseCatch-all for other featuresTestTestiScale rangeMõõtkava vahemikLabelsMärgisedFilter expression parsing error:
Filtri avaldise parsimise viga:
Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresFilter tagastas %n nähtustFilter tagastas %n nähtus(t)QgsLabelingWidgetNo labelsSilte poleSingle labelsRule-based labelingReeglipõhine sildistamineBlockingBlokeerimineAutomated placement settings (applies to all layers)QgsLayerCapabilitiesModelLayerKihtIdentifiableAndmepäringRead-onlySearchableRequiredNõutudLayers which are protected from inadvertent removal from the project.QgsLayerMetadataFormatterFeesTasudLicensesRightsConstraintsPiirangudNo contact yet.IDIDNameNimiPositionAsukohtOrganizationOrganisatsioonRoleEmailVoiceFaxAddressesCRSKoordinaatsüsteemGeographicProjectedSpatial ExtentX Minimum:Y Minimum:X Maximum:Y Maximum:Z Minimum:Z Maximum:Temporal ExtentInstant:Start:End:IdentifierParent IdentifierTitlePealkiriTypeTüüpLanguageAbstractLühikirjeldusCategoriesLiigitusedKeywordsTunnussõnadVocabularyItemsObjektNo history yet.ActionTegevusNo links yet.URLURLDescriptionKirjeldusFormatFormaatMIME TypeSizeSuurusQgsLayerPropertiesWidgetOutline: %1Äärejoon: %1QgsLayerStylingWidgetSymbologySümboloogiaLabelsMärgised3D ViewTransparencyLäbipaistvusHistogramHistogrammHistoryAjaluguQgsLayerStylingWidgetBaseFormVormNot supported or no layerPole toetatud või pole kihtUndoTagasi……RedoEdasiIf checked, the map canvas will automatically update whenever an option has been changed without the requirement to click ApplyLive updateQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetBaseFormVormAvailable widgetsSaadavad vidinadUsed widgetsKasutatud vidinadAdd selected widgets->->Remove selected widgets<-<-QgsLayerTreeLocatorFilterProject LayersQgsLayerTreeModel (%1 - %2) (%1)QgsLayerTreeOpacityWidgetOpacity sliderQgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider<b>Bad layer!</b><br>Layer data source could not be found.QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions&Add Group&Lisa rühm&Remove&Eemalda&Show in Overview&Näita ülevaateaknasRe&name GroupRe&name LayerShow Feature CountNäita nähtuste arvu&Zoom to LayerSuu&renda kihini&Zoom to Selection&Zoom to Group&Suumi rühmani&Move to Top-level&Tõsta kõige kõrgemaksMove Out of &GroupMove to &Top&Group Selected&Rühm valitudMutually Exclusive GroupVastastikku välistav rühmCheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Check and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Uncheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Uncheck and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Check and All its ParentsQgsLayerTreeViewEmbeddedIndicatorProviderEmbedded from <b>%1</b>QgsLayerTreeViewFilterIndicatorProviderFilterFilterQgsLayerTreeViewMemoryIndicatorProvider<b>Temporary scratch layer only!</b><br>Contents will be discarded after closing this projectQgsLayerTreeViewNonRemovableIndicatorProviderLayer required by the projectQgsLayoutCreate %1Create ItemDelete ItemsDelete ItemGroup ItemsUngroup ItemsChange Item StackingQgsLayout3DMapWidgetBase3D MapCopy Settings from a 3D View...Scene SettingsCamera PoseCenter XCenter ZCenter Y °°HeadingPäisPitchDistancePikkusSet from a 3D View...QgsLayoutAddPagesDialogPortraitPüstasendLandscapeRõhtasendCustomKohandatudQgsLayoutAppMenuProviderGroupRühmitaUngroupTühista rühmitamineCopyKopeeriCutLõikaPasteAsetaPage Properties…Remove PageRemove page from layout?Item Properties…QgsLayoutAtlasAtlas name eval error: %1Viga atlase nime kontrollil:%1LayoutTrükivaadeAtlas sort eval error: %1Atlas filename evaluation error: %1Viga atlase failinime kontrollil :%1No matching atlas featuresPuuduvad kattuvad atlase nähtusedAtlas feature %1 of %2Atlase nähtus %1 kokku %2 -stQgsLayoutAtlasWidgetChange Atlas LayerChange Atlas FilenameAtlasAtlasCould not set filename expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilenameAvaldisel põhinev failinimiToggle Atlas LayerToggle Atlas SortingChange Atlas SortNo matching atlas features found!Sobivaid atlase nähtusi ei leitud!Change Atlas FilterChange Atlas NameCould not set filter expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilterAvaldisel põhinev filterQgsLayoutAtlasWidgetBaseAtlas GenerationAtlase tekitamineGenerate an atlasTekita atlasConfigurationSeadedSort directionJärjestamise suund……Filter withFilterHidden coverage layerCoverage layer Page nameLehekülje nimiSort byJärjestamise alusOutputVäljundSingle file export when possibleEksport üksikfailidena, kui võimalikImage export formatOutput filename expressionVäljundi failinimede avaldisQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogAscendingVähenevaltDescendingTõusvaltQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogBaseSelect AttributesColumnsVeerudResetLähtestaClearPuhastaSortingSorteeribQgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelTop centerÜlal keskelBottom centerAll keskelMiddle centerKeskpunktisTop rightÜlal paremalBottom rightAll paremalMiddle rightKeskel paremalTop leftÜlal vasakulBottom leftAll vasakulMiddle leftKeskel vasakulAutomaticAutomaatne%1 mm%1 mmAttributeAtribuutHeadingPäisAlignmentPaiknemineWidthLaiusQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetTable PropertiesUse existing framesKasuta olemasolevaid raamistikkeExtend to next pageLaienda jörgmisele leheleRepeat until finishedKorda kuni lõpuni väljaDraw headers onlyJoonista ainult päisedHide entire tablePeida kogu tabelShow set messageTruncate textKärbi tekstWrap textKatkesta tekstLayer featuresKihi nähtusedSelect Header Font ColorSelect Content Font ColorSelect Grid ColorSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundShow only features intersecting %1 featureChange Table AttributesChange Table MapChange Table RowsChange Table MarginChange Table FontChange Font ColorChange Table Line WidthChange Table Grid ColorToggle Table GridToggled Table GridChange Table ColorCurrent atlas featureKäesolev atlase nähtusRelation childrenToggle Visible Features OnlyToggle Table Filter DuplicatesToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Background DisplayToggle Table Atlas FilterToggle Table Feature FilterChange Table Feature FilterExpression Based FilterAvaldisel põhinev filterChange Table AlignmentChange Table Header ModeChange Table Wrap StringChange Table LayerChange Resize ModeChange Table SourceChange Table Source RelationChange Empty Table BehaviorChange Table Wrap ModeChange Show Empty RowsChange Empty Table MessageQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetBaseAttribute TableAtribuutandmete tabelAttribute tableAtribuutandmete tabelSourceAlgallikasLayerKihtRelationÜhendusAttributes...Atribuudid...Maximum rowsMaksimumreadRemove duplicate rows from tableEemalda tabelist korduvad readShow only features visible within a mapNäita ainult kaardile jäävaid nähtusiLinked mapShow only features intersecting atlas featureNäita ainult nähtus, mis lõikuvad atlase nähtusegaFilter withFilter……Main PropertiesRefresh Table DataFeature FilteringAppearanceVälisilmeOversized textÜlesuurendatud tekstWrap text onKatkesta tekst kohasOn first frameEsimesel raamilOn all framesKõigis raamidesNo headerIlma päisetaDisplay headerNäita päistMessage to displayTeade näitamiseksEmpty tablesTühjad tabelid mmmmShow empty rowsNäita tühju ridasidBackground colorTaustavärvCell marginsLahtri piirdedAdvanced Customization...Show GridFonts and Text StylingTable HeadingTable ContentsLine widthJoone laiusColorVärvusDraw horizontal linesJoonista horisontaalsed joonedDraw vertical linesJoonista vertikaalsed joonedAlignmentPaiknemineFollow column alignmentLähtu tulba joondusestLeftVasakulCenterKeskelRightParemalFontFontHeading fontContents fontFramesRaamidRaamidResize modeMõõtmete muutmineAdd FrameLisa RaamDon't export page if frame is emptyKui raam on tühi, jäta lehekülg eksportimataDon't draw background if frame is emptyKui raam on tühi, ära tausta joonistaQgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegateTop leftÜlal vasakulTop centerÜlal keskelTop rightÜlal paremalMiddle leftKeskel vasakulMiddle centerKeskpunktisMiddle rightKeskel paremalBottom leftAll vasakulBottom centerAll keskelBottom rightAll paremalQgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegateAscendingVähenevaltDescendingTõusvaltQgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegate mmmmAutomaticAutomaatneQgsLayoutDesignerBaseToolboxTööriistad&Layout&KujundusLayouts&Add Item&View&Vaade&Toolbars&Tööriistaribad&Panels&Preview&Edit&Redigeerimine&Items&Align Items&Distribute ItemsRe&sizeAtlasAtlasReportSettingsSeadedMain WindowLayout ToolbarNavigation ToolbarActions ToolbarAtlas ToolbarReport Toolbar&CloseClose designerCtrl+QCtrl+QPan LayoutPPZoomSuumiZZSelect/Move ItemSelect/Move itemVali/Nihuta objektiVVZoom &FullMahuta &kõikZoom fullMahuta kõikCtrl+0Ctrl+OZoom &In&SuurendaZoom inSuurendaCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom &Out&VähendaZoom outVähendaCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to &100%Suumi &100%niZoom to 100%Suumi 100%niCtrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom to WidthShow Ru&lersNäita &JoonlauduShow rulersNäita joonlauduCtrl+RCtrl+AToggle Full Scr&eenLülita Täis&ekraanileToggle full screen modeLülitu täisekraani režiimileF11F11Add Pages…Show &GridNäita võr&gustikkuShow gridNäita võrgustikkuCtrl+'Ctrl+'S&nap to GridS&näpi võrgustikkuSnap to gridSnäpi võrgustiku külgeCtrl+Shift+'Ctrl+Shift+'Manage Guides…Show G&uidesNäita J&uhendeidShow guidesNäita juhendeidCtrl+;Ctrl+;&Snap to Guides&Snäpi juhendileSnap to guidesSnäpi juhenditeleCtrl+Shift+;Ctrl+Shift+;&Clear Guides&Eemalda JuhendidClear guidesEemalda juhendidLayout Properties…Show Bounding BoxesNäita piirdealasidShow bounding boxesNäita piirdealasidCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BS&mart GuidesN&utikad JuhendidSmart guidesNutikad juhendidCtrl+Alt+;Ctrl+Alt+;D&eselect AllTühista &kogu valikDeselect allEemalda kõik valikustCtrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+A&Select All&Vali kõikSelect all itemsVali kõik objektidCtrl+ACtrl+A&Invert Selection&Pööra valikInvert selectionPööra valikSelect Next Item &BelowVali Alt&poolt Järgmine ObjektSelect next item belowVali altpoolt järgmine objektCtrl+Alt+[Ctrl+Alt+[Select Next Item &AboveVali Ül&altpoolt Järgmine ObjektSelect next item aboveVali ülaltpoolt järgmine objektCtrl+Alt+]Ctrl+Alt+]Loc&k Selected ItemsLu&kusta Valitud ObjektidCtrl+LCtrl+LUnl&ock AllLukusta kõik l&ahtiUnlock All ItemsLukusta kõik objektid lahtiCtrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LToggle Panel &VisibilityLülita paneeli &nähtavusHide panelsPeida paneelidCtrl+TabCtrl+Tab&RaiseT&õstaRaise selected itemsTõsta valitud objekteCtrl+]Ctrl+]&Lower&LangetaLower selected itemsLangeta valitud objekteCtrl+[Ctrl+[Bring to &FrontToo &EttepooleMove selected items to topNihuta valitud objektid ülaäärdeCtrl+Shift+]Ctrl+Shift+]Send to &BackSaada &TahapooleMove selected items to bottomNihuta valitud objektid alaäärdeCtrl+Shift+[Ctrl+Shift+[Align &LeftAlign selected items leftJoonda valitud objektid vasakuleAlign &CenterAlign center horizontalJoonda keskele horisontaalisAlign &RightAlign selected items rightJoonda valitud objektid paremaleAlign &TopAlign selected items to topJoonda valitud objektid ülaäärdeAlign Center &VerticalAlign center verticalJoonda keskele vertikaalseltAlign &BottomAlign selected items bottomJoonda valitud objektid alaäärdeDistribute &Left EdgesDistributes left edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &CentersDistributes horizontal centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Right EdgesDistributes right edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Top EdgesDistributes top edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Vertical CentersDistributes vertical centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Bottom EdgesDistributes bottom edges of items equidistantlyResize to &NarrowestResizes item width to match the narrowest selected itemResize to &WidestResizes item width to match the widest selected itemResize to &ShortestResizes item height to match the shortest selected itemResize to &TallestResizes item height to match the tallest selected item&Delete&KustutaDelete selected itemsKustuta valitud objektidDelDelResize to S&quareResizes items to squares&Normal&TavalineNormalTavalineSimulate Photocopy (&Grayscale)Fotokoopia simulatsioon (&Mustvalge)Simulate Fax (&Mono)Faksi simulatsioon (&Mono)Simulate Color Blindness (&Protanope)Värvipimeduse simulatsioon (&Punapimedus)Simulate Color Blindness (&Deuteranope)Värvipimeduse simulatsioon (&Rohepimedus)Show PagesNäita lehekülgiShow pagesNäita lehekülgi&Group&RühmitaGroup itemsRühma objektidCtrl+GCtrl+G&UngroupÄra gr&upeeriUngroup itemsTühista objektide rühmitamineCtrl+Shift+GCtrl+Shift+G&Refresh&VärskendaRefresh viewVärskenda vaadetF5F5Edit Nodes ItemMove &ContentNihuta &sisuMove item contentNihuta objekti sisuCCPaste in P&laceKleebi koha&lePaste in placeKleebi kohaleCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VSave as &Template…Save as templateSalvesta mallina&Add Items from Template…Add items from templateLisa mallist objekte&Duplicate Layout…Duplicate layout&Save Project&Salvesta ProjektSave projectSalvesta ProjektCtrl+SCtrl+S&New Layout…New layoutCtrl+NCtrl+NLayout &Manager...Layout managerRename Layout…Rename layoutDelete Layout…Delete layoutExport as &Image…Export as imageEkspordi pildina&Export as PDF…Export as S&VG…&First Feature&Esimene NähtusCtrl+<Ctrl+<P&revious FeatureEe&lmine NähtusCtrl+,Ctrl+,&Next Feature&Järgmine NähtusCtrl+.Ctrl+.&Last Feature&Viimane NähtusCtrl+>Ctrl+>&Print Atlas...&Trüki AtlasExport Atlas as &Images...Ekspordi Atlas P&ildina...Export Atlas as S&VG...Ekspordi Atlas S&VG-na...&Export Atlas as PDF...&Ekspordi Atlas PDF-na...Export Atlas as PDFEkspordi Atlas PDF-naAtlas &SettingsAtlase &SeadedPreview &Atlas&Atlase EelvaadeCtrl+Alt+/Ctrl+Alt+/Export Report as &Images...Export Report as ImagesExport Report as S&VG...Export Report as SVG&Export Report as PDF...Export Report as PDFReport &SettingsReport Settings&Print...&Prindi...Print LayoutCtrl+PCtrl+P&Print Report...Print ReportPa&ge Setup…Page setupLehe seadistusCtrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLayout &Options…Layout OptionsQgsLayoutDesignerDialogQGIS Layout DesignerExport AtlasCu&t&LõikaCutLõika&Copy&KopeeriCopyKopeeri&Paste&AsetaPasteAseta%1%%1%Fit LayoutFit Layout WidthZoom levelLayoutTrükivaadeGuidesItemsObjektAtlasAtlasItem PropertiesReport OrganizerAdd %1Adds a new %1 to the layoutx: %1 %2y: %1 %2page: %1Add PagesSave templateSalvesta mallLayout templatesError creating template file.Save TemplateLoad templateLaadi mallCould not read template file.%1 copyDuplicating layout…Save Report AsDuplicate layoutLayout duplication failed.Delete LayoutAre you sure you want to delete the layout “%1”?Print layoutMemory Allocation ErrorMälu eraldamise vigaPrinting the layout resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export layoutSuccessfully exported layout to <a href="%1">%2</a>Image Export ErrorCannot write to %1.
This file may be open in another application.Trying to create image %1 (%2×%3 @ %4dpi ) resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to PDFPDF FormatPDF formaatCould not create print device.Undo History%1 PanelLoad from TemplateDuplicate LayoutSuccessfully printed layout to %1.Successfully printed layout.Could not create print device for %1.Print LayoutExporting the PDF resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to SVGSVG FormatSVG formaatCannot create layered SVG file %1.Exporting the SVG resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Atlas is not enabled for this layout!No matching atlas features found!Sobivaid atlase nähtusi ei leitud!AbortNurjaPrinting maps…Printing AtlasPrint atlasPrint AtlasThe filename expression is empty. A default one will be used instead.Export Atlas to DirectoryExporting AtlasExport atlasSuccessfully exported atlas to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting atlasTrying to create image of %2×%3 @ %4dpi resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.PanelsPaneelidToolbarsTööriistaribaPrinting “%1”Save Layout AsExporting “%1”Successfully printed atlas to %1.Successfully printed atlas.Error encountered while printing atlas.Export Atlas as ImageUnable to write into the given output directory. Canceling.Rendering maps…Error encountered while exporting atlas.Export Atlas as SVGCannot create layered SVG file.Exporting ReportExport reportSuccessfully exported report to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting reportPrinting ReportPrint reportPrinting the report resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Print ReportExport Atlas as PDFEkspordi Atlas PDF-naRendering report…Export Report as ImageExport Report as SVGError encountered while exporting report.Export Report as PDFSuccessfully printed report to %1.Successfully printed report.Error encountered while printing report.Project Contains WMS LayersSome WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printedOsa WMS-servereid (nt UMN MapServer) kasutab piirangut parameetritele WIDTH ja HEIGHT. Sellistest serveritest kihtide printimisel võidakse seda piirangut ületada. Piirangu ületamisel WMS-kihti ei prinditaDon't show this message againÄra seda teadet enam näitaExport as SVGEkspordi SVG-na<p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the <p> SVG-ekspordifunktsioon QGIS-is sisaldab mitut probleemi nagu vead ja puudused kohas underlying Qt SVG library. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p>If you require a vector-based output file from QGIS it is suggested that you try exporting to PDF if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p>Composition EffectsAdvanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this layout, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended.Print as rasterPrindi rastrinaForce VectorThis layout has the "Always export as vectors" option enabled, but the layout contains effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency, which cannot be printed as vectors. The generated file will differ from the layout contents.Never show this message againExport LayoutTo create an image of %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed?atlasreport&Duplicate Layout…Delete Layout…Delete layoutRename Layout…Rename layoutNew Layout…New layout&Duplicate Report…Duplicate reportDelete Report…Delete reportRename Report…Rename reportNew Report…New reportQgsLayoutFrame<Frame>QgsLayoutGuideCollectionMove GuideRemove Guide(s)Create GuideClear GuidesApply GuidesChange Guide VisibilityQgsLayoutGuideWidgetGuidesRemove Horizontal GuidesRemove Vertical GuidesGuides for page %1Remove All GuidesQgsLayoutGuideWidgetBaseCompositionKujundusGuides for page 1Horizontal GuidesAdd new guideRemove selected guideVertical GuidesResets all other pages' guides to match this pageApply to All PagesRemoves all guides from the current pageClear All GuidesQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetHTML PropertiesUse existing framesKasuta olemasolevaid raamistikkeExtend to next pageLaienda jörgmisele leheleRepeat on every pageKorda kõikidel lehtedelRepeat until finishedKorda kuni lõpuni väljaChange HTML UrlSelect HTML documentVali HTML-dokumentChange Resize ModeChange Evaluate ExpressionsChange Smart BreaksChange Page Break DistanceChange HTMLChange User StylesheetToggle User StylesheetToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Hide BackgroundChange HTML SourceInsert ExpressionSisesta avaldisQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetBaseHTML FrameHTML-raamHTML frameHTML-raamHTML SourceHTML-allikasIf checked, expressions inside [% %] tags will be evaluated prior to rendering the HTMLKui märgitud, siis kontrollitakse avaldisi märgendites [% %] enne HTML-i renderdamistEvaluate QGIS expressions in HTML sourceHinda QGIS-i avaldisi HTML-allikasRefresh HTMLVärskenda HTML……SourceAlgallikasURLURLInsert an ExpressionUse Smart Page BreaksUser StylesheetFramesRaamidRaamidDon't export page if frame is emptyKui raam on tühi, jäta lehekülg eksportimataAdd FrameLisa RaamResize modeMõõtmete muutmineDon't draw background if frame is emptyKui raam on tühi, ära tausta joonistaMaximum distanceMaksimaalne vahemaa mmmmUpdate HTMLUuenda HTMLQgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialogImage Export OptionsExport resolutionEkspordi resolutsioonPage heightLehekülje kõrgus dpi dpiAutoAutomaatne pxpikselPage widthLehekülje laiusExport OptionsCrop to ContentLeftVasakulRightParemalBottomAllTop marginÜlemine servIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdKui on märgistatud, siis tekitatakse eraldi world fail, mis georefereerib eksporditavad pildidGenerate world fileIf unchecked, the generated images will not be antialiasedEnable antialiasingQgsLayoutItem<%1><item><objekt>Change Item IDShow ItemHide ItemLock ItemUnlock ItemQgsLayoutItem3DMap3D Map %1Scene not setLoadingQgsLayoutItemAttributeTable<Attribute table frame>QgsLayoutItemGroup<Group>Set Group VisibilityMove groupResize GroupQgsLayoutItemHtmlLayout HTML item<HTML frame>QgsLayoutItemLabelLayout label item<HTML Label><Label>%1…%1% {1…?}QgsLayoutItemLegend<Legend>%1…%1% {1…?}QgsLayoutItemMapMap %1Kaart %1Grid %1Võrgustik %1Overview %1Ülevaade %1Rendering mapMap SettingsKaardi seadedQgsLayoutItemMapGridGridVõrgustikQgsLayoutItemPicturePicture expression eval errorPildi avaldise hindamise vigaQgsLayoutItemPolygon<Polygon>QgsLayoutItemPolyline<Polyline>QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidgetLayout ItemChange Frame ColorChange Background ColorMove ItemNihuta objektiChange Item ReferenceResize ItemChange Frame Stroke WidthChange Frame Join StyleEnable FrameDisable FrameEnable BackgroundDisable BackgroundSelect Background ColorSelect Frame ColorChange Blend ModeChange OpacityChange Item IDRotateExclude from ExportsInclude in ExportsQgsLayoutItemShape<Ellipse><Rectangle><Triangle><Shape>QgsLayoutItemTextTable<Text table frame>QgsLayoutItemWidgetBaseGlobal OptionsÜldised suvandidPosition and SizeYY……PageLehekülgHeightKõrgusLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)XXWidthLaiusReference pointReferentspunktRotationPööramine °°FrameRaamColorVärvusThicknessPaksusJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilBackgroundTaustItem IDObjekti IDIdIdRenderingRenderdamineBlending modeKokkusulatamise režiimExclude item from exportsArva objekt ekspordi hulgast väljaOpacityLäbipaistvusVariablesMuutujadQgsLayoutItemsListViewCopy ItemDelete ItemItem Properties…QgsLayoutLabelWidgetLabel PropertiesMärgise omadusedSelect Font ColorChange Label ModeChange Label TextChange Label FontChange Label AlignmentChange Label MarginChange Label ColorInsert ExpressionSisesta avaldisInsert expressionSisesta avaldisQgsLayoutLabelWidgetBaseLabel OptionsMärgise valikudLabelMärgisRender as HTMLRenderda HTML-inaMain PropertiesInsert an Expression...AppearanceVälisilmeHorizontal alignmentHorisontaalne joondus mmmmTopÜlalMiddleKeskelBottomAllVertical marginVertikaalne servHorizontal marginHorisontaalne servFont colorFondi värvusLeftVasakulJustifyRightParemalCenterKeskelVertical alignmentVertikaalne joondusFontFontQgsLayoutLegendLayersDialogBaseAdd Layer to LegendLisa kiht legendiSearchOtsiIf checked, only layers visible within the map will be listedShow visible layers onlyQgsLayoutLegendWidgetLegend PropertiesSelect Font ColorSelect Stroke ColorChange Legend WrapChange Legend TitleChange Title AlignmentChange Column CountSplit Legend LayersLegend Column WidthResize Symbol WidthResize Symbol HeightResize WMS WidthResize WMS HeightChange Title SpaceChange Group SpaceChange Layer SpaceChange Symbol SpaceChange Label SpaceChange Title FontChange Group FontChange Layer FontChange Item FontChange Font ColorChange Box SpaceChange Column SpaceChange Line SpaceMoved Legend Item DownMove Legend Item UpChange Auto UpdateChange Legend MapResize Legend to ContentsChange Legend BordersResize Legend BordersChange Legend Border ColorAdd Legend Item(s)Remove Legend ItemUpdate LegendAdd Legend GroupGroupRühmOnly show items inside current %1 featureFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current %1 feature.Legend item propertiesLegendi objekti omadusedItem textKirje tekstEdit Legend ItemQgsLayoutLegendWidgetBaseLegend OptionsLegendi ValikudLegendLeppemärk&Title&PealkiriTitle alignmentPealkirja joondusMapKaartResize to fit contentsMuuda suurust mahutamaks sisuWrap text onKatkesta tekst kohas……LeftVasakulCenterKeskelRightParemalAuto updateAutomaatne uuendamineUpdate whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted.Uuenda kogu legend. Kihte lisatakse/eemaldatakse vastavalt peamise rakenduse legendile. Kasutaja poolt määratud sildid kustutatakse.Update allUuenda kõikAdd groupLisa rühmShow feature count for each class of vector layer.Näita nähtuste arvu iga vektorkihi klassi kohta.Main PropertiesLegend ItemsKeeps the legend contents synchronized with the main application legend. Customization is not possible and must be done in the main application.Filter Legend by Map ContentFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current atlas feature.Filtreeri välja legendi elemendid, mis jäävad välja praegust atlase ulatusestOnly show items inside current atlas featureNäita ainult elemente, mis jäävad praeguse atlase ulatuse sisseFontsFondidTitle fontGroup fontSubgroup fontItem fontFont colorFondi värvusColumnsVeerudCountKoguarvEqual column widthsVõrdsusta veeru laiusedAllow splitting layer items into multiple columns.Luba kihi elemente mitmeks veeruks tükeldadaSplit layersTükelda kihtSymbolSümbolSymbol widthSümboli laius mmmmSymbol heightSümboli kõrgusDraw stroke for raster symbolsStroke colorViirutuse värvThicknessPaksusHairlineJuhtjoonWMS LegendGraphicWMS LegendGraphicLegend widthLegendi laiusLegend heightLegendi kõrgusSpacingVahedSpace above text using group style.Group spaceSpace above text using subgroup style.Vahe teksti kohal, kasutades alamrühma stiili.Subgroup spaceAlamrühmade vaheSpace above symbol and symbol label.Vahe leppemärgi ja leppemärgi kirja kohal.Symbol spaceLeppemärkide vaheSpace between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin).Icon label spaceLeppemärkide ja kirja vaheBox spaceKasti veerisedColumn spaceVeergude vaheLine spaceJoone kohtSpace below title.Vahe pealkirja allTitle spacePealkirjade vaheQgsLayoutLocatorFilterProject LayoutsQgsLayoutManagerLayout %1Report %1QgsLayoutManagerBaseLayout Manager&Duplicate…Re&name…&Remove…&Show&NäitaNew from TemplateUus mallistCreate…Open template directoryUserKasutajaDefaultVaikimisiQgsLayoutManagerDialogLayout templatesSelect a TemplateEmpty layoutEmpty reportSpecificSpetsiifilineOpen DirectoryAva kataloogRemove LayoutRemove LayoutsDuplicate LayoutTemplate file “%1” not found.Create LayoutCould not read template file “%1”.Invalid template file “%1”.Could not open or create local directory “%1”.Do you really want to remove the print layout “%1”?Do you really want to remove all selected print layouts?%1 copyDuplicating layout…Layout duplication failed.QgsLayoutManagerModelThere is already a layout named “%1”.Rename LayoutQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetMap Grid PropertiesSolidTäisCrossRistMarkersMarkeridFrame and annotations onlyAinult raam ja märkusedDecimalDetsimaalarvDecimal with suffixKümnendmurd sufiksigaDegree, minuteKraad, minutDegree, minute with suffixKraad, minut sufiksigaDegree, minute alignedKraad, minut järjestatultDegree, minute, secondKraad, minut, sekundDegree, minute, second with suffixKraad, minut, sekund sufiksigaDegree, minute, second alignedKraad, minut, sekund järjestatultCustomKohandatudSelect Font ColorSelect Grid Frame ColorSelect Grid Frame Fill ColorTransparent FrameTransparent FillChange Frame DivisionsChange Annotation FormatShow allNäita kõikiShow latitude onlyNäita ainult laiuskraadeShow longitude onlyNäita ainult pikkuskraadeInside frameRaami seesOutside frameVäljaspool raamiHorizontalHorisontaalneVertical ascendingVertical descendingDisabledVäljasChange Annotation PositionChange Annotation DirectionAllKõikLatitude/Y onlyAinult laiuskraadid/YLongitude/X onlyAinult pikkuskraadid/XMap unitKaardiühikMillimeterMillimeeterCentimeterSentimeeterChange…Change Grid IntervalChange Grid OffsetChange Cross WidthChange Frame WidthChange Frame LeftChange Frame RightChange Frame TopChange Frame BottomChange Frame ThicknessChange Frame ColorChange Frame Fill ColorChange Frame StyleZebraSebraInterior ticksSisemised märgisedExterior ticksVälimised märgisedInterior and exterior ticksSisemised ja välimised märgisedLine borderJoone servChange Grid UnitChange Grid Blend ModeChange Grid TypeChange Grid CRSToggle AnnotationsExpression Based AnnotationChange Annotation DistanceChange Annotation FontChange Grid Line StyleChange Grid Marker StyleChange Annotation ColorChange Annotation PrecisionQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetBaseMap OptionsKaardi valikudAppearanceVälisilmeGrid typeVõrgustiku tüüpCRSKoordinaatsüsteemChange...Muuda...Interval unitsVahemaa ühikudMap unitKaardiühikMillimeterMillimeeterCentimeterSentimeeterIntervalX XY YOffsetNihutaCross widthRisti paksus mmmmLine styleMarker styleMarkeri stiilBlend modeSulatamise režiimFrameRaamFrame styleRaami stiilFrame sizeFrame line thicknessFrame fill colorsLeft sideVasak poolRight sideParem poolTop sideÜlemine poolBottom sideAlumine poolNo frameRaamitaZebraSebraInterior ticksSisemised märgisedExterior ticksVälimised märgisedInterior and exterior ticksSisemised ja välimised märgisedLine borderJoone servRight divisionsParempoolsed jaotusedLeft divisionsVasakpoolsed jaotusedTop divisionsÜlemised jaotusedBottom divisionsAlumised jaotusedDraw CoordinatesFormatFormaat……LeftVasakulRightParemalTopÜlalBottomAllFontFontFont colorFondi värvusDistance to map frameKaugus kaardi raaminiCoordinate precisionKoordinaatide täpsusQgsLayoutMapWidgetMap PropertiesUse project CRSSet layer list from a map themeControlled by %1atlasAtlasAtlasReportUse one of the predefined scales of the project where the %1 feature best fits.No presets definedChange Map Preset(none)Change Map CRSChange Overview StyleSet Atlas DrivenChange Atlas ModeChange Atlas MarginChange Atlas ScalesChange Map ScaleChange Map RotationChange Map ExtentChange Frame DivisionsChange Annotation DisplayShow allNäita kõikiShow latitude onlyNäita ainult laiuskraadeShow longitude onlyNäita ainult pikkuskraadeMap Preset ChangedToggle Map ItemInside frameRaami seesOutside frameVäljaspool raamiHorizontalHorisontaalneVertical ascendingVertical descendingDisabledVäljasChange Annotation PositionChange Annotation DirectionAllKõikLatitude/Y onlyAinult laiuskraadid/YLongitude/X onlyAinult pikkuskraadid/XGrid %1Võrgustik %1Add Map GridRemove GridMove Grid UpMove Grid DownDraw "%1" gridKuva "%1" võrgustikRename GridToggle Grid DisplayOverview %1Ülevaade %1Add Map OverviewRemove Map OverviewMove Overview UpMove Overview DownDraw "%1" overviewKuva "%1" ülevaadeOverview Display ToggledChange Overview MapChange Overview Blend ModeToggle Overview InvertedToggle Overview CenteredQgsLayoutMapWidgetBaseMap OptionsKaardi valikudMapKaartCRSKoordinaatsüsteem °°……Draw map canvas itemsJoonista kaardiakna objekteScaleSkaalaMap rotationKaardi pööreLayersKihtFollow map themeLock layersLukusta kihidLock styles for layersLukusta kihtide kujundusExtentsUlatusedX minX minY minY minX maxX maxY maxY maxSet to map canvas extentMäära kaardiakna ulatusView extent in map canvasMain PropertiesUpdate PreviewControlled by AtlasMargin around feature%%Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the atlas feature best fits.Predefined scale (best fit)Fixed scaleMääratud mõõtkavaGridsVõrgustikudAdd a new gridLisa uus võrgustikRemove selected gridEemalda valitud võrgustikMove selected grid upTõsta valitud võrgustik ülespooleMove selected grid downTõsta valitud võrgustik allapooleDraw gridJoonista võrgustikModify grid...Muuda võrgustikkuOverviewsÜlevaatedAdd a new overviewLisa uus ülevaadeRemove selected overviewEemalda valitud ülevaadeMove selected overview upNihuta valitud ülevaade ülesMove selected overview downNihuta valitud ülevaade allaDraw overviewKuva ülevaadeMap frameKaardi raamFrame styleRaami stiilBlending modeKokkusulatamise režiimInvert overviewCenter on overviewChange...Muuda...QgsLayoutModelItemObjektQgsLayoutMouseHandlesMove ItemsResize Items%1 items selected%1 objekti valitud1 item selected1 objekt valituddx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmdx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmwidth: %1 mm height: %2 mmlaius: %1 mm kõrgus: %2 mmQgsLayoutMultiFrameChange Resize Mode<Multiframe>QgsLayoutNewItemPropertiesDialogNew Item PropertiesReference PointPosition and SizeHeightKõrgusWidthLaiusYYXXLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)PageLehekülgQgsLayoutNewPageDialogInsert PagesPage SizeSizeSuurusWidthLaiusOrientationSuundHeightKõrgusLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)page(s)InsertSisestaBefore PageAfter PageAt EndQgsLayoutObjectlist of map layer names separated by | characterskaardikihtide loetelu eraldatud | märgiganame of an existing map theme (case-sensitive)QgsLayoutPageCollectionResize to ContentsMove ItemNihuta objektiMove GuidesAdd PageRemove PageRemove PagesQgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidgetNew Item PropertiesBackgroundTaustPage SizeWidthLaiusLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)……HeightKõrgusSizeSuurusOrientationSuundIf checked, this page will not be included when exporting the layoutExclude page from exportsPortraitPüstasendLandscapeRõhtasendCustomKohandatudChange Page SizeChange Page BackgroundInclude Page in ExportsExclude Page from ExportsQgsLayoutPictureWidgetPicture PropertiesSelect Fill ColorSelect Stroke ColorGrid northTrue northChange PictureChange Picture RotationSelect SVG or Image FileSelect New Preview DirectoryChange Resize ModeChange PlacementToggle Rotation SyncChange Rotation MapAdding Icons…AbortNurjaCreating icon for file %1Loon ikooni failile %1Change Picture Fill ColorChange Picture Stroke ColorChange Picture Stroke WidthChange Picture North OffsetChange Picture North ModeQgsLayoutPictureWidgetBasePicture OptionsPildi valikudPicturePiltMain PropertiesImage sourcePildi allikas……Resize modeMõõtmete muutmineZoomSuumiStretchVenitaClipLõikamineZoom and resize frameSuumi ja muuda raami mõõtusidResize frame to image sizeMuuda raami suurus vastavaks pildi mõõtudelePlacementPaiknemineTop leftÜlal vasakulTop centerÜlal keskelTop rightÜlal paremalMiddle leftKeskel vasakulMiddleKeskelMiddle rightKeskel paremalBottom leftAll vasakulBottom centerAll keskelBottom rightAll paremalSearch DirectoriesImage RotationLoading previews...Laadin eelvaateid...Image search pathsPildi otsinguteedRemoveEemaldaAdd...Lisa...SVG ParametersSVG väärtused mmmmStroke colorViirutuse värvStroke widthViirutuse paksusFill colorTäitevärvNorth alignmentSync with mapSünkroniseeri kaardiga °°OffsetNihutaQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetPolygon PropertiesPolügooni omadusedChange Shape StyleQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetBaseFormVormPolygonPolügoonMain PropertiesChange...Muuda...QgsLayoutPolylineWidgetPolyline PropertiesArrow PropertiesSelect Arrow Head Stroke ColorSelect Arrow Head Fill ColorTransparent StrokeTransparent FillChange Shape StyleChange Arrow HeadChange Arrow WidthChange Arrow Fill ColorChange Arrow Stroke ColorSet Arrow MarkerSet Line MarkerSet SVG MarkerChange Start Marker FileChange End Marker FileStart marker svg fileAlgusmarkeri svg failEnd marker svg fileLõpumarkeri svg failQgsLayoutPolylineWidgetBaseFormVormPolylineJoonMain PropertiesLine Style...Line MarkersArrow stroke colorNoole serva värv mmmmArrow head widthNoolepea paksusStart markerAlguse marker……NoneTühiArrowNoolSVGSVGArrow stroke widthNoole serva laiusEnd markerLõpu markerArrow fill colorNoole täitevärvusSVG pathQgsLayoutPropertiesWidgetLayout PropertiesResize to ContentsSet Reference MapSet Default DPIQgsLayoutQptDropHandlerCould not read template file.Load from TemplateQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetScalebar PropertiesSingle BoxÜksik kastDouble BoxTopeltkastLine Ticks MiddleJoone kriips keskeleLine Ticks DownJoone kriipsud allLine Ticks UpJoone kriipsud pealNumericNumbrilineLeftVasakulMiddleKeskelRightParemalMap unitsKaardiühikutMetersMeetridKilometersKilomeetridFeetJaladYardsJardidMilesMiilidNautical MilesMeremiilidCentimetersMillimetersSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillSelect Alternate Fill ColorTransparent LineScalebar FontSelect Line ColorSet Scalebar Line WidthSet Scalebar Segment SizeSet Scalebar SegmentsSet Scalebar HeightSet Scalebar FontSet Scalebar Fill ColorSet Scalebar Stroke ColorSet Scalebar Unit TextSet Scalebar Map Units per SegmentSet Scalebar StyleSet Scalebar Label SpaceSet Scalebar Box SpaceSet Scalebar AlignmentSet Scalebar UnitsSet Scalebar Join StyleSet Scalebar Cap StyleSet Scalebar Size ModeSet Scalebar MapQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetBaseScalebar OptionsJoonmõõtkava valikudScalebarJoonmõõtkavaSt&yleSt&iil&Map&KaartUnitsÜhikudScalebar unitsJoonmõõtkava ühikud&Label for units&Märgis ühikute jaoksSpecifies how many scalebar units per labeled unit. For example, if your scalebar units are set to "meters", a multiplier of 1000 will result in the scalebar labels in kilometers.Text used for labeling the scalebar units, e.g., "m" or "km". This should be matched to reflect the multiplier above. Specifies the underlying units used for scalebar calculations, e.g., "meters" or "feet"Label unit multiplierMärgise ühiku kordajaSegmentsLõigudNumber of scalebar units per scalebar segmentJoonmõõtkava ühikuid joonmõõtkava segmendi kohta unitsühikudHeightKõrgusright paremleft vasakFi&xed widthMää&ratud laiusFit segment widthMahuta segmendi laius mmmmDisplayVaadeBox marginKasti piireAlignmentPaiknemineLabels marginMärgise piireLine widthJoone laiusCap styleLõpetamise stiilJoin styleKäänupunktide stiil……Secondary fill colorTeisene täitevärvFill colorTäitevärvMain PropertiesFonts and ColorsLine colorJoone värvFontFontQgsLayoutShapeWidgetShape PropertiesRectangleNelinurkEllipseEllipsTriangleKolmnurkChange Shape StyleChange Shape RadiusChange Shape TypeQgsLayoutShapeWidgetBaseFormVormShapeKujundMain PropertiesCorner radiusNurga raadiusStyleStiilChange...Muuda...QgsLayoutTableNo matching recordsPuuduvad vastedQgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialogChange Table BackgroundSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundQgsLayoutTableBackgroundDialogTable Background ColorsTabeli taustavärvidFirst rowEsimene ridaHeader rowPäise ridaEven columnsPaaris tulbadFirst columnEsimene tulpEven rowsPaaris readOdd columnsPaaritud tulbadLast rowViimane ridaLast columnViimane tulpDefault cell backgroundLahtri taust vaikimisiOdd rowsPaaritud read<html><head/><body><p>Check options to enable shading for matching cells. Options lower in this list will take precedence over higher options. For example, if both "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>" and "<span style=" font-style:italic;">Odd rows</span>" are checked, the cells in the first row will be shaded using the color specified for "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>".</p></body></html>QgsLayoutTableSortColumnsProxyModelDescendingTõusvaltAscendingVähenevaltAttributeAtribuutSort OrderJärjestamise kordQgsLayoutViewCut ItemsPaste ItemsLock ItemsUnlock ItemsDelete ItemsMove ItemNihuta objektiQgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewToolAddItemAdd itemLisa kirjeCreate %1Create ItemQgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItemAdd itemLisa kirjeQgsLayoutViewToolEditNodesSelectValiRemove Item NodeMove Item NodeAdd Item NodeQgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContentSelectValiMove Item ContentZoom Item ContentQgsLayoutViewToolPanPanNihutaQgsLayoutViewToolSelectSelectValiQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPanPanNihutaQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePanPanNihutaQgsLayoutViewToolZoomPanNihutaQgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutWidgetBaseCompositionKujundusGeneral SettingsReference mapTaustakaartSpecifies the master map for this composition, which is used to georeference composer exports and for scale calculation for item styles.Guides and GridJuhised ja võrgustikx: x:y: y: pxpikselGrid spacingVõrgustiku sammGrid offsetVõrgustiku niheSnap toleranceSnäppimise tundlikkusExport SettingsResize Layout to ContentIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdKui on märgistatud, siis tekitatakse eraldi world fail, mis georefereerib eksporditavad pildidSave world fileSalvesta world failExport resolutionEkspordi resolutsioon dpi dpiIf checked, exports from this layout will be rasterized.Print as rasterPrindi rastrinaIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsMargin unitsTop marginÜlemine servLeftVasakulRightParemalBottomAllResize layoutVariablesMuutujadQgsLegendFilterButtonEdit Filter Expression…Redigeeri filtri avaldist…Clear Filter ExpressionTühjenda filtri avaldisEdit filter expressionRedigeeri filtriavaldistEdit filter expression (current: %1)Redigeeri filtriavaldist (praegu: %1)QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialogRandom Color RampQgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidgetBaseRandom Color RampHueVärvingtokuniSaturationKüllastusValueVäärtusClassesKlassidPreviewEelvaadeQgsLocatorFiltersModelFilterFilterPrefixEesliideEnabledKasutusesDefaultVaikimisiConfigurationSeadedQgsLocatorWidgetType to locate (⌘K)Type to locate (Ctrl+K)<type here>Configure…QgsManageConnectionsDialogSelect allVali kõikClear selectionPuhasta valikustSelect connections to importVali ühendus impordiksImportImpordiExportEkspordiExport/Import ErrorSave ConnectionsSalvesta ÜhendusedSaving ConnectionsLoading ConnectionsÜhenduste laadimineThe file is not a WMS connections exchange file.The file is not a WFS connections exchange file.The file is not a WCS connections exchange file.The file is not a PostGIS connections exchange file.The file is not a MSSQL connections exchange file.The file is not a DB2 connections exchange file.The file is not a GeoNode connections exchange file.The file is not a XYZ Tiles connections exchange file.See fail pole XYZ-paanide ühenduse vahetusfail.The file is not a %1 connections exchange file.You should select at least one connection from list.Vali vähemalt üks ühendus nimekirjast.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Cannot write file %1:
%2.Ei saa kirjutada faili %1:
%2.Cannot read file %1:
%2.Ei saa lugeda faili %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2:
%3The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file.Fail ei ole Oracle'i ühenduste vahetusfail.Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Ühendus nimega '%1' on juba olemas. Kas kirjutan üle?QgsManageConnectionsDialogBaseManage ConnectionsSelect connections to exportVali ühendused ekspordiksQgsMapCanvasMap CanvasKaarditaustRenderingRenderdamineCanvas refresh: %1 msTausta värskendus: %1 msCannot zoom to selected feature(s)No extent could be determined.Pan to feature id failedNähtusele nihutamine ebaõnnestusFeature does not have a geometryNähtusel puudub geomeetriaFeature geometry is emptyNähtuse geomeetria on tühiZoom to feature id failedNähtuseni suumimine ebaõnnestusFeature not foundNähtust ei leitudCannot pan to selected feature(s)Valitud nähtus(t)ele ei saa nihutadaQgsMapCanvasDockWidgetSet View ThemeView SettingsChange Map CRS (%1)…No projection(default)(vaikimisi)QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetBaseMap CanvasKaarditaustSet Map CRS…Set Map CRSRename View…Rename ViewZoom to &SelectionSuumi &valikuniZoom to &LayerSuumi kihi&niZoom &FullMahuta &kõikShow AnnotationsShow Cursor PositionShow Main Canvas ExtentShow LabelsQgsMapCanvasSnappingUtilsIndexing data…QgsMapCanvasTracerDisabled - there are too many features displayed. Try zooming in or disable some layers.Keelatud – liiga palju nähtusi kuvamiseks. Proovi suurendada või lülita mõned kihid välja.Tracing may not work correctly. Please check topology of the input layers.Järgimine ei pruugi korralikult töötada. Kontrolli sisendkihtide topoloogiat.TracingJärgimineQgsMapCoordsDialogFrom map canvasKaardiaknastQgsMapCoordsDialogBaseEnter Map Coordinates<html><head/><body><p>Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd mm ss.ss</span>), DD (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd.dd</span>) or projected coordinates (<span style=" font-style:italic;">mmmm.mm</span>)) which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point.</p></body></html>Y / NorthY / PõhiX / EastX / IdaQgsMapLayerSpecify CRS for layer %1Täpsusta CRS kihile %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 real %2 veerus %3Loading style file %1 failed because:
%2Stiilifaili laadimine %1 ebaõnnestus kuna:
%2Cannot apply style with symbology to layer with a different geometry typeCould not save symbology because:
%1Ei saanud salvestada sümboleid kuna:
%1The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable!Kataloog kus asub andmestik, peab olema kirjutamiseks lubatud!LayerKihtStyle not found in databaseStiili ei leitud andmebaasistMetadata not found in databaseLoading metadata file %1 failed because:
%2Created default metadata file as %1Created default style file as %1Loodud algstiili fail %1ERROR: Failed to created default metadata file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.VIGA: Algstiili failis %1 loomine ebaõnnestus. Kontrolli faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.User database could not be opened.Kasutaja andmebaasi avamine ebaõnnestus.The metadata table could not be created.The style table could not be created.Stiili tabelit ei saanud luua.The metadata %1 was saved to databaseThe style %1 was saved to databaseStiil %1 salvestati andmebaasiThe metadata %1 was updated in the database.The style %1 was updated in the database.Stiil %1 värskendati andmebaasis.The metadata %1 could not be updated in the database.The style %1 could not be updated in the database.Stiili %1 ei saanud andmebaasis värskendada.The metadata %1 could not be inserted into database.The style %1 could not be inserted into database.Stiili %1 ei saanud sisestada andmebaasi.ERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.VIGA: SLD stiilis faili %1 loomine ebaõnnestus. Kontrolli faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.Unable to open file %1Ei saa avada faili %1Root <qgis> element could not be foundQgsMapLayerComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the layersRippmenüü kihtide loetlemiseksA combo box to list the layers registered in QGIS. Layers might be filtered according to their type.Liitboks, milles on loetletud QGIS-is registreeritud kihid. Kihid võivad olla tüübi alusel filtritud.QgsMapLayerModel%1 [%2]%1 (%2 - %3)%1 (%2) QgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModelLayer ConfigurationIdentifiable, removable, searchable, display expression, read-onlySymbologySümboloogia3D SymbologyLabelsMärgisedFieldsVäljadAliases, widgets, WMS/WFS, expressions, constraints, virtual fieldsFormsActionsTegevusedMap TipsKaardivihjedDiagramsDiagrammidAttribute Table SettingsChoice and order of columns, conditional stylingRenderingRenderdamineScale visibility, simplify method, opacityCustom PropertiesGeometry OptionsGeometry constraints and validity checksAll Style CategoriesQgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtilsRemove CurrentEemalda praeguneAdd…Rename Current…Nimeta praegune ümber…New styleUus stiilStyle name:Stiili nimi:Rename styleNimeta stiil ümberQgsMapLayerStyleManagerdefaultvaikimisiQgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidgetAddLisaRemove CurrentEemalda praeguneLoad StyleLaadi stiilSave as DefaultSalvesta algseadeksRestore DefaultTaasta AlgseadedNew styleUus stiilStyle name:Stiili nimi:Save StyleSalvesta stiilSave default style to: Salvesta vaike-stiil:CancelLoobuLocal databaseLokaalne andmebaas:Datasource databaseAndmeallikate andmebaasDefault StyleAlgstiilLoad default style from: Laadi vaikestiil asukohast:Loaded from ProviderLaaditud pakkujaltNo default style was found for this layerSellele kihile ei ole vaikimisi stiili määratudLoad layer properties from style fileLaadi kihi omadused stiilifailistQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS-i kihistiilide failSLD FileSLD failQgsMapRendererJobThere was a problem transforming the layer's extent. Layer skipped.Kihi ulatuse transformeerimisel tekkis viga. Kiht jäeti vahele.Insufficient memory for image %1x%2Pole piisavalt mälumahtu pildi %1x%2 jaoksInsufficient memory for label image %1x%2LabelingMärgised%1 ms: %2%1 ms: %2RenderingRenderdamineQgsMapRendererTaskSaving as imageRendering to painterQgsMapSaveDialogSave Map as ImageAdvanced effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency cannot be exported as vectors.
Rasterizing the map is recommended when such effects are used.Rasterize mapRasterda kaartSave world fileSalvesta world failDraw annotationsDraw active decorationsOutput heightVäljundi kõrgusOutput widthVäljundi laius pxpikselLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)ResolutionResolutsioon dpi dpiScaleSkaalaExtentUlatusDraw active decorations: %1nonetühiThe following layer(s) use advanced effects:
Rasterizing map is recommended for proper rendering.Järgmine kiht (kihid) kasutavab keerulisi efekte:
Paremaks renderdamiseks on mõistlik kaart rasterdada.Save Map as PDFCopy to ClipboardKopeeri lõikepuhvrisseSave as imageCould not allocate required memory for imageSuccessfully copied map to clipboardKopeeritud kaart edukalt lõikepuhvrisseSave as PDFCould not copy the map to clipboardEi õnnestunud kopeerida kaarti lõikepuhvrisseChoose a file name to save the map image asAnna failile nimi mille kaardipildi salvestadSuccessfully saved map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not save the map to filePDF FormatPDF formaatSave Map AsCould not save the map to PDFQgsMapSettingsActionSynchronize View Center with Main MapSynchronize View to SelectionScaleSkaala °°Current clockwise map rotation in degreesPraegune kaardi pöördenurk kraadides, päripäevaRotationPööramineMagnifier levelSuurendusasteMagnificationSuurendusSynchronize scaleÜhtlusta mõõtkava××Multiplication factor for main canvas scale to view scaleScale FactorQgsMapThemesReplace ThemeAsenda teemaAdd Theme…Remove Current ThemeEemalda praegune teemathemeteemaThemeteemaMap ThemesKaardi teemadName of the new themeUue teema nimiA theme with this name already exists.Are you sure you want to replace the existing theme “%1”?Remove ThemeAre you sure you want to remove the existing theme “%1”?QgsMapToolAddFeatureadd featurelisa nähtusAdd featureLisa nähtusQgsMapToolAddPartNo feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute tableNähtusi ei ole valitud. Palun vali nähtus atribuuditabelist valikuriistagaSeveral features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added.Mitu nähtust valitud. Palun vali ainult üks nähtus millesse osa lisatakse.Part addedOsa lisatudCould not add part. %1Ei saanud lisada osa. %1Add partLisa osaCoordinate transform error. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemKoordinaatide transformeerimisel tekkis viga. Punkti ei saa transformeerida kihi koordinaatsüsteemi.Add part: Feature geom is single part and you've added more than oneSelected feature is not multi part.Valitud nähtus ei ole hulkosaline.New part's geometry is not valid.Uued osad geomeetrias ei ole lubatud.New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons.Uus polügooni sisepiir ei ole kooskõlas olemasolevate polügoonidega.Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added.Mitmed nähtused valitud. Palun vali ainult üks nähtus millele saar lisatakse.Selected geometry could not be foundValitud geomeetriat ei leitudQgsMapToolAddRegularPolygonNumber of sides: QgsMapToolAddRingAdd ringLisa sisepiirCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system.Ring addedSisepiir lisatuda problem with geometry type occurredilmnes probleem geomeetriatüübigathe inserted ring is not closedlisatud sisepiir ei ole suletudthe inserted ring is not a valid geometrysisestatud ringil ei ole õige geomeetriathe inserted ring crosses existing ringssisestatud ring ületab olemasolevat ringithe inserted ring is not contained in a featurelisatud sisepiir ei ole nähtuse seesan unknown error occurredilmnes tundmatu vigaCould not add ring since %1.QgsMapToolChangeLabelPropertiesChanged properties for labelMuuda sildi omadusiQgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPointErrorVigaSegments are parallelsRadius of the circle: QgsMapToolCircle3TangentsErrorVigaAt least two segments are parallelsQgsMapToolCircularStringRadiusRadius: Raadius:QgsMapToolDeletePartDelete partKustuta osaPart of multipart feature deletedOsa hulkosalisest nähtusest kustutatudCouldn't remove the selected part.Ei saanud eemaldada valitud osa.QgsMapToolDeleteRingDelete ringKustuta ringDelete ring can only be used in a polygon layer.Ringi saab kustutada ainult polügoonikihilRing deletedSisepiir kustutatudQgsMapToolDigitizeFeatureDigitize featureThe data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features.Kihi andmehaldur ei toeta nähtuste lisamist.Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layerVale redigeerimise tööriist, sellel vektorkihil ei saa kasutada tööriista 'joonista punkt'Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemEi saa transformeerida punkti kihi koordinaatsüsteemiWrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layerVale redigeerimise tööriist, sellel vektorkihil ei saa kasutada tööriista 'joonista joon'Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layerVale redaktor, sellel vektorkihil ei saa kasutada tööriista "joonista polügoon"The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidanceNähtust ei saa lisada kuna tema geomeetria on lõikumiste vältimise tõttu kehtetuks muutunudQgsMapToolEditNo active vector layerPuudub aktiivne vektorkihtLayer not editableKiht ei ole redigeeritavQgsMapToolFeatureActionTo run an action, you must choose an active vector layer.Tegevuse teostamiseks pead valima aktiivse vektorkihiThe active vector layer has no defined actionsValitud vektorkihil ei ole tegevusi seadistatudNo features at this position found.Sellelt asukohalt nähtused leidmata.All FeaturesQgsMapToolFillRingCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemEi saa transformeerida punkti kihi koordinaatsüsteemiRing added and filledRing on lisatud ja täidetuda problem with geometry type occurredilmnes probleem geomeetriatüübigathe inserted Ring is not closedsisestatud ring ei ole suletudthe inserted Ring is not a valid geometrylisatud sisepiir ei ole kehtiv geomeetriathe inserted Ring crosses existing ringslisatud sisepiir lõikub olemasolevate sisepiiridegathe inserted Ring is not contained in a featurelisatud sisepiir ei ole nähtuse seesan unknown error occurredilmnes tundmatu vigacould not add ring since %1.ei saanud lisada sisepiiri %1Ring filledNo ring found to fill.QgsMapToolIdentifyNo active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer.Aktiivne kiht puudub. Et tuvastada nähtuseid, pead valima aktiivse kihi.Identifying on %1…Identifying done.Tuvastus tehtud.(clicked coordinate X)(klikitud koordinaat X)(clicked coordinate Y)(klikitud koordinaat Y)(clicked coordinate Z)new featureuus nähtusFeature IDNähtuse IDClosest vertex numberLähima käänupunkti numberClosest vertex XClosest vertex YClosest vertex ZClosest vertex MClosest XClosest YInterpolated ZInterpolated MPartsOsadPart numberOsa numberLength (Ellipsoidal, %1)Length (Cartesian)Area (Ellipsoidal, %1)Area (Cartesian)Perimeter (Ellipsoidal, %1)Perimeter (Cartesian)XXYYZZMVerticesKäänupunktidfirstXattributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this oneesmaneXfirstYesmaneYlastXattributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this oneviimaneXlastYviimaneYno datapole andmeidErrorVigaIdentify errorTuvastamise vigaQgsMapToolIdentifyActionIdentifyInfopäringShow Attribute TableIdentifying featuresNo features at this position found.Sellelt asukohalt nähtused leidmata.QgsMapToolIdentifyFeatureIdentify featureTuvasta nähtusQgsMapToolMeasureAngleMeasure angleMõõda nurkQgsMapToolMoveFeatureMove featureLiiguta nähtustMove featuresSome of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?Feature movedNähtus nihutatudFeature copied and movedNähtus on kopeeritud ja nihutatudQgsMapToolMoveLabelMove labelLiiguta siltiMoved labelLiigutatud siltQgsMapToolOffsetCurveCould not find a nearby feature in any vector layer.Ei leidnud üheltki vektorkihilt lähedalasuvaid nähtusi.Generated geometry is not valid.Offset curveNihuta kaarjoontCreating offset geometry failed: %1QgsMapToolOffsetPointSymbolThe selected point does not have an offset attribute set.Valitud punktil ei ole määratud nihke atribuutiOffset symbolNihuta sümbolitQgsMapToolPanPanNihutaQgsMapToolPinLabelsPin labelsPaigalda sildidPinned labelPaigaldatud siltUnpinned labelEemaldatud siltPinned diagramUnpinned diagramQgsMapToolPointSymbolNo point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Search radius for vertex editsQgsMapToolReshapeCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemEi saa transformeerida punkti kihi koordinaatsüsteemiReshapeKujunda ümberAn error was reported during intersection removalIlmnes viga kui eemaldati lõikumisiThe feature cannot be reshaped because the resulting geometry is emptyNähtust ei saa muuta, sest tulemuseks on tühi geomeetriaQgsMapToolReverseLineReverse line geometryReverse lineLine reversed.Couldn't reverse the selected part.QgsMapToolRotateFeatureCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.Features RotatedNähtused on pööratudQgsMapToolRotateLabelRotated labelPööratud siltQgsMapToolRotatePointSymbolsThe selected point does not have a rotation attribute set.Valitud punktil pole määratud atribuuti, mille alusel pöörataRotate symbolPööra sümbolitQgsMapToolSelectSelect featuresVali nähtusedQgsMapToolSelectionHandlerSelection radius:QgsMapToolShowHideLabelsShow/hide labelsNäita/peida silteHid labelsPeida sildidShowed labelsNäidatavad märgisedCRS Exception: selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system.CRS-i erand: valik ulatub üle koordinaatsüsteemi.QgsMapToolSimplifyGeometry simplifiedRuumikuju lihtsustatudCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.%1 feature(s): %2 to %3 vertices (%4%)%1 nähtus(ed): %2 %3 käänupunktiks (%4%)Simplification failed!Lihtsustamine ebaõnnestus!QgsMapToolSplitFeaturesCoordinate transform errorKoordinaatide transformeerimise vigaCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemEi saa transformeerida punkti kihi koordinaatsüsteemiFeatures splitNähtuste tükeldamineNo features were splitÜhtegi nähtust ei tükeldatudIf there are selected features, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection.Juhul kui on valitud nähtusi siis tükeldamise tööriist toimib vaid neile. Kui aga soovid tükeldada kõiki nähtusi tükeldusjoone järgi, eemalda valik.No feature split doneNähtust ei ole lõigatudAn error occurred during splitting.Tükeldamise käigus tekkis viga.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts.Tuvastatud lõige piiri mõõda. Tee kindlaks et joon tükeldaks nähtused mitmeks osaks.Split featuresTükelda nähtusedThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.Geomeetria on vigane. Palun enne tükeldamist parandada.QgsMapToolSplitPartsCoordinate transform errorKoordinaatide transformeerimise vigaCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemEi saa transformeerida punkti kihi koordinaatsüsteemiParts splitOsad tükeldatudNo parts were splitÜhtegi osa ei tükeldatudIf there are selected parts, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all parts under the split line, clear the selection.Juhul kui on valitud nähtusi siis tükeldamise tööriist toimib vaid neile. Kui aga soovid tükeldada kõiki nähtusi tükeldusjoone järgi, eemalda valik.No part split doneÜhtegi osa ei tükeldatudAn error occurred during splitting.Tükeldamise käigus tekkis viga.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits parts into multiple parts.Split partsTükelda osadeksThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.Geomeetria on vigane. Palun enne tükeldamist parandada.Split errorTükeldamise vigaQgsMapToolZoomZoomSuumiQgsMapUnitScaleDialogAdjust Scaling RangeQgsMapUnitScaleWidgetBaseAdjust Scaling RangeScale only within the following map unit scale rangeMinimum scaleVähim mõõtkavaMaximum scaleSuurim mõõtkavaScale RangeSize RangeMinimum sizeMiinimumsuurusMaximum sizeSuurim suurus mmmmScale only within the following size rangeSkaleeri ainult järgmises suuruste vahemikusQgsMasterPasswordResetDialogReset Master PasswordEnter CURRENT master authentication passwordSisesta praegune peakasutaja paroolRequiredNõutudEnter NEW master authentication passwordKeep backup of current databaseVarunda praegune andmebaasYour authentication database will be duplicated
and re-encrypted using new passwordAutentimise andmebaas dubleeritakse
ja krüpteeritakse uuesti uue salasõnagaQgsMdalSourceSelectOpen MDAL Supported Mesh Dataset(s)All Files (*);;GRIB File (*.grb *.grb2 *.bin *.grib *.grib1 *.grib2);;NetCDF File (*.nc);;2DM Mesh File (*.2dm);;3Di Results (results_3di.nc)Add mesh layerNo layers selected.Kihte ei ole valitud.QgsMdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Mesh Layer(s)SourceAlgallikasMesh datasetQgsMeasureBaseMeasureMõõdaTotalKokkuSegmentsLõigudInfoInformatsioonQgsMeasureDialog&New&Uus&Configuration&SeadistusThe calculations are based on:Arvutused baseeruvad:No map projection set, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations.Units are unknown.Tundmatud ühikudBoth project CRS (%1) and measured area are in degrees, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations in square degrees.Project ellipsoidal calculation is selected.Project ellipsoidal calculation is not selected.MeasureMõõdaNo map projection set, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations.Both project CRS (%1) and measured length are in degrees, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations in degrees.Distance is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).Vahemaa arvutamise ühikuks on %1, tulenevalt projekti koordinaatsüsteemist (%2).The value is converted from %1 to %2.Väärtus on konverteeritud %1 -st %2 -ks.Area is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).Pindala arvutamise ühikuks on %1, tulenevalt projekti koordinaatsüsteemist (%2)The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the area is calculated in %2.The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the distance is calculated in %2.Segments [%1]Segmendid [%1]SegmentsLõigudmap unitskaardiühikutQgsMeasureToolIncorrect Measure Results<p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu.<p>Sellele kaardile on määratud geograafiline koordinaatsüsteem (pikkus/laius), aga kaardi ulatuse järgi võiks arvata, et tegelikult on tegemist ristkoordinaatsüsteemiga (nt Merkaator). Kui see on nii, siis on ka joone või pinna mõõtmistulemused valed. </p><p>Et see parandada, vali menüüs <tt>Seaded:Projekti omadused</tt> sobiv koordinaatsüsteem.Transform error caught at the MeasureTool: %1QgsMemoryProviderWhole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Text (string)Tekst (string)DateKuupäevTimeAegDate & Timekuupäev ja kellaaegWhole number (smallint - 16bit)Täisarv (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Täisarv (integer - 32bit)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Täisarv (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (numeric)Kümnendmurruga arv (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Kümnendmurruga arv (decimal)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Tekst, piiramatu pikkusega väli (tekst)Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2QgsMergeAttributesDialogSkip attributeJäta atribuut vaheleIdIdMergeLiidaFeature %1Nähtus %1ConcatenationAhelikustamineManual valueSkippedVahele jäetudQgsMergeAttributesDialogBaseMerge Feature AttributesTake attributes from selected featureVõta atribuute valitud nähtuseltRemove feature from selectionEemalda nähtus valikustResets all fields to "Skip"Skip all fieldsJäta kõik väljad vaheleQgsMergedBookmarksTableModelIn ProjectProjektisQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeModelGroupsRühmadQgsMeshLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Kihi omadused – %1UriVertex countFace countDataset groups countInvalid data providerNot assignedLoad mesh datasetsDatasets successfully added to the mesh layerCould not read mesh dataset.QgsMeshLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesRasterkihi omadusedInformationInformatsioonSourceAlgallikasStyleStiilLayer nameKihi nimidisplayed askuvatakse kuiSet source coordinate reference systemUriAssign Extra Dataset to MeshQgsMeshMemoryDataProviderInvalid mesh definition, does not contain 2 sectionsInvalid mesh definition, vertex definition does not contain x, yInvalid mesh definition, face must contain at least 3 verticesInvalid mesh definition, vertex index must be positive valueInvalid mesh definition, missing vertex id defined in faceInvalid dataset definition, does not contain 3+ sectionsInvalid type definition, must be Vertex/Face Vector/Scalar NameUnable to add dataset group to invalid meshInvalid dataset definition, dataset metadata does not contain key: valueInvalid dataset definition, must contain at least 1 line (time)Invalid dataset definition, dataset scalar values must be xInvalid dataset definition, dataset vector values must be x, yDataset defined on vertices has {} values, but mesh {}Dataset defined on faces has {} values, but mesh {}QgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetYesJahIs validInvalid mesh layer selectedScalar datasetVector datasetNo mesh dataset selectedNoEiTimeAegData TypeAndmetüüpDefined on verticesDefined on facesIs vectorQgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetBaseFormVormDataset in Selected Group(s)>|>><<|<MetadataMetaandmedQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsWidgetBaseFormVormLine Width and ColorQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidgetBaseFormVormOpacityLäbipaistvusMinMin 00MaxMax11LoadLaadiQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsWidgetBaseFormVormLine Width and ColorFilter by MagnitudeMinMin MaxDisplay Vectors on User GridX SpacingY Spacing pxpikselHead OptionsWidthLaius% of Shaft LengthLengthPikkusArrow LengthDefined by Min and MaxScaled to MagnitudeFixedKinnistatudMinimumMiinimumMaximumMaksimumScale by a Factor of:QgsMessageBarRemaining messagesClose AllSulge kõikCloseSulgeMessagesTeatedShow moreNäita veel%n moreunread messagesQgsMessageLogViewerQGIS LogQGIS-i logiGeneralÜldineQgsMessageViewerQGIS MessageQGIS-i teadeDon't show this message againÄra näita seda teadet enamQgsMetadataWidgetTypeTüüpNameNimiFarmingClimatology Meteorology AtmosphereLocationAsukohtIntelligence MilitaryTransportationStructureBoundariesPiiridInland WatersPlanning CadastreGeoscientific InformationElevationKõrgusHealthBiotaOceansEnvironmentKeskkondUtilities CommunicationEconomySocietyImagery Base Maps Earth CoverConstraintURLURLDescriptionKirjeldusFormatFormaatMIMESizeSuurusdatasetDatasetAndmekogumprojectprojektProjectProjektThis page describes the basic attribution of the %1. Please use the tooltips for more information.%1 categories.Contacts related to the %1.Links describe ancillary resources and information related to this %1.History about the %1.<html><head/><body><p>Keywords are optional, and provide a way to provide additional descriptive information about the %1. Edits made in the categories tab will update the category entry below. For the concept, we suggest to use a standard based vocabulary such as <a href="https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/en/inspire-themes/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">GEMET.</span></a></p></body></html>Set from %1layerkihtundefined %1New LicenceNew RightCRS: %1 - %2Same as layer properties and provider.Same as layer properties but different than the provider.Same as the provider but different than the layer properties.Does not match either layer properties or the provider.CRS: Not set.postalNew HistoryOk, it seems valid according to the QGIS Schema.New CategoryNew Category:QgsMetadataWidgetBaseFormVormIdentificationA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of.Parent identifierA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource.IdentifierSet from layerReturns the human readable name of the resource, typically displayed in search results.TitlePealkiriWhile a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'. If unsure about which type to select, use 'dataset'.TypeTüüpCreation dateyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssAuthorAutorUsually the returned string will follow either the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications, e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA', however this is not a hard requirement and the caller must account for non compliant values.LanguageFree-form description of the resourceAbstractLühikirjeldusEncodingKodeeringCategoriesLiigitusedISO categoriesCategories chosen will be added as a new entry in the keywords tab.Add selected ISO categories to metadataAdd a new custom category to the metadataRemove selected categories from metadataChosen categoriesKeywordsTunnussõnadAdds a list of descriptive keywords for a specified vocabulary.Removes a specified vocabulary.A set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource for a specified concept.ConceptAccessThe fees, licences and rights for this dataset.Any fees associated with using the resourceFeesTasudA list of licenses associated with the resourceLicensesAdd licenseRemove licenseLabelMärgisList of attribution or copyright strings associated with the resourceRights (attribution or copyright)Add RightRemove RightConstraintsPiirangudExtentUlatusCoordinate Reference System and spatial extent for this dataset.The coordinate reference system described by the layer's metadataCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Set CRS from layerSet CRS from providerZ maximumZ minimumTemporal extent for this dataset.FromEiToUContactPosition/title of contactName of contactRole of contactRolePositionAsukohtOrganization contact belongs to/representsNameNimiPhone numberFax numberFaxOrganizationOrganisatsioonElectronic mail addressVoiceAddressType of address, e.g 'postal'Free-form physical address componentPostal CodePostal (or ZIP) codeCityCity or locality nameAdministrative AreaAdministrative area (state, province/territory, etc.)CountryFree-form countryEmailAdd addressRemove AddressLinksa list of online resources associated with the resource.Add linkRemove linkHistoryAjaluguValidationValidation is not enforced, but it's recommended to resolve any validation issues listed here.QgsMssqlConnectionItemEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendus%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ei ole vektorkiht!RefreshVärskendaShow Non-spatial TablesCreate Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Unable to create schema %1
%2Import to MSSQL databaseImpordi MSSQL-i andmebaasiFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import was successful.Import õnnestus.QgsMssqlLayerItemDelete TableKustuta tabelTable deleted successfully.Tabel edukalt kustutatud.Truncate TableTühjenda tabelTable truncated successfully.QgsMssqlNewConnectionSave ConnectionShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas kirjutada üle olemasolev ühendus %1?Testing connection……Connection FailedÜhendus ebaõnnestusHost name hasn't been specified.Error opening connectionViga ühenduse avamiselQgsMssqlNewConnectionBaseProvider/DSNPakkuja/DSNHostHostHEADS UP: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows
Untick save if you don't wish to be the case.HOIATUS: Oled valinud parooli salvestamise. Parool salvestatakse tavalise tekstina projektifailides ja tavapärases kataloogis Unix-i sarnases süsteemides või kasutajaprofiilis Windowsi puhul.
Kui sa seda ei soovi, siis võta maha märgistus salvestamise kastist.If checked, tables without a geometry column attached will also be shown in the available table lists.If checked, only estimated table metadata will be used. This avoids a slow table scan, but may result in incorrect layer properties such as layer extent.If checked, only tables which are present in the "geometry_columns" metadata table will be available. This speeds up table scanning, but requires users to manually manage the geometry_columns table and ensure that layers are correctly represented in the table.Test ConnectionTesti ühendustList DatabasesLoetle andmebaasidDatabaseAndmebaasIf checked, all handling of records with invalid geometry will be disabled. This speeds up the provider, however, if any invalid geometries are present in a table then the result is unpredictable and may include missing records. Only check this option if you are certain that all geometries present in the database are valid, and any newly added geometries or tables will also be valid.Skip invalid geometry handlingUsernameKasutajanimiCreate a New MSSQL ConnectionConnection DetailsÜhenduse kirjeldusConnection nameÜhenduse nimiLoginTrusted connectionSaveSalvestaPasswordParoolName of the new connectionNimi uuele ühenduseleDatabase DetailsOnly look in the geometry_columns metadata tableKasuta ainult geometry_columns metaandmete tabelitAlso list tables with no geometryLisa ka geomeetriata tabelid nimekirjaUse estimated table parametersKasuta hinnagulisena tabeli parameetreidQgsMssqlProvider8 Bytes integer8 Bitine täisarv4 Bytes integer4 Bitine täisarv2 Bytes integer2 Bitine täisarv1 Bytes integer1 Bitine täisarvDecimal number (numeric)Kümnendmurruga arv (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Kümnendmurruga arv (decimal)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)DateKuupäevTimeAegDate & Timekuupäev ja kellaaegText, fixed length (char)Tekst, kindla pikkusega väli (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Tekst, piiratud muutuva pikkusega väli (varchar)Text, fixed length unicode (nchar)Tekst, kindla pikkusega unicode väli (nchar)Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar)Tekst, piiratud muutuva pikkusega unicode väli (nvarchar)Text, unlimited length (text)Tekst, piiramatu pikkusega väli (text)Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext)Tekst, piiramatu pikkusega unicode väli (ntext)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2Table [%1].[%2] already existsQgsMssqlRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsMssqlSchemaItemRefreshVärskenda%1 as %2 in %3%1 kui %2na %3sas geometryless tablegeomeetriata tabelinaQgsMssqlSourceSelectAdd MSSQL Table(s)Lisa MSSQL-i tabel(id)&Set Filter&Määra filterSet FilterFilterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikSchemaSkeemTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Select TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.MSSQL ProviderMSSQL-i pakkujaStopLõpetaConnectÜhendaQgsMssqlSourceSelectDelegateSelect…QgsMssqlTableModelSchemaSkeemTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSelect at idVali id-gaSqlSqlDetecting…Select…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Keela funktsioon "Kiire juurdepääs nähtustele ID-ga", et hoida atribuuditabel mälus (nt kui vaatamised on kulukad).QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetNo enhancementParandustetaStretch to MinMaxVenita MinMax-iniStretch and clip to MinMaxVenita ja lõika MinMax-iniClip to MinMaxLõika MinMax järgiRedPunaneGreenRohelineBlueSinineQgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetBaseFormVormContrast
parandusRed bandPunane lõimMinMin MaxMaxGreen bandRoheline lõimBlue bandSinine lõimQgsMultiEditToolButtonSet field for all selected featuresMäära väli kõigile valitud nähtusteleNo Changes to CommitPole muutusi, mida kinnitadaSet %1 for All Selected FeaturesReset to Original ValuesAll features in selection have equal value for '%1'Kõigil valitud nähtustel on välja "%1" väärtus samaSome features in selection have different values for '%1'Osadel valitud nähtustel on erinev väärtus '%1' jaoksValues for '%1' have unsaved changes'%1' väärtustes on salvestamata muutusiQgsNativeAlgorithmsQGIS (native c++)QgsNetworkAccessManagerNetwork request %1 timed outVõrgupäring %1 aegusNetworkArvutivõrkQgsNetworkContentFetcherHTTP fetch %1 failed with error %2HTTP fetch %1 ebaõnnestus veaga %2QgsNetworkContentFetcherTaskFetching %1QgsNetworkReplyParserCannot find boundary in multipart content typeQgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogStringTekstRealIntegerTäisarvNew Auxiliary FieldInvalid name. Auxiliary field '%1' already exists.Name is a mandatory parameter.QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : New Auxiliary FieldNew auxiliary field parametersTypeTüüpNameNimiQgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : Choose Primary KeySelect the primary key to use for joining with internal data storageQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonText dataTekstiga andmedWhole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Täisarv (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)DateKuupäevDate&timeKuupäev&aegGeoPackageGeoPackageSelect Existing or Create a New GeoPackage Database File…Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of file succeeded, but this is not a GeoPackage database.A table with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Sama nimega tabel on juba olemas. Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?OverwriteKirjutan üleNo geometryGeomeetriataMultiPointMultipunktMultiLineMultiPolygonMultipolügoonCircularStringCompoundCurveCurvePolygonMultiCurveMultiSurfaceAdd FieldThe field cannot have the same name as the feature identifier.New GeoPackage LayerUus GeoPackage'i kihtThe File already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?Layer creation failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Add new layerLisa uus kihtCreation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Välja %1 loomine ebaõnnestus (OGR-i viga: %2)%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.%1 on vigane ja seda kihti ei saa laadida.QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogBaseNew GeoPackage LayerUus GeoPackage'i kihtCreate a spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksMaximum lengthMaksimumpikkusNameNimiAdd field to listLisa väli loetelluTypeTüüp<html><head/><body><p>Field length / width</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Välja pikkus/ laius</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M values<html><head/><body><p>Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer content</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Loetav tunnus (nt. lühinimi) kihi sisule</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Name of the geometry column</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Geomeetriavälja nimi</p></body></html>Create a spatial index for this layer<html><head/><body><p>Existing or new GeoPackage database file name</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Olemasoleva või uue GeoPackage'i andmebaasifaili nimi</p></body></html>Layer descriptionKihi kirjeldusGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veerg<html><head/><body><p>Table name in the database</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tabeli nimi andmebaasis</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Human-readable description for the layer content</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Kihi sisu kirjeldus</p></body></html>DatabaseAndmebaasNew FieldAdd to Fields ListTable nameTabeli nimiFields ListRemove FieldAdvanced OptionsLayer identifierKihi identifikaator<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Geomeetria tüüp</p></body></html>Feature id columnNähtuse id veerg<html><head/><body><p>Name of the feature id column</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Nähtuse id veeru nimi</p></body></html>Delete selected fieldKustuta valitud väliLengthPikkusQgsNewHttpConnectionCreate a New %1 ConnectionallkõikoffväljasQGISQGISUMNUMNGeoServerGeoServerMaximumMaksimum1. OptionsSave ConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't provide a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilitiesEira võmekustes esitatud GetCoverage URIIgnore axis orientationIgnoreeri telje orientatsiooniShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas olemasolev ühendus %1 kirjutada üle?QgsNewHttpConnectionBaseAuthenticationAutentimineURLURLVersionVersioonMax. number of featuresSuurim nähtuste arvNameNimiName of the new connectionUue ühenduse nimiHTTP address of the Web Map ServerHTTP aadress Web Map Server -ileIgnore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilitiesEira võmekustes esitatud GetFeatureInfo URIWFS OptionsIgnore axis orientation (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0)Ignoreeri telje suunda (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0)&Test Connection&Testi ühendustIgnore GetMap/GetTile URI reported in capabilitiesEira võmekustes esitatud GetMap/GetTile URIIgnore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS)Ignoreeri telje suunda (WMS 1.3/WMTS)Invert axis orientationPööra telje suundaCreate a New ConnectionConnection DetailsÜhenduse kirjeldus<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved per feature request. If let to empty, no limit is set.</p></body></html>DetectTuvastaEnable feature pagingPage sizeLehe suurus<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved in a single GetFeature request when paging is enabled. If let to empty, server default will apply.</p></body></html>WMS/WMTS OptionsSmooth pixmap transformSujuv pixmap'i transformatsioonDPI-&Mode&RefererQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogNew scratch layerUus sodikihtNo geometryGeomeetriataPointPunktLineString / CompoundCurvePolygon / CurvePolygonMultiPointMultipunktMultiLineString / MultiCurveMultiPolygon / MultiSurfaceQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogBaseNew Temporary Scratch LayerUus ajutine sodikihtInclude M valuesGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpLayer nameKihi nimiInclude Z dimension<i><b>Warning:</b> Temporary scratch layers are not saved and will be discarded when QGIS is closed.</i><i><b>Hoiatus:</b> Ajutisi sodikihte ei salvestata ja need kaovad, kui QGIS kinni pannakse.</i>QgsNewNameDialogNew Namenamenimibase nameEnter new %1Sisesta uus %1Enter new %1 for %2Sisesta uus %1 %2 jaoksFull namesTäisnimed%n Name(s) %1 existsOverwriteKirjutan üleQgsNewOgrConnectionConnection failed - Check settings and try again.
Extended error information:
%1Ühendumine ebaõnnestus - Kontrolli seadeid ja proovi uuesti.
Täiendav veateade:
%1Test ConnectionTesti ühendustConnection to %1 was successful.Save ConnectionShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas olemasolev ühendus %1 kirjutada üle?QgsNewOgrConnectionBaseCreate a New OGR Database ConnectionConnection InformationÜhenduse informatsioon&Test Connection&Testi ühendustAuthenticationAutentimine&Type&Name&Database&AndmebaasName of the new connectionNimi uuele ühenduseleHostHostPortPortQgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogNo geometryGeomeetriataPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonMultiPointMultipunktMultiLineMultiPolygonMultipolügoonText dataTekstiga andmedWhole numberTäisarvDecimal numberKümnendmurruga arvNew SpatiaLite Database FileUus SpatiaLite'i andmebaasifailSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteSpatiaLite DatabaseSpatiaLite'i andmebaasUnable to open the databaseEi saa andmebaasi avadaErrorVigaFailed to load SRIDS: %1SRID-ide laadimine ebaõnnestus: %1New SpatiaLite LayerThe file already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?OverwriteKirjutan üleAdd new layerLisa uus kiht@@Unable to open the database: %1Ei saa avada andmebaasi: %1Error Creating SpatiaLite TableViga SpatialLite tabeli loomiselFailed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned:
%2SpatialLite tabeli %1 loomine ebaõnnestus. Andmebaasi vastus:
%2Error Creating Geometry ColumnViga geomeetria veeru loomiselFailed to create the geometry column. The database returned:
%1Geomeetria veeru loomine ebaõnnestus. Andmebaasi vastus:
%1Error Creating Spatial IndexViga Spatial Index-i loomiselFailed to create the spatial index. The database returned:
%1Spatial index loomine ebaõnnestus. Andmebaasi vastus:
%1%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.%1 on vigane kiht ja seda ei saa laadida.QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBaseDatabaseAndmebaasLayer nameKihi nimiName for the new layerUue kihi nimetusGeometry columnGeomeetria veergTypeTüüpSpatial Reference IdRuumilise referentsi IdSpecify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry.Täpsusta kihi geomeetria koordinaatide referentssüsteem.Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layerLisa uuele kihile id väli (täisarv) võtmeväljaksCreate an autoincrementing primary keyLoo automaatse juurdekasvuga võtmeväliNew SpatiaLite LayerCreate a new SpatiaLite database……Geometry typeGeomeetria tüüp<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Geomeetria tüüp</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M valuesNew FieldA field nameVälja nimiAdd field to listLisa väli loetelluAdd to Fields ListRemove FieldFields ListDelete selected fieldKustuta valitud väliAdvanced OptionsName of the geometry columnNameNimiQgsNewVectorLayerDialogText dataTekstiga andmedWhole numberTäisarvDecimal numberKümnendmurruga arvDateKuupäevPointPunktLineJoonPolygonPolügoonESRI ShapefileESRI shp-failComma Separated ValueComma Separated Value (CSV)GMLGMLMapinfo FileMapinfo failSave Layer AsQgsNewVectorLayerDialogBaseFile formatFaili formaatTypeTüüpLengthPikkusAdd field to listLisa väli loetelluDelete selected fieldKustuta valitud väliFile nameFaili nimiInclude Z dimensionInclude M valuesNameNimiNew Shapefile LayerUus shp-faili kihtNew FieldPrecisionKomakohtiAdd to Fields ListFields ListRemove FieldGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpFile encodingFaili kodeeringQgsNullSymbolRendererWidgetNo symbols will be rendered for features in this layer.QgsOWSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteKustutaQgsOWSRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsOWSSourceSelectAdd Layer(s) from a %1 ServerLisa kiht (kihid) serverist %1Always cachePuhverda alatiPrefer cacheEelista puhvritPrefer networkEelista võrkuAlways networkAlati võrkAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendusXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Add WMS ServersSeveral WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the Internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.Load ConnectionsCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countKoordinaatide referentssüsteeme CRS (%n olemas)Koordinaatide referentssüsteeme CRS (%n olemas)Coordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Could not understand the response:
%1Tagasiside mõistmatu:
%1parse error at row %1, column %2: %3leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2: %3network error: %1arvutivõrgu viga: %1QgsOWSSourceSelectBaseAdd Layer(s) from a ServerLisa kiht (kihid) serveristReadyValmisLayersKihtConnect to selected serviceÜhenda valitud teenusegaC&onnectÜ&hendaCreate a new service connectionLoo uus teenuse ühendus&New&UusEdit selected service connectionMuuda valitud teenuse ühendustEditRedigeeriLoad connections from fileLaadi ühendused failistLoadLaadiSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaAdds a few example WMS serversLisab mõned WMS-i näidisserveridIDIDNameNimiTitlePealkiriAbstractLühikirjeldusTimeAegRemove connection to selected serviceEemalda valitud teenuse ühendusRemoveEemaldaAdd Default ServersCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Selected Coordinate Reference SystemValitud koordinaatsüsteemChange...Muuda...FormatFormaatOptionsSuvandidLayer nameKihi nimiTile sizePaani suurusFeature limit for GetFeatureInfoNähtuste piir GetFeatureInfo-leCachePeidusCache preference
Always cache: load from cache, even if it expired
Prefer cache: load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache
Prefer network: default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry
Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers)
Puhvri eelistused
Puhverda alati: laadi puhvrist, isegi kui see on iganenud.
Eelista puhvrit: kui on olemas, siis laadi puhvrist, muidu võrgust. Hoiatus: võid saada puhvrist vananenud (aga mitte iganenud) kirjed.
Eelista võrku: vaikeväärtus; laadi võrgust juhul, kui kirje puhvris on vanem kui kirje võrgus.
Alati võrk: laadi andmed alati võrgust ja ära kontrolli, kas puhvris on kehtivaid kirjeid (sarnane brauserite nupuga "Värskenda")
Layer OrderKihi järjekordMove selected layer UPNihuta valitud kiht ÜLESUpÜlesMove selected layer DOWNNihuta valitud kiht ALLADownAllaLayerKihtStyleStiilTilesetsPaanikomplektidStylesStiilSizeSuurusCRSCRSServer SearchServeri otsingSearchOtsiDescriptionKirjeldusURLURLAdd Selected Row to WMS ListQgsOfflineEditingCould not open the SpatiaLite databaseUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Ei saa tuvastada SpatialMetadata:
Creation of database failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Could not create a new database
Ei saanud luua uut andmebaasi
Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraintsEi saanud aktiveerida FOREIGN_KEY piiranguidLayer %1 has unsupported geometry type %2.Layer %1 has unsupported Coordinate Reference System (%2).Filling SpatiaLite for layer %1 failed%1 (offline)Cannot make FID-name for GPKG Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Välja %1 loomine ebaõnnestus (OGR-i viga: %2)Feature cannot be copied to the offline layer, please check if the online layer '%1' is still accessible.Offline Editing PluginÜhendusevälise redigeerimise pluginCould not open the SpatiaLite logging database%1: Unknown data type %2. Not using type affinity for the field.%1: Tundmatu andmetüüp %2. Ei määra väljale tüübieelistust.QgsOfflineEditingPluginCreate offline copies of selected layers and save as offline projectLoo valitud kihtidest ühendusevälised koopiad ja salvesta ühendusevälise projektina&Offline Editing&Ühenduseväline redigeerimineSynchronizeSünkroniseeriSynchronize offline project with remote layersSünktoniseeri ühenduseväline projekt eemale viidud kihtidegaConvert to Offline Project…Converting to Offline ProjectSynchronizing to Remote Layers%v / %m features copied%v / %m nähtust kopeeritud%v / %m features processed%v / %m nähtust töödeldud%v / %m fields added%v / %m välja lisatud%v / %m features added%v / %m nähtust lisatud%v / %m features removed%v / %m nähtust eemaldatud%v / %m feature updates%v / %m nähtust uuendatud%v / %m feature geometry updates%v / %m nähtuse geomeetriat uuendatudQgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiSelect target database for offline dataVali sihtandmebaas ühendusevälistele andmeteleSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite'i andmebaasAll filesKõik failidGeoPackageGeoPackageOffline Editing PluginÜhendusevälise redigeerimise pluginConverting to offline project.Teisendamine võrguühenduseta projektiks.Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite?Ühendusevälise andmebaasi fail '%1' on juba olemas. Kas kirjutan üle?QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBaseCreate Offline ProjectStorage typeGeoPackageGeoPackageSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOffline dataÜhenduseväline andmestikBrowse...Ava...Select remote layersVali eemale viidud kihidSelect allVali kõikDeselect allEemalda kõik valikustOnly synchronize selected features if a selection is presentQgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogLayer %1 of %2..Kiht %1 - %2-st..QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBaseDialogDialoogTextLabelTekstiMärgisQgsOffsetUserInputBaseFormVormOffsetNihuta......Join styleKäänupunktide stiilQuadrant segmentsMiter limitCap styleLõpetamise stiilQgsOffsetUserWidgetRoundÜmarMiterRuutBevelKalduFlatTasaneSquareRuutQgsOgrDataCollectionItemCannot add connection '%1'Ei saa lisada ühendust '%1'A connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Sama nimega ühendus on juba olemas,
palun anna uus nimi:Open %1FolderKaartFileFailfolderkaustfilefailCould not delete %1.%1 deleted successfully.QgsOgrDbSourceSelectAdd %1 Layer(s)&Set Filter&Määra filterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSqlSql@@Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineSelect TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.QgsOgrDbTableModelTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSqlSqlQgsOgrLayerItemCouldn't open file %1.prjEi saanud avada faili %1.prjOGROGRCouldn't open file %1.qpjEi saanud avada faili %1.qpjLayer deleted successfully.Kiht edukalt kustutatud.File deleted successfully.QgsOgrProviderOGROGRBooleanAutogenerateOGR error committing transaction: %1Data source is invalid (%1)Vigane andmeallikas (%1)Whole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Täisarv (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Text (string)Tekst (string)DateKuupäevTimeAegDate & TimeKuupäev ja kellaaegOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] viga %2: %3OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2OGR-i viga nähtusele %1 wkb loomisel: %2Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)type %1 for attribute %2 not foundtüüp %1 atribuudile %2 leidmataOGR error creating feature %1: %2OGR-i viga nähtuse %1 loomisel: %2type %1 for field %2 not foundtüüp %1 väljale %2 leidmataOGR error creating field %1: %2OGR-i viga välja %1 loomisel: %2Cannot delete feature id columnNähtuse id veergu ei saa kustutadaOGR error deleting field %1: %2OGR-i viga välja %1 loomisel: %2Invalid attribute indexVigane atribuudi indeksError renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsViga välja %1 ümbernimetamisel: väljanimi '%2' on juba kasutuselOGR error renaming field %1: %2OGR-i viga välja %1 ümbernimetamisel: %2Feature %1 for attribute update not found.Atribuudi värskendus nähtusele %1 leidmata.Changing feature id of feature %1 is not allowed.Nähtuse %1 id'd ei saa muutaField %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist.Välja %1 nähtusel %2 ei ole olemas.Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown.Tüüp %1 atribuudi %2 nähtusel %3 on tundmatu.OGR error setting feature %1: %2OGR-i viga nähtuse %1 määramisel: %2OGR error syncing to disk: %1OGR-i viga kettale kirjutamisel: %1OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not foundOGR-i viga ruumikuju muutmisel: nähtus %1 leidmataOGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2OGR-i viga ruumikuju loomisel nähtusele %1: %2OGR error in feature %1: geometry is nullOGR-i viga nähtuse %1 juures: ruumikuju puudubOGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2OGR-i viga ruumikuju määramisel nähtusele %1: %2Cannot reopen datasource %1Ei saa taasavada andmeallikat %1Cannot reopen datasource %1 in update modeEi saa taasavada andmeallikat %1 uuendamiseksUnbalanced call to leaveUpdateMode() w.r.t. enterUpdateMode()Cannot reopen datasource %1 in read-only modeEi saa taasavada andmeallikat %1 lugemisrežiimisPossible corruption after REPACK detected. %1 still exists. This may point to a permission or locking problem of the original DBF.Original layer could not be reopened.Ei saa avada originaalkihtiOGR error deleting feature %1: %2OGR-i viga nähtuse %1 kustutamisel: %2Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only.shp-fail ilma atribuutideta loetakse lugemisfailiks.QgsOgrSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open OGR Supported Vector Dataset(s)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineAdd vector layerLisa vektorkihtNo database selected.Andmebaasi ei ole valitud.Password for Parool Please enter your password:Palun sisesta oma parool:No protocol URI entered.URI protokolli ei ole sisestatud.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.No layers selected.Kihte ei ole valitud.No directory selected.Kataloogi ei ole valitud.Open an OGR Supported Vector LayerAva OGR-toega vektorkihtOpen DirectoryAva kataloogQgsOgrSourceSelectBaseAdd Vector LayerLisa vektorkihtF&ile&DirectoryDa&tabaseEncodingKodeeringProtocolProtokoll&URITypeTüüpSource TypeProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.Bucket or containerObject key......AuthenticationAutentimineSourceAlgallikasVector Dataset(s)DatabaseAndmebaasConnectionsÜhendusedNewUusEditRedigeeriDeleteKustutaQgsOpacityWidget %%QgsOpacityWidgetPluginA widget for specifying an opacity value.QgsOptionDialogTemplateOptions Dialog TemplateValikute dialoogi mallGroupBoxQgsOptionsnot presentpuudubSystem value: %1Süsteemiväärtus: %1Show all featuresNäita kõiki nähtusiShow selected featuresNäita valitud nähtusiRemember last viewHoia meeles viimane vaadeTable viewTabelivaadeForm viewVormivaadeAllKõikAlwaysAlatiIf neededVajaduselNeverMitte kunagiLoad allLaadi kõikCheck file contentsKontrolli faili sisuCheck extensionKontrolli laienditNoEiBasic scanTavapärane skännFull scanTäisskännMetersMeetridKilometersKilomeetridFeetJaladYardsJardidMilesMiilidNautical milesMeremiilidDegreesKraadidMap unitsKaardiühikutSquare metersRuutmeetridSquare kilometersRuutkilomeetridSquare feetRuutjaladSquare yardsRuutjardidSquare milesRuutmiilidHectaresHektaridAcresAakridSquare nautical milesRuutmeremiilidSquare degreesRuutkraadidRadiansRadiaanidGon/gradiansGoonid/gradiaanidMinutes of arcKaare minutidSeconds of arcKaare sekundidTurns/revolutionsPöördedMaximum angleSuurim nurkMaximum differenceSuurim erinevusDistancePikkusSnapToGridSnapToGridVisvalingamPlain text, no geometryLiht-tekst, ilma geomeetriataPlain text, WKT geometryLiht-tekst, WKT geomeetriaGeoJSONGeoJSONSet Selection ColorSet Canvas ColorSet Measuring Tool ColorSelect Grid ColorVertexKäänupunktVertex and segmentSegmentDialogDialoogDockMiterRuutAn OpenCL compatible device was not found on your system.<br>You may need to install additional libraries in order to enable OpenCL.<br>Please check your logs for further details.AccelerationSave Default ProjectRestore UI DefaultsStretch to MinMaxVenita MinMax-iniStretch and Clip to MinMaxClip to MinMaxLõika MinMax järgiSample date: %1 money: %2 int: %3 float: %4Set ScaleCumulative pixel count cutMinimum / maximummiinimum / maksimumMean +/- standard deviationKeskmine +/- standardhälveSolidTäisDotsPunktidCrossesRistuvDetected active locale on your system: %1Tuvastati, et kasutatakse arvutisüsteemis piirkonnaseadet: %1map unitskaardi ühikudpixelspikslidSemi transparent circlePoolläbipaistev ringCrossRistNoneEi näidataQGIS filesQGIS-i failidSelect colorVali värvThe text you entered is not a valid scale.Sisestatud tekst ei ole sobiv mõõtkavaks.OffVäljasIdentify Highlight ColorQGISQGISGEOSGEOSRoundÜmarBevelKalduYou must set a default projectSa pead seadistama vaikimisi projektiCurrent project saved as defaultKäesolev projekt on salvestatud vaikimisi projektiksError saving current project as defaultViga käesoleva projekti vaikimisi projektiks salvestamiselChoose a directory to store project template filesVali aadress kuhu salvestad projekti malli failidShow features visible on mapKuva kaardil nähtavaid nähtusiChoose project file to open at launchVali käivitamisel avatavad projektifailidCreate Options - %1 DriverLoo valikud- %1 ajurCreate Options - pyramidsLoo valikud- püramiididAre you sure to reset the UI to default (needs restart)?Oled kindel et soovid taastada kasutajaliidese algseaded (vajab restarti)?OverwriteKirjutan üleIf UndefinedKui määramataUnsetLähtestaPrependLisa algusesseAppendLisa lõppuChoose a directoryVali kataloogClear CacheContent cache has been cleared.Connection authentication cache has been cleared.Enter scaleSisesta mõõtkavaScale denominatorMõõtkava nimetajaLoad scalesLaadi mõõtkavadXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Save scalesSalvesta mõõtkavadNo StretchVenitamataNone / PlanimetricPuudub / planimeetrilineQgsOptionsBaseOptionsSuvandidGeneralÜldineSystemSüsteemsedData SourcesAndmeallikadData sourcesAndmeallikadRenderingRenderdamineColorsVärvusedCanvas & LegendTaust ja legendCanvas and legendTaust ja legendMap ToolsKaardi töövahendidMap toolsKaardi töövahendidDigitizingDigitaliseerimineGDALGDALCRSCRSNetworkArvutivõrkApplicationRakendusStyle <i>(QGIS restart required)</i>Stiil <i>(QGIS-i taaskäivitamine vajalik)</i>Icon sizeIkooni suurus161624243232FontFontSizeSuurusTimeout for timed messages or dialogs ssHide splash screen at startupPeida laadimisaken programmi käivitamiselQGIS-styled group boxesQGIS-i stiilis rühmakastidProject filesProjekti failidNewUusMost recentKõige hiljutisemSpecificSpetsiifilineOpen project on launchAva käivitamisel projektifailCreate new project from default projectLoo uus projekt vaikimisi projekti aluselSet current project as defaultMäära käesolev projekt vaikimisi projektiksReset defaultTaasta algseadedTemplate folderMallide kaustResetLähtestaPrompt to save project and data source changes when requiredKüsi kinnitust projekti ja andmeallikate muudatuste salvestamiseks kui vajalikPrompt for confirmation when a layer is to be removedKüsi kinnitust, kui hakatakse eemaldama kihtiWarn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGISHoiata, kui avatakse QGIS-i vanemas versioonis salvestatud projektifailEnable macrosLuba makrodNeverMitte kunagiAskKüsiFor this session onlyAinult sellel sessioonilAlways (not recommended)Alati (mitte-soovituslik)EnvironmentKeskkondApplyRakendaVariableMuutujaValueVäärtusCurrent environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup)Praegused keskkonnamuutujad (read-only- paks värv näitab et muudetakse käivitamisel)Show only QGIS-specific variablesNäita ainult QGIS-ile eriomaseid muutujaidUse custom variables (restart required - include separators)Plugin pathsPlugina asukohateedPath(s) to search for additional C++ plugins librariesTeed kust otsida täiendavaid C++ pluginate kogusidSVG pathsSVG asukohateedAuthenticationAutentimineVariablesMuutujadAdvancedTäpsemUI ThemeKasutajaliidese teema48486464&Qt default&Qt algneCheck QGIS version at startupKontrolli käivitamisel QGIS-i versiooniUse native color chooser dialogsKasuta sisse-ehitatud värvivaliku aknaidWelcome PageAlglehtPath(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbolsAsukohatee(d) Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) sümbolite otsimiseksReset user interface to default settings (restart required)Feature attributes and tableNähtuse atribuudid ja tabelAttribute table row cacheAtribuuditabeli reapuhverRepresentation for NULL valuesNULL väärtuste näitamineLayoutsPrint layoutsLocatorLokaatorOverride system &locale<b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing override on locale requires an application restartDetected active locale on your systemModeless data source manager dialogA modeless dialog allows you to interact with QGIS main window and dialogs.AccelerationConfigure GPU for processing algorithmsLocale (numbers, date and currency formats)User Interface TranslationShow group (thousand) separatorThis locale is used for number representation.Sample text for locale formattingSelect fileVali failSelect folderVali kaustAdd new pathLisa uus radaRemove pathEemalda radaDocumentation pathsLower selected path priority……Path(s) to search for QGIS helpRaise selected path prioritySettingsSeadedRemove variableEemalda muutujaAdd new variableLisa uus muutuja&Use a default CRSEnter default datum transformations which will be used in any newly created projectAsk for datum transformation if several are availableAttribute table behaviorAtribuuditabeli omadusedDefault viewVaikimisi vaadeCopy features asKopeeri nähtus kuiData source handlingAndmeallikate haldusScan for valid items in the browser dockSkänneeri sobivaid objekte vaateaknasScan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dockSkänneeri pakitud failide (.zip) sisu vaateaknasPrompt for raster sublayers when openingMap TipsKaardivihjedDelay (ms)Color schemesDon't update rubber band during vertex editingEnable snapping on invisible features (not shown on the map canvas)Layout defaultsLayout Paths<html><head/><body><p>Changes on this page are dangerous and can break your QGIS installation in various ways. Any change you make is applied immediately, without clicking the <span style=" font-style:italic;">OK</span> button.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Some of the internal C++ processing core algorithms and renderers can take advantage of an OpenCL compatible device to increase the performances.<br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">QGIS OpenCL support is highly experimental and can crash QGIS because of bugs in the underlying libraries, enable at your own risk!</span></p></body></html>The following OpenCL devices were found on this system (changing the default device requires QGIS to be restarted).<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Placemark for OpenCL information results (mGPUInfoTextBrowser)</p></body></html>Enable OpenCL accelerationImport Palette...Impordi palett...Import palette from fileImpordi palett failistRemove PaletteEemalda palettRemove current paletteEemalda praegune palettNew Palette...Uus palett...Create a new paletteLoo uus palettShow in Color ButtonsHidden browser pathsPaths hidden from browser panelRendering behaviorRenderdamise käitumineBy default new la&yers added to the map should be displayedV&aikimisi, uus lisatud kiht on kaardil nähtavUse render caching where possible to speed up redrawsKasuta render võtet, kus võimalik, et kiirendada taasesitustRender layers in parallel using many CPU coresRenderda kihte paralleelselt kasutades mitut CPU üksustEnable feature si&mplification by default for newly added layersLuba vaikimisi nähtuste li&htsustamine äsja lisatud kihtidelMagnification levelSuurenduse taseRendering qualityRenderdamise kvaliteetMake lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performanceJooned sujuvamaks, ajakulukam joonestamisviisCurve segmentationKurvi segmenteerimineSegmentation toleranceSegmenteerimise tolerantsTolerance typeTolerantsi tüüpRastersRastridRGB band selectionRGB lõimede valimineRed bandPunane lõimGreen bandRoheline lõimBlue bandSinine lõimContrast enhancementKontrastiparandusSingle band grayÜhe lõimega hallMulti band color (byte / band) Multi band color (> byte / band) Limits (minimum/maximum)Piirid (miinimum/maksimum)Open new attribute tables as docked windowsAdd PostGIS layers with double-click and select in extended modeLisa PostGIS-i kihte topeltklõpsuga ja vali laiendatud režiimisAdd Oracle layers with double-click and select in extended modeLisa Oracle'i kihte topeltklõpsuga ja vali laiendatud vaates<html><head/><body><p>When digitizing a new feature, default values are retrieved from the database. With this option turned on, the default values will be evaluated at the time of digitizing. With this option turned off, the default values will be evaluated at the time of saving.</p></body></html>Evaluate default valuesHinda vaike-väärtusiMax cores to useSimplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)Lihtsustamise ulatus (suuremad väärtused annavad tulemuseks rohkem lihtsustamist)This algorithm is only applied to simplify on local sideSeda algoritmi kasutatakse ainult kasutaja poolel lihtsustamiselSimplification algorithmLihtsustus-algoritmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)Suurim mõõtkava mille juures kihti tuleks lihtsustada (1:1 lihtsustab alati)AlgorithmAlgoritmCumulative pixel count cut limits--%%Standard deviation multiplierStandardhälbe kordajaDebuggingSiluShow these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab)Map canvas refreshKaardivaate värskendusDouble-click action in legendDisplay classification attribute in layer titlesMinimum line / stroke width in millimeters.ZoomingSuumimineSpecifies the change in zoom level with each move of the mouse wheel.
The bigger the number, the faster zooming with the mouse wheel will be.Remove selected scalePaste colorsAseta värvidAdd colorLisa värvRemove colorEemalda värvCopy colorsKopeeri värvidDefault map appearance (overridden by project properties)Selection colorValitud nähtuste värv kaardilOpen layer styling dockAva kihi kujunduse vaadeHighlight color<html><head/><body><p>The color used to highlight identified feature. The alpha channel is only used for polygons fill, lines and outlines are fully opaque.</p></body></html>BufferPuhverLines / outlines buffer in millimeters.Minimum widthIf unchecked large numbers will be converted from m. to km. and from ft. to milesReset to default scalesDefault Z valueEnable snapping by defaultLuba snäppimine vaikimisiDisplay main dialog as (restart required)Snapping marker colorShow snapping tooltipsGrid colorVõrgustiku värvGrid and guide defaultsGrid spacingVõrgustiku samm pxpikselPath(s) to search for extra print templatesSuppress attribute form pop-up after feature creationKeela atribuudi vormi avamine peale nähtuse tekitamistFill colorTäitevärvPro&mpt for CRSUse pro&ject CRSDefault expiration period for WMS capabilities (hours)Max retry in case of tile or feature request errorsClear cache<html><head/><body><p>The connection cache stores all authentication connections data even when the connection fails.<br/>If you make any change to the authentication configurations or to the certification authorities, you should clear the authentication cache or<br/>restart QGIS. <br/>When this option is checked, the authentication cache will be automatically cleared every time an SSL error occurs and you choose to abort the connection.<br/></p></body></html>Automatically clear the connection authentication cache on SSL errors (recommended)Clear authentication connection cacheUse pro&xy for web accessKasuta veebiühenduseks proksitRemove selected URLEemalda valitud URLAdd URL to excludeLisa välistatav URLExpression VariablesAvaldise muutujadLocator FiltersAdvanced Settings EditorTäiendavate seadete redaktorI will be careful, I promise!Luban et olen ettevaatlik!Background colorTaustavärvIgnore shapefile encoding declarationEira shape-faili kodeeringu definitsiooniDisable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8Execute expressions on server-side if possibleTäida avaldised serveri poolel, kui võimalik<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies<b>Märkus:</b> Nähtuste lihtsustamine võib kiirendada kuvamist aga võib ka tekitada tõrkeidHigher values result in more simplificationSuuremad väärtused annavad tulemuseks rohkem lihtsustamistSimplify on provider side if possibleLihtsusta pakkuja poolel, kui võimalikExport colorsEkspordi värvusedImport colors from fileImpordi värvused failistLayer legendKihi legendOpen layer propertiesAva kihi omadusedOpen attribute tableAva atribuutandmete tabelWMS getLegendGraphic ResolutionWMS-i eraldus (getLegendGraphic)IdentifyInfopäringSearch radius for identifying features and displaying map tipsOtsinguraadius et nähtusi tuvastada ja näidata vihjeid kaardilMeasure toolMõõtmisvahendPreferred distance unitsEelistatud kaugus-ühikudRubberband colorVärvusPreferred angle unitsEelistatud nurgaühikudMap update intervalKaardiuuenduse intervall msmsDecimal placesKohti peale komaKeep base unitSäilita baasühikZoom factorSuumiastePredefined scalesEel-defineeritud mõõtkavadAdd predefined scaleLisa eel-defineeritud mõõtkavaImport from fileImpordi failistExport to fileEkspordi failiDefault fontVaikimisi fontGrid appearanceVõrgustiku kuvaGrid styleVõrgustiku stiil mmmmGrid offsetVõrgustiku nihex: x:y: y:Snap toleranceSnäppimise tundlikkusFeature creationNähtuste tekitamineValidate geometriesKontrolli geomeetriaidReuse last entered attribute valuesTaaskasuta viimase atribuudi väärtusiRubberbandJoonestamineLine colorJoone värvusLine width in pixelsJoone paksus pikselitesLine widthJoone paksusSnappingSnäppimineDefault snap modeAlgne snäppimise viisDefault snapping toleranceAlgne snäppimise tundlikkusSearch radius for vertex editsOtsinguraadius käänupunktidelemap unitskaardi ühikudpixelspikslidPreferred area unitsEelistatud pindala-ühikudVertex markersKäänupunkti markeridMarker styleMarkeri stiilMarker sizeMarkeri suurusShow markers only for selected featuresNäita markereid ainult valitud nähtustelCurve offset toolKurvi nihke tööriistMiter limitJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilQuadrant segmentsGDAL driver optionsGDAL-i draiveri suvandidEdit Pyramids OptionsMuuda püramiidide tingimusiEdit Create OptionsMuuda tekitamise valikuidGDAL driversGDAL-i draiveridIn some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use.Mõnel juhul võib olla kasutusel üle ühe GDAL-i draiveri sama rastervormingu laadimisel. Kasuta allpool olevat nimekirja, et määrata, millist kasutada.NameNimiextFlagsLipudDescriptionKirjeldusCRS for new layersUute kihtide koordinaatsüsteemWhen a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRSKui tekitatakse uus kiht või kui laaditakse koordinaatsüsteemita kihtDefault CRS for new projectsVaikimisi CRS uutele projektideleDefault datum transformationsWMS search addressWMS-i otsiaadressTimeout for network requests (ms)Võrgupäringu aegumine (ms)Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours)User-AgentCache settingsCache seadedContentDirectoryKataloogSize [KiB]Suurus [KiB]HostHostPortPortProxy typeProxy tüüpExclude URLs (starting with)Välista URL-e (algusega)Default uses system's proxyQgsOptionsDialogBaseMissing ObjectsBase options dialog could not be initialized.
Missing some of the .ui template objects:
QgsOracleColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Tabeli toomine lõpetatudQgsOracleConnConnection to database failedÜhendus andmebaasiga ebaõnnestusOracleOracleCould not switch to workspace %1 [%2]Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Ühendus andmebaasiga õnnestus, ligipääsetavaid tabeleid ei tuvastatud.Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseEi saa andmebaasist ruumiandmetega tabelite nimekirjaUnsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignoredEirati toetamata geomeetriatüüpi %1 veerus %2.%3.%4View %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys.Vaatel %1.%2 puudub täisarvu veerg mida saaks kasutada võtmena.Connection failed %1s ago - skipping retrySQL: %1 [owner: %2 table_name: %3]
error: %4
Querying available tables failed.
SQL: %1
error: %2
SQL: %1
error: %2
PointPunktMultipointMultipunktLineJoonMultilineMultijoonPolygonPolügoonMultipolygonMultipolügoonNo GeometryGeomeetriataUnknown GeometryTundmatu geomeetriaQgsOracleConnectionItemRefreshVärskendaScanning tables for %1Edit Connection…Delete ConnectionKustuta ühendus%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ei ole vektorkiht!Import to Oracle databaseImpordi Oracle'i andmebaasiFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import was successful.Import õnnestus.QgsOracleLayerItemDelete TableKustuta tabelTable deleted successfully.Tabel edukalt kustutatud.QgsOracleNewConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
HOIATUS: Oled valinud parooli salvestamise. Parool salvestatakse tavalise tekstina projektifailides ja tavapärases kataloogis Unix-i sarnases süsteemides või kasutajaprofiilis Windowsi puhul. Kui sa ei soovi seda, siis palun vajuta Loobu nuppu.
Save ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Connection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas olemasolev ühendus %1 kirjutada üle?QgsOracleNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationÜhenduse informatsioonPasswordParoolUsernameKasutajanimiName of the new connectionNimi uuele ühenduseleSave passwordOnly look in metadata tableDatabaseAndmebaasSchemaSkeemIf specified, only tables from the matching schema will be fetched and listed for the providerCreate a New Oracle ConnectionNameNimiRestrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata tablePiira näidatavate tabelite hulka nendeni, mis on all_sdo_geom_metadata tabelisSave usernameWhen searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.Ruumiandmetega tabelite otsimisel piirdutakse tabelitega, mille omanikuks on kasutaja.<html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ruumiandmetega tabelite otsimisel piirdutakse tabelitega, mille omanikuks on kasutaja.</p></body></html>Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others.Ainult olemasolevad geomeetriatüübid ja ära paku teiste lisamistOnly existing geometry typesAinult olemasolevad geomeetriatüübidWorkspaceInclude additional geometry attributesKaasa täiendavad geomeetria atribuudid<html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Piirab näidatavate tabelite hulga nendeni, mis on all_sdo_geom_metadata view's. See võib kiirendada ruumiandmetega tabelite algset kuvamist.</p></body></html>Only look for user's tablesOtsi ainult kasutaja tabeleidAlso list tables with no geometryLisa nimekirja ka geomeetriata tabelidPortPort15211521&Test Connect&Testi ühendustHostHostUse estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.Kasuta hinnangulist tabeli statistikat kihi metaandemtele.<html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html>Use estimated table metadataKasuta hinnagulist metaandmete tabelitOptionsSuvandidQgsOracleOwnerItem%1 as %2 in %3%1 kui %2na %3sas geometryless tablegeomeetriata tabelinaQgsOracleProviderWhole numberTäisarvWhole big numberSuur täisarvDecimal number (numeric)Kümnendmurruga arv (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Kümnendmurruga arv (decimal)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)Text, fixed length (char)Tekst, kindla pikkusega väli (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar2)Piiratud muutuva pikkusega tekstText, unlimited length (long)Piiramata pikkusega tekst (long)DateKuupäevDate & TimeKuupäev ja kellaaegFAILURE: Field %1 not found.Viga: välja %1 ei leitudOracleOracleRead attempt on an invalid oracle data sourceLugemiskatse vigaselt oracle'i andmeallikaltLoading comment for table %1.%2 failed [%3]Tabeli %1.%2 kommentaari laadimine ebaõnnestus [%3]Loading comment for columns of table %1.%2 failed [%3]Tabeli %1.%2 veergude kommentaari laadimine ebaõnnestus [%3]Loading field types for table %1.%2 failed [%3]Tabeli %1.%2 väljatüüpide laadimine ebaõnnestus [%3]Invalid spatial index %1 on column %2.%3.%4 found - expect poor performance.Veerul %2.%3.%4 leiti vigane ruumiindeks %1 - käideldavus jääb kehvaks.Probing for spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 failed [%4]Veeru %1.%2.%3 ruumiindeksi kontroll ebaõnnestus [%4]Retrieving fields from '%1' failed [%2]Väljade toomine '%1' ebaõnnestus [%2]Unable to determine geometry column access privileges for column %1.%2.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %4Unable to determine table access privileges for the table %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Tüüppäring ei ole select päring.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Ei saa käivitada päringut.
Veateade andmebaasist:
SQL: %2Primary key field %1 not found in %2Primaarvõtme välja %1 ei leitud %2Primary key field '%1' for view not unique.Primaarvõti väljal '%1' vaates ei ole unikaalne.Key field '%1' for view not found.Võtme väli '%1' vaatele on leidmata.No key field for view given.Võtmevälja ei ole vaatel antud.No key field for query given.Võtmevälja ei ole päringus antud.Evaluation of default value failedVaikeväärtuse hindamine ebaõnnestusRetrieval of updated primary keys from versioned tables not supportedCould not start transactionEi saanud alustada transaktsiooniCould not prepare get feature id statementCould not prepare insert statementSisestuslauset ei saanud ette valmistadaCould not insert feature %1Ei saanud sisestada nähtust %1Could not retrieve feature id %1Ei saanud kätte nähtust id'ga %1Could not commit transactionEi saanud lõpetada transaktsiooniOracle error while adding features: %1Oracle'i viga nähtuste lisamisel: %1Could not rollback transactionEi saanud transaktsiooni tagasi pöörataDeletion of feature %1 failedNähtuse %1 kustutamine ebaõnnestusOracle error while deleting features: %1Oracle'i viga nähtuste kustutamisel: %1Adding attribute %1 failedAtribuudi %1 lisamine ebaõnnestusSetting comment on %1 failedKommentaari %1 lisamine ebaõnnestusOracle error while adding attributes: %1Oracle'i viga atribuutide lisamisel: %1Could not reload fields.Ei saanud uuendada välju.Dropping column %1 failedVeeru %1 kustutamine ebaõnnestusOracle error while deleting attributes: %1Oracle'i viga atribuutide kustutamisel: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Vigane atribuudi indeks: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsViga välja %1 ümbernimetamisel: väljanimi '%2' on juba kasutuselRenaming column %1 to %2 failedVeergude ümber nimetamine %1-st %2-ks ebaõnnestusOracle error while renaming attributes: %1Oracle'i viga atribuutide ümber nimetamisel: %1Update of feature %1 failedNähtuse %1 uuendamine ebaõnnestusOracle error while changing attributes: %1Oracle'i viga atribuutide muutmisel: %1Could not update metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Could not insert metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Creation spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Rebuild of spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Drop created table %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not prepare update statement.Muutmislauset ei saanud ette valmistada.No spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 found - expect poor performance.Oracle error while changing geometry values: %1Oracle'i viga geomeetriaväärtuste muutmisel: %1Could not retrieve extents: %1
SQL: %2Ei saanud ulatusi: %1
SQL: %2Could not execute query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Päringut ei saanud teostada.
Andmebaasi veateade oli:
SQL: %2Could not retrieve SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Ei saanud %1 koordinaatsüsteemi.
Andmebaasi veateade oli:
SQL: %3Could not determine SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3%1 koordinaatsüsteemi tuvastamine ebaõnnestus.
Andmebaasi veateade oli:
SQL: %3%1 has no valid geometry types.
SQL: %2%1 puuduvad kehtivad geomeetriatüübid.
SQL: %2Could not determine geometry type of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3%1 geomeetriatüübi tuvastamine ebaõnnestus.
Andmebaasi veateade oli:
SQL: %3Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Geomeetria tüüp ja srid tühjale veerule %1 - %2-st defineerimata.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.Nähtuse tüüpi või srid-i %1 - %2-st ei ole leitav(ad) ja ei saa neile päringut teha.Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2)2D-s + kihil (%1; %2) redigeerimine ja lisamine väljasCould not determine table existence.Tabeli olemasolu kontroll ebaõnnestus.Table %1 could not be dropped.Tabelit %1 ei saanud kustutada.Table %1 already exists.Tabel %1 on juba olemas.Table creation failed.Tabeli loomine ebaõnnestus.Could not lookup authid %1:%2Ei leidnud authid %1:%2Could not lookup WKT.Could not determine new srid.CRS not found and could not be created.Could not insert metadata.Oracle SRID %1 not found.Oracle error: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Oracle error: %1
Error: %2QgsOracleRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsOracleSourceSelectAdd Oracle Table(s)&Set Filter&Määra filterSet FilterFilterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikOwnerOmanikTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid eemaldada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Select TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.Scanning tables for %1StopLõpetaConnectÜhendaQgsOracleSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Enter…QgsOracleTableModelOwnerOmanikTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnPrimaarvõrme veergSelect at idVali id-gaSqlSqlSpecify a geometry typeEnter a SRIDSRIDSelect a primary keySelect…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Keela funktsioon "Kiire juurdepääs nähtustele ID-ga", et hoida atribuuditabel mälus (nt kui vaatamised on kulukad).QgsOrderByDialogAscendingVähenevaltDescendingTõusvaltNULLs lastNULLs firstQgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog[Action Widget][Tegevuse vidin]Organize Table columnsSelect AllVali kõikDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustQgsPGConnectionItemRefreshVärskendaDelete ConnectionKustuta ühendusEdit Connection…Create Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Unable to create schema.Unable to create schema %1
%2%1: %2%1: %2%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!Import to PostGIS databaseImpordi PostGIS-i andmebaasiFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import was successful.Import õnnestus.Connection failedÜhendus ebaõnnestusFailed to get schemasQgsPGLayerItemViewVaadeTableTabelRename %1…Delete %1Truncate %1Refresh Materialized ViewDelete TableKustuta tabelTable deleted successfully.Tabel edukalt kustutatudviewtable%1 %2.%3%1% {1 %2.%3?}Rename %1Unable to rename %1.Unable to rename %1 %2
%3Truncate TableTühjenda tabelUnable to truncate table.Unable to truncate %1
%2Table truncated successfully.Refresh ViewUnable to refresh the view.Unable to refresh view %1
%2Materialized view refreshed successfully.QgsPGRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsPGSchemaItemas geometryless tablegeomeetriata tabelinaConnection failedÜhendus ebaõnnestusFailed to get layersRefreshVärskendaRename Schema…Delete SchemaKustuta skeemUnable to delete schema.Skeemi ei saa kustutada.Schema deleted successfully.Skeem edukalt kustutatud.schema '%1'skeem '%1'Rename SchemaNimeta skeem ümberUnable to rename schema.Skeemi ei saa ümber nimetada.Unable to rename schema %1
%2Skeemi %1 ei saa ümber nimetada
%2Schema renamed successfully.Skeem edukalt ümber nimetatud.ViewVaadeMaterialized viewMaterialiseeritud vaadeTableTabel
%1 as %2 in %3QgsPalettedRendererModelValueVäärtusColorVärvusLabelMärgisQgsPalettedRendererWidgetOptionsSuvandidChange labelChange Color…Change Opacity…Change Label…Advanced OptionsLoad Classes from LayerLoad Color Map from File…Export Color Map to File…Load Color Table from FileLoad Color TableSave Color Table as FileDelete ClassificationSelect ColorVali värvOpacityLäbipaistvusChange color opacity [%]LabelMärgisCould not interpret file as a raster color table.Text (*.clr)Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
Calculating…The classification band was changed from %1 to %2.
Should the existing classes be deleted?ClassifyKlassifitseeriQgsPalettedRendererWidgetBaseFormVormAdds all missing unique values from the rasterClassifyKlassifitseeriAdd values manuallyLisa väärtusi käsitsiRemove selected row(s)Eemalda valitud readDelete AllAdvanced optionsTäiendavad valikud……CancelLoobuBandLõimColor rampVärvigradientQgsPasswordLineEditHide textShow textQgsPasteTransformationsBasePaste TransformationsKleebi transformatsioonid<b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b><b>Teade: See funktsioon ei ole kasutatav veel!</b>SourceAlgallikasDestinationSihtkohtQgsPenCapStyleComboBoxSquareRuutFlatTasaneRoundÜmarQgsPenJoinStyleComboBoxBevelKalduMiterRuutRoundÜmarQgsPenStyleComboBoxSolid LinePidevjoonNo PenJoonetaDash LineKriipsjoonDot LinePunktiirjoonDash Dot LineKriipsPunktJoonDash Dot Dot LineKriipsPunktPunktJoonQgsPgNewConnectiondisableväljaallowlubaprefereelistarequirenõutudverify-caverify-fullSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and in your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't save a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Save ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Connection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Kas olemasolev ühendus %1 kirjutada üle?QgsPgNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationÜhenduse informatsioonAuthenticationAutentimineServiceTeenusPortPortName of the new connectionNimi uuele ühendusele54325432Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the layer registries.Restricts the displayed tables to those that are found in the layer registries (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.Only show layers in the layer registries&Test Connection&Testi ühendustCreate a New PostGIS Connection&NameHos&t&Database&AndmebaasSSL &modeRestrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns tableOtsib ainult ruumiandmetega tabeleid public skeemist ning ei ole geometry_columns tabelisWhen searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time)Kui otsitakse ruumiandmetega tabeleid mis ei ole geometry_columns tabelis, lubab otsingut ainult tabelitele mis on public skeemis (mõne andmebaasi puhul võib see palju aega kokku hoida)Only look in the 'public' schemaVaata ainult 'public' skeemistUse estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.Kasuta hinnangulist tabeli statistikat kihi metaandemtele.<html>
<p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p>
<p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p>
<p>1) Row count is determined from results of running the PostgreSQL Analyze function on the table.</p>
<p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p>
<p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p>
</html>Allow saving/loading QGIS projects in the databaseUse estimated table metadataKasuta hinnagulist metaandmete tabelitAlso list tables with no geometryLisa nimekirja ka geomeetriata tabelidDon't resolve type of unrestricted columns (GEOMETRY)QgsPgSourceSelectAdd PostGIS Table(s)Lisa PostGIS-i tabel(id)&Set Filter&Määra filterSet FilterFilterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikSchemaSkeemTableTabelCommentMärkusTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergFeature idNähtuse idSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid lõpetada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seadistused?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Select TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.Scanning tables for %1StopPeataConnectÜhendaQgsPgSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Enter…QgsPgTableModelSchemaSkeemTableTabelCommentMärkusColumnVeergData TypeAndmetüüpSpatial TypeRuumikuju tüüpSRIDSRIDFeature idNähtuse idSpecify a geometry type in the '%1' columnMäära geomeetriatüüp '%1' veerusEnter a SRID into the '%1' columnLisa SRID '%1' veeruleSelect columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layerSelect at idVali id-gaSqlSqlSelect…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Keela funktsioon "Kiire juurdepääs nähtustele ID-ga", et hoida atribuuditabel mälus (nt kui vaatamised on kulukad).QgsPluginInstallerThere is a new plugin availableSaadaval on uus pluginThere is a plugin update availableSaadaval on plugina värskendusQGIS Python Plugin InstallerQGIS-i Pythoni plugina installerServer response is 200 OK, but doesn't contain plugin metatada. This is most likely caused by a proxy or a wrong repository URL. You can configure proxy settings in QGIS options.Serveri vastus on 200 OK, aga see ei sisalda plugina metaandmeid. Tõenäoliselt põhjustas selle proksi või vale hoidla URL. Proksi sätteid saad muuta QGIS-i suvandites.Status code:Seisundi kood:Missing metadata filePuudub meta-andmete failError reading metadataViga meta-andmete lugemiselUninstall (recommended)I will uninstall it laterObsolete plugin:Iganenud plugin:QGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version?QGIS tuvastas iganenud plugina, mis varjab ära selle QGIS-i koopiaga kaasas oleva värskema versiooni. Seda põhjustavad tõenäoliselt failid, mis on seotud QGIS-i varasema installiga. Kas soovid vana plugina kohe kustutada ja võtta kasutusele uuema versiooni?Error reading repository:Viga hoidlast lugemisega:Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer!Plugin installation failedPlugina installeerimine ebaõnnestusPlugin has disappearedPlugin on ära kadunudThe plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory.
Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue.Tundub et plugin on installitud, aga ei leia asukohta. Võib-olla plugina pakett sisaldab vale asukohaviitega kataloogi.
Palun leia installeeritud pluginate nimekiri. Olen üsna kindel et see plugin on seal olemas, kuid ma ei suuda määrata milline see neist on. See ka tähendab, et ma ei saa kinnitada selle installi olemasolu ja informeerida tema uuendustest. Siiski plugin võib olla toimiv. Palun kontakteeru plugina autoriga ja anna veast teada.Plugin installed successfullyPlugin installeeritud edukaltPlugin reinstalled successfullyPlugin edukalt uuesti installeeritudPython plugin reinstalled.
You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it.Pythoni plugin on uuesti installitud.
Plugina uuesti laadmiseks tuleb QGIS taaskäivitada.The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions:Plugin ei ühildu QGIS-i selle versiooniga. Plugin on mõeldud QGIS-i järgmistele versioonidele:The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it:Plugin sõltub mõnest komponendist, mis sinu arvutis puudub. Tuleb installida järgmised Pythoni moodulid, et plugin tööle saada:The plugin is broken. Python said:Plugin on katki. Pythoni teade:Plugin uninstall failedPlugina maha installeerimine ebaõnnestusAre you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin?Kas oled kindel, et soovid maha installeerida selle plugina?Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository!Hoiatus: see plugin ei ole saadaval mitte üheski kasutatavas hoidlas!Plugin uninstalled successfullyPlugin edukalt maha installeeritudUnable to add another repository with the same URL!Ei saa lisada sama URL'iga teist hoidlat!This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionSee hoidla on blokeeritud, kuna ei ühildu sinu QGIS-i versioonigaYou can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed.Ametlikku QGIS-i pluginate hoidlat ei saa kustutada. Vajadusel saad selle keelata.Are you sure you want to remove the following repository?Kindel, et soovid kustutada selle hoidla?Aborted by userKasutaja poolt katkestatudWrong password. Please enter a correct password to the zip file.The zip file is encrypted. Please enter password.Enter passwordFailed to unzip the plugin package
Probably it is brokenUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'If you haven't canceled the download manually, it was most likely caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options window.Too many redirectionsMissing __init__.pyIf you haven't canceled the download manually, it might be caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options.QGIS Official Plugin RepositoryQGIS-i ametlik pluginahoidlaNothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist:Ei ole midagi eemaldada! Plugina kataloogi ei ole olemas:Failed to remove the directory:Kataloogi eemaldamine ebaõnnestus:Check permissions or remove it manuallyKontrolli õigusi või eemalda käsitsiQgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogSuccessÕnnestusResolving host name…Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBaseFetching repositoriesHoidlatest tõmbamineOverall progressAbort FetchingRepositoryHoidlaStateSeisundQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'Installing…Resolving host name…Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory:Plugina paki lahti pakkimine ebaõnnestus. Arvatavasti võib ta olla vigane või hoidlast puudu. Tasub ka üle kontrollida, et oleks plugina paigaldamise kataloogil olemas kirjutamisõigus:Aborted by userKasutaja poolt katkestatudQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBaseQGIS Python Plugin InstallerQGIS-i Pythoni plugina installerInstalling plugin:installeerin pluginat:Connecting...Ühendus...QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogno error message receivedveateateid ei ole vastu võetudQgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBaseError loading pluginViga plugina laadimiselThe plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below:Pluginal paistab olevat vigane või poolik sõltuvusahel. Plugin on installitud, kuid seda ei saa laadida. Kui vajad tõesti seda pluginat, siis võta ühendust autoriga või <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS-i kasutajarühmaga</a> ning proovi probleemile lahendus leida. Kui sa ei vaja seda pluginat, siis saad selle deinstallida. Allpool on veateade:Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this.Kas soovid pluginat maha installeerida kohe? Kui oled ebakindel, siis eeldatavasti võiksid seda teha.QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBaseRepository detailsHoidla andmedEnter a name for the repositorySisesta hoidla nimiNameNimiEnter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" or "file:///"AuthenticationAutentimineClearPuhastaEditRedigeeriEnable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted)Kasutuses või kasutusest väljas hoidla (keelatud hoidlad jäetakse kasutusest välja)ParametersParameetrid?qgis=?qgis=URLURLEnabledKasutusesQgsPluginManagerPluginsPluginadPlugin packages (*.zip *.ZIP)No PluginsPluginaid ei oleNo QGIS plugins found in %1Asukohast %1 ei leitud QGIS-i pluginaidOnly locally availablecategory: plugins that are only locally availableAinult kohalikult kättesaadavadReinstallablecategory: plugins that are installed and availableKorduv-installeeritavUpgradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version availableUuendatavDowngradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version availableInstallablecategory: plugins that are available for installationInstalleeritavThis plugin is incompatible with this version of QGISPlugin ei ühildu selle QGIS-i versioonigaPlugin designed for QGIS %1compatible QGIS version(s)Plugin on tehtud QGIS-i versioonile %1This plugin requires a missing modulePlugin vajab puuduvat moodulitThis plugin is brokenPlugin on katkiThere is a new version availableSaadaval on uus versioonThis is a new pluginSee on uus pluginInstalled version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repositorySelle plugina installeeritud versioon on kõrgem kui hoidlas leitavad versioonidThis plugin is experimentalSee on katseline pluginThis plugin is deprecatedIganenud pluginbug trackercode repositoryInstalled versionAvailable versionChangelogReload all RepositoriesOnly Show Plugins from Selected RepositoryClear FilterSecurity warning: installing a plugin from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Average rating %1Keskmine hinnang %1CategoryKategooriaTagsSildidAuthorAutorMore infoRohkem infotSearch…Otsi...Sort by NameSort by DownloadsSort by VoteSort by StatusThis is a core plugin, so you can't uninstall it%1 rating vote(s)%1 downloads%1 allalaadimisthomepagekodulehtUpgrade pluginDowngrade pluginInstall pluginInstalleeri pluginReinstall pluginPlugina korduvinstalleerimineconnectedühendatudThe repository is connectedHoidla on ühendatudunavailableei ole kättesaadavThe repository is enabled, but unavailableHoidla on lubatud, aga pole kättesaadavdisabledei ole lubatudThe repository is disabledHoidla ei ole lubatudThe repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionHoidla on blokeeritud, kuna ei ühildu sinu QGIS-i versioonigaVote sent successfullySending vote to the plugin repository failed.<h3>Upgradable plugins</h3><p>Here are <b>upgradeable plugins</b>. It means more recent versions of installed plugins are available in the repositories.</p><h3>Uuendatavad pluginad</h3><p>Siin on <b>uuendatavad pluginad</b>. See tähendab et hoidlates on saadaval installeeritud pluginate värskemad versioonid.</p><h3>All Plugins</h3><p>On the left you see the list of all plugins available for your QGIS, both installed and available for download. Some plugins come with your QGIS installation while most of them are made available via the plugin repositories.</p><p>You can temporarily enable or disable a plugin. To <i>enable</i> or <i>disable</i> a plugin, click its checkbox or double-click its name...</p><p>Plugins showing in <span style='color:red'>red</span> are not loaded because there is a problem. They are also listed on the 'Invalid' tab. Click on the plugin name to see more details, or to reinstall or uninstall this plugin.</p><h3>Installed Plugins</h3><p>Here you only see plugins <b>installed on your QGIS</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details. </p><p>Click the checkbox or double-click the name to <i>activate</i> or <i>deactivate</i> the plugin.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><h3>Not installed plugins</h3><p>Here you see the list of all plugins available in the repositories, but which are <b>not yet installed</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><p>A plugin can be downloaded and installed by clicking on it's name, and then click the 'Install plugin' button.</p><h3>Installeerimata pluginad</h3><p>Siin näed loetelu kõigist hoidlates saadaval olevatest pluginatest, mis <b>ei ole veel installitud</b>. </p><p>Täpsema info lugemiseks kliki nimel.</p><p>Saad muuta järjestust hüpikmenüü abil (parem klikk). </p><p>Pluginat saab installida klikkides tema nimel ja seejärel nupul 'Installeeri plugin'.</p><h3>New plugins</h3><p>Here you see brand <b>new</b> plugins which can be installed.</p><h3>Uued pluginad</h3><p>Siin näed <b>uusi</b> pluginaid mida saad installeerida.</p><h3>Invalid plugins</h3><p>Plugins in this list here are <b>broken or incompatible</b> with your version of QGIS.</p><p>Click on an individual plugin; if possible QGIS shows you more information.</p><p>The main reasons to have invalid plugins is that this plugin is not build for this version of QGIS. Maybe you can download another version from <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Another common reason is that a python plugin needs some external python libraries (dependencies). You can install them yourself, depending on your operating system. After a correct install the plugin should work.</p><h3>Vigased pluginad</h3><p>Selles loetelus olevad pluginad on <b>katki või ei ühildu</b> sinu QGIS-i versiooniga.</p><p>Klõpsa mõnel pluginal; kui võimalik, siis QGIS näitab lisateavet.</p><p>Peamine põhjus, miks pluginad on vigased, on see, et plugin pole tehtud selle QGIS-i versiooni jaoks. Võimalik, et saad tõmmata teise versiooni aadressilt <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Teine sage põhjus on see, et plugin vajab täiendavaid Pythoni teeke (sõltuvused). Saad need ise paigaldada, kui operatsioonisüsteem seda võimaldab. Pärast vigadeta paigaldust peaks plugin töötama.</p>QgsPluginManagerBasePlugin ManagerPlugina haldurAllKõikInstalledInstallitudInstalled pluginsInstallitud pluginadNot installed plugins available for downloadSaadaval installeerimata pluginadUpgradeableUuendatavInstalled plugins with more recent version available for downloadInstalleeritud pluginad, mille jaoks on saadaval värskem versioonNewUusNot installed plugins seen for the first timeUued, installeerimata pluginadInvalidViganeBroken and incompatible installed pluginsKatkised ja mitte-ühilduvad installeeritud pluginadSettingsSeadedNot installedInstallimataInstall from ZIPabout:blankülevaade:tühiVote!Hääleta!Your VoteSinu häälCurrent votePraegune häälUpgrade all upgradeable pluginsUuenda kõik uuendatavad pluginadUninstall the selected pluginValitud plugina maha installeerimineInstall, reinstall or upgrade the selected pluginInstalleeri, korduvinstalleeri või uuenda valitud pluginUpgrade AllUninstall PluginReinstall Plugin<html><head/><body><p>If you are provided with a zip package containing a plugin to install, please select the file below and click the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Install plugin</span> button.</p><p>Please note for most users this function is not applicable, as the preferable way is to install plugins from a repository.</p></body></html>ZIP file:Install PluginThe settings on this tab are only applicable for Python Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available.Check for updates on startupKontrolli käivitamisel uuendusievery time QGIS startsiga kord, kui QGIS käivitubonce a daykorra päevasevery 3 daysüle 3 päevaevery weekiga nädalevery 2 weeksüle 2 nädalaevery monthiga kuu<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Manager window.</p></body></html>Show also experimental pluginsNäita ka katselisi pluginaid<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Pane tähele:</span> katselised pluginad on üldiselt tavakasutuseks sobimatud. Need pluginad on arenduse algetapis ja neid võib pidada poolikuteks või arengusuunda näitavateks vahenditeks. QGIS ei soovita nende pluginate installimist, välja arvatud juhul, kui plaanid neid ainult katsetada.</p></body></html>Show also deprecated pluginsNäita ka iganenud pluginaid<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Note:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Deprecated plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are unmaintained, and should be considered 'obsolete' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you still need it and there are no other alternatives available.</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Märkus:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Iganenud pluginad ün üldjuhul tavakasutuseks sobimatud. Neid pluginaid enam ei toetata. QGIS ei soovita neid pluginaid installeerida, välja arvatud juhul kui sul tõesti on vaja ja muud valikut ei ole.</span></p></body></html>Plugin repositoriesPluginahoidladStatusSeisundNameNimiURLURLReload repository contents
(useful when you uploaded a plugin there)Laadi uuesti pluginahoidla sisu
(kasulik, kui oled sinna plugina laadinud)Reload RepositoryConfigure an additional plugin repositorySeadista täiendav pluginahoidlaAdd a new plugin repositoryLisa uus pluginahoidlaAdd...Lisa...Edit the selected repositoryMuuda valitud hoidlatEdit...Muuda...Remove the selected repositoryEemalda valitud hoidlaDeleteKustutaQgsPoint3DSymbolWidgetSphereCylinderCubeConePlaneTorus3D Model3D mudelOpen 3d Model FileInvalid FileError, file does not exist or is not readable.QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetCluster symbolRenderer SettingsThe point cluster renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point cluster renderer.QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetBaseFormVormDistancePikkusRenderer Settings...RendererRenderdajaCluster symbolQgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetRingSisepiirConcentric ringsKontsentrilised sisepiiridGridVõrgustikNoneTühiSelect ColorVali värvTransparent StrokeCenter symbolKeskpunkti sümbolRenderer SettingsThe point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer.QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBaseFormVormLabel attributeMärgise atribuutLabel fontMärgise fontLabel colorMärgise värvUse scale dependent labelingMinimum map scaleFontFontRenderer Settings...Displacement LinesSize adjustmentStroke widthViirutuse paksusStroke colorViirutuse värvCenter symbolKeskpunkti sümbol mmmmRendererRenderdajaPoint distance tolerancePlacement methodPaigutamise meetodDistancePikkusLabelsMärgisedQgsPostgresConnConnection to database failedÜhendus andmebaasiga ebaõnnestusPostGISPostGISerror in setting encodingviga kodeerimise seadesundefined return value from encoding settingtundmatu vastusväärtus kodeeringu seadeltYour PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net)Sinu PostGIS-i installis ei ole GEOS-tuge. Nähtuse valimine ja päringud ei tööta korralikult. Palun installi PostGIS GEOS-toega (http://geos.refractions.net)Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Ühendus andmebaasiga õnnestus, ligipääsetavaid tabeleid ei tuvastatud.Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was:
Ühendus andmebaasiga õnnestus, ligipääsetavaid tabeleid ei tuvastatud. Veateade andmebaasilt:
%1Cannot set WriteOwner permission to cert: %0 to allow removing itClient security failureCannot remove cert: %0SQL: %1
result: %2
error: %3
Unsupported spatial column type %1Tundmatu geomeetriavälja tüüp %1Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.
The error message from the database was:
%1Ühendus andmebaasiga õnnestus, ligipääsetavaid tabeleid ei tuvastatud.
Veateade andmebaasilt:
Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseEi saa andmebaasist ruumiandmetega tabelite nimekirjaNo PostGIS support in the database.Andmebaas ei toeta PostGis-iCould not parse postgis version string '%1'Ei suutnud leida postgis-i versiooni '%1'Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3]Viga ühenduses: %1 vastas %2 [%3]Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3]Vigane päring: %1 vastas %2 [%3]Query failed: %1
Error: no result bufferPäring ebaõnnestus: %1
Veateade: tulemus andmetetaQuery: %1 returned %2 [%3]Päring: %1 vastas %2 [%3]%1 cursor states lost.
SQL: %2
Result: %3 (%4)%1 ei leia kursorit.
SQL: %2
Tulemus: %3 (%4)resetting bad connection.halb ühendus, taaskäivitan.retry after reset succeeded.proovi uuesti, peale õnnestunud taaskäivitust.retry after reset failed again.Proovi uuesti peale ebaõnnestunud taaskäivitust.connection still bad after reset.Ühendus on ikka kehva peale taaskäivitamist.bad connection, not retrying.halb ühendus, ei värskenda.NoneTühiGeometryGeomeetriaGeographyGeograafiaTopoGeometryTopo-geograafiaPcPatchPcPatchQuery could not be canceled [%1]Päringut ei saanud katkestada [%1]PQgetCancel failedPQgetCancel ebaõnnestusQgsPostgresProjectStorageDialogConnectionÜhendusSchemaSkeemProjectProjektStorage of QGIS projects is not enabled for this database connection.Manage ProjectsRemove ProjectSave project to PostgreSQLLoad project from PostgreSQLErrorVigaConnection failedÜhendus ebaõnnestusFailed to get schemasOverwrite projectA project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?Remove projectDo you really want to remove the project "%1"?QgsPostgresProviderinvalid PostgreSQL layerVigane PostgreSQL-i kihtPostGISPostGISinvalid PostgreSQL topology layerVigane PostgreSQL-i topoloogiakihtPostgreSQL layer has no primary key.PostgreSQL-i kihil puudub primaarvõtiWhole number (smallint - 16bit)Täisarv (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Täisarv (integer - 32bit)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Täisarv (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (numeric)Kümnendmurruga arv (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Kümnendmurruga arv (decimal)Decimal number (real)Kümnendmurruga arv (real)Decimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)Text, fixed length (char)Tekst, kindla pikkusega väli (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Tekst, piiratud muutuva pikkusega väli (varchar)Text, unlimited length (text)Tekst, piiramatu pikkusega väli (tekst)DateKuupäevTimeAegDate & TimeKuupäev ja kellaaegArray of number (integer - 32bit)Array of number (integer - 64bit)Array of number (double)Array of textTekstimassiivBooleanPostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type.PostgreSQL-i kihil on tundmatut tüüpi primaarvõtiFAILURE: Field %1 not found.Viga: välja %1 ei leitudunexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2ootamatu formaadiga väljatüüp '%1' väljale %2Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2Väli %1 ignoreeritud, kuna %2 tüüp on tundmatuDuplicate field %1 found
Leiti korduv väli %1
Unable to access the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Ei saa ühendust %1 relatsiooniga.
Veateade andmebaasist:
SQL: %3PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash
(or you are connected to a (read-only) slave).
Write accesses will be denied.PostgreSQL on jätkuvalt andmebaasi krahhijärgsel taastamisel.
(või oled ühendatud (ainult vaatamiseks) alluvaga).
Kirjutuspääs keelatakse.Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Ei suuda kindlaks teha tabeli õigusi %1 relatsioonile.
Veateade andmebaasist:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Tüüppäring ei ole select päring.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Ei saa käivitada päringut.
Veateade andmebaasist:
SQL: %2The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables.Tabelil puudub veerg, mis sobiks võtmeks. QGIS vajab tabelites primaarvõtit, PostgreSQL-i oid-veergu või ctid-d.Unique column '%1' doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint.Unikaalsel veerul '%1' puudub NOT NULL piirang.Key field '%1' for view/query not found.Vaatest või päringust '%1' ei leitud võtmevälja.Primary key field '%1' for view/query not unique.Päringu või vaate primaar-võtme veerg '%1' ei ole unikaalne.Keys for view/query undefined.Vaate või päringu võtme-veerud on määramata.No key field for view/query given.Vaate või päringu jaoks pole ette antud võtme-veerguUnexpected relation type '%1'.Ootamatu relatsiooni tüüp '%1'.Map (hstore)Map (json)Map (jsonb)Read attempt on an invalid PostgreSQL data sourceCannot parse widget configuration for field %1.%2.%3
Ignoring key candidate because of NULL values or inheritanceIgnoreerin võtme kandidaati NULL väärtuste või sõltuvuste tõttuCould not execute queryCould not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3Ei leidnud topoloogiat kihile %1.%2.%3 PostGIS error while adding features: %1PostGIS-i veateade nähtuse lisamisel: %1PostGIS error while deleting features: %1PostGIS-i veateade nähtuse kustutamisel: %1PostGIS error while truncating: %1PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1PostGIS-i veateade atribuutide lisamisel: %1PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1PostGIS-i veateade atribuutide kustutamisel: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Vigane atribuudi indeks: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsViga välja %1 ümbernimetamisel: väljanimi '%2' on juba kasutuselPostGIS error while renaming attributes: %1PostGIS viga atribuutide ümbernimetamisel: %1PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1PostGIS-i veateade atribuutide muutmisel: %1PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1PostGIS-i veateade geomeetriaväärtuse muutmisel: %1result of extents query invalid: %1ulatusliku päringu tulemus vigane: %1Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Geomeetria tüüp ja srid tühjale veerule %1 - %2-st defineerimata.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.Nähtuse tüüpi või srid-i %1 - %2-st ei ole leitav(ad) ja ei saa neile päringut teha.PostgreSQL version: unknownPostgreSQL-i versioon: tundmatuunknowntundmatuPostgreSQL not connectedPostgreSQL ühendamataPostgreSQL/PostGIS provider
PostGIS %2PostgreSQL-i/PostGIS-i pakkuja
PostGIS %2Primary key is ctid - changing of existing features disabled (%1; %2)Primaarvõti on ctid - olemasolevate nähtuste muutmine on keelatud (%1; %2)QgsPresetColorRampDialogColor Presets RampQgsPresetColorRampWidgetSelect ColorVali värvQgsPresetColorRampWidgetBaseColor Presets RampAdd colorLisa värvRemove colorEemalda värvCopy colorsKopeeri värvidPaste colorsAseta värvidImport colorsImpordi värvusedExport colorsEkspordi värvusedPreviewEelvaadeQgsProcessingAlgRunnerTaskExecuting “%1”QgsProcessingAlgorithmDialogBaseRunKäivitaText filesTekstifailidHTML filesSave Log to FileQgsProcessingBooleanWidgetWrapperYesJahNoEiQgsProcessingCrsWidgetWrapperUse project CRSAlways use the current project CRS when running the modelstring as EPSG code, WKT or PROJ format, or a string identifying a map layerQgsProcessingDialogBaseDialogDialoogParametersParameetridLogLogiSave Log to File......Copy Log to ClipboardKopeeri logi lõikepuhvrisseClear LogCancelLoobuQgsProcessingDistanceWidgetWrapperDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.QgsProcessingFeedbackProcessingTöötlenQgsProcessingModelerParameterWidgetUsing model inputUsing algorithm outputValueVäärtusPre-calculated ValueModel InputAlgorithm Output“%1” from algorithm “%2”QgsProcessingNumericWidgetWrapperNot setMääramataQgsProcessingProgressDialogBaseDialogDialoogQgsProcessingProviderDuplicate algorithm name %1 for provider %2QgsProcessingRangeWidgetWrapperMinMin MaxMaxstring as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'QgsProcessingToolboxModelRecently usedQgsProjectLoading layer %1Laadin kihti %1Unable to open %1Ei saa avada %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 real %2 veerus %3%1 for file %2%1 failile %2Project Variables InvalidThe project contains invalid variable settings.Projektis on kehtetu parameetri väärtus.Translated project saved with locale prefix %1Error saving translated project with locale prefix %1Unable to read file %1Unable to save project to storage %1Unable to create backup file %1Varufaili %1 tekitamine ebaõnnestusUnable to save to file %1Ei saa salvestada faili %1Unable to unzip file '%1'Zip archive does not provide a project fileCannot read unzipped qgs project fileUnable to write temporary qgs fileUnable to perform zip%1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again.%1 ei ole kirjutatav. Palun seadista õigusi (kui võimalik) ja proovi uuesti.Read Project FileProject file read error in file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4Unable to save auxiliary storage ('%1')Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again.Ei saa salvestada faili %1. Sinu projektifail võib olla kettal pihta saanud. Proovi ketast puhastada ja kontrolli õigusi enne kui püüad uuesti salvestada.QgsProjectHomeItemSet Project Home…Select Project Home DirectoryQgsProjectLayerGroupDialogQGIS filesQGIS-i failidSelect Project FileEmbed Layers and GroupsRecursive embedding is not supported. It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project.QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogBaseSelect Layers and Groups to EmbedProject fileProjekti failQgsProjectPropertiesCoordinate System RestrictionKoordinaatsüsteemi piirangNo coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction.Koordinaatsüsteem valimata. Piirangud võetakse ära.Decimal degreesKraadides, kümnendmurrunaDegrees, minutesKraadid, minutidDegrees, minutes, secondsKraadid, minutid, sekundidMetersMeetridFeetJaladNautical milesMeremiilidDegreesKraadidMap unitsKaardiühikutKilometersKilomeetridYardsJardidMilesMiilidSquare metersRuutmeetridSquare kilometersRuutkilomeetridSquare feetRuutjaladSquare yardsRuutjardidSquare milesRuutmiilidHectaresHektaridAcresAakridSquare nautical milesRuutmeremiilidSquare degreesRuutkraadidLayers are in edit mode. Stop edit mode on all layers to toggle transactional editing.Kihid on redigeerimisrežiimis. Peata kõigil kihtidel redigeerimisrežiim, et lülitada sisse tehingredigeerimine.Select Project Home PathSelection ColorFilter layers…CustodianHooldajaOwnerOmanikUserKasutajaDistributorLevitajaOriginatorIdee allikasPoint of contactPuutepunktPrincipal investigatorPeamine uurijaProcessorKäitlejaPublisherVäljaandjaAuthorAutorConditions unknownTeadmata tingimusedNo conditions applyEritingimusi ei rakendataNoneTühiCopyrightAutoriõigusPatentPatentPatent pendingPatenditaotlus menetlusesTrademarkKaubamärkLicenseLitsentsIntellectual property rightsIntellektuaalse omandi õigusedRestrictedPiiratudOther restrictionsTeised piirangudUnknown unitsMap units (%1)Kaardiühikud (%1)CRS %1 was already selectedCRS %1 oli juba valitudCoordinate System RestrictionsKoordinaatsüsteemi piirangudThe current selection of coordinate systems will be lost.
Proceed?Hetkel valitud koordinaatsüsteemid kaovad.
Kas jätkan?Select layoutLayout TitleSet ScaleGeneral TS file generatedTS file generated with source language %1.
- open it with Qt Linguist
- translate strings
- save it with the postfix of the target language (eg. de)
- release to get qm file including postfix (eg. aproject_de.qm)
When you open it again in QGIS having set the target language (de), the project will be translated and saved with postfix (eg. aproject_de.qgs).Select Restricted Layers and GroupsCustomKohandatudStart checking QGIS ServerAlusta QGIS Serveri kontrolliUse short name for "%1"Kasuta "%1" puhul lühinimeSome layers and groups have the same name or short nameMõnedel kihtidel ja rühmadel on sama nimi või lühinimiDuplicate names:Korduvad nimed:All names and short names of layer and group are uniqueKõigi kihtide ja rühmade nimed ja lühinimed on unikaalsedSome layer short names have to be updated:Mõnede kihtide lühinimesid tuleb värskendada:All layer short names are well formedKõigi kihtide lühinimed on hästi vormindatudSome layer encodings are not set:All layer encodings are setEnter scaleMõõtkava sisestamineScale denominatorMõõtkava nimetajaLoad scalesLaadi mõõtkavadXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Save scalesSalvesta mõõtkavadSelect a valid symbolVali kehtiv sümbolInvalid symbol : Vigane sümbol:Update layer "%1" encodingVärskenda kihi "%1" kodeeringutSelect %1 from pull-down menu to adjust radiiRaadiuse täpsustamiseks vali rippmenüüst %1 Select ColorVali värvThe text you entered is not a valid scale.Sisestatud tekst ei ole sobiv mõõtkavaks.QgsProjectPropertiesBaseProject PropertiesProjekti omadusedGeneralÜldineProject titleProjekti nimiDescriptive project nameKirjeldav projekti nimiDefault project titleEsmane projekti pealkiriSelection colorValitud värvusBackground colorTaustavärvabsoluteabsoluutnerelativesuhtelineSave pathsSalvesta faili asukohateedSemi-minorPoolväiketelgSemi-majorPoolsuurtelgCRSCRSCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Default stylesStiilVariablesMuutujadChecking this setting avoids visible edge artifacts when rendering this project as separate map tiles. Rendering performance will be degraded.Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles (degrades performance)PrecisionTäpsusAutomaticAutomaatneProject Predefined ScalesSource languageDatum TransformationsDefault SymbolsProject ColorsLayers CapabilitiesToggle SelectionShow spatial layers onlyPython MacrosService CapabilitiesPositionAsukohtShort nameLühinimiExclude layoutsAdd layout to excludeRemove selected layoutScenario 2 - INSPIRE related fields using embedded service metadataDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustSelect AllVali kõikTest ConfigurationLaunchKäivitaWhen enabled, layers from the same database connection will be put into a transaction group. Their edit state will be synchronized and changes to these layers will be sent to the provider immediately. Only supported on postgres provider.Automatically create transaction groups where possibleWhen enabled, default values will be evaluated as early as possible. This will fill default values in the add feature form already and not only create them on commit. Only supported for postgres provider.Evaluate default values on provider sideHinda vaikeväärtusi pakkuja poolelExpression VariablesAvaldise muutujadManualKäsitsiThe number of decimal places for the manual optionKohtade arv peale koma käsitsi määramiseldecimal placeskohti peale komaLayerKihtMarkerMarkerLineJoonFillTäideColor RampVärvigradientStyle ManagerStiilihaldurOptionsSuvandidRelationsRelatsioonidProject fileProjekti failAssign random colors to symbolsAnna sümbolitele juhuslik värvCopy colorsKopeeri värvidAdd colorLisa värvPaste colorsAseta värvidRemove colorEemalda värvThe web site URL of the service provider.Teenusepakkuja veebilehe URLPersonIsikTitlePealkiriOrganizationOrganisatsioonOnline resourceOtsevõetav resurssE-MailE-MailPhoneTelefonAbstractLühikirjeldusFeesTasudAccess constraintsJuurdepääsu piirangudKeyword listVõtmesõnade nimekiriWMS capabilitiesWMS-võimekusedAdd geometry to feature responseLisa ruumikuju nähtuse vastuseleMin. XMin. XCoordinate DisplayMin. YMin. YMax. XMax. XMax. YMax. YUse Current Canvas ExtentKasuta praegust kaardiakna ulatustUsedKasutusesWCS capabilitiesWCS-võimekusedExclude layersVälista kihidQuality for JPEG images ( 10 : smaller image - 100 : best quality )JPEG piltide kvaliteet (10: väiksem pilt - 100: parim kvaliteet)Use layer ids as namesKasuta kihi id'sid nimedenaData SourcesAndmeallikadMeasurementsUnits for distance measurementPikkuse mõõtühikudUnits for area measurementPindala mõõtühikudDisplay coordinates usingKuva koordinaate kasutadesAutomatically sets the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesAutomaatselt määrab komakohtade arvu koordinaatide kuvamiselManually set the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesMäära käsitsi komakohtade arv koordinaatide kuvamiselImport colorsImpordi värvusedMetadataMetaandmedDefault StylesData sourcesAndmeallikadQGIS ServerWMS/WFS/WCS Server ConfigurationGeneral SettingsProject homeProjekti kodukaustOpen folder containing the project……Project home path. Leave blank to use the current project file location.Set the project home pathEllipsoid
(for distance and area calculations)Add predefined scaleLisa eel-defineeritud mõõtkavaRemove selected scaleImport from fileImpordi failistSave to fileSalvesta failiGenerate Project Translation FileGenerate TS FileProject Coordinate Reference System (CRS)Ask for datum transformation if several are available (defined in global setting)Edit symbolOpacityLäbipaistvusExport colorsEkspordi värvusedSpeed up project loading by skipping data checks. Useful in qgis server context or project with huge database views or materialized views.Trust project when data source has no metadataThe contact person e-mail for the service.Teenuse kontakt-isiku e-mail.The contact person name for the service.Teenuse kontakt-isiku nimi.The name of the service provider.Teenusepakkuja nimiThe title should be brief yet descriptive enough to identify this service.Pealkiri peaks olema lühike, aga piisavalt kirjeldav et teenust tuvastada.The contact person phone for the service.Teenuse kontakt-isiku telefon.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the service.Kokkuvõte on teenuse lühikirjeldus mis annab rohkem infot teenuse kohta.List of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.Komadega eraldatud loetelu võtmesõnadest, mis on abiks kataloogiotsingute puhul.Fees applied to the service.Teenusele kehtestatud tasud.Access constraints applied to the service.Teenusele kehtestatud ligipääsupiirangud.The contact person position for the service.Teenuse kontakt-isiku amet.A name used to identify the root layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Add layer to excludeRemove selected layerAdd new CRSLisa uus koordinaatsüsteemFetch all CRS's from layersRemove selected CRSGetFeatureInfo geometry precision (decimal places)GetFeatureInfo geomeetria täpsus (kümnend-kohti)INSPIRE (European directive)INSPIRE (Euroopa direktiiv)Service languageTeenuse keelMetadata dateMetaandmete kuupäevLast revision dateViimase ülevaatuse kuupäevScenario 1 - INSPIRE related fields using referenced external service metadataMetadata URLMetaandmete URLapplication/vnd.iso.19139+xmlapplication/vnd.iso.19139+xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw_xmlURL mime/typeURL mime/typeSegmentize feature info geometryAllow defining datasources in server requestsWMTS capabilitiesPNGJPEGMinimum scaleVähim mõõtkavaWFS capabilities (also influences DXF export)WFS-võimekused (mõjutab ka DXF-eksporti)PublishedVälja antudGeometry precision (decimal places)Geomeetria täpsus (kümnend-kohti)UpdateVärskendaInsertSisestaDeleteKustutaMacrosMakrodAdvertised URLReklaamitud URLWidthLaiusHeightKõrgusMaximums for GetMap requestGetMap päringu maksimum-väärtusedAdvertised extentCRS restrictionsKoordinaatsüsteemi piirangudQgsProjectSnappingSettingsCannot read individual settings. Unexpected tag '%1'QgsProjectionSelectionDialogDefine this layer's coordinate reference system:Määratle selle kihi/kihtide koordinaatide referentssüsteem:This layer appears to have no projection specification.Sellel kihil puudub projektsiooni kirjeldus.By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below.Üldmääranguga on sellele kihile antud projektijärgne projektsioon. Kui soovid midagi muud, siis võid talle anda teise projektsiooni, mida saab valida allpool.QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidgetResource Location ErrorAllika asukoha määramise vigaError reading database file from:
Because of this the projection selector will not work…User Defined Coordinate SystemsKasutajamääratud koordinaatsüsteemidGeographic Coordinate SystemsGeograafilised koordinaatsüsteemidProjected Coordinate SystemsRistkoordinaatide koordinaatsüsteemidExtent: %1, %2, %3, %4Proj4: %1Extent: Extent not knownQgsProjectionSelectionWidgetinvalid projectionvale projektsioonSelect CRSValitud CRSLayer CRS: %1 - %2Project CRS: %1 - %2Default CRS: %1 - %2%1 - %2%1 - %2QgsProjectionSelectionWidgetPluginA widget to select a generic projection system.Vidin üldise projektsioonisüsteemi valimiseks.QgsProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorKoordinaatide referentssüsteemi (CRS) valijaSelected CRSValitud CRSFilterFilterRecently used coordinate reference systemsViimati kasutatud koodinaatide referentssüsteemidUse this option to treat all coordinates as Cartesian coordinates in an unknown reference system.No projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection)Coordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Authority IDKodeeringu IDIDIDCoordinate reference systems of the worldKoordinaatide referentssüsteemid üle maailmaHide deprecated CRSsPeida vananenud CRS-idQgsPropertyColorAssistantWidgetColor For Null ValuesTransparentLäbipaistevQgsPropertyGenericNumericAssistantWidget °°Angle fromAngle when NULLQgsPropertyOverrideButtonVariableMuutujaPasteAsetaCopyKopeeriClearPuhastaDescription…Store Data in the ProjectEdit…Assistant…booleaninttäisarvdoublemurdarv stringtekstField type: Välja tüüp:integertäisarvinteger64unknown typetundmatu tüüpData defined overrideData defined overrideexpressionavaldisfieldVäliDeactivateLülita väljaActivateAktiveeriAttribute FieldNo matching field types foundSobivaid väljatüüpe ei leitudExpressionAvaldisNo variables setMuutujad on määramataCurrent: Hetkel:Data Definition DescriptionundefineddefineerimataParse error: %1Parsimise viga: %1'%1' field missing'%1' väli puudub<b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br><b><u>Andmepõhine määratlus</u></b><br><b>Active: </b>%1 <i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br><b>Aktiivne: </b>%1 <i>(ctrl+parem klikk lülitab sisse-välja)</i><br>yesjahnoei<b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br><b>Kasutus:</b><br>%1<br><b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br><b>Eeldatav sisend:</b><br>%1<br><b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br><b>Kehtivad sisendi tüübid:</b><br>%1<br><b>Current definition %1:</b><br>%2<b>Praegune definitsioon %1:</b><br>%2QgsPropertyOverrideButtonPluginA widget to define override for a corresponding propertyA widget to define override for a corresponding property.QgsPropertySizeAssistantWidgetFlannerySurfacePindRadiusRaadiusExponentialAstendamineLinearJoonelineQgsPuzzleWidgetQGISQGISWell done!
Now let's get back to work, shall we?QgsPyDataItem&Run ScriptOpen in External &EditorQgsQmlWidgetWrapperFailed to open temporary QML fileQgsQptDataItemNew Layout from TemplateQgsQueryBuilder&Test&Testi&Clear&PuhastaSet provider filter on %1Lisa pakkuja filter %1Search…Otsi...Query ResultPäringu tulemusThe where clause returned %n row(s).returned test rowswhere lausend tagastas %n rea.where lausend tagastas %n rida.Error in query. The subset string could not be set.An error occurred when executing the query.Ilmnes viga kui päring käivitati.
The data provider said:
Andmehalduri sõnum:
%1QgsQueryBuilderBaseQuery BuilderPäringukoosturDatasourceAndmeallikasFieldsVäljad<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Selle vektorfaili väljade nimekiri</p></body></html>ValuesVäärtused<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Selle välja väärtuste nimekiri.</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Tõmba <span style=" font-weight:600;">lühiloend</span> vektorfaili väärtusi</p></body></html>SampleLühiloend<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Tõmba <span style=" font-weight:600;">kõik</span> vektorfaili väärtused (<span style=" font-style:italic;">kui on suur tabel, siis võib see aega võtta</span>)</p></body></html>AllKõikUse unfiltered layerKasuta filtreerimata kihtiOperatorsOperaatorid==<<NOTNOTORORANDAND%%ININNOT INNOT IN!=!=>>LIKELIKEILIKEILIKE>=>=<=<=Provider specific filter expressionPakkuja-põhine filter avaldisQgsQuickAttributeModelValue "%1" %4 could not be converted to a compatible value for field %2(%3).Cannot update featureFeature %1 could not be fetched after commitCannot delete featureDefault value expression for %1:%2 has parser error: %3Default value expression for %1:%2 has evaluation error: %3Feature could not be addedCould not save changes. Rolling back.Cannot start editingQgsQuickMapCanvasMapRenderingRenderdamineQgsQuickMapSettingsMap Canvas rotation is not supported. Resetting from %1 to 0.QgsQuickPositionKitUnable to create default GPS Position SourceQgsQuickUtilsscreen resolution: %1x%2 px
screen DPI: %1x%2
screen size: %1x%2 mm
screen density: %1QgsRangeConfigDlgEditableRedigeeritavSliderLiugurDialSkaalaCurrent minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2.Selle väärtuse miinimum on %1 ja maksimum on %2.Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable.Atribuut ei ole täisarv ega reaalarv, seetõttu ulatus ei ole kasutatav.QgsRangeConfigDlgBaseFormVormAllows setting of numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box.Luba numbrilisi väärtusi määratud vahemikus. Redigeerimisseade võib olla liugur või spin-box.Advanced OptionsStepSammSuffixSuffiksInactiveMitteaktiivnePrecisionTäpsusNumber of decimal placesKümnendkohtade arvMaximumMaksimumAllow NULLLuba NULLMinimumMiinimumLocal minimum/maximum = 0/0Lokaalne miinimum/maksimum = 0/0QgsRasterBandComboBoxNot setMääramataQgsRasterBandComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the bands from a raster layerA combo box to list the bands from a raster layer.QgsRasterCalcDialogEnter result fileSisesta tulemuse failExpression validAvaldis sobibExpression invalidAvaldis viganeQgsRasterCalcDialogBaseOutput layerVäljundi kihtX minX minY minY minY maxY maxColumnsVeerudRaster CalculatorRaster BandsResult LayerRowsReadOutput formatVäljundi formaatRaster Calculator ExpressionAdd result to projectLisa tulemus projektiOutput CRSVäljund-koordinaatsüsteemOperatorsOperaatorid!=!=++**sqrtruutjuursinsin^^acosacos((--//coscosSelected Layer Extentasinasintantanatanatan))<<>>==ORORANDANDX MaxX Max<=<=>=>=log10log10lnlnQgsRasterDataProviderFormat not supportedVormindust ei toetataValueVäärtusTextTekstHtmlhtmlFeatureNähtusQgsRasterFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsRasterFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Image FileQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetDefaultAlgneNo compressionPakkimisetaLow compressionMadal pakkimisasteHigh compressionKõrge pakkimisasteJPEG compressionJPEG kokkusurumineCannot get create options for driver %1Ei saa luua valikuid ajurile %1For details on pyramids options please see the following pagesPüramiidide võimaluste täpsustamiseks palun vaata järgmiseid lehtiNo help availableAbi pole saadavalcannot validate pyramid optionsEi saa valideerida püramiidide valikuidCannot validate creation options.ValidKehtivInvalid %1:
Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format.Kehtetu %1:
Klõpsa abi nupul, et leida selle formaadi jaoks kehtivad valikud.pyramid creation optionpüramiidide loomise valikcreation optionloomise valikudProfile name:Profiili nimi:Use simple interfaceKasuta lihtsat kasutajaliidestUse table interfaceKasuta tabeli kasutajaliidestQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetBaseFormVormNewUusRemoveEemaldaResetLähtestaProfileProfiilNameNimiValueVäärtusValidateKehtestaHelpAbiInsert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spacesSisesta tühikutega eraldatud VÕTI=VÄÄRTUS paaridQgsRasterHistogramWidgetVisibilityNähtavusMin/Max optionsMin/Max valikudAlways show min/max markersNäita alati min/max märgiseidZoom to min/maxSuumi vähimani/suurimaniUpdate style to min/maxUuenda stiiliks min/maxShow all bandsNäita kõiki ribasidShow RGB/Gray band(s)Näita RGB või halltoonide riba(sid)Show selected bandNäita valitud ribaDisplayVaadeDraw as linesJoonista joontenaDraw as lines (only int layers)Joonista joontena (ainult kihid)ActionsTegevusedResetLähtestaLoad min/maxLaadi min/maxEstimate (faster)Ligikaudne (kiirem)Actual (slower)Tegelik (aeglasem)Current extentPraegune ulatusUse stddev (1.0)Kasuta standard-deviatsiooni (1.0)Use stddev (custom)Kasuta standard-deviatsiooni (kohandatud)Load for each bandLaadi iga riba jaoksRecompute HistogramArvuta histogramm uuestiBand %1Lõim %1Choose a file name to save the map image asAnna failile nimi mille kaardipildi salvestadQgsRasterHistogramWidgetBaseFormVorm……Set min/max style forMäära min/max stiilidMinMin Pick Min value on graphVali miinimumväärtus graafikulMaxMaxPick Max value on graphVali maksimumväärtus graafikulPrefs/ActionsEelistused/TegevusedSave plotSalvesta plaanSave as image...Salvesta pildina...Compute HistogramArvuta histogrammQgsRasterInterfaceIdentifyInfopäringBuild PyramidsLoo püramiididCreate DatasourcesLoo AndmeallikadRemove DatasourcesEemalda AndmeallikadBandLõimQgsRasterLayerNot SetMääramataQgsRasterLayer createdQgsRasterLayer loodudInformation from providerNameNimiSourceAlgallikasPathTeeCRSKoordinaatsüsteemGeographicProjectedExtentUlatusUnitWidthLaiusn/an/aHeightKõrgusData typeAndmetüüpIdentificationAccessBandsBand countNumberNumberNo-DataMinMin MaxMaxContactsReferencesHistoryAjaluguRasterRasterCould not determine raster data type.Ei suutnud määrata rastri andmetüüpi.Byte - Eight bit unsigned integerBait- kaheksabitine positiivne täisarvUInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer UInt16- kuueteistbitine positiivne täisarvInt16 - Sixteen bit signed integer Int16- kuueteist-bitine täistarvUInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer UInt23- 32-bitine positiivne täisarvInt32 - Thirty two bit signed integer Int32- 32-bitine täisarvFloat32 - Thirty two bit floating point Float32 – 32-bitine ujukomaarvFloat64 - Sixty four bit floating point Float64 – 64-bitine ujukomaarvCInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt16- 16-bitine kompleks-arvCInt32 - Complex Int32 CInt32- 32-bitine kompleks-arvCFloat32 - Complex Float32 CFloat32 – 32-bitine kompleks-ujukomaarvCFloat64 - Complex Float64 CFloat64 – 64-bitine kompleks-ujukomaarvBandLõimCannot instantiate the '%1' data provider'%1' andmepakkujat ei saa lähtestadaProvider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2Kehtetu pakkuja (pakkuja: %1, URI: %2<maplayer> not found.<maplayer> leidmata.QgsRasterLayerPropertiesNot SetMääramataLoad Style…Save Style…MetadataMetaandmedLoad Metadata…Save Metadata…DescriptionKirjeldusLarge resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS.Suured rasterfailid võivad aeglustada QGIS-is navigeerimist.By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom.Kui lood andmetest väiksema eraldusega koopia (püramiidid), võib see jõudlust oluliselt parandada, kuna QGIS valib siis olenevalt suumiastmest kasutamiseks sobiva eralduse. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids.Sul peab olema kirjutamisõigus kataloogile kuhu püramiidi andmed salvestatakse.Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed!Pane tähele! Luues sisemist püramiidi võib see toiming muuta lähtefaili ja seda faili ei saa enam algseks tagasi!Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first!Pane tähele! Sisemiste püramiidide loomine võib muuta pildi sisu - alati tee tagavarakoopia algandmetest!Select ColorVali värvLayer Properties - %1Kihi omadused – %1Building PyramidsImport Transparent PixelsSave StyleSalvesta stiilSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataNearest neighbourLähim naaberSave as DefaultSalvesta algseadeksBilinearBilineaarneCubicÜmardatudAverageKeskimineNoneTühiRedPunaneGreenRohelineBlueSininePercent TransparentProtsent läbipaistvustGrayHallIndexed ValueIndekseeritud väärtusFromEiToUnot definedpole defineeritudWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Fail ei olnud kirjutatav. Mõned vormingud ei toeta püramiidülevaateid. Tutvu GDAL-i dokumentatsiooniga, kui kahtled.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Püramiidülevaate loomine ei ole teostatav selle rastritüübi puhul.Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library.Sisemiste püramiidülevaadete loomine ei ole teostav rasterkihtidel mis on JPEG pakitud ja praeguse libtiff koguga.TextfileTekstifailSave FileSalvesta failQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileQGIS-i loodud läbipaistega piksliväärtuste eksportfailValueVäärtusWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
Export Transparent PixelsOpen fileAva failThe following lines contained errors
%1Järgnevatel ridadel oli vigu
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Lugemisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
Default StyleAlgstiilLoad layer properties from style fileLaadi kihi omadused stiilifailistQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS-i kihistiilide failSave layer properties as style fileSalvesta kihi omadused seadistusfailinaLoad layer metadata from metadata fileQGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileDefault MetadataStyleStiilRestore DefaultTaasta AlgseadedQgsRasterLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesRasterkihi omadusedResolutionsResolutsioonRender typeRenderdamise tüüpResamplingTöötlemineOversamplingTransparencyLäbipaistvusDescriptionKirjeldusKeyword listVõtmesõnade nimekiriList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.Komadega eraldatud loetelu võtmesõnadest, mis on abiks kataloogiotsingute puhul.FormatFormaatData UrlAndmete URL……Refresh layer at interval (seconds)Higher values result in more simplificationSuuremad väärtused annavad tulemuseks rohkem lihtsustamistShort nameLühinimiAttributionViideAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.Viite pealkiri osutab kihi pakkujale.UrlURLAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.Viite url annab lingi andmekihi pakkuja veebileheleMetadataUrlMetaandmete URLThe URL of the metadata document.Metaandmete dokumendi URL.TypeTüüpLegendUrlLegendi URLSaturationKüllastusOffVäljasBy lightnessHeleduse aluselBy luminosityHelenduse aluselBy averageKeskmise aluselHueVärvingInformationInformatsioonSourceAlgallikasSymbologySümboloogiaRenderingRenderdamineQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsSet source coordinate reference systemBand RenderingColor RenderingBlending modeKokkusulatamise režiimBrightnessEredusContrastKontrastsusGrayscaleHalltoonidColorizeVärviStrengthTugevus%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultAsenda kõik värvi renderdamise valikud vaikeväärtustegaResetLähtestaZoomed: inSuumitud: sisseoutväljaA URL of the data presentation.A URL of the legend image.WMS Print layerPublish WMS/WMTS data source uriAdvertise as background layerNo data valueAndmeväärtus puudubUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueTäiendav andmeväärtus puudubTransparency bandLäbipaistev lõimAdd values from displayTransparent pixel listLäbipaistvuse pikslite nimekiriThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.Kokkuvõte on teenuse lühikirjeldus mis annab rohkem infot kihi kohta.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Kihi kohta kasutatav nimi. Lühinimi on tekstijada mida kasutatakse masinatevahelises suhtluses.Embedded widgets in legendAdd values manuallyLisa väärtusi käsitsiRemove selected rowEemalda valitud ridaDefault valuesAlgväärtusedImport from fileImpordi failistExport to fileEkspordi failiLayer nameKihi nimidisplayed askuvatakse kuiThumbnailEelvaadeLegendLeppemärkPalettePalettMetadataMetaandmedTitlePealkiriThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.Pealkiri on selleks et inimestel oleks lihtsam kihti tuvastada.AbstractLühikirjeldusPyramidsPüramiididGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueNo Data väärtusCustom Transparency OptionsScale Dependent Visibility<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p></body></html>Build PyramidsLoo püramiididAverageKeskimineNearest NeighbourLähim naaberResampling methodTöötlemise viisOverview formatÜlevaate formaatExternalVälineInternal (if possible)Sisemine (kui võimalik)External (Erdas Imagine)Väline (Erdas Imagine)HistogramHistogrammQgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogFromEiToUSelect Output DirectorySelect output directoryVali väljund-kaustThe layer %1 already exists in the target file, and overwriting layers in GeoPackage is not supported. Do you want to overwrite the whole file?Save Layer AsSave Raster LayerThe directory %1 contains files which will be overwritten: %2Kaustas %1 on faile, mis kirjutatakse üle: %2All files (*.*)Kõik failid (*.*)layerKihtuser definedkasutaja poolt määratudResolution (current: %1)Resolutsioon (hetkel: %1)QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogBaseOutput modeWrite out raw raster layer data. Optionally user defined no data values may be applied.Raw dataToorandmedWrite out 3 bands RGB image rendered using current layer style.Rendered imageRenderdatud piltFormatFormaatCreate GDAL Virtual Format composed of multiple
datasets with maximum width and height specified below.Create VRTLoo VRTCRSCRSFile nameFaili nimiAdd saved file to mapLisa salvestatud fail kaardileLayer nameKihi nimiExtentUlatusResolutionResolutsioonHorizontalHorisontaalneColumnsVeerudRowsReadVerticalVertikaalneVRT TilesVRT-paanidMaximum number of columns in one tile.Maksimaalne veergude arv ühel paanil.Max columnsMaksimum veerudMaximum number of rows in one tile.Maksimaalne ridade arv ühel paanil.Max rowsMaksimum readCreate OptionsLoo ValikudPyramidsPüramiididResolutionsResolutsioonPyramid resolutions corresponding to levels givenUse existingKasuta olemasolevatAdditional no data values. The specified values will be set to no data in output raster.No data valuesNo Data väärtusedAdd values manuallyLisa väärtusi käsitsiLoad user defined fully transparent (100%) values Laadi kasutaja poolt määratud täielikult läbipaistavd (100%) väärtusedRemove selected rowEemalda valitud ridaSave Raster Layer as...Layer ResolutionLayer SizeClear allTühjenda kõikQgsRasterMinMaxWidgetBaseFormVormMin / Max Value SettingsUse&r definedCumula&tive
count cut--%%Mean +/-
standard de&viation ×&Min / maxWhole rasterCurrent canvasUpdated canvasStatistics extentAccuracyTäpsusActual (slower)Tegelik (aeglasem)Estimate (faster)Ligikaudne (kiirem)QgsRasterProjectorApproximateLigikaudneExactTäpneQgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetBaseFormVormInsert positive integer values separated by spacesSisesta tühikute abil eraldatud positiivsed täisarvudExternal (GTiff .ovr)Väline (GTiff .ovr)Internal (if possible)Sisemine (kui võimalik)External (Erdas Imagine .aux)Väline (Edras Imagine .aux)LevelsTasemedCreate OptionsLoo ValikudResampling methodTöötlemise viisAverageKeskimineNearest NeighbourLähim naaberCustom levelsKohandatud astmedOverview formatÜlevaate formaatQgsRasterTransparencyWidgetFormVormNo data valueAndmeväärtus puudubUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueTäiendav andmeväärtus puudubNoneTühiTransparency bandLäbipaistev lõimExport to fileEkspordi failiGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueNo Data väärtusCustom Transparency OptionsTransparent Pixel List……Import from fileImpordi failistDefault valuesAlgväärtusedRemove selected rowEemalda valitud ridaAdd values from displayAdd values manuallyLisa väärtusi käsitsiNot SetMääramatanot definedpole defineeritudTextfileTekstifailSave Pixel Values as FileQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileQGIS-i loodud läbipaistega piksliväärtuste eksportfailRedPunaneGreenRohelineBlueSininePercent TransparentProtsent läbipaistvustValueVäärtusLoad Pixel Values from FileWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Kirjutamisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
The following lines contained errors
%1Järgnevatel ridadel oli vigu
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Lugemisõiguseta. Täpsusta faili õigusi ja proovi uuesti.
GrayHallIndexed ValueIndekseeritud väärtusFromEiToUQgsRelReferenceConfigDlgBaseDialogDialoogDisplay expressionKuva avaldisOn map identification (for geometric layers only)Kaardi tuvastamisel (ainult geomeetriaga kihid)Use a read-only line edit instead of a comboboxFiltersFiltridWhen activated, the filters will restrict the choices of fields to options that are Chain filtersFiltriaheladAllow adding new featuresLuba uute nähtuste lisamineAllow NULL valueLuba NULL väärtusShow embedded formShow open form buttonRelationÜhendusOrder by valueReasta väärtuse järgi……QgsRelationCannot create relation. Unexpected tag '%1'Ei saa ühendust luua. Ootamatu tõrge '%1'Relation defined for layer '%1' which does not exist.Määratud ühendus kihiga '%1', mida pole olemas.Relation defined for layer '%1' which is not of type VectorLayer.Määratud ühendus kihiga '%1', mille tüüp ei ole Vektorkiht.QgsRelationAddDlg[Generated automatically][Automaatselt tekitatud]QgsRelationAddDlgBaseAdd RelationLisa ÜhendusReferenced fieldReferencing layer (Child)Referenced layer (Parent)Referencing fieldRelationship strengthNameNimiIdIdQgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapperRelation not validQgsRelationEditorWidgetToggle editingLülita redigeerimiseleToggle editing mode for child layerLülita sisse alamkihi redigeerimisrežiimSave child layer editsSalvesta alamkihi muudatusedAdd child featureLisa alam-nähtusDuplicate child featureDelete child featureKustuta alam-nähtusLink existing featuresSeo olemasolevad nähtusedLink existing child featuresSeo olemasolevad alam-nähtusedUnlink featureSeo nähtus lahtiUnlink child featureSeo lahti alam-nähtusZoom To FeatureZoom to child featureForm viewVormivaadeSwitch to form viewLülita ümber vormivaateleTable viewTabelivaadeSwitch to table viewLülita ümber tabelivaateleReally delete entry?The entry on %1 is still linked to %2 features on %3. Do you want to delete it?DeleteKustutaReally delete entries?The %1 entries on %2 are still linked to %3 features on %4. Do you want to delete them?Delete FeatureUnlink FeatureQgsRelationEditorWidgetPluginRelation editorÜhenduste redigeerijaQgsRelationManagerDialogBaseDialogDialoogNameNimiReferencing LayerViite-kihtReferencing FieldSeostatav VäliReferenced LayerViidatav kihtReferenced Layer (Parent)Seostatav Kiht (Ülem)Referenced FieldSeotav VäliReferencing Layer (Child)Seotud Kiht (Alam)IdIdStrengthTugevusAdd RelationLisa ÜhendusDiscover RelationsLeia seosedRemove RelationEemalda ÜhendusQgsRelationReferenceWidgetOpen related feature formAva ühendatud nähtuse vormAdd new entryLisa uus kirjeHighlight featureTõsta nähtus esile Scale and highlight featureSkaleeri ja tõsta nähtus esilePan and highlight featureSelect on mapVali kaardilNo selectionValik puudubThe relation is not valid. Please make sure your relation definitions are OK.%1 (no selection)%1 (valik puudub)Relation %1 for %2.Identify a feature of %1 to be associated. Press <ESC> to cancel.QgsRelationReferenceWidgetPluginRelation referenceQgsRendererMeshPropsWidgetBaseFormVormLayer RenderingBlending modeKokkusulatamise režiimShow ContoursNative Mesh RenderingShow VectorsTriangular Mesh RenderingQgsRendererPropsDialogBaseRenderer SettingsThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.See renderdaja ei tööta graafilise liidesega.Layer RenderingLayerKihtFeatureNähtusOpacityLäbipaistvusControl feature rendering orderMäära nähtuste renderdamise järjekord……Blending modeKokkusulatamise režiimQgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidgetNearest neighbourLähim naaberBilinearBilineaarneCubicÜmardatudAverageKeskmineSelect ColorVali värvQgsRendererRasterPropsWidgetBaseFormVormThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.See renderdaja ei tööta graafilise liidesega.Layer RenderingBlending modeKokkusulatamise režiimBrightnessEredusSaturationKüllastusContrastKontrastsusGrayscaleHalltoonidOffVäljasBy lightnessHeleduse aluselBy luminosityHelenduse aluselBy averageKeskmise aluselHueVärvingColorizeVärviStrengthTugevus%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultAsenda kõik värvi renderdamise valikud vaikeväärtustegaResetLähtestaResamplingTöötlemineZoomed inSuurendatudZoomed outVähendatudOversamplingQgsRendererRulePropsWidgetFormVormElseLabelMärgisFilterFilterCatch-all for other featuresTestTestiDescriptionKirjeldusScale rangeMõõtkava vahemikSymbolSümbolFilter expression parsing error:
Filtri avaldise parsimise viga:
Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresFilter tagastas %n nähtus(t)Filter tagastas %n nähtus(t)QgsRendererWidgetRenderer OptionsRenderdamise valikudCopyKopeeriPasteAsetaChange Color…Change Opacity…Change Output Unit…Change Width…Change Size…Change Angle…OpacityLäbipaistvusChange symbol opacity [%]Symbol unitSümboli ühikSelect symbol unitVali sümboli ühikMillimeterMillimeeterMap unitKaardiühikSymbol LevelsSümboltasemedData-defined Size LegendData-defined size is not enabled!QgsRendererWidgetContainerBaseFormVormGo backQgsReportLayoutSectionWidgetBody: %1QgsReportOrganizerBaseLayout ManagerAdd sectionRemove selected sectionQgsReportOrganizerWidgetReportA static layout report section which consists of a single layout inserted into the reportStatic Layout SectionField Group SectionA report section which is repeated for every matching feature within a layerRemove SectionAre you sure you want to remove the report section?QgsReportSectionFieldGroupWidgetHeader: %1Footer: %1Body: %1QgsReportSectionModelSectionQgsReportSectionWidgetReport HeaderReport FooterQgsReportWidgetFieldGroupSectionBaseLayout ManagerEditRedigeeriFieldVäliSort ascendingJärjesta vähenevaltEdit the field group header layoutSort features ascendingly by field valueLayerKihtEdit the field group footer layoutInclude a footer layout after the last matching featureInclude footerSource field to iterate overIf unchecked, the header will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundSource layer to iterate overInclude a header layout before the first matching featureInclude a separate layout for every matching feature foundEdit the field group body layoutIf unchecked, the footer will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundShow footer when no matching
features are foundInclude headerShow header when no matching
features are foundInclude bodyQgsReportWidgetLayoutSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the static layoutEditRedigeeriInclude a static layout inserted into the reportInclude sectionQgsReportWidgetSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the report header layoutEditRedigeeriInclude a layout at the very beginning of the reportInclude report headerInclude a layout at the very end of the reportInclude report footerEdit the report footer layoutQgsRuleBasedLabelingModel(no filter)(filtrita)LabelMärgisRuleReegelMin. scaleMin mõõtkavaMax. scaleMax mõõtkavaTextTekstQgsRuleBasedLabelingWidgetAdd ruleLisa reegelEdit ruleMuuda reeglitRemove ruleKustuta reegelCopyKopeeriPasteAsetaRemove RuleKustuta reegelEdit RuleQgsRuleBasedRendererModel(no filter)(filtrita)<li><nobr>%1 features also in rule %2</nobr></li><li><nobr>%1 nähtust ka reeglis %2</nobr></li>LabelMärgisRuleReegelMin. scaleMin mõõtkavaMax. scaleMax mõõtkavaCountKoguarvDuplicate countKorduvate elementide arvNumber of features in this rule.Nähtuste hulk selle reegli põhjal.Number of features in this rule which are also present in other rule(s).QgsRuleBasedRendererWidgetAdd ruleLisa reegelRemove selected rulesEemalda valitud reeglidEdit current ruleMuuda praegust reeglitCount featuresLoenda nähtusedSymbol Levels...Refine Selected RulesRemove RuleKustuta reegelRefine Current RuleAdd Scales to RuleAdd Categories to RuleAdd Ranges to RuleLisa reeglile vahemikudEdit RuleAdd Categories to RulesAdd Ranges to RulesReeglitele vahemike lisamineParent rule %1 must have a symbol for this operation.Üldreegel %1 nõuab sümbolit selleks operatsiooniks.Scale RefinementPlease enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000):Palun sisesta mõõtkavade nimetajad, mille järgi reegel jaotada; eralda nad komaga (nt 1000,5000):"%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it."%1"ei ole sobiv mõõtkava nimetaja, seda eiratakse.Symbol LevelsSümboltasemedCalculating feature count.Arvuta nähtuste hulk.AbortNurjaQgsRunProcess<b>Starting %1...</b><b>Käivitan %1...</b>ActionTegevusUnable to run command
%1Ei saa tööle käsklust
%1DoneValmisUnable to run command %1Ei saa tööle käsklust %1QgsSLConnectionItemDatabase does not existAndmebaasi ei eksisteeriFailed to open databaseAndmebaasi avamine ebaõnnestusFailed to check metadataMetaandmete küsimine ebaõnnestusFailed to get list of tablesTabelite nimekirja küsimine ebaõnnestusUnknown errorTundmatu vigaDeleteKustuta%1: %2%1: %2Failed to import layer!
%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Vigane kiht!Import to SpatiaLite databaseImpordi SpatiaLite'i andmebaasiFailed to import some layers!
Mõne kihi importimine ebaõnnestus!
Import was successful.Import õnnestus.QgsSLLayerItemDelete LayerKustuta kihtLayer deleted successfully.Kiht edukalt kustutatud.QgsSLRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Create Database…New SpatiaLite Database FileUus SpatiaLite'i andmebaasifailSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCreate SpatiaLite databaseLoo SpatiaLite'i andmebaasFailed to create the database:
Andmebaasi loomine ebaõnnestus:
QgsSQLComposerDialogAn error occurred during evaluation of the SQL statement.SQL EvaluationThis is the SQL query editor. The SQL statement can select data from several tables,
but it must compulsory include the main typename%1 in the selected tables,
and only the geometry column of the main typename can be used as the geometry column of the resulting layer.See on SQL-päringu redaktor. SQL-i avaldusega saab erinevatest tabelitest andmeid valida,
kuid valitud tabelid peavad sisaldama juhttabeli välja typename%1
ning ainult juhttabeli geomeetriaveergu saab kasutada tulemustabeli geomeetriaveeruna.QgsSQLComposerDialogBaseSQL Query ComposerSQL Statement<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>See on SQL-päringu redaktor.</p></body></html>ColumnsVeerudTable(s)Tabel(id)JoinsÜhendusedJoint layerLiidetud kihtON conditionON tingimusWhere KusOrder byJärjestaDataAndmedTablesTabelidAggregatesKoondidFunctionsFunktsioonidSpatial predicatesStrings functionsTeksti funktsioonidOperatorsOperaatoridColumns' valuesVeeru väärtusedOnly 10 first valuesAinult esimesed 10 väärtustQgsSQLStatement(no root)(tüveta)No root nodeTable %1 is referenced by column %2, but not selected in FROM / JOIN.Veerus %2 viidatakse tabelile %1, aga seda ei ole valitud FROM / JOIN osas[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorSelect Stroke ColorQgsScaleRangeWidgetMinimum (exclusive)Vähim (välistav)Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale.Maximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in". This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale.Maximum (inclusive)Suurim (kaasa-arvav)QgsScaleRangeWidgetPluginA widget to define the scale rangeSeade mõõtkavade ulatuse määramiseksA widget to define the scale range.Seade mõõtkavade ulatuse määramiseksQgsScaleVisibilityDialogScale visibility QgsScaleWidgetSet to current canvas scaleMäära praegune kaardi mõõtkavaQgsScaleWidgetPluginA widget to define the scaleVidin mõõtkava määramiseksA widget to define the scale.Vidin mõõtkava määramiseksQgsScrollAreaWidgetPluginScroll areaQgsSearchQueryBuilderSearch Query Builder&Test&Testi&Clear&PuhastaTest QueryQuery ResultPäringu tulemusSave Query to FileCould not open file for writing.Load Query from FileCould not open file for reading.File is not a valid xml document.File is not a valid query document.Select AttributeThere is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute.Save query to an xml fileSalvesta päring xml failina&Save…&Load…Load query from xml fileLaadi päring xml-failistFound %n matching feature(s).test resultLeitud %n sobiv nähtus.Leitud %n sobivat nähtust.The query you specified results in zero records being returned.Valitud päring tagastas null tulemust.Query filesPäringu failidAll filesKõik failidQgsSearchWidgetToolButtonExclude FieldExclude fieldVälista väliQgsSelectByFormDialogSelect Features by ValueVali nähtused väärtuse järgiZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresSuurendatud %n sobiva nähtuseniSuumitud %n vastava nähtuseniNo matching features foundPuuduvad kattuvad nähtusedQgsSelectLayerTreeModelThe source of this layer is a <b>WFS</b> server.<br>Some WFS layers are not suitable for offline<br>editing due to unstable primary keys<br>please check with your system administrator<br>if this WFS layer can be used for offline<br>editing.QgsSelectedFeatureValidation started.Ülevaatamisega alustatud.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsÜlevaatus lõpetatud (%n viga leitud).Ülevaatus lõpetatud (%n viga leitud).ring %1, vertex %2ring %1, käänupunkt %2QgsSettingsLocatorFilterOptionsSuvandidProject PropertiesProjekti omadusedSettingsSeadedQgsSettingsTreeSettingSeaTypeTüüpValueVäärtusDescriptionKirjeldusQgsShadowEffectWidgetSelect Shadow ColorQgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentLäbipaistevQgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillTransparent StrokeSelect Stroke ColorQgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Line ColorQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillSelect Stroke ColorTransparent StrokeQgsSimplifyUserInputWidgetSimplify by distanceSimplify by snapping to gridSimplify by area (Visvalingam)SmoothSiluLayer unitsKihi ühikudPixelsPikslidMap unitsKaardiühikutQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBlack to whiteMustast valgeksWhite to blackValgest mustaksNo enhancementParandustetaStretch to MinMaxVenita MinMax-iniStretch and clip to MinMaxVenita ja lõika MinMax-iniClip to MinMaxLõika MinMax järgiQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBaseFormVormContrast
parandusGray bandHall lõimMinMin MaxMaxColor gradientVärvigradientQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetBaseFormVormBandLõimMinMin MaxMaxQgsSingleSymbolRendererWidgetSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…QgsSmartGroupConditionhas the tagomab siltihas a part of name matchingosa nimest kattubdoes NOT have the tagei oma siltihas NO part of name matchingQgsSmartGroupConditionWidgetFormVormThe symbolQgsSmartGroupEditorDialogALL the constraintskõik piirangudany ONE of the constraintsüks piirangutestEdit Smart GroupThe smart group name field is empty. Kindly provide a name.QgsSmartGroupEditorDialogBaseSmart Group EditorNutirühma redaktorSmart group nameCondition matchesAdd ConditionLisa tingimusConditionsTingimusedQgsSnappingLayerDelegatepxpxQgsSnappingLayerTreeModelLayerKihtTypeTüüpToleranceTõmberaadiusUnitsÜhikudAvoid intersectionVäldi lõikumistvertexkäänupunktvertex and segmentkäänupunkt ja lõiksegmentlõikpixelspikslitQgsSnappingWidgetFilter layers…Toggle SnappingEnable Snapping (S)SKeyboard shortcut: toggle snappingSSnapping ModeSnäppimise viisSet Snapping ModeAll LayersActive LayerAdvanced ConfigurationKeerukam seadistamineOpen Snapping Options…Vertex and SegmentTopological EditingSnapping on IntersectionEnable TracingSnapping TypeSnäppimise tüüpVertexKäänupunktSegmentSnapping Tolerance in Defined UnitsSnäppimise tolerants määratud ühikutespxpxSnapping Unit Type: Pixels (px) or Map Units (mu)Snäppimise ühiku tüüp: pikslit (px) või kaardiühikut (mu)Edit advanced configurationEnable Topological EditingLuba topoloogilist redigeerimistEnable Snapping on IntersectionLuba snäppimine lõikepunktidesEnable Tracing (T)Luba järgimine (T)TKeyboard shortcut: Enable tracingTQgsSourceFieldsPropertiesFormVormToggle editing modeLülitu redigeerimisrežiimiClick to toggle table editingKliki et lülitada tabel redigeeritavaksNew fieldUus väliCtrl+NCtrl+NDelete fieldKustuta väliCtrl+XCtrl+XField calculatorVäljakalkulaatorIdIdNameNimiTypeTüüpType nameTüübi nimiLengthPikkusPrecisionTäpsusCommentMärkusAliasEdit alias in the Form config tabAdded attributeLisatud atribuutRename FieldFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?'%2' tüüpi välja '%1' ei õnnestunud lisada. Kas välja nimi on unikaalne?Add FieldDeleted attributesKustutatud atribuutRename attributeNimeta atribuut ümberFailed to rename field to '%1'. Is the field name unique?Välja ümber nimetamine '%1'-ks ei õnnestunud. Kas välja nimi on unikaalne?QgsSpatiaLiteConnectionunknown error causevea põhjus teadmataobsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupportediganenud libspatialite: AbstractInterface ei ole toetatudtable info on %1 failedUNKNOWNUNKNOWNGEOMETRYGEOMETRYPOINTPOINTLINESTRINGLINESTRINGPOLYGONPolügoonMULTIPOINTMULTIPOINTMULTILINESTRINGMULTILINESTRINGMULTIPOLYGONMultipolügoonGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONQgsSpatiaLiteProviderBinary object (BLOB)Kahendobjekt (BLOB)TextTekstDecimal number (double)Kümnendmurruga arv (double)Whole number (integer)Täisarv (integer)Array of textTekstimassiivArray of decimal numbers (double)Kümnendmurruga arvude (double) massiivArray of whole numbers (integer)Täisarvude (integer) massiivRetrieval of spatialite version failedEi õnnestunud SpatiaLite'i versiooni teada saadaSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCould not parse spatialite version string '%1'AutogenerateSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite'i viga: %2
SQL: %1unknown causetundmatu põhjusSQLite error while trying to inject ROWID: %2
SQL: %1FAILURE: Field %1 not found.Viga: välja %1 ei leitud.QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelectAdd SpatiaLite Layer(s)Lisa SpatiaLite'i kiht (kihid)&Update Statistics&Värskenda statistikat&Set Filter&Määra filterWildcardHuupiRegExpRegExpAllKõikTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSqlSqlAre you sure you want to update the internal statistics for DB: %1?
This could take a long time (depending on the DB size), but implies better performance thereafter.Confirm Update StatisticsKinnita statistika värskendamineUpdate StatisticsVärskenda statistikatInternal statistics successfully updated for: %1Error while updating internal statistics for: %1@@Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to openVali SpatiaLite'i/SQLite'i andmebaas avamiseksSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite'i andmebaasAll filesKõik failidCannot add connection '%1'Ei saa lisada ühendust '%1'A connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Sama nimega ühendus on juba olemas,
palun anna uus nimi:Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada %1 ühendust ja selleks kasutatud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineSelect TableVali tabelYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.Pead valima tabeli, et kiht lisada.SpatiaLite DB Open ErrorViga SpatiaLite'i andmebaasi avamiselDatabase does not exist: %1Andmebaasi ei eksisteeri: %1Failure while connecting to: %1
%2Ebaõnnestunud ühendumine: %1
%2SpatiaLite getTableInfo ErrorSpatiaLite'i getTableInfo vigaFailure exploring tables from: %1
%2Tabelite vaatamine ebaõnnestus: %1
%2SpatiaLite metadata check failedSpatiaLite'i metaandmete kontroll ei õnnestunudFailure getting table metadata... is %1 really a SpatiaLite database?
%2SpatiaLite ErrorSpatiaLite'i vigaUnexpected error when working with %1
%2QgsSpatiaLiteTableModelTableTabelTypeTüüpGeometry columnGeomeetria veergSqlSqlPointPunktMultipointMultipunktLineJoonMultilineMultijoonPolygonPolügoonMultipolygonMultipolügoonQgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBaseSelect a SpatiaLite Spatial Reference SystemSRIDSRIDAuthorityKodeerijaReference NameReferentsi nimiSearchOtsiFilterFilterNameNimiQgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidgetMissing (null) valuesPuuduvad (null) väärtused%1 seconds%1 sekunditQgsStatisticalSummaryWidgetBaseStatisticsStatistikaCancelLoobuStatisticValueVäärtusSelected features onlyAinult valitud nähtusedCopy Statistics to ClipboardKopeeri statistika lõikepuhvrisseRecalculate Statistics……QgsStatisticsValueGathererFetching statistic valuesQgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidgetCoordinate:Koordinaadid:Current map coordinateKaardi praegused koordinaadidCoordinateKoordinaatShows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. It also allows editing to set the canvas center to a given position. The format is longitude,latitude or east,northCurrent map coordinate (longitude,latitude or east,north)Praegused kaardi koordinaadid (pikkus, laius või ida, põhi)Toggle extents and mouse position displayLülita ümber ulatuse ja kursori asukohta kuvamise vahelQGIS ContributorsWorld MapQGIS HackfestsMap coordinates for the current view extentsKaardikoordinaadid olemasoleva vaate ulatuseksMap coordinates at mouse cursor positionKaardikoordinaadid hiirekursori asukohalExtents:Ulatused:QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidgetMagnifierSuurendusasteMagnifier levelSuurendusasteLock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out.Lukusta mõõtkava, et kasutada luupi suurendamiseks või vähendamiseksQgsStatusBarScaleWidgetScaleMõõtkavaCurrent map scaleKaardi praegune mõõtkavaDisplays the current map scaleNäitab kaardi praegust mõõtkavaCurrent map scale (formatted as x:y)Selle kaardi mõõtkava (kujul x:y)QgsStyleExportImportDialogImportImpordiExportEkspordiImport Item(s)FileFailURLURLSelect items to importExport Item(s)Select by GroupExport/import Item(s)Save StylesImport Symbols or Color RampsExport/import SymbolsSelect Item(s) by GroupLoad StylesSelect AllVali kõikClear SelectionTühjenda valikImport from URLHTTP Error! Download failed: %1.You should select at least one symbol/color ramp.Pead valima vähemalt ühe sümboli/värvigradiendi.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Export SymbolsError when saving selected symbols to file:
%1Viga valitud sümbolite salvestamisel faili:
%1The selected symbols were successfully exported to file:
%1Valitud sümbolid eksporditi edukalt faili:
%1An error occurred during import:
%1Impordil tekkis viga:
%1Symbol with name '%1' already exists.
Overwrite?Sümbol nimega '%1' on juba olemas.
Kas kirjutan üle?Export/import Color RampsColor ramp with name '%1' already exists.
Overwrite?Värvigradient nimega '%1' on juba olemas.
Kas kirjutan üle?Downloading style…QgsStyleExportImportDialogBaseStyles Import/ExportImport fromImpordiLocationAsukohtAdditional tag(s)Täiendavad viitedAdd to favoritesLisa lemmikutesseDo not import embedded tagsÄra impordi manustatud viiteidTip: separate multiple tags with commasVihje: eralda viited komadegaFetch ItemsSelect items to exportQgsStyleGroupSelectionDialogAllKõikTagsSildidSmart GroupsNutirühmadQgsStyleManagerDialogFilter symbols…Filtreeri sümbilid...GradientÜhtlane üleminekColor presetsEelseadistatud värvidRandomJuhuslikCatalog: cpt-cityKataloog: cpt-cityCatalog: ColorBrewerKataloog: VärviKaardidShare MenuExport Item(s)…Import Item(s)…Group ActionsAdd to TagMarker symbol (%1)Markeri sümbol (%1)Line symbol (%1)Joone sümbol (%1)Fill symbol (%1)Täite sümbol (%1)Color ramp (%1)Värvigradient (%1)Filter color ramps…Filtreeri värvigradiendid...Not taggedViitamatanew symboluus sümbolnew markeruus markernew lineuus joonnew fill symboluus täite-sümbolSave SymbolColor Ramp TypeRemove SymbolSave ItemExport Selected Symbols as PNGExport Selected Symbols as SVGAllKõikAdd TagRemove GroupInvalid selection. Cannot delete system defined categories.
Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete.Group ItemsThere was a problem with the symbols database while regrouping.Create New Tag…Edit Smart GroupCannot save symbol without name. Enter a name.Sümbolit ei saa salvestada ilma nimeta. Anna nimi.Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Sümbol nimega '%1' on juba olemas. Kas kirjutan üle?Symbol NameSümboli nimiPlease enter a name for new symbol:Palun anna uuele sümbolile nimi:Please select color ramp type:Palun vali värvigradiendi tüüp:new rampuus gradientnew gradient rampuus värvigradientnew random rampuus juhuslik värvigradientnew preset rampuus eelseadistatud gradientSave Color RampSalvesta värvigradientCannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name.Värvigradienti ei saa salvestada ilma nimeta. Anna nimi.Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Värvigradient nimega '%1' on juba olemas.
Kas kirjutan üle?Color Ramp NameVärvigradiendi nimiPlease enter a name for new color ramp:Palun anna uuele värvigradiendile nimi:Do you really want to remove %n symbol(s)?Remove Color RampDo you really want to remove %n ramp(s)?Name is already taken by another item. Choose a different name.Nimi on juba hõivatud teise objekti poolt. Vali muu nimi.FavoritesLemmikudTagsSildidSmart GroupsNutirühmadPlease enter name for the new tag:Palun anna uuele viitele nimi:New tagUus viideTag name already exists in your symbol database.Viite nimi on juba olemas su sümbolite andmebaasis.New tag could not be created.
There was a problem with your symbol database.Uut viidet ei saanud luua.
Su sümbolite andmebaasiga tekkis viga.You have not selected a Smart Group. Kindly select a Smart Group to edit.Nutirühm pole valitud. Palun vali nutirühm, mida muuta.There was some error while editing the smart group.Nutirüha muutmisel tekkis mingi viga.QgsStyleManagerDialogBaseStyle ManagerStiilihaldurModify selected tag or smart groupMuuda valitud viidet või nutirühmaMarkerMarkerLineJoonFillTäideColor rampVärvigradientAdd itemLisa kirjeRemove itemEemalda kirjeEdit itemRedigeeri kirjetRemove Item(s)…Remove Item(s)Edit Item…Edit ItemAdd to FavoritesRemove from FavoritesClear TagsEdit Smart Group…Edit Smart GroupAdd Tag…Add TagAdd Smart Group…Modify GroupImport / ExportAdd Smart GroupAttach Selected Tag to SymbolsFinish TaggingExport Selected Symbol(s) as PNG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as PNGExport Selected Symbol(s) as SVG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as SVGRemoveEemaldaQgsStyleModelNot taggedViitamataNameNimiTagsSildidQgsStyleSaveDialogSave New StyleNameNimiAdd to favoritesLisa lemmikutesseTag(s)Viide (viited)Tip: separate multiple tags with commasVihje: eralda viited komadegaSave New SymbolSave New Color RampQgsSublayersDialogSelect Vector Layers to Add…Vali lisatavad vektorkihid...Layer IDIDLayer nameKihi nimiNumber of featuresNähtuste hulkGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpSelect Raster Layers to Add…Vali lisatavad rasterkihid...Select Layers to Add…Vali lisatavad kihid…Add layers to a groupLisa kihid rühmaUnknownTundmatuTypeTüüpSelect AllVali kõikQgsSublayersDialogBaseSelect Layers to Load11QgsSubstitutionListDialogSubstitutionsAsendusedQgsSubstitutionListWidgetXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Import substitutionsImpordi asendusedSave SubstitutionsExport SubstitutionsCannot write file %1:
%2Ei saa kirjutada faili %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Load SubstitutionsImport SubstitutionsCannot read file %1:
%2Ei saa lugeda faili %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2:
%3The selected file is not a substitution list.Valitud fail ei ole asenduste loetelu.QgsSubstitutionListWidgetBaseFormVormTextTekstSubstitutionAsendusCase SensitiveTõstutundlikWhole WordKogu sõnaIf checked, only whole word matches are replacedKui märgitud, siis asendatakse ainult terved kattuvad sõnad……QgsSvgAnnotationDialogSVG AnnotationSVG märkusDeleteKustutaSelect SVG fileVali SVG failSVG filesSVG failidQgsSvgCacheSVG request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]SVG päring ebaõnnestus [viga: %1 - url:%2]SVGSVGSVG request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3Unexpected MIME type %1 received for %2%1 of %2 bytes of svg image downloaded.SVG-pildi %2 baidist alla laaditud %1.QgsSvgExportOptionsDialogSVG Export OptionsSVG OptionsExport map layers as SVG groups (may affect label placement)Uncheck to render map labels as text objects. This will degrade the quality of the map labels but allow editing in vector illustration software.Render map labels as outlinesRenderda kaardimärgised äärejoontenaIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsExport RDF metadataCrop to ContentLeftVasakulRightParemalBottomAllTop margin (mm)Ülemine serv (mm)QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill colorSelect Stroke ColorQgsSvgSelectorGroupsModelApp SymbolsUser SymbolsKasutaja sümbolidQgsSvgSourceLineEdit……Select File…Embed File…Extract Embedded File…From URL…Select SVG fileVali SVG failSVG filesSVG failidSVG From URLEnter SVG URLEmbed SVG FileExtract SVG FileQgsSymbolButtonSymbol SettingsConfigure Symbol…Copy SymbolPaste SymbolCopy ColorPaste ColorQgsSymbolButtonPluginSelect symbolQgsSymbolLegendNodeN/Aei kohalduQgsSymbolLevelsDialogSymbol LevelsSümboltasemedQgsSymbolLevelsDialogBaseSymbol LevelsSümboltasemedEnable symbol levelsLuba sümboltasemedDefine the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn.Määra sümbolite kihtide renderdusjärjekord. Numbrid lahtrites määravad, millises renderduskorras kiht joonistatakse.QgsSymbolLevelsWidgetLayer %1Kiht %1QgsSymbolSelectorDialogSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolSelectorDialogBaseFormVormAdd symbol layerLisa sümbolkihtRemove symbol layerEemalda sümbolkihtLock layer's colorLukusta kihi värvDuplicates the current layerKopeerib praeguse kihiMove upTõsta ülesMove downTõsta allaQgsSymbolSelectorWidgetSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolsListWidgetClip Features to Canvas ExtentFilter symbols…Filtreeri sümboleid...Select ColorVali värvFavoritesLemmikudAll SymbolsKõik sümbolidSave SymbolPlease enter name for the symbol:Palun anna sümbolile nimi:New symbolUus sümbolSymbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Sümbol nimega '%1' on juba olemas. Kas kirjutan üle?QgsTableWidgetUiBaseFormVormAdd entryLisa kirje……Remove entryEemalda kirjeQgsTaskManagerModelQueuedJärjekorda lisatudOn holdOotelRunning (cannot cancel)Jookseb (ei saa katkestada)RunningJooksebCompleteValmisTerminatedKatkestatud%1:%2 minutes%1 seconds%1 sekunditEstimated time remaining: %1 (%1)Time elapsed: %1%1<br>%2QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget%1 active tasks running%1 aktiivset tööd jooksmasQgsTextAnnotationDialogSelect Font ColorDeleteKustutaQgsTextAnnotationDialogBaseAnnotation TextBPaksendatudIKaldkiriQgsTextEditConfigDlgFormVormMultilineMultijoonHTMLHTMLQgsTextFormatDialogText SettingsQgsTextFormatWidgetOver the feature's interiorÜle nähtuse sisepinnaOver the feature's boundaryÜle nähtuse piirjooneFrom pointPunktistFrom symbol boundsSümboli kontuuridestSelect Fill ColorSelect Text ColorSelect Buffer ColorSelect Stroke ColorSelect Shadow ColorTextTekstFormattingVormindamineBufferPuhverBackgroundTaustShadowVariPlacementPaiknemineRenderingRenderdamine%1 not found. Default substituted.%1 ei leitud. Asendati vaikeväärtusega.Chosen fontValitud fontNo changeMuutusetaAll uppercaseKõik suurte tähtedegaAll lowercaseKõik väikeste tähtedegaCapitalize first letterSuure esimese tähegaSize%1Suurus%1 XXFile not foundFaili ei leitudSelect SVG fileVali SVG failLeft of lineJoonest vasakulRight of lineJoonest paremalAbove lineJoone kohalBelow lineJoone allSubstitutionsAsendusedQgsTextFormatWidgetBaseLayer Labeling SettingsLabel withSildistaText SampleTeksti näidisLorem IpsumLorem IpsumSample textNäitetekstReset sample textLähtesta näidistekst……Preview text at specific map scaleNäita eelvaadet kindlas mõõtkavasSample background colorNäidis taustavärvTextTekstText styleTeksti stiilFormattingVormindamineBufferPuhverBackgroundTaustShadowVariPlacementPaiknemineRenderingRenderdamineSpacingVahedUnderlined textAllajoonitud tekstUUStrikeout textLäbikriipsutatud tekstSSBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Rasvane tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)BPaksendatudItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Kald-tekst
(ainult andmete alusel määratud, kirjutab üle stiiliga määratu)IKaldkirilettertähtSpace in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choiceSuurus pikslites või kaardiühikutes, arvestades ühikuvalikutwordsõnaStyleStiilAvailable typeface stylesSaadaval tüüpvariantide stiilidSizeSuurusType caseTrükkimise tähekujuCapitalization style of textTeksti suurendusstiilColorVärvusBlend modeSulatamise režiimFont is missing.Font puudub.If enabled, the label text will automatically be modified using a preset list of substitutesKui lubatud, siis sildi teksti muudetakse automaatselt, kasutades eelmääratud loetelu asendustest või lühenditestApply label text substitutesMäära sildi teksti asendusedConfigure substitutesSeadista asendusedFontFontOpacityLäbipaistvusMultiple linesMitme reanaWrap on characterpoolita tähelLine heightJoone kõrgusLine height spacing for multi-line textRea kõrguse vahe mitmerealises tekstis line ridaAlignmentPaiknemineWrap lines toParagraph style alignment of multi-line textLõigu paiknemise stiil mitmerealises tekstisLeftVasakulCenterKeskelRightParemalIf set, label text will automatically be wrapped to match the specified number of characters per line (if possible)No automatic wrapping charactersControls whether lines are automatically wrapped using the maximum number of characters in a line, or the minimumMaximum line lengthMinimum line lengthLine direction symbolJoone suuna sümbol>>Reverse directionTahapoole suund<<left/rightvasak/paremabovekohalbelowallpoolFormatted numbersVormindatud arvudDecimal places Kümnendkohti Show plus signNäita plussmärkiDraw text bufferJoonista teksti puhverPen join stylePliiatsi liite-stiilColor buffer's fillPuhvri täidise värvDraw backgroundJoonista taustRadius X,YRaadius X,Ysymbol unitssümboli ühikudStroke widthViirutuse paksusFixedKinnistatudSize YSuurus XLoad symbol parametersLaadi sümboli parameetridShapeKujundSize XSuurus XOffset X,YNihe X,YSync with labelÜhtlusta sildigaOffset of labelSildi niheSize typeSuuruse tüüpStroke colorViirutuse värvFill colorTäitevärvRotationPööramineRectangleNelinurkSquareRuutEllipseEllipsCircleRingSVGSVGDraw drop shadowJoonista variScaleSkaalaBlur radiusHägususe raadiusBlur only alpha pixelsHägusta ainult alfa-piksleidLabel's rotation is ignoredSildi pööramist eiratakseUse global shadowKasuta üldist varju˚°Lowest label componentMadalaim märgise osaDraw underJoonista alla %%OffsetNiheLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Sildid paigutatakse võrdse raadiusega ringi sisse ümber punkti.Around pointÜmber punktiLabels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Sildid paigutatakse punktist kindla nihkegaOffset from pointNihuta punktistUses 'ideal' cartographic placements, prioritizing label placement with best visual relationship with the point featureCartographicKartograafilineCurved
KaardusParallelParalleelneHorizontalHorisontaalneOffset from centroidNihuta tsentroidistHorizontal (slow)Horisontaalne (aeglane)Around centroidÜmber keskpunktiFree (slow)Vaba (aeglane)Using perimeterKasutades perimeetritUsing perimeter (curved)Kasutades perimeetrit (kaardus)Allowed label placement for lines. At least one position must be selected.Lubatud sildi paigutus joone puhul. Tuleb valida vähemalt üks asukoht.Allowed positionsLubatud asukohadAbove lineJoone kohalOn lineJoone pealBelow lineJoone allLine orientation dependent positionJoone suunast sõltuv asukohtCentroidKeskpunktvisible polygonnähtav polügoonwhole polygonterve polügoonForce point inside polygonPane punkt polügooni sisseDistancePikkusDistance offset fromKauguse nihe alatesabcabcQuadrantSektorPosition priorityPaigutuse prioriteetRepeatKordaNo repeatIlma kordusetainsideseespooloutsideväljaspoolMaximum angle between curved charactersMaksimaalne nurk kaardunud tähtede vahelData definedAndmetega määratudXXYYCoordinateKoordinaatUncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpinEemalda valik et märgise kirjutamise kontroller tuletaks põõrde punkti järgi ja NULL kui ilma punktitaPreserve data rotation valuesAnna ette andmete pööramise väärtusedhorizontalHorisontaalneverticalvertikaalnePriorityPrioriteetsusLowMadalHighKõrgeLabel optionsMärgise valikudScale dependent visibilityMõõtkavast sõltuv nähtavusMaximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in".Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".Labels will not show if smaller than this on screenMärgiseid ei näidata, kui ekraan on sellest väiksem pxpikselMinimum Miinimum Labels will not show if larger than this on screenMärgiseid ei näidata, kui ekraan on sellest suuremMaximum Maksimum Pixel size-based visibility (labels in map units)Pikslitel põhinev nähtavus (silte kaardiühiku kohta)Label z-indexSildi z-indeksControls how labels are drawn on top of each other. Labels with a higher z-index are drawn above labels and diagrams with a lower z-index.Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)Näita sellel kihil kõiki silte (ka kattuvaid silte)Always showNäita alatiShow labelNäita märgistalwaysalatinevermitte kunagiwhen rotation definedkui pöördenurk on määratudShow upside-down labelsNäita ümberpööratud silteFeature optionsNähtuse valikudLabel every part of multi-part featuresMärgis igale osale hulkosalistes nähtustesMerge connected lines to avoid duplicate labelsLiida ühenduses olevad jooned, et vältida korduvaid märgiseidNumber of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeledLimit number of features to be labeled toPööra sildistatavate nähtuse hulk kuni mmmmSuppress labeling of features smaller thanPeida märgis, kui nähtus on väiksem kuiOnly draw labels which fit completely within featureJoonista ainult sildid mis mahuvad üleni nähtuse sisseObstaclesTakistusedDiscourage labels from covering featuresEemalda märgised kattuvatelt nähtusteltLow weightVäike kaalControls how likely labels are to cover features in this layerMäärab, kui tõenäoliselt sildid katavad nähtusi selles kihisHigh weightSuur kaalMinimize placing labelsQgsTileScaleWidgetFormVormZoom level: %1Resolution: %1Tile ScalePaani mõõtkavaQgsTipGuiBaseQGIS Tips!QGIS-i vihjed!<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here...</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">Hea vihje käib siia...</span></p></body></html>I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more!Mul on juba neist vihjetest küllalt. Ära enam üleslaadimisel neid näita!QgsTransactionCould not create savepoint (%1)QgsTransformOptionsDialogDialogDialoogTransformation typeTransformeerimise tüüpLinearJoonelinePolynomial 1Polünoomiline 1Polynomial 2Polünoomiline 2Polynomial 3Polünoomiline 3Thin plate spline (TPS)Peenike lihtne kaarjoon (TPS)Generate ESRI world file (.tfw)Loo ESRI maailma fail (.tfw)QgsTransformSettingsDialogTransformation SettingsTransformation parametersTransformeerimise parameetridTransformation typeTransformeerimise tüüpNearest neighbourLähim naaberLinearJoonelineCubicÜmardatudCubic SplineÜmardusega kaarjoonLanczosLanczos meetodResampling methodTöötlemise viisTarget SRSVäljund-koordinaatsüsteemOutput settingsVäljundi seadedOutput rasterVäljund-rasterSet target resolutionCreate world file only (linear transforms)ReportsRaportidGenerate PDF mapLoo pdf kaartGenerate PDF reportLoo pdf raportHorizontalHorisontaalneVerticalVertikaalneCompressionKompressioonUse 0 for transparency when neededKasuta 0-i läbipaistvusele kui vajaLoad in QGIS when doneLaadi QGIS-i, kui valmisHelmertHelmertPolynomial 1Polünoomiline 1Polynomial 2Polünoomiline 2Polynomial 3Polünoomiline 3Thin Plate SplinePeenike lihtne kaarjoon (TPS)ProjectiveProjetseeruvDestination RasterSiht-rasterTIF filesPDF filesSave Map File AsSave Report File AsInvalid output file name.Vigane väljundfaili nimi.Input raster can not be overwritten.Sisend-rastrit ei saa üle kirjutada._modifiedGeoreferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name_muudetudQgsUniqueValuesConfigDlgBaseFormVormThe user can select one of the values already used in the field. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used.Kasutaja saab valida ühe juba kasutatud väärtuse. Kui redigeeritav, siis näitab joone sisestamisel eeltäidetud varianti, teisel juhul kasutatakse rippmenüüd.EditableRedigeeritavQgsUnitSelectionWidgetFormVormAdjust scaling rangeSeadista mõõtkava ulatustMillimeterMillimeeterPointsPunktidPixelsPikslidMeters at ScaleAdjust Scaling RangeMap UnitsInchesPercentageProtsentQgsUserProfileManagerUnable to fully delete user profile folderQgsUserProfileManagerWidgetFormVormAddLisaRemoveEemaldaProfiles FolderProfilesQgsValueMapConfigDlgSelect a FileLoad Value Map from FileCould not open file %1
Error was: %2QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapperPlease selectPalun valiQgsValueMapWidgetFormVormCombo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box.Rippmenüü eelmääratletud tingimustega. Väärtus salvestatakse atribuutidesse, kirjeldust näeb rippmenüüs.Load Data from LayerLaadi andmed kihiltAdd "NULL" valueLisa "NULL" väärtusLoad Data from CSV FileLaadi andmed CSV-failistValueVäärtusDescriptionKirjeldusRemove SelectedEemalda valitudQgsValueRelationConfigDlgEdit Filter ExpressionRedigeeri filtri avaldistQgsValueRelationConfigDlgBaseFormVormSelect layer, key column and value columnVali kiht, võtme veerg ja väärtuse veergLayerKihtKey columnVõtme veergValue columnVäärtuse veergOrder by valueReasta väärtuse järgiAllow NULL valueLuba NULL väärtusNumber of columnsVeergude arvAllow multiple selectionsVõimalda hulkadena validaUse completerFilter expressionFiltreeri avaldisQgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapperPlease selectPalun vali(no selection)(valik puudub)QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper(no selection)(valik puudub)QgsVariableEditorTreeVariableMuutujaValueVäärtusOverridden by value from %1QgsVariableEditorWidgetAdd variableRemove variableEemalda muutujaQgsVectorDataProviderCodec %1 not found. Falling back to system localeKodeerija %1 leidmata. Võtan tagasi lokaalsele süsteemileAdd FeaturesNähtuste lisamineDelete FeaturesKustuta nähtuseidChange Attribute ValuesMuuda atribuutide väärtusiAdd AttributesLisa atribuuteDelete AttributesKustuta atribuuteRename AttributesNimeta atribuudid ümberCreate Spatial IndexLoo Spatial IndexCreate Attribute IndexesLoo atribuudi indeksidFast Access to Features at IDKiire juurdepääs nähtuste ID-leChange GeometriesMuuda geomeetriaidPresimplify GeometriesEel-lihtususta geomeetriaidPresimplify Geometries with Validity CheckEel-lihtususta geomeetriaid kehtivuse kontrolligaSimultaneous Geometry and Attribute UpdatesÜheaegsed geomeetria ja atribuudi uuendusedTransactionsTransaktsioonidCurved GeometriesKaarega geomeetriadQgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidgetX attributeX atribuutY attributeY atribuutLength attributePikkuse atribuutAngle attributeNurga atribuutHeight attributeKõrguse atribuutQgsVectorFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsVectorLayerERROR: no providerVIGA: puudub pakkujaERROR: layer not editableVIGA: kiht ei ole redigeeritavCommit errors:
%1Käskluse vead:
%1Primary key attributesPrimaarvõtme tunnusedSymbologySümboloogiaInformation from providerNameNimiPathTeeSourceAlgallikasStorageEncodingKodeeringGeometryGeomeetriaCRSKoordinaatsüsteemGeographicProjectedExtentUlatusUnitFeature countunknowntundmatuIdentificationAccessFieldsVäljadCountKoguarvFieldVäliTypeTüüpLengthPikkusPrecisionTäpsusContactsLinksHistoryAjaluguCommentMärkusQgsVectorLayer3DRendererWidget3D ViewEnable 3D RendererSorry, this layer is not supported.QgsVectorLayerAndAttributeModelLayerKihtOutput layer attributeVäljundkihi atribuutAttribute containing the name of the destination layer in the DXF output.QgsVectorLayerEditBufferSUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.deleted attributes countERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.not deleted attributes countViga: %n atribuut(i) ei kustutatud.Viga: %n atribuut(i) ei kustutatud.SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added.added attributes countERROR: %n new attribute(s) not addednot added attributes countViga: %n uut atribuut(i) ei lisatud.Viga: %n uut atribuut(i) ei lisatud.SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) renamed.renamed attributes countERROR: %n attribute(s) not renamednot renamed attributes countViga: %n atribuut(i) ei nimetatud ümber.Viga: %n atribuut(i) ei nimetatud ümber.ERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields!Viga: peale väljade lisamist/kustutamist on väljade arv vale!ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same!Viga: väli indeksiga %1 ei ole sama!Provider: %1Pakkuja: %1Storage: %1Salvestus: %1expected fieldeeldatav väliretrieved fieldsaadud väliSUCCESS: %1 attribute value(s) and %2 geometries changed.SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed.changed attribute values countERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied.not changed attribute values countSUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted.deleted features countERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted.not deleted features countSUCCESS: %n feature(s) added.added features countERROR: %n feature(s) not added.not added features countVIGA: %n nähtus(t) jäi lisamata.VIGA: %n nähtus(t) jäi lisamata.ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features.not added features countERROR: %n feature(s) not added - geometry type is not compatible with the current layer.not added features countSUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.changed geometries countERROR: %n geometries not changed.not changed geometries count
Provider errors:
Pakkuja vead:QgsVectorLayerExporterTaskExporting %1QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounterCounting features in %1QgsVectorLayerLegendWidgetLegend Text FormatText FormatSet Labels from Expression…Text on SymbolsSymbolSümbolTextTekstQgsVectorLayerLoadStyleDialogLoad Layer StyleStyles related to the layerKihiga seotud stiilidOther styles on the databaseTeised stiilid andmebaasisCategoriesLiigitusedCancelLoobuDelete StyleLoad StyleLaadi stiilLoad styleFileFailfrom filefrom database (%1)QGIS Layer Style File, SLD File%1: fail. %2%1: successError occurred while retrieving styles from databaseQgsVectorLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Kihi omadused – %1QGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileDefault MetadataStop editing mode to enable this.Selle kasutamiseks välju redigeerimisrežiimist.MetadataMetaandmedLoad Metadata…Save Metadata…CreateClearPuhastaDeleteKustutaExportEkspordiThis button opens the query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layerSee nupp avab päringukoosturi, võimaldab valida nähtuste alamhulga, mida saaks kuvada kaardiaknas kõigi nähtuste kuvamise asemelThe query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder buttonSiin näidatakse päringut, mida kasutatakse kihil kuvatavate nähtuste piiramiseks. Klõpsa päringukoosturi nuppu, et päring sisestada või et seda muutaNot supportedEi ole toetatudDistancePikkusSnapToGridSnapToGridVisvalingamSave DependencyThis configuration introduces a cycle in data dependencies and will be ignored.No default style was found for this layer.Load Layer Metadata from Metadata FileSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataLoad Styles from DatabaseSpatial IndexRuumiindeksCreation of spatial index successfulRuumiindeksi loomine õnnestusCreation of spatial index failedRuumiindeksi loomine ebaõnnestusLoad default style from: Laadi vaikestiil asukohast:CancelLoobuLocal databaseLokaalne andmebaas:Datasource databaseAndmeallikate andmebaasDefault StyleAlgstiilLoaded from ProviderLaaditud pakkujaltSave default style to: Salvesta vaike-stiil:Are you sure you want to clear auxiliary data for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary storage for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary field %1 for %2?Load StyleLaadi stiilSave as DefaultSalvesta algseadeksStyle savedStiil salvestatudThe retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1Saadud stiil ei ole toimiv. Veateade: %1Save StyleSalvesta stiilStyleStiilLoad Style…Save Style…Restore DefaultTaasta AlgseadedallkõikQgsVectorLayerPropertiesBaseLayer PropertiesKihi omadusedLegendLeppemärkDescriptionKirjeldusKeyword listVõtmesõnade nimekiriList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.Komadega eraldatud loetelu võtmesõnadest, mis on abiks kataloogiotsingute puhul.DataUrlInformationInformatsioonSourceAlgallikasSymbologySümboloogia3D ViewSource FieldsAttributes FormFormVormAuxiliary StorageDependenciesSõltuvusedQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsDigitizingDigitaliseerimineSettingsSeadedGeometry and Coordinate Reference SystemSet source coordinate reference systemCreate Spatial IndexLoo Spatial IndexUpdate ExtentsProvider Feature FilterSettingSeadeValueVäärtusAdd new joinRemove selected joinEdit selected joinFeaturesNähtusedKeyVõtiAuxiliary LayerAdd new fieldLisa uus väliRemove selected fieldTargetPropertyOmadusNameNimiFull NameAuxiliary storage tables can contain additional data that should only belong to the project file. For instance, specific location or rotation for labels. Auxiliary data are saved in qgd files. New fields can be added from any data-defined widget when needed. Be aware that this information will NOT be saved in the data source but only in the project file.Lower values result in more data refreshing. Canvas updates are deferred in order to avoid refreshing multiple times if more than one layer has an auto update interval set.Automatic Fixes<html><head/><body><p>The geometry precision defines the maximum precision to of geometry coordinates that should be stored on this layer. A snap to grid algorithm will be applied on every geometry entering this layer, resulting in coordinates being rounded to multiples of this value. The operation is applied in this layer's coordinate reference system.</p></body></html>Geometry precisionRemove duplicate nodes[Units][No precision restriction]Geometry checksTopology checksTopoloogia kontrollidInserts the selected field or expression into the map tipLisab valitud välja või avaldise kaardivihjesseInsertSisestaThe HTML map tips are shown when moving mouse over features of the currently selected layer when the 'Show Map Tips' action is toggled on. If no HTML code is set, the feature display name is used.Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)Lihtsustamise ulatus (suuremad väärtused annavad tulemuseks rohkem lihtsustamist)Simplification algorithmLihtsustus-algoritmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)Suurim mõõtkava mille juures kihti tuleks lihtsustada (1:1 lihtsustab alati)Refresh layer at interval (seconds)<html><head/><body><p>Some data providers can notify QGIS (e.g. PostgreSQL) with a message. If this is the case for this layer's data provider, notification will refresh the layer. </p></body></html>Refresh layer on notification<html><head/><body><p>Check if only a specific message must refresh the layer (i.e. not all data source notifications)</p></body></html>Only if message is<html><head/><body><p>Notification message that will refresh the layer.</p></body></html>Features in this layer may be updated when the layers selected below are changedSelected dependent layers should include any layers which may externally alter the data in this layer. For instance, layers with database triggers or custom PyQGIS scripting which alter this layer should be selected. Correctly specifying dependent layers allows QGIS to invalidate caches for this layer when the dependent layers are altered.Embedded Widgets in LegendA URL of the data presentation.FormatFormaatShort nameLühinimiAttributionOmistamineAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.Viite pealkiri osutab kihi pakkujale.Attribution's title indicates the provider of the data layer.UrlURLAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.Viite url annab lingi andmekihi pakkuja veebileheleMetadataUrlMetaandmete URLThe URL of the metadata document.Metaandmete dokumendi URL.A URL of the legend image.TypeTüüpLegendUrlLegendi URLimage/pngpilt/pngimage/jpegpilt/jpegLabelsMärgisedFieldsVäljadQuery BuilderPäringukoosturDisplayVaadeRenderingRenderdamineVariablesMuutujadData source encodingAndmeallika kodeering<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies<b>Märkus:</b> Nähtuste lihtsustamine võib kiirendada kuvamist aga võib ka tekitada tõrkeidHigher values result in more simplificationSuuremad väärtused annavad tulemuseks rohkem lihtsustamistpixelspikslitThis algorithm only is applied to simplify on local sideSeda algoritmi kasutatakse ainult kasutaja poolel lihtsustamiselSimplify on provider side if possibleLihtsusta pakkuja poolel, kui võimalikForce layer to render as a raster (may result in smaller export file sizes)Sunni kihti renderdama rastrina (võib anda tulemuseks väiksemad eksporditavad failisuurused)The valid attribute names for this layerSobivad atribuutide nimed sellele kihileThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.Kokkuvõte on teenuse lühikirjeldus mis annab rohkem infot kihi kohta.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Kihi kohta kasutatav nimi. Lühinimi on tekstijada mida kasutatakse masinatevahelises suhtluses.Layer nameKihi nimidisplayed askuvatakse kuiMetadataMetaandmed<html><head/><body><p>If the remove duplicate nodes option is activated, duplicate vertices will automatically be removed from geometries which are edited on this layer.</p></body></html>Display NameVaate nimiThe feature display name is used in identify results and attribute table's dual view list.HTML Map TipScale Dependen&t VisibilitySimplify &GeometryData DependenciesTitlePealkiriThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.Pealkiri on selleks et inimestel oleks lihtsam kihti tuvastada.AbstractLühikirjeldusActionsTegevusedJoinsÜhendusedDiagramsDiagrammidQgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogAutomaticAutomaatneNo geometryGeomeetriataNo symbologyIlma sümboloogiataFeature symbologyNähtuste sümboloogiaSymbol layer symbologySümbolkihi sümboloogiaSave Layer AsSave Vector Layer AsThe layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or overwrite the layer?The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file, overwrite the layer or append features to the layer?The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or append features to the layer?The existing layer has different fields. Do you want to add the missing fields to the layer?<Default><Vaikimisi>Overwrite fileKirjuta fail üleOverwrite layerKirjuta kiht üleAppend to layerLisa kihileNameNimiTypeTüüpReplace with displayed valuesAsenda kuvatavate väärtustegaUse %1Kasuta %1Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Vali koordinaatide teferentssüsteem vektorfailile. Punktide andmed transformeeritakse kihi koordinaatide referentssüsteemist.QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBaseEncodingKodeerimineCRSCRSSave Vector Layer as...File nameFaili nimiLayer nameKihi nimiSelect fields to export and their export optionsVali eksporditavad väljad ja nende ekspordi valikudReplace all selected raw field values by displayed valuesAsenda kõik valitud algsed väljaväärtused kuvatavate väärtustegaSymbology exportSümboloogia eksportGeometryGeomeetriaGeometry typeGeomeetria tüüpForce multi-typeInclude z-dimensionKaasa z-mõõdeExtentUlatusDatasource OptionsAndmeallika valikudCustom OptionsSeadistatavad valikudLayer OptionsKihi valikudFormatFormaatSave only selected featuresSalvesta ainult valitud nähtusedSelect AllVali kõikDeselect AllEemalda kõik valikustData sourceAndmeallikasLayerKihtAdd saved file to mapLisa salvestatud fail kaardileScaleSkaalaQgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialogStyle nameDescriptionKirjeldusOptionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the databaseUIUISave Layer StyleUse as default style for this layerKasuta selle kihi vaikestiilinaFileFailCategoriesLiigitusedSave styleSalvesta stiilQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml)SLD File (*.sld)As QGIS QML style fileAs SLD style fileIn database (%1)Qt Designer UI file (*.ui)Attach UI FileThe selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file.Valitud fail ei ole kehtiv Qt Designer UI fail.QgsVectorLayerToolsOnly %1 out of %2 features were copied.Kopeeriti ainult %1 nähtust %2-st.Some features have no geometry.Osadel nähtustel puudub geomeetria.Some could not be created on the layer.QgsVersionInfoConnection refused - server may be downÜhendust ei ole - server võib olla maasThe host name %1 could not be resolved. Check your DNS settings or contact your system administrator.Hosti nime %1 ei saanud lahendada. Kontrolli oma DNS seadeid või võta ühendust oma süsteemi-administraatoriga.QgsVertexEditorVertex EditorKäänupunkti tööriistQgsVertexEditorModelxxyYzzmmrrQgsVertexToolVertex EditorKäänupunkti tööriistMoved vertexNihutatud sõlmpunktDeleted vertexKustutatud sõlmpunktGeometry has been cleared. Use the add part tool to set geometry for this feature.Ruumikuju on kustutatud. Kasuta osa lisamise tööriista, et määrata nähtusele uus ruumikuju.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsÜlevaatus lõpetatud (%n viga leitud).Ülevaatus lõpetatud (%n viga leitud).QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectVirtual layer testVirtuaalse kihi testNo errorVead puuduvadWarningHoiatusA virtual layer of this name already exists, would you like to overwrite it?Sama nimega virtuaalne kiht on juba olemas, kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectBaseCreate a Virtual LayerLayer nameKihi nimiEmbedded layersEmbedded layers can be added to have SQL queries with layers that are independent from layers loaded by the current QGIS project.
In particular, saving a virtual layer with embedded layers to a QLR file can be done to reuse its definition in another project.Local nameLokaalne nimiProviderPakkujaEncodingKodeeringSourceAlgallikasAdd a new embedded layerLisa uus manuskihtAddLisaImport layer definition from loaded layers of the current projectImportImpordiRemove the selected embedded layerRemoveEemaldaQueryPäring<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor. You can edit here an SQL query referring to any existing vector layers or embedded layers.</p><p>Virtual layers rely on SQLite and SpatiaLite. Any functions from SQLite or SpatiaLite can then be used in the query. To add or access geometries of a table, you can use "tablename.geometry", regardless of original geometry column's name.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Special comments:</span></p><p>Because it is not always possible to autodetect the data type of each column in a query, special comments can be used in the query to force a specific type.</p><p>Special comments must be placed on the right of a column name and have the form <tt>/*:type*/</tt> where type can be any of <span style=" font-style:italic;">int</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">real</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">text</span>. They can also be used to specify the type and SRID of the geometry column with the following syntax: <tt>/*:gtype:srid*/</tt> where <span style=" font-style:italic;">gtype</span> can be <span style=" font-style:italic;">point</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">linestring</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">polygon</span> (with an optional <span style=" font-style:italic;">multi</span> prefix) and <span style=" font-style:italic;">srid</span> is an integer identifier.</p><p>Example:</p><p><tt>SELECT id + 1 as id /*:int*/, ST_Centroid(geometry) as geom /*:point:4326*/ FROM tab</tt></p></body></html>……Unique identifier columnGeometryGeomeetriaAutodetectAutomaatuvastamineNo geometryGeomeetriataGeometry columnGeomeetria veerggeometrygeomeetriaTypeTüüpPointPunktLineStringJoonPolygonPolügoonMultiPointMultipunktMultiLineStringMultijoonMultiPolygonMultipolügoonCRSKoordinaatsüsteemTestTestiQgsWCSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteKustutaQgsWCSRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsWCSSourceSelectSelect a layerVali kihtNo CRS selectedCRS valimataQgsWFSDescribeFeatureTypeDownload of feature type failed: %1Nähtustüübi allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWFSFeatureDownloaderLoading features for layer %1Laadin kihi %1 nähtusiAbortNurjaQGISQGISError when parsing GetFeature responseViga GetFeature vastuse töötlemiselWFSWFSServer generated an exception in GetFeature responseRetrying request %1: %2/%3Proovin uuesti päringut %1: %2/%3Download of features failed: %1Nähtuste allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWFSFeatureHitsAsyncRequestWFSWFSDownload of feature count failed: %1Nähtuste hulga alla laadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWFSFeatureHitsRequestDownload of feature count failed: %1Nähtuste hulga alla laadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWFSNewConnectionErrorVigaCould not get capabilitiesNetwork ErrorVõrguühenduse vigaCapabilities document is not validVõimekuste dokument ei ole kehtivServer ExceptionServeri erandQgsWFSProgressDialogHidePeidaQgsWFSProviderWFSWFSSyntax error.Süntaksi viga.Missing content at end of string.Teksti lõpust on osa puudu.%1 is unexpected.%1 on ootamatu.%1 is expected instead.oodati %1.%1 or %2%1 või %2commakomaan identifieridentifikaatorSQL query is invalid: %1SQL-päring on vigane: %1Typename '%1' is ambiguous without prefixIlma eesliiteta on väljanimi '%1' arusaamatuTypename '%1' is unknownVäljanimi '%1' on tundmatuJOINs are not supported by this serverSee server ei toeta JOINeFROM or JOIN clause should contain the table name '%1'FROM või JOIN lause peaks sisaldama tabeli nime '%1'DescribeFeatureType failed for url %1: %2DescribeFeatureType päring url'iga %1 ebaõnnestus: %2Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1, typeName %2: %3DescribeFeatureType päringu vastuse analüüs ebaõnnestus, url %1, typeName %2: %3Column '%1' is not a direct reference to a table column.Field '%1': a field with the same name already exists.The geometry field of a typename that is not the main typename is ignored in the selected fields.Max FeaturesSupports PagingSupports JoinsToetab seoseidnot providedsupportedtoetatudunsupportedei ole toetatudDescribeFeatureType network request failed for url %1: %2DescribeFeatureType XML parse failed for url %1: %2It is probably a schema for Complex Features.Cannot find schema indicated in DescribeFeatureType response.Empty responseWFS service exception: %1Unsuccessful service response: %1Unhandled response: %1Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1: %2DescribeFeatureType päringu vastuse analüüs ebaõnnestus, url %1: %2Cannot find schema root elementEi leia skeemi juur-elementiCannot find element '%1'Ei leia elementi '%1'Cannot find ComplexType element '%1'Cannot find attribute elementsEi leia atribuudi elementeGetCapabilities failed for url %1: %2GetCapabilitiesi päring ebaõnnestus, url %1: %2Could not find typename %1 in capabilities for url %2WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2)VWS erandi raport (kood=%1 tekst=%2)missingpuudubQgsWFSSharedDataSQL statement to OGC Filter error: Expression to OGC Filter error: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cacheEi saa luua ajutist SpatiaLite'i puhvritWFSWFSCannot connect to temporary SpatiaLite cacheEi saa ühendada ajutise SpatiaLite'i puhvrigaLayer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom again on layer while features are being downloadedServer esitas kihi ulatuse, mis ei ole korrektne. Võimalik, et sul tuleb nähtuste laadimise ajal kihti uuesti suumida.Download of features for layer %1 failed or partially failed: %2. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5Kihi %1 nähtuste alla laadimine ebaõnnestus või ebaõnnestus osaliselt: %2. Võid proovida kihti uuesti laadida vajutades F5Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom on layer and then zoom out to see all featuresServeri esitatud kihi ulatus ei ole korrektne. Võimalik, et kõigi nähtuste nägemiseks on vaja kihti suurendada või vähendada.%1: The download limit has been reached.%1: allalaadimise limiit on käes.Zoom in to fetch all data.Suurenda, et tõmmata kogu andmestik.You may want to check the 'Only request features overlapping the view extent' option to be able to zoom in to fetch all data.Tasub kontrollida suvandit "Päri ainult vaate ulatusega kattuvad nähtused", et saaks suurendada ja tõmmata kogu andmestik.QgsWFSSingleFeatureRequestDownload of feature failed: %1Nähtuse allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWFSSourceSelect&Build query&Koosta päringBuild queryKoosta päringNetwork ErrorVõrguühenduse vigaCapabilities document is not validVõimekuste dokument ei ole kehtivServer ExceptionServeri erandErrorVigaNo LayersKihid puuduvadcapabilities document contained no layers.võimekuste dokument ei sisaldanud ühtegi kihti.Create a New WFS ConnectionModify WFS ConnectionLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid likvideerida %1 ühendust ja kõik sellega seotud seaded?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineServer exceptionServeri erandDescribeFeatureType failedDescribeFeatureType ebaõnnestusQgsWFSSourceSelectBaseAdd WFS Layer from a ServerLisa WFS-kiht serveristRemove connection to selected serviceEemalda valitud teenuse ühendusRemoveEemaldaChange...Muuda...Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractNäita WFS-i nähtustüüpe, mille pealkirjas, nimes või kirjelduses sisaldub see sõnaOnly request features overlapping the view extentPäri ainult nähtusi mis kattuvad vaate ulatusegaServer ConnectionsServeri ühendusedConnect to selected serviceÜhenda valitud teenusegaC&onnectÜ&hendaCreate a new service connectionLoo uus teenuse ühendus&New&UusEdit selected service connectionMuuda valitud teenuse ühendustEditRedigeeriLoad connections from fileLaadi ühendus failistLoadLaadiSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaFilterFilterCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Use title for layer nameKasuta kihi nimena pealkirjaKeep dialog openHoia dialoog avatunaQgsWFSTransactionRequestSending of transaction failed: %1Transaktsiooni saatmine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWMSConnectionItemFailed to parse WMS URIWMS-i URI töötlemine ebaõnnestusFailed to download capabilitiesFailed to parse capabilitiesEdit…DeleteKustutaQgsWMSRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...QgsWMSSourceSelectAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Kas oled kindel et soovid lõpetada %1 ühenduse ja kõik sellega seotud seadistused?Confirm DeleteKinnita kustutamineLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Encoding %1 not supported.WMS ProviderWMS-i pakkujaFailed to parse WMS URIWMS-i URI töötlemine ebaõnnestusFailed to download capabilities:
The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL.Server, millega üritad ühenduda, ei paista olevat WMS-server. Palun kontrolli URL-i.Instead of the capabilities string that was expected, the following response has been received:
%1Options (%n coordinate reference systems available)crs countValikud (%n koordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS) olemas)Valikud (%n koordinaatide referentssüsteeme (CRS) olemas)Select layer(s)Vali kiht(e)Select layer(s) or a tilesetVali kihid või paanikomplektSelect either layer(s) or a tilesetVali kas kihid või paanikomplektCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countKoordinaatide referentssüsteeme CRS (%n olemas)Koordinaatide referentssüsteeme CRS (%n olemas)No common CRS for selected layers.Puudub tavapärane CRS valitud kihtidele.No CRS selectedCRS valimataNo image encoding selectedPildi kodeerimisviis valimata%n Layer(s) selectedselected layer count%n kiht valitud%n kihti valitudTileset selectedPaanikomplekt valitudCould not understand the response. The %1 provider said:
%2Ei saa vastusest aru. Teenuspakkuja %1 ütles:
%2WMS proxiesWMS-i proksidSeveral WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.Mitu WMS-serverit on lisatud serverite nimekirja. Pane tähele, et kui sisened internetti veebiproksi kaudu, siis pead määrama proksi sätted ka QGIS-i suvandidialoogis.parse error at row %1, column %2: %3leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2: %3network error: %1arvutivõrgu viga: %1The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Ühendus %1-ga on juba olemas. Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?Confirm OverwriteKinnita ülekirjutusQgsWMSSourceSelectBaseReadyValmisLayersKihidC&onnectÜ&henda&New&UusEditRedigeeriAdds a few example WMS serversLisab mõned WMS-i näidisserveridIDIDNameNimiTitlePealkiriAbstractLühikirjeldusSave connections to fileSalvesta ühendused failinaSaveSalvestaLoad connections from fileLaadi ühendused failistLoadLaadiOptionsSuvandidChange...Muuda...Add Selected Row to WMS ListLayer nameKihi nimiCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinaatide referentssüsteem (CRS)Add Layer(s) from a WM(T)S ServerLisa kiht (kihid) WM(T)S-serveristConnect to selected serviceÜhenda valitud teenusegaCreate a new service connectionLoo uus teenuse ühendusEdit selected service connectionMuuda valitud teenuse ühendustRemove connection to selected serviceEemalda valitud teenuse ühendusRemoveEemaldaAdd Default ServersImage EncodingTile sizePaani suurusFeature limit for GetFeatureInfoNähtuste piir GetFeatureInfo-le1010Request step sizeLayer OrderKihi järjekordMove selected layer UPNihuta valitud kiht ÜLESUpÜlesMove selected layer DOWNNihuta valitud kiht ALLADownAllaLayerKihtStyleStiilTilesetsPaanikomplektidFormatFormaatTilesetPaanikomplektCRSCRSServer SearchServeri otsingSearchOtsiDescriptionKirjeldusURLURLUse contextual WMS LegendKasuta kontekstilist WMS-legendiQgsWcsCapabilitiesempty capabilities documenttühi võimekuste dokument
Tried URL: %1
Proovitud URL: %1Capabilities request redirected.Võimekuste päring suunati ümber.empty of capabilities: %1võimekustest tühi: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1Võimekuste allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1WCSWCSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication config%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.ExceptionErandCould not get WCS capabilities: %1Ei õnnestunud hankida WCS-võimekusi: %1Dom ExceptionDOM erandCould not get WCS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Version not supportedVersiooni ei toetataWCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2)QGIS ei toeta WCS-serveri versiooni %1 (toetatud versioonid on: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2)Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Response was:
%4Ei õnnestunud hankida WCS-võimekusi: %1 real %2 veerus %3
Seda võib põhjustada vigane WCS-serveri URL.
Vastus oli:
%4QgsWcsDownloadHandlerWCSWCSNetwork request update failed for authentication configNetwork reply update failed for authentication configMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Response: %1; URL: %2)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Cannot parse multipart response: %1Ei saa töödelda mitmikosalist vastust: %1Expected 2 parts, %1 receivedEeldati 2 osa, saadi %1More than 2 parts (%1) receivedContent-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supportedNot logging more than 100 request errors.Logitakse kuni 100 päringu viga.QgsWcsProviderCannot describe coverageCoverage not foundCannot calculate extentEi leia ulatustCannot get test dataset.Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2)WCSWCSReceived coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4)Getting map via WCS.No data receivedCannot create memory fileDom ExceptionDOM erandCould not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4Service ExceptionTeenuse erandRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Päring sisaldab formaati mida ei pakuta serveri poolt.Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Parameetri UpdateSequence väärtus (valikuline) GetCapabilitiesi päringus võrdub teenuse metaandmete uuendamise jadanumbri praeguse väärtusega.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Parameetri UpdateSequence väärtus (valikuline) GetCapabilitiesi päringus on suurem kui teenuse metaandmete uuendamise jadanumbri praegune väärtus.Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension.Request contains an invalid parameter value.Päringus on kehtetu parameetri väärtusNo other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception.Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format.Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this.(No error code was reported)(vea kood puudub)(Unknown error code)(Tundmatu vea kood)The WCS vendor also reported: composed error message '%1'.Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1PropertyOmadusValueVäärtusName (identifier)Nimi (identifikaator)TitlePealkiriAbstractLühikirjeldusFixed WidthMääratud laiusFixed HeightMääratud kõrgusNative CRSNative Bounding BoxWGS 84 Bounding BoxWGS84 ulatusAvailable in CRSSaadaval CRS-is(and %n more)crs(ja %n veel)(ja %n veel)Available in formatSaadavad formaadisWCS InfoCoveragesCache StatsCache statistikaServer PropertiesServeri omadusedKeywordsTunnussõnadOnline ResourceOtsevõetav resurssContact PersonKontaktisikFeesTasudAccess ConstraintsJuurdepääsu piirangudImage FormatsPildi formaadidGetCapabilitiesUrlGetCapabilitiesUrlGet Coverage Url <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> <font color="red">(näidatud kuid ignoreeritud)</font>And %1 more coveragesFormat not supportedVormindust ei toetataRead data errorViga andmete lugemiselRasterIO error: QgsWebPageLine %1: %2Rida %1: %2JavaScript%1 (line %2): %3%1 (rida %2): %3QgsWelcomePageRecent ProjectsHiljutised projektidThere is a new QGIS version availableSaadaval on QGIS-i uus versioonPin to ListUnpin from ListOpen Directory…RefreshVärskendaOpen “%1”…Remove from ListQgsWfsCapabilitiesWFS version %1 not supportedWFS-i versiooni %1 ei toetataDownload of capabilities failed: %1Võimekuste allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWfsConnectionItemEdit…DeleteKustutaModify WFS ConnectionQgsWfsLayerItemStylesStiilCopy StyleKopeeri stiilCannot copy styleStiili ei saa kopeeridaQgsWfsRequestWFSWFSRedirect loop detected: %1Leiti ümbersuunamise silmus: %1empty response: %1tühi vastus: %1network request update failed for authentication configQgsWfsRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Create a New WFS ConnectionQgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.Capabilities request redirected.Võimekuste päring suunati ümber.Redirect loop detected: %1Leiti ümbersuunamise silmus: %1WMSWMSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication configempty of capabilities: %1võimekustest tühi: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1Võimekuste allalaadimine ebaõnnestus: %1QgsWmsImageDownloadHandlerWMSWMSMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL: %4)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Not logging more than 100 request errors.Logitakse kuni 100 päringu viga.QgsWmsLegendDownloadHandlerRedirect loop detected: %1Leiti ümbersuunamise silmus: %1WMSWMSGetLegendGraphic request errorGetLegendGraphic päringu vigaStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2Olek: %1
Põhjuse sisu: %2Returned legend image is flawed [URL: %1]Tagastatud pilt on vigane [URL:%1]QgsWmsProviderCannot parse URIURI-t ei saa töödeldaCannot calculate extentEi leia ulatustCannot set CRSEi saa määrata CRS'iNumber of layers and styles don't matchKihtide ja stiilide arv ei klapiWMSWMSNumber of tile layers must be onePaanikihtide arv peab olema üksTile layer not foundPaanikihti ei leitudTile layer or tile matrix set not foundPaanikihtide või paanimaatriksite komplekti ei leitudGetting map via WMS.Tõmba kaart WMS-ist.Getting tiles.Paanide hankimine.%n tile requests in backgroundtile request counttaustal %n kaardijaotuse päringtaustal %n paanipäringut, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n jaotus, %n jaotust, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n kaardijaotus puudu., %n kaardijaotust puudu., %n errors.errors, %n viga., %n viga.image is NULLpilt on NULLunexpected image sizeootamatu pildi suurusDom ExceptionDOM erandService ExceptionTeenuse erandRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Päring sisaldab formaati mida ei pakuta serveri poolt.Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.Päring sisaldab CRS-i mis on serverile tundmatu, ühe või enama kihi päringus.Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.Päring sisaldab SRS-i mis on serverile tundmatu, ühe või enama kihi päringus.GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map.GetMap päring kihile on tundmatu, GetFeatureInfo päring kihile ei näidata kaardil.Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server.Kihi stiliseeritud näitamise päringut serverilt ei pakuta.GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable.GetFeatureInfo päring on suunatud kihile, mille päringute teostamine on kinnitamata.GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value.GetFeatureInfo päringus on vigane X või Y väärtus.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Parameetri UpdateSequence väärtus (valikuline) GetCapabilitiesi päringus võrdub teenuse metaandmete uuendamise jadanumbri praeguse väärtusega.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Parameetri UpdateSequence väärtus (valikuline) GetCapabilitiesi päringus on suurem kui teenuse metaandmete uuendamise jadanumbri praegune väärtus.Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension.Päringus ei ole dimensioneerimist ja server ei andnud sellel dimensiooni väärtust.Request contains an invalid sample dimension value.Päringus on vigane dimensiooni väärtus.Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server.Päring on valikuline ja serveri poolt toetamata.(No error code was reported)(vea kood puudub)(Unknown error code)(Tundmatu vea kood)The WMS vendor also reported: WMS-teenuse pakkuja täiendav teade: PropertyOmadusValueVäärtusNameNimiVisibilityNähtavusVisibleVähtavHiddenVarjatudTitlePealkiriAbstractLühikirjeldusCan IdentifySaab tuvastadaYesJahNoEiCan be TransparentVõib olla läbipaistevCan Zoom InVõib suurendadaCascade CountKaskaadloendFixed WidthMääratud laiusFixed HeightMääratud kõrgusAvailable in CRSSaadaval CRS-is(and %n more)crs(ja %n veel)(ja %n veel)Available in styleSaadaval stiilLegendURLsLegendi URLidWMS InfoServer PropertiesServeri omadusedGet feature info request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Selected LayersValitud kihidOther LayersÜlejäänud kihidTile Layer PropertiesPaanikihi omadusedCache StatsCache statistikaWMS VersionWMS-i versioonKeywordsTunnussõnadOnline ResourceOtsevõetav resurssContact PersonKontaktisikFeesTasudAccess ConstraintsJuurdepääsu piirangudImage FormatsPildi formaadidIdentify FormatsTuvasta formaateLayer CountKihi loendTile Layer CountPaanikihtide arvCould not get WMS Service Exception: %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4GetCapabilitiesUrlGetCapabilitiesUrlGetMapUrlGetMapUrl <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> <font color="red">(näidatud kuid ignoreeritud)</font>GetFeatureInfoUrlGetFeatureInfoUrlGetLegendGraphicGetTileUrlTile templatesPaanimallidFeatureInfo templatesTileset PropertiesPaanikomplekti omadusedIdentifierTile modePaanirežiimWMTSWMS-CXYZInvalid tile modeVigane paanirežiimSelectedValitudAvailable StylesCRSCRSBounding BoxPiirdealaAvailable TilesetsSaadaolevad paanikomplektidSelected tile matrix set Valitud paanimaatriksite komplektScaleSkaalaTile size [px]Paani suurus [px]Tile size [mu]Paani suurus [mu]Matrix sizeMatrix extent [mu]BoundsUlatusWidthLaiusHeightKõrgusTopÜlalLeftVasakulBottomAllRightParemal%n missing row(s)Layer's upper bound: %1%n missing column(s)Layer's left bound: %1Layer's lower bound: %1Layer's right bound: %1Cache statsCache statistikaHitsKlikkeMissesVahele jäänudErrorsViguFormat not supportedVormindust ei toetataContext not fully specified (extent was defined but width and/or height was not).GML schema is not validGML is not validGML ei ole kehtivCannot identifyEi saa tuvastadaResult parsing failed. %1 feature types were guessed from gml (%2) but no features were parsed.identify request redirected.Tuvastamise päring suunatud.Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2Kaardi getfeatureinfo viga %1: %2Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2]Kaardi getfeatureinfo viga: %1 [%2]%1 of %2 bytes of GetLegendGraphic downloaded.QgsWmsTiledImageDownloadHandlerTile request errorPaanipäringu vigaStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2Olek: %1
Põhjuse sisu: %2WMSWMSTile request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Paanipäringu viga (Pealkiri: %1; Viga: %2; URL: %3)Tile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4)Paanipäringu viga (Olek: %1; Sisutüüp: %2; Pikkus: %3; URL: %4)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]%n tile requests in backgroundtile request count%n tailipäringut taustal%n paanipäringut taustal, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n cache tabamust, %n cache tabamust, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n cache möödapanekut, %n cache möödapanekut, %n errors.errors, %n viga., %n viga.Not logging more than 100 request errors.Logitakse kuni 100 päringu viga.Tile request max retry error. Failed %1 requests for tile %2 of tileRequest %3 (url: %4)repeat tileRequest %1 tile %2(retry %3)QgsWmtsDimensionsBaseSelect DimensionsDimensionMõõdeValueVäärtusAbstractLühikirjeldusDefaultAlgneQgsXyzConnectionDialogXYZ ConnectionConnection DetailsÜhenduse kirjeldusRefererViitajaOptional custom refererMax. Zoom LevelURL of the connection, {z}, {y}, and {z} will be replaced with actual values. Use {-y} for inverted y axis.http://example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.pngNameNimiName of the new connectionNimi uuele ühenduseleAuthenticationAutentimineURLURLMin. Zoom LevelQgsXyzLayerItemEdit…DeleteKustutaQgsXyzTileRootItemNew Connection…Uus ühendus...Save Connections…Load Connections…Load ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)RandomExtractVector selectionVektori valikNumber of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arvPercentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste protsentInput layerSisendkihtMethodMeetodNumber/percentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arv/protsentExtracted (random)Tuletatud (juhuslikult)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Valitud arv on suurem kui nähtuste hulk. Vali väiksem väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Protsent ei saa olla suurem kui 100. Määra teine väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Random extractRandomExtractWithinSubsetsVector selectionVektori valikNumber of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arvPercentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste protsentInput layerSisendkihtID fieldID väliMethodMeetodNumber/percentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arv/protsentExtracted (random stratified)Selected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Valitud arv on suurem kui nähtuste hulk. Vali väiksem väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set correct value and try again.Protsent ei saa olla suurem kui 100. Määra õige väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.Random extract within subsetsRandomPointsAlongLinesVector creationInput layerSisendkihtNumber of pointsPunktide arvMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsJuhuslikud punktidRandom points along lineJuhuslikud punktid joonelRandomPointsExtentVector creationInput extentSisendi ulatusNumber of pointsPunktide arvMinimum distance between pointsTarget CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsJuhuslikud punktidRandom points in extentJuhuslikud punktid ulatusesRandomPointsLayerVector creationInput layerSisendkihtNumber of pointsPunktide arvMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsJuhuslikud punktidRandom points in layer boundsJuhuslikud punktid kihi ulatusesRandomPointsPolygonsVector creationPoints countPunktide arvPoints densityPunktide tihedusInput layerSisend-kihtSampling strategyExpressionAvaldisMinimum distance between pointsRandom pointsJuhuslikud punktidRandom points inside polygonsJuhuslikud punktid polügoonide seesEvaluation error for feature ID {}: {}Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.RandomSelectionVector selectionVektori valikNumber of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arvPercentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste protsentInput layerSisendkihtMethodMeetodNumber/percentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arv/protsentSelected (random)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Valitud arv on suurem kui nähtuste hulk. Vali väiksem väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Protsent ei saa olla suurem kui 100. Määra teine väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Random selectionJuhuvalikRandomSelectionWithinSubsetsVector selectionVektori valikNumber of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arvPercentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste protsentInput layerSisendkihtID fieldID väliSelected (stratified random)Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.MethodMeetodNumber/percentage of selected featuresValitud nähtuste arv/protsentSelected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Valitud arv on suurem kui nähtuste hulk. Vali väiksem väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Protsent ei saa olla suurem kui 100. Määra teine väärtus ja proovi uuesti.Random selection within subsetsJuhuvalik kihi alamvalikustRasterCalculatorRaster analysisRastri analüüsRasterLayerHistogramGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numbernumber of binsHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)HistogramHistogrammRaster layer histogramRasterkihi histogrammRasterLayerStatisticsRaster analysisRastri analüüsInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberStatisticsStatistikaHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Minimum valueMiinimumväärtusMaximum valueMaksimaalväärtusRangeUlatusSumKokkuMean valueKeskmine väärtusAnalyzed file: {} (band {})Minimum value: {}Miinimumväärtus: {}Maximum value: {}Maksimumväärtus: {}Range: {}Ulatus: {}Sum: {}Kokku: {}Mean value: {}Keskmine väärtus: {}Standard deviation: {}Standardhälve: {}Sum of the squares: {}Standard deviationStandardhälveSum of the squaresRaster layer statisticsRasterkihi statistikaRasterSamplingSample raster valuesRaster analysisRastri analüüsInput Point LayerRaster Layer to sampleOutput column prefixVäljundveeru eesliideSampled PointsImpossible to sample data of multipart feature {}.Could not reproject feature {} to raster CRSRasterizeAlgorithmMinimum extent to renderTile sizePaani suurusMap units per pixelMake background transparentMap theme to renderSingle layer to renderOutput layerVäljundkihtConvert map to rasterRaster toolsRastri vahendidlayer,raster,convert,file,map themes,tiles,renderRecordDialogRecord MetadataKirje meta-andmedRectanglesOvalsDiamondsFixedRectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed)Ristkülikud, ovaalid, rombid (lukustatud)Vector geometryVektor-geomeetriaRectanglesRistkülikudDiamondsRombidOvalsOvaalidInput layerSisend-kihtBuffer shapePuhvri kujuWidthLaiusHeightKõrgusRotationPööramineNumber of segmentsLõikude arvOutputVäljundRectanglesOvalsDiamondsVariableRectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable)Ristkülikud, ovaalid, rombid (muutuv)Vector geometryVektor-geomeetriaRectanglesRistkülikudDiamondsRombidOvalsOvaalidInput layerSisend-kihtBuffer shapePuhvri kujuWidth fieldLaiuse väliHeight fieldKõrguse väliRotation fieldPööramise väliNumber of segmentsLõikude arvOutputVäljundFeature {} has empty angle. Skipping…Feature {} has empty width or height. Skipping…RegularPointsVector creationInput extentSisendi ulatusPoint spacing/countPunktide vahekaugus/arvInitial inset from corner (LH side)(Vasak/Ülemine) Äärejoonest sissepoole toomineApply random offset to point spacingMääramata vahekaugusega punktide loomineUse point spacingKasuta punktide vahekaugustOutput layer CRSRegular pointsKorrapärased punktidReliefRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsElevation layerKõrguse kihtZ factorZ väärtusGenerate relief classes automaticallyGenereeri reljeefi klassid automaatseltRelief colorsVärvivähenduse värvidReliefVähendusFrequency distributionSageduse jaotusSpecify relief colors or activate "Generate relief classes automatically" option.Määra reljeefi värvid või lülita sisse "Genereeri reljeefi klassid automaatselt" valik.ReliefColorsWidgetImport Colors and elevations from XMLImpordi värvid ja kõrgusd XML-istXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML failid (*.xml *XML)Error parsing XMLViga XML-i parsimiselThe XML file could not be loadedXML faili ei saanud laadidaExport Colors and elevations as XMLEkspordi värvid ja kõrgused XML-inaEnter lower elevation class boundSisesta alumise kõrguse seos klassiElevationKõrgusEnter upper elevation class boundSisesta ülemise kõrguse seos klassiSelect color for relief classVali värvus värvivähenduse klassiRenderingStyleFilePanelSelect Style FileQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml *.QML)QGIS-i kihistiilide fail (*.qml *.QML)RuggednessRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsElevation layerKõrguse kihtZ factorZ väärtusRuggednessKonarlikkusRuggedness indexMaastiku konarlikkuse indeksSLDatabaseRun &VacuumKäivita &Vacuum&Database&AndmebaasNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Ühtegi andmebaasi pole valitud või sa pole sellega ühendatud.SagaAlgorithmUnsupported file formatMitte-toetatud failiformaatSAGA execution commandsSAGA käivituskäsklusedProcessingTöötlenInput layer {0} has more than one band.
Multiband layers are not supported by SAGAInput layers do not have the same grid extent.SagaAlgorithmProviderEnable SAGA Import/Export optimizationsVõimalda SAGA import/eksport optimeerimineLog execution commandsLogi käivituskäsklusedLog console outputLogi konsooli väljundProcessingTöötlenProblem with SAGA installation: unsupported SAGA version (found: {}, required: {}).Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}
{}ActivateAktiveeriProblem with SAGA installation: SAGA was not found or is not correctly installedProbleem SAGA installiga: SAGA-t ei leitud või see pole korrektselt installitudSagaUtilsSAGA execution console outputSAGA käivituskonsooli väljundScriptAlgorithmProviderScripts folder(s)ScriptsSkriptidScriptEditorDialogUntitled Script{} - Processing Script EditorSave Script?There are unsaved changes in this script. Do you want to keep those?There are unsaved changes in the script. Continue?Open scriptAva skriptProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)Save scriptSalvesta skriptI/O errorI/O vigaUnable to save edits:
{}Execution errorNo script foundSeems there is no valid script in the file.Unsaved changesSalvestamata muudatusedScriptUtilsCould not import script algorithm '{}' from '{}'
{}ProcessingTöötlenSearchBarSearch BarXXFind:Leia:<<>>……Match caseRegular expressionRegulaaravaldisHighlight all matchesSelectByAttributecontainssisaldabselect,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionVektori valikbegins withalgab is nullon nullis not nullei ole nulldoes not containei sisaldacreating new selectionuue valiku loomineadding to current selectionvalikusse lisamineremoving from current selectionvalikust eemaldamineselecting within current selectionValin valiku seestInput layerSisend-kihtSelection attributeValiku atribuutOperatorOperaatorValueVäärtusModify current selection byMuuda praegust valikut järgnevaltSelected (attribute)Valitud (atribuut)Field '{}' was not found in layerOperators {0} can be used only with string fields.Operaatoreid {0} saab kasutada ainult tekstiväljadega.Select by attributeVali atribuudi aluselSelectByExpressionVector selectionVektori valikcreating new selectionuue valiku loomineadding to current selectionvalikusse lisamineremoving from current selectionvalikust eemaldamineselecting within current selectionValin valiku seestInput layerSisend-kihtSelected (attribute)Valitud (atribuut)ExpressionAvaldisModify current selection byMuuda praegust valikut järgnevaltSelect by expressionVali avaldise järgiServiceAreaFromLayerNetwork analysisVõrgunduse analüüsForward directionEttepoole suundBackward directionTagurpidi suundBoth directionsMõlemad suunadShortestLühimFastestKiireimVector layer representing networkVector layer with start pointsAlguspunktidega vektor-kihtPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldSuuna väliValue for forward directionEttepoole suuna väärtusValue for backward directionTahapoole suuna väärtusValue for both directionsMõlema suuna väärtusDefault directionVaikimisi suundSpeed fieldKiiruse väliDefault speed (km/h)Vaikimisi kiirus (km/h)Topology toleranceTopoloogiline tundlikkusInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from layer)Loading start points…Building graph…Calculating service areas…ServiceAreaFromPointNetwork analysisVõrgunduse analüüsForward directionEttepoole suundBackward directionTagurpidi suundBoth directionsMõlemad suunadShortestLühimFastestKiireimVector layer representing networkStart pointAlguspunktPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldSuuna väliValue for forward directionEttepoole suuna väärtusValue for backward directionTahapoole suuna väärtusValue for both directionsMõlema suuna väärtusDefault directionVaikimisi suundSpeed fieldKiiruse väliDefault speed (km/h)Vaikimisi kiirus (km/h)Topology toleranceTopoloogiline tundlikkusInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from point)Building graph…Calculating service area…Writing results…SetMValueVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaSet M valueM Addedset,add,m,measure,valuesM ValueSetRasterStyleRaster toolsRastri vahendidRaster layerRasterkihtStyle fileStiilifailStyledStiilitudSet style for raster layerMäära rasterkihile stiilSetVectorStyleVector generalVector layerVektorkihtStyle fileStiilifailStyledStiilitudSet style for vector layerMäära vektorkihile stiilSetZValueVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaSet Z valueZ Addedset,add,z,25d,3d,valuesZ ValueSettingWrong parameter value:
{0}Specified path does not exist:
{0}SettingsDialogPythonConsoleEditorRedigeerijaAuto-save script before runningFont and ColorsFont ja värvidReset to default colorsTaasta vaike-värvidTypingAutomatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx'AutocompletionGet autocompletion from current documentGet autocompletion from current document and installed APIsGet autocompletion from installed APIsAutocompletion thresholdAutomatic parentheses insertionAutomaatne jutumärkide lisamineFontFontSizeSuurusEnable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow)ConsoleKonsoolConsole settingsEditor settingsAPIsAPId APIs file settings for autocompletionDefaultVaikimisiKeywordVõtmesõnaClass nameKlassi nimiFunctionFunktsioonDecoratorNumberNumberCommentMärkusComment blockKommentaari blokkCursorKursorCaretlineSingle quoteÜlakomaDouble quoteJutumärkTriple single quoteKolm ülakomaTriple double quoteKolm jutumärkiBackgroundTaustMargin backgroundMargin foregroundErrorVigaSelection backgroundSelection foregroundBrace backgroundBrace foregroundcharactersFrom doc and APIsFrom API filesFrom documentRun and DebugEdgeFold guideUsing preloaded APIs filePathTeeUsing prepared APIs fileCompile APIs...Python Console SettingsShowTestDialogUnit TestSimplifyUserInputWidgetBaseSimplification ToolMethodMeetodToleranceTõmberaadiusIterationsIteratsioonidNumber of smooth iterations. More iterations results in smoother geometries, at the expense of greatly increasing the number of vertices in those geometries.OffsetNihutaOffset from existing vertices at which to insert smoothed vertices. Larger values result in "looser" smoothing, smaller values result in "tight" smoothing. %%SingleSidedBufferVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaLeftVasakulRoundÜmarDistancePikkusSideSegmentsLõigudJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilMiter limitSingle sided bufferÜhepoolne puhverBufferPuhverError calculating single sided bufferSlopeRaster terrain analysisRaster-maapinna analüüsElevation layerKõrguse kihtZ factorZ väärtusSlopeKalleSnapGeometriesToLayerVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisend-kihtReference layerTaustakihtToleranceTõmberaadiusPrefer aligning nodes, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer closest point, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer aligning nodes, don't insert new verticesPrefer closest point, don't insert new verticesMove end points only, prefer aligning nodesMove end points only, prefer closest pointSnap end points to end points onlySnap to anchor nodes (single layer only)BehaviorSnapped geometrySnap geometries to layerThis mode applies when the input and reference layer are the same.Snapped {} geometries.SpatiaLiteDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Puudub kirjeldatud andmebaasiühendus "{0}".SpatialIndexCreate spatial indexLoo ruumiindeksVector generalInput LayerLähteandmete kihtIndexed layerIndekseeritud kihtCould not create spatial indexLayer's data provider does not support spatial indexesSpatialJoinGeometric predicateEeldatav geomeetriaVector generalintersectslõikubcontainssisaldabequalsvõrdubtouchespuutuboverlapskattubwithinseescrossesristubCreate separate feature for each located feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first located feature only (one-to-one)Input layerSisend-kihtJoin layerSeostatav kihtFields to add (leave empty to use all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerLiidetud kihtUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableJoin attributes by locationLiida atribuudid asukoha järgijoin,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatialSpatialJoinSummaryVector generalintersectslõikubcontainssisaldabequalsvõrdubtouchespuutuboverlapskattubwithinseescrossesristubcountuniqueminMiinimummaxMaksimumrangesumSummameanKeskminemedianstddevStandard-deviatsioonminoritymajorityq1q3iqremptytühifilledmin_lengthmin_lengthmax_lengthmax_lengthmean_lengthInput layerSisend-kihtJoin layerSeostatav kihtGeometric predicateEeldatav geomeetriaFields to summarise (leave empty to use all fields)Summaries to calculate (leave empty to use all available)Discard records which could not be joinedJoined layerLiidetud kihtJoin attributes by location (summary)summary,aggregate,join,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatial,stats,statistics,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinctSpatialiteExecuteSQLDatabaseAndmebaasFile DatabaseSQL querySQL-päringSpatiaLite execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a SpatiaLite databaseError executing SQL:
{0}Viga SQL-i käivitamisel:
{0}SplitRGBBandsSplit RGB bandsImage toolsPildi tööriistadInput layerSisendkihtOutput R band layerOutput G band layerOutput B band layerSslErrorsUnable to Validate the Connection<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">Warning</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; color:#ff0000;">:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; color:#000000;"> One or more SSL errors have occurred validating the host you are connecting to. Review the following list of errors and click Ignore to continue, or Cancel to abort the connection.</span></p></body></html>View Certificate ChainIgnoreIgnoreeriCancelLoobuStatisticsByCategoriesInput vector layerVali vektorkihtVector analysisVektor-analüüsgroups,stats,statistics,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinct,summaryField to calculate statistics on (if empty, only count is calculated)Field(s) with categoriesStatistics by categoryStatistics by categoriesStringWidgetWrapperExpression based inputAvaldisel põhinev sisendSumLinesVector analysisVektor-analüüsLinesJoonedPolygonsPolügoonidLines length field nameLines count field nameLine lengthJoone pikkusSum line lengthsSummeeri joonte pikkusedSymbolLayerItemMarkerMarkerFillTäideLineJoonSymbolsGroupSelectionDialogBaseGroup Selection DialogCloseSulgeSymbolsListWidgetFormVormOpen Library…Save SymbolUnitOpacityLäbipaistvusFilter SymbolsStyle ManagerStiilihaldurIcon ViewPushButtonList ViewColorVärvusSizeSuurusRotationPööramineWidthLaiusSymbol NameSümboli nimiSave symbolSalvesta sümbolAdvancedTäpsem…… °°TableFieldWidgetWrapperInput parameter, or name of field (separate field names with ; for multiple field parameters)TextToFloatVector tableVektortabelText attribute to convert to floatFloat from textText to floatTinInterpolationInterpolationInterpoleerimineLinearJoonelineClough-Toucher (cubic)Clough-Toucher (ümardusega)Input layer(s)Sisend-kiht (kihid)Interpolation methodInterpoleerimise meetodNumber of columnsVeergude arvNumber of rowsRidade arvExtentUlatusInterpolatedInterpoleeritudTriangulationTrianguleerimineTIN interpolationYou need to specify at least one input layer.Pead määrama vähemalt ühe sisend-kihi.TopoColortopocolor,colors,graph,adjacent,assignCartographyInput layerSisend-kihtMinimum number of colorsMinimum distance between featuresBy feature countBy assigned areaBy distance between colorsBalance color assignmentColoredTopological coloring{} colors requiredTopolTopology Checker for vector layerTruncateTableempty,delete,layer,clear,featuresVector generalInput LayerLähteandmete kihtTruncated layerTruncate tableCould not truncate table.UndoWidgetUndo/RedoTagasi/EdasiUndoTagasiRedoEdasiUniqueValuesInput layerSisendkihtVector analysisVektor-analüüsTarget field(s)Unique valuesUnikaalsed väärtusedHTML reportHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Total unique valuesKokku unikaalseid väärtusiInvalid field name {}<p>Total unique values: <p>Unique values:</p>List unique valuesUnikaalsete väärtuste nimekiriUserExpressionsUser expressionsKasutaja avaldisedThe user expression {0} is not validVariableDistanceBufferVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisendkihtDistance fieldSegmentsLõigudDissolve resultLiida tulemusedRoundÜmarEnd cap styleOtspunkti stiilJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilMiter limitBufferPuhverVariable distance bufferVarieeruva kaugusega puhverVariableEditorDelegateA variable with the name "%1" already exists in this context.Rename VariableVectorLayerHistogramGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisendkihtAttributeAtribuutnumber of binsHistogramHistogrammHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Vector layer histogramVectorLayerScatterplotGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisendkihtX attributeX atribuutY attributeY atribuutScatterplotHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Vector layer scatterplotVectorLayerScatterplot3DGraphicsGraafikudInput layerSisend-kihtX attributeX atribuutY attributeY atribuutZ attributeHistogramHistogrammHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Vector layer scatterplot 3DVectorLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileVali failVectorSplitVector generalInput layerSisendkihtUnique ID fieldUnikaalse ID välja valikOutput directoryOutput layersVäljundkihidSplit vector layerTükelda vektorkihtCreating layer: {}Added {} features to layerVoronoiPolygonsVector geometryVektor-geomeetriaInput layerSisendkihtBuffer region (% of extent)Voronoi polygonsVoronoi polügoonidThere were no polygons created.Input file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.Sisendfail peab sisaldama vähemalt 3 punkti. Vali teine fail ja proovi uuesti.WidgetBlurFormVormOpacityLäbipaistvusBlend modeSulatamise režiimBlur typeBlur strengthDraw modeWidgetCentroidFillFormVormForce point inside polygonPane punkt polügooni sisseDraw point on every part of multi-part featuresWhen unchecked, a single point will be drawn on the biggest part of multi-part featuresWidgetColorEffectFormVormColorizeVärviContrastKontrastsusBrightnessEredusSaturationKüllastus%%OpacityLäbipaistvusBlend modeSulatamise režiimDraw modeGrayscaleHalltoonidWidgetDrawSourceFormVormBlend modeSulatamise režiimOpacityLäbipaistvusDraw modeWidgetEllipseBaseFormVormLeftVasakulHCenterRightParemalxxyYTopÜlalVCenterBottomAll……Fill colorTäitevärvStroke styleStroke colorViirutuse värvStroke widthViirutuse paksusHairlineJuhtjoonJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilRotationPööramineAnchor pointAnkrupunktSymbol widthSümboli laiusSymbol heightSümboli kõrgusOffsetNihuta °°WidgetFilledMarkerFormVormSizeSuurusRotationPööramine °°……OffsetNihutayYxxAnchor pointAnkrupunktLeftVasakulHCenterRightParemalTopÜlalVCenterBottomAllWidgetFontMarkerFormVormJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilRotationPööramineAnchor pointAnkrupunkt……OffsetNihutaxxyYFill colorTäitevärvStroke colorViirutuse värvLeftVasakulHCenterRightParemalTopÜlalVCenterBottomAllStroke widthViirutuse paksusNo strokeSizeSuurusFont familyFondiperekond °°WidgetGlowFormVormColor rampVärvigradientSpreadBlur radiusHägususe raadiusOpacityLäbipaistvusSingle colorBlend modeSulatamise režiimDraw modeWidgetGradientFillFormVormTwo colorColor rampVärvigradientGradient typeGradiendi tüüpLinearJoonelineRadialConicalCoord modeObject……OffsetNihutaViewportReference point 2SpreadReference point 1RotationPööraminePadRepeatKordaReflectxxyY °°CentroidKeskpunktWidgetLinePatternFillFormVorm……SpacingVahedOffsetNihe °°RotationPööramineWidgetMarkerLineFormVorm……Marker placementMarkeri asetseminewith intervalon every vertexigal käänupunktilon last vertex onlyainult viimasel käänupunktilon first vertex onlyainult esimesel käänupunktilOffset along lineNihuta piki joonton every curve pointRotate markerPööra markeritLine offsetJoone tõstmineon central pointkeskpunktileWidgetPointPatternFillFormVormDistancePikkusDisplacementHorizontalHorisontaalne……VerticalVertikaalneWidgetRasterFillFormVorm……xxyYImage widthCoord modeObjectViewportOffsetNihutaRotationPööramineOriginalOpacityLäbipaistvus °°WidgetSVGFillFormVorm……Stroke colorViirutuse värvNo strokeStroke widthViirutuse paksusFill colorTäitevärvRotationPööramineTexture widthTekstuuri laiusSVG GroupsSVG-rühmadSVG Symbols °°WidgetShadowEffectFormVormColorVärvusOpacityLäbipaistvusOffsetNihutaBlend modeSulatamise režiimBlur radiusHägususe raadius˚°Draw modeWidgetShapeburstFillFormVorm……Two colorGradient ColorsSet distanceOffsetNihutaColor rampVärvigradientxxyYWhole shapeShading StyleIgnore rings in polygons while shadingBlur strengthWidgetSimpleFillFormVormHairlineJuhtjoonFill styleTäite tüüpOffsetNihuta……Stroke colorViirutuse värvxxyYJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilStroke styleFill colorTäitevärvStroke widthViirutuse paksusWidgetSimpleLineFormVorm……ColorVärvusChangeMuudaHairlineJuhtjoonOffsetNihutaJoin styleKäänupunktide stiilCap styleLõpetamise stiilStroke widthViirutuse paksusStroke styleUse custom dash patternKasuta eelseadistatud kriipsude mustritDraw line only inside polygonWidgetSimpleMarkerFormVormRotationPööramineSizeSuurusAnchor pointAnkrupunktHairlineJuhtjoonLeftVasakul……Stroke widthViirutuse paksusStroke colorViirutuse värvStroke styleFill colorTäitevärvOffsetNihutaxxyYHCenterRightParemalTopÜlalVCenterBottomAllJoin styleKäänupunktide stiil °°WidgetSvgMarkerFormVormAnchor pointAnkrupunktLeftVasakulHCenterRightParemalTopÜlalVCenterBottomAllSizeSuurus……RotationPööramineOffsetNihutaStroke widthViirutuse paksusWidthLaiusHeightKõrgusLock aspect ratioxxyYStroke colorViirutuse värvNo strokeFill colorTäitevärvSVG GroupsSVG-rühmadSVG ImageSVG pilt °°WidgetSvgSelectorFormVormSVG ImagesSVG PildidSVG GroupsSVG-rühmadWidgetTransformFormVormShear X,YRotationPööramine °°Reflect horizontalReflect verticalTranslate X,Y%%Scale X,YDraw modeWidgetVectorFieldBaseFormVormY attributeY atribuutScaleSkaalaX attributeX atribuutVector field typeVektori välja tüüpHeight onlyAinult kõrgusPolarPolaarCartesianKarteesiaAngle unitsNurga ühikudDegreesKraadidRadiansRadiaanidAngle orientationNurga orientatsioonCounterclockwise from eastVastupäeva alustades idastClockwise from northPäripäeva alustades põhjastDistance unitPikkusühikWidgetWrapper (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional][valikuline]Select FileXMLDialogXML Request / ResponseXML päring/vastusRequestPäringResponseVastusZonalStatisticsRaster analysisRastri analüüsCountKoguarvSumSummaMeanKeskmineMedianMediaanStd. dev.MinMin MaxMaxRangeUlatusMinorityVähemusMajority (mode)VarietyVarieeruvusVarianceAllKõikRaster layerRasterkihtRaster bandRastri ribaVector layer containing zonesTsoone sisaldav vektorkihtOutput column prefixVäljund-veeru eesliideStatistics to calculateArvutatav statistikaZonal statisticsTsooni statistikaalgYou need to set either inline data positions or an input data positions file!You need to set either sampling data positions or an output sampling data positions file!You need to set input and output data positions parameters!You need to set at least source/sink_where or source/sink_cats parameters for each set!You need to set either inline configuration or a configuration file!Your configuration needs to be a "moving window" configuration!Your configuration needs to be a non "moving window" configuration!You need to set either start coordinates OR a start points vector layer!-c, -a, -n parameters are mutually exclusive!The step must be greater than zero!GRASS GIS 7 v.net requires a lines layer!You can't use original Hargreaves flag and precipitation parameter together!If you don't use original Hargreaves flag, you must set the precipitation raster parameter!The number of columns and the number of upload parameters should be equal!You need to set at least 'setnull' or 'null' parameters for this algorithm!You need to set either inline expression or a rules file!You need to set either a rules file or write directly the rules!The start position must be inferior to the end position!You need to set either radius or x_radius and y_radius!You need to set x_radius and y_radius!You need to set either rules or a raster from which to copy categories!You need to set either inline rules or a rules file!You need to set either an input control point file or inline control points!You need to set either a fixed height value or the height column!You need to set either an input ASCII file or inline data!You need to set at least setX_where or setX_cats parameters for each set!algorithm_idUnique ID for algorithm.appinfoQGIS Desktop<p>QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.</p>Geographic Information SystemA Free and Open Source Geographic Information SystemaspectInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberReturn trigonometric angle instead of azimuthReturn 0 for flat instead of -9999Compute edgesArvuta servadUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudRaster analysisRasrei analüüsAspectKülgbuildvrtBuild virtual rasterRaster miscellaneouscheckDockValidate AllValideeri kõikValidate ExtentValideeri ulatusTopology not checked yetTopoloogia pole veel kontrollitudConfigureSeadistaShow topology errorsNäita topoloogia viguTopology Checker PanelTopoloogiakontrolli akenShow errorsNäita viguSelect automatic fixVali automaatne parandusFix!No errors were foundVigu ei leitudInvalid first layerVigane esimene kihtTopology pluginTopoloogia pluginInvalid first geometryVigane esimene geomeetriaTopology testTopoloogia kontrollFeature not found in the layer.
The layer has probably changed.
Run topology check again.Nähtust ei leitud.
Kiht on tõenäoliselt muutunud.
Kontrolli uuesti topoloogiat.Invalid second layerVigane teine kihtInvalid second geometryVigane teine geomeetriaInvalid conflict%1 errors were foundLeiti %1 vigaTopology fix errorTopoloogia parandamisel tekkis vigaFixing failed!Parandamine ebaõnnestus!Layer %1 not found in registry.AbortNurjacluster_colorColor of symbols within a cluster, or NULL if symbols have mixed colors.cluster_sizeNumber of symbols contained within a cluster.contourContourKontuurInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberInterval between contour linesAttribute name (if not set, no elevation attribute is attached)Produce 3D vectorTreat all raster values as validInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Offset from zero relative to which to interpret intervalsAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudRaster extractionRastri lahtipakkimineContourscurrent_featureRepresents the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.current_geometryRepresents the geometry of the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.dataobjectCould not load layer: {0}
Check the processing framework log to look for errors.db_managerPostGISPostGISSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteGeoPackageGeoPackageVirtual LayersProject layersProjekti kihidOracle SpatialOracle SpatialeViseVis Database ConnectioneVis andmebaasi ühenduseVis Event Id TooleVis tegevuse Id tööriisteVis Event BrowsereVis TegevusakenCreate layer from a database queryLoo kiht andmebaasi päringustOpen an Event Browser and display the selected featureOpen an Event Browser to explore the current layer's featuresAva Tegevusaken ja uuri nende kihtide nähtusieVisDatabaseConnectionGuiUndefinedValimataNo predefined queries loadedEelkoostatud päringud laadimataOpen FileAva failNew Database connection requested…Error: You must select a database typeViga: Pead valima andmebaasitüübiError: No host name enteredViga: Hosti nimi sisestamataError: No database name enteredViga: Andmebaasi nimi sisestamataConnection to [%1.%2] establishedÜhendus [%1.%2] loodudconnectedühendatudTablesTabelidConnection to [%1.%2] failed: %3Ühendus [%1.%2] ebaõnnestus: %3Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3Viga: leitud viga lõigus %1, kohas %2: %3Error: Unable to open file [%1]Error: Query failed: %1Viga: Päring ebaõnnestus: %1Error: Could not create temporary file, process haltedViga: Ei saanud luua ajutist faili, protsess katkestatiError: A database connection is not currently establishedViga: Andmebaasiühendust ei ole praegu loodudeVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBaseDatabase ConnectionAndmebaasi ühendusPredefined QueriesEelkoostatud päringudLoad predefined queriesLaadi eelkoostatud päringuidLoads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide.Laadib XML-faili eelkoostatud päringutega. Kasuta akent "Ava fail", et leida XML-fail, milles on üks või rohkem eelkoostatud päringut, mis on koostatud kasutusjuhendis kirjeldatud vormingus.The description of the selected query.Valitud päringu kirjeldus.Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window.Vali rippmenüü loendist eelkoostatud päring, mida soovid kasutada. Need päringud on leitavad failist, mille saab laadida, kasutades ülal faili avamise ikooni. Päringu käivitamiseks on vaja klõpsata SQL-päringu sakil. Päring lisatakse automaatselt päringuaknasse.not connectedei ole ühendatud<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html>Database HostAndmebaasi hostEnter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. Sisesta andmebaasi host. Kui andmebaas on sinu arvutis siis pane sinna "localhost". Kui valisid "MSAccess" andmebaasiks siis seda valikut ei ole. Password to access the database.Parool andmebaasi sisenemiseks.Enter the name of the database.Sisesta andmebaasi nimi.UsernameKasutajanimiEnter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used.Sisesta port, mille kaudu andmebaasi sisenetakse, kui kasutada MYSQL-andmebaasi.Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. Ühenda andmebaas kasutates ülevalpool valitud tunnuste põhjal. Kui ühendus oli õnnestunud siis sellekohane teade tuleb Väljundikonsooli andes teada et ühendus loodi.ConnectÜhendaUser name to access the database.Kasutajanimi andmebaasi sisenemiseks.Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu.Vali nimekirjast sobiv andmebaasitüüp.Database NameAndmebaasi nimiPasswordParoolDatabase TypeAndmebaasi tüüpPortPortSQL QuerySQL-päringRun the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below.Run QueryKäivita päringEnter the query you want to run in this window.Sisesta päring mida soovid selles aknas käivitada.A window for status messages to be displayed.Näidatakse akent olukorrateadetest.Output ConsoleVäljundikonsooleVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBaseDatabase File SelectionAndmebaasifaili valimineThe name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points.Välja nimi kus asub punkti Y koordinaat.The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points.Välja nimi kus asub punkti X koordinaat.Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS.Sisesta nimi uuele kihi, mille lood ja mida kuvatakse QGIS-is.Y CoordinateY koordinaatX CoordinateX koordinaatName of New LayerUue kihi nimetuseVisGenericEventBrowserGuiGeneric Event BrowserÜldine tegevusakenFieldVäliValueVäärtusThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface.An invalid feature was received during initialization.Event Browser - Displaying Records 01 of %1Event Browser - Displaying Records %1 of %2Attribute ContentsAtribuudi sisuSelect ApplicationSelect rakendusAll ( * )Kõik ( * )eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBaseDisplayVaadeUse the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display.Kasuta Eelmine nuppu, selleks et näha eelmist fotot, juhul kui on üle ühe pildi vaates nähtav.Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display.Kasuta Järgmine nuppu, selleks et näha järgmist fotot, juhul kui on üle ühe pildi vaates nähtav.All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green.Kõik atribuutandmestik, mis näidatava foto punktiga seostub, näidatakse siin. Kui failitüüp mille andmereal ei ole pildifail, kuid tema tüüp on määratud "Seadista välised rakendused" alt, siis topeltklikk kasutatava rakenduse asukoha väljal käivitab selle rakenduse ja võimaldab näha või kuulda soovitud faili sisu.Juhul kui faililaiend on tuvastatud atribuutandmetes, siis andmestik näidatakse rohelise värviga.11Image display areaPildi kuvamise alaDisplay area for the image.Kuvamise ala pildile.OptionsSuvandidFile pathFaili asukohtAttribute containing path to fileFaili asukoha väliPath is relativeAsukohatee on relatiivneIf checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session.Kui valitud, siis relatiivsete asukohateede väärtused salvestatakse järgmise sessiooni jaoks.Remember thisHoia meelesReset to defaultLähtesta seadedResets the values on this line to the default setting.Lähtestab väärtuseid selle joone lähteseadetele.ResetLähtesta<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below.</p></body></html>Compass bearingKompassi peiling<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image.</p><p>This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. </p></body></html>Attribute containing compass bearingKompassi pelilingu väliDisplay compass bearingNäita kompassipeilingutIf checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session.Kui valitud, Näita kompassipeilingut väärtused salvestatakse järgmiseks sessiooniks.Compass offsetKompassi parandusDefine the compass offset manually.Määra kompsassi paranduse väärtus käsitsi.ManualKindla suurusegaDefine the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table.Määra kompassi parandus kasutades vektorkihi tabeli väärtusi. From AttributeTabeli atribuudigaIf checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session.Kui valitud, siis kompassiparanduse väärtused salvestatakse järgmiseks sessiooniks.Resets the compass offset values to the default settings.Taastab kompassi paranduse väärtused algseks.Relative pathsRelatiivne asukohateeThe base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative”Üldmäärang või url, kus pildid ja dokumendid võivad olla "relatiivselt"Base PathÜldmäärangThe Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended.Üldmäärang kuhu relatiivse tee osa lisatakse.If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session.Kui valitud, Üldmäärang salvestatakse järgmiseks sessiooniks.Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information.Sisestab algse "Üldmäärangu" mis on tee kataloogi kus asub vektorkihi pildid.Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined
Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute)Asenda kogu tee/url pildini, mis kasutaja poolt antud
Üldmäärang (n. hoiad ainult faili nime tabelis)Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applicationsRakenda Faili asukoht seadeid kui laaditakse väliseid rakendusi<html><head/><body><p>If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list</p><p>to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>A value to be added to the compass bearing.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. </p></body></html>If checked, the current checkbox setting will be saved for the next session.Clears the checkbox on this line.<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files.</p><p>If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane.</p><p>Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings.</p><p>It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. </p></body></html>Configure External ApplicationsSeadista väliseid rakendusiFile extension and external application in which to load a document of that typeFailide laiendused ja välised rakendused millesse laaditakse temale sobivas formaadisA table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. Tabel, milles sisalduvad failitüübid, mida saab avada vahendiga eVis. Iga failitüübi jaoks on vaja faililaiendit ja asukohateed rakenduseni, millega saab seda tüüpi faile avada. See on võimeline avama laia valikut faile nagu filmid, helid, tekstid ainult piltide asemel. ExtensionLaiendApplicationRakendusAdd new file typeLisa uus failitüüpAdd a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file.Lisa uus failitüüp uue laiendiga ja rakenduseni viiva tee mis avab seda faili.Delete current rowKustuta valitud ridaDelete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application.Kustuta failitüüp mis on tabelis valitud ning määratud laiendi ja rakenduse avamise asukohateega.eVisImageDisplayWidgetZoom inSuurendaZoom in to see more detail.Suurenda suurema detailsuse nägemiseks.Zoom outVähendaZoom out to see more area.Vähenda et näha suuremat ala.Zoom to full extentVähenda ääreniZoom to display the entire image.Näita pilti kogu suuruses.expression%1: Field not found %2%1: function cannot be evaluated without a context.expressionsVectorVektorRasterRasterMeshPluginfillnodataInput layerSisendkihtValidity maskMaski kehtivusBand numberLõime numberMaximum distance (in pixels) to search out for values to interpolateNumber of smoothing iterations to run after the interpolationDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandFilledFill nodataTäida nodataRaster analysisRasrei analüüsform_modeWhat the form is used for, like AddFeatureMode, SingleEditMode, MultiEditMode, SearchMode, AggregateSearchMode or IdentifyMode as string.fullextent_maxxMaximum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_maxyMaximum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minxMinimum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minyMinimum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).gdal2tilesgdal2tilesInput layerSisend-kihtTile cutting profilePaanide lõikeprofiilCopyright of the mapResampling methodTöötlemise viisThe spatial reference system used for the source input dataZoom levels to renderRenderdatavad mõõtkava-astmedAvoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326URL address where the generated tiles are going to be publishedMercatorGeodeticRasterRasterAverageKeskmineNearest neighbourLähim naaberBilinearBilineaarneCubicÜmardatudCubic splineÜmardusega kaarjoonLanczos windowed sincAntialiasAllKõikGoogleMapsOpenLayersLeafletNoneTühiWeb viewer to generateTitle of the mapTransparency value to assign to the input dataGoogle Maps API key (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html)Bing Maps API key (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/)Generate only missing filesGenerate KML for Google EarthOutput directoryRaster miscellaneousgdal2xyzInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberOutput comma-separated valuesXYZ ASCII fileCSV files (*.csv)Raster conversionRastri teisendusgdal2xyzgdaladdoNearest neighbourLähim naaberAverageKeskmineGaussianCubic convolution.B-Spline convolutionLanczos windowed sincAverage MPAverage in mag/phase spaceModeMeetodInternal (if possible)Sisemine (kui võimalik)External (GTiff .ovr)Väline (GTiff .ovr)External (ERDAS Imagine .aux)Input layerSisendkihtOverview levelsRemove all existing overviewsResampling methodTöötlemise viisOverviews formatRaster miscellaneousPyramidizedBuild overviews (pyramids)gdalcalcInput layer AInput layer BInput layer CInput layer DInput layer EInput layer FNumber of raster band for ANumber of raster band for BNumber of raster band for CNumber of raster band for DNumber of raster band for ENumber of raster band for FCalculation in gdalnumeric syntax using +-/* or any numpy array functions (i.e. logical_and())Set output nodata valueOutput raster typeVäljundrastri tüüpAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudCalculatedArvutatudRaster calculatorRastri kalkulaatorRaster miscellaneousgdalinfoInput layerSisend-kihtForce computation of the actual min/max values for each bandRead and display image statistics (force computation if necessary)Suppress GCP infoÄra luba viitepunktide infotSuppress metadata infoLayer informationKihi infoHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Raster informationRaster miscellaneousgdaltindexAutoAutomaatneWell-known text (WKT)EPSGProj.4Input filesSisendfailidField name to hold the file path to the indexed rastersStore absolute path to the indexed rastersSkip files with different projection referenceTransform geometries to the given CRSThe name of the field to store the SRS of each tileThe format in which the CRS of each tile must be writtenTile indexPaaniindeksRaster miscellaneousAll layers must be raster layers!grasslabel(1-256)(1-256)(Optional) column to read labels(Valikuline) veerg märgiste lugemiseks3D-Viewer (NVIZ)3D-Vaataja (NVIZ)3d Visualization3D visualiseerimineAdd a value to the current category valuesLisa selle väärtuste nimekirja väärtusAdd elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!)Lisa kihile elemente (KÕIK elemendid valitud kihi tüübiga!)Add missing centroids to closed boundariesLisa puuduvad tsentroidid suletud piirideleAdd one or more columns to attribute tableLisa atribuuditabelisse üks veerg või enam veergeAggregates data of an existing space time raster dataset using the time intervals of a second space time datasetAggregates temporally the maps of a space time raster dataset by a user defined granularityAggregationAllocate networkTuvasta arvutivõrkAssign constant value to columnMäära konstantväärtus veeruleAssign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUEMäära uus konstantväärtus veerule ainult siis kui päringu tulemus on TRUEAssign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute tableOmista veerutehte tulemusel atribuuditabeli veerule uus väärtusAssign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUEOmista veerutehte tulemusel veerule uus väärtus vaid juhul, kui päringu tulemus on tõeneAttribute fieldAtribuudi väliAttribute field (interpolated values)Atribuudi väli (interpoleeritud väärtused)Attribute field to (over)writeAtribuudi väli (üle)kirjutamiseksAttribute field to joinAtribuudi väli liitmiseksAuto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM rasterVärvuste automaatseadistus LANDSAT-TM-i rastrileBicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularizationTopeltümar või topeltjooneline kaarjoone interpoleerimine Tykhonovi süsteemisBilinear interpolation utility for raster mapsBilineaarse interpoleerimise tööriist rasterkaartideleBlend color components for two rasters by given ratioSega värvuskomponendid kahele rastrile selles vahekorrasBlend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color rasterBreak (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are differentKatkesta (topoloogiliselt korras) polügoonid (imporditud mittetopoloogilises vormingus nagu shp-fail). Äärejooned katkestatakse punktides, mida 2 või enam polügooni jagavad ja kus lõikude nurgad on erinevad.Break lines at each intersection of vectorKatkesta jooned iga vektori lõikumiskohasBrovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channelsBrovey tranformatsioon et liita multispektraalsed ja kõrge-res pankromaatilised kanalidBufferPuhverBuild polylines from linesTee lihtjoontest polüjoonedCalculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapArvuta rastri keskmine aladel, mis on kasutaja määratud baaskaardi samas kategooriasCalculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rastersArvuta kovariatsioon- ja korrelatsioonimaatriks kasutaja määratud rastriteleCalculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification resultArvuta veamaatriks ja kappa parameeter tulemuste täpsuse klassifitseeritud hinnangCalculate geometry statistics for vectorsArvuta vektoritele geomeetria statistikaCalculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*xArvuta lineaarregressioon kahest rastrist: y = a + b*xCalculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapArvuta rastri mediaan piirkonnale, mis on kasutaja määratud baaskaardi samas kategooriasCalculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapArvuta rastri mood piirkonnale, mis on kasutaja määratud baaskaardi samas kategooriasCalculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM rasterArvuta optimaalsete indeksfaktorite tabel LANDSAT-TM-i rastrileCalculate raster surface areaArvuta rastri pindalaCalculate shadow maps from exact sun positionArvuta varjutuse kaart täpse päikese asukoha põhjalCalculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/timeArvuta varjutuse kaart, päikese asukoht määratud kuupäeva/kellaajagaCalculate statistics for rasterArvuta rastri statistikaCalculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data tableArvuta ühesuunaline statistika andmetabeli numbrilistest atribuutidestCalculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objectsArvuta vektorobjektide põhjal rastrist ühemõõtmelised statistilised andmedCalculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of rasterArvuta ühemõõtmelised statistilised andmed rastri mittetühjadest elementidestCalculate univariate statistics of vector map featuresArvuta ühesuunaline statistika vektorkaardi nähtuste kohtaCalculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumpsArvuta andmeosade maht ja loo andmeosa tsentroidide põhjal vektorCalculates category or object oriented statisticsCalculates different types of vegetation indicesCalculates multiple linear regression from raster mapsCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered 3D raster map of a space time 3D raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered raster map of a space time raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics of attributes for each registered vector map of a space time vector datasetCategory or object oriented statisticsKategooriapõhine või objektorienteeritud statistikaCatsKategooriadCats (select from the map or using their id)Kategooriad (vali kaardilt või kasuta id-sid)Change category values and labelsMuuda kategooria väärtusi ja märgendeidChange fieldMuuda väliChange layer numberMuuda kihi numberChange resolutionMuuda resolutsiooniChange the type of boundary dangle to lineMuuda piiriosa tüüp jooneksChange the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to lineMuuda ühenduse tüüp, mis ühendab pinda ja saart või 2 saart, piirjoonest jooneksChange the type of geometry elementsMuuda geomeetriaelementide tüüpChoose appropriate formatVali sobiv formaatColumns managementVeergude juhtimineCompares bit patterns with rasterVõrdleb tüki mustrit ja rastritCompress and decompress rasterPakib rastrit kokku ja lahtiCompress rasterPaki raster kokkuCompute category quantiles using two passes.Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control pointsArvutab kontrollpunktide põhjal koordinaatide transformatsiooniComputes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculationComputes broad band albedo from surface reflectanceComputes cyclic accumulations of a space time raster datasetComputes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse landConcentric circlesKontsentrilised ringidConnect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman)Ühenda punktid lühima teena (reisiv müügimees)Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree)Ühenda punktid lühimaks puusüsteemiks (Steiner puu)Connect vector to databaseÜhenda vektor andmebaasiConvert 2D vector to 3D by sampling rasterKonverdi 2D-vektor 3D-ks rastrist väljavõtte tegemise teelConvert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbourKonverdi 2D-vektor 3D-vektoriks kõrgusrastrist väljavõtte tegemise teel. Vaikimisi väljavõte lähima naabri meetodilConvert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vectorTeisenda GRASS-i binaarvektor GRASS-i ASCII-vektoriksConvert a raster to vector within GRASSTeisenda GRASS-is raster vektoriksConvert a vector to raster within GRASSKonverdi GRASS-i abil vektor rastriksConvert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versaKonverdi nurga ja pikkuse mõõtmised koordinaatideks ja vastupidiConvert boundaries to linesKonverdi piirid joonteksConvert centroids to pointsKonverdi tsentroidid punktideksConvert coordinatesKonverdi koordinaadidConvert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend)Konverdi koordinaadid ühest projektsioonist teise (cs2cs kasutamine)Convert lines to boundariesKonverdi jooned piirdeksConvert points to centroidsKonverdi punktid tsentroidideksConvert raster to vector areasKonverdi raster vektorpindadeksConvert raster to vector linesKonverdi raster vektorjoonteksConvert raster to vector pointsKonverdi raster vektorpunktideksConvert vector to raster using attribute valuesKonverdi vektor rastriks, kasutades atribuudiväärtusiConvert vector to raster using constantKonverdi vektor rastriks, kasutades konstantiConverts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.Converts a space time raster dataset into a 3D raster mapConvex hullKumer kateCopy a tableKopeeri tabelCopy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported)Kopeeri ka atribuuditabel (ainult kihi 1 tabel on hetkel toetatud)Count of neighbouring pointsLoenda naaberpunktidCreate 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rastersLoo 3D mahukaart kasutades 2D kõrgusliku ja väärtustega rastereidCreate a MASK for limiting raster operationLoo MASK, et piirata rastritehteidCreate a MASK from raster map for limiting raster operationCreate a MASK from vector map for limiting raster operationCreate a map containing concentric ringsLoo kaart kontsentrilistest ringidestCreate a raster planeLoo rasterpindCreate and add new table to vectorLoo ja lisa uus tabel vektorileCreate and/or modify raster support filesLoo ja/või muuda rastrit toetavaid faileCreate aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Loo külgvaate raster DEM-ist (digital elevation model)Create cross product of category values from multiple rastersLoo mitme rastri kategooriaväärtustest ristkorrutisCreate fractal surface of given fractal dimensionLoo fraktaali pind antud fraktaali mõõtmestCreate grid in current regionLoo selle regiooni võrgustikCreate new GRASS location and transfer data into itLoo uus GRASS-i asukoht ja too andmestik sellesseCreate new GRASS location from metadata fileLoo uus GRASS-i asukoht metaandmete faili põhjalCreate new GRASS location from raster dataLoo uus GRASS-i asukoht rasterandmete põhjalCreate new GRASS location from vector dataLoo uus GRASS-i asukoht vektorandmete põhjalCreate new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing rasterLoo uus kiht, mille kategooriaväärtused põhinevad kategooriatel, mille kasutaja olemasolevas rastris ümber on klassifitseerinudCreate new location from .prj (WKT) fileLoo uus asukoht .prj (WKT) faili põhjalCreate new raster by combining other rastersLoo uus raster teiste rastrite kombineerimise teelCreate new vector by combining other vectorsLoo uus vektor kombineerituna teistest vektoritestCreate new vector with current region extentLoo uus vektor praeguse regiooni ulatusesCreate nodes on networkLoo võrgustikku sõlmiCreate parallel line to input linesLoo paralleeljoon sisestatud joonteleCreate pointsLoo punkteCreate points along input linesLoo punktid sisestatud jooneleCreate points/segments from input vector lines and positionsLoo punkte/segmente vektorjoontest ja positsioonidestCreate quantization file for floating-point rasterLoo ujukomarastrile kvantimisfailAssigns a color table from an existing raster or raster3d map to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAssigns a predefined color table to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAuto-balancing of colors for RGB imagesColumn to store height valuesColumn with height valuesCreate random 2D vector pointsTekita juhuslikud 2D punktidCreate random 3D vector pointsTekita juhuslikud 3D punktidCreate random cell values with spatial dependenceTekita juhslikud ruumilise sõltuvusega ruuduväärtusedCreate random pointsLoo juhuslikud punktidCreate random rasterLoo juhuslike väärtustega rasterCreate random vector point contained in rasterLoo juhuslik vektorpunkt mis asub rastrilCreate raster of distance to features in input layerLoo raster sisendkihi nähtuste kauguse põhjalCreate raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviationLoo raster gaussi kõrvalekaldest kus on kasutaja poolt määratud keskmine ja standardhälveCreate raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined rangeLoo raster kasutaja määrangutega ühtsest ebakorrapärasest erinevusestCreate raster with contiguous areas grown by one cellLoo pideva alaga raster, mida on suurendatud elemendi kaupaCreate raster images with textural features from raster (first series of indices)Create raster with textural features from raster (second series of indices)Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rastersLoo RGB-rastreid kombineerides rastrite tooni, heleduse ja küllastuse (his) väärtusiCreate shaded mapLoo varjutatud kaartCreate slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Loo kalletega raster DEM-i (digital elevation model) põhjalCreate standard vectorsLoo tavapärased vektoridCreate surface from rasterized contoursLoo pind rasterdatud kontuuridestCreate vector contour from raster at specified levelsLoo vektorkontuur rastrist näidatud tasemetelCreate vector contour from raster at specified stepsLoo vektorkontuur rastrist näidatud sammudegaCreate watershed basinLoo valglaCreate watershed subbasins rasterLoo valgla alamvalglate rasterCreates / modifies the color table for each raster map of the space time raster dataset according to user defined rulesCreates a latitude raster mapCreates a longitude raster mapCreates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.Creates a space time datasetCreates, edits, and lists groups of imagery data.Cut network by cost isolinesLõika võrgustik maksumuse isojoonte järgiDXF vector layerDXF-vektorkihtDatabaseAndmebaasDatabase connectionAndmebaasi ühendusDatabase fileAndmebaasifailDatabase managementAndmebaasi juhtimineDelaunay triangulation (areas)Delaunay triangulatsioon (alad)Delaunay triangulation (lines)Delaunay triangulatsioon (jooned)Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hullDelaunay triangulatsioon, Voronoi diagramm ja kumer kateDelete category valuesKustuta kategooria väärtusedDetects accumulation patterns in temporally accumulated space time raster datasets created by t.rast.accumulateDevelop images and groupLoo pildid ja rühmadDevelop mapLoo kaartDirectory of rasters to be linkedLingitavate rastrite kataloogDisconnect vector from databaseÜhenda vektor andmebaasist lahtiDisplay general DB connectionNäita üldine andmebaasi ühendusDisplay list of category values found in rasterKuva rastrist leitud kategooriaväärtuste nimekiriDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description fileNäita projektsiooni infot PROJ.4 projektsiooni kirjelduse failistDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on itNäita projektsiooni infot PROJ.4 projektsiooni kirjelduse failist ja loo uus koht tuginedes selleleDisplay projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on itNäita georeferentsiga faili (raster, vektor või pilt) projektsiooni andmeid ja loo uus asukoht selle baasilDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection descriptionNäita projektsiooni infot georeferentsiga ASCII failst kus asub WKT projektsiooni kirjeldusDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on itNäita georeferentsitud ASCII faili, mis sisaldab WKT projektsiooni kirjeldust, ja loo selle põhjal uus asukohtDisplay projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image)Näita georeferentsitud faili (raster, vektor või pilt) projektsiooni informatsiooniDisplay projection information of the current locationNäita praeguse asukoha projektsiooni informatsiooniDisplay raster category values and labelsKuva rastri väärtuskategooriad ja märgisedDisplay results of SQL selection from databaseNäita SQL-päringu tulemusi andmebaasistDisplay the HTML manual pages of GRASSNäita HTML-käsiraamatut GRASS-i kohtaDisplay vector attributesNäita vektori atribuuteDisplay vector map attributes with SQLNäita vektorkaardi atribuute SQL-inaDissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attributeJagab piirkondi ühise kategooriaga numbriga või atribuudiga piirnevate alade vahelDownload and import data from WMS serverLaadi alla ja impordi WMS-serveristDrapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect mapDrop column from attribute tableKustuta atribuuditabeli veergE00 vector layerE00 vektorkihtElevation raster for height extraction (optional)Kõrguslik raster kõrguse eraldamiseks (valikuline)Execute any SQL statementKäivita SQL-päringExportEkspordiExport 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionEkspordi 3 GRASS-i rastrit (R,G,B) PPM-pildiks praeguse piirkonna eralduse järgiExport from GRASSEkspordi GRASS-istExport raster as non-georeferenced PNG image formatEkspordi raster geoteferentsimata PNG pildiformaadisExport raster from GRASSEkspordi raster GRASS-istExport raster series to MPEG movieEkspordi rastrite sari MPEG-filmiksExport raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current regionEkspordi raster 8/2bit TIFF pildina praeguse regiooni järgiExport raster to ASCII text fileEkspordi raster ASCII tekstifailiksExport raster to ESRI ARCGRIDEkspordi raster ESRI ARCGRID-iksExport raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)Ekspordi raster GRIDATB.FOR kaardifailiks (TOPMODEL)Export raster to Geo TIFFEkspordi raster GeoTIFF-iksExport raster to POVRAY height-field fileEkspordi raster POVRAY kõrgusvälja failiksExport raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionEkspordi raster PPM pildiks praeguse regiooni järgiExport raster to VTK-ASCIIEkspordi raster VTK-ASCII-ksExport raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)Ekspordi raster VRML-iks (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)Export raster to binary MAT-FileEkspordi raster binaarseks MAT-failiksExport raster to binary arrayEkspordi raster binaarmassiiviksExport raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersEkspordi raster tekstifailiks, kus väärtused x, y, z põhinevad elemendi tsentrilExport raster to various formats (GDAL library)Ekspordi raster erinevatesse vormingutesse (GDAL-i teek)Export vector from GRASSEkspordi vektor GRASS-istExport vector table from GRASS to database formatEkspordi vektortabel GRASS-ist andmebaasiformaatiExport vector to DXFEkspordi vektor DXF-iExport vector to GMLEkspordi vektor GML-iExport vector to MapinfoEkspordi vektor MapInfosseExport vector to POV-RayEkspordi vektor POV-Ray-sseExport vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database tableEkspordi vektor PostGIS-i (PostgreSQL) andmebaasi tabeliksExport vector to SVGEkspordi vektor SVG-ksExport vector to ShapefileEkspordi vektor shp-failiksExport vector to VTK-ASCIIEkspordi vektor VTK-ASCII-ksExport vector to various formats (OGR library)Ekspordi vektor erinevatesse vormingutesse (OGR-i teek)Exports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a space time vector dataset as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports attribute tables into various formatEkspordib atribuuditabelid eri vormingutesseExports space time raster datasetExports space time raster dataset as VTK time seriesExtract features from vectorVäljavõte vektori nähtustestExtract selected featuresVäljavõte valitud nähtustestExtractionVäljavõteExtracts a subset of a space time 3D raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time vector datasetExtracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layersExtracts terrain parameters from DEMVõtab välja DEM-ist maapinna parameetridExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with fixed heightViib tasapinnalise joone 3D-sse määratud kõrguse kauduExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with height based on attributeViib tasapinnalise joone 3D-sse atribuudi kauduFast fourier transform for image processingFeature type (for polygons, choose Boundary)Nähtuse tüüp (polügoonidele vali "piirjoon")File managementFaili korraldamineFill lake from seed at given levelTäida järv seemnest määratud kihilFill lake from seed point at given levelTäida järv seemnepunktist määratud kihilFill no-data areas in raster using v.surf.rst splines interpolationTäida rastris andmeteta alad, kasutades splaininterpolatsiooni v.surf.rstFilter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation rasterFiltreeri ja loo tasandamata kõrguskaart ning loo suunakaart kõrguskaardistFilter imageFiltreeri piltFind nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from'Leia vektori "juurest" elementidele lähim element vektoris "juurde". Sisendvektori "juurest" atribuuditabelisse võib olla laaditud selle seose kohta mitmesugust teavet.Find shortest path on vector networkLeia lühim tee vektori võrgustikusGRASS MODULESGRASS-i MOODULIDGRASS shellGRASS-i kestGaussian kernel densityGaussi kernel tundlikkusGeneralizationGeneraliseerimineGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinatesLoo kumulatiivhinna raster asukohtade vahel liikumise kohta, võttes aluseks hinna sisendrastri ja alguspunkti(de) koordinaadidGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) rasterLoo kumulatiivhinna raster asukohtade vahel liikumise kohta, võttes aluseks hinna sisendrastri ja alguspunkti(de) rastriGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vectorLoo kumulatiivhinna raster asukohtade vahel liikumise kohta, võttes aluseks hinna sisendrastri ja alguspunkti(de) vektoriGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinatesLoo kumulatiivhinna raster asukohtade vahel liikumise kohta, võttes aluseks kõrguse ja hõõrdumise sisendrastrid ning alguspunkti(de) koordinaadidGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vectorLoo kumulatiivhinna raster asukohtade vahel liikumise kohta, võttes aluseks kõrguse ja hõõrdumise sisendrastrid ning alguspunkti(de) vektoriGenerate surfaceLoo pealispindGenerate vector contour linesLoo vektoris kontuurjoonedGenerates area statistics for rastersLoob pinna statistika rastrite kohtaGeoreferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarpGeoreferentsimine, veaparandus ja import Terra-ASTER piltidest ja DEM kasutades gdalwarp-iGraphical raster map calculatorGraafiline rasterkaardi kalkulaatorHelpAbiHue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform functionRastri värvusteisenduse funktsioon: toon, heldus ja küllastus (HIS) punaseks, roheliseks ja siniseks (RGB)Hydrologic modellingHüdroloogiline modelleerimineIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.Tuvastab pildiandmetest segmente (objekte).Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsImageryPildidImportImpordiImport ASCII rasterImpordi ASCII rasterImport DXF vectorImpordi DXF-vektorImport ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRIDImpordi ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRIDImport ESRI E00 vectorImpordi ESRI E00 vektorImport GDAL supported rasterImpordi GDAL-i toega rasterImport GDAL supported raster and create a fitted locationImpordi GDAL-i toetatud raster ja loo täpsustatud asukohtImport GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL)Impordi GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL)Import MapGen or MatLab vectorImpordi MapGen või MatLab vektorImport OGR vectorImpordi OGR-i vektorImport OGR vector and create a fitted locationImpordi OGR-i vektor ja loo täpsem asukohtImport OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vectorImpordi OGR-i vektorid esitatud andmeallikasse kombineerides nad GRASS-i vektorisseImport SPOT VGT NDVIImpordi SPOT VGT NDVIImport SRTM HGTImpordi SRTM HGTImport US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country fileImpordi US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) riigi failImport all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted locationImpordi kõik OGR-i/PostGIS-i vektorid määratud andmeallikast ja loo täpsustatud asukohtImport attribute tables in various formatsImpordib atribuuditabelid eri vormingutestImport binary MAT-File(v4)Impordi binaarne MAT-File(v4)Import binary rasterImpordi binaarne rasterImport from database into GRASSImpordi andmebaasist GRASS-iImport geonames.org country filesImpordi geonames.org riikide failidImport into GRASSImpordi GRASS-iImport loaded rasterImpordi laaditud rasterImport loaded raster and create a fitted locationImpordi laaditud raster ja loo täpsustatud asukohtImport loaded vectorImpordi laaditud vektorImport loaded vector and create a fitted locationImpordi laaditud vektor ja loo täpsustatud asukohtImport only some layers of a DXF vectorImpordi ainult mõned kihid DXF-vektoristImport raster from ASCII polygon/lineImpordi raster ASCII-polügoonist/joonestImport raster from coordinates using univariate statisticsImpordi raster koordinaatidest kasutades muutumatuid statistilisi näitajaidImport raster into GRASSImpordi raster GRASS-iImport raster into GRASS from QGIS viewImpordi raster QGIS-i vaatest GRASS-iImport raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASSImport raster GRASS-i välisest andmeallikast GRASS-isImport text fileImpordi tekstifailImport vector from gps using gpsbabelImpordi vektor GPS-ist kasutades gpsbabel-itImport vector from gps using gpstransImpordi vektor GPS-ist kasutades gpstrans-iImport vector into GRASSImpordi vektor GRASS-iImport vector points from database table containing coordinatesImpordi vektorpunktid koordinaate sisaldavast andmebaasitabelistImports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with r.pack).Imports a space time vector dataset from a GRASS GIS specific archive fileImports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with v.pack).Imports space time raster datasetInput nodesSisesta käänupunkteInput tableSisesta tabelInterpolate surfaceInterpoleeri pealispindInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolationRastri interpoleerimine kauguse pöördväärtuste kaalutud keskmiste põhjalInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector pointsRastri interpoleerimine kauguse pöördväärtuste kaalutud keskmiste ja vekoripunktide põhjalInverse fast fourier transform for image processingPööratud kiire Fourieri transformeerimine pilditöötluseksJoin table to existing vector tableÜhenda tabel olemasoleva vektortabeligaLandsat 4 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 5 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 7 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 8 bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Layers categories managementKihtide kategooriate juhtimineLiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)Line-of-sight raster analysisNähtavusjoone rastri analüüsLink GDAL supported raster as GRASS rasterLingi GDAL-i toega raster GRASS-i rastrinaLink GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS rasterLingi QGIS-is laaditud GDAL-i toega raster GRASS-i rastrinaLink all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rastersLingi kataloogis kõik GDAL-i toega rastrid GRASS-i rastrinaLists information about space time datasets and mapsLists registered maps of a space time raster datasetLists registered maps of a space time raster3d datasetLists space time datasets and maps registered in the temporal databaseLists temporal topology of a space time datasetLoaded layerLaaditud kihtLocate the closest points between objects in two raster mapsMäära lähimad punktid kahe rasterkaardi objekti vahelMODIS bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rastersTee nii, et iga väljundelement on funktsioon sisendrastrite vastavatele elementitele omistatud väärtustestManage datasetsManage featuresNähtuste juhtimineManage image colorsPildi värvuste juhtimineManage map colorsKaardi värvuste juhtimineManage maps in datasetsManage raster cells valueRastri elemendiväärtuste haldamineManage training datasetTreeningpaketi juhtimineMap algebraKaardialgebraMap type conversionKaardi tüübi teisendusMapGen or MatLab vector layerMapGen või MatLab vektorkihtMaskMaskMaximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification)Maksimaalne tundlikkuse väärtus (suurem väärtuse=suurem lihtsustamine)Merges several space time datasets into a single space time dataset.Metadata supportMetaandmete toetusMinimum size for each basin (number of cells)Iga valgla minimaalne suurus (elementide arv)Modifies the metadata of a space time dataset.Mosaic up to 4 imagesMoasiik kuni 4 pildistName for new raster file (specify file extension)Uue rasterfaili nimi (lisa ka faililaiend)Name for new vector file (specify file extension)Uue vektorfaili nimi (lisa ka faililaiend)Name for output vector map (optional)Väljundvektorkaardi nimi (valikuline)Name for the output fileName for the output raster map (optional)Väljundrasterkaardi nimi (valikuline)Name of the output latitude raster mapName of the output longitude raster mapNeighborhood analysisNaaberanalüüsNetwork analysisVõrgunduse analüüsNetwork maintenanceVõrgunduse hooldusNumber of rows to be skippedVahele jäetavate ridade arvObserves specific locations in a space time raster dataset over a period of time using vector pointsOthersTeisedOutput GML fileVäljund GML failOutput Shapefileshp-väljundfailOutput file for regression coefficientsOutput layer name (used in GML file)Väljundi kihi nimi (kasutuses GML failis)Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s)Väljundrastri väärtused kasutaja määratud transektjoon(t)elOutputs basic information about a raster mapOutputs basic information about a vector mapOverlayÜlekateOverlay mapsÜlekattega kaardidPath to GRASS database of input location (optional)Tee sisendi asukohta GRASS-i andmebaasis (valikuline)Path to the OGR data sourceTee OGR-i andmeallikaniPercentage of first layer (0-99)Esimese kihi protsent (0-99)Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vectorTeosta vektorile afiinne transformeerimine (nihuta, skaleeri, pööra või GPC-d)Performs a neighborhood analysis for each map in a space time raster datasetPerforms different aggregation algorithms from r.series on all or a subset of raster maps in a space time raster datasetPerforms spatio-temporal mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time raster datasetsPerforms spatio-temporal r3.mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time 3D raster datasetsPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with fixed heightPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with height based on attributePerforms transformation of 3D vector features to 2DPrint projection information from a georeferenced filePrintimise projektsioon georeferentsitud failistPrint projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on itPrintimise projektsioon georeferentsitud failist ja loo uus asukoht selle baasilPrint projection information of the current locationPrintimise projektsioon praeguse asukoha põhjalPrints attributes of vector maps registered in a space time vector datasetPrints/sets general temporal GIS database connection for current mapsetProjection conversion of vectorVektorkihi projektsiooni teisendusProjection managementProjektsiooni haldaminePut geometry variables in databaseLisa geomeetria muutujad andmebaasiQuery raster mapsQuery rasters on their category values and labelsTee päring rastri kategooriaväärtuste ja märgiste kohtaRandom location perturbations of vector pointsJuhuslik asukoht segamini vektorpunktidestRandomly partition points into test/train setsJuhuslik jaotus punkte test/treening kogumisseRasterRasterRaster bufferRastri puhverRaster file matrix filterRasterfaili maatriksi filterRaster neighbours analysisRastri naabrite analüüsRaster supportRastri toetusRe-project raster from a location to the current locationReprojitseeri raster varasemast asukohast praegusesse asukohtaRebuild topology of a vector in mapsetTaasloo topoloogia kaardiseade vektoristRebuild topology of all vectors in mapsetTaasloo topoloogia kaardiseade kõikidest vektoritestRecategorize contiguous cells to unique categoriesJaga omavahel ühendatud elemendid ümber unikaalsetesse kategooriatesseReclass category valuesReklassifitseeri kategooria väärtusedReclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive)Reklassifitseeri kategooria väärtused kasutades veeru atribuute (positiivsed täisarvud)Reclass category values using a rules fileReklassifitseeri kategooria väärtused kasutades reeglite failiReclass raster using reclassification rulesReklassifitseeri raster kasutades reklassifitseerimise reegleidReclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reklassifitseeri raster laikudena mis on suurem kasutaja poolt määratud ala suurusest (hektarites)Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reklassifitseeri raster laikudena mis on väiksem kasutaja poolt määratud ala suurusest (hektarites)Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reklassifitseeri raster mis on suurem või väiksem kasutaja poolt määratud ala suurusest (hektarites)Recode categorical raster using reclassification rulesRekodeeri kategoriseeritud raster kasutades reklassifitseerimise reegleidRecode rasterRekodeeri rasterReconnect vector to a new databaseTaasühenda vektor uude andmebaasiRed Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation functionRastri värvusteisenduse funktsioon: punane, roheline ja sinine (RGB) tooniks, helduseks ja küllastuseks (HIS)Region settingsRegiooni seadedRegister external data sources in GRASSRegistreeri välised andmeallikad GRASS-isRegisters raster, vector and raster3d maps in a space time datasetRegularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector pointsRastri interpoleerimine korrapärase splainiga karedusrastri ja vektoripunkide põhjalReinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothingReinterpoleeri ja arvuta topograafiline analüüs, kasutades kareduse ja silumisega korrapärast splainiRemove all lines or boundaries of zero lengthEemalda kõik null pikkusega jooned või äärejoonedRemove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islandsEemalda sillad mis ühendavad pinda ja saart või 2 saartRemove danglesEemalda ripatsidRemove duplicate area centroidsEemalda pinna korduvad tsentroididRemove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!)Eemalda topeltjooned (pööra tähelepanu kategooriatele!)Remove existing attribute table of vectorEemalda vektori olemasolev atribuuditabelRemove outliers from vector point dataEemalda valed andmed vektori punkti andmetestRemove small angles between lines at nodesEemalda väikesed nurgad joonte ja käänupunktide vahelRemove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removedEemalda väikesed pinnad, pikim külgneva pinnaga ühine piirjoon eemaldatakseRemove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachment of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changedSet raster color table from set tablesRemoves space time datasets from temporal database.Rename column in attribute tableNimeta atribuuditabeli veerg ümberRenames a space time datasetReplaces gaps in a space time raster dataset with interpolated raster mapsReport and statisticsReportsRaportidReports and statisticsRaportid ja statistikaReproject raster from another LocationReprojitseeri raster teises asukohasResample raster using aggregationLoo uus raster liitmise teelResample raster using interpolationLoo uus raster interpoleerimise teelResample raster. Set new resolution firstLoo uus raster. Esmalt määra uus resolutsioonRescale the range of category values in rasterMastaabi uuesti rastri kategooriaväärtuste vahemikSample a space time raster dataset at specific coordinates and write the output to file using different layoutsSample raster at site locationsNäidisraster asukohastSamples the input space time dataset(s) with a sample space time dataset and print the result to stdoutSamplingSave the current region as a named regionSalvesta praegune regioon nimetusega regiooninaSelect features by attributesVali nähtused atribuutide järgiSelect features overlapped by features in another mapVali nähtusi, teise kaardi peal olevate nähtuste ülekattestSelect maps from space time datasets by topological relationshipsSeparator (| , \t etc.)Set PostgreSQL DB connectionMäära PostgreSQL-i andmebaasiühendusSet boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w)Määra piirjoone määrangud ulatusega (põ-lõ-ida-lä)Set boundary definitions for rasterMäära rastri äärejoonte määrangudSet boundary definitions from rasterMäära äärejoonte määrangud rastristSet boundary definitions from vectorMäära piirjoone määrangud vektoriltSet boundary definitions to current or default regionMäära piirjoone määrangud praegusele või algsele regioonileSet color rules based on stddev from a map's mean valueMäära värvus, mis põhineb standarddeviatsiooni keskmisele väärtusele kaardilSet general DB connectionMäära üldine AB ühendusSet general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only)Määra üldine andmebaasiühendus skeemiga (ainult PostgreSQL)Set raster color tableMäära rastri värvustabelSet raster color table from existing rasterMäära rastri värvustabel olemasolevast rastristSet raster color table from user-defined rulesMäära rastri värvustabel kasutaja reeglitegaSet region to align to rasterMäära piirkond, mida rastri järgi joondadaSet the region to match multiple rastersMäära regioon et ühitada rastereidSet the region to match multiple vectorsMäära regioon et ühitada vektoreidSet user/password for driver/databaseMäära kasutaja/parool draiverile/andmebaasileSets the boundary definitions for a raster mapMäära piirjoone määrangud rasterkaardileShifts temporally the maps of a space time datasetShow database connection for vectorNäita vektori andmebaasiühendusShrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from rasterVähenda praeguse piirkonna ulatust kuni sisuga täidetud andmestikuga rastriniSimple map algebraLihtne kaardi algebraSimplify vectorLihtsusta vektorSnap lines to vertex in thresholdSnäpi joon käänupunktideleSnaps temporally the maps of a space time datasetSolar and irradiation modelPäikese- ja kiiritusmudelSpatial analysisRuumiline analüüsSpatial modelsRuumilised mudelidSplit lines to shorter segmentsKatkesta jooned lühemateks segmentideksStatisticsStatistikaStores raster map values at spatial and temporal positions of vector points as vector attributesSum raster cell valuesLiida rastrielementide väärtusedSurface managementPealispinna haldamineTables managementTabelite haldamineTabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rastersTee tabel kahe rastri kategooriate vastastikkusest (kokkulangevustest)Take vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEMVõta vektorvoo andmestik, teisenda ta rastriks ja eralda sügavus väljundi DEM-istTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-ETM 7 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-OLI 8 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for MODIS rasterTemporalTemporal WHERE conditions without 'where' keywordTerrain analysisMaastiku analüüsTests of normality on vector pointsKontrollib vektorpunktide normaliseeritustText fileTekstifailThin no-zero cells that denote line featuresVähenda nullist erineva väärtusega elemendid, mis vastavad joonnähtuseleToolset for cleaning topology of vector mapTööriistad vektorkaardi topoloogia puhastamiseksTopology managementTopoloogia haldamineTrace a flow through an elevation modelLiigu läbi kõrgusmudeliTransform cells with value in null cellsTeisenda väärtusega elemendid tühielementideksTransform featuresTransformeeri nähtusiTransform imageTransformeeri piltTransform null cells in value cellsTeisenda tühielemendid väärtusega elementideksTransform or reproject vector from another LocationTransformeeri või reprojitseri vektor teisest asukohastTransform value cells in null cellsTeisenda väärtusega elemendid tühielementideksType in map names separated by a commaLisa kaardi nimesid eraldades nad komagaUnregisters raster, vector and raster3d maps from the temporal database or a specific space time datasetUpdate raster statisticsVärskenda rastri statistikatUpdate vector map metadataVärskenda vektorkaardi metaandmedUpgrade all vectors from GRASS 6 to GRASS 7Upgrade from GRASS 6Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the tableLaadi rastri väärtused vektorpunktide asukohtades tabelisseUpload vector values at positions of vector pointsLaadi vektori väärtused vektorpunktide asukohtadesVectorVektorVector bufferVektori puhverVector geometry analysisVektori geomeetria analüüsVector intersectionVektori ristumineVector non-intersectionVektori mitte ristumineVector subtractionVektori lahutamineVector supervised classification tool which uses attributes as classification parametersVector unionVektori ühendusVector update by other mapsVektori värskendus teise kaardi järgiVegetation indicesVisibility graph constructionNähtavusgraafika ehitusVoronoi diagram (area)Voronoi diagramm (pind)Voronoi diagram (lines)Voronoi diagramm (joon)Watershed AnalysisVeepõhja analüüsWhich column for the X coordinate? The first is 1Milline veerg on X koordinaadile? Esimene on 1Which column for the Y coordinate?Milline veerg on Y koordinaadile?Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not usedMilline veerg on Z koordinaadile? Kui 0, siis z koordinaati ei kasutataWork with vector pointsVektorpunktidega töötamineWrite only features link to a recordKirjuta ainult nähtuse link salvestisseZero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processingRastri nullväärtusega serva leidmise funktsioon pilditöötlusekshillshadeInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberScale (ratio of vertical units to horizontal)Compute edgesArvuta servadZ factor (vertical exaggeration)Z tingimus (vertikaalne muutmine)Azimuth of the lightValguse asimuutAltitude of the lightValguse kõrgusUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneCombined shadingMultidirectional shadingAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudHillshadeReljeefivarjutusRaster analysisRasrei analüüsmergeMergeLiidaInput layersSisend-kihidGrab pseudocolor table from first layerPlace each input file into a separate bandInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Assign specified "nodata" value to outputAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeRaster miscellaneousMergedLiidetudnearblackInput layerSisendkihtHow far from black (white)Search for nearly white pixels instead of nearly blackAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudNearblackNear blackPeaaegu mustRaster analysisRasrei analüüsnotification_messageContent of the notification message sent by the provider (available only for actions triggered by provider notifications).ogr2ogrInput layerSisend-kihtAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudConvertedKonverteeritudConvert formatTeisenda formaatVector conversionVektori teisendusOutput file "{}" already exists.ogrinfoInput layerSisend-kihtSummary output onlyAinult väljundi kokkuvõteSuppress metadata infoLayer informationKihi infoHTML files (*.html)HTML-failid (*.html)Vector informationVector miscellaneousVektori erinevadoptionsDialogWarning!You need to add some APIs file in order to compilePlease specify API file or check "Use preloaded API files"The APIs file was not compiled, click on "Compile APIs…"parentInvalid CSW connections XML.Cannot parse XML file: {0}Cannot open file: {0}Loading ConnectionsÜhenduste laadimineChoose GeoPackage filepct2rgbInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberGenerate a RGBA fileRaster conversionRastri teisendusPCT to RGBPCT'st RGB-kspolygonizeBand numberLõime numberName of the field to createUse 8-connectednessPolygonize (raster to vector)Raster conversionRastri teisendusInput layerSisendkihtVectorizedproximityGeoreferenced coordinatesPixel coordinatesInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberA list of pixel values in the source image to be considered target pixelsThe maximum distance to be generatedValue to be applied to all pixels that are within the -maxdist of target pixelsNodata value to use for the destination proximity rasterAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeProximity mapRaster analysisRasrei analüüsDistance unitsProximity (raster distance)rasterizeInput layerSisendkihtAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudVector conversionVektori teisendusPixelsPikslidGeoreferenced unitsField to use for a burn-in valueA fixed value to burnOutput raster size unitsWidth/Horizontal resolutionHeight/Vertical resolutionOutput extentVäljundi ulatusAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsOutput data typePre-initialize the output image with valueInvert rasterizationRasterizedRasterdatudRasterize (vector to raster)Rasterda (vektor rastriks)rasterize_overInput layerLähteandmete kihtAttribute fieldAtribuudi väliExisting raster layerRasterize (write over existing raster)Rasterda (kirjuta üle olemasolev raster)Vector conversionVektori teisendusrearrange_bandsInput layerSisendkihtSelected band(s)Additional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeConvertedTeisendatudRearrange bandsRaster conversionRastri teisendusThis algorithm creates a new raster using selected band(s) from a given raster layer.
The algorithm also makes it possible to reorder the bands for the newly-created raster.retileRetilePaani uuestiNearest neighbourLähim naaberBilinearBilineaarneCubicÜmardatudCubic splineÜmardusega kaarjoonLanczos windowed sincInput filesSisendfailidTile widthPaani laiusTile heightPaani kõrgusOverlap in pixels between consecutive tilesJärjestikuste paanide vaheline ülekate pikslitesNumber of pyramids levels to buildSource coordinate reference systemResampling methodTöötlemise viisAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeBuild only the pyramidsUse separate directory for each tiles rowKasuta iga paanirea jaoks eraldi kataloogiOutput directoryCSV file containing the tile(s) georeferencing informationRaster miscellaneousColumn delimiter used in the CSV filergb2pctInput layerSisendkihtNumber of colorsVärvide arvRGB to PCTRGB'st PCT-ksRaster conversionRastri teisendusroughnessInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberCompute edgesArvuta servadAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudRoughnessRaster analysisRasrei analüüsrulesDialogTopology Rule SettingsCurrent RulesAdd RuleRuleReegelLayer #1Layer #2Layer1IDLayer2IDNo layerKihti ei oleDelete RuleTestTestisieveSieveSõelumineInput layerSisendkihtThresholdKünnisUse 8-connectednessDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandValidity maskMaski kehtivusRaster analysisRasrei analüüsSievedslopeInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberRatio of vertical units to horizontalSlope expressed as percent instead of degreesCompute edgesArvuta servadUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudRaster analysisRasrei analüüsSlopeKallesymbol_angleAngle of symbol used to render the feature (valid for marker symbols only).symbol_colorColor of symbol used to render the feature.topolTestTopology pluginTopoloogia pluginFirst geometry invalid in dangling line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in dangling line test.Invalid second geometry in duplicate geometry test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in duplicate geometry test.Invalid second geometry in overlaps test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in overlaps test.Skipping invalid second geometry of feature %1 in overlaps test.Skipping invalid first geometry in pseudo line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in pseudo line test.Invalid geometry in validity test.Invalid geometry in covering test.Second geometry missing.Second geometry missing or GEOS import failed.Missing geometry in multipart check.First layer not found in registry.Second layer not found in registry.must not have invalid geometriesmust not have danglesmust not have duplicatesei tohi olla korduvusimust not have pseudosmust not overlapmust not have gapsmust not have multi-part geometriesmust not overlap withmust be covered bymust be covered by endpoints ofend points must be covered bymust be insidemust containtpiInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberCompute edgesArvuta servadAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudTerrain Ruggedness IndexTopographic Position Index (TPI)Raster analysisRasrei analüüstranslateInput layerSisendkihtOverride the projection for the output fileAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCopy all subdatasets of this file to individual output filesAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeConvertedKonverteeritudRaster conversionRastri teisendusTranslate (convert format)triInput layerSisendkihtBand numberLõime numberCompute edgesArvuta servadAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudTerrain Ruggedness IndexTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)Raster analysisRasrei analüüsvariable_helpCurrent QGIS version string.Praeguse QGIS-i versioonisõne.Current QGIS version number.Praeguse QGIS-i versiooninumber.Current QGIS release name.Praeguse QGIS-i versiooninimi.Operating system name, e.g., 'windows', 'linux' or 'osx'.QGIS platform, e.g., 'desktop' or 'server'.Current user's operating system account name.Praeguse kasutaja OS konto nimi.Current user's operating system user name (if available).Praeguse kasutaja OS süsteemikasutaja nimi (kui on kättesaadav).Title of current project.Käesoleva projekti pealkiri.Full path (including file name) of current project.Käesoleva projekti täis-teekond (kaasa arvatud faili nimi).Folder for current project.Käesoleva projekti kaust.Filename of current project.Käesoleva projekti failinimi.Base name of current project's filename (without path and extension).Home path of current project.Coordinate reference system of project (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Projekti koordinaatsüsteem (nt. 'EPSG:4326').Coordinate reference system of project (full definition).Projekti koordinaatsüsteem (täis-definitsioon).Project author, taken from project metadata.Project abstract, taken from project metadata.Project creation date, taken from project metadata.Project identifier, taken from project metadata.Project keywords, taken from project metadata.Name of current layer.Käesoleva kihi nimi.ID of current layer.Käesoleva kihi id.The current layer.Name of composition.Number of pages in composition.Current page number in composition.Composition page height in mm.Composition page width in mm.Composition resolution (DPI).Current atlas coverage layer ID.Current atlas coverage layer name.Total number of features in atlas.Atlases olevate nähtuste koguarvCurrent atlas feature number.Current atlas file name.Käesoleva atlase faili nimi.Current atlas page name.käesoleva atlase lehekülje nimi.Current atlas feature (as feature object).Current atlas feature ID.Current atlas feature geometry.Layout item user ID (not necessarily unique).layout item unique ID.Left position of layout item (in mm).Top position of layout item (in mm).Width of layout item (in mm).Height of layout item (in mm).ID of current map destination. This will be 'canvas' for canvas renders, and the item ID for layout map renders.Current rotation of map.Praeguse kaardi pöördenurk.Current scale of map.Praeguse kaardi mõõtkava.Geometry representing the current extent of the map.Center of map.Kaardi keskpunkt.Width of map.Kaardi laius.Height of map.Kaardi kõrgus.Coordinate reference system of map (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Kaardi koordinaatsüsteem (nt. 'EPSG:4326').Coordinate reference system of map (full definition).Units for map measurements.Kaardi mõõtühikud.List of map layer IDs visible in the map.List of map layers visible in the map.Stores the number of the current row.Hoiab praeguse rea numbrit.Current grid annotation value.Current grid annotation axis (e.g., 'x' for longitude, 'y' for latitude).Last cursor position on the canvas in the project's geographical coordinates.<p>An array with an item for each snapped point.</p><p>Each item is a map with the following keys:</p><dl><dt>valid</dt><dd>Boolean that indicates if the snapping result is valid</dd><dt>layer</dt><dd>The layer on which the snapped feature is</dd><dt>feature_id</dt><dd>The feature id of the snapped feature</dd><dt>vertex_index</dt><dd>The index of the snapped vertex</dd><dt>distance</dt><dd>The distance between the mouse cursor and the snapped point at the time of snapping</dd></dl>Number of parts in rendered feature's geometry.Current geometry part number for feature being rendered.Number of points in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.Current point number in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.not setmääramata<p>Current value: %1</p><p>Praegune väärtus: %1</warpNearest neighbourLähim naaberBilinearBilineaarneCubicÜmardatudCubic splineÜmardusega kaarjoonLanczos windowed sincAverageKeskmineModeMeetodMaximumMaksimumMinimumMiinimumMedianMediaanFirst quartileEsimene kvartiilThird quartileKolmas kvartiilInput layerSisendkihtSource CRSLähte-koordinaatsüsteemTarget CRSSiht-koordinaatsüsteemNodata value for output bandsOutput file resolution in target georeferenced unitsResampling method to useAdditional creation optionsTäiendavad loomise valikudOutput data typeGeoreferenced extents of output file to be createdCRS of the target raster extentUse multithreaded warping implementationRaster projectionsRastri projektsioonidtransform,reproject,crs,srsWarp (reproject)ReprojitseeriReprojectedReprojitseeritud