-------------------------------------------------- description\AddPolygonAttributestoPoints.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'FIELD'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\shapes_points.dll\n', 'library name:\tShapes - Points\n', 'tool name :\tAdd Polygon Attributes to Points\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2009\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 10 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -POLYGONS [-FIELDS ]\n', ' -INPUT: \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -OUTPUT: \tResult\n', '\tShapes (optional output)\n', ' -POLYGONS:\tPolygons\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELDS: \tAttributes\n', '\tTable fields\n', 'Error: executing tool [Add Polygon Attributes to Points]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 10 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -POLYGONS [-FIELDS ] Parameters in description:['-INPUT', '-POLYGONS', '-FIELD', '-OUTPUT'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\BurnStreamNetworkintoDEM.txt [ERROR] ["The value for the option 'FLOWDIR' must be specified.\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_preprocessor.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Preprocessing\n', 'tool name :\tBurn Stream Network into DEM\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 6 -DEM [-BURN ] -STREAM -FLOWDIR [-METHOD ] [-EPSILON ]\n', ' -DEM: \tDEM\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -BURN: \tProcessed DEM\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -STREAM: \tStreams\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -FLOWDIR:\tFlow Direction\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', "\t[0] simply decrease cell's value by epsilon\n", "\t[1] lower cell's value to neighbours minimum value minus epsilon\n", '\t[2] trace stream network downstream\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -EPSILON:\tEpsilon\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Burn Stream Network into DEM]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 6 -DEM [-BURN ] -STREAM -FLOWDIR [-METHOD ] [-EPSILON ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-STREAM', '-METHOD', '-BURN'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\CellBalance.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'WEIGHT'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_hydrology.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Hydrology\n', 'tool name :\tCell Balance\n', 'author :\t(c) 2004 by V.Olaya, (c) 2006 by O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 10 -DEM [-WEIGHTS ] [-WEIGHTS_DEFAULT ] [-BALANCE ] [-METHOD ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -WEIGHTS: \tWeights\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', ' -WEIGHTS_DEFAULT:\tDefault\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -BALANCE: \tCell Balance\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Deterministic 8\n', '\t[1] Multiple Flow Direction\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Cell Balance]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 10 -DEM [-WEIGHTS ] [-WEIGHTS_DEFAULT ] [-BALANCE ] [-METHOD ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-WEIGHTS', '-METHOD', '-BALANCE'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\ConvergenceIndex(SearchRadius).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tConvergence Index (Search Radius)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 2 -ELEVATION [-CONVERGENCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SLOPE] [-DIFFERENCE ]\n', ' -ELEVATION: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -CONVERGENCE: \tConvergence Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS: \tRadius [Cells]\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 1.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -SLOPE \tGradient\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DIFFERENCE: \tDifference\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] direction to the center cell\n', "\t[1] center cell's aspect direction\n", '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Convergence Index (Search Radius)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 2 -ELEVATION [-CONVERGENCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SLOPE] [-DIFFERENCE ] Parameters in description:['-ELEVATION', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-DIFFERENCE', '-CONVERGENCE'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\CurvatureClassification.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'CPLAN'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tCurvature Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2001\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 4 -DEM [-CLASS ] [-THRESHOLD ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -CLASS: \tCurvature Classification\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -THRESHOLD:\tThreshold for plane\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000500\n', 'Error: executing tool [Curvature Classification]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 4 -DEM [-CLASS ] [-THRESHOLD ] Parameters in description:['-CPLAN', '-CPROF', '-CLASS'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\GridShrinkExpand.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'OPERATION'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tResampling\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 0 -INPUT [-INPUT_ADD ] [-OUTPUT_ADD ] [-KEEP_TYPE] [-TARGET ] [-SCALE_UP_METHOD ] [-SCALE_DOWN_METHOD ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ]\n', ' -INPUT: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -INPUT_ADD: \tAdditional Grids\n', '\tGrid list (optional input)\n', ' -OUTPUT_ADD: \tAdditional Grids\n', '\tGrid list (optional output)\n', ' -KEEP_TYPE \tPreserve Data Type\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -TARGET: \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SCALE_UP_METHOD: \tInterpolation Method\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Nearest Neighbor\n', '\t[1] Bilinear Interpolation\n', '\t[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation\n', '\t[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[4] B-Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[5] Mean Value\n', '\t[6] Mean Value (cell area weighted)\n', '\t[7] Minimum Value\n', '\t[8] Maximum Value\n', '\t[9] Majority\n', '\tDefault: 6\n', ' -SCALE_DOWN_METHOD:\tInterpolation Method\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Nearest Neighbor\n', '\t[1] Bilinear Interpolation\n', '\t[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation\n', '\t[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation\n', '\t[4] B-Spline Interpolation\n', '\tDefault: 4\n', ' -USER_XMIN: \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX: \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN: \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX: \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE: \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT: \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Resampling]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 0 -INPUT [-INPUT_ADD ] [-OUTPUT_ADD ] [-KEEP_TYPE] [-TARGET ] [-SCALE_UP_METHOD ] [-SCALE_DOWN_METHOD ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] Parameters in description:['-INPUT', '-OPERATION', '-MODE', '-METHOD_EXPAND', '-RESULT'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\Layerofextremevalue.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'GRIDS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_analysis.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Analysis\n', 'tool name :\tAccumulated Cost (Isotropic)\n', 'author :\tCopyrights (c) 2004 by Victor Olaya\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 0 -COST -POINTS [-ACCCOST ] [-CLOSESTPT ] [-THRESHOLD ]\n', ' -COST: \tCost Grid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -POINTS: \tDestination Points\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -ACCCOST: \tAccumulated Cost\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -CLOSESTPT:\tClosest Point\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -THRESHOLD:\tThreshold for different route\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Accumulated Cost (Isotropic)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 0 -COST -POINTS [-ACCCOST ] [-CLOSESTPT ] [-THRESHOLD ] Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-CRITERIA', '-RESULT'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\MergeShapesLayers.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'MAIN'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\shapes_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tShapes - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tCreate New Shapes Layer\n', 'author :\tO. Conrad (c) 2008\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 0 [-SHAPES ] [-NAME ] [-TYPE ] [-VERTEX ] [-NFIELDS ] [-FIELDS_NAME000 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 ] [-FIELDS_NAME001 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 ]\n', ' -SHAPES: \tShapes\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -NAME: \tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: New Shapes Layer\n', ' -TYPE: \tShape Type\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Point\n', '\t[1] Multipoint\n', '\t[2] Lines\n', '\t[3] Polygon\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -VERTEX: \tVertex Type\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] x, y\n', '\t[1] x, y, z\n', '\t[2] x, y, z, m\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -NFIELDS: \tNumber of Attributes\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 2\n', ' -FIELDS_NAME000:\tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: Name\n', ' -FIELDS_TYPE000:\tType\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] character string\n', '\t[1] 1 byte integer\n', '\t[2] 2 byte integer\n', '\t[3] 4 byte integer\n', '\t[4] 4 byte floating point\n', '\t[5] 8 byte floating point\n', '\t[6] color (rgb)\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -FIELDS_NAME001:\tName\n', '\tText\n', '\tDefault: Name\n', ' -FIELDS_TYPE001:\tType\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] character string\n', '\t[1] 1 byte integer\n', '\t[2] 2 byte integer\n', '\t[3] 4 byte integer\n', '\t[4] 4 byte floating point\n', '\t[5] 8 byte floating point\n', '\t[6] color (rgb)\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Create New Shapes Layer]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 0 [-SHAPES ] [-NAME ] [-TYPE ] [-VERTEX ] [-NFIELDS ] [-FIELDS_NAME000 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 ] [-FIELDS_NAME001 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 ] Parameters in description:['-MAIN', '-LAYERS', '-OUT'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\PolynomialTrendfromGrids.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'GRIDS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_calculus.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Calculus\n', 'tool name :\tGrid Normalisation\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2003\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ]\n', ' -INPUT: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -OUTPUT: \tNormalised Grid\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RANGE_MIN:\tTarget Range\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RANGE_MAX:\tTarget Range\n', '\tValue range\n', 'Error: executing tool [Grid Normalisation]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-Y_GRIDS', '-Y_TABLE', '-POLYNOM', '-PARMS', '-QUALITY'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\RandomField.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'OUTPUT'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_calculus.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Calculus\n', 'tool name :\tRandom Field\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2005\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 7 [-TARGET ] [-METHOD ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] [-MEAN ] [-STDDEV ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ]\n', ' -TARGET: \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Uniform\n', '\t[1] Gaussian\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -RANGE_MIN:\tRange\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RANGE_MAX:\tRange\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -MEAN: \tArithmetic Mean\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -STDDEV: \tStandard Deviation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_XMIN:\tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX:\tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN:\tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX:\tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE:\tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT: \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID:\tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID:\tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Random Field]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 7 [-TARGET ] [-METHOD ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] [-MEAN ] [-STDDEV ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] Parameters in description:['-METHOD', '-OUTPUT'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\RealAreaCalculation.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DEM'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tSlope, Aspect, Curvature\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2001\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 0 -ELEVATION [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-C_GENE ] [-C_PROF ] [-C_PLAN ] [-C_TANG ] [-C_LONG ] [-C_CROS ] [-C_MINI ] [-C_MAXI ] [-C_TOTA ] [-C_ROTO ] [-METHOD ] [-UNIT_SLOPE ] [-UNIT_ASPECT ]\n', ' -ELEVATION: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -SLOPE: \tSlope\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -ASPECT: \tAspect\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -C_GENE: \tGeneral Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_PROF: \tProfile Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_PLAN: \tPlan Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_TANG: \tTangential Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_LONG: \tLongitudinal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_CROS: \tCross-Sectional Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_MINI: \tMinimal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_MAXI: \tMaximal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_TOTA: \tTotal Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -C_ROTO: \tFlow Line Curvature\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] maximum slope (Travis et al. 1975)\n', '\t[1] maximum triangle slope (Tarboton 1997)\n', '\t[2] least squares fitted plane (Horn 1981, Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1996)\n', '\t[3] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Evans 1979)\n', '\t[4] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Heerdegen & Beran 1982)\n', '\t[5] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Bauer, Rohdenburg, Bork 1985)\n', '\t[6] 9 parameter 2nd order polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987)\n', '\t[7] 10 parameter 3rd order polynom (Haralick 1983)\n', '\tDefault: 6\n', ' -UNIT_SLOPE: \tSlope Units\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] radians\n', '\t[1] degree\n', '\t[2] percent\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -UNIT_ASPECT:\tAspect Units\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] radians\n', '\t[1] degree\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Slope, Aspect, Curvature]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 0 -ELEVATION [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-C_GENE ] [-C_PROF ] [-C_PLAN ] [-C_TANG ] [-C_LONG ] [-C_CROS ] [-C_MINI ] [-C_MAXI ] [-C_TOTA ] [-C_ROTO ] [-METHOD ] [-UNIT_SLOPE ] [-UNIT_ASPECT ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-AREA'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\SAGAWetnessIndex.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'C'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_hydrology.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Hydrology\n', 'tool name :\tSAGA Wetness Index\n', 'author :\t(c) 2001 by J.Boehner, O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 15 -DEM [-WEIGHT ] [-AREA ] [-SLOPE ] [-AREA_MOD ] [-TWI ] [-SUCTION ] [-AREA_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_MIN ] [-SLOPE_OFF ] [-SLOPE_WEIGHT ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -WEIGHT: \tWeights\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', ' -AREA: \tCatchment area\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SLOPE: \tCatchment slope\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -AREA_MOD: \tModified Catchment Area\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -TWI: \tTopographic Wetness Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SUCTION: \tSuction\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10.000000\n', ' -AREA_TYPE: \tType of Area\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] absolute catchment area\n', '\t[1] square root of catchment area\n', '\t[2] specific catchment area\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -SLOPE_TYPE: \tType of Slope\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] local slope\n', '\t[1] catchment slope\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -SLOPE_MIN: \tMinimum Slope\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE_OFF: \tOffset Slope\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.100000\n', ' -SLOPE_WEIGHT:\tSlope Weighting\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [SAGA Wetness Index]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 15 -DEM [-WEIGHT ] [-AREA ] [-SLOPE ] [-AREA_MOD ] [-TWI ] [-SUCTION ] [-AREA_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_MIN ] [-SLOPE_OFF ] [-SLOPE_WEIGHT ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-C', '-GN', '-CS', '-SB'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\SkyViewFactor.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'MAXRADIUS'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_lighting.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility\n', 'tool name :\tSky View Factor\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2008\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 3 -DEM [-VISIBLE ] [-SVF ] [-SIMPLE ] [-TERRAIN ] [-DISTANCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] [-DLEVEL ] [-NDIRS ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -VISIBLE: \tVisible Sky\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SVF: \tSky View Factor\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -SIMPLE: \tSky View Factor (Simplified)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TERRAIN: \tTerrain View Factor\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -DISTANCE:\tView Distance\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -RADIUS: \tMaximum Search Radius\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 10000.000000\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] multi scale\n', '\t[1] sectors\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DLEVEL: \tMulti Scale Factor\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 1.250000\n', '\tDefault: 3.000000\n', ' -NDIRS: \tNumber of Sectors\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 3\n', '\tDefault: 8\n', 'Error: executing tool [Sky View Factor]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 3 -DEM [-VISIBLE ] [-SVF ] [-SIMPLE ] [-TERRAIN ] [-DISTANCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] [-DLEVEL ] [-NDIRS ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-METHOD', '-VISIBLE', '-SVF', '-SIMPLE', '-TERRAIN'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\SupervisedClassification.txt [ERROR] ["The value for the option 'STATS' must be specified.\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_classification.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Classification\n', 'tool name :\tSupervised Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2005\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 0 -GRIDS -ROI [-ROI_ID ] -STATS [-CLASS_INFO ] [-CLASSES ] [-QUALITY ] [-STATS_SRC ] [-METHOD ] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST ] [-THRESHOLD_PROB ] [-RELATIVE_PROB ] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE ] [-WTA_0] [-WTA_1] [-WTA_2] [-WTA_3] [-WTA_4] [-WTA_5]\n', ' -GRIDS: \tGrids\n', '\tGrid list (input)\n', ' -ROI: \tTraining Areas\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -ROI_ID: \tClass Identifier\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -STATS: \tClass Statistics\n', '\tTable (input)\n', ' -CLASS_INFO: \tSummary\n', '\tTable (output)\n', ' -CLASSES: \tClassification\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -QUALITY: \tQuality\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -STATS_SRC: \tGet Class Statistics from...\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] training areas\n', '\t[1] table\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -METHOD: \tMethod\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] Binary Encoding\n', '\t[1] Parallelepiped\n', '\t[2] Minimum Distance\n', '\t[3] Mahalanobis Distance\n', '\t[4] Maximum Likelihood\n', '\t[5] Spectral Angle Mapping\n', '\t[6] Winner Takes All\n', '\tDefault: 2\n', ' -NORMALISE \tNormalise\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -THRESHOLD_DIST: \tDistance Threshold\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -THRESHOLD_PROB: \tProbability Threshold (Percent)\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tMaximum: 100.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -RELATIVE_PROB: \tProbability Reference\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] absolute\n', '\t[1] relative\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -THRESHOLD_ANGLE:\tSpectral Angle Threshold (Degree)\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tMaximum: 90.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -WTA_0 \tBinary Encoding\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_1 \tParallelepiped\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_2 \tMinimum Distance\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_3 \tMahalanobis Distance\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_4 \tMaximum Likelihood\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -WTA_5 \tSpectral Angle Mapping\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', 'Error: executing tool [Supervised Classification]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 0 -GRIDS -ROI [-ROI_ID ] -STATS [-CLASS_INFO ] [-CLASSES ] [-QUALITY ] [-STATS_SRC ] [-METHOD ] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST ] [-THRESHOLD_PROB ] [-RELATIVE_PROB ] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE ] [-WTA_0] [-WTA_1] [-WTA_2] [-WTA_3] [-WTA_4] [-WTA_5] Parameters in description:['-GRIDS', '-ROI', '-ROI_ID', '-METHOD', '-RELATIVE_PROB', '-CLASS_INFO', '-CLASSES', '-QUALITY'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\TerrainRuggednessIndex(TRI).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2010\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 16 -DEM [-TRI ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -TRI: \tTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS: \tRadius (Cells)\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 16 -DEM [-TRI ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-TRI'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\ThinPlateSpline(Global).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'REGUL'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (Global)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2006\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 0 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ]\n', ' -SHAPES: \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD: \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET: \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION:\tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -USER_XMIN: \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX: \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN: \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX: \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE: \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT: \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (Global)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 0 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\ThinPlateSpline(Local).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'MODE'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (Local)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2006\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 1 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ]\n', ' -SHAPES: \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD: \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET: \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION: \tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -SEARCH_RANGE: \tSearch Range\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] local\n', '\t[1] global\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SEARCH_RADIUS: \tMaximum Search Distance\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1000.000000\n', ' -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL:\tNumber of Points\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] maximum number of nearest points\n', '\t[1] all points within search distance\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX:\tMaximum Number of Points\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 20\n', ' -SEARCH_DIRECTION: \tSearch Direction\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] all directions\n', '\t[1] quadrants\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_XMIN: \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX: \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN: \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX: \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE: \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT: \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (Local)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 1 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-MODE', '-SELECT', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\ThinPlateSpline(TIN).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'REGUL'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\grid_spline.dll\n', 'library name:\tGrid - Spline Interpolation\n', 'tool name :\tThin Plate Spline (TIN)\n', 'author :\t(c) 2006 by O.Conrad\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 2 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-LEVEL ] [-FRAME] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ]\n', ' -SHAPES: \tPoints\n', '\tShapes (input)\n', ' -FIELD: \tAttribute\n', '\tTable field\n', ' -TARGET: \tTarget Grid\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] user defined\n', '\t[1] grid\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -REGULARISATION:\tRegularisation\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 0.000100\n', ' -LEVEL: \tNeighbourhood\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] immediate\n', '\t[1] level 1\n', '\t[2] level 2\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -FRAME \tAdd Frame\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -USER_XMIN: \tLeft\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_XMAX: \tRight\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMIN: \tBottom\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_YMAX: \tTop\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -USER_SIZE: \tCellsize\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -USER_FIT: \tFit\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] nodes\n', '\t[1] cells\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -USER_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tData Object (optional output)\n', ' -GRID_GRID: \tGrid\n', '\tGrid (optional input)\n', 'Error: executing tool [Thin Plate Spline (TIN)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 2 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-LEVEL ] [-FRAME] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] Parameters in description:['-SHAPES', '-FIELD', '-TARGET', '-LEVEL', '-USER_XMIN', '-USER_XMAX', '-USER_YMIN', '-USER_YMAX', '-USER_GRID'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\TopographicPositionIndex(TPI).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTopographic Position Index (TPI)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 18 -DEM [-TPI ] [-STANDARD] [-RADIUS_MIN ] [-RADIUS_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -TPI: \tTopographic Position Index\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -STANDARD \tStandardize\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -RADIUS_MIN: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_MAX: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Topographic Position Index (TPI)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 18 -DEM [-TPI ] [-STANDARD] [-RADIUS_MIN ] [-RADIUS_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-TPI'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\TPIBasedLandformClassification.txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tTPI Based Landform Classification\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 19 -DEM [-LANDFORMS ] [-RADIUS_A_MIN ] [-RADIUS_A_MAX ] [-RADIUS_B_MIN ] [-RADIUS_B_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -LANDFORMS: \tLandforms\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS_A_MIN: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_A_MAX: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_B_MIN: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -RADIUS_B_MAX: \tRadius\n', '\tValue range\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [TPI Based Landform Classification]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 19 -DEM [-LANDFORMS ] [-RADIUS_A_MIN ] [-RADIUS_A_MAX ] [-RADIUS_B_MIN ] [-RADIUS_B_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-LANDFORMS'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\VectorRuggednessMeasure(VRM).txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\ta_morphometry.dll\n', 'library name:\tTerrain Analysis - Morphometry\n', 'tool name :\tVector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)\n', 'author :\tO.Conrad (c) 2010\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 17 -DEM [-VRM ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ]\n', ' -DEM: \tElevation\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -VRM: \tVector Terrain Ruggedness (VRM)\n', '\tGrid (output)\n', ' -RADIUS: \tRadius (Cells)\n', '\tInteger\n', '\tMinimum: 1\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING:\tWeighting Function\n', '\tChoice\n', '\tAvailable Choices:\n', '\t[0] no distance weighting\n', '\t[1] inverse distance to a power\n', '\t[2] exponential\n', '\t[3] gaussian weighting\n', '\tDefault: 0\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER:\tInverse Distance Weighting Power\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET \tInverse Distance Offset\n', '\tBoolean\n', '\tDefault: 1\n', ' -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH:\tGaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tMinimum: 0.000000\n', '\tDefault: 1.000000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 17 -DEM [-VRM ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] Parameters in description:['-DEM', '-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_WEIGHTING', '-VRM'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\VegetationIndex[distancebased].txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'PVI'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tVegetation Index (Distance Based)\n', 'author :\tV.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED -NIR [-PVI0 ] [-PVI1 ] [-PVI2 ] [-PVI3 ] [-TSAVI ] [-ATSAVI ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ]\n', ' -RED: \tRed Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -NIR: \tNear Infrared Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -PVI0: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI1: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI2: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI3: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TSAVI: \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -ATSAVI: \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -INTERCEPT:\tIntercept of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE: \tSlope of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.500000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vegetation Index (Distance Based)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED -NIR [-PVI0 ] [-PVI1 ] [-PVI2 ] [-PVI3 ] [-TSAVI ] [-ATSAVI ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ] Parameters in description:['-NIR', '-RED', '-PVI', '-PVI1', '-PVI2', '-PVI3'] -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- description\VegetationIndex[slopebased].txt [ERROR] ["Unknown option 'NDVI'\n", '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', ' ##### ## ##### ##\n', ' ### ### ## ###\n', ' ### # ## ## #### # ##\n', ' ### ##### ## # #####\n', ' ##### # ## ##### # ##\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '_____________________________________________\n', 'library path:\td:\\saga2.1.2\\modules\\imagery_tools.dll\n', 'library name:\tImagery - Tools\n', 'tool name :\tVegetation Index (Distance Based)\n', 'author :\tV.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011\n', '_____________________________________________\n', '\n', '\n', 'Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED -NIR [-PVI0 ] [-PVI1 ] [-PVI2 ] [-PVI3 ] [-TSAVI ] [-ATSAVI ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ]\n', ' -RED: \tRed Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -NIR: \tNear Infrared Reflectance\n', '\tGrid (input)\n', ' -PVI0: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI1: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI2: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -PVI3: \tPerpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -TSAVI: \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -ATSAVI: \tTransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991)\n', '\tGrid (optional output)\n', ' -INTERCEPT:\tIntercept of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.000000\n', ' -SLOPE: \tSlope of Soil Line\n', '\tFloating point\n', '\tDefault: 0.500000\n', 'Error: executing tool [Vegetation Index (Distance Based)]\n'] Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED -NIR [-PVI0 ] [-PVI1 ] [-PVI2 ] [-PVI3 ] [-TSAVI ] [-ATSAVI ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ] Parameters in description:['-NIR', '-RED', '-NDVI', '-RATIO', '-TVI', '-CTVI', '-TTVI', '-NRATIO'] --------------------------------------------------