/** LineEdit with builtin clear button
class QgsFilterLineEdit : QLineEdit
#include <qgsfilterlineedit.h>
    QgsFilterLineEdit( QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = 0, const QString& nullValue = QString::null );

    void setNullValue( const QString& nullValue );

    QString nullValue() const;

     * Sets the current text with NULL support
     * @param value The text to set. If a Null string is provided, the text will match the nullValue.
    void setValue( const QString& value );

     * Returns the text of this edit with NULL support
     * @return Current text (Null string if it matches the nullValue property )
    QString value() const;

     * Determine if the current text represents Null.
     * @return True if the value is Null.
    bool isNull() const;

    void cleared();

     * Same as textChanged(const QString& ) but with support for Null values.
     * @param value The current text or Null string if it matches the nullValue property.
    void valueChanged( const QString& value );

    void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e );
    void focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* e );
    void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e );
    void changeEvent( QEvent* e );
    void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e );