# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** sql_dictionary.py --------------------- Date : April 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Giuseppe Sucameli Email : brush dot tyler at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Giuseppe Sucameli' __date__ = 'April 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Giuseppe Sucameli' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' # keywords keywords = [ # TODO get them from a reference page "action", "add", "after", "all", "alter", "analyze", "and", "as", "asc", "before", "begin", "between", "by", "cascade", "case", "cast", "check", "collate", "column", "commit", "constraint", "create", "cross", "current_date", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "default", "deferrable", "deferred", "delete", "desc", "distinct", "drop", "each", "else", "end", "escape", "except", "exists", "for", "foreign", "from", "full", "group", "having", "ignore", "immediate", "in", "initially", "inner", "insert", "intersect", "into", "is", "isnull", "join", "key", "left", "like", "limit", "match", "natural", "no", "not", "notnull", "null", "of", "offset", "on", "or", "order", "outer", "primary", "references", "release", "restrict", "right", "rollback", "row", "savepoint", "select", "set", "table", "temporary", "then", "to", "transaction", "trigger", "union", "unique", "update", "using", "values", "view", "when", "where", "abort", "attach", "autoincrement", "conflict", "database", "detach", "exclusive", "explain", "fail", "glob", "if", "index", "indexed", "instead", "plan", "pragma", "query", "raise", "regexp", "reindex", "rename", "replace", "temp", "vacuum", "virtual" ] spatialite_keywords = [] # functions functions = [ # TODO get them from a reference page "changes", "coalesce", "glob", "ifnull", "hex", "last_insert_rowid", "nullif", "quote", "random", "randomblob", "replace", "round", "soundex", "total_change", "typeof", "zeroblob", "date", "datetime", "julianday", "strftime" ] operators = [ ' AND ', ' OR ', '||', ' < ', ' <= ', ' > ', ' >= ', ' = ', ' <> ', ' IS ', ' IS NOT ', ' IN ', ' LIKE ', ' GLOB ', ' MATCH ', ' REGEXP ' ] math_functions = [ # SQL math functions "Abs", "ACos", "ASin", "ATan", "Cos", "Cot", "Degrees", "Exp", "Floor", "Log", "Log2", "Log10", "Pi", "Radians", "Round", "Sign", "Sin", "Sqrt", "StdDev_Pop", "StdDev_Samp", "Tan", "Var_Pop", "Var_Samp"] string_functions = ["Length", "Lower", "Upper", "Like", "Trim", "LTrim", "RTrim", "Replace", "Substr"] aggregate_functions = [ "Max", "Min", "Avg", "Count", "Sum", "Group_Concat", "Total", "Var_Pop", "Var_Samp", "StdDev_Pop", "StdDev_Samp" ] spatialite_functions = [ # from www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.3.0/spatialite-sql-2.3.0.html # SQL utility functions for BLOB objects "*iszipblob", "*ispdfblob", "*isgifblob", "*ispngblob", "*isjpegblob", "*isexifblob", "*isexifgpsblob", "*geomfromexifgpsblob", "MakePoint", "BuildMbr", "*buildcirclembr", "ST_MinX", "ST_MinY", "ST_MaxX", "ST_MaxY", # SQL functions for constructing a geometric object given its Well-known Text Representation "ST_GeomFromText", "*pointfromtext", # SQL functions for constructing a geometric object given its Well-known Binary Representation "*geomfromwkb", "*pointfromwkb", # SQL functions for obtaining the Well-known Text / Well-known Binary Representation of a geometric object "ST_AsText", "ST_AsBinary", # SQL functions supporting exotic geometric formats "*assvg", "*asfgf", "*geomfromfgf", # SQL functions on type Geometry "ST_Dimension", "ST_GeometryType", "ST_Srid", "ST_SetSrid", "ST_isEmpty", "ST_isSimple", "ST_isValid", "ST_Boundary", "ST_Envelope", # SQL functions on type Point "ST_X", "ST_Y", # SQL functions on type Curve [Linestring or Ring] "ST_StartPoint", "ST_EndPoint", "ST_Length", "ST_isClosed", "ST_isRing", "ST_Simplify", "*simplifypreservetopology", # SQL functions on type LineString "ST_NumPoints", "ST_PointN", # SQL functions on type Surface [Polygon or Ring] "ST_Centroid", "ST_PointOnSurface", "ST_Area", # SQL functions on type Polygon "ST_ExteriorRing", "ST_InteriorRingN", # SQL functions on type GeomCollection "ST_NumGeometries", "ST_GeometryN", # SQL functions that test approximative spatial relationships via MBRs "MbrEqual", "MbrDisjoint", "MbrTouches", "MbrWithin", "MbrOverlaps", "MbrIntersects", "MbrContains", # SQL functions that test spatial relationships "ST_Equals", "ST_Disjoint", "ST_Touches", "ST_Within", "ST_Overlaps", "ST_Crosses", "ST_Intersects", "ST_Contains", "ST_Relate", # SQL functions for distance relationships "ST_Distance", # SQL functions that implement spatial operators "ST_Intersection", "ST_Difference", "ST_Union", "ST_SymDifference", "ST_Buffer", "ST_ConvexHull", # SQL functions for coordinate transformations "ST_Transform", # SQL functions for Spatial-MetaData and Spatial-Index handling "*initspatialmetadata", "*addgeometrycolumn", "*recovergeometrycolumn", "*discardgeometrycolumn", "*createspatialindex", "*creatembrcache", "*disablespatialindex", # SQL functions implementing FDO/OGR compatibily "*checkspatialmetadata", "*autofdostart", "*autofdostop", "*initfdospatialmetadata", "*addfdogeometrycolumn", "*recoverfdogeometrycolumn", "*discardfdogeometrycolumn", # SQL functions for MbrCache-based queries "*filtermbrwithin", "*filtermbrcontains", "*filtermbrintersects", "*buildmbrfilter" ] # constants constants = ["null", "false", "true"] spatialite_constants = [] def getSqlDictionary(spatial=True): def strip_star(s): if s[0] == '*': return s.lower()[1:] else: return s.lower() k, c, f = list(keywords), list(constants), list(functions) if spatial: k += spatialite_keywords f += spatialite_functions c += spatialite_constants return {'keyword': map(strip_star, k), 'constant': map(strip_star, c), 'function': map(strip_star, f)} def getQueryBuilderDictionary(): # concat functions def ff(l): return filter(lambda s: s[0] != '*', l) def add_paren(l): return map(lambda s: s + "(", l) foo = sorted(add_paren(ff(list(set.union(set(functions), set(spatialite_functions)))))) m = sorted(add_paren(ff(math_functions))) agg = sorted(add_paren(ff(aggregate_functions))) op = ff(operators) s = sorted(add_paren(ff(string_functions))) return {'function': foo, 'math': m, 'aggregate': agg, 'operator': op, 'string': s}