/** Job implementation that renders everything sequentially using a custom painter.
 * Also supports synchronous rendering in main thread for cases when rendering in background
 * is not an option because of some technical limitations (e.g. printing to printer on some
 * platforms).
 * @note added in 2.4
class QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob : QgsMapRendererJob
#include <qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.h>

    QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob( const QgsMapSettings& settings, QPainter* painter );

    virtual void start();
    virtual void cancel();
    virtual void waitForFinished();
    virtual bool isActive() const;
    virtual QgsLabelingResults* takeLabelingResults() /Transfer/;

    //! @note not available in python bindings
    // const LayerRenderJobs& jobs() const { return mLayerJobs; }

     * Wait for the job to be finished - and keep the thread's event loop running while waiting.
     * With a call to waitForFinished(), the waiting is done with a synchronization primitive
     * and does not involve processing of messages. That may cause issues to code which requires
     * some events to be handled in the main thread. Some plugins hooking into the rendering
     * pipeline may require this in order to work properly - for example, OpenLayers plugin
     * which uses a QWebPage in the main thread.
     * Ideally the "wait for finished" method should not be used at all. The code triggering
     * rendering should not need to actively wait for rendering to finish.
    void waitForFinishedWithEventLoop( const QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags& flags = QEventLoop::AllEvents );

     * Render the map synchronously in this thread. The function does not return until the map
     * is completely rendered.
     * This is an alternative to ordinary API (using start() + waiting for finished() signal).
     * Users are discouraged to use this method unless they have a strong reason for doing it.
     * The synchronous rendering blocks the main thread, making the application unresponsive.
     * Also, it is not possible to cancel rendering while it is in progress.
    void renderSynchronously();

  protected slots:
    void futureFinished();

    static void staticRender( QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob* self ); // function to be used within the thread

    // these methods are called within worker thread
    void doRender();