LOCATION: temp_location				Sun Jun 26 12:49:27 2016
MASK: none
MAPS: MAP1 = (untitled) (tmp14669381667410 in PERMANENT)
      MAP2 = (untitled) (tmp1466938166749 in PERMANENT)

Error Matrix
Panel #1 of 2
     cat#	1	2	3	4	5	
 M     1	44	18	42	55	45	
 A     2	0	0	0	0	0	
 P     3	0	0	0	0	0	
 2     4	0	0	0	0	0	
       5	0	0	0	0	0	
       6	0	0	0	0	0	
Col Sum		44	18	42	55	45	

Panel #2 of 2
     cat#	6	Row Sum
 M     1	93	297
 A     2	0	0
 P     3	0	0
 2     4	0	0
       5	0	0
       6	0	0
Col Sum		93	297

Cats	% Commission	% Ommission	Estimated Kappa
1	85.185185	0.000000	0.000000
2	NA		NA		NA
3	NA		NA		NA
4	NA		NA		NA
5	NA		NA		NA
6	NA		NA		NA

Kappa		Kappa Variance
0.000000	0.005729

Obs Correct	Total Obs	% Observed Correct
44		297		14.814815

MAP1 Category Description
1:  (no description)
2:  (no description)
3:  (no description)
4:  (no description)
5:  (no description)
6:  (no description)

MAP2 Category Description
1:  (no description)
2:  (no description)
3:  (no description)
4:  (no description)
5:  (no description)
6:  (no description)