class QgsAuthMethod : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Flags that represent the update points (where authentication configurations are expanded) * supported by an authentication method. These equate to the 'update*()' virtual functions * below, and allow for update point code to skip calling an unused update by a method, because * the base virtual funtion will always return true, giving a false impression an update occurred. * @note When adding an 'update' member function, also add the corresponding Expansion flag. * @note These flags will be added to as new update points are added */ enum Expansion { // TODO: Figure out all different authentication expansions current layer providers use NetworkRequest, NetworkReply, DataSourceUri, GenericDataSourceUri, All }; typedef QFlags Expansions; virtual ~QgsAuthMethod(); /** A non-translated short name representing the auth method */ virtual QString key() const = 0; /** A non-translated short description representing the auth method for use in debug output and About dialog */ virtual QString description() const = 0; /** Translatable display version of the 'description()' */ virtual QString displayDescription() const = 0; /** Increment this if method is significantly updated, allow updater code to be written for previously stored authcfg */ int version() const; /** Flags that represent the update points (where authentication configurations are expanded) * supported by an authentication method. * @note These should directly correlate to existing 'update*()' member functions */ QgsAuthMethod::Expansions supportedExpansions() const; /** The data providers that the method supports, allowing for filtering out authcfgs that are not * applicable to a given provider, or where the updating code is not currently implemented. */ QStringList supportedDataProviders() const; /** Update a network request with authentication components * @param request The network request to update * @param authcfg Authentication configuration ID * @param dataprovider Textual key for a data provider, e.g. 'postgres', that allows * for custom updater code specific to the provider * @return Whether the update succeeded */ virtual bool updateNetworkRequest( QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider = QString() ); /** Update a network reply with authentication components * @param reply The network reply object to update * @param authcfg Authentication configuration ID * @param dataprovider Textual key for a data provider, e.g. 'postgres', that allows * for custom updater code specific to the provider * @return Whether the update succeeded */ virtual bool updateNetworkReply( QNetworkReply *reply, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider = QString() ); /** Update data source connection items with authentication components * @param connectionItems QStringlist of 'key=value' pairs, as utilized in QgsDataSourceUri::connectionInfo() * @param authcfg Authentication configuration ID * @param dataprovider Textual key for a data provider, e.g. 'postgres', that allows * for custom updater code specific to the provider * @return Whether the update succeeded */ virtual bool updateDataSourceUriItems( QStringList &connectionItems, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider = QString() ); /** Clear any cached configuration. Called when the QgsAuthManager deletes an authentication configuration (authcfg). * @note It is highly recommended that a cache of authentication components (per requested authcfg) * be implemented, to avoid excessive queries on the auth database. Such a cache could be as * simple as a QHash or QMap of authcfg -> QgsAuthMethodConfig. See 'Basic' auth method plugin for example. */ virtual void clearCachedConfig( const QString &authcfg ) = 0; /** Update an authentication configuration in place * @note Useful for updating previously stored authcfgs, when an authentication method has been significantly updated */ virtual void updateMethodConfig( QgsAuthMethodConfig &mconfig ) = 0; protected: /** * Construct a default authentication method * @note Non-public since this is an abstract base class */ explicit QgsAuthMethod(); /** Tag signifying that this is an authentcation method (e.g. for use as title in message log panel output) */ static QString authMethodTag(); /** Set the version of the auth method (useful for future upgrading) */ void setVersion( int version ); /** Set the support expansions (points in providers where the authentication is injected) of the auth method */ void setExpansions( const QgsAuthMethod::Expansions& expansions ); /** Set list of data providers this auth method supports */ void setDataProviders( const QStringList& dataproviders ); }; typedef QHash QgsAuthMethodsMap;