/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/analysis/interpolation/DualEdgeTriangulation.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class DualEdgeTriangulation: Triangulation { %Docstring DualEdgeTriangulation is an implementation of a triangulation class based on the dual edge data structure* %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "DualEdgeTriangulation.h" %End public: DualEdgeTriangulation(); DualEdgeTriangulation( int nop, Triangulation *decorator ); virtual ~DualEdgeTriangulation(); void setDecorator( Triangulation *d ); virtual void addLine( Line3D *line /Transfer/, bool breakline ); %Docstring Adds a line (e.g. a break-, structure- or an isoline) to the triangulation. The class takes ownership of the line object and its points %End virtual int addPoint( QgsPoint *p /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Adds a point to the triangulation and returns the number of this point in case of success or -100 in case of failure :rtype: int %End virtual void performConsistencyTest(); %Docstring Performs a consistency check, remove this later %End virtual bool calcNormal( double x, double y, Vector3D *result /Out/ ); %Docstring Calculates the normal at a point on the surface :rtype: bool %End virtual bool calcPoint( double x, double y, QgsPoint *result /Out/ ); %Docstring Calculates x-, y and z-value of the point on the surface :rtype: bool %End virtual QgsPoint *getPoint( unsigned int i ) const; %Docstring Returns a pointer to the point with number i :rtype: QgsPoint %End virtual int getOppositePoint( int p1, int p2 ); %Docstring Returns the number of the point opposite to the triangle points p1, p2 (which have to be on a halfedge) :rtype: int %End virtual bool getTriangle( double x, double y, QgsPoint *p1 /Out/, int *n1 /Out/, QgsPoint *p2 /Out/, int *n2 /Out/, QgsPoint *p3 /Out/, int *n3 /Out/ ) /PyName=getTriangleVertices/; %Docstring Finds out, in which triangle the point with coordinates x and y is and assigns the numbers of the vertices to 'n1', 'n2' and 'n3' and the vertices to 'p1', 'p2' and 'p3' :rtype: bool %End virtual bool getTriangle( double x, double y, QgsPoint *p1 /Out/, QgsPoint *p2 /Out/, QgsPoint *p3 /Out/ ); %Docstring Finds out, in which triangle the point with coordinates x and y is and assigns addresses to the points at the vertices to 'p1', 'p2' and 'p3 :rtype: bool %End virtual QList<int> *getSurroundingTriangles( int pointno ); %Docstring Returns a pointer to a value list with the information of the triangles surrounding (counterclockwise) a point. Four integer values describe a triangle, the first three are the number of the half edges of the triangle and the fourth is -10, if the third (and most counterclockwise) edge is a breakline, and -20 otherwise. The value list has to be deleted by the code which called the method :rtype: list of int %End virtual double getXMax() const; %Docstring Returns the largest x-coordinate value of the bounding box :rtype: float %End virtual double getXMin() const; %Docstring Returns the smallest x-coordinate value of the bounding box :rtype: float %End virtual double getYMax() const; %Docstring Returns the largest y-coordinate value of the bounding box :rtype: float %End virtual double getYMin() const; %Docstring Returns the smallest x-coordinate value of the bounding box :rtype: float %End virtual int getNumberOfPoints() const; %Docstring Returns the number of points :rtype: int %End virtual void setForcedCrossBehavior( Triangulation::ForcedCrossBehavior b ); %Docstring Sets the behavior of the triangulation in case of crossing forced lines %End virtual void setEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ); %Docstring Sets the color of the normal edges %End virtual void setForcedEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ); %Docstring Sets the color of the forced edges %End virtual void setBreakEdgeColor( int r, int g, int b ); %Docstring Sets the color of the breaklines %End virtual void setTriangleInterpolator( TriangleInterpolator *interpolator ); %Docstring Sets an interpolator object %End virtual void eliminateHorizontalTriangles(); %Docstring Eliminates the horizontal triangles by swapping or by insertion of new points %End virtual void ruppertRefinement(); %Docstring Adds points to make the triangles better shaped (algorithm of ruppert) %End virtual bool pointInside( double x, double y ); %Docstring Returns true, if the point with coordinates x and y is inside the convex hull and false otherwise :rtype: bool %End virtual bool swapEdge( double x, double y ); %Docstring Swaps the edge which is closest to the point with x and y coordinates (if this is possible) :rtype: bool %End virtual QList<int> *getPointsAroundEdge( double x, double y ); %Docstring Returns a value list with the numbers of the four points, which would be affected by an edge swap. This function is e.g. needed by NormVecDecorator to know the points, for which the normals have to be recalculated. The returned ValueList has to be deleted by the code which calls the method :rtype: list of int %End virtual bool saveAsShapefile( const QString &fileName ) const; %Docstring Saves the triangulation as a (line) shapefile :return: true in case of success* :rtype: bool %End protected: unsigned int insertEdge( int dual, int next, int point, bool mbreak, bool forced ); %Docstring Inserts an edge and makes sure, everything is OK with the storage of the edge. The number of the HalfEdge is returned %End int insertForcedSegment( int p1, int p2, bool breakline ); %Docstring Inserts a forced segment between the points with the numbers p1 and p2 into the triangulation and returns the number of a HalfEdge belonging to this forced edge or -100 in case of failure :rtype: int %End int baseEdgeOfPoint( int point ); %Docstring Returns the number of an edge which points to the point with number 'point' or -1 if there is an error :rtype: int %End int baseEdgeOfTriangle( QgsPoint *point ); %Docstring Returns the number of a HalfEdge from a triangle in which 'point' is in. If the number -10 is returned, this means, that 'point' is outside the convex hull. If -5 is returned, then numerical problems with the leftOfTest occurred (and the value of the possible edge is stored in the variable 'mUnstableEdge'. -20 means, that the inserted point is exactly on an edge (the number is stored in the variable 'mEdgeWithPoint'). -25 means, that the point is already in the triangulation (the number of the point is stored in the member 'mTwiceInsPoint'. If -100 is returned, this means that something else went wrong :rtype: int %End bool checkSwap( unsigned int edge, unsigned int recursiveDeep ); %Docstring Checks, if 'edge' has to be swapped because of the empty circle criterion. If so, doSwap(...) is called. :rtype: bool %End void doSwap( unsigned int edge, unsigned int recursiveDeep ); %Docstring Swaps 'edge' and test recursively for other swaps (delaunay criterion) %End void doOnlySwap( unsigned int edge ); %Docstring Swaps 'edge' and does no recursiv testing %End bool swapPossible( unsigned int edge ); %Docstring Returns true, if it is possible to swap an edge, otherwise false(concave quad or edge on (or outside) the convex hull) :rtype: bool %End void triangulatePolygon( QList<int> *poly, QList<int> *free, int mainedge ); %Docstring Divides a polygon in a triangle and two polygons and calls itself recursively for these two polygons. 'poly' is a pointer to a list with the numbers of the edges of the polygon, 'free' is a pointer to a list of free halfedges, and 'mainedge' is the number of the edge, towards which the new triangle is inserted. Mainedge has to be the same as poly->begin(), otherwise the recursion does not work %End bool halfEdgeBBoxTest( int edge, double xlowleft, double ylowleft, double xupright, double yupright ) const; %Docstring Tests, if the bounding box of the halfedge with index i intersects the specified bounding box. The main purpose for this method is the drawing of the triangulation :rtype: bool %End double swapMinAngle( int edge ) const; %Docstring Calculates the minimum angle, which would be present, if the specified halfedge would be swapped :rtype: float %End int splitHalfEdge( int edge, float position ); %Docstring Inserts a new point on the halfedge with number 'edge'. The position can have a value from 0 to 1 (e.g. 0.5 would be in the middle). The return value is the number of the new inserted point. tin is the triangulation, which should be used to calculate the elevation of the inserted point :rtype: int %End bool edgeOnConvexHull( int edge ); %Docstring Returns true, if a half edge is on the convex hull and false otherwise :rtype: bool %End void evaluateInfluenceRegion( QgsPoint *point, int edge, QSet<int> &set ); %Docstring Function needed for the ruppert algorithm. Tests, if point is in the circle through both endpoints of edge and the endpoint of edge->dual->next->point. If so, the function calls itself recursively for edge->next and edge->next->next. Stops, if it finds a forced edge or a convex hull edge %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/analysis/interpolation/DualEdgeTriangulation.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/