{ "name": "relation_aggregate", "type": "function", "description": "Returns an aggregate value calculated using all matching child features from a layer relation.", "arguments": [ {"arg":"relation", "description":"a string, representing a relation ID"}, {"arg":"aggregate", "description":"a string corresponding to the aggregate to calculate. Valid options are:
"}, {"arg":"expression", "description":"sub expression or field name to aggregate"}, {"arg":"concatenator", "optional":true, "description":"optional string to use to join values for 'concatenate' aggregate"} ], "examples": [ { "expression":"relation_aggregate(relation:='my_relation',aggregate:='mean',expression:=\"passengers\")", "returns":"mean value of all matching child features using the 'my_relation' relation"}, { "expression":"relation_aggregate('my_relation','sum', \"passengers\"/7)", "returns":"sum of the passengers field divided by 7 for all matching child features using the 'my_relation' relation"}, { "expression":"relation_aggregate('my_relation','concatenate', \"towns\", concatenator:=',')", "returns":"comma separated list of the towns field for all matching child features using the 'my_relation' relation"} ] }