Manage and install Plugins

Manage and install plugins.

Installed tab
Get more tab
New tab
Upgradable tab
Invalid tab
Settings tab

Installed tab

This tab shows you the list of currently installed plugins on your system. Both python and C++ plugins are listed.

You can enable or disable them by clicking the checkbox in front of the name.
Selecting an item show the plugin information in the detail pane.

There is a context menu (right click) available, to change the sorting on: name, number of downloads, votes and status.

Get more tab

This tab shows you the list of available plugins from the remote repositories. It is downloaded once if you start up. But you can change that in the Settings

Selecting an item shows you the plugin information in the detail pane.

New tab

This tab will be shown when a new plugin is made available! It will be shown just once.

Upgradable tab

This tab is only available if one of your installed plugins can be upgraded from the remote repositories.

Invalid tab

This tab is only available if there is a invalid plugin. Mostly caused by an error during loading the plugin.

Settings tab

In this tab you can change the Settings for the plugin manager.

It is possible to check how often QGIS will download the list and update information from the available repositories.

By checking the 'Show experimental plugins' checkbox, all plugins will be shown in the lists, even the ones that are considered 'experimental' by the author.
Note: Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in the early stages of development, and should be considered "incomplete" or "proof of concept" tools. The QGIS development team does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.