# QGIS Test Certificates/Keys The certs/keys are generated/edited using **XCA** (see xca-project directory): https://sourceforge.net/projects/xca/ The Java keystore files are generated/edited using **KeyStore Explorer**: http://keystore-explorer.sourceforge.net/ The default password for the encrypted XCA project and Java keystore files is **password**. The certificate signing structure can be reviewed in `cert_heirarchy_8bit.png`. **WARNING**: These components are just for testing and should _NOT_ be used in a production environment. *NOTE*: The `.[crt|pem]` choice for files (below) is because some applications filter file open dialogs to specific extensions, e.g. pgAdmin3 always filters `.crt` or `.key` and QGIS generally filters on `.pem`. ## Certificate Signing Hierarchy  ## Client Certificates/Keys * User certs: `[user]-cert.[crt|pem]` * User certs, with CA chain: `[user]-cert_w-chain_.[crt|pem]` * User keys: `[user]-key.[key|pem]` * User encrypted keys: `[user]-key_w-pass_.[key|pem]` * Combined user certs/keys: `[user].p12` * Combined user certs/keys, with CA chain: `[user]_w-chain_.p12` The default password for encrypted client keys is **password**. ## Client-side Certificate Authorities * Root CA for all servers (below): `root-ca-cert.[crt|pem]` The test root cert for all server certs is self-signed. You will need to have this CA _trusted_ in your OS's or application's cert/key store or passed during connections, so as to validate the cert of the connected server. * Concatenated intermediates/roots: `qgis_intermediates.[crt|pem]`, `qgis_roots.[crt|pem]` Example use of concatenated files: load roots into OS certificate store and set them to trusted; import intermediates into QGIS Certificate Manager; then, add client cert/key bundles to authentication configurations. See **Client _hosts_ file configuration** below for configuring non-DNS host resolution for the test server connections. ## Server Certificates/Keys Two certificates are available for general SSL/TLS servers: * `localhost_ssl_[cert|key].[crt|pem]` for **localhost** test servers accessed from the same host. * `wildcard-ssl_qgis-test_[cert|key].[crt|pem]` provides for **\*.qgis.test** domains, e.g. `whatever.qgis.test` or `qgis.test`, for testing non-localhost connections. Services are on different test machines, e.g. Docker containers. All server cert/key bundles have variants that include CA chains and .p12 files. The default password for encrypted server keys is **password**. All SSL certs are signed under `chain_issuer-root.[crt|pem]` certificate chain. ### Client _hosts_ file configuration Domains of the non-localhost certificates can be associated locally for an IP address of a remote test server or an (essentially remote) VM or docker container using the host OS's `hosts` file. This setup allows for testing where a remote _localhost_ domain or and IP address will result in a 'hostname mismatch' SSL error from clients. Example entries in `hosts` file: <docker-container-on-linux-ip> geoserver.qgis.test <another-docker-container-on-linux-ip> gwc.qgis.test <some-docker-machine-ip> postgis.qgis.test ### Server-side client validation When a server validates client certificates, some client certs maybe be signed by the `QGIS Test Root 2 CA`, which is not the same as the root self-signed CA for the server certificates (`QGIS Test Root CA`). This is similar to enterprise PKI setups where client certs are signed by a different root CA than the server. Add the root and intermediate chains to the server's configuration, so that such clients can be authenticated. (This setup is already pre-configured in the Java keystore file.) * Concatenated cert of all _valid_ CA chains: `chains_subissuer-issuer-root_issuer2-root2.[crt|pem]`