 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/gui/qgsactionmenu.h                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsActionMenu : QMenu
This class is a menu that is populated automatically with the actions defined for a given layer.

#include "qgsactionmenu.h"
    enum ActionType

    struct ActionData

Constructor for ActionData.
      ActionData( const QgsAction &action, QgsFeatureId featureId, QgsMapLayer *mapLayer );
      ActionData( QgsMapLayerAction *action, QgsFeatureId featureId, QgsMapLayer *mapLayer );

      QgsActionMenu::ActionType actionType;
      QVariant actionData;
      QgsFeatureId featureId;
      QgsMapLayer *mapLayer;

    explicit QgsActionMenu( QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QgsFeature &feature, const QString &actionScope, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructs a new QgsActionMenu

:param layer: The layer that this action will be run upon.
:param feature: The feature that this action will be run upon. Make sure that this feature is available
                for the lifetime of this object.
:param parent: The usual QWidget parent.
:param actionScope: The action scope this menu will run in

    explicit QgsActionMenu( QgsVectorLayer *layer, QgsFeatureId fid, const QString &actionScope, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructs a new QgsActionMenu

:param layer: The layer that this action will be run upon.
:param fid: The feature id of the feature for which this action will be run.
:param parent: The usual QWidget parent.
:param actionScope: The action scope this menu will run in

    void setFeature( const QgsFeature &feature );
Change the feature on which actions are performed

:param feature: A feature. Will not take ownership. It's the callers responsibility to keep the feature
                as long as the menu is displayed and the action is running.

    void setMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::Mode mode );
Change the mode of the actions

:param mode: The mode of the attribute form

    void setExpressionContextScope( const QgsExpressionContextScope &scope );
Sets an expression context scope used to resolve underlying actions.

.. versionadded:: 3.0

    QgsExpressionContextScope expressionContextScope() const;
Returns an expression context scope used to resolve underlying actions.

.. versionadded:: 3.0

    void reinit();


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/gui/qgsactionmenu.h                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *