Radiometric Vegetation Application
Brief Description
Compute radiometric indices based on Red and NIT channels.
Vegetation Indices, Feature Extraction
Long Description
This application computes radiometric indices that uses red and NIR channels of the input image. The output image is a multi channel one which each channel is one of the selected index. The channel order is the one of the selected indices.
[param] Input Image (-in): Input image, with at least red and NIR channels
[param] Output Image (-out): Radiometric indices output image
[param] Available RAM (-ram): Available RAM
[group] Channels selection (-channels): Channels selection
[param] Red Channel (-red): Red channel index
[param] NIR Channel (-nir): NIR channel index
[group] Indices selection (-index): List of available radiometric indices
[param] NDVI (-ndvi): Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
[param] TNDVI (-tndvi): Transformed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
[param] RVI (-rvi): Ratio Vegetation Index
[param] SAVI (-savi): Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
[param] TSAVI (-tsavi): Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
[param] MSAVI (-msavi): Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
[param] MSAVI2 (-msavi2): Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2
[param] GEMI (-gemi): Global Environment Monitoring Index
[param] IPVI (-ipvi): Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index
[param] LAIFromNDVILog (-laindvilog): Leaf Area Index from NDVI using a logarithmic relationship
[param] LAIFromReflLinear (-lairefl): Leaf Area Index from reflectance using a linear relationship
[param] LAIFromNDVIFormo (-laindviformo): Leaf Area Index from reflectance using using formula a*(exp(nir-red)/((red+nir)*b)-exp(c*b)), with a = 0.1519 b = 3.9443 c = 0.13. This formula is only valid for Formosat 2 reflectance TOCa linear relationship.
See also
otbVecgetationIndices class
Example of use
Input Image: qb_RoadExtract.img
Output Image: RadiometricVegetationIndicesImages.tif
NDVI: true
RVI: true
IPVI: true
otbcli_RadiometricVegetationIndices -in qb_RoadExtract.img -out RadiometricVegetationIndicesImages.tif -index.ndvi true -index.rvi true -index.ipvi true