Allows to compute homologous points between images using keypoints
Feature Extraction
Long Description
This application allows to compute homologous points between images using keypoints. SIFT or SURF keypoints can be used and the band on which keypoints are computed can be set independantly for both images. The application offers two modes : the first is the full mode where keypoints are extracted from the full extent of both images (please note that in this mode large image file are not supported). The second mode, called geobins, allows to set-up spatial binning so as to get fewer points spread accross the entire image. In this mode, the corresponding spatial bin in the second image is estimated using geographical transform or sensor modelling, and is padded according to the user defined precision. Last, in both modes the application can filter matches whose colocalisation in first image exceed this precision. The elevation parameters are to deal more precisely with sensor modelling in case of sensor geometry data. The outvector option allows to create a vector file with segments corresponding to the localisation error between the matches. It can be useful to assess the precision of a registration for instance.
[param] -band2 <int32> Index of the band from input image 1 to use for keypoints extraction. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "1"
[param] -threshold <float> The distance threshold for matching.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0.6"
[param] -backmatching <boolean> If set to true, matches should be consistent in both ways.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "True"
[param] -precision <float> Estimated precision of the colocalisation function in pixels. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
[param] -mfilter <boolean> If enabled, this option allows to filter matches according to colocalisation from sensor or geographical information, using the given tolerancy expressed in pixels. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "True"
[param] -elev <string> This group of parameters allows to manage elevation values. Supported formats are SRTM, DTED or any geotiff processed by the DEM import application. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
[param] -out <string> File containing the list of tie points. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""