/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/scalebar/qgsscalebarsettings.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsScaleBarSettings { %Docstring The QgsScaleBarSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for scalebar drawing with QgsScaleBarRenderer. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsscalebarsettings.h" %End public: enum Alignment { AlignLeft, AlignMiddle, AlignRight, }; enum SegmentSizeMode { SegmentSizeFixed, SegmentSizeFitWidth }; QgsScaleBarSettings(); %Docstring Constructor for QgsScaleBarSettings. %End int numberOfSegments() const; %Docstring Returns the number of segments included in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setNumberOfSegments() .. seealso:: numberOfSegmentsLeft() :rtype: int %End void setNumberOfSegments( int segments ); %Docstring Sets the number of ``segments`` included in the scalebar. .. seealso:: numberOfSegments() .. seealso:: setNumberOfSegmentsLeft() %End int numberOfSegmentsLeft() const; %Docstring Returns the number of segments included in the left part of the scalebar. .. seealso:: setNumberOfSegmentsLeft() .. seealso:: numberOfSegments() :rtype: int %End void setNumberOfSegmentsLeft( int segments ); %Docstring Sets the number of ``segments`` included in the left part of the scalebar. .. seealso:: numberOfSegmentsLeft() .. seealso:: setNumberOfSegments() %End double unitsPerSegment() const; %Docstring Returns the number of scalebar units per segment. .. seealso:: setUnitsPerSegment() :rtype: float %End void setUnitsPerSegment( double units ); %Docstring Sets the number of scalebar ``units`` per segment. .. seealso:: unitsPerSegment() %End SegmentSizeMode segmentSizeMode() const; %Docstring Returns the size mode for the scale bar segments. .. seealso:: setSegmentSizeMode() .. seealso:: minBarWidth() .. seealso:: maxBarWidth() :rtype: SegmentSizeMode %End void setSegmentSizeMode( SegmentSizeMode mode ); %Docstring Sets the size ``mode`` for scale bar segments. .. seealso:: segmentSizeMode() .. seealso:: setMinimumBarWidth() .. seealso:: setMaximumBarWidth() %End double minimumBarWidth() const; %Docstring Returns the minimum width (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This property is only effective if the segmentSizeMode() is set to SegmentSizeFitWidth. .. seealso:: segmentSizeMode() .. seealso:: setMinimumBarWidth() .. seealso:: maximumBarWidth() :rtype: float %End void setMinimumBarWidth( double width ); %Docstring Sets the minimum ``width`` (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This property is only effective if the segmentSizeMode() is set to SegmentSizeFitWidth. .. seealso:: minimumBarWidth() .. seealso:: setMaximumBarWidth() .. seealso:: setSegmentSizeMode() %End double maximumBarWidth() const; %Docstring Returns the maximum width (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This property is only effective if the segmentSizeMode() is set to SegmentSizeFitWidth. .. seealso:: segmentSizeMode() .. seealso:: setMaximumBarWidth() .. seealso:: minimumBarWidth() :rtype: float %End void setMaximumBarWidth( double width ); %Docstring Sets the maximum ``width`` (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This property is only effective if the segmentSizeMode() is set to SegmentSizeFitWidth. .. seealso:: minimumBarWidth() .. seealso:: setMinimumBarWidth() .. seealso:: setSegmentSizeMode() %End QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit units() const; %Docstring Returns the distance units used by the scalebar. .. seealso:: setUnits() :rtype: QgsUnitTypes.DistanceUnit %End void setUnits( QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit units ); %Docstring Sets the distance ``units`` used by the scalebar. .. seealso:: units() %End double mapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit() const; %Docstring Returns the number of map units per scale bar unit used by the scalebar. .. seealso:: setMapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit() :rtype: float %End void setMapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit( double units ); %Docstring Sets the number of map ``units`` per scale bar unit used by the scalebar. .. seealso:: mapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit() %End QString unitLabel() const; %Docstring Returns the label for units. .. seealso:: setUnitLabel() :rtype: str %End void setUnitLabel( const QString &label ); %Docstring Sets the ``label`` for units. .. seealso:: unitLabel() %End QFont font() const; %Docstring Returns the font used for drawing text in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setFont() :rtype: QFont %End void setFont( const QFont &font ); %Docstring Sets the ``font`` used for drawing text in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setFont() %End QColor fontColor() const; %Docstring Returns the color used for drawing text in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setFontColor() .. seealso:: font() :rtype: QColor %End void setFontColor( const QColor &color ); %Docstring Sets the ``color`` used for drawing text in the scalebar. .. seealso:: fontColor() .. seealso:: setFont() %End QColor fillColor() const; %Docstring Returns the color used for fills in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setFillColor() .. seealso:: fillColor2() :rtype: QColor %End void setFillColor( const QColor &color ); %Docstring Sets the ``color`` used for fills in the scalebar. .. seealso:: fillColor() .. seealso:: setFillColor2() %End QColor fillColor2() const; %Docstring Returns the secondary color used for fills in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setFillColor2() .. seealso:: fillColor() :rtype: QColor %End void setFillColor2( const QColor &color ); %Docstring Sets the secondary ``color`` used for fills in the scalebar. .. seealso:: fillColor2() .. seealso:: setFillColor2() %End QColor lineColor() const; %Docstring Returns the color used for lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setLineColor() :rtype: QColor %End void setLineColor( const QColor &color ); %Docstring Sets the ``color`` used for lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: lineColor() %End double lineWidth() const; %Docstring Returns the line width in millimeters for lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setLineWidth() :rtype: float %End void setLineWidth( double width ); %Docstring Sets the line ``width`` in millimeters for lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: lineWidth() %End QPen pen() const; %Docstring Returns the pen used for drawing outlines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setPen() .. seealso:: brush() :rtype: QPen %End void setPen( const QPen &pen ); %Docstring Sets the pen used for drawing outlines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: pen() %End QBrush brush() const; %Docstring Returns the primary brush used for filling the scalebar. .. seealso:: setBrush() .. seealso:: brush2() .. seealso:: pen() :rtype: QBrush %End void setBrush( const QBrush &brush ); %Docstring Sets the primary brush used for filling the scalebar. .. seealso:: brush() %End QBrush brush2() const; %Docstring Returns the secondary brush for the scalebar. This is used for alternating color style scalebars, such as single and double box styles. .. seealso:: setBrush2() .. seealso:: brush() :rtype: QBrush %End void setBrush2( const QBrush &brush ); %Docstring Sets the secondary brush used for filling the scalebar. .. seealso:: brush() %End double height() const; %Docstring Returns the scalebar height (in millimeters). .. seealso:: setHeight() :rtype: float %End void setHeight( double height ); %Docstring Sets the scalebar ``height`` (in millimeters). .. seealso:: height() %End double labelBarSpace() const; %Docstring Returns the spacing (in millimeters) between labels and the scalebar. .. seealso:: setLabelBarSpace() :rtype: float %End void setLabelBarSpace( double space ); %Docstring Sets the spacing (in millimeters) between labels and the scalebar. .. seealso:: labelBarSpace() %End double boxContentSpace() const; %Docstring Returns the spacing (margin) between the scalebar box and content in millimeters. .. seealso:: setBoxContentSpace() :rtype: float %End void setBoxContentSpace( double space ); %Docstring Sets the ``space`` (margin) between the scalebar box and content in millimeters. .. seealso:: boxContentSpace() %End Alignment alignment() const; %Docstring Returns the scalebar alignment. .. seealso:: setAlignment() :rtype: Alignment %End void setAlignment( Alignment alignment ); %Docstring Sets the scalebar ``alignment``. .. seealso:: alignment() %End Qt::PenJoinStyle lineJoinStyle() const; %Docstring Returns the join style used for drawing lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setLineJoinStyle() :rtype: Qt.PenJoinStyle %End void setLineJoinStyle( Qt::PenJoinStyle style ); %Docstring Sets the join ``style`` used when drawing the lines in the scalebar .. seealso:: lineJoinStyle() %End Qt::PenCapStyle lineCapStyle() const; %Docstring Returns the cap style used for drawing lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: setLineCapStyle() :rtype: Qt.PenCapStyle %End void setLineCapStyle( Qt::PenCapStyle style ); %Docstring Sets the cap ``style`` used when drawing the lines in the scalebar. .. seealso:: lineCapStyle() %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/scalebar/qgsscalebarsettings.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/